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Research Notes
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Positive and Negative

01/02/2005 (esoteric)

Being that the Creator is infinite, everywhere and everything, it is easy to

say that there is no good, evil, positive, negative, right or wrong since,
after all, even the most demonic of entities are within the womb of
Creation and thus to be celebrated and respected as simply one
expression of the Creator.

Even so, this does not negate differences between positive and negative.
That they share the same substance (consciousness) and origin
(Creator) does not mean they are equivalent in form (where one is) and
function (where one is going).

This duality of positive and negative comes from freewill, which boils
down to the ability to choose between respecting others or exploiting
them. Freewill originates from the individuation of consciousness,
meaning the differentiation of unified infinite intelligence (Creator) into an
infinity of finite intelligences (lifeforms other than the Creator). Each
individuated unit has some level of freewill, the degree depending on its
level of evolution and awareness.

When One splits into Two, the second eventually encounters the first and
can either say “I respect you, friend” or “Get out of my way!” — it’s a
matter of choice, and that is the archetypal origin of good and evil. We
see it enacted in families when a child, in seeking to establish its identity,
starts seeing the parent as an obstacle and therefore rebels.

Positive and negative differ in form and function in the following manner:
while positive signifies aligning freewill with Creation at large, negative
implies aligning freewill solely with the individuated fragment of the
Creator within — at the expense of balance to Creation at large. Whereas
“positive” is the prodigal son returning home to rule with the Father,
“negative” aims to usurp the position of Father. Whereas “positive” is
gradually merging with infinity, “negative” is the futile attempt of becoming
one’s own infinity.

Whether the “self” chooses positive or negative, either path will contain
equal potential for personal evolutionary growth (up to a point). But there
is more to Creation than “self”; there is also “other,” and this is where
positive and negative ultimately differ. Negative, acknowledging only the
reality of “self”, means serving only the “self”, denying service to “other”
and creating imbalance within the All. Positive acknowledges both and
thus serves both, bringing balance to All.

So while either path is equally evolutionary to the individual in question,

they are not equal in context of Creation as a whole. Negative always
contains an element of ignorance and imbalance absent in the positive.
Negative beings have a deep seated wound or emptiness that comes
from being split off from the Infinite. And they can’t acknowledge and heal
this schism while remaining on the negative path. Therefore the negative
path comes with an insatiable ‘hunger’ or irresolvable ‘insecurity’ that
turns outward toward consumption, predation, escapism, and control to
try and ameliorate its condition, but it leads to a runaway feedback loop
that ends with descent into the depths of demonhood.

01/16/2005 (esoteric)

Everything is vibration. Think of what reading material “resonates” with

you, what ideas “ring” true, which people have good or bad “vibes,” or
who is on the same “wavelength”. These are more than just metaphors,
they are accurate ways of describing the vibratory aspect of our reality.
Even quantum physics is all about wave interactions.

Resonance brings to mind cymatics, the study of wave motion. Vibration

alone is just a set of numbers describing amplitude, frequency, and
phase. But when vibration is applied to an object, the waves reflect upon
themselves, interfering to create standing waves with a unique geometric
arrangement. Cymatics is therefore the study of how sound converts into
geometry and vice versa.

For example, if a metal plate sprinkled with sand is vibrated by a tone

matching one of its resonant frequencies (matching the pitch at which the
plate naturally rings when struck), then standing waves arise in the plate.
The sand collects in areas where the waves are zero and helps visualize
what the standing waves look like, which gives rise to interesting patterns
unique to the tone applied. Here are some examples:

Which pattern forms depends on what resonant frequency is vibrated,

which in turn depends on the physical characteristics of the plate itself.
Anything that vibrates will contain standing waves. This includes bells,
tuning forks, resonant chambers, stones, etc. As long as the applied
frequency matches the object’s spectrum of resonant frequencies,
standing waves will result.

Our soul vibrates, its spectrum of frequencies depending on the soul’s

resonant characteristics. It is known that two tuning forks with the same
physical characteristics resonate with each other. Likewise, two people
resonate with each other when they share common soul elements. It is
important to note that simply having common interests is not enough to
cause resonance. There must also be a compatibility on the soul level
that you can feel.

Why? Because there is a difference between resonant vibrations and

forced vibrations. A tuning fork and a loudspeaker can both create a
certain tone, but only the tuning fork does so naturally. The loudspeaker
will not resonate with the tuning fork because the tone it generates is
forced and doesn’t arise from its natural mode of vibrations. Many of our
interests, personalities, hobbies, tastes, are “forced vibrations” consisting
of programs and memes working through us, just as electricity works
through a loudspeaker to generate sound. But that doesn’t mean these
things necessarily arise at the soul level. This explains why having
common interests or personalities isn’t enough – what’s internal is what
counts, as that is where resonance arises.

So what about resonating with a particular idea? In my case, the method

I use to construct my belief system is to question everything, and of all
that survives my questioning I take that which resonates as true. But how
does this resonance arise?

If we resonate with an idea, it is because we have at one time learned it

through personal experience. Let’s say your soul is like the metal plate,
and every lesson you learn impresses a new feature upon the plate that
adds to its spectrum of resonant frequencies. Then even if you forget all
the things you have learned consciously before, meaning even after the
tone is turned off, these impressions remain in your soul. The next time
the idea comes along (the tone sounds) it vibrates the corresponding
resonant frequency and you feel something “connect” or “ring true” even
though you have no immediate logical proof or reason to show why. To
fully retrieve this knowledge, it is then your job to reconstruct the logic
behind this intuitive impression and manifest that which you have once
learned but since forgotten.

This shows that many times, learning is actually an act of spiritual

remembering. This is best accomplished by exposing yourself to many
“tones” and paying attention to what resonates, then using the intellect to
give concrete substance to these amorphous intuitive impressions and
throw out what is false.

Have you ever read a book without much interest, and after reading it
again many months or years later find that you missed so much and it’s
actually really interesting and exciting? In that amount of time, you grew
to expand your spectrum of resonant frequencies, and therefore could
resonate with more of the book when you reread it. It’s like a metal plate
that sounds dull but after being hammered into a fine instrument
resonates brightly at many different tones.

The principle of seeking that which resonates with your soul applies not
only to reading material, but people and life experiences as well.
Resonance shows you the path of least resistance because it sets your
heart alight with enthusiasm and synchronizes you with the flow of life.
The more you choose to pursue that which resonates your soul, the
closer you get to superconductive existence. What vibrations you then
emit impress themselves upon the environment, aligning the events you
experience just as a resonating metal plate aligns the sand particles
sprinkled upon it. The beautiful geometry that arises then manifests in the
form of synchronicities and serendipitous opportunities.

Further Reading:

Cymatics: A Study of Wave Phenomena & Vibration – by Hans


04/30/2005 (esoteric)

There is a great metaphor for spiritual development: the planting and

harvesting of crop. A field is tilled and cleared of weeds, seeds are
planted, water and warmth spark germination, and sunshine grows the
seedling into a mature plant.

We begin as seeds, having the potential to become only what is within

our nature to become. A grape seed grows only into a grape vine, though
the exact shape of the vine varies from plant to plant. Likewise, we grow
only into what is in accordance with our destiny, what has been within us
since conception as unmanifest potential, but freewill uniquely shapes the
path we take in manifesting this potential.

The field represents our field of consciousness, and the soil represents
our soul. Just as the uncultivated soil is overgrown with weeds, so is the
uncultivated soul overrun by social programming and
biological/mechanical impulses. For the soul to flower, these programs
and impulses must be put under control. Unfortunately many seekers on
the path get stuck at this point, forever pulling weeds and never planting
seeds, puzzled as to why the field remains barren.

Only within the soil can a seed germinate. Likewise, only when we
recognized something within us that is of potentially greater value than
anything outside us do we set foot on the path to awakening. Some
people grasp for external means to enlightenment and never internalize
the ideas they superficially consume, ideas much like seeds roasted and
eaten by the bagful instead of planted with patience until they bear
perennial fruit.

Truth waters the soul. Positive emotions warm the soul. Together,
awareness and positivity provide the catalyst and energy for the soul to
blossom. People who hang on to bitterness, negativity, hatred,
depression, contempt, arrogance, and vengeance breathe iced air into
their souls. Even if one waters the soil with truth, without a positive
attitude the soil will become hardened with ice, the seeds frozen dormant.
When the season turns and the light of recognition and understanding
warms the soil, then progress resumes.

Once the seed breaks ground, it reaches for the sun and grows tall; the
seedling yearns to achieve its matured form. The stronger we yearn to
emulate our perfected state, the more perfect our path toward perfection,
the more complete our path toward completion, and the more fulfilling our
path toward fulfillment.

To summarize, spiritual growth requires that we:

1. discover and conquer our limiting programs and destructive

2. listen to the yearnings of our higher spirit and value its expression
more than any external distraction or superficial gimmick
3. find nourishment in truth, satisfaction in discovery
4. maintain a positive attitude
5. strive to think, feel, speak, and act as our highest Self would think,
feel, speak, and act.

05/18/2005 (esoteric)

Your waking experiences communicate to you symbolic messages in

much the same way as dreams do. After all, there is no difference
between dreams and reality other than how individual or collective is the
consciousness projecting it. Ultimately, both are just made of thought.

So it is useful to pay attention to things that catch your attention as you

go about your day. Here I’m talking about things that stand out from the
background noise of routine and statistical average. Signs, omens,
synchronicities, coincidences, improbabilities — these can be very subtle
or maybe not so subtle… it depends on how stubbornly rational you are.
One part of your mind may think “that’s a bit odd” and the other part says
“forget about it, it was nothing” and you forget about it as though it were

But if you only practice “reading” reality as though you were interpreting a
dream, then you have an additional dimension of information at your
service. Just as weathermen take measurements to predict the weather,
so can you measure your reality to identify patterns molding the future.
Just keep an open mind and don’t dismiss improbabilities when they
smack you in the face.

I must point out that there is danger in perceiving such clues or symbols
as absolutely reliable indicators. The future is always in flux and changes
in response to our awareness. We may experience symbolic
synchronistic precursors (omens) prior to something that can nonetheless
fail to manifest if we alter course based on our prescience. And to have
blind faith in the accuracy of synchronistic clues makes you vulnerable to
delusion and deception: delusion because if you misinterpret something
but fail to second guess your interpretation, you can descend into
madness through self-reinforcement of skewed perceptions, and
deception because certain hyperdimensional entities use false clues as
bait to fish for the spiritually gullible.
Therefore in order to avoid two errors, one involving rejecting reality clues
as subjective tricks of the mind and the other involving having blind faith
in their infallibility, a simple approach is in order: think of these clues as
questions. When these clues come to your attention, see them as simply
asking you to check up on the issue they communicate.

It’s a lot like people asking you questions. “What’s that burning smell?” —
and you suddenly remember the brownies you left in the oven. “Feeling a
bit stressed lately?” — well now that you think about it, yeah actually and
it’s taking its toll. “How about buying one of these fine Rolex watches for
your honey?” — uh, no thanks they look fake to me.

Check it… if everything’s fine, then great. If it’s not fine, then you can
thank reality for the reminder. And if the message has no validity and
seems a bit deceptive, then you are free to reject it.

06/12/2005 (esoteric)

Emotional negativity is a form of intoxication. It impairs perception and

judgment. The intellect becomes slave to emotion and begins defending
it, creating a vicious cycle in which thoughts bias perception and biased
perception reinforces negativity.

Soon the mind sees what it wants to see and finds endless reasons to
indulge in cynicism and depression — injustice, betrayal, suspicion,
despair, stupidity, etc…

In most cases, this downward spiral is initiated and sustained by

influences that have no basis in reason. The mind isn’t even aware of the
true reasons for its irritated or suppressed state. All it takes is a chemical
imbalance, an abrasive astrological influence, a trigger word stirring
some subconscious wound, a bad dream you don’t remember, or a small
irritation suddenly “ruining” your day.

But these are relatively benign aggravators. More serious ones include
psychic attack, entity attachments, subliminal persuasion through
implants, remote scalar modulation of emotional frequency rate, and
triggering of posthypnotic commands following abduction and mind

Nevertheless, the exact cause isn’t as important as the solution. When

you’re feeling down, you’re feeling down. How to climb out of that pit?

The biggest problem is that negative emotions limit perception, meaning

you fail to recognize, remember, or observe the positive side of things.
That is because when your emotional state is lowered, your focal point of
consciousness has descended into the baser self and is looking through
its dark eyes, identifying with its skewed perception.

The baser self is an infantile creature, both predator and victim. It enjoys
your suffering, your hatred and anger, your contempt and resentment.
Often we merge so closely with this creature that we feel what it feels,
which is why at some level we enjoy wallowing in negativity. But
remember this is not the real you — this is you feeling the pleasure your
baser self derives from the suffocation of your spirit. If you pay attention,
you will notice a part of your own mind in the background that is calm and
unaffected, that has to forget itself if it wants to indulge in the negative
wallowing. You can return to this calm observer mind, and from there
catapult yourself to a positive state.

When you are drowning in negativity you need a lifeline to pull yourself
back to shore. Something must lead from your drunken state to sober
state in order for you to follow. Without it, you are not equipped to make
that transition. It’s like trying to get home but being too drunk to walk, let
alone drive; best to have a sober friend help you.

One example of a self-reinforcing cycle is paranoia. This is a particulary

sticky trap for the intellect. Trying to reason your way out of biased
suspicions will only sink you deeper because a clever mind is clever at
coming up with rationalizations for its delusions. There are some
problems for which reason alone is insufficient. I learned this the hard
way and had to transcend reason in order to break out of the cycle, and
that hard-won lesson is the focus of this research note.

I eventually comprehended that breaking out of a vicious cycle requires

the injection of an element that originates outside that cycle of biased
logic. Otherwise the cycle is self-reinforcing. For instance, when the mind
alternates between sobriety and drunkenness, both states seem valid
and justified while one is experiencing them, even though only the first is
truly valid. Both sober and drunk people may believe they can drive well,
but the drunk ones are deluding themselves.

During states of what ultimately turned out to be unjustified negativity,

rather than reasoning my way out of it I simply pulled myself up a rope
leading toward a more balanced state. This rope is simply a prayer, an
affirmation, a meditation, an inspirational book — something mechanical
that serves as an aid in regaining balance. Only when emotions are
balanced is the mind qualified to make proper assessment of the facts.
Until then, a bit of faith is required in using what is basically an emotional
device, a lifeline.

As mentioned earlier, negativity clouds perception and subjectively

rearranges, distorts, and blots out the perceived facts. But a prayer,
meditation, sequence of spiritual facts coming from a place of sobriety
and anchored in place via print or rote memory, this survives any
transition you make into negativity and serves as a lifeline back to clarity
and balance.

Forget reasoning your way out of negativity — first get a grip on your
emotions. Break the cycle of subjectivity by contemplating a prewritten or
pre-memorized sequence of phrases that captures the essence of a
balanced perception. Yes this is a crutch, but it’s better to hobble than to
crawl. It’s the easiest method, a quick fix for desparate situations.

The reason it works is because you acknowledge that your perceptions

are skewed and thereby withdraw your energy from illusion. You also
acquire faith to temporarily put aside the petitions of the baser self and
instead wait for your vibes to lift before making any decisions or
conclusions. Once your emotional state has risen to equilibrium,
perception returns to normal and you are then in a better position to
make decisions and act upon them.

So the key is bypassing an intellect intoxicated with negative emotions by

turning your attention toward thoughts and feelings designated as sober
by sober sources. The only hard part is willing yourself to give it a try
since the baser self is very reluctant to give up its joyride and will initially
resist through you. Do it anyway. Become aware of the calm observer at
the center of your self-awareness, and then shift gears by using a lifeline.

If this idea appeals to you, try creating your own lifeline to call upon when
necessary. The one I use employs a hermetic axiom stating that
vibrations can be changed in degrees. So starting with the most negative
of positive emotions, sorrow, I raise myself degree by degree. For
illustrative purposes, here is one that works for me:

Sorrow for the wounded,

Compassion for the wounded.
Understanding of the ignorant,
Acceptance of the ignorant.
To know that everything has been in its right place,
Is in its right place, and will continue to be in its right place.
That’s why I have comfort in the past,
Gratitude in the present, and hope for the future.
I thank the Universe for this opportunity
To live and shine my light,
To guide and be guided,
To love and be loved.

Here, each line is pondered in its full meaning before going to the next.
That is important, as the mechanical serves only as a template for your
emotional, intellectual, and spiritual to follow. Just mumbling the words
without thought does nothing. You can boil them down to just a sequence
of words: sorrow, compassion, understanding, acceptance, relief, hope,
gratitude, love, purpose.

Sometimes it is enough to turn within and focus on the feeling of

profound peace. Actually, with sufficient willpower and focus you can
dispense with mechanical tools altogether and simply turn within,
remember your spiritual self, and thereby raise yourself to an exalted

But when under severe pressure, and here I mean an all out
hyperdimensional “lesson,” (they hit you from the inside and outside
simultaneously, at your weakest spots at your weakest moments) the
mechanical method is a literal godsend.
Reality Creation: Intending vs Requesting

08/19/2005 (esoteric)

Some say we have power to create our own reality, that through belief
and intent we can and should specify our personal future. And yet
experience shows reality is already predicated upon a design more
elegant than anything we can specify through our ephemeral desires.

Others therefore say we should go with the flow and accept what comes.
And yet experience shows that while some things are destined, more
mundane things are left to choice — if not choice, then chance. The law
of chance is without design and without mercy, and abandoning the
responsibility to choose invites the law of chance into one’s life with often
unpleasant consequences.

The bigger things in life we cannot change. The smaller things we can.
Life is a river whose flow we cannot reverse, yet we have freedom to
navigate within that flow. Near the shore we move slowly and roughly;
near the center we move quickly and smoothly. We can humbly accept
the bigger things and still actively direct the smaller things. We can and
we must. But how?

For what is within our power and wisdom to specify, we may intend. For
what is beyond our power to direct or wisdom to specify, we may make a
request. Intending and requesting are two of the most powerful tools we
have for shaping our experiences within the framework of destiny.

Intend for the mundane things you know you need. Intend for a good
parking spot, intend for the perfect product or service at the perfect price,
intend for a good job when you’re looking for one, intend for a positive
and exciting day, intend for anything that is inconsequential to destiny
and respects freewill. Intend or it will be left to chance.

Be specific when you intend. Mentally outline or visualize what you want.
This sharpens the focus of conscious energy upon that selected probable
future. If you want a blue shirt under ten dollars, then visualize the blue
shirt and intend that it be under ten dollars. If you want compensation for
the money you just spent on a book, then intend that you be doubly
compensated. If you want a safe road trip, then go over each potential
complication and intend that it not arise. Whatever your intent, be
specific. You are projecting your own energy into the matrix of probable
futures and selecting a particular one to manifest.

For the more important things, make requests. Request knowledge,

wisdom, insight, guidance, protection. Request an answer to a puzzling
question, request illumination, request that you learn your lessons as
smoothly and efficiently as possible, request that you are given the best
opportunities for fulfilling your potential. You cannot intend for these
because they are beyond your wisdom to accurately specify. Therefore
leave their fulfillment to the discretion of wiser forces like your positive
Higher Self, the Universe, and divine forces. Be general and earnest in
your request, and have faith and patience. By being general you leave
the outcome entirely open and thereby allow possibilities to manifest that
you could never have imagined.

Intending is commanding, and when done wisely commanding is the

proper exercise of spiritual power. Over time reality will tell you what is
mundane and what is significant, and you’ll get better at intending for
what is within your place to intend.

Requesting is humbly knocking on the door to assistance by wiser forces.

Such forces respect freewill and only assist when you request. Never
requesting anything keeps the door closed. Disappointment means reality
has something better in store for you at a better time.

Requesting when you should be intending is a form of wishing and only

robs you of power. Intending when you should be requesting spits in the
face of higher wisdom and is a display of spiritual hubris, while intending
for what clearly goes against destiny and freewill is black magic. The
lesson: don’t pray to Jesus for a new car, intend for a new car; don’t
command reality into unraveling for you a mystery, request it or else you
might learn the right thing at the wrong time or wrong thing at the right
time. To intend is to command, to request is to ask.
Requesting is easy. When you feel like you need assistance, call up from
within the feeling of gratitude and humility, then state your request
verbally while paying full attention to the meaning of your request.
Remain silent for several seconds and wait to receive a feeling of comfort
that your request has been acknowledged. Then go away in certainty and
relief that your request will be answered in the right way at the right time.

Intending is also easy. Just hold in your mind exactly what it is you want
and then go do something else. Just like ordering something through the
mail. In between intending and manifesting must be a temporary period
of forgetting. If you want a good parking spot, give yourself enough time
to forget about your intent before you get there. If you are intending for a
good day, do it when you first wake up. This gives reality some breathing
room to reshuffle the timeline.

