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Reflections on 3 papers

Overall in all of my papers I think I did well. But I believe that I still have lots to work on

to improve my fluency in writing. For example, one of my most common mistakes is

punctuation, which often times I end up not using it in the right places. Although I’m not the

best at it. I try to compensate with use of vocabulary that distracts readers from my grammar.

And I think that int this category I did well on. In most of my papers I used lots of sensory details

and bold vocable that made the reading more entertaining. For example, in my extended

narrative I used various types of sensory details and comparisons to hook readers in. Another

great example of this was in my 3 vignettes. Which again I ended up using tools from our

toolbox and sensory details to set a scene for readers to imagine. Another thing I think that I did

well on was the spacing and the organization of my writings. A good example of this was in my

list memoir were I broke up the moments into short paragraphs. Although one thing I could

have done better was use less story telling and added more details to the writing. To add on,

another thing I could have done better was add more dialogue in my extended narrative.

Another thing I could have improved on was the amount of writing on this narrative since I only

did the true bare minimum. Another common error for me is starting a lot of sentences with

“And or I remember” which doesn’t really flow well. The fix to this would be to find more

transitions words, to broaden my knowledge and make my writing flow better. To add on, I

should have used more techniques from our toolbox. I think that some of my writings included

a few of the toolbox’s idea but I could have added on more and used a wider variety of

techniques. One of the main things that I do originally is a lot of story telling and little
description painting. Because half of the time I just do storytelling first and then add the

sensory details afterwards. But it would be nice if I could train my brain to do it all at once were

I know what places I could include these sensory details. And to dive deeper into what I should

do better while adding sensory details. I should personally add more scent, taste, touch, and

hearing. Because I barely end up using those types of sensory details and most of the time I end

up just using visual details.

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