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Chapter 6:

"No one to trust"

[Pete Pov]
- [Dawn] -

after sending Macau to university Prepare food and medicine for Vegas to work at the company.
It's done. Grandma Jui and grandpa noi, asked me to drive them to main family's house. I saw
my grandma constantly complaining about the young housemaid joy and brought a good bird's
nest from the island want to leave to Khun Korn as well. As I have said before, the islanders in
my hometown respect Khun Korn very much. because he had almost been evicted from foreign
investors expelled from the island But Khun Korn came to concession this island. And also
returned the land to the villagers there to make a living by establishing a company TK SKY.
Well-extracted bird's nest imported to famous department stores and exported abroad, which
allowed the villagers there to be sold to the company to be processed. Villagers on the island
almost made a monument to worship him. And the fact that I used to be The vice-head of the
main fanily was quite the showpiece of my grandparents, so they had the same rank as a

relative now. So my grandmother was very proud without even caring about the sexuality or how
other people looked at her and family. Just this, she said. My luck was as good as the fortune
teller had actually predicted.

- Have a fortune-teller ever told you that your life would be so horrible that you thought you
wouldn't be able to stand up to this point? -

"Grandma!!!" The voice of khun noo (tankhun) greeted my grandma. The main family bodyguard

also greeted them excitedly. "Hello Khun Korn" my grandma and my grandfather raised their
hands to pay respect to Khun Korn in a humble manner. "Has it been a long time since you've
arrived?" Khun Korn invited my grandfather and grandmother to sit in the living room by himself.
His face was clear and full of kindness. every time. " are you?" Khun Korn turned to

greet Venice with a sullen face as usual. My son's expression spoiled as always "Hello, Khun
Korn" I tried to get Venice to raise his hand to pay respect to Khun Korn. Venice did it. But
asking him to doing something like this. I can only sigh looking at my son face....This kid really is

Your son hasn't stopped making a spoiled face since he was young until he grew up. Looking
at Venice with a teasing look "Smile..." khun noo tried to make a big smile at Venice until
Venice looked away. Arm opened his arms as if to take him and carry him. which venice allowed
Uncle Arm to carry, but in a good way, without paying attention to khun noo at all. Until the he
mumbled that Venice was stubborn.

He would not be satisfied with being ignored and wouldn't give Venice a single cent of his
inheritance. sometimes children are more sensitive to what is good and what is not. “Uncle Arm
and Uncle Pol will take you to watch cartoons. Let's go watch cartoons." Venice nodded. Then
arm and pol took venice up to khun noo room to watch the cartoons for him to see. “Press the
paise series first!” Khun noo shouted from behind and they turned around to give him a smile.
My grandfather and grandmother continued. “Good health. Khun Korn, Khun Noo," my
grandmother said she sit in the middle, and took a bag of bird's nest and placed it on the table.
“Bird's nest from nature, their eyes are too small, get it with your hands. Choose carefully khun
Korn, khun Noo, also for Khun Kinn, and Khun Kim.” “Oh, it doesn't have to be difficult. Our
house eats bird's nest from Grandpa and Grandma's island almost every day," Khun Korn said
while smiling. “This one is good. I intended to bring it for you.” Khun Korn took it and opened it.
with a satisfied face “Really good stuff too. This is suitable for our family to trust champon Island
send a bird's nest "This little eyes goes to watch their nest every day." "Of course, good things,
when you love something you must keep an eye on them, right?" Khun Korn glanced at me for a
moment. “If someone stole it, he would be in trouble. They're more valuable than anything"

"Very careful, this is right. You can't trust anyone these days, right? Hahaha, my eyes nodded in
agreement. Khun Korn talks to my grandparents nicely. “Did Grandma and Grandpa sleep at my
house tonight?” “Is it good?” said my grandmother, considerately. “This place is a lot more fun
than Vegas house. "Grandma, have you seen Macau yet?” From talking about the bird's nest
business, khun noo suddenly beckoned my grandmother to bring her face closer, turning the
point stubbornly into a chattering. “I've seen him, why?” “That bastard's been a badass since he

was a kid" Khun noo said. "he grew up like a villain in the drama." "Khun noo," I hurriedly said.
“Did he tie Grandma to a mango tree or put a sailboat nail in front of your room?" I let out a
heavy sigh. Khun Korn shook his head. then turn to talk to grandpa Noi continued about the

bird's nest without caring. “Tie down? Little bastards," my grandmother said, startled