The only real difference between intending and requesting is whom you
address and how specific or general your intent. By intending, you
acknowledge yourself as the source of power influencing reality. By
requesting, you humbly address forces wiser and more powerful than

Attention freezes the object of attention, so restlessly anticipating

something will put it off. This is simple quantum mechanics. The sooner
you think about something else the sooner reality can get to work.
Anticipation kills the future – it is better to have doubt than to anticipate, it
is better to have patience than doubt, and there is no easier way to be
patient than keeping yourself busy with other things.

These are metaphysical tools to catalyze the flow of experience and

assist rather than undermine destiny. Most people only understand the
physical side of life, that getting anywhere requires planning and physical
action. Of course, doing is central to getting anything done, but direct
action is only part of the equation. To summarize the rest: intend wisely,
request earnestly, and go with the flow gracefully.
Where are the Good Guys?

11/03/2005 (esoteric)

The “Forces of Light” do more to show the door than to force people to
walk through it. That is the idea behind the Law of Non-Interference or
Non-Intervention. And the door must be shown in a careful way to
maximize freewill.

There are some people who either cannot or will not currently choose
higher knowledge. What will the Forces of Light do about them? Nothing
really, except make sure that those who have chosen the light of love and
wisdom are given just enough protection and guidance to pull their own
weight and face their own consequencies without unnecessary

The times ahead will see increasing polarization, a turning up of the

contrast. When you increase the contrast of a murky photo, rather than
everything becoming brighter, dark gets darker while light gets lighter.
Likewise, there will be entire segments of the population who will become
stronger in their ignorance and darkness as time goes on, while others
will rise into spiritual empowerment.

The first will sink into apathy, depravity, nihilism, denial, psychopathy,
delusion, and destructiveness. If all you see is that side of the equation,
then you may understandably believe we’re all doomed. But that sinking
counterweight is paralleled by an equal and opposite rising of those who
are open to spiritual growth, those who are engaging their own intuition,
intelligence, and goodwill toward the spirit within others. While they may
not grow much in number, they will indeed grow in strength and power.
Number isn’t everything; sometimes it’s more about quality.

The Forces of Light are performing surgery on our planet… that means a
delicate operation that works through us rather than upon us. It appears
to involve incarnating into human bodies and turning over the system
from the inside while the other half of the team stays in the higher realms
and makes sure those below get a fair shot at doing their jobs.
So why don’t they just burst in with phasers blazing, take out the corrupt
shadow elite, and free humanity from tyranny and deception? Partly
because a large portion of humanity has yet to learn to be responsible,
strong, independent, and discerning by going through a collective dark
night of the soul. They have yet to be initiated via trial by fire.
Consequently, they are weak, ignorant, and complacent.

If dark forces were to disappear right now in an instant, one half of the
problem would be solved. But the other half, people’s freewill decisions to
support the Matrix Control System and their vice for suffering abuse and
manipulation, that half cannot be eradicated. Even if aliens came down
right now and provided evidence of the shadow elite’s manipulation of
human history and what the negative aliens have been up to, it would be
ineffective at the current point in time. People seeing that on a television
screen isn’t the same as living through it and being forced to fight it due
to having nothing left to lose.

Look how scared and pacified Americans are today; protests are
symbolic gestures rather than fights for survival. So long as the internet
works, television glows, grocery stores are filled with beer and potato
chips, and roads are open for travel, nothing will change collectively
because people will always have a cozy shell to withdraw into and
thereby ignore the problems of the world. It’s only when their backs are
up against the wall that their mettle will be tested.

And for that reason, even if the “New World Order” went poof, the
weakness, ignorance, and complacency would remain. Within three or
four generations, a new generation of psychopaths would be in power
again because a nation of sheep begets a government of wolves. So the
dark presence on earth serves an educational purpose up to a point, and
until that point is reached, total open intervention by positive forces would
be detrimental to mankind’s spiritual evolution.

The other issue is that things are proceeding along a curriculum that
benefits multiple sides, thus neither positive nor negative forces seek to
shortchange that progression. For instance, if free energy technology
were unleashed upon the world this very moment, that would change
things so drastically that a lot of the learning lessons or world events that
masses have yet to go through will be denied. It’s like a movie whose
dilemma is suddenly resolved halfway through, then the rest of the movie
is a waste of time.

That is why free energy inventors who are too overzealous in getting their
stuff out there receive preventative assassination from the dark powers,
and why the forces of light do not have much authority in helping them
prematurely end the world script.

It’s been said that alien disclosure or free energy release would crash the
economy, lead to wars and famine, and undermine civilization due to all
the chaos it would case. But if the world has already gone through
economic collapse, wars and famine, and an overturning of civilization
due to chaos, then alien disclosure and free energy dissemination can
happen because it simply can’t get any worse. And by then, the lesson
will have been learned.

Thankfully, in parallel to the destruction of the old, there will also be an

arising of a new positive civilization based on gnostic, spiritual, meta-
technological principles. But that, too, takes time.

So… everything in time. It takes faith. Forget the ignorant people, put
aside the darkness, focus on what is lightening up within you, focus on
what is awakening within the few people that you know to be waking up.
Strength matters more than number. There is a plan, and it is being
implemented, but it must also be subtle and delicate and sophisticated,
and it must be executed with masterful timing. We know from personal
experience that synchronicity and destiny work with masterful timing in
our own lives. Can this force of synchronicity not also work globally?
Perhaps the positive intervention is so sophisticated that not even we, the
foot-soldiers, are always aware of its workings.
Awareness of Negativity

11/19/2005 (esoteric)

After pondering whether one can still maintain a positive attitude without
shunning awareness of negativity, I came to some tentative conclusions. I
think most agree that gaining awareness is a good thing. But different
people have different opinions on what is worth knowing. So perhaps you
only need to learn what you need to know, and what you need to know
may not be precisely the same as what another needs to know. And
because of this difference, you will not find as worthwhile to know what
another finds worthy, which can be taken the wrong way if they think
you’re dissing their interests by not fully appreciating what they

But what is worth knowing, and what is not so worth knowing? For me, I
don’t feel a need to know baseball statistics, what happened in the third
season of Law and Order, how to crochet, how many Palestinians were
killed by Israelis last month versus this month, how to write well in
cursive, string theory, the latest editorials on gay marriage, or why so
many people hate Obama (because I knew that already in 2008).

Yet sports fanatics could call me a wuss for not following baseball, TV
fans could call me lame for not following Law and Order, and political
activists could call me ignorant for not paying attention to the latest news
from the Middle East. And likewise if I told them I cared to know the
principles of spirituality, how to use my intuition together with critical
thinking, how the hyperdimensional dark forces operate and ways to
counter their methods, etc… these folks would go “Huh? You’re crazy,

So that tells me that different people have different value systems and
different levels of openness to higher orders of objectivity. There’s a huge
difference between degrees of objectivity and orders of objectivity. The
first just means becoming more refined in your knowledge of some
particular area, while the second means transcending it to find knowledge
that matters more in the big scheme of things.
Political awareness is of a higher order than awareness of sports
statistics, but metaphysical awareness is of a higher order than political.
If you don’t know the difference between degree and order, then
someone whose knowledge is of a higher order will seem to you like
being of a lesser degree, and you’ll surely call him/her stupid and
ignorant for not concentrating energy where you place it.

Anyway, here are some questions I ask to determine whether something

is really worth knowing:

Is this something I really need to know?

Does it make me a better person?
Will it save me trouble later if I learn it now?
Does it tell me something important I didn’t already know?
Does it help me remember what I’ve known all along but forgot?
Will it straighten out my dilemmas, confusions, misperceptions, and
Will it empower me in some way?
Will it help me better understand myself and my relation to the
Will it bring me closer to fulfilling my potential?
Will this be important one day, even if it seems not as applicable
right now?
Does this free me from manipulation that happens solely because
I’m unaware of it?
Is this at all relevant to helping me understand and do what I am
here to do?
Does this in any way assist me being who I really am?
What would happen if I went without knowing it?

One reason I bring this up is because certain news stories are just old
news to me, yet they have a very definite emotional shock component. I
mean, they are written to make you relive whatever the latest victim lived
through, all in the name of keeping you informed about the world. Now,
the idea behind transmuting negative to positive is that when you are
given a new bit of needed awareness, it might be shocking and if you’re
not present in yourself then you can succumb to a mechanical negative
reaction that depletes your vital energy reserves. Transmutation is a way
of getting awareness without losing energy or injuring your subtle body.

But if a news story has nothing that you truly need to know beyond the
headline, then just exposing yourself to the shock is like dropping
quarters into an empty vending machine. Shocks in themselves are not
the point, otherwise you might as well buy and watch the entire Faces of
Death DVD set and become “knowledgeable” on what it’s like to die in a
hundred different ways.

So for the sake of being impeccable with your energy, you better get a
return of knowledge for energy invested, which means discerning what
you need to know and transmute whatever negative energy you generate
into positive. But how to transmute? Well, knowledge itself is empty if
merely memorized, but if you observe yourself, turn within and get a flash
of insight about how that knowledge fits into the bigger picture, if you
receive an inner sense of recognition that brings about true
understanding, then that in itself is what reverses the polarity from
negative to positive and quantum leaps you to a higher order of
Physical vs Metaphysical Conspiracy

12/06/2005 (esoteric)

Something to keep in mind is that dark forces operate on both

metaphysical and physical levels. Most redpills are familiar with the
physical side of the conspiracy: Federal Reserve, Bush/Obama,
Iraq/Afghanistan, Bilderberg, Trilaterialists, international bankers,
engineered genocide, JFK, media propaganda, etc… You can watch this
conspiracy unfold in the news.

Waking up to what’s going on in the world is important. But this calls for
caution when you consider the metaphysical side of the conspiracy:
higher density controllers, soul frequency manipulation, spiritual
disinformation, timeline steering, and so on. In short, dark forces can
further their metaphysical conspiracy by exploiting the very avenues that
seem to undermine the physical conspiracy.

Take the news, for instance. Awareness of world events gives you a
certain level of lucidity concerning what we’re facing. Getting “outraged”
at shocking stories of corruption and injustice can make you feel self-
righteous, motivated, and awake. But from a metaphysical point of view, if
this bitterness leads to persistent pessimism and a darkening of your
heart, then despite getting politically smarter you become spiritually
dimmer. This has metaphysical consequences that outweigh anything
gained through awareness of the physical conspiracy. Political revolution
without spiritual evolution has lead to all the tyrannical “-isms” of history.

Why is metaphysics important? Because by thinking, perceiving, and

acting at that level you can do things that are impossible on the physical.
It is a greater order of power that works on the quantum, chaotic,
nonlinear level of reality. Dimming your spiritual light through emotional
preoccupation with lesser orders of awareness screws you over at that
deeper level. It cuts you off from those higher abilities and perceptions
you need to really make a difference.

This makes no sense to those who are stubbornly stuck in the physical
ways of doing things. They simply lack the context to think outside their
material paradigms. This doesn’t mean darkness can be erased through
denial; the opposite, in fact… but awareness must be of a higher order
than mere physical.

Being metaphysically potent means acting according to a higher

understanding of how consciousness shapes experience and vice versa.
It requires being aware of both the physical and metaphysical currents of
experience. Read my article Realm Dynamics for some relevant concepts
to ponder.

Some might wonder, “But being that we are third density, how are we to
know what fourth density principles are and how to apply them?” Well,
remember that the lower realms are subset of the higher, meaning that
the workings of the higher are all around and within us. By being
observant and intuitive yet discerning, you can put the pieces together
and learn some things. All you have to do is try, make your best guess,
test it out, and learn through trial and error.

The agnostic mind likes to moan, “but how can we even know such a
thing?”, “but how can we be sure?”, “but how can we know we’re not
deceiving ourselves?” — but but but… By taking your best step instead of
vacillating over whether it is the absolutely right step, you can get much
farther in the long run. Nothing is without risk, and errors of belief aren’t
that big of a deal if you learn from your mistakes.

So to summarize, it is important not to fall for the metaphysical

conspiracy by ignorantly limiting yourself to mere understanding of the
physical conspiracy. Countering the metaphysical deceptions requires
opening your eyes and your heart and studying up the occult, alien,
esoteric side of existence. In other words, be aware and be positive,
strive to know yourself as much as you seek to know the world, and get
to know the metaphysical world just as much as the physical. That is
balance… that is covering all your bases.
Time Speeding Up

10/09/2006 (esoteric)

Some people believe time is speeding up. This idea is based on

observation that the difference between subjective and objective
assessments of time has increased over the past decade. For instance,
time seems to be flying by faster than ever, or what used to take several
years to accomplish now seems to be taking place in just a couple. In the
2012 paradigm, this idea serves to correlate the prophesied dissolution of
time with immediate personal observations. I believe two simultaneous
phenomena are contributing to this perception.

The first is that there has been an ongoing reduction in novelty among
trivial trends. This means an increase in routine and repetition in all
things mundane, both personal and cultural. Television, internet, games,
and texting have also become more deeply embedded in modern life,
increasing the amount of time we spend being mentally asleep during the
day, decreasing the quality and quantity of memories. Due to distraction,
repetition, and routine, the recent past offers less memorable content to
reflect upon and thus appears shortened. When consulting the calendar
we therefore notice the days flying by.

The second is a simultaneous increase in novelty among spiritually

significant trends. Rate of growth among receptive individuals in terms of
awareness and emotional maturity is accelerating. You may have
changed more in the past two years than you did in the five years before
that. When more personal growth is crammed into a shorter amount of
time, it appears that things have picked up pace and more ground is
being covered more quickly.

The combination of “days flying by” and “having come so far in so few
years” contributes to our perception that time is speeding up. These may
both be symptomatic of the shift from 3D to 4D if we recognize that linear
time is giving way to nonlinear time, that priorities are shifting from the
trivial to the spiritual in accordance with the 2012 and related paradigms.
Linear time is measured in increments of trivialities such as astronomical
or atomic motions, while nonlinear time is delineated in increments of
freewill progressions and growth of consciousness. With a shift of
priorities, trivialities fade into a repeating background pattern while
spiritual events (leaps in awareness and maturity) increase in their
frequency and novelty, both of which lead to the perception that time is
speeding up for different reasons.

We may extrapolate this accelerating trend into the future and conclude
that in the end, linear time will mean nothing and nonlinear time will mean
everything. Or to put it another way, trivialities and the calendar will cease
to exist for us altogether while increments of spiritual progress and
freewill choices will be the new standard.

There is another interesting trend worth noting, which is that the more
recently a person awakens from programmed sleep and into the pursuit
of truth, the more rapid his or her growth from that point onward. I know
several people who started their paths in the 1960s and 70s, and it took
them about two decades to complete the first pass of their research, to
come full circle and finally see the bigger picture. My awakening began in
1993 and I did not reach that point until 2003, so about a decade. Those I
know who began in 2001 reached it by 2004, so three years. Now I am
coming across people who are doing it in under a year, sometimes just a
few months.

Part of that trend is due to the increased availability, quality, diversity, and
accessibility of information pertaining to matters of truth. Those of the 60s
and 70s had books, newsletters, telephone, personal meetings and mail
correspondence. Then came fax machines, personal computers, BBS
networks, personal printing and photocopying. Then came easy
duplication of storage media, the internet with its websites, forums, and
radio shows, and now we have broadband internet, wifi spots, p2p
filesharing and free video streaming. For all its downsides, recent
technology has served to accelerate the awakening, albeit indirectly and
at the risk of de-socialization.

Another factor behind that trend may involve the fact that it doesn’t matter
when or how we start, but when and where we end up. In other words, it
doesn’t matter that someone started early but took longer while another
starts late and through some crash courses has reached similar levels of
awareness. What matters is that when the time comes, people are on the
same page and capable of carrying out what they came here to do, and
so those who start late will indeed have to learn more quickly to be ready
in time.

I think both the technological and metaphysical parts are related, the first
serving the latter as part of some greater plan. And yes, I am aware that
Ahrimanic/NWO forces are behind the flowering of technology, that the
internet is the perfect device for profiling dissenters and so on, however
the dark side takes a gamble with everything it does and risks having its
means unexpectedly judo-flipped into accomplishing unintentionally
positive ends.

Now if we project this trend into the future, we can see that there will be
an increasing number of people awakening, and they will have to get with
the picture quicker than ever, perhaps due to the simple spreading of
awareness among those desperate for answers in increasingly desperate
times. This suggests that demand will skyrocket along with the availability
and quality of information, but supply can only meet demand if there are
more sources available to provide it, more people refining and providing
it. We cannot expect technology like the internet to stick around forever,
and so dissemination of guidance and information may increasingly shift
towards personal rather than technological methods.

In a practical sense, for us this means we would do well to initially

become better educated on matters of truth and grow more skilled in
communicating them. It is a good idea to become more streamlined,
discerning, and capable of providing primary sources like books,
websites, or videos to the receptive when the occasion arises. Why?
Both to increase our capacity to meet the potential future demand, and to
presently act as a channel for synchronicity to trigger the awakening and
empowerment of others.
Active Dreaming

12/22/2006 (esoteric)

It is possible to enter a lucid dream directly from waking. Usually this

entails lying down, relaxing, and allowing the body to fall asleep while the
mind stays awake. Difficulties include falling asleep along with the body,
or the body staying awake with the mind. Decoupling body and mind so
that the latter can stay awake while the body falls asleep is difficult but

The Process of Sleep

To enter normal sleep we begin by letting our thoughts wander until they
turn into daydreams that either dissolve into oblivion along with our self-
awareness and volition or else spontaneously evolve into hypnagogic
imagery (short vivid hallucinations) that eventually cohere into a full-
blown three dimensional dreamscape.

Whether drifting off takes us into oblivion or into a vivid dreamscape can
depend on how far we are into our nightly sleep cycle. Early in the cycle,
sleep tends to consist of delta brainwave activity and no REM (rapid eye
movement), which indicates consciousness is off elsewhere. Most likely
the soul is running its astral errands while the body does its repairs. Later
in the cycle after these tasks are out of the way, or when taking a nap,
the delta stage is replaced by immediate onset of hypnagogic and REM
activity after mental relaxation. But these are passive dreams since lack
of lucidity in them implies impaired volition.

Why are dreams so much more vivid than imagination? Because the
images are being projected by the subconscious, not the conscious mind.
Why do we lose self-awareness when we go to sleep? Because as we let
our thoughts wander, the subconscious starts to influence our
consciously projected internal images (imagination, visualization,
daydreaming, mind chatter) while the conscious mind takes on a more
passive and self-obliterating role. Not long after that, the subconscious
takes over the role of projector and that is when mere mental images
become virtual realities. The trade-off is that we have already abandoned
ourselves by the time the dream projection kicks in.

We can understand the various states of internal imagery as being the

result of either the conscious subconscious either directing or projecting
these images:

active dreaming: conscious directs while subconscious projects.

passive dreaming: subconscious directs and projects.

daydreaming: subconscious directs while conscious projects.

visualizing: conscious directs and projects.

Inducing lucid dreams from a waking state therefore requires that the
conscious mind retain its awareness and volition while the subconscious
is given free reign to begin projecting the dreamscape. The prerequisite
is total relaxation of the body, usually done in a step-wise fashion from
head to toe, either by focusing on relaxing a particular body region, or
tensing and releasing that region. A good exhausting workout that leaves
you wiped out can also accomplish this.

Watching Phosphenes

One method of keeping your mind awake while falling asleep involves
watching the phosphene images behind closed eyelids. These are the
glowing blobs of static noise patterns that always fill our vision but are
more easily noticed in the dark. Unlike passive dreaming, this keeps
one’s visual faculties active and focused on real sense impressions
instead of turning within and getting lost in consciously projected
daydreams or visualizations.

Why is this important? Because notice that in dreams your “eyes” are
focused on an environment existing “outside” you, seemingly as real as
anything you might see with your physical eyes while awake. Also notice
that in a dream, despite both your thoughts and the dreamscape being all
“in your head”, you can still imagine things internally that are separate
from the surrounding dreamscape. This means that the full blown 3D
dreamscape is always perceived as an external phenomenon to your five
senses, than mere imagination which is internal and runs in parallel to
your surroundings. So staring out into the field of phosphenes involves a
similarly externalized point of focus, even though eyes are closed. In this
way, one aspect of the dream experience (the external visual focus) is
already established. It therefore does not take long for hypnagogic
images to start up this way, although these can startle one back into full
consciousness. With repeated exposure they become less startling,
especially if you cultivate a calm, detached, nonplussed attitude and ease
into these images without becoming self-conscious and excited, which
can snap you awake.

