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Certified mailing/tracking/filing# 70201810000127735808 Recorded on public sites calameo,, facebook et al. united states of amertea noorishe nationall republic federalt governmente ‘Pm soxictas eepublicae ea al mawetkanos ~ mootishe Bibpne ane nattonall mubemente ofthe eaxthe nocthe neste amexem + northineste atfevca + northe ammetica + the norte gate aft adjoining rsstands ‘B tempel ofthe moon ande sun~ the true ande de gure naturall peeples + Heres of the Lande mtsLam = affidavitt uv writtene initiale universall commershial code | finansing statemente phixture philing, lande ande commershial lien universal commmerhial code § 9-521 wherebye maonales who pile wriene universal ‘commetshial code fens can phile universal commershial cade ins in any state JRAND RAPIDS POLICE DEPE MICHIGAN HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC PTGRAND COUNTY SHERIFPS DEPT jande all hers sssignes principals azentes sande derivativs| {Muriel Bowser dha CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER] John A. Wilson Building 1350 Pennsylvania Ave, NW (203, [Washington, DC 20004] Aellivered via emaile nde returned reveipte united states pose ofise ‘copy: [PETZROY LEE, dba RECORDER] 1101 th St SW #270 {[Washington, DC 20004] ned reece united states poste offise} [Wttivered via emi ane re Debtors recived origene! affidavits, sovercignse ereitore moorishe nationale republic federal government muorishe american ken sacy duns ee eapits diminuio nolo en propria persona sui juris en proprio solo en proprio heredes justicelvizitimenista. all rights covercized a all tymes ‘60 585 noth ere street toledo ohio ‘ea [toledo ohio teratory sion new jerusaleme hiss an initiale universal commershial code 1 philing parsuante few universal commershial codes ande distriete For columbia fflshial eos § 28:9-501, § 289.502, §28:9-S16a, § 28:9-516b, § 28:9-520e, § 28:9-521 ande all other applicabul codes koncerning scky red partic ereditoes ane initial phi {§28:9-521 universall writene fnanci ‘accept writene initial financinge satemente in this Form ande Format except For a reason entitled "what konsttutes piling: effecKtiveness uf philing”. (a) except as otherwise provided in substi ‘communication ua wreckord o a philing offse ande tender uf the phi all law uf the diriete overns pesphecton uta secuitie interest Financinge statement to perfeet the securtie interest or agricultural ie i Statemente is filed as a phistarephiling ade the collateral is goods that are ‘rare to become phistures: or \whiche the collateral is goods tat are or are to become phixtures © finaneinge statemente is no filed as a phisture philing femente to perfect a sceuritie interest in collateral. including phistures, uta the mayore. the finaneinge statemente also konsttutes a phinture piling as tothe ed inthe finaneinge statement whiche is or is to hekome phistures § 28:9-515 duratione ande effechtiveness uf effect uf lapsed finaaneinge statement. (1) if “bier isa trannsmitting wilted ge statements so indicates. the Financinge statement fs effective unl terminashun statemente is filed (2) the mayore in all other eases. including a §.28:9-501 ‘universal commershial code 1 inancinge staemente ppellashun & fon (optionale) acy dunn lin propria persona sui juris in proprio solo ands in proprio heredes :moorishe nationale republic eral government “b. email (optional 1c. sind acknowledgen too: (stacy dunns el) ‘moorishe nationale republic Federal government ‘moorishe american konsulate is ehvereize at all yes ey dunns een propria persona si jis, all uf: 385 north eric eae [toledo ohio teratory] auve space fs Tour piling olfise wze onley ~~ provide deters maim debtor | [SAN ANTONIO POLICE DEPARTMENT] ande all hers assignes principals agentes and derivativs thereof JAMES BRENNAND/ammes Brennand dba POLICE OFFICER ande all heirs assignes principals agentes ande derivativs thereot WILLIAM MCMANUS! William MeManus dba CHIEF OF POLICE ande all heirsassigns agents principals ande derivatives thercof 315 south santa rosa avenue san antonio texas 78207 2OAZLIB.