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Mark Bunsalao


Answer the following question according to your classmates' report about Political self. Write
your answer in Microsoft Word or Google Docs only. TNR-12.

1. According to the 1987 Philippine Constitution, who is considered a Filipino Citizen? (2pts)

- Natural-born citizens are those who are citizens of the Philippines from birth without having to
perform any act to acquire or perfect their Philippine citizenship.

2. Among the Filipino values and traits, give the two values or traits that you like the most and
explain why. (2pts)

- The hospitality of the Filipinos because we are known for that; and our unique expression of
being respectful with the use of "Po" and "Opo".

3. Among the Filipino values and traits, give the two values or traits you don't like the most and
explain why. (2pts)

- Parents making their child/children as their retirement plan because it is not our responsibility
to sustain them because they're the one who brings us here; and Gossiping because Filipinos
loves drama and it is not good to interfere with other's lives.

4. State the reporter's example for the superstitions and give your own superstitions? (2pts)

- One of the reporter's example is one cannot eat meal by putting his one foot over another, it
means disrespect to the table. One of the superstitions that I belieny is that it cannot be whistled
at nights, for the person who whistles it said that he/she is calling the Devil.

5. Are you a good Filipino? Prove it with an explanation. (2pts)

- I'm a good Filipino because I'm participating to protect our nation and I'm doing my job as a
student to learn more to become educated so that I can fight with my rights.

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