The next issue is becoming so quickly absorbed in the phosphenes and

hypnagogic images that one loses self-awareness before the
subconscious is ready to begin fully projecting a dreamscape. To counter
this, a second technique may be employed: quickly opening and shutting
your eyes every two or three breaths. This allows enough real sense data
to come in, and is so intentionally controlled, that the mind has better
chances of staying alert. And yet since this involves mere movement of
the eyelids, the rest of the body is not prevented from doing its thing to
fall asleep. One can keep this up until the hypnagogic state kicks in, then
continue watching those and the phosphenes.

Sleep Paralysis

Very soon the body falls asleep by entering sleep paralysis, which feels
like a sudden sinking, melting, tingling feeling. This is not your body going
numb with boredom from having lain still for an hour. Sleep paralysis
comes with a release of the soul from the physical body, and that induces
the sinking or melting feeling. You may also notice your breathing
suddenly becoming deeper, effortless, and automatic as the
parasympathetic nervous system takes over. If your mind is still highly
active, your breathing restricted, and your body simply numb from lack of
stimulation then you’re not in sleep paralysis. You literally have to fall
asleep, but with your awareness intact.
The subconscious is then at the verge of fully projecting the dreamscape,
and one has only to retain enough self-awareness throughout the onset
of sleep paralysis to allow the final consciously directed nudge to kick off
a dream. (After catching your body falling asleep, before a dream begins
you can visualize and intend to roll out of bed and that will induce an
astral projection instead of a dream). Or you can visualize something and
“get into it” and that will initiate a dream.

It is the intent combined with visualization that puts the subconscious fully
online, and a dream begins. Then you can do reality checks (flipping a
light switch, looking for inconsistencies) or astral checks (seeing your
body still in bed with correct clothes on) and lucidly go from there.

Take note that because this technique requires immediate access to

REM sleep, it must be done after already having slept five or six hours, or
during the day when napping. If you’ve had a long day and are beat, and
crawl into a cozy bed for lights out, you’ll have a tough time retaining
awareness and your brain won’t initiate heavy REM activity right away.
Rudolf Steiner talked about remaining aware regardless as being a
qualification for occult initiation, and that in doing so you get to witness
what happens during the delta non-dream sleep. He says one visits the
spirit realm and experiences things there are harmonies and colors
(which is probably all that the conscious mind can decode of that
experience at first, whereas the subconscious or higher mind during this
experience is probably having a very involved time “up there”). But for
active dreaming purposes, later in the sleep cycle or during a nap is

Some induction techniques start off with visualization, whereby the

conscious mind directs and projects mental imagery until the
subconscious takes over the role of projector. The above technique of
staring into the phosphene void and looking at hypnagogic imagery that
arises does not use intentional visualization until the final nudge, thereby
allowing the subconscious to start projecting more easily because it does
not have to wrestle that role away from the conscious. To repeat,
visualization is not necessary until the final stage when the body is
asleep, otherwise it might interfere with the subconscious stepping into its
role as projector. You can indeed use visualization, and Steiner’s method
as well as Theun Mares’ method employ that, whereby an imagined
visual suddenly blooms to life when the subconscious takes over and
turns it into a dream experience (Steiner himself got that technique from
Goethe, who wrote of experiencing exactly such a imagination -> dream


Why is active dreaming important? Because it allows access to the

dreaming faculty at will and is therefore more repeatable at will compared
to other methods of lucid dream induction involving autosuggestion,
dream signs, periodic reality checks, and so on. However it is also more
difficult to implement due to having to be conscious the moment the body
falls asleep. But like any activity that requires finesse, whether hitting a
golf ball or parallel parking, it can be trained with practice.

When you have achieved this state, which Robert Monroe termed “mind
awake, body asleep” then you are effectively on a launch platform for
dreaming, astral projecting, scrying, remote viewing, healing, entity
evocations, past life exploration, spirit releasement therapy,
subconscious reprogramming, communicating with the higher self, etc.
This state of mind, which some claim consists of theta brain waves
overlapped with high frequency gamma waves, is the state from which
most occult maneuvers are performed.

Mnemonic Anchoring

When the body has entered its melted tingly state, it is possible to anchor
this mnemonically using some tongue position, breathing pattern, eye
movement, visualized sequence of symbols, hand mudra, or command
phrase. When the anchor is repeatedly associated with this state, later
the anchor can be invoked to cause the body to reflexively enter the
state, dramatically shortening the induction procedure. But creating the
association takes much repetition. Theun Mares’ technique and the Silva
Method employ such mnemonic triggers.

Trance Clairvoyance
If the dream state is induced with the eyes open, then visual perceptions
are no longer filtered or interpreted by the normal waking linear mind.
Some data streams include energy patterns that normally escape our
perception, such as etheric critters, thoughtforms, machinery, or
intelligent beings positioned around us. What we see while in this state,
or at least the visual image of it, is not actually outside of us but rather
projected onto our field of vision from within by the subconscious. The
subconscious projector overlays upon the visual field an interpretation of
the incoming data stream. It is like an internal HUD (heads up display).
Science attributes these to hypnopompic hallucinations, but I doubt these
images are always mere phantasms.

Be informed, however, that this state of clairvoyance is not the only way
to be clairvoyant. True clairvoyants aren’t in sleep paralysis and halfway
detached from their bodies. They are fully in their bodies, however their
souls have grown psychic appendages that act as periscopes or
transceivers to the occult realm. In this way they can be awake, walking
and talking, while peering into the etheric data layer of existence.

Direct Etheric Data Access

You may have noticed that dreams communicate to us messages from

the subconscious via symbolic images, plays on words, and allegorical
themes. But really the subconscious is just a portal to intelligences
outside our linear conscious minds, one of these being the higher self or
higher mind. The dream projection, which employs the visual sense
mostly, is therefore an indirect communicator allowing information flow
across the conscious/subconscious gap. It is possible to do away with the
visual aspect entirely and allow direct communion between yourself and
the higher self, or at least between your consciousness and the true
essence of things rather than their visually interpreted representation.
With eyes open, rather than seeing interpretations of the data stream one
could, after sufficient levels of development, experience the data directly
— this would be equivalent to seeing the “code of the matrix” so to speak.

Exploring inner space can therefore be quite productive, and it is the
most rewarding and immediately evident superior alternative to
technological substitutes that threaten to disconnect us from our
conscious abilities. In terms of detail and effects, lucid dreams far
surpass any available video gaming system. Of course it is easier to hit a
power button than train to actively dream, but the thought that we carry
within us such untapped power does evoke awe.
Law of Attraction vs Law of Awareness

02/14/2007 (esoteric)

The Law of Attraction says that you synchronistically attract from the
outside what you resonate with on the inside, or that you can bring into
your life what you momentarily strongly focus upon. So by having an
optimistic attitude and focusing on success one attracts these, while
having a cynical depressed attitude attracts negative experiences.

At the same time, however, experience shows that negative possibilities

manifest when we least expect them, that anticipating them is what
actually keeps them from happening.

So how can focusing on negative possibilities attract them in one case,

and prevent them in another? That is the paradox to address in this

All we have to do is look at some typical cases and find the one rule that
accounts for them all. Consider the following:

You think in a matter-of-fact way about everything that could go

wrong, and find that by doing so things actually turn out surprisingly

You adopt an optimistic happy-go-lucky attitude and pretty soon

positive opportunities come to you synchronistically.

You consciously intend for safe passage or protection and receive it.

You experience the one accident or problem you didn’t expect.

You have a gnawing dread that things will go wrong, but ignore this
feeling and avoid thinking about it, and sure enough things do go

You have a deep-seated fear, your mind is constantly preoccupied

with all the ways this fear can come true, and soon the very thing
you feared does indeed manifest.

You have an optimistic attitude but ignore thinking about negative

possibilities, and eventually something bad happens that you are not
prepared to handle.

I have experienced all of these myself and know plenty of others who
have as well. So these cases can be taken as factual data points. Each
represents one expression of a single unified reality principle. By
pondering what they all have in common and how they all differ, it is
possible to piece together the principle.

To me it all boils down to this:

1) Awareness, anticipation, and conscious attention select or block


2) Emotional resonance, root assumptions, and subconscious beliefs

attract them.

When you expect various negative possibilities, are you merely aware of
them, or do you really believe deep down that they are inevitable and
therefore dread them in some way? The difference is between prudence
and paranoia, between mental anticipation and emotional investment.

You can be aware of a negative possibility while having zero emotional

investment in it, like casually crossing the street after having looked both
ways to avoid getting hit, yet without a single pang of fear as a young
child might have when crossing alone for the first time. And you can be in
emotional resonance with something while not even thinking about it
consciously, like having deeply suppressed issues gnawing away at your
subconscious despite your denying them on the surface.

Let’s see how this applies to the various cases:

You think in a matter-of-fact way about everything that could go

wrong, and find that by doing so things actually turn out
surprisingly well.
By anticipating these negative possibilities, you become aware of
them. Since awareness blocks, these fail to manifest. Being matter-
of-fact keeps you nonchalant and prudent (instead of fearful and
paranoid) and without emotional investment in those negative
possibilities you do not attract them either. And after consistently
noticing this technique leads to good results, despite your conscious
expectation of problems each time, your underlying confidence in the
technique ensures that your emotions / subconscious / soul-energy
resonate with and attract a positive outcome.

You adopt an optimistic happy-go-lucky attitude and pretty

soon positive opportunities come to you synchronistically.

Positive emotions and an optimistic attitude attract outcomes that

reinforce those very feelings, and so these manifest in synchronistic
ways. But because negative outcomes are not acknowledged here,
while you are not attracting them, you are not necessarily blocking
them either. So they can still happen.

You consciously intend for safe passage or protection and

receive it.

Here you are mentally focusing on the idea of being protected from
harm, and emotionally resonating with same. Awareness plays the
role of selecting that outcome to the exclusion of all others, while
emotion attracts and somewhat anchors it into place. So although
you are not blocking negative possibilities by thinking specifically of
all the ways things could go wrong, and instead are merely selecting
one positive outcome where all goes well, the fact that the positive
outcome is also attracted through resonance gives it superior priority
for manifestation over those negative outcomes that would otherwise
manifest as a matter of chance.

You experience the one accident or problem that you did not

Without being aware of that possibility, you neither blocked its

manifestation nor selected an exclusively better alternative to anchor
into place through resonance. So it was free to manifest, and
anything from resonance to random chance to malicious intent by
others could nudge it onto your path.

You have a gnawing dread that things will go wrong, but ignore
this feeling and avoid thinking about it, and sure enough things
do go wrong.

The perfect recipe for disaster. Not only do you resonate with and
attract the negative possibility through ego insecurity, self-destructive
beliefs, paranoia, or fear, but by refusing to even think about them in
a strategically preventive manner you give them wide berth to

You have a deep-seated fear, your mind is constantly

preoccupied with all the ways this fear can come true, and soon
the very thing you feared does indeed manifest.

Even worse, here you do think about the negative possibilities but in
a way that actually selects them for reinforcement by a negative
attitude that resonates and attracts them. This combination virtually
guarantees that they happen.

[This is the primary way that negative aliens and other non-3D
hostiles can gain a foothold in your reality. If you focus on them and
fear them obsessively, things will gradually get very weird and very
dangerous because you’ve lowered the drawbridge and waved them
in. However if you become aware of them while staying free of
emotional preoccupation and obsession, then you are more
protected from their meddling than someone who never became
aware of them at all].

You have an optimistic attitude but ignore thinking about

negative possibilities, and eventually something bad happens
that you are not prepared to handle.

Simply resonating with positive ensures that perhaps up to 90% of

your experiences end up being positive. However, the only way to
prevent the negative 10% is to be aware of them. Without that
awareness, they can and will eventually happen, whether by chance
or malice. Therefore, naïve positivity that comes with total ignorance
of anything negative or unpleasant is not smart at all. Better to be
aware of the negative while keeping a positive attitude.

In summary, while the Law of Attraction explains how you attract

resonant experiences, its counterpart the Law of Awareness explains
how you constrict the possible range of experiences.

The Technical Stuff

You might be wondering why precisely awareness selects while

emotional resonance attracts. My intuitive impression is that quantum
mechanics plays a role. When a quantum system is not observed, it stays
in a fluid wave state spread across a spectrum of probabilities. But when
one observes or tries to measure it, the wave collapses into a single
tangible state. Conscious observation turns a fluid probability wave into a
definite tangible particle. Well on the macroscopic scale, where we are
the observers and a quantum system is our entire bubble of personal
reality, the rules are fuzzier and more complex.

When you become aware of a probable future, you are observing it, but
only partially because it is not a certainty. But whereas observing a
quantum wave in the present collapses it into a definite state, observing a
wave still in the future merely constricts it a little, reducing its fluidity and
therefore interfering with its ability to manifest synchronistically in the
present. Synchronicity is how the future becomes the present through an
entirely quantum process. The more certain you are that a particular
future will happen, the more that future is frozen and kept from
manifesting through quantum / synchronistic means. This simply implies
that instead of coming to you synchronistically, you would have to go
toward it causally. For instance, synchronicity could unexpectedly bring
you a hundred dollars if given freedom to flow toward you, or you could
work for several hours to earn it as expected. It’s like waiting at the end of
a river to intercept a raft versus freezing the river and walking towards the
raft. So this is why awareness blocks, selects, and filters — because it
freezes the future. That is good if you want to freeze out negative futures,
but not good if eager anticipation shuts out positive futures.

There is also a bit of Timeline Dynamics involved here. If a certain future

involves you getting sideswiped by negative forces, then that future has a
good probability of happening. That makes it a stronger future, whose
feedback effects travel back into the present and attract you toward it.
For instance, you might feel a mental tug to do something, to forget
something, commit an error, etc… that results in getting unexpectedly
ambushed. But if you become aware of the attack ahead of time, then
that prepares you to successfully handle it and utterly demolishes the
future where you were hit out of the blue. This cuts off the feedback loop
from that future, which then frees you mentally and emotionally from its
pressure in the present. That is why if you are under hyper-dimensional
attack, very often the moment you become aware of the real reason for
what is happening, and especially if you realize what the negative forces
have planned, suddenly all the negative psychic pressure lifts and the
threat evaporates. Through awareness, you literally “head off” the
negative future. It’s like the saying, “To never have to use a weapon,
have one handy.”

As for how your internal resonance attracts corresponding probable

futures, that is more a phenomenon of Realm Dynamics. It is entirely a
quantum thing, because the attracted experiences always manifest
synchronistically. Whereas conscious awareness decreases quantum
fluidity, subconscious resonance increases the pressure behind any
quantum fluidity that does exist, thereby heightening synchronistic
manifestation. It is no surprise then that consciousness constricts while
the subconscious attracts; the conscious mind to the subconscious is
what the particle is to its wave. In fact, certain shamanic techniques
employing “second attention” appear to be methods for intentionally
delocalizing the conscious focal point so that one perceives more the
fluid / quantum nature of things than the single tangible slice we know as
physical reality.

When your mind is delocalized, such as when you are coming out of
sleep and thoughts are still highly nonlinear (and before you feel yourself
“compressed” back into your body), that is when using the Law of
Attraction works really well. Also, you may have noticed how when you
have a passing thought about something you need, a thought that you
quickly forget about, very often those tend to materialize most quickly and
magically. Because not only were you entirely absorbed in the thought,
but you were also in a slight trance state (mental delocalization), and
afterwards forgot about it, so that anticipation did not block its outcome.
And from a higher perspective, it is a pure and unselfish act when you
ask for something from the depths of your heart this way without being
self-conscious or commanding.

The Cassiopaeans advised people to always expect attack, that

knowledge protects and ignorance endangers, and that having a happy-
go-lucky attitude and practicing non-anticipation of positive things opens
the flow for their manifestation. I did not grok this stuff until realizing it
myself years later after much observation and pondering, afterwards
understanding in retrospect why what the Cassiopaeans said was good
and self-consistent advice.

There is the issue of whether simply being aware, being non-anticipatory,

and having a higher soul vibration through spiritual devotion is enough to
make everything fall into place — whether intentionally engaging in reality
creation by visualizing and energizing desired futures is even necessary.
The latter gets into the sticky territory of black magic if done too often, too
selfishly, and too intensely, whereby the higher flow of things is forcefully
twisted to serve egotistical ends. I think that a humble approach that does
not trivialize one’s own spiritual sovereignty is a balanced approach, one
that recognizes that active reality creation (through visualization and so
on) is a supplementary tool to be used only when necessary, and that it is
the consistent fundamental modes of awareness, attitude, and action that
count most.
Reality Creation Redux

05/24/2010 (esoteric)

As you may know, consciousness influences reality by affecting the

probability of events. It does so at the quantum level. Based on my
observation and experimentation, the basic principles are as follows:

1) Awareness / anticipation repels.

2) Ignorance / denial allows.

3) Intent / emotional resonance attracts.

Here I want to focus on the third one, the attraction mode, and explain it
in the simplest and clearest way. It boils down to one rule:


In other words, the mental and emotional state that you hold in the
present, attracts future events that engender more of the same.

What is the mechanism behind this? I believe that emotions can travel
through time. A strong emotional pattern in the present resonates with the
same emotional pattern in some probable future. When both match, a
feedback loop arises between present and future that causes this future
to be energized and amplified, enhancing its ability to merge into the
present. (Same goes for attraction with other realms of existence; when
you resonate with a pattern there, feedback loop arises, and you pull it in.
That’s why an all-consuming dread of demons or aliens, or a strong love
for them, can bring their realm closer to yours, energize them, and
manifest them more tangibly in your experiential reality).

Keep in mind that everything I’m talking about here deals only with the
synchronistic and probabilistic side of life — that which is still up in the
air, open to change. There is also the causal and deterministic side which
includes all the physical effects of physical causes that, no matter how
much you try bend probability, cannot be overridden or undone. If you
total your car, and then try to hold a feeling of relief, don’t expect the
accident to magically reverse itself, because what’s done is done, what’s
fated is fated; at best, you may nonetheless attract an easy and speedy
legal, financial, and physical recovery from the accident. Whatever
probable future you attract is one that incorporates your already existing
present and past. New Agers go very wrong when they try to ignore
currently existing problems and think that by shutting it from their minds it
will disappear from their reality. Not so, the Law doesn’t work that way.
You can shape the future, but you can’t really change the past you

Now, here are some examples of how like begets like.

Anticipation begets anticipation: If you anticipate something, you

will attract a situation where you’re still anticipating it, meaning a
situation where it hasn’t happened yet.

Paranoia begets paranoia: The more emotionally paranoid you

become concerning aliens, matrix agents, demons, ghosts,
surveillance, black helicopters, gang stalking, etc… the more you
attract experiences that amplify your paranoia. The manifestations of
these phenomena will keep increasing in overtness and severity until
you either snap out of it or your mind snaps. Along the same lines,
mindsets of victimhood begets victimhood, fear begets fear, terror
begets terror.

Gratitude begets gratitude: If you practice an attitude of gratitude,

thinking of all the things you are grateful for and really living in that
feeling, then events will arise that give you even more reasons to be
thankful. Thus, an emotional pattern of gratitude is one way positive
synchronicities can increase.

Annoyance begets annoyance: If something causes you a moment

of annoyance or irritation, and if you let yourself run away with those
emotions, then you increase the chances of yet another thing
happening that causes annoyance. Unless you turn yourself around,
this can snowball until your whole day goes to hell.
Worry begets worry: If you are needlessly worried, more events will
arise that give you something to worry about. This can be worry over
money, health, security, and so on. By “needlessly” I mean worries
over problems that don’t yet exist and are still weak probabilities,
especially those you can’t do anything about right now — worries
that are more the products of neuroticism than concerns over
actually existing problems that require immediate attention.

Relief begets relief: If you are worried about an uncertain outcome

beyond your control, then adopting an attitude of relief enhances its
chances of having a good outcome.

Amazement begets amazement: This is a fun one. If you adopt an

attitude of awe, wonder, and amazement, telling yourself that life is
profoundly jaw-dropping, then just watch freak events transpire that
really leave you awe struck in a good way. Wait a few days,
sometimes reality takes a while to catch on.

As you can see, the simple principle LIKE BEGETS LIKE explains much.
You can substitute your own words into this equation, like ‘weird’ or
‘synchronicity’ or ‘hate’ or ‘love’ or ‘desperation’ and find real life

Mainly it shows that a mere prolonged mental/emotional pattern is

enough to attract corresponding experiences. There is no real need for
complex visualizations, incantations, affirmations, and ritual formulas just
to experience this phenomenon.

Thus it’s possible for a spiritually radiant, humble, and discerning human
being to acquire the protection and blessings of synchronicity just by
virtue of his or her default harmonious mental and emotional pattern. In
channeling-speak, it means that an STO candidate or STO being still
makes use of this reality-bending principle, but without needing to always
specify what to intend; it happens naturally through outer synchronizing
with balanced inner.

