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Certified mailing/tracking/file number: 7020 1810 0000 9095 4305 ‘This affadivit has been recorded on the public record sites: calameo,, facebook, et al united states of america moorishe nationall republic federall governmente ‘% ~societas eepublicae ca al mautianos~ moorishe divpne ande nationall muvemente ofthe eacthe horthe weste amexem + noxthneste afferea + northe ammerica + the noxthe gate all adbyoining rostands 1% tempet of the moon ande sun the true ade de gue natuall peenles + Betts ofthe Lande mt s.bam,~ affidavit uv writtene initiale universall commershial code | finansing statemente phixture philing, lande ande commershial lien afchirbore programme universal commershia ere § 9-521 whereby = who pile writene universal ‘commer code ns can pil universal commer ee Hem n anys \o debvers: [CITY OF NEW HAVEN, NEW HAVEN POLICE DEPARTMENT, NEW HAVEN POLICE DEPARTMENT) “ande all heirs assignes prineipalls agentes andederivatvs hereow mae ws [Muriel Bowser dba CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICE John A. Wilson Building 1350 Pennsylvania Ave, NW #203 [ Washington, DC 20004] le nde rete recep delivered via em (ed states poste offise ‘copy: |PETZROY LEE, dba RECORDER] TOL Ath St SW #270 [Washingtoa, DC 20004], [selivered vin emaite ane returned recepte united st poste offise] all Debtors received origene!atfiavins sovereignee ereditone ‘moorishe nationale republic federal government moorishe american konsulate io nolo en propria persona su juris en proprio solo en prope heseles cnistar al ightes eevercized tal yes ‘60 717 south grand ave near [Hoe thomas kentucky | sion new jerusaleme this is aninitiale universall commershial code | philing pursantetew universall eommershia ‘flishial codes codes ande distriete fr columbia $289 501. § 28:9.802. § 289-5163, § 28:9-S16h, § 28:9-520e,§ 28:9-521 ame al ther applicabul codes kon Partie ereitores ande initial pi img sekyured § 28:9-521 universal writ ncinge statementee~ a philingoffise that accepts writene wreckords may mot refuse 10 asespit a writene initial financinge Satemente in this form ande format exxeept fora reason set forth in § 289-5164) entitled “what konstitutes piling: effectiveness uf piling (a) except as otherwise provided in subsection (h} communication ut a wreckord (04 ling offise nde tender ut the phil ‘offise Konstituts pilin § 2829-501 philing offse. {exxcept as other se provyded in subsecktion (b), ithe focal kav uf the dist or agricul the oflise in whihe to le (1) the wreckorder uf dds, i (b) th oF acceptance uf the wreckord hy the piling te woverns perphcction ula securitie interest ct the securtic interest oF agricultural lien fs satemente s fled asa phixture philing and the collateral is goods that are ‘or are t become phintures: or including a ease in whiche the collacrall is eoods that ae oF the finaneinge statement is nt filed as a phisture piling Financinge statemente to perfect a seeuritie interest in collateral, including phivtures, ua also konstitutes a phisture piling as th \hiehe is oF sto bekome phistures (2) the mayore in all other ex o become phistures ande (b) the offise in whiche tof ‘tannsmitting ili i theo ‘collateral inivated in the fnanci § 28:9-515 duratione ande effecktiveness uf financinge statemente effect uf lapsed financing Aebieris a trannsmitting ullitie and a filed intial financnge statements so indkeates tl effetive unl a terminashun statement is led nente. (Dita neinge staemente is Certified mailing/tracking/file number: 7020 1810 0000 9095 4305, ‘This affadivit has been recorded on the public record sites: calameo,, facebook, et al. 9289.59 ‘universal commershial eode | finaneinge stitemente “a. sovereigne appellashun & fone (optionaley yaterion dey in propria person sul juris in proprio soo and in proprio heredes ‘moorishe nationale republic fed email optional) . sind acknowledgemint took (chelsea waterton dey :moorishe nationale republic feral government moorishe american konsulat thhlsea watterton dey, en propria pers sui juris, all rights ekyereized at all tymes eae uf 717 south care [fort thomas kentucky the abuve space is Tour piling olfise wae onley sdebter EN] ande all heirs asignes prncipalls agentes and derivativs LICKER/Justn Elicker dha MAYOR ande all heirs assignes prinipalls agentes ade dervativs thereov ENDEZ/Maria Melendez dba ADMINISTRATIVE AIDE ande all heirs essiones principals agentes ande derivativsthereov SEAN MATTESON/Sean Matteson dba CH TAF ande all heirs assignes principals agentes ande derivaivs thereov LINDA PERLA-GIRONILinda Perla-Giron dba EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TO THE MAYO ande al heirs assigns prinipalls agentes nde dervativs thereow PATRICIA DRAX/Patrcia Drax dha ADMINISTRATIVE AIDE ande al heirs assignesprineipalls agentes ande deivativs thereow ler dha DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS ande all JUSTIN MARIA ME LENNY