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to put up with to look up to to be in on

to look forward to to cut down on to look out for
to come up with to live up to to keep up with
to go in for to do away with to look back on
to get through to to run around with to work up to

My explanation of the idea is so clear that I will to get throught to him

to make one understand
After his heart attack, he is to cut down on smoking and drinking
to reduce the use of .
In 1970 Americans to look up to a president who is sincere and does the best possible
to admire greatly
Cindy has worked so hard this week that she to look forward to an exciting Friday
to anticipate .
It is very popular now to go in for running; thousands of people are doing it
be interested in

The people of California couldn't to put up with high taxes, so they voted to lower
property taxes
to tolerate .

For a long time I couldn't to come up with a good subject for my term paper, but finally I was able
to think of one to find .

Some men think that women workers can't to keep up with male workers,
but I know many women who work equally as well to maintain the same rate as .

I'd like to to be in on all your planning and decisions; I have some ideas I'd like to
share with you
to participate in .

On a crowded train, you should to look out for people who might try to steal your luggage or
wallet to watch for .

Mrs. Smith's son was out of the house very often, so she didn't know that he was to run around with
a group of wild teenagers to associte
with .

He promised to pay back his $20 debt to me, and I am glad to say that now he has to live up to
his promise to fulfill a responsibility

It's very sad that some people are still so poor in the world; when can we to do away with
poverty so that everyone lives comfortably? To abolish .

When my brother was in Europe, he had many fine experiences; now he to look back on that
trip with great pleasure as he tells other people about it to remember the past

Jane is going back to school so that she can learn more and to advance to a position
in higher management to work up to .

To put up with: to tolerate; accept, unwillingly

to look forward to: to anticipate with pleasure
to come up with: to suggest to offer, to find
to go in for: to be interested in, to play(as a sport)
to get through to: to make (someone) understand, to communicate successfully
to look up to: to respect, to admire greatly
to cut down on : to reduce the use of, to lessen
to live up to: to complete a responsibility, to equal an expected standard
to do away with: to abolish, to get rid of
to run around with: to associate with regularly, to hang around with
to be in on: to participate in, to have a share in, to know ( a secret)
to look out for: to watch for, to be careful of
to keep up with: maintain the same rate as, to do with the same amount of energy
to look back on: to remember something from one's past, to reminisce
to work up to: to advance to, to rise to

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