Visualizations and Specific Intentions

Of course, it’s possible to go beyond mere emotional resonance and
resort to visualization and intent to single out a specific thing for
synchronistic manifestation. It still works on the same principle of
resonance and feedback loop between present and future, because you
are required to produce within yourself the same senses and feelings
right now, that you would experience upon the fulfillment of that goal. Like
in the Bible where Jesus heals a guy by thanking God for healing him, as
though it were already done, and therefore it was.

So when the reality creation pundits say to visualize your goal fulfilled in
the greatest detail, incorporating all five senses, and really feeling it
emotionally, ultimately they’re just getting you to establish, in the present,
the probable future pattern of your choice. Present locks with future,
feedback loop mutually amplifies, and future becomes present.

It’s just that specific visualizations are risky. They easily become acts of
black magic if the goal is chosen out of ignorance and the emotional
pattern originates with ego and base desires.

Intending for a very specific thing is fine if you work within the framework
of necessity and destiny, like if you have no choice but to select the
details of the inevitable. Otherwise you will manifest something
prematurely, inappropriately, regrettably, and perhaps even disastrously.
Most cases, attempting the latter will simply fail and nothing happens;
higher forces intercede and block your foolish act; but if you push hard
enough, often enough, you will get and regret your wish. Black magic
uses rituals to push past these natural safety barriers and attain that
which pleases the ego but kills the soul.

Optimal State of Consciousness

This “mind affecting reality” can all be done through intermittent sessions
of emotional broadcasting, or by having it become the default constant
“climate” of your consciousness. The latter is better of course, since ten
minutes of resonating with relief and gratitude may get overridden by the
following sixteen hours of stress and worry.

Ultimately this research note is not about “doing something specific to get
something specific” like most Reality Creation texts, but about being
aware of how your outer reality is partially (not completely, since reality is
shared) reflective of your own inner landscape, and how therefore it’s
necessary to practice emotional hygiene to keep your slice of reality in
good synchronistic order.

Now, if you do attempt a session, the best time to do so is while in the

state between waking and sleeping, when your consciousness is not fully
dreaming, yet also not fully back in waking life. Like after waking in the
morning, with eyes closed, dipping in and out of sleep. A light sleep state,
in or near the hypnagogic state of consciousness. Alpha and theta
brainwave state. Controlled daydreaming while being unaware of one’s
physical surroundings. Completely lost in the thought, completely and
effortlessly absorbed in it. You and the thought or feeling are not divided,
not observer and observed, but lost as one.

This is the state when the barriers between your conscious and
subconscious are weakened, when your etheric body is somewhat
decoupled from your physical body, when you as the ‘quantum observer’
are not fully collapsing the reality wave function — therefore, the state
where reality is particularly pliable. The subconscious, the quantum
ocean, the etheric — these realms are where the magic happens, where
reality is shuffled, where the potter of existence does his work.

Among numerous other applications, this is the best state of mind for
prayer, meditation, intention, affirmation, visualization, or just holding a
particular thought or emotion.

Also see my other Research Note on this subject: Law of Attraction vs

Law of Awareness

Are we Grays?

03/14/2005 (aliens)

It’s not uncommon for abductees and contactees to be told their soul has
some close kinship with the abductors. For example someone may be
told he or she was once a gray and is now occupying human form for
whatever purpose, perhaps to experience human emotions or act as
ground personnel to soften humanity up to the alien reality.

As far as I can tell this is a disinformation ploy designed to circumvent

any freewill-based resistance that might interfere with the abductors’
ability to more thoroughly “use” the individual. Feelings of kinship and
empathy induced in an abductee amount to a freewill invitation for further
contact with the abductors, which is ultimately asking for further

The darkside loves twisting truth toward negative ends. Many abductees
may be Wanderers, spiritual beings from a higher density who have
incarnated here to shed a little light into the darkness. But any vague
notions they might have of their spiritual origins can be cunningly diverted
toward concluding they share identity with the very beings they have
come here to undermine, the cybernetic custodians of the Matrix Control
System. For example, those in the Starseed movement face that risk.

Sure, different people have souls that originate from different realms,
some are alien and some are more terrestrial depending on how many
lives they have spent wearing the human form versus that of some other
3D/4D species, but to get your soul origin mixed up and thereby align
your will with the ‘wrong’ group, that is a literal invitation for trouble.

One question is whether grays are artificial beings, or whether there are
organic variations with their own independent history as a species.
Obviously if they are artificial, it would be ludicrous for one to have a gray
soul. Otherwise, it could be a possibility if all the signs point toward it.

But many methods of deception exist: you could have an alien entity
attachment, and its influence upon your thoughts/feelings/actions could
be very convincing as being those of your own volition and nature —
especially when reinforced by mind programming and by suggestions
from odd characters you meet who profess to tell you who you are. Read
Dr William Baldwin’s book CEVI for more info on alien entity attachments.

So in seeking your identity, it’s best to be cautious before swearing your

allegiance and aligning your destiny with it. If you really want to know
who you are, make an earnest request to the highest positive spiritual
forces (like your Highest Self) to be led toward discovering who you are.
Pieces will fall into place, memories and clues will surface, and in the end
you will understand yourself better and know why you are here.

Is it important to know who you are? Depends on whether you are here
strictly to learn and experience, or whether you are also here on a
mission. In the first case getting hung up on past lives can interfere with
the current life unless this knowledge is used solely to observe karmic
patterns and resolve them. In the second case studying the past helps
you understand yourself in the present and increases your chances of
accomplishing your purpose, which is why diversion at this stage is seen
as critical by hostile forces.
Alien Saviors

09/29/2005 (aliens)

In 2002 I had an interesting dream. In the dream I stood on a beach at

night in Florida gazing up at an amazing auroral display. Solar activity
was so high that even Florida was getting auroras. I then ran into a sports
bar and saw people staring at the television — news footage of large
discs were shown hovering over major cities.

Next in the dream, I was in a mobile home and saw propaganda posters
pasted up on the walls advertising these alien arrivals as friends of
mankind. In the trailer with me were some of these aliens; they looked
like male and female scandinavian models dressed in golden jumpsuits.
But as fair looking as they were, their eyes were cold. On a table before
me were children’s books with cartoon images of kids playing with dark
blue aliens wearing golden helmets. On the TV was an animated cartoon
with the same theme. These carricatured aliens had large, round, yellow
slit eyes but were depicted as smiling and friendly. In the very last scene
of the dream, volcanoes erupted and the ground broke up as lava welled
up from the fissures… then I woke up.

Occasionally I have prophetic dreams. In the past, dreams have alerted

me to the impending Afghanistan and Iraq invasions, and recently the
flooding of New Orleans. Perhaps this alien invasion dream above
abstractly represented a probable future where aliens show up as the
saviors of mankind. The cartoon images of the aliens with slit eyes were
supposed to be reptilians according to the dream, but that is not how I
imagined reptilians looked like. But a year after having this dream I came
across a supposed photograph of a reptilian in the book “The Blue Planet
Project” matched what I saw in the dream. Here is a photoshop
enhanced version of the black and white image:
But the point of the dream is that around time of extreme solar activity,
mankind was openly contacted by a dual race of aliens, first were ones
that looked entirely human but were nordics in golden jumpsuits. Their
physical perfection and impression as “golden haired gods” enchanted
the ignorant masses into hailing them as the best thing since Jesus. After
they secured allegiance from mankind, then came a propaganda
campaign to soften up the kids to the reptilians.

(Note: in 2004 I moved from Florida to Virginia and was there for eight
years, and figured during those years that the dream could not be
prophetic, at least not literally, because I had left Florida for good. Well,
due some unforeseen circumstances such as our cat dying of cancer and
my medical condition requiring vitamin D from sunlight while winter
approached, my girlfriend and I moved back to Florida. As of June 2014, I
am still in Florida and the solar cycle is now peaking. It is nearing its
downward slope, which ranges from summer 2014 through fall of 2016 —
the portion of the solar cycle where the biggest flares tend to occur).

While that was just a dream, over the years I have accumulated reasons
to believe in the plausibility of this scenario. I have found other published
sources that propose the same. The Allies of Humanity by Marshall Vian
Summers is the most simple exposition I have found, but if you read
between the lines of alien abduction books and channeled material you’ll
find more support.

If there is an alien agenda, it should be reflected in the types of movies

that have been made over the past couple decades. These movies can
serve to inform, or to deceive, but either way it serves as data to
extrapolate the most probable nature of the alien agenda. So with E.T.
and Close Encounters we have aliens being depicted as wonderful
beings, while Independence Day and the timely remake of War of the
Worlds sought to show them the antagonists of humanity. The miniseries
V came pretty close to the truth, in my opinion. But the one scenario that
as far as I’m aware has never been covered is the concept of mankind
joining forces with one alien race in order to combat another.

Now, in my life I have noticed that the little things I anticipate tend not to
happen, as though awareness kills the future. On a mass scale, perhaps
the blockbuster alien movies are indicators of what will not happen — for
similar reasons. Therefore, the one thing they all curiously avoid should
be the future that is most likely to happen. What if humanity goes under
the karmic knife and experience unprecedented world war, culminating in
the appearance of an extraterrestrial threat? Then what if seemingly good
aliens “show up” demanding our allegiance to defeat this threat, and after
“banishing” the threat they also help us end human suffering and bring
about a “golden” age?

Consider the following excerpt from an interesting channeling source :

Radiant pathways open in the sky. Angelic warriors descend and

rout the myrmidons of evil. An Imperium of Light ensues.

The shimmer of crystal ships. The smile of star-kings. Gifts. A cure

for all disease. Non-polluting energy. A reign of peace. Their reign.

World government. A techno-web. The deviance of cell and citizen is

monitored and managed. No crime. No poverty. No illness. All
function for the weal of humankind. No individuality.

Mutation. Bio-linkage, brain to brain. Humanity is one. No self but


These are images of failure, thwarting of your true design.

And now consider the final part of George Wasington’s vision :

“And again I heard the mysterious voice saying, ‘Son of the

Republic, look and learn.’ At this the dark, shadowy angel placed a
trumpet to his mouth, and blew three distinct blasts; and taking water
from the ocean, he sprinkled it upon Europe, Asia and Africa. Then
my eyes beheld a fearful scene: from each of these countries arose
thick, black clouds that were soon joined into one. Throughout this
mass there gleamed a dark red light by which I saw hordes of armed
men, who, moving with the cloud, marched by land and sailed by sea
to America. Our country was enveloped in this volume of cloud, and I
saw these vast armies devastate the whole country and burn the
villages, towns and cities that I beheld springing up. As my ears
listened to the thundering of the cannon, clashing of swords, and the
shouts and cries of millions in mortal combat, I heard again the
mysterious voice saying, ‘Son of the Republic, look and learn.’ When
the voice had ceased, the dark shadowy angel placed his trumpet
once more to his mouth, and blew a long and fearful blast.

“Instantly a light as of a thousand suns shone down from above me,

and pierced and broke into fragments the dark cloud which
enveloped America. At the same moment the angel upon whose
head still shone the word Union, and who bore our national flag in
one hand and a sword in the other, descended from the heavens
attended by legions of white spirits. These immediately joined the
inhabitants of America, who I perceived were well nigh overcome,
but who immediately taking courage again, closed up their broken
ranks and renewed the battle.

“Again, amid the fearful noise of the conflict, I heard the mysterious
voice saying, ‘Son of the Republic, look and learn.’ As the voice
ceased, the shadowy angel for the last time dipped water from the
ocean and sprinkled it upon America. Instantly the dark cloud rolled
back, together with the armies it had brought, leaving the inhabitants
of the land victorious!

“Then once more I beheld the villages, towns and cities springing up
where I had seen them before, while the bright angel, planting the
azure standard he had brought in the midst of them, cried with a loud
voice” ‘While the stars remain, and the heavens send down dew
upon the earth, so long shall the Union last.’ And taking from his
brow the crown on which blazoned the word ‘UNION,’ he placed it
upon the Standard while the people, kneeling down, said, ‘Amen.’

So what appears to be the beginning of a Golden Age may simply be the

cunning implementation of spiritual tyranny by hostile alien forces playing
“good cop” and perhaps also “bad cop” in order to trick mankind into
abdicating its collective freewill. It makes sense that superior intelligences
would seek to trick us into willingly accepting them as saviors rather than
crudely obliterating us as depicted in War of the Worlds. At the peak of
global distress, their offerings of peace, security, health, free energy, and
advancement may be too irresistible an offer for the traumatized masses.
They will invade with deception and stay with force, just like any tyranny.

If any of this is true, there should currently be some disinformative efforts

underway to prepare people for this scenario. The disinformation would
need to portray alien contact as a desirable and positive event, and it
would have to underscore the plights of humanity such as disease,
pollution, and war. How interesting it is, then, that the Disclosure Project
precisely fits this requirement. The project has done commendable work
in gathering testimonials and documentation of the alien presence, but
toward what ends is this evidence presented? To prove that aliens exist,
that the government must admit to the coverup and share what it knows,
and to therefore invite first contact with the aliens so that mankind can
get on with being saved by the superior technology and guidance these
aliens have to offer.

Meanwhile, some players in the exopolitics field put down as

disinformation anything that suggests aliens might be hostile. Through
malicious naïveté, they ignore the mountains of research published by
people like Val Valerian, the late Karla Turner, David Jacobs, James
Bartley, Eve Lorgen, and numerous others. Their combined works
indicate that the possibility of hostility is at least worth considering. But
those who willingly limit what they discuss are those more likely to be the

Evidence of the planned alien deception exists right now, in examples like
these. This is not a matter of paranoia, but a matter of deduction for
those with eyes to see. It concerns a hefty probable future.

I do not doubt there are positive forces, but tend to think they are discreet
hyperdimensional beings whose great compassion and wisdom
precludes them from bursting through the skies blasting trumpets and
announcing themselves as our saviors. Beware of aliens bearing gifts.
For more, see my article: Synopsis of the Alien Master Plan.
Faux Spirituality

01/16/2007 (aliens)

Mainstream spirituality is becoming less of an oxymoron by the day.

Movies like “What the Bleep” and “The Secret” are gaining appreciable
popularity. But the belief that you create your own reality (YCYOR) is
tricky business; on the one hand being a chronic cynic does invite an
extraordinary share of misfortunes, but staying positive by ignoring
negative issues that need to be solved is also dangerous. The situation
regarding “The Secret” (and the imminent flowering of related “spiritual”
themes in mainstream culture) is precarious because as the saying goes,
a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Pitfalls include denying personal
and world problems that still need attention, and misappropriating
metaphysical principles to satisfy ego-based greed and materialism,
which treads dangerously close to black magick.

Where could this all lead? I have noticed a prevalent problem of faux
spirituality mixed into the alien disinformation literature out there. It
employs concepts like nondualism, zen-like consciousness, integration of
polarities, and getting away from victim-mentalities. Sounds nice, but the
way these are portrayed is a mere simulacrum of the real thing. For
instance, nondualism in this case encourages ignorance of functional
differences rather than acknowledging these difference in context of the
fundamental unity of all things. Or the zen-like consciousness is said to
be a “spiritual” state of mind achievable via transcendental meditation,
yet TM lowers consciousness into hypnotically suggestible states. Victims
are told that victimhood is merely a perspective that can be eliminated by
welcoming and seeing their abuse as a good thing rather than using
freewill and awareness to break free of their oppressors. And the
integration of polarities is used to justify the idea of human + alien coming
together to form a mixed hybrid race with the best traits of both, but really
that is genetic enslavement of the human soul matrix.

Even the Law of Attraction has been twisted into the idea that if aliens are
in any way manifest in your life, it is because you have already agreed to
working with them, that you have attracted them into your life and must
therefore, as an act of responsibility and maturity rather than denial,
acknowledge this choice and honor it by working with them. But that
would be like buying from every salesman who knocks on your door. The
flaw of this reasoning rests on the fact that there is a difference between
agreeing to face the possible risk of a negative experience, and agreeing
to go through that experience itself. For instance, every time you drive a
car you choose to face the risk of an accident, but you do not actually
choose to get into an accident per se. The difference is choice — in a
situation of possible risk you can choose, through awareness, to avoid
the negative possibilities, whereas having already chosen to experience
one of those possibilities would mean violating your own freewill in
avoiding it.

The preceding is just one example of how negative aliens use cunning to
manipulate their victims into willingly accepting their abuse. You have to
realize that 90% of the population has an IQ below 120; it takes a certain
threshold of intelligence to see through alien manipulation. If aliens can
deceive (for the sake of discussion) 90% of the population, then they
pretty much have their game in the bag.

The point is that negative forces do appear to be invested in spreading

New Age concepts now more than ever in order to create a conscious
environment for the open acceptance of what they have to offer, rather
than the covert “science/religion” game they’ve been using in the past.
The only way alien deceivers can assimilate us willingly is to make us
aware of higher dimensional reality and the interplay between mind and
matter. It is a Luciferic deception because they bring light, but it is a false
light unaccompanied by the warmth of wisdom and true understanding
that comes from the heart. The plan is not that they enslave us violently,
rather that we welcome them smilingly.

On the bright side, negative forces usually take a gamble on everything

they do with the risk that should they fail, their actions would produce
more “good” than had they never acted in the first place. They give lots of
truth with a nice dose of lies that spins it all towards their agenda. For
truth-seekers like ourselves, this is an advantage in that if the deceptive
part can be revealed for what it is, replaced by a superior truth
alternative, then the total outcome is positive. For instance, if my friends
never listened to me about the idea of reality creation (Law of Attraction),
but through some outside agenda they eventually are convinced of its
merits and go nuts for it, there may come a time when I could
successfully say, “okay, now that you’re aware of THAT part, here are
some pitfalls to look out for, and here is a superior alternative to apply all
this successfully.”

My main drive in life is to discover deceptions, expose them, and come

up with superior alternatives. I think if a deception can be laid out clearly
enough, many people would listen in time. However, that is assuming
they are rational… sometimes the ego is so invested in a false belief it
will use irrational methods to argue away an uncomfortable truth.

Like with YCYOR… people are easily caught in the false dichotomy of
“be positive and don’t acknowledge the negative” vs “acknowledge the
negative and don’t be positive”. Well, why can’t it be “be positive but also
acknowledge the negative”? That third choice transcends the first two…
but I have noticed that people generally have a hard time getting past
that fallacy of false opposites and are somehow wired to think in a binary
“either/or” way instead of acknowledging a third transcendent choice. The
interesting part is that if this third choice is shown to them, they will
misinterpret it as defending the other side’s position and attacking their
own. It’s no different from people who think Democrat and Republican
are the only two choices, and will classify any political view into either

I think the “spiritual awakening” happening now is partly an anti-christ

phenomenon, a false counterpart to the second coming, the latter being
an awakening of the higher self awareness within many of us. But I
believe the momentum built by the agenda through its dishing out truth in
hopes of steering it toward deceptive ends can instead be re-steered
towards liberation.

So, how will the infusion of New Age concepts affect the collective
consciousness? Left alone, it would doom this planet to become willfully
assimilated. But if carefully exposed and redirected it could do the
opposite. The situation could be a divine plan potentially derailed by
negative forces, or perhaps a negative agenda being overturned at the
last moment by divine forces who had it planned all along.
Overlooked Aspects of the Alien Presence

01/10/2008 (aliens)

Hyperdimensional Characteristics – Aliens are sophisticated

nonhuman entities. Technological superiority is their least important
advantage; what matters more is their dimensional superiority. Their
native state of existence transcends the limitations of space-time.
Whereas our existence is constrained by linear time, aliens can see and
manipulate our past, present, and future possibilities simultaneously from
a position outside linear time. They can also temporarily project
themselves into our universe, taking physical form according to what
archetypes in our collective unconscious best approximate their higher
dimensional essence. The assumption that aliens are three-dimensional
beings like us who have flown here in mechanically constructed
spaceships from planets far away covers only a small subset of the entire
alien presence. The alien presence is mostly hyper dimensional and
therefore nebulous because its true nature far exceeds the boundaries of
popular assumption.

Positive vs. Impostor Aliens – Whether aliens are benevolent or hostile

depends on whether they foster an expansion in our freewill and
awareness or if they seek to undermine these. It is not enough to judge
alien intentions according to transient social, political, religious, or
scientific standards. Covertly hostile aliens could easily pander to our
insecurities and wishful thinking by offering stunning scientific knowledge,
religious answers, political unity, and the promise of global peace and
prosperity in exchange for our unquestioning obedience. Thorough
investigation of the alien presence reveals that preparations for just such
a scenario are currently underway. In times of desperation, people tend
to sacrifice liberty for security. Should mankind accept such a Faustian
bargain the end result would be complete assimilation and enslavement.
To prevent this possibility, we must ask the most important question of all:
how can one distinguish between positive aliens and cunning impostors?
Mankind has everything to gain in exercising its discernment this way,
and doubt is cast on the sincerity and wisdom of anyone who persistently
refuses to explore the full depth of this question.