“Because he's mischievous and bad boy Grandma sleeps with me tonight. I guarantee that it will
be fun!!” The khun noo tried to persuade. “I'm sorry, khun noo Grandma will have to go back

and cook for the people over there to eat again.” “That's it, why uses grandma like a slave. No,
Grandma! cannot go under their power.” "Vegas, Macau is cute…” Before Grandma had
finished speaking, khun noo stopped. He come up "it's all mirage! All illusions. Hey, Grandma
jui. Today at my house, I renovated the onsen and new sauna room too. It's a lot more fun than

here" khun noo still didn't stop trying. “What's that, anon, anon, anon?” my grandmother asked
like a provincial person. who are puzzled by new words “Today, my plan is Will take grandpa
and grandma to soak in the onsen, go to the sauna room, then sing karaoke. Arm just installed
a new stereo. Most importantly, late at night, I will take grandma to my best place. I guarantee
that it will be fun until you can't forget it." Khun Noo try his best until Grandma jui began to fall
with his offers.

"Here's a lot of a new toy even in that house there is pete to take care of you, do you have
anything fun to play? Khun noo still finds something prankish and doesn't stop to convince
grandma jui. "So that's it, kid?" “Really?”. I rubbed my temples with my fingers hard. because
when it's come to khun noo and Grandma jui it is difficult to penetrate. “Why are you endure to
live at a grim gloomy house like that It's a lot friendlier here." Say khun noo. “That's true, khun
noo bodyguard looks like they're been wearing a lot of pesticide all the time,” Grandma Jui
began to agree. “There, look at the bodyguards here.” Khun noo pointed at one of the
bodyguards. who stood as still as the bodyguards in minor house. “Smile!!” Khun noo turned to
order the bodyguard, who now had a confused face. “I told you to smile!” said khun noo gritting
her teeth. until the bodyguards slowly teared up with smiles on their faces. "Smile.” Grandma jui
nodded her head. "Then sleep with me tonight." Before I had a stroke. PhuPha khun kinn
Bodyguard walked in with a bow. “Mr. Pete, Mr. Kinn asked you to come to his room.” I saw that
the situation here was very difficult to resist, so I nodded my head. and excuse myself from
Khun Korn up to Khun Kinn.

(Khun Kinn's room)

I walked into Mr. Kinn's office, which I already familiar with, but not familiar with new
atmospheres and the furniture seemed more spacious, and in addition, there were pictures of
Mr. Kinn and Porsche all over the room. And there is also an additional working desk. If I had to
guess that would be Porsche's desk. Hey, I haven't been in here for a long time. Because every
time i came to the main family, mr kinn was busy in his room. It's strange that Mr. Kinn wanted
to see me today just like that. "Hello Mr. Kinn." I bowed my head to the person in front of me.
Before looking straight at him, the aura of handsomeness with a grown-up look his energy is
also filled with power, leadership, and cool style. calm demeanor suitable for the right position
without a doubt But the eyes and facial expressions were clearly gloomy. "I'm fine," kinn greeted

me. “Yes, Mr. Kinn is fine.” I gave my former boss a big smile but had to slowly close the smile
when Kinn didn't respond to my sentence. “Pete…” Mr. Kinn said in a strained voice. "yes" “Are
you and Vegas okay now?” I furrowed my brows at Mr Kinn's question, and the surroundings

suddenly became awkward.

“We're okay" I replied truthfully. “Is there a problem with that?” I looked at Mr Kinn in confusion.
"a little, like a person who live together everyday with you did he come home late lately?" “I just

want to know something. I didn't mean for causing you two to quarrel or throw a fire in your life,”
Mr. Kinn hurriedly defended. “Sometimes, he return late.” “You know he went with Porsche....” I
lowered my eyes and nodded slowly. “Are you worried about something like this…?” I try to tell
him what I understand. “Worried that Vegas wouldn't get enough rest because of the work,” I

said honestly. "That's all it is..." "Is Mr. Kinn having a problem with Porsche?" I hurried up
answer and listen to all the question, analyzing from what Mr. Kinn said, I realized that now he
worried. "What are you worried about?"

