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Dear Madison,

Hopefplly~ you are having a great day so far! I hope you do

not Q1isi~terpret this letter, but I wanted1to say just how
proud of you I am for deciuttering your desk the other day.
You also reorganized your backpack which was
extraordinary. They both are so orderly! I hope you are not
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schoolwork, it has been wonderfITllf excellent! You listen instruction and are earl'¢ most day§. In class, you
are teachaolee and sociable. Would you be wil Ling to join a
math competition? We need to have (protection over our
champioAsnip trophy, and I think you would be helpfiJJ to
the team.
I hope you consider the opfior:1 because you would be our
greatest additiQo!
a. a•
MISS Hunsinger
I I •


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