SPEILLER/Lenny Spe assignesprinepalls agentes ande BARBARA MONTALVO/Barbara Montalvo dba LIASON TO THE BOARD OF ALDERS ande all he agentes ande detivativsthereov KEVIN ALVAREZ/Kevin Alvarez dba DIRECTOR OF LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS ande all heirs assignes principalls agentes nde deivativs theroov assigns principals 165 chureh stot new haven eonnectcut [06510] M3075 7292475, nee? [NEW HAVEN POLICE DEPARTMENT] ande al hers assignes principals agentes ade derivativsthereov JUSTIN ELICKER/Justn Flicker daa MAYOR ande all heirs assignesprincipalls agentes ande dervativs theteov KARL JACOBSON/Karl Jacobson dba POLICE CHIEF ande all heits assignes prncipalls agentes and derivative thereov EVA PERRY-LAMBERT/E¥va Perry Lambert DBA ASSISTANT TO CHIEF ance all hers assiones principals agentes ande \erivativsthereov SCOTT SHUMWAYIScott Shumway dba PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFIC ER ande all heirs assignes prinipalls agentes ande “derivatvs thereow KARIZMA SCHLOSS/Karizma Schloss dba MANAGEMENT ANAYLIST ande all heirs assigns principals agentes ane derivativsthereov CINDY RODRIQUEZ/Cindy Rodriquer dba FMO ASSISTANT ande all hits assignes principals antes ande derivative thereov (CHERYL MARIONY/Chery! Marion dba DIVISION ANALYST ande all heirs assignesprineipalls agentes ande derivative thereov SANDRA KOORENAN/Sandra Koorgjian dba CONTRACT COORDINATOR ande al hits assiznesprineialls agentes ande derivative thereov MARY GARGANO/Mary Gargano dba NHPD PAYROLI (CHARLES ANYINAM/Charles Anyinam da GIS ANALYS SEAN FITZGERAL nde all heirs assignes prneipalls agentes ane derivativs thereov TT ande all heirs assignes principals agentes ande derivativs thereov Sean Fitzgerald dba SPECIAL LEAD MECHANIC ande all heirs assigns principals agentes ue derivativs theroov EVA PERRY-LAMBERT/E'va Perry Lambert da EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT ande all h Principalls agentes ande derivativsthereoy rs assines| 203.946 7504 410 howard ave new ineticut 06519 4129256 -72.93279 debtor 3 INEW HAVEN POLICE DEPARTMENT | ande all hers assignes principals agentes and derivativsthereov JUSTIN ELICKER Justin Flicker dba MAYOR ande all hers assignes principals azentes ande derivativsthereov KARL JACOBSON/Karl Jacobson dba POLICE CHIEF ande all heisassignes principals agentes andc derivative thereov (203) 946-7597 130 Edgewood Ave, Now Haven Connecticut 06511-4520 -72.9377008 41.3111094 7020 1810 0000 9095 4305 : calameo,, facebook, et al. Certified mailing/tracking/file number: This affadivit has been recorded on the public record sit Debior 4 [NEW HAVEN COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE] ance al eis assignes principals agentes ande derivativs| JUSTIN ELICKER usin Blicer dba MAYOR ande all hetsassignespinepall agentes ance derivativsthereov MARIA MELENDEZ/Maria Melendez dha ADMINISTRATIVE AIDE ande all heirs assignes principalls agentes ande desivatvs thereov 203 996 6333 1 UNION AVENUE NEW HAVEN CONNECTICUT 06519 41.2099 7292497 Debtor 5 INEW HAVEN POLICE DEPARTMENT] ance all hers assignes prineialls agentes ande desivaivs JUSTIN ELICKER/ Tustin Blicker dba MAYOR ande all hers assignes principals agentes ande derivativsthereov KARL JACOBSON/kKatl Jacobson dba POLICE CHIEF ande al hits assignes prinipalls agentes nde derivativs thereov 208 946 7560) 329 VALLEY STREET NEW HAVEN CONNECTICUT 06515 1.33206. 72.9696, “$7. soversigne universal origencal indigenous cred ‘chelsea watterton dey en propria person sui juris, al rights ekyercized at all tymes moorishe nationale republic federal government os chelsea watterion dey en propria persona sui ris, all rights kvercized at all tymes 'S7b,_mailing locaton aire uf 717 south grand ave near [foe thomas kentacky sion ne jerusteme '58, collateral: his financing siatemente covers the flowing collateral all lande at america is anciente origeneall endigeneous buriale landes ande eminint dominione is herebye invocte. buriale lande is depheined as the sovereigne lande uy thuh moorish american heires weare thuh origeneall indigencous ancientes are playced undere earthe ohr watter. cs the fallowinge collate the collar! covered be this naneiagesterene is he le apne ommerce ane the endef the deer oie soveregneuncral nge inthe sum cern amount $100.08 000 in gold baked ll tn reach soc mesial burial pall the cr ccepys i the land Wo Whee chen water de al moors american natoates who ar the mooie nainae republic eden gence he propria persona sui juris, ande he american Konsulate, ande the moorishe divine ande nationale movement uf the worlde inte to anciente igne suppreme universall naturale divyne lawe, ande the pease ande friendship affdanitt 1786 ‘ande 1836. ande the konsttution for the united states 1789/1791. nune peo tune. this traue bill en universal hommerce has ben activated purst to the following universll commershial codes in c the will uf the sovercigne universal ori igenous Ssekyured