“Porsche looks pretty close to Vegas,” said Kinn, trying to force a faint smile. “it's all just about
handing over the business. Porsche also had to be the perfect head of minor family now, the
one who lived and used to with minor family since childhood, is only Vegas. He would help
Porsche to excel everything a lot faster. The two of them must be trying.” I said in a calm voice
even though my mind isn't calm. “Is that so.... You're always optimistic. Vegas used to like
Porsches, does something like this bother you?” Mr. Kinn said with a thoughtless streak, so I
shook my head in response. “The past is irreversible. Everyone has a past. Honestly, if you're
jealous or not, it might be. But according to my senses now they don't make me think that way,
besides, I've overlooked it a long time ago,” I said, trying to give Mr. Kinn a encouraging smile.
"if i could think the way you think that would be great... everything for Porsche is now
vegas..there's almost no place for me." "Trust me Mr. Kinn...just trust our lover" I said with a
trembling heart. “Thank you very much… If there really is a problem one day… The Main Family
is still home for you, always.” Mr. Kinn looked at me with sincere eyes as if emphasizing what he
said. "Yes, I am still Pete. who is always ready to help you Kinn...." "thank you very much" "I'm
going to go see Venice," I bowed Mr. Kinn's head again before turning around. and step out of
the room... “Pete…” My legs suddenly stopped. Let go of the door knob and listen to Mr. Kinn.
"Don't trust anyone too much. As a brother, I can confirm what the old saying that you are
comparable Like my real brother.” I turned to Mr. Kinn with a big smile and opened the door. My
feelings are now confused. Even though the words that come from my heart about vegas and
porsche not a lie, but deep down I admit that it makes me feel anxious. I went to the khun noo
room instead to see Venice with an absent-minded expression. In my head, I've been working
hard lately. It's like it can't think about many things....I really think Vegas wouldn't dare to do
something like that. I believe in the love that Vegas has for me. Always and what I believe more
is my love for Vegas. It's too much that I'm obsessed. and really couldn't dig that up as an issue.
“Wow, wow!” When I opened the door of khun noo room, and I entered. Not a single living being
was found. Where have they all gone? I looked left, looked right, but couldn't even find Pol and
Arm. Im trying to find my son.

“Pete! They all went down to soak in the onsen." PhuPha who walked in front of the room

politely told me And I nodded. Take Venice to soak in the onsen Well, are you crazy? Now it's
get sick enough. I quickly gear up and take the elevator to the basement, where there are onsen
rooms, spas, and peasants, walking in to get Venice out of the water. If he get sick, I am the one

who will be in troubled!!! when venice sick , he is so fussy that don't want to eat and sleep. "Hey,
hot water blows by the fan. Your blood flows really well, isn't it? Blood circulates really well, My
grandmother's voice sounded louder. "Oh, Pete, hurry up and change clothes and come soak
together. resize it to make it bigger I guarantee that the water is both warm and the space is

wide and very comfortable!!!" but i don't care looking for only venice But in the onsen room,
there are only grandpa noi and Grandma Jai only. “Venice?” I asked. “Stay with Arm, I guess.
It's in the sauna over there." I hurriedly shut the door of the onsen room. then ran to the sauna.
These two perverted people, if I meet Venice in the sauna, I'll slap you both to separate, pol and


As soon as I opened the door of the room, I found two of them with their eyes closed, soaking
up the atmosphere with satisfaction. “Venice, Venice!” I called out to Venice loudly. unsteady
enthusiasm And in the sauna there was only Pol and Arm too. “Pete, let's hurry up and join the
peasants,” pol invites me. “Where is Venice?!” I asked the two of them impatiently. "Venice..." i
didn't heard the answer from pol and arm yet one sentence popped up in my head until my ears
are momentarily extinguished. "The more valuable things are ,you must keep an eye on them, If
someone stole it, they would be in trouble. That's right, you can't trust anyone these days, right?
Haha." Khun korn sentence entered my head. And that made me lose my consciousness and
rushed out. From the sauna room, immediately press the elevator to the top floor of the house.
"Pete!!!" The voice of pol and arm behind me.

