Reading Survey

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Figure 1

Adolescent Motivation to Read Profile reading survey

Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Date: JD -- a -- 2- -z_

Sample 1: I am in _ _ _ _ _. 4. My best friends think reading is _ _ _ __

□ Sixth grade □ really fun
□ Seventh grade □ fun
□ Eighth grade □ OK to do
)stNinth grade ;(Eo fun at all
□ Tenth grade
□ Eleventh grade 5. When I come to a word I don't know, I can
□ Twelfth grade
□ almo.,t a l ~ fi&'lTt. it out
S3'Ple 2: I am a~
~metimes figure it out
□ almost never figure it out
□ Male
□ never figure it out
Sample 3: My race/ethnicity is _ _ _ _ _ _,
□ African-American
6. I tell my friends about good books I read.

Cl_lsianlAsian American ~ I never do this

ACaucasian · □ I almost never do this

□ Hispanic □I do this some of the time

□ Native American □ I do this a lot
□ Multi-racial/Multi-ethnic
□ Other: Please specify _ _ _ __ 7. When I am reading by myself, I understand

1. My friends think I am _ _ _ _ _ _ , 0 ~l"lost everything ! read

□ a very good reader j1 some ofwhat I read
□ a good reader □ almost none of what I read
)f'an OK !eader □ none of what I read
□ a poor reader
8. People who read a lot are _ _ _ __ _
2. Reading a book is something I like to do.
□ very interesting
□ Not very often
In interesting
□ not very interesting
□ Sometimes
□ boring
□ Often

3.Iread _ _ __ __ 9.Iam _ _ __ _ _

~ o t as well as my friends □ a poor reader

Q about I.he sarr1e ·as my friends ~ o.n OK reader

□ a little better than my friends □ a good reader
□ a lot better than my friends □ a very good reader (continued)


Figure 1 (continued)
Adolescent Motivation to Read Profile reading survey

Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

10. I think libraries are _ _ _ _ _, 16. As an adult, I will spend _ _ _ _ _,

□ a great place to spend time □ none of my time reading
□ an interesting place to spend time jlvery little time reading
JCan OK place to spend time □ some of my time reading
□ a boring place to spend time □ a lot of my time reading

11. I worry about what other kids think about 17. When I am in a group talking about what we are
my reading _ _ _ _ _ _, reading, I _ _ _ _ __
□ everyday ~ o s t never talk about my ideas
□ almost everv dav □ sometimes talk about my ideas
fi.lonce in a while · □ almost always talk about my ideas
□ never □ always talk about my ideas

12. Knowing how to read well is _ _ _ _ _ _. 18. I would like for my teachers to read out loud in
□ not very important my classes _ _ _ _ __
□ sort of important □ everyday
ftimportant ~almost every day
□ very important '
□ once in a while
□ never
13. When my teacher asks me a question about
what I have read, I _ _ _ _ __ 19. When I read out loud I am a _ _ _ _ __
□ can never think of an answer □ poor reader
,)'have trouble thinking of an answer r nOKreader
□ sometimes think of an answer □ good reader
□ always think of an answer □ very good reader

l~Ithinkreadingis _ _ _ __ 20. When someone gives me a book for a present, I

~ boring way to spend time feel _ _ _ _ __
□ an OK way to spend time □ very happy
□ an interesting way to spend time □ sort of happy
□ a great way to spend time SJ;ort of unhappy
15. Reading is ______,
□ very easy for me
d of easy for me
d of hard for me
ry hard for me

Note. Adapted with pcrmwion from the Motivation to Read Profile (Gambrell, Palmer, Codling. & Mau.oni, 1996)


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