-98.498840 Debior 2 [GRAND RAPIDS POLICE DEPARTMENT] ande all heits assgnes principals agentes nde derivativs theeot CHRISTOPHER SCHURR/Christopher Schurr dba POLICE OFFICER and all heirs assignes principals agentes ande erivativs thereof ERIC WINSTROMMEric Winstrom dba CHIEF OF POLICE ande all azens principals assigns ande any derivative dhereo? | monroe center northwest grand rapids michigan 49503 42.963620.-85.668710 Debior 3 [MICHIGAN IIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION} snde al heirs assianesprincipalls agentes ande derivativsthereot ‘GERALD SUTTERVGerald Sutter dba COACH ande al heirs asses principals azentes ande desivativs thereof [MARK UYL/Mark Uyl dba EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR snide all heirs assignesprincipalls agentes ade detivativsthereot 1661 RAMBLEWOOD DRIVE EAST LANSING MICHIGAN 48823, 4.757770 -84.506860 Debtor 4 [KNOXVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT] ande al hits assignesprincipalls agentes ane detivatis thereof PAUL, NOEL/Pau! Noel dba POLICE CHIEF ande all heirs assignes principals agentes ande drivativs thereof ‘800 howard baker jr avenuc knoxville Tennessee 37915 35,967330. -#3.908230 Debior $ [GRAND COUNTY SHERIFF DEPARTMENT] ande all hers assignes principals agentes and derivativs thereof AMANDA EDWARDS/Amanda Edwards da SHERIFF ande all heirs assigns principalls agentes ande deivatis thereof BRETT SCHROETLIN/Brett Schroctlin dba SHERIFF ande all agents prineipals asigns ande derivatives thereof Po box 48 hot sulphur springs colorado 80451 “57. sovercigne universal rigencall indigenous ereitore: ans e-em propria perso sti juris al rights ekxereized at all tyes e republic Federal government duns elem propria persona sui jars all Fights ekxeri baling foal tare 535 north erie nea toledo ohio teratory] sm new jerusaleme ‘8, collateral: this Financing siatemente covers the following collateral all lande at america is anciente origeneall endigeneous buriale landes ande eminint dominione is herebye invocte. buriale lande is depheined as the sovereigne lande uv thuh moorish american heires weare thuh origeneall indigeneous ancientes are playced undere earthe ohr watter. this fnancinge statcmente euvers the followinge collateral: the collateral eovvered bye this financinge sttemente is the nde Wi all structures propurte. equipmente, kommerce ade the endebtedness uf the debler tothe sovercigne universal rigencall ached kafull tender for eache sovereign he stacy dunns el indigenous sekyured reditore inthe som certaine amount uf $1,000,000 in g trivene! endigencous anciente ancesstral burall parcell dhe debter occupys on the Lande 0 hi persona sui juris, ande all mooeshe american nalionales who are the moorishe nationale republic federat Inoorishe american konsulate, and the moorishe divine ande nationale movement uf the worlde are ies pursuante 1 ances Sovereigne suppreme universall naturale disyne lawe, ande the peace ande friendship affidavitt 1786 ande 1836 ande the Komsittion for the united states 1789/17. nune pro Tune. this ie bill en universall Kemmerce has been activated pursuante to the following universll commershisl codes in i with the vill Uke sovereigne universall original indigenous ckyured croditores.all endebtedness is for debis engage into before the said Konstitution ande for unlasfully occupying the Tune uf all moorishe american nationals the sad tealy is the attached library uf kongress eentified publication entitled The Pubic Statues at Large nf the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, volume 8 pages 100 through 105, certified september 26, 199K signed! mule sea hy Library ul Congress Photoduplication Service Acting Chie Shirley M. Berry on novernber 8.2007. -endehtedness is aitonallee calculated pursuants to all writs ande affidavits wreckorded fy all moorshe american nationals. “poof uf service uf writs ande affidavits ean be Found at www erediores notice 10 avents, ‘rincipals, andefor the lable parties isthe judgemente. this isa judgemente ande envocation uf eminent dominion to possesse Tande, proper stretures, and all commer transstions by debtr.prinipals, agents, assigns, ande eis). also in lignment with *uce 9-607 collection ane enforcement by sehyured panietuce 9-207 attachment ande enforeabiity ul securiie interes" uce 9-09 sekyure patie’ right take posesshun ater delTule all pracsumed Kontrats withthe UNHTED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY sande all agcnts principals. eis. assigns ane derivatives thereut are teminated effective september 11. 