With a surging emotion and worried about Venice, my heart was broken and I opened khun korn
room without asking for permission. Khun Korn and P' Chan turned to look at me with their
eyes. Both were playing chess. until I had to speak "Sorry for being rude, Venice here?" I
asked. The gaze that i gave at Khun Korn asked for an answer. “What happened?” Khun Korn
asked me again. “Have you seen Venice?” I asked, repeating the same sentence. I don't want
to hear anything besides wanting to know where my son is now "Watching cartoons, aren't him
with arm?" After that sentence, I looked around the room before bowing my head and walking
out, and as soon as I closed the door, Khun Korn voice sounded. "checkmate!" I tried to take a
deep breath and looked around "Venice. Venice, Venice, have you seen Venice?” I walked
around every floor and asked the walking bodyguards. Even go to balcony But I got a shake of
the head of almost everyone.

“Venice!!!” My heart was almost down to the bottom of my head. If Venice disappeared, or what
happened? I will never forgive myself. “Venice, Venice!!!” I press the elevator down to the
ground floor. and walked everywhere until I ran to the garden with sweat all over my body now.
My mouth kept shouting for Venice non-stop.


"Do you ditch the fish... Look at that one"


I hurriedly ran to look at it with speed."

“Which one do you like Venice? “Dad…” I stopped and looked at the back of my son sitting on a

chair watching fish with the back that I'm familiar with, "Papa" and the voice of Venice that now
he can only speaks , calling me "Papa" with a voice that is about to cry unbearably. “Venice,” I
called Venice with relief. Porsche slowly turned around and gave me a smile. Venice tears down
my face His mouth turned upside down and as soon as he saw me, he quickly opened his arms

and i rushed towards him. I was quick and I hugged him tightly. “Sorry, so you must have been
looking for Venice all over the place. I saw that arm give venice to tom to take Venice to reach
you. But seeing that you was discussing business with Kinn, i volunteered to babysit Venice.”
Porsche stood up from his chair and looked at me in a relaxed manner.

"Porsche, why didn't you hurry and bring it to me?" I said angrily. "Well, I said that I saw that you
was talking to kinn, so I didn't want to interrupt. Here, let me help you look at your son. Porsche
said smiling. “Pete!!! Have you seen Venice? I'll leave it to Tom." Arm who wore a coat came
out and seemed to run. “I entrust Venice to give it to Grandma jui. Tell Grandma jui that I'll be
back." Arm who looked at me and porsche was stressed out. “Okay, I won't let venice out of my
sight." Pol took Venice out. “Why are you looking at me with such suspicion? I'm not someone
you don't know, Pete. I will looking for Venice as far as possible." Porsche reached in his pocket
and lit a cigarette. “Venice doesn't like strangers,” I said, my eyes still staring at the Porsche.
With the emotions that I can't hide. Yes... Now I don't trust Porsche any more. "Umm... we see
each other often. When Vegas brings Venice to meet It doesn't seem he look me as strange at
all.” Porsche blew out smoke with great pleasure. I was silent, didn't answer anything, tried to
contain all my feelings. not expressing concern for everyone to see.

“next time If i have another meeting with Vegas. if you leave Vegas to look after Venice, I'll just
help you look at it." “I wouldn't bother. I'm not busy right now. It's okay, Vegas is tired, but don't
worry, I will try to take care of venice" Porsche said smiling. I looked at my friend unfamiliarly.
This Porsche is not someone I know. “Thank you, but I can take care of my family, and you can
take care of Mr. Kinn.” "Kinn, why?....are you suspecting me... you afraid that me and Vegas
will..." “Don't make things worse, Porsche,” I said in a serious tone, making Porsche grin and
come closer to me. “And are you… afraid?” He finished speaking and patted me on the shoulder
a few times and was about to walk away. "I don't need to be afraid of anything..." I said without
even looking at his face. "Because you'll never win against me..."

After hearing my sentence, Porsche walked away. I don't know what he looks like, I don't want
to know what it looks like on its face. But whatever the game you two going to play. I knew from
the beginning And I'm going to prove to you guys that there's nothing wrong with Vegas love to
me. Less than a second “Hello Ray... Meeting me at the same place the day after tomorrow.” I
dialed the phone of my secret bodyguard, and i immediately set up a meeting. Now I think
things are getting a little too far.

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