False Dichotomies – Offering two false choices is the surest way of

manipulating someone into making a bad decision. We must be on guard
for false dichotomies, opposites that only appear to be so on the surface.
Alien impostors have used this method of subterfuge to hide their real
agenda and shape public opinion. Examples: aliens vs. paranoid military
cabal, nordics / grays vs. violent reptilians, or good reptilians vs.
renegade negative reptilians. If the truth were that grays, certain nordics,
human military factions, and reptilians were actually unified participants in
the negative alien agenda, the motivation for these false dichotomies
makes perfect sense. Should mankind falsely perceive some of these
elements as “good guys” due to their seeming opposition to obvious “bad
guys”, then the deception succeeds. Therefore we must thoroughly
examine the basis of any claimed oppositions.

Mind Programming – Alien abductions are more common than assumed

because their primary purpose and procedure is generally too subtle for
abductees and researchers to notice, while the less prevalent but more
tangible functions get the attention. Abduction literature often mentions
medical testing and genetic experimentation, but not the bigger purpose
of widespread behavioral modification through implantation, live
telepathic persuasion, and posthypnotic programming. The latter involves
temporarily extracting a person from the physical plane and programming
his subconscious with commands that later bias his choices toward those
beneficial to the negative alien agenda. An abductee may go to sleep one
night full of enthusiasm for a fruitful endeavor only to get abducted and
over the following days acquire an irrational aversion to pursuing it
further. Unless they are aware of their own irrational impulses and listen
to reason and intuition, people can be programmed to sabotage
themselves or others, to follow unwise paths in life, enter into artificially
arranged relationships, or turn off suddenly to promising business or
social relations.

Hybridization vs Epigenetics – The alien hybridization project is

justified on the grounds that by combining our physical hardiness and
emotional flexibility with the intelligence and psychic prowess of alien
grays, we can ensure a better future for both our species. It is said that
only through hybridization can mankind advance to its next evolutionary
phase. But this is among the greatest deceptions of all. The emerging
field of epigenetics strongly suggests that changes in our consciousness,
in our beliefs and awareness and perceptions, cause corresponding
changes in our personal DNA. This means that a great spiritual leap in
mankind will automatically create a great genetic leap through an entirely
natural process. Why, then, are grays so desperate in artificially merging
our two species? The best hypothesis is that hybridization actually
hijacks what should be a natural progression and further locks the human
soul matrix into an even more adulterated gene pool, as has been done
before. Greater intelligence and psychic power does not necessarily
mean we become more empathetic, discerning, or connected to our
higher spiritual guidance, it simply means we become more capable
tools, especially if hybridization comes at the price of individuality.

Layered Screen Memories – Screen memories are false memories

given by abductors to cover-up anything that could not be entirely erased
from recollection. These are well known in abduction research, but not so
well known is that screen memories come in multiple layers. For
instance, one might falsely remember a deer staring through the
bedroom window when in reality it was an alien during the onset of an
abduction. With the aid of hypnosis the abductee may penetrate this
screen, but the abduction account that follows may itself also be a screen
designed to cover-up what really went on during the abduction. What in
reality may have been a torturous programming session and the
harvesting of lifeforce through inflicted suffering can, through a secondary
screen memory, be remembered as a wonderful experience. But
hypnotists do not typically probe farther than the primary screen memory
because they are unaware how deep the deception goes, thus they
become unwitting accomplices in the propagation of disinformation.

Human Abductors – Aliens are not the only abductors; human factions
are also involved. Abductees have independently reported seeing alien
and human personnel working side by side in underground military
bases. The line between alien and human abductors is blurred due to
technological and genetic fusion between the two over recent decades,
especially after the human element lost its autonomy to the superior alien
element. The purpose all along was to acquire control over the vast
resources and manpower of the black-ops military infrastructure.
Abductions by these groups involve not only further hybridization projects
and mind programming, but also the utilization of abductees as psychic
assassins, remote viewers, and programmed sleeper agents. It is
doubtful that any positive aliens are working in collaboration with human
military groups considering their truly opposite philosophies. One need
only examine the full spectrum of abduction research and published
experiences to recognize this.

Objective Standards of Positivity – Without spiritual awareness one

easily succumbs to moral relativism. Identifying “positive” aliens would
then appear to be futile exercises in projecting our subjective human
standards upon nonhuman life forms. But we must remember that while
social morals are indeed subjective, there is an objective spiritual core
within us that, via its capacity for empathy and longing for freedom and
happiness, knows universal rights from universal wrongs. The virtues of
compassion, humility, service, wisdom, strength, discretion, and courage
are not limited to the human domain, for they are truly universal. Positive
aliens are those who have transcended the vices and limitations that still
challenge us, who have attained the heights of spiritual chivalry and
serve Creation in the name of freedom, truth, and love. They value
spirituality over physicality, respect the freewill of others, and subtly guide
us toward fulfilling our spiritual potential without smothering us into
becoming dependent on such guidance.

Temporal Feedback Loops – Because aliens can operate outside linear

time, those originating from our perceived future can also observe and
interact with our past and present selves. By accessing and manipulating
the past, continual timeline revisions arise of which we only remember
the most recent version as the true history. Our present choices also
initiate a forward cascade of effects that alter the future and thus limit or
expand what future insertion points aliens have available. Thus a
dynamic feedback loop exists between ourselves and hyper-dimensional
entities. Negative aliens from our perceived future can reinforce their own
existence and supremacy by altering critical moments in history and
biasing our present choices to create those probable futures where they
have greater power. Positive aliens concerned about such tampering
would engage in a timewar to counter these interferences. We would
perceive this timewar as highly improbable setbacks being countered by
equally improbable miracles and vice versa, or perhaps a strong impulse
to make bad decisions competing with an inner intuition to make the right
choices. Fear, paranoia, gullibility, reactivity, and passivity reinforce our
feedback loop with negative aliens and increase their tangibility in our
lives. Yet the more we heed spiritual impulses and live by what is noble
and true, the more we rise into kinship with positive forces. The fulcrum
of this timewar rests within us.

[If you enjoyed this article, check out the full expanded version:
Discerning Alien Disinformation]


The above is a distillation of my personal experiences, insights, and

observations correlated those of others with whom I have communicated
over the years, and further correlated with various published sources of
which the following is just a partial list:

UFOs and the National Security State – Richard Dolan

Gods of Eden – William Bramley
Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation – Michael Tsarion
The Mothman Prophecies – John Keel
Cryptoterrestrials – Mac Tonnies
The Blue Planet Project – Anonymous
Extraterrestrial Friends and Foes – George C. Andrews
The Allies of Humanity, Book 1 and 2 – Marshall Vian Summers

Secret Life – David Jacobs

The Threat – David Jacobs
Into the Fringe – Karla Turner
Taken – Karla Turner
Masquerade of Angels – Karla Turner
Chasing Phantoms – Carissa Conti
The Love Bite – Eve Lorgen
Silent Invasion – Ellen Crystal
Milab Operations – James Bartley
My Experiences (Grey, Pleiadeans and Oddities) – fore

Secret of the Saucers – Orfeo Angelucci

Son of the Sun – Orfeo Angelucci
Far Journeys – Robert Monroe
Infinite Love is the Only Truth – David Icke
Bringers of the Dawn – Barbara Marciniak
Handbook for the New Paradigm – George Green
The Cassiopaean Transcripts – LKJ
The Wave Series – LKJ
The Law of One (Ra Material) Books 1 through 4 – L/L Research

God’s Gladiators – Stuart Wilde

Dear God What is Happening to Us – Lynne Grabhorn
The Case for the UFO Varo Edition – Morris Jessup
CEVI – Dr William Baldwin
Phil Schneider lectures
Alien Digest – Ronald Rummel aka Creston
The Dulce Papers/Book – Branton
The Thunderbird Chronicles – Michael Topper
Top Secret / Demon – The Nexus Seven
The 33 Arks of Soul Resonance Investment Futures

The Stellar Man – John Baines

Cracks in the Great Wall – Charles Upton
The Incarnation of Ahriman – Rudolf Steiner
Cosmic Pulse of Life – Trevor James Constable

Sources not listed are ones either no longer available, too saturated with
disinformation for me to recommend, or whose significance is not easily
apparent unless reading between the lines and extracting the hidden
meaning in context of all previous research. Nor do I wholly endorse the
listed sources, though they are good enough that the reader can distill
from them similar insights and conclusions as my own.

Jan 09 2008 ::

"Thrive" Film Review

02/04/2012 (aliens)

I just watched Thrive and it was a good overview of the problem and
some possible solutions. Without a few additions, however, the kind of
world view it advocates doesn’t guarantee a positive outcome, since it
could just as easily divert onto an alien takeover scenario in the end. But
it’s a good start.

To be complete, this vid (or at least the website) would have to get into
the following areas:

That the human corrupt elite aren’t at the top of the pyramid. There
are non-human beings above them who are pulling the strings.

That it’s not solely the human (or even alien) manipulators who are
responsible for our sorry situation, but also partly the fault of general
human complacency and, more importantly, un-remediable spiritless
humans who comprise a portion of the population population and act
as a corrupting force on the planet. They are hired clappers for the
control system.

That these spiritually handicapped humans, and here I mean natural

born psychopaths, will exploit and ruin any utopia given enough time,
unless people become aware that not all humans have a moral
compass. For instance, they will worm their way into the leadership
structure and within several generations we’ll have a repeat of the

That aliens who offer us technology and assistance with a smile may
not necessarily have benevolent intentions. They could be like drug
dealers offering a free fix, just to get us hooked.

That taking down the current corrupt human elite system is only half
the battle, the other half is taking on the alien control system that
would try to spring up afterwards.
If those matters are added to what was stated in “Thrive” then we’d have
the proper foundation to secure a positive future. Otherwise, as I always
say, it could become a road to hell paved with good intentions.

I know from my research into the alien disinformation campaign, that one
of the deception lines on the table is to do away with the current corrupt
elite and use their demise as a springboard for an even worse alien world

All we have to do, then, is indeed do away with the corrupt system we
have now, thus the solutions offered in “Thrive” are in the right direction,
but when we get to the point of alien contact, to be very careful about
their intentions and the long-term consequences of agreements we make
regarding them.

As for the presentation, from an effectiveness point of view I felt that the
UFO part should have come later, or been left out completely. On the
other hand, Foster seemed like he was going chronologically according
to how he stumbled upon everything, and in that case it makes sense.
Likewise, in my early teens I was first into the UFO subject, then got into
free energy and antigravity research, then came upon inventors getting
suppressed, then investigated the whole NWO / corrupt elite stuff, and
only at the end of it all did it connect back up with aliens when I realized
some factions were at the top of the NWO control pyramid. That’s largely
the same sequence he portrayed in Thrive, minus the final part about
aliens running the show.

While the positioning of the UFO segment may not have been optimal or
complete, it nonetheless made the presentation unique; otherwise it
would have been just another Zeitgeist rehash. I’d say it was a
commendable effort overall, but neither an optimal nor perfect fit for the
intended goal. It makes a better foundation than ceiling, meaning people
who are introduced to fringe knowledge via such documentaries should
go beyond them when ready. In that sense, Thrive is what it is, and better
that it’s out there than not.

For more on these topics, see my articles:

Spiritless Humans
Overlooked Aspects of the Alien Presence
Discerning Alien Disinformation
Real vs Artificial Synchronicities

11/17/2004 (matrix)

Real synchronicities and artificial synchronicities both have meaning to

the perceiver. Both manifest via highly improbable “coincidences.” Real
synchronicities come from your subconscious/HigherSelf/Universe and
let you know that a quantum shift in perception is imminent – this can be
an emotionally charged situation or a smoother leap in learning.

Artificial synchronicity is engineered by hyperdimensional negative

beings in an attempt to suppress, sabotage, drain, distract, or mislead
targets on the verge of awakening. This can happen in a variety of ways.

One way is by backing disinformation with synchronistic “confirmation” –

for example, you can get multiple people at the same time who
apparently don’t know each other to tell you about some idea, which in
truth is bait to lead you down the wrong path. You may see this odd
timing as confirmation that it’s the right path, even though it isn’t.

A common one happens to people who attend UFO or New Age

conventions and “synchronistically” meet someone who happens to share
odd things in common with their personal history. They believe it was
“meant to be” and so often start relationships with these people only to
find out too late that they were conned or hooked up with a matrix agent.
One red flag is if the person shows no independent thinking and is just
mirroring you in a shallow way and carries a glib salesman-like too-
smooth-yet-hasty ‘gotta make the sale’ undertone.

Another is experiencing electronic anomalies after doing something that’s

on the wayward path. Say you are researching a questionable topic and
the computer freezes or shuts down. Some people take that to mean they
are on the right path and are being interfered with by “the dark side”,
when in truth they are being reinforced in their error. The goal is to get
you to ignore your intuition and reason in favor of this “sign.”

Now, all of the above can happen with real synchronicities as well. How
to tell apart artificial from real synchronicities? Well, the artificial ones
seem contrived, very forceful and rushed, and just a bit too weird. They
try to press you into making a particular decision or sparkle up something
that you know deep down is false, whereas real synchronicities merely
reflect confirmation of decisions you have already made or else forecast
an upcoming leap in progress.

Take into account the nature of the Higher Self and the Universe’s
interface with your own subconscious mind, reflecting in experience the
nature of your thoughts, feelings, and tendencies — there is much
weirdness that can happen via this process. Likewise, consider that
negative hyperdimensional forces have advanced technology bordering
on time travel, can influence people around you into saying or doing pre-
scripted things, have at their disposal cybergenetic humanoids posing as
regular people who are completely remote-controllable, and can zap
electronic equipment or cause paranormal effects. So basically you have
to differentiate between “real magic” and “stage illusions” when it comes
to synchronicity.

Only experience and intuition can tell you know which is which.
Coherence Indicators

09/06/2005 (matrix)

[updated June 2014 to match current indicators page]

I have assembled a page containing various indicators that potentially

relate to realm conditions. That is, various phenomena that may correlate
with hyperdimensional activity. Visit this dashboard here.

The first item there is an indicator light showing the coherence in a larger
array of random number generators, part of the Global Consciousness
Project. The redder the color, the greater the improbability manifest in the
random number distributions. This is the same project that detected a
spike in coherence hours prior to the September 11 attacks, and other
major disaster and emotional events. I believe that 9/11 involved artificial
timeline alterations through dimensional engineering, which by their very
nature cause probability anomalies. These anomalies manifest on the
crudest levels as deviant statistical fluctuations in quantum chaos,
reflected in the random number generator results. On a more meaningful
level these probability anomalies also manifest as synchronicities and
improbable device malfunctions. That is why objects breaking, even
physically, are sometimes associated with negative hyperdimensional
activity. Timeline editing creates glitches as a side-effect, just a
consequence of realm dynamics.

After many months of observation, I have found that for myself a red
indicator color means “sliding into negative timeline” while blue means
“shifting and bypassing a negative timeline” and green means “more of
the same.” For instance, when things get very weird and rough and some
trouble in my life is about to break out, the color when I check it is always
orange or red. However, if I suddenly apply great awareness and
intention to pre-empt the trouble before it even erupts, not only does the
weirdness fizzle away but the indicator then turns blue. This has
happened too many times to be coincidence. Awareness can head off
probable futures, which is why expecting attack (without emotional
investment, I should add) is a good idea while impatiently anticipating
good things tends to prevent them from manifesting.

Next is a random word generator from — this may

have personal synchronistic significance for you like an oracle.
Underneath is a random I Ching reading, for those into that.

Next is an approximate depiction of the current moon phase. More on the

moon later.

Next is an image of the current sun showing any visible sunspots. The
greater the sunspots, the greater the solar activity, and the greater the
resulting realm instability. Again, I found that negative experiences
correlate heavily with sunspots being in the red box overlaying the image.
Not sure why.

Next are some solar data charts showing solar proton flux, electron flux,
magnetometer, and geomagnetic storm conditions. Solar flares appear to
have an impact upon the earth grid and thus upon the stability between
realms. Strong solar flares impact the earth’s magnetosphere and give a
shock to the earth grid, increasing the number and magnitude of portals
and thereby assisting dimensional engineering attempts. Negative
hyperdimensional forces have an easier time changing things when
realm conditions are unstable, such as during certain astrological
alignments and when the earth’s magnetic field is buffeted. Solar flares,
being plasma shockwaves, also carry with them a longitudinal magnetic
vector potential wave, essentially a gravitational potential wave, which I
think is the primary instigator of realm fluctuations. Translation: when
solar activity is high, things tend to get whacky.

Next is a Neutron Monitor, which measures cosmic ray intensity hitting

earth. Cosmic rays come from the galactic center. Their intensity has
been scientifically correlated with deaths from stroke, noncardiovascular
causes, suicide, traffic accident. Are these rays affecting our neural and
biological activity? Or are the source of these cosmic ray bursts also
accompanied by ripples in the fabric of reality that skew probability
toward trouble?

Next is the current month’s moon calendar showing shaded regions

signifying times when the moon’s alignment with the sun exerts the
strongest influence upon us. Read my article Food for the Moon for an
explanation on what this chart means. Basically any shaded region
heightens the probability of trouble, the amplification corresponding to
height of the shaded region. This calendar now generates automatically.
You can download this to run in your browser offline.

Next is a chart of recent sunspot count numbers. You can see where we
are in the current solar cycle. Note that the right half of the cycle until
about halfway down is when the chance for strongest flares occurs.
That’s between summer 2014 and fall of 2016. If there is to be a massive
EMP that wipes out our electricity, it would be within that window.
Otherwise it’ll be another decade before the next cycle.

Next are some fluxgate magnetometers around the world. They measure
the strength of earth’s magnetic field at those locations. This measures
instabilities in the earth’s magnetic field caused by solar flares / solar-
wind streams. It’s a higher resolution version of the green-bar
geomagnetic chart shown earlier. I found that a large downward spike
correlates with negative events 12 to 24 hours later.

Then comes a map of atmospheric electron density. HAARP is known to

modulate this variable. It also varies with day/night cycles naturally. What
effect electron density has remains to be seen. Changes in electron
density should theoretically cause weak electrogravitational waves or
changes in gravitational potential, which may have psycho-biological
effects. If we had a map that showed rate of change in electron density,
rather than its current value, that might prove more valuable.

Then we have a map of recent earthquake activity. There are so many

earthquakes it is difficult to tell whether anything is anomalous, but I
thought it might be useful anyway. Click on the image to visit the page
from which the image was pulled, this allows you to hover or click over
any circle and get info on the magnitude, time, and location of the

The national weather map indicates several things besides rain. Realm
instabilities, particularly friction between realms and skirmishes between
hyperdimensional forces, tend to reflect in a rather messy weather map.
Read the Cassiopaean Transcripts and Trevor Constable’s book “Cosmic
Pulse of Life” for more about the relation between weather and
ultraterrestrials. Weather modification by people playing with
cloudbusters is also a cause for certain weather patterns, particularly
occluded/stationary fronts, so some discernment is needed in
distinguishing between these two causes of chaotic weather. Whatever
the cause, it is interesting to see correlations between the weather map
and the other indicators on the page.

Then we have a forecast of the next day’s planetary aspects. That is,
certain astrological alignments between planets and earth. Each planet’s
vibrational emissions encode a certain archetype, and the angles formed
between planets shows how these archetypes complement or oppose
each other. Angles called squares and oppositions indicate friction,
meaning realm conditions are negatively affected by such configurations.
For those experiencing attention from hyperdimensional forces, due to a
need for economizing the resources for such attention, when realm
conditions are weakest is when such forces manifest most abrasively, so
astrology can be useful in knowing ahead of time when a window of
trouble is approaching. This is followed by an astrological forecast for
today that interprets the active aspects.

And last comes the current astrological chart. Useful for those who know
how to read it. Basically squares and oppositions are what to watch for.
That is, red lines making 180 or 90 degree angles. Good thing about this
chart is that you can see how close or distant we are from such

This indicators page is just an experiment, a useful dashboard to get an

indirect glance of how the matrix is doing. Saves me from having to click
through numerous websites, and I figured readers might be interested as
well. Why do I think it is important to know of attacks? Not out of fear so
much as curiosity and tactical advantage over an invisible suppressive
force that relies on our ignorance and unsuspecting selves to achieve
success. Taking care of external factors makes it easier to identify our
inner issues that we need to deal with separately.
Ether Body and FRV

09/12/2006 (matrix)

FRV stands for “frequency resonance vibration” and is a term used by the
Cassiopaeans (channeling source) to denote the qualitative nature of a
being’s response potential to a spectrum of possible experiences. FRV
indicates your learning path, temperament, emotional nature, and level of
reactivity or self-mastery.