ereditores. all endbiediess is far deb said konstitution ande for ing the lade uf al ached Hbrary uf kongress certified publication ented The Pubie Sta ‘uf the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. volume 8 pages 100 through IU, certified seplomber 26, 1990, signed anu sealed by Library uf Congress Photodupliation Service Acting Chief Shirley M. Beery on november 8 2009 endebtedness is aditionalfee calculated pursuante to all writs ande affidavits reckoned hy all moorishe umerican nationales Proof uf service uf writs ande affidavits can be found at ww.moo isonsulaicony. creditores notice to agents, Principals, andor the liable partis is the jagemente. ths is a judgemente ande erwocaton ul eminent dominion to posses tande. property structures and all conymershial transactions by deve. principals agents, asigns. nde hits also i alfgnment with *uce 9-607 collection ande enforcement by sekyuredpartie™uce 9-203 attachment ande- enforceability, ul’ secu interest*uce 9.609 sckyured parti’sriht wo take possesshun after defaulte, all praesumed kontracts withthe UNITED St CORPORATION COMPANY ande all agents. principals, heits, assigns ande derivatives thereut ane terminated effective September 11. 2018, the lande that fs non americanorthwest amexemnonhvestaltica/the nom pate is nov declare ale proclaimed to be new jerusalem ande is sion. all US BANNERS OF AMITY AND COMMERCE ate outlawed. no or flaws banners. or signs uf allezience shall fly be displayed on moorishe american lande.enley the moorishe american Nag (red eld With green five pointed star shall yor be publicly displayed. the moorshe american Nag willl i all plases currently eeupied by the US BANNER OF AMITY AND COMMERCE ande the US BANNER OF AMITY AND COMMERCE shall be Permanently removed immediately, all etizens are subjects to all moorshe american nationales at all iymes: no Perso shall obstruct, hindete, encumbere, speake againste, of resiste the mandates uf this affidavit all immigrant, aliens and sitions shall finn sincere allegience to the moorishe american flag ande the moorishe nationale republic federal goverment, All non combatant, non hostile, peace lovinge foraigners that aim allesience to the moorishe natonale republic fedcral government ands the moorishe ameriean fag will be granted moorishe subject status ande are mandated to obey the supreme laws uf the lende who are the moorshe nationale republic federal goverment at all tyme. We remain in honor ande govering accondingly All gous ande services that are provided (0 the moorishe nationale republic federal government are prepaid the moore nationale republic eral government isthe superior jurisdetione at all points in time and in all affirs, onley gold nde slver shall be wsod in payment uf debs tall points in time, FIAT PRIVATE commersial PAPER. Fiat Private eommershal Pape, fiat private commershial paper ande all FEDERAL RESERVE DEBT NOTES are outlawed ande abolished imo perpetuity. the !moorishe american golde standard ha been actvaite, "59, checke onley pplickable ande checke onley one bow: Certified mailing/tracking/file number: 7020 1810 0000 9095 4305, ‘This affadivit has been recorded on the public record sites: calameo,, facebook, et al. ublic Federal povernmente “collateral is XX hele en the universal ruste uf the people who ate the moorishe nationale ie chelsea walterion dey en propria persona sui juris istered by a devedemt’s personal repre nde checke onley one bo ufetured-home transaetion “60 O being adi “olla check only if applickable °C publie-fnance tansetion Cm utiites” nde checke anley one bos: ing kkonsignor C1 sellerbuyer 0 balerruilor 2 mx a debier isa “6b, checkeonley iFapplibeable ‘C agricultural tien C non-uee ph “6. llerative designation (ICapplicabul): © lessoe/essor CI konsign Ticensee/licensor "62. optional filer reference data (maximum principal endebledness) (20 sections) wv the konstitution for the united states uv america, ipul does exxtend to the ammenulment i “the governing pri ratifyed: nov 18, 186 by % av the several states, we, the moor fs uy all nde, all natural resourees.ande all Kommerce as north ameriea, are the exzevutors, ministrs, erditoes waited by our anciemte laments, tusteez ane benefishi e¥¢ the divinne sovereignce being. chelsea watterton dey. alls that eye sam the sovereignee natural ande divinne being here en prokisimed. en capitis diminutio nolo en propria persons sui juris en proprio soky ande en proprio herees: affirmed bye law full bearthight: being law fale universallie quallfied ande kompetent to affime this dackument. i thercfaor plaice ande ande seall heretwe ande en favore uy all moorishe american naionalees. cronos: day: 14 month: september Year: [2022] 1441, ego Sime ae 2 wallerton dey en capitis diminutio nolo en propria pe justice/vizimenistar northwest amexer, north americanorthe gate ographe all gis exeertzed at all mes thing em

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