Light and Shadows 1

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Scientific Method

(Transparent / Translucent / Opaque)

How does light interact with different material?

If a light beam hits this material will light pass through it?

Such as . . .

Mirror / Binder / Tissue / Plastic Sheet / Prism / Glass

What is a hypothesis?

“A hypothesis is a precise, testable statement of what the researcher(s) predict will be the
outcome of the study.”

What makes a reliable hypothesis?

- It explains what you expect will happen.

- It is clear and understandable.
- It can be tested.
- It can be measured.
1. I will fix a flashlight to the table using table to ensure the light beam shines in a fixed
position along the wall.

2. I will then place an object in front of the light beam.

If light passes through the object it with minimal to no disruption to the ray. The object is

If light does pass through the object but the beam is disrupted then the object is translucent.

If light does not pass through the object it is opaque.

Hypothesis (Prediction/Guess)

If the object is transparent it will fully let light through, I think that ____ is transparent. Therefore
I predict it will fully let light through.

If the object is translucent it will let only some light through, I think that ____ is translucent.
Therefore I predict will let only some light through.

If the object is opaque it will not let light through, I think that ____ is opaque.
Therefore I predict it will not let light through.
Is it working as designed and intended?
NO It IS Not Working YES It Is Working

- Is is the flashlight secured

- Is the room dark enough

- What can you do so that the

experiment will work?
Why it is important that
you do not make changes
to your original

- Use the data to come

up with a reason as to
why your hypothesis was

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