The lower your FRV, the more you exist on the level of mechanical
passivity or reactivity, and the lower your place on the ladder of causality,
meaning you are more easily manipulable, have more buttons to push,
and are more detached from objective reality. Basically an extremely low
FRV pushes you deeper into the STS (service-to-self, aka dark or
negative) predator/prey dynamic. Those with low and unstable FRVs
sometimes come off as emotionally unstable and delusional.

The higher your FRV, the more you tend towards being consciously
active instead of mechanically passive or reactive, the higher your place
on the ladder of causality, and the less you are at the mercy of baser
impulses, manipulations, delusions, and hysteria. Those with higher FRV
are good natured and emotionally stable, grounded in reality, and give off
a positive vibe.

Through resonance and necessity, FRV also determines what themes of

experience you tune into and therefore attract. This is covered more
deeply in my article Realm Dynamics. To summarize, those with low FRV
resonate with harsher and stranger experiences because that intensity is
needed to evoke some glimmer of truly conscious response, while the
conscious consideration that comes with higher FRV means learning and
growth can come more gently. Therefore having a higher FRV means
attracting a smoother and more positively synchronistic train of

But the vibrational frequency spectrum alone is not the sole factor
involved here. Its amplitude and purity matters as well. The average
person may have a weak and muddied spectrum somewhere in the
middle, while sophisticated dark beings have a high amplitude spectrum
clustered on the lower frequencies, opposite for sophisticated positive

Now, the stronger the amplitude, the more strongly it affects local
experiential reality. People who have a strong low FRV can bias the
synchronistic nature of their local reality to such a degree that they pull in
highly improbable and thus strange experiences of a traumatic and
disturbing nature. The stronger the amplitude of high FRV, the more
reality biases towards things magically working out for the being in
question, as though reality bends around them.

What of a weakened amplitude? Well, even if the frequency is high, with

too low an amplitude it has little effect upon local reality. In fact, that can
disconnect one from the synchronistic flow since the broadcast signal is
weaker. We’ll return to this point in a moment.

Where exactly does FRV reside in a person? Rudolf Steiner has this to

It is not possible to draw a fixed boundary between the changes that

take place as a result of the activity of the I in the astral body and
those that take place in the ether body, since they blend into each
other. If something we learn enhances our faculty of judgment, a
change has taken place in the astral body, but if this judgment
changes our state of mind so that we become accustomed to feeling
differently about a subject after having learned about it, then a
change has taken place in the ether body. Everything we take
possession of in such a way that we can recall it again and again is
based on a change in the ether body. Anything that gradually
becomes an entrenched part of the wealth of our memory rests on
the fact that the work performed on the astral body has been
transferred to the ether body.

The I is not working on the astral body when we simply give

ourselves up to pleasure and suffering, joy and pain, but only when
idiosyncrasies of these soul qualities begin to change. Likewise, this
work extends to the ether body when our I applies its activity to
changing our traits of character, our temperament, and so on. (
Outline of Esoteric Science )

It is clear from the above that FRV must be a property of what Steiner
refers to as the “ether body.” The ether body is the subtle body closest to
the physical. One implication here is that if physical technology is about
manipulation and measurement of the physical, then exotic technology
could include manipulation and measurement of the next step up, the

The Cassiopaeans stated that aliens and secret government factions

possess technology to scan a person’s etheric signature to determine its
frequency resonance spectrum. I don’t doubt this for a second because it
fits with experience and reason. Abductors must get within physical
proximity to accurately scan the ether body (whose field of influence, the
aura, is localized) in order to determine a target’s vulnerability to
manipulation, at least within the parameters of his or her learning path.
They operate within what is allowed not as a matter of respect but a
consequence being restrained by quantum / metaphysical barriers rooted
in freewill. Upon collision, these barriers invoke macroscopic uncertainty
effects that break the phaselock required for hyperdimensional
technology to operate in a causal manner upon the target, which is why
some targets cannot be killed during abductions even though the
aggressors have all intentions of eliminating them.

That FRV is rooted in the etheric body has some interesting implications.

First, if the etheric body is in any way weakened, scrambled, damaged,

dislocated, invaded, or corrupted then the relation between FRV and
local experiential environment is likewise affected. This means that even
if one is good natured, a weakening of resonance amplitude would more
greatly disconnect one from synchronistic flow because the
responsiveness of environment to FRV is weakened. Posthypnotic
programming, etheric implants, and spiritual sabotage may do this

Sleep recharges energy needed to maintain the etheric body. When one
is sleep deprived, the etheric body is weaker and the synchronistic
protection normally offered by a decent FRV (and decent awareness)
may be reduced. Days prior to hyperdimensionally orchestrated
disruptions in a target’s life, negative entities may engage in psychic
attacks and technological methods to interfere with the target’s sleep and
thereby reduce his or her energy, awareness, and the etheric shielding
against such hyperdimensional insertions.

If prolonged use of marijuana weakens or tears the etheric, then the

expanded insight and emotional stabilization it offers is cancelled by a
corresponding decrease in resonance amplitude, making the individual all
the more ineffectual and cast adrift in a life that has become
synchronistically unresponsive. If they can repair and strengthen their
etheric, outer conditions may automatically improve. Or if prolonged and
intense use of LSD and scrambles or dislocates the etheric, then it may
do the same to one’s experiential reality, though the greatest risk there is
some negative nonphysical entity inserting itself into the dislocated
portions and turning the person into a darkside asset.

Drug use also makes one more vulnerable to more physical methods of
manipulation during abductions because a damaged or weakened etheric
creates weak spots or fissures in the quantum barrier mentioned earlier,
sometimes to the point where the target can even be killed, consumed or
reanimated. Therefore negative entities have a vested interest in
propagating the widespread damaging and weakening of the etheric body
through all means possible, especially among the potentially aware and
spiritually self-empowered whose awareness and FRV otherwise protects
them through a strong etheric body. Therefore, watch out because a
category of disinformation has been designed just for this demographic to
which you as truthseeker belong.

Second, the Cassiopaeans spoke of “FRV robots” without defining them

explicitly, but from my in-depth experience and observation pertaining to
that possibility, they appear to be rudimentary humans with extremely low
FRV who are employed by fourth density negative aliens as decoys,
disinformants, energy harvesters, and group-FRV polluters. All of them
are emotionally unstable and needy, are “not all there” if you probe their
minds, and lack a well-rounded presence within reality as though they are
insertions from outside the timeline with only a simulacrum of history.
Anyway, the question here is how they have FRV if they are “robots” and
the answer is that they are organic like anyone and also have an etheric
body. But so do plants and animals. Their auras are rudimentary but
present, yet anyone with intuitive/clairvoyant abilities can sense they are
definitely “off” and their low FRV can be quite repugnant due to its sheer
discombobulated quality. No need to get further into this here, but I can
say with certainty that they have etheric bodies despite their lack of
individualized self-awareness. I’m not sure whether they have astral
bodies, but their overly dramatized emotional episodes never come off as
genuine so perhaps they are just physical and etheric body controlled by
crude artificial intelligence manually operable at times by some higher
negative intelligence.

The point of this research note was mainly to discuss the implications of
FRV being a property of the etheric body, that complications with the
etheric can interfere with the mutual feedback loop between
consciousness and experiential reality, and that the etheric being so
close to the physical means that FRV is likely something that exotic
technology can directly measure, manipulate, and perhaps artificially
Dislodging Negative Entity Attachments

12/18/2008 (matrix)

Just as there are physical pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and parasites,
so are there nonphysical pathogens in the form of etheric parasites,
discarnate humans, aliens and demonic beings that can attach
themselves to a living person, drain their energy and influence their
thoughts, feelings, and personality. The present situation is analogous to
how several centuries ago society knew nothing of physical pathogens
and the bacterial and viral origins of disease. They fell ill and knew
neither the cause nor medical remedy. Likewise, today people get
attachments and know neither the cause nor remedy.

Etheric Parasites

Etheric parasites are negative thoughtforms, which are temporary beings

generated in the etheric plane. The etheric plane is a nonphysical
substructure underlying our material reality. Etheric energies and
constructs are invisible “metadata” that can influence physical events at
the quantum level. In occultism they are also called tulpas, egregores, or

Etheric parasites are generated by human thoughts infused with emotion

and intent. This creates an energetic construct in the ether akin to an
eddy in a river but imbued with artificial intelligence and purpose. Its most
common purpose is to continue its own survival by feeding off the same
kinds of energy that gave rise to it. If it was generated through hate, it will
induce hateful thoughts in its host to suckle more emotional energy of
that type.

These thoughtforms float around in the ether, which interpenetrates and

underlies physical space, and can influence the thoughts and emotions of
people onto whom they latch. Thus the negative thoughtforms generated
by one person can induce negativity in another, proving they are not just
internal subconscious subroutines. Occultists know how to create these
intentionally, or to produce other effects in the ether, in order to
consciously influence the mind of another person. But most thoughtforms
are created unwittingly by our everyday sparks of emotion, fantasies, and
moments of ill intent.

To people with clairvoyant vision, they can see these parasitic energies
budding off the person generating them and turning into grotesque forms.
The color of the energy is always black, red, orange, olive green, muddy
brown, and other dull colors. When these turn into thoughtforms, they
appear symbolically to the clairvoyant mind as amoebas, insects, crabs,
spiders, black globules, etc… Again, the fact that clairvoyants can see
these indicates they are objective constructs in the ether and not just
internal psychological processes.

Discarnate Human Attachments

Discarnate humans are those who have died in the recent past, but have
not fully faded out from the physical, etheric, and astral planes.
Sometimes it is just their etheric and/or astral bodies that turn into
nonphysical parasites once their conscious spiritual core has left them
behind. According to Rudolf Steiner, it is also possible for demonic
entities to pick up the discarded etheric shells of deceased persons and
put them on, thereby more easily masquerading as dead relatives to
mediums, ouija board users, and societies that perform ancestor worship.

These discarnate humans or their autonomous etheric/astral shells can

latch onto a living individual in order to sustain themselves off that
person’s energy and live vicariously through them. Some of this was
portrayed in the movie Ghost. Without a physical body, satisfying
remnant physical addictions is impossible, and so discarnate humans can
gratify their addictions by splicing themselves into the neural and etheric
circuitry of the living in order to get a taste of physical sensations once
again. Supposedly they can also possess the bodies of animals even
more easily than humans. Attachment to humans is easiest when
parasite and host share some emotional point of resonance, say
someone who committed suicide latching onto someone who already has
suicidal tendencies.
Human entity attachments creates a personality overlay upon the living
host, creating cravings and biases that are out of character for the
person. Someone who never smokes may suddenly get the urge to pick
up the habit. A discarnate female with sexual cravings can induce
homosexual tendencies in straight males. A young woman who was
always friendly may pick up the attachment of an old angry war veteran,
and thus acquire a more masculine, gruff and angry demeanor.
Discarnate human entity attachments tend to be acquired by being
etherically vulnerable while in proximity to such entities. Examples
include graveyards, bars, war zones, and sites of fatal accidents.

Alien Entity Attachments

Some attachments are worse than others. Alien entity attachments are
worse than human ones because they are placed into a person
intentionally for purposes of monitoring, energy feeding, and
manipulation, whereas human entity attachments merely create human
personality overlays and common vices.

Alien entity attachments function as energy parasites and may be used to

torment or butter up an individual to play into an alien agenda, like
believing themselves to “have the soul of a Grey” when really it’s the
etheric Grey attachment that produces in them those behaviors and
tendencies. It’s mostly abductees or people in some way engaged or
interacting with the alien phenomenon who receive these, or perhaps
people in positions of power and influence who are useful to the alien

Demonic Attachments

The worst attachment of all are demonic ones. I am not sure of the true
origins of demons. Maybe they are thoughtforms created by the collective
negativity of humanity throughout the ages. Maybe they were effluvia left
over from the creation of the universe. Maybe they were physical beings
who advanced so far along the negative path that they transcended their
physical bodies and took up residence in the darkest recesses of the
lower astral planes.
Whatever the case, fully possessed humans become sharp instruments
of demonic manipulation and can carry a composed exterior and high
social status, but underneath be dark, manipulative, cunning predators
endowed with paranormal powers. Those who are not fully possessed
and are struggling against the attachment process are worn down
through depression, suicidal tendencies, and self-destructive
psychopathic behavior. Extreme sadism and perversion are also
possible, as in the case of serial killers and murderers who typically admit
a voice told them to do it, or that they couldn’t help themselves, that
something evil compelled them.

Clairvoyants, young children, animals, and anyone with an iota of intuition

can sense the presence of demonically possessed individuals and will
feel threatened, repulsed, and creeped out by them.

Demonic attachments can be picked up in several ways. One is through

willful invitation, say through practice of black magick, left-hand-path
occult systems, or undergoing initiations into questionable secret
societies. These all give a person increased power and knowledge in
exchange for soul energy and debt to the demonic beings conferring
those, which in the long run is a bad deal. But just as people get
themselves into a hole through credit cards, some do likewise spiritually
through the “credit card” of black magick.

Another path toward demonic possession is starting with a minor

attachment and being too weak or willing to resist its pull toward ever
greater forms of depravity. It tends to start with a severe weakness in a
person, such as being extremely traumatized as a child, being a heavy
alcoholic or drug abuser, and/or nurturing feelings of morbidity, suicide,
depression into a total lifestyle.

Generally, demonic possessions require a greater degree of permission

than other types of attachments. That is because demons target the
astral body and spirit, meaning they are hooked in very deeply.
Permission can be given consciously through rituals or inadvertently
through cultivation of anti-human, anti-life, anti-spiritual attitudes and
Getting Rid of Attachments

Entity attachments can be removed by starving them out and/or

dislodging them directly.

Starving them out means identifying what thoughts, emotions, and

behaviors they persistently aim to induce, and cutting these off,
transmuting or replacing them with their positive opposites. Sooner or
later the entity learns that an attempt to induce this action creates the
opposite effect and they have no choice but to cease and hopefully leave.
This is the standard approach for dealing with astral attachments, for the
astral body has to do with passions, emotions, feelings, and impressions.

Dislodging them directly is more difficult. Traditionally this involves getting

an exorcism, visiting someone practiced in shamanic journeying and de-
possession techniques, or getting a Spirit Releasement Therapy
hypnosis session. If you have access to these and can afford the service,
look into a reputable practitioner. Beware of remote healers or those with
icky vibes; some are charlatans and others are disease vectors for even
worse entity attachments.

It can be done yourself provided you can enter a lucid state of

consciousness other than waking, particularly that twilight state in
between waking and sleeping. While awake, the astral and etheric bodies
are stuffed into the physical and somewhat enchained by it. In this state,
which Robert Monroe calls “mind awake, body asleep” you are etherically
empowered compared to your waking state. Not only can you see/feel an
entity attachment, but you can take various actions to get it off you. This
state is characterized by complete sleep paralysis, the sensation of
disembodiment, hovering, vibration, and so on. It’s when your etheric
body is naturally decoupled from the physical, which science would call
the hypnagogic or hypnopompic state. See my article on Active Dreaming
for more information.

If it’s a simple etheric attachment, it should be localized to a part of your

body. You can employ Robert Bruce’s New Energy Ways technique to
shuttle energy back and forth in that area, which can uproot the entity
and make it drop off. Bruce also recommends taking an hour-long bath in
water that has a cup of epsom salts dissolved in it, though a swim in the
ocean works too. Saltwater has the effect of discharging such
attachments. But keep in mind that physical tricks like these only address
the most rudimentary of attachments.

For astral and more powerful etheric attachments, you have to resort to
internal / psychic methods. All such actions ultimately come down to
intent, and it’s the vehicle of intent that varies from system to system
used. In occultism there is the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
which can be traced with one’s etheric arms. Catholics have their
pectoral crossing gesture. Robert Bruce talks about removing Core
Images (traumatic memories) by visualizing them as photographs being
pulled away from your inner field of vision, held at arms length, flipped
over, and then visualizing the critters attached to the back of the photo
being burned.

These techniques serve as a graphical user interface that tells your

subconscious or higher self / higher mind to address the problem. In the
case of Core Image Removal, it sends the command to remove the crack
in your psyche through which an attachment has sunk its roots. Robert
Bruce’s technique and other simple positive rituals may be effective while
awake (but focused), although for extra punch I believe one does have to
be in an etherically empowered state (mind awake, body asleep). That’s
because the gap between the conscious and subconscious minds is
smaller in the hypnagogic, hypnopompic, and dreaming states. Note,
however, that a talented psychic or shaman will not require such states if
they etheric/astral bodies have well-developed nonphysical organs that
create a 24/7 two-directional uplink with the higher mind. But for the rest
of us, a “mind awake, body asleep” state is a temporary means of
achieving similar.

For dealing with astral entities I prefer charging myself up with divine
power, honing in on the feeling of the negative overlay, encompassing my
being around it from all sides, then gripping on tightly while accelerating
my vibes and confidence in order to completely overwhelm and
“electrocute” the thing. It’s my instinctual response and has been used
with success several times. I have called upon the power of Christ and
whatever else fills me with righteous power. All this is done in that “mind
awake, body asleep” state where it’s most effective and the results more
noticeable. This works best on demonic or negative entities who carry an
anti-divine signature.

You may feel the entity resisting the process, which can manifest as an
uncomfortable electrical tingling or pulsation (like gripping onto an electric
fence) and perhaps the feeling of writhing and sounds of shrieking and
growling, or perhaps the projection of ghoulish faces at you to terrify you.
It’s important to feel neither fear, weakness, or malice while doing this. In
fact, the more positive and empowered you make yourself feel, the better
and more effective the process. You are aiming for the intent of
separation and the changing of vibrational rate through an elevation in
your emotional state / level of confidence.

This technique given in the previous paragraph is for non-human entity

attachments of a malicious kind and works also against psychic
attackers. I would not use it against human entity attachments and
haven’t yet needed to. The latter I’m assuming could be spoken to,
reasoned with, and peaceably guided into the afterlife. But for negative
entities of the astral parasite, Grey alien attachments, demonic and sub-
demonic types, I don’t play softball.


Now, I am no expert on etheric/occult practical methods, nor am I

clairvoyant, so this research note is just a quick overview. I’ll now point
you to several other sources that may be of help to you if this issue
presses on your mind:

Spirit Releasement Therapy: A Technique Manual – by Dr William

Baldwin – a classic manual on using hypnosis to perform entity releases.
This is more a practitioners manual.

Remarkable Healings by Dr. Shakuntala Modi. Very interesting and

comprehensive book on demonic attacks, entity attachments,
discarnates, soul fragments, and healing. Recommended.

CEVI: Close Encounters of the Sixth Kind – by Dr William Baldwin –

excerpts from the previous book focusing strictly on alien entity
attachments. A fascinating and overlooked book in alien research.

Practical Psychic Self-Defense – by Robert Bruce. Techniques for

removing negative entity attachments based on real life experience by
Bruce himself. Fun ideas for experimentation on clearing living spaces of
ghosts and oneself of dark entities.

Psychic Self-Defense – by Dion Fortune – this book is more a collection

of anecdotes from Fortune’s experiences in occult circles and how she
dealt with negative thoughtforms, entities, and psychic attackers.

Active Dreaming – excerpt from Cry of the Eagle by Theun Mares – one
method of achieving the “mind awake, body asleep” state mentioned
earlier. In this link the method is referred to as “active dreaming.”

Saltcube – by Matt Jones – If you need a video tutorial and don’t mind
paying for the instruction, this one is really good for getting into the “mind
awake, body asleep” state.

Dream Views Forum – community focused on lucid dreaming. Look up

the term WILD or “Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming” and you will find many
techniques and experiential accounts useful for attaining that state
mentioned above.
Boost Your Immune System

03/05/2009 (matrix)

In the face of a disintegrating healthcare system, skyrocketing insurance

costs, and increasing need to be self-reliant, we would do well to improve
our health and remain free of accident, illness, and injury. Achieving this
requires balance on both a metaphysical and physical level. Let’s
examine the metaphysical preconditions for good health first.

Metaphysical Causes of Illness

We know that stress reduces the immune system, but aside from the
biological mechanism behind this, there are metaphysical ones as well.
The physical body is supported at the quantum level by the etheric body,
an energetic scaffolding that keeps everything in order. A breakdown in
the etheric body leads to increased entropy in the physical, allowing
viruses, fungi, and bacteria to more easily establish themselves with an
infection. Several things lead to damage of the etheric body in the form of
rips, blockages, and darkenings.