2018. the lane that is novth america/norhwest amexenv/nortvest aiethe north gate is now declared ade proclaimed to be nev jeusaleme ande i sion all US BANNERS OF AMITY AND COMMERCE are outlawed, no other Maes, trnners or signs uf allegince shall ly or be displayed on moorshe american fade only the moorshe american flag (rd fed with geen five pointed sar) shall fly or be publicly displayed the moorishe american flag wily inal plaes curently occupied by the US BANNER OF AMITY AND COMMERCE andy the US BANNER OF AMITY AND COMMERCE shall be permanently removed immeaiatly. al eitizens are subjects to all moose american nationals at all ¢ymes. no Person shall ‘bsirete hinders, encumibere. speake avainste. or esiste the mandates uf this affidavit, all immigrants, aliens, ande citizens shall affirm singer allesienee wo the moorshe american ae and the moorishe nationale republic federal government. All non combatant, non hostile, peace lovinge foraigners that affirm allgience 1 the moorishe nationale republic federal government nde the moorishe american flag will be granted moorishe subject status ande are mandated obey the supreme hws uf the Fande who are the moorishe nationale republic federal government a all fymcs. we renin in honor ande governing accordingly. A goods ande servies that are provide to the moorshe nationale republic federal government are prepaid the moorshe hatcmale republic fxeral ovement i the supsriorjursdetione at all points in time ane in all affairs. only gokl ande silver shall be used in payment wf debs at all points in time. FIAT PRIVATE commershial PAPER. Fiat Private commershial Paper. fit private commershial paper ande all FEDERAL RESERVE DEBE NOTES are outlawed ande abolished into perpetuity. the moorishe american gokle sara haz been activate 9. checke onley if applicable ande checke ane one bon: ~eollaterll is XX helde en the universal rusteu the people who are the moorishe nationale republic federal wovernmente sande stacy dns el en propria persona sui juris 60 Cl being adminnisiered by a decedent's personal representative, oa. check onley iTapplichable nde checke ony one box: °C publie-finance transition C1 manuaturedshome transaction. a dehier is a tansmitinge wiites™ ““OUb. chccke onley iFapplikcable ande cheeke onley one box: “CD agricultural len Gl non-uece phiting "61. sheave desiention api eer onsigncsonsgnr Cl slerbyer alee “Tieenscelicensor 62. optional filer reference data (maximum principal endebledness) ~te novernings principal docs exten to the ammendment xii (20 sections) wv the Konsttuton for the united states wy america, ray: nov 18 1865 by % w the several tates, we. the moors a note america are the exZccuorS mins. ereOne. ‘claiments, trustecz ande benefishiaries uy all kande, all natural resources, ande all kommerce as mandaited by our anciente acest, ‘en honoure, eye the divinne sovereiznee being, stacy dunns el , affirms that eye am the sovereignee natural ande divinne being, “here en proklaimes, en capitis di ‘nolo en propeia persona sui juris en proprio solo ande en penprio heredes: affirmed bye law full bearthright: being law fullic universilllic quallified ande ompetent to affirme this dockument, i therefour plaice mye ‘hande ande seal! heretwo ande en favorr uy all moorishe ame 1 “cheonos: ‘day: 29 month: september year: [2022] 1441. onde ety Manin. é stacy Mas clon exhitisdlminutio nolo eX propria persona sul juris en proprio solo ande en proprio heredes jisticeisizieimenistar, northwest amexem, northe americanorthe gate “autograph al eights eerie at all tyme ‘things this aw fl oni, mr owe spin aida, nr ur sen aivits shale he enerpreted ub kantued ss honsent fo aye rsdn that shen the rics wv my alent ances eid estat at any pointe en tne, “etm tac sg a um nati hn ths SESE Staaten pro cone ince earnest greta eu kent

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