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Jennifer: Good evening Augusto, I would like to talk to you about some ideas I have for my

Augusto: Hi Jennifer, of course, tellme please. Who is your person?

Jennifer: I have seen your movies many years ago, she is very known, her name is SANDRA
BULLOCK.She is an actress

Augusto: Good Jennifer, go on and tell me more

Jennifer: Yes, she was born on july 26, 1964, currently 58 years old. She is an American film and
television actress, director, and producer.

Augusto: Interesting choice Jennifer!

Jennifer: What about you, Augusto? Do you already have in mind who will be your person?

Augusto: Opportunity is positive, I already have an idea of my person.

Jennifer: Who is your person?

Augusto: My person is Cristiano Ronaldo, he was born on February 5, 1985. He´s a Portuguese
footballer who plays as a left winger or striker. He is a historical player.

Jennifer: Ooohh!!! He seems to me a very handsome person, he really has a lot of money.

Augusto: Jennifer tell me more about your celebrity, how famous is she?

Jennifer: Sandra Bullock, throughout her career, she has won many awards that are very
significant to her and others that she humbly feels she does not deserve, and yet she has accepted

Augusto: And approximately how many movies has she starred in? What does she do in her free

Jennifer: According to what I have found out between participation in shows, movies, TV series,
and collaborations and film and TV productions, we can talk about around 70 among the best

In her free time, she likes to be with her family, her current husband and her two children. Louis
and Laila. She looks happy and calm when she is with them.

Augusto: When you talk like that, she sounds like an ordinary person. Does she have money?

Jennifer: jjajaj really??? Jajaja…… Yes, she does, she has many millions. What makes her a very
humanitarian woman is her solidarity, generosity and kindness, by donating thousands and
thousands of dollars to organizations that help those most in need.

Augusto: Jennifer and you think is she happy? or has she been able to achieve happiness?
Jennifer: Ummmmh….. I think that although it has not been a complete success in her personal
life, because there was betrayal by her ex-husband, She has overcome th ose things and has taken
refuge in her children because they are the most important thing in her life. She is happy and
calm, enjoying what she has achieved throughout her life

Augusto: Very good Jennifer! As you have described her, she deserves a happy and peaceful life.
good for her.

Jennifer: That's how august.! So, what abaout Cristiano Ronaldo, tell me ….

Augusto: He is frequently considered the best and most complete footballer and goalscorer in the
world and one of the best of all time. Throughout his professional career, he has managed to
break various records. At just 18 years old, he established himself as an elite footballer after
winning three Premier Leagues.

Jennifer: It shows that you admire him a lot, friend. What about his fortune, do you have an
estimated amount of everything he has?

Augusto: Yes Jennifer, according to our friend who knows everything ¨google¨, His accumulated
fortune is at $500 million dollars, according to Celebrity Net Worth, however his fortune could
increase if he accepts the million-dollar soccer offer from Saudi Arabia.

Jennifer: OMG!!!!!! that is a lot of money! And do you know what he likes to do in his spare time
or what he spends so much money on?

Augusto: It is known that he is also a generous person, and in his free time he collaborates to raise
funds for people affected by different reasons and donate money. He has donated tens of
thousands of dollars to help children pay for treatment and operations to fight their serious

He is a family man, and something that Cristiano Ronaldo does in his free time is to enjoy his
children, his wife and his mother.

Jennifer: He is truly a generous man and there are very few people who are like him.

Augusto: He is a man with a good heart, the world would be another if we all imitated being like

Jennifer: certainly…! And do you think he has achieved happiness?

Augusto: What every person has successes and mistakes. I think, he is happy, he is happy with his
life and his achievements, unfortunately his soccer team did not win the World Cup, jajajajja but,
He is healthy, he has his children, his beautiful wife and his mother alive and by his side, and he
also has money.

Jennifer: I would also be happy with a lot of health and the health of all my family and many
millions. jajajjajajjajajjajajjaj

Augusto: jajajjajjajajjajjajjajaa yes Jennifer!

Jennifer: friend thank you very much for sharing time and helping me with ideas
Augusto: It has been a pleasure friend Jennifer, thanks to you also for sharing your ideas

Jennifer: and thinking about it our famous people are good citizens.

Augusto: It’s the correct Jennifer.

Jennifer: Well Augusto, I have to leave, you take care of yourself.!

Augusto: take care, Jennifer.


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