First are negative emotions like fear, worry, anger, hatred, contempt, guilt,
and depression — especially if repressed. For example, reading an
emotionally distressing news article and boiling with anger, but being
unable to do anything and just letting the anger linger, that causes
negative etheric energy to build up in one’s etheric body (actually the
astral, but it filters down into the etheric) and causes damage. It also
spikes the cortisol and adrenaline levels which can wear down one’s
physical immune system. Another example: excessive fear, worry,
depression, and cynicism over financial and economic conditions will
affect one’s etheric body and magnetize one to the probability of getting
sick. Last example: internally raging at someone and wanting to verbally
thrash them but having to hold it in, that can case an imbalance in the
throat chakra and increase chances of a sore throat infection.

Second is stubbornly pushing oneself toward some goal or duty that

causes one great stress and discomfort, especially something that is
soul-killing. This is a big one. There is a flow to life, a rhythm and
direction of optimal balance where your soul maintains health and
equilibrium because what it experiences in life matches its spiritual
needs. Going 180 degrees against this is like pressing on the gas pedal
with the breaks on; it creates friction and stress that can burn out the
engine and the breaks. How does one go against the flow? By pursuing
ego-inspired or socially-forced goals that go against wisdom and destiny.
Sometimes we feel we have no choice, and sure enough sometimes we
don’t, but other times we do have the choice to stop some unwise course
of action but stubbornly push for it anyway. That’s when accidents and
illness increase, which are synchronistic forms of “smoke” and “fire”
caused by “friction.”

So those two factors alone, negative emotions and pushing against the
spiritual grain, are enough to weaken the immune system and attract
disease. Other factors like sleep deprivation and substance abuse can
also weaken or damage the etheric body.

Third is holding on to hypochrondriacal belief systems, that is, having

subconscious programming that one is under constant assault and at risk
of falling ill at any moment. It is true that with chemtrails in the air, fluoride
and chemicals in the water, pesticides and GMOs in food, BPA in
plastics, and superbugs in our environment that we are under physical
attack. However, due to epigenetic and occult reasons a constant and
deep seated fear of these threats (beyond mere calm awareness useful
for strategic solutions) can catalyze their effects on the body, mind, and
soul. For example, in attempting to avoid all toxins in foods and eating
clean and organic, one can go overboard and become neurotic, training
the body to treat everything as a potential threat, and that can lead to
autoimmune issues and a runaway cascade of allergies to anything and

Therefore you may benefit from meditating a few minutes before sleep
and after awakening with the thought and feeling that you are completely
well and at ease, safe and protected, healthy and sound in mind, body,
and soul. This will reprogram your subconscious and epigenetic
responses toward being better able at coping with various threats.
Physical Support of the Immune System

Numerous physical factors can reduce one’s immune system.

The first is not getting enough sleep. This leaves the nightly cleanup of
metabolic toxins unfinished, creates a stress response (cortisol,
adrenaline, and homocysteine) and makes the immune system sluggish.
Sleep deprivation can cause loss of brain cells, obesity, heart disease,
and more. Do your best to get enough sleep. Caffeine only surges more
adrenaline through one’s system, which is like adding nitro to an engine
full of sand. It can lead to eventual adrenal fatigue and burnout, and
perpetual illness.

The second is the aforementioned stress factor, which also comes from
pushing too hard against the spiritual grain and harboring / repressing
negative emotions. The worse you feel, the worse your immune system
feels. The better you feel, the better your immune system. If you get sick,
get warm and sleep like a maniac to conserve calories and feel as awake
as you possibly can, for then the lymphocytes are likewise energized and
ready to tackle the pathogen. Try to breathe deeply too to oxygenate your
body; alkalizing foods such as vegetables help as well.

The third is lack of sunlight / vitamin D. The reason flu season is in full
swing by February is not only because people spend more time indoors
breathing each other’s air, but because by that point it’s already been a
few months of wearing cold weather clothing and not being in the sun as
much. Without vitamin D, a host of biological processes cannot function
optimally, and the immune system suffers. Unfortunately, supplements
are neither as safe, strong, or efficiently absorbed as sunlight, but a D3
supplement is better than nothing during winter months or low-light areas
of the world. Zinc and magnesium can enhance the absorption of Vitamin

The fourth is a poor diet, and not only the consumption of immune-
reducing foods, but the lack of certain macronutrients. For example, not
having enough fat or calories can lead to starvation effects, which are
quite deleterious to the body. Fat is necessary for hormones and the
absorption of vitamins and minerals; going on too low-fat of a diet will
lead to malnutrition and autoimmune problems such as intestinal
inflammation and dryness of mouth and eyes upon eating certain trigger
foods; people have addressed that issue successfully by consuming
more vitamin D and fats such as butter. If you are concerned about
obesity, then simply make your fatty meal low-carb, because it’s the
mixture of high carb and high fat that lead to obesity the quickest.

But the big three immune-knockers are grains, sugar, and dairy.

The high gluten levels in modern wheat products has been linked to mild
or severe allergic reactions in people. These reactions cause intestinal
and systemic inflammations. Modern commercial wheat products are not
fermented, have extra gluten added, use fast-rise yeast that cannot break
down the complex starches in wheat, and come from a species of wheat
grain that has far more gluten than what our ancestors originally ate. The
info on wheat is out there, for example read this book review on the book
Dangerous Grains.

The problem is that Celiac Disease is just the most severe type of
reaction to wheat gluten, whereas a lesser condition is more common but
tends to go undiagnosed. The condition known as gluten sensitivity leads
to symptoms that aren’t obviously linked to gluten being the problem.
Those with Celiac Disease ought to eliminate gluten entirely, while those
with sensitivity can get by with largely reducing their gluten intake. Please
do further research on gluten sensitivity and Celiac disease to know what
foods are okay to eat, if you suspect you have either.

If you do have to eat wheat bread, then the two safest types are genuine
sourdough and sprouted wheat bread. Real sourdough uses no fast-rise
yeast and is given a long rise time in which the starches are broken down
by the natural micro-organisms in the sourdough starter. This is closer to
the kind of bread eaten before the advent of modern industrial bread
making. Sprouted wheat has some of the gluten and anti-nutrients
deactivated, so it’s not as harsh as the regular commercial breads.

Traditional substitutes for wheat include rice, oats, corn, quinoa, millet,
buckwheat, or amaranth. Of these, rice is the least problematic. But while
these alternatives contain less gluten (some none, some less than
others) it’s generally acknowledged that grains overall aren’t as ideal for
human consumption as fruits, vegetables, and tubers. The safest carbs
from a dietary, epigenetic, and allergenic standpoint are sweet potatoes,
butternut squash, cooked plantains, and fruits.

As for sugar, it’s fine in moderate quantities, but beware of larger

quantities as found in soft drinks, cool-aid, fruit juices, cookies, cakes,
and pastries. Interestingly, the biggest sugar danger of all is high
glycemic carbs such as white bread, soft mushy white rice, fat-free
pastries, mashed potatoes, or mushy pasta. These turn into blood sugar
quickly because they are so digestible, and that level of sugar either turns
into fat or cross-links with proteins in your blood vessels, causing
damage to them and accelerating the aging process. It’s the sugar crash
one gets an 1-4 hours later that really kicks the immune system down. A
big glass of juice can do it, a lot of bread or pastries can do it, a big pile of
mashed potatoes can do it — if you get a sugar crash, never eat that
food or that quantity again, because every sugar crash is a step closer to
cancer, diabetes, obesity, and accelerated aging. The aforementioned
safe carbs avoid this by having enough fiber and complex carbs that they
are slower to digest.

For those cutting down on sugar, it’s fine to have a teaspoon here and
there. In fact, that can reduce cravings and prevent binging. It’s the
several tablespoon’s worth found in juice and soft drinks or pastries,
cookies, puddings, etc. that should be avoided. Alternatives to sugar
include honey, stevia, and maple syrup. Stevia is a bit estrogenic so not
recommended for men. There are different types of sugar (glucose,
sucrose, fructose, lactose, xylitol). Fructose is the one to minimize as
much as possible; agave nectar is very high in fructose, hence not
recommended. Honey contains 50% glucose and 50% fructose just like
table sugar, but these are not bound to each other; point being that honey
is still sugar, and so is maple syrup. Use in moderation.

As for dairy, well that has several problems: 1) high estrogen content in
milk fat (means ovarian cancer for women, breast enlargement in males),
2) pus content from cows with infected udders, 3) lactose sugar which
causes intestinal problems for some people, 4) casein protein which not
everyone fully digests, causing undigested proteins to circulate in the
blood and act as an opium mimicker which screws with brain chemistry
and may aggravate autistic and schizophrenic symptoms, 5)
pasteurization, which destroys the enzymes that would normally help us
digest milk better, and 6) homogenization, which breaks fat globules up
into little jagged particles that go rancid more easily. That’s what you get
in modern commercial dairy.

If you do cow dairy anyway, butter and half-n-half are alright in moderate
quantities, other than the high estrogen levels, so guys don’t go crazy
with the butter unless you like a little more weight on your chests.
Coconut oil and olive oil are great alternatives to butter. Goat milk and
cheese is a decent substitute for regular milk, if you can get used to the
goaty taste. Else, there is plain oat/rice milk, just watch out for some
having lots of added sugar. Avoid soy milk since it has estrogen-
mimickers that will interfere with hormones.

Mainly it is cow cheese, cream cheese, sour cream, yogurt, and

whole/2%/1% milk that cause the biggest problems. Best to reduce them
to condiment-levels, and stick to alternatives for larger quantities. What is
the problem exactly? Well, dairy proteins don’t always digest well and the
homogenization process turns fat globules into jagged little particles that
can permeate the gut lining. In both cases, dairy particles escape into the
blood where the lymphatic system has to clean them up, which clogs it up
and reduces its ability to clean up pathogens. For example, the tonsils
are a part of the lymphatic system that excretes this waste down the back
of the throat, and consuming too much dairy can cause white secretions
to form in the tonsils which shouldn’t be there and are a symptom of an
overloaded lymphatic system. Stopping dairy will make those go away,
proving they are dairy particles the body is trying to eliminate. These
particles in the blood can also create an allergic and inflammatory
condition, leading to sinusitis, acne, and other health issues. Thus dairy
nowadays isn’t a good idea to consume daily or in large quantities.

Here is a list of the top food combinations to avoid, from the most
damaging to the least damaging:

Wheat + Dairy + Sugar — Cheese cake, custard pie, cream-filled

donuts, cookies/cakes/pastries with milk, bagels with sweet cream
cheese, ice cream with sugar or waffle cone, etc…

Wheat + Sugar — Cookies, cakes, muffins, pastries, pies, pancakes,

waffles, etc…

Dairy + Sugar — Ice cream, eggnog, flavored yogurt, pudding,

custard, etc…

Sugar — Soft drinks, fruit juices, candy, milk chocolate, popsicles,

especially anything with high fructose corn syrup, etc…

Wheat + Dairy — Pizza, cheese sticks, bread with cheese slice,

sandwiches, etc…

Wheat — Bagels, pasta, bread, couscous, etc…

Fatted Dairy — Whole milk, cream cheese, fatty yogurt (even plain),
cheese, sour cream, butter, etc…

Non-fat Dairy — Skim milk, nonfat plain yogurt, nonfat cottage

cheese, etc…

The top three ought to ideally be eliminated altogether, and the rest used
sparingly or in moderation. Everyone has different biology and
metabolism, so it takes some fine tuning to settle in on the foods that give
you energy. For most people, wheat, dairy, and sugar don’t have to be
eliminated completely, just restricted. A little butter, a little cream in
coffee, some wheat breading on chicken, and a little sugar added to
stews or oatmeal are fine for most people. It’s mainly the larger quantities
and combinations of two or three of the wheat, dairy, and sugar, that do a
number on the immune system.

It’s also worth reducing caffeine intake since caffeine creates a stress-
response in the body (adrenaline and cortisol increase) — anything over
30mg of caffeine per day is getting into health-negative territory, leading
to fatigue, headaches, and rapid aging.

The best immune-supporting meals are those with low glycemic index
(doesn’t cause sugar crash), that are low in wheat gluten, and have a
neutral or alkalizing effect on body pH. Examples include split pea soup,
steamed asparagus, pan-toasted plantains, boiled sweet potato discs,
boiled butternut squash cubes, stews/chillis, sauerkraut, oatmeal with just
a little butter and honey, fruit and nut mixes, apples, salads, fresh meat
and fish, sauteed vegetables, and so on. Simple ingredients, minimally
processed, maximum nutrient density.

As for supplements and the immune system, the major thing to watch out
for is being deficient in zinc, B-vitamins, vitamin C, and vitamin D.
Deficiencies in any of those will lower your immune system, therefore
read up on deficiency symptoms and compensate as necessary. A good
site for getting up to speed on nutrition is

Physiological Adjustments

A little bit of exercise can go a long way. If you sit on your butt all day and
heart rate rarely ever elevates, your overall health may decline. The body
will become like a stagnant pond versus a clear bubbling stream.
Exercise is necessary to oxygenate cells, accelerate the expulsion of
accumulated toxins, and flush out your circulatory system. No, jogging
isn’t necessary, nor is exercising so hard that your chest hurts. Just
increased breathing and breaking into a light sweat by maintaining
elevated heart rate for at least ten minutes per day is enough. Simple
home exercises like pushups, bicycle crunches, barbell movements, and
leg lifts or squats (if you don’t have weak knees) do the job. Whatever

And as mentioned earlier, get enough sleep — every night. Some people
view sleep as something that gets in the way of living, but that’s like
saying coming up for air gets in the way of diving. Sleep is when the body
repairs itself and charges up with physical and vital energy. If you
sacrifice sleep for trivial reasons, you will burn the candle at both ends.
Your immune system will suffer for it, you will age faster, get sick more
often, have lowered creativity and initiative, get stressed and irritated
more easily, and become more zombie-like. Get the sleep you need to
feel your fullest, and take a short nap if you hit an energy slump during
the day.
Metaphysical Adjustments

Moderating your emotional response to situations will become an

invaluable skill in the times ahead. I prefer staying on the slightly positive
side of neutral — not so flat as to be stone-faced, but not so giddy as to
see through rose-colored glasses. Rather, good-natured, optimistic, and
most of all sharp, balanced, aware, and lucid.

How can this be done in very challenging circumstances? Well, through a

combination of faith and understanding. Faith is needed where
knowledge fails, where you have done what you could and the rest is not
in your hands. Then it’s better to invoke a feeling that that things will work
out, than to worry unnecessarily. Understanding comes down to feeling
security in knowing what you must do, that panicking will get you
nowhere. An attitude of strategic optimism, that you will get through this
and will play your moves smartly, that really helps. If you are confronted
with anger or fear, ask yourself whether you can do something about the
problem right now. If yes, then do it. If not, then let those emotions go and
don’t worry since it’s out of your hands right now.

Catching yourself before you let loose with a blind emotional reaction will
keep you from having to suppress that emotion, by nipping it in the bud.
How? By noticing yourself reacting the moment that you do, instead of
being entranced by the thing triggering your reaction. Notice yourself,
notice how you the observer are actually calm and silent deep inside
while the emotion is an external thing trying to latch itself onto you, trying
to get you to align and identify with it. Ask yourself if this is really
necessary. Then look for understanding, the meaning, the lesson, the
way out of this situation you are in, and act logically and strategically.

If you build up a momentum of balanced optimism then when confronted

with a negative emotional trigger you are less liable to lose control
because you are already centered and stable. Therefore it may help to
start your day with some thoughts of gratitude, hope, and wonderment. If
you do this, you will also notice it affecting the probability of your
experiences throughout the day, reducing incidences of aggravation and
misfortune and increasing positive synchronicities. That is because
consciousness subtly affects how the future flows into the present.

A harder task is aligning with the optimal flow of life. It can be

accomplished by consulting your intuition, heart, and common sense
when making decisions, by spotting genuine inner and outer resistance to
going in the wrong direction (see my article Battle of Opposites).

The key to survival and good health in the coming years will be keeping
your eyes open and acting smartly without losing your emotional
composure or spiritual integrity, no matter what happens to you or those
around you.
Survival and Emergency Preparedness

03/31/2010 (matrix)

Realistic survival scenarios will not involve primitive fire-making or

building shelter out of mud, but rather having enough supplies on hand to
get you through temporary interruptions to utilities and food supply,
including disruptions that persist into the beginning stages of the
destabilization of society.

Preparedness spans the scale from quick and easy to hardcore and all-
consuming. You take a gamble in what level to go with. Too little and you
might painfully regret it one day. Too much and you will have spent time,
money, and sacrificed spiritual harmony out of proportion to the risk. But
something is better than nothing, which is why I advocate that everyone
at least have the basics. We live in a global society with fragile
interdependencies where medical, police, and utility services can only
handle things as they are now — they fall short when stretched by
exigent circumstances; history has shown us that nothing lasts forever
and periods of equilibrium have always without exception been
punctuated by natural upheavals and man-made disruptions that turn
things upside down. Those who ignore this and believe our society will
remain stable forever are living on borrowed time.

Thankfully, it doesn’t take much time or effort to get the basics. The
simplest and cheapest anyone can do for short term disruptions is get a
couple cases of bottled water, a first aid kit refill, low-cost LED headlamp
with some extra batteries, battery-powered radio, extra toiletries and
meds, and some canned and ready-to-eat foods with decent shelf life.
That’s good enough for one week and light enough to quickly load into
your vehicle if necessary. You can get all these things in one day, put it
away in your closet, and go on with your life. Having spare cash on hand
is recommended: enough for food, gas, and motel covering 2-3 days of
travel. Occasionally check the clearance section at stores; good deals on
useful items appear there sometimes. And if something jumps out at you,
is on sale, and seems like a good idea, maybe that’s a hint.
For longer term situations, these preparations and more would be
necessary. Basic needs in order of urgency: water, food, medical,
energy/lighting, shelter/clothing, defense, and tools. Some suggestions
with links to Amazon:


Portable water filter like the Sawyer Water Filtration System, cases of
bottled water in clear containers, water purification tablets, collapsible
water bags, 100 gallon water bag for bathtub.

If there is only one item to get, it is a high quality portable water filter. I
cannot stress this enough because water is the first and most essential
thing to go after any disaster, and portable filters are so compact yet
good for hundreds to thousands of gallons. That Sawyer water filter uses
new technology that makes it 5x more affordable than previous filters.


Mountain House freeze dried meal pouches or cans for long term food
storage. For short term: granola bars, protein bars, peanut butter, bags of
enriched rice, instant potatoes and oatmeal, canned beans, canned or
jarred fruits and vegetables, canned/pouched meat, powdered eggs,
powdered milk, salt and honey, pasta and jarred pasta sauces,
sunflower/safflower/coconut oil, vitamins (especially Vitamin B and C,
keep them fresh in the freezer if desired), or military meal packs. Or you
can go all-out and get one of those 3/6/12 month supplies of freeze dried
foods in cans; the Mountain House brand has the longest proven shelf

For cooking, most convenient for short term use: the Sterno or Esbit
folding stove and fuel. To use wood as fuel, which is great for long term if
you’re on foot, a biofuel stove works but takes longer to light and smoke
disallows indoor use. For emergency preparations, I generally
recommend an alcohol stove and quart-sized canisters of denatured
alcohol (found in the paint thinner section of hardware stores, and is also
known as marine stove fuel) because you can stockpile gallons of fuel for
months of smoke-free cooking; an ounce of alcohol boils 2 cups of water.
The alcohol stove is an easy and cost-effective setup for home or in
between travel-by-car.


Extra prescription items stored in a cool place, toiletries and personal

hygiene essentials, and First Aid kit (REI kit or Adventure Medical,
Comprehensive Kit).

Or make your own kit: anti-bacterial ointment (most important), anti-

fungal ointment, cortisone cream, anti-diarrheal, laxative, SAM splints for
sprains and breaks, assorted band-aids, buffered aspirin, vaseline,
rubbing alcohol, iodine liquid, medical tape, gauze rolls, elastic bandage
wrap, wound dressing pads, butterfly sutures, superglue for cuts, burn gel
or burn pad, moleskin for blisters, bandage scissors, tweezers, latex-free
gloves, plastic syringe for wound washing, Bic lighter, sturdy drinking
straws, Gold Bond medicated powder, scissors, digital thermometer.
Additional anti-microbials: oregano oil and colloidal silver.

For dealing with deep gashes, stabbing wounds, or gunshot wounds, you
would need a trauma kit. Celox for wound blood clotting, SOFTT Wide
tourniquet, Israeli or OLAES compression bandage, trauma scissors,
nasophyringial airways, chest decompression needle, HALO chest seals.
Some of these require medical training to use and are mostly meant to
stabilize someone long enough to get to a hospital.

Energy / Lighting

LED headlamp (essential for keeping hands free), rechargeable batteries

and portable charger, good LED flashlight, 20W solar panel with USB
output, 100W Solar Power Kit with AC inverter and 12V battery.


3M Respirator mask (also very important, for smoke, chemicals, fallout,

dust storms, volcanic ash, mold, rotting, disease, etc.), Swiss Army Knife,
pocket chain saw, mechanics gloves, Motorola 2-way radios (walkie
talkies), AM/FM/Shortwave radio. And of course the common sense
items like clothing, sunglasses, hats, socks, shoes etc.

It may be helpful to get a radio scanner to listen to local police, fire, and
ambulance services but some districts use digital trunking systems so
you might need a pricier scanner to pick up those communications.

Shelter / Hiking

You’re more likely to be sleeping in cars, buildings, or your own home

than in the wilderness. Preparing for on-foot or woods survival requires a
different approach focusing on minimalism and lightweight. Since you can
only take what you can carry, that limits how prepared you can be.
Further, cold weather and questionable availability of food, not to mention
running into hostile people, further reduce chances of survival in the wild.
Therefore roughing it out in nature or wandering around as a hobo is ill

Regardless, even if you don’t plan on bugging out on foot, it can’t hurt to
have a sleeping bag appropriate to your climate since even at home or in
cars, heat may not be available during utility or gas outages. Keep in
mind that when a sleeping bag says 15F they’re exaggerating and it’s
really only good down to 35F, and that two sleeping bags can be nested
for colder conditions. For warmer weather, a jungle blanket or jungle bag
may be sufficient and is a good idea to have anyway. Another essential
item for everyone is an inflatable sleeping pad, which will conserve body
heat and let you sleep comfortably in more places including the floors of
buildings, hard soil and gravel, and cots that lack padding.

For outdoor shelter, a lightweight tent or tarp and a military thermal

casualty blanket as a ground sheet suffices. And carrying all this requires
a good backpack, either a hiking backpack in the 45-100 liter range or a
bergen style rucksack with the side pouches. Remember to keep the total
weight under 30% of your healthy bodyweight or you won’t be walking far.

Research hiking, mountaineering, bushcraft, and orienteering to get

accustomed with the types of variables involved in traversing the land. If
your main aim is to travel while avoiding people and ambushes, then
investing in a portable infrared thermal scope can be of value since it lets
you detect body heat signatures from hundreds of yards away even at

Fitness, Knowledge, Teamwork

Gear aside, like in combat, physical fitness is of paramount importance

when surviving on foot. The more fit you are, the longer and more swiftly
you can move and thus evade danger. Such fitness would be centered
around endurance and mobility under load, meaning resistance cardio
and rucking moreso than bodybuilding and weight lifting. Physical fitness
is also an asset toward disaster-related activities like clearing fallen trees,
filling sandbags, boarding up windows, carrying food and water, and so

Further, the less you can depend on the conveniences of a stable society
to shelter and protect you, the more skills and knowledge you would need
to remain well. So for a week long power outage where you just sit tight
until services are restored, not much is required beyond some extra
supplies as mentioned at the beginning of this note. But surviving on foot,
dealing with marauders, or making it through a drawn out economic
collapse takes more than just gear. And beyond a certain point of
direness, one would need a group of skilled individuals working as a
team to do what one person alone cannot.


For those concerned about self-defense, the most legal option (check
local laws) is pepper/bear spray and a baseball bat; anything beyond that
is up to you. Firearms carry a legal risk and require safety, proficiency,
and integrity to use responsibly and effectively; nevertheless they are
tools that protect innocent life when alternatives are unavailable, such as
when law enforcement cannot respond quickly enough, is overwhelmed
or absent during a societal breakdown situation, or has turned corrupt
and predatory.

If you’re dead set on a firearm, then a Glock 19 pistol is probably the best
all-around option for its durability, portability, and commonality of spare
parts and aftermarket accessories. Use 124 grain hollow-point
ammunition such as Federal HST or Remington Golden Saber. If you’re
on a tight budget, have a look at the Walther PPX or Canik TP9SF. If a
handgun is not permitted, other options include:

1) AR15 style rifles. Good: M&P15 Sport II or Aero AC-15. Better:

Colt LE6920 MPS. Best: BCM complete upper with a BCM or PSA
complete lower. Ammunition: Wolf Gold 223 for bulk storage and
training, Fusion MSR 223 for defense. Advantages to the AR15 are
precision, accuracy, range, maneuverability, and light weight.
Downside is needing regular lubrication to remain functional. Have
backup iron sights and a red dot optic such as the Mepro Tru Dot
RDS, Aimpoint Micro, Primary Arms MD-ADS, or Trijicon MRO.

2) AKM style rifles. Good: WASR-10. Better: DDI Stamped AK47.

Best: Arsenal SLR-107. These are hard hitting, durable, reliable, low
maintenance, low hassle, simple to operate, and can take a folding
stock for compact storage. On the downside, compared to an AR15
they are cruder, clunkier, and heavier (by 1-2 lbs), have greater
recoil, are slightly less accurate, and the ammo weighs more.
Ultimak Rail upgrade recommended for mounting a small red dot
optic (Trijicon MRO, Primary Arms ADS, or Aimpoint Micro) for faster
and easier aiming.

3) Pistol caliber carbines. Fair: Hi-Point 995 or 4595. Better: Kel Tec
Sub 2000 Gen 2, or Beretta CX4 Storm. Best: Sig MPX. These look
like rifles but fire pistol ammunition. Compared to rifles they are
lighter, handier, and not as loud or concussive. Thus they are ideal
for indoor defense and smaller framed women. Downside is that their
effective range is under 100 yards whereas rifles can typically reach
200-400 yards with ease.

These are all commonly recommended choices for their specified budget
range and purpose. Note that ammo, upgrades, and accessories can
together equal the cost of the firearm, so budget accordingly. Don’t forget
hearing protection. And you can/should also install a weapon light to
avoid misidentifications, the specific light type depending on the firearm’s
mounting options. Streamlight and Surefire are the top brands.
Shotguns aren’t recommended. They may be cheap but are just too long,
heavy, lack range, only hold a few shells, have high recoil, are slow to
reload, and the manual pump operated ones are difficult to run properly
under stress. Similarly, a revolver is also not recommended since it has
low ammo capacity, is slower to reload, and not necessarily more reliable
than a Glock. However, revolvers are simpler to use and require no hand
strength to rack a slide, and pump shotguns are still legal in places other
firearms are not, so there are specific cases and places where they make

Goes without saying that if you are at risk for theft, or have kids, or if kids
ever so much as step a foot in your house, keep your firearms locked up
in a safe place. Educate yourself on safety procedures and take courses
or watch videos to train correctly on firearm use until it becomes
automatic, because only automatic motions can be relied upon in high
stress situations.

If you’re serious about defense, consider buying body armor. It’s a form
of insurance and no different than wearing a helmet or seat belt. Even a
pacifist should have no moral qualms about owning and wearing it since
it harms no one. The only downsides to armor are cost, reduced mobility,
and alarm or suspicion in public if too visible.

Soft armor (level IIIa) is lightweight and protects against pistol and
shotgun but not rifle. Soft armor weighs around 5 lbs for a vest and offers
greater coverage of the torso, is somewhat concealable, and can be worn
all day every day aside from being a bit hot.

Hard armor (level III+ or IV) is really heavy and thick but stops AR and
AK rounds as well. Hard armor weighs 10-20 lbs for a complete system.
There are lightweight hard armor options like the ceramic/poly armor that
come as front and back plates that slip inside a plate carrier vest like the
Grey Ghost Gear Minimalist or other plate carriers. Avoid hard armor
plates weighing over 7lbs each since they will drain your stamina and
hurt your spine; anything 5lbs and under is fine and is worth the money.

Books like the SAS Survival Handbook that focus on bushcraft and short
term survival in the woods are useful but not adequate for emergency
preparedness since we’re more likely to be in our homes, offices, or
vehicles than lost in the forest or stranded on a desert island. For the
more immediate and likely disruptions, you’re better off with the natural
disaster preparation advice from sites like

Economic collapse without complete societal collapse is the more

realistic scenario that warrants serious foresight and preparation, for
which you can cautiously read FerFal’s book The Modern Survival
Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse.

And if you’re concerned about the more tactical aspects of survival in the
face of widespread violence and desperation, then study Max Velocity’s
book Contact! A Tactical Manual for Post Collapse Survival. The book
covers subjects far beyond the scope of bushcraft or disaster preparation
books, but things would have to get pretty extreme to ever reach that

Studying and applying this stuff can take its mental and spiritual toll, so
be careful and weigh the risk of that versus the risk of not being


Here are some things to keep in mind:

1) You can only prepare for a limited set of scenarios. A point comes
in your attempt to prepare for everything, where you’ve just thrown
away your life, your destiny, your mission if you have one, all for the
sake of surviving. Then you would be surviving for the sake of
existing, not for the sake of living. Life would be meaningless and
you just defeated your very purpose for coming here. Therefore, no
amount of preparation warrants throwing your life away and heading
into the hills, shutting yourself off from the world until doomsday
comes. All preparations should be done in parallel with your regular
life and not infringe upon it. If your main life is Plan A (nothing
happens) then keep that open while you simultaneously have Plan B
(S.H.T.F. = shit hits the fan, meaning a condition of survival amidst
social chaos and civil breakdown).

2) Do not become obsessed, preoccupied, or emotionally invested in

this. If you get some survival item, know how to use it and put it
away until time for maintenance, training, and use. Don’t dress up in
ninja gear like you have some kind of survivalism fetish, don’t be
turning over post-apocalyptic fantasies in your mind hours upon
hours a day, and don’t keep gloating over your advantage over the
other poor suckers who are asleep and unprepared. Reason being
that holding onto an extreme survivalism mentality, beyond what’s
needed to actually do it and be proficient at it, is highly detrimental to
your spiritual balance. Have the knowledge and supplies, but be very
cautious of aligning your heart and thought-train completely and
exclusively with the mere idea of physical survivalism. Making it your
life goal will kill your soul, and you need your soul and a spiritual
connection to gain the synchronistic and intuitive protection needed
to keep you safe in all scenarios, not just the ones you can physically
prepare for.

3) To an extent, spiritual balance, good intuition (honed through past

trial and error), and sharp awareness (observe and think several
steps ahead) will get you farther than any physical survival dwelling
or supplies. Why? Because then you can respond flexibly to
whatever comes, as it comes. By spiritual balance I mean keeping a
leash on your ego, your jealousies, contempt and hatred, desperate
materialism, greed, and other base impulses… and instead, striving
for equanimity, gratitude to the Creator, devotion to truth and beauty
and fairness, and consideration for others. Then you acquire divine
blessing that increases the luck factor in your life. In the midst of
calamity you can get an intuitive or synchronistic helping hand.

Of course, spiritual versus physical preparation are not mutually

exclusive; just avoid physical obsession that infringes on spiritual
balance; that’s the most important thing I can say. Same goes for looking
toward the future and getting apprehensive. Don’t lose hope or optimism,
as you need these to carve out a pathway to heaven through times of
Moon Cycles

11/02/2010 (matrix)

After ten months of observation back in 2004, I concluded that moon

phases and periods of hyperdimensional attack are highly correlated,
enough so that one can predict them.

They tend to occur within three days of a full moon, three days of a new
moon, and within one day of lunar perigee or apogee. Based on this, it
sounds like the entire calendar would be filled, but that is not so because
each has different intensity, and the intensity varies within the active
period. For example, the third day prior and after a full moon is more
conducive to trouble than the others; perigee and apogee do more to
amplify these.

One thing I can say for certain is that all days free of lunar influence are
also free of hyperdimensional/psychic attacks. Several months ago after
figuring out this pattern I tested the theory by making predictions.
Success rate in predicting lunar-free days as being “good” days has been
100%. Success rate in predicting that lunar-influence days correlate with
attacks has been about 90%.

What do I mean by “hyperdimensional attack”? First let me say that

‘attack’ isn’t the best word since it implies victimization. Better words
would be “testing” or “challenge” or “initiation” — but these can be
euphemistic considering the source and intent of these “greetings” are to
put targets out of commission or worse, weaken and inevitably
replace/reprogram their souls into service to STS forces.

But as far as this research note is concerned, the term “hyperdimensional

attack” refers to cunning operations by negative fourth/fifth density
entities to pre-emptively sabotage spiritually progressive individuals and
groups in 3D. This is done by attacking the weakest persons at the
weakest spots at their weakest moments. These forces have at their
disposal limited time travel capability, the ability to abduct and
hypnotically program key individuals for later triggering, and are by nature
able to foresee our future probability vectors and analyze where the
necessary critical points are located.

In moderating my message board, the moon chart together with other

tools such as warning dreams, synchronicities, omens, number sightings,
ear ringings, deja vu, etc… allow me to consistently predict when the next
period of turmoil will be, from what issue it will spawn, and whom it will
involve. You can hear a train before it rolls into town…you can sense the
precursors of a hyperdimensional “challenge” before it manifests. It’s like
forecasting the weather. (Here is an MP3 of a simulated ear tone. Works
best with headphones. For more on eartones/ringings, see the In2Worlds
article on Ear Tones).

I don’t know the exact reason why these correllate with moon phases, but
I do have theories. It’s generally known that emotions are high and
judgments are off on full moons. Occult practices are best performed
three days before and after new and full moons. So these alone show
periods of increased vulnerability in targets and increased offensive
ability by the sharpshooters.

An additional possible factor is the alignment between earth, moon, and

sun – particularly the gravitational aspects of same. At the center of every
cosmic spherical object (star, planet, perhaps moon) resides a
dimensional window created from the mutual stress of gravity tugging
equally in all directions from that point, opening up a portal into other
dimensions and densities. Between the centers of two such bodies a
conduit is formed transferring energy between them. Certain alignment
between sun, earth, and moon create resonant conditions which allow
maximum energy transfer, amplifying the dimensional windows of all
objects involved. This, in turn, thins the veil between dimensions and
densities and affords hyperdimensional forces an easier time viewing
realms and probability trajectories otherwise occluded, helps them work
within these newly accessible realms to effect desired change in third
density. Nutational points may also be involved.

The reasons are less important than the results – I am absolutely

convinced of a correlation between lunar influence and hyperdimensional
interference. How do I know it’s actual interference and not just the chaos
caused by natural lunar astrological factors? Because these involve
clever orchestrations that are clearly set up in advance; the way they play
out is too organized to be dismissed as chance.

Certain moon phases give hyper-D attackers an upper hand, but you
knowing about this fact puts them in a hard spot: they can surprise you
by attacking during a non-lunar day and suffer the weakened energetic
conditions, or they can go ahead and attack during a lunar day but suffer
complications from you expecting it.

By knowing cycles, one can become free of them. See if the moon chart
correllates with anything in your life – if so, you can know what days to be
extra alert. And remember, alert does not mean paranoid. As the C’s
warned, paranoia will destroy ya. But what can be predicted can also be
controlled. In this case, through awareness between myself and a few
others, we have been able to head off one attack attempt – that was an
act of using cycles and knowledge of precursors to win the battle before it
began. The dark works in darkness, and shining the light of awareness
into these dark paths renders them useless as sneak attack routes.

Defense involves donning protection by upping one’s emotional

frequency, “creating” reality by intending that all goes well, and increasing
awareness by expecting attack and knowing how to counter modes of
attack. Most of this is covered in The Art of Hyperdimensional War. The
rule of thumb is this: if you can guess an attack method before ‘they’
have a chance to pull it off, they will call it off and try another until the
window of opportunity closes. Awareness “heads off” such possibilities
before they manifest. Expect the unexpected.

Now, for those who have read Food for the Moon, I constructed a number
of moon charts showing the full, new, quarter, perigee, and apogee.

Perigee (moon furthest in its orbit) and apogee (moon closest) have been
incorporated into the shape of each new or full moon window by placing a
peak at the midpoint between the new or full moon and the closest
apogee or perigee. In my observation, the highest probability for “lunacy”
occurs near this average. In other words, if the perigee or apogee
happens at the very end of a moon window, then the peak would be
three-fourths into the window.

Second, I put a minor bump at quarter moon. That is when the moon is
half full, when in astrological terms the sun and moon are square. Square
aspects are antagonistic, and as I have found, minor disruptions
sometimes crop up on those days.

Now, further narrowing down the peak probability within a moon window
requires the use of personal biorhythm charts. In my experience, the
more waves cross on any given day, the more likely that day will see
improbable manifestations of “negativity.” Personal reality unlocks,
becomes more easily reshuffled.

Some might ask why any of this is necessary if one should strive to be
aware all the time. My reply is that it’s not about when to be aware and
when not to be aware, but rather when one should be more aware than
usual. Trying to maintain peak awareness all the time would tax your
system and create unnecessary stress. But by knowing the cyclical
factors behind turbulent flavors of experience, you can economize your
energies by maintaining peak awareness when it counts most.

The moon cycles affect some people more than others. You will know
through observation whether this is valid for you and those you interact
with. I have received many emails from people who have independently
discovered this themselves, that things tend to get rougher around the
new and full moon than other days of the month.

Also take a look at my Coherence Indicators research note, which

contains a link to a dashboard of different phenomena that tie into current
realm conditions.

Regarding the mechanism behind these indicators, my best guess is that

earth undergoes unstable gravitational fluctuations that temporarily mess
up the borders between strata (realms) in the fourth dimensional spatial
continuum, allowing infernal forces native to the strata beneath our own
easier access to our reality. These fluctuations are brought on by
anything from astrological alignments to the longitudinal vector potential
stream buffeting the earth whenever the sun throws a coronal mass
ejection our way.

As for HAARP and its sister sites across the globe, these pulse the
ionosphere to create modulated longitudinal waves that change realm
characteristics on the ground in a controllable way, which further assists
hyper-dimensional manipulation of our reality. Weather control is only part
of the effect, but still an important one as evidenced by HAARP waterfall
charts in the days leading up to Hurricane Katrina. Mind control is
another by-product, although “mood control” would be more accurate. As
some of you might have noticed, mood can tie into weather, weather can
respond to mood, weather can reflect hyper-dimensional happenings,
those happenings can affect mood, etc… it’s all quantum entangled.

Reason I mention this is because the mechanism underlying the “food for
the moon” effect may just be the same one underlying HAARP
technology, solar storm effects, and so on: realm boundary perturbation
through exotic gravitational field geometries or modulation. Just my
educated guess.

Later I removed perigee and apogee since their effects were too minor.
The minor bump at quarter moon stays. Again, that is when the moon is
half full, when in astrological terms the sun and moon are square. Square
aspects are antagonistic, I have found the potential for minor disruptions
increases those days but only a third as intensely as the new or full moon
windows. Mercury Retrogrades and strong geomagnetic storms (due to
solar activity) make for prolonged lunar-like influences.

Currently the moon chart is auto-generated via javascript application on

my Coherence Indicators page at
Twin Sun

10/12/2005 (history)

For a while I have been researching the Planet X idea and its many
variants, from the theories of Sitchin to Zetatalk, Barry Warmkessel,
Richard Muller, and Velikovsky. And of course the version explored in the
Cassiopaean transmissions which are close to Richard Muller’s theory of
a dark star companion that swings by every 26-27 million years. The twist
is that via its highly elliptical orbit, it punches through the Oort cloud and
sends a trailing cluster of comets into the solar system which then
establish a 3600 year orbital cycle, periodically pelting the inner solar

Here is a PDF written in 2003 that explores the plausibility of this

Atlantis and the Equinox Cataclysm

09/18/2006 (history)

For an explanation of frequency resonance vibration (FRV) or “soul vibe”

please see my previous research note. Now, through intent and the
transmutation of negative emotions into positive, it is possible to
momentarily raise your FRV. The end result should be an elevated mood
and conscious lucidity, reduction in passivity or reactivity, and greater

Raising FRV from neutral to positive mood is used to connect one with
positive probable futures, as when manifesting through intent, or initiating
communication with higher positive entities. Raising FRV from negative
to neutral is done by degrees to get one out of a depressed or reactive
states of mind, particularly those that are the result of psychic attack or
lunar energies.

The thing to notice is that the raising sensation can be felt. It is not just an
auto-release of endorphins as that is just a byproduct of something
nonphysical, rather it is an actual feeling of being raised, but not in any
three dimensional direction. So let’s make a working hypothesis that
raising your FRV actually shifts you in a fourth dimensional direction
(likely the same direction that Stephen Hawking has popularized as
imaginary time). This hypothesis is useful because in accordance with
metaphysical fact, by raising FRV enough you could leave the 3D plane
and enter into a 4D positive realm. So tuning the dial to a higher station
gets you there.

Likewise, lowering your FRV by intensifying and purifying your lowest

frequencies of resonance would eventually pop you into the 4D negative
realm. One might ask, how can lowering FRV bring you into a higher
dimension? Answer is shown in this diagram:
As you can see, lowering FRV simply moves one in a negative fourth
dimensional direction, and raising moves one in a positive direction. This
is interesting because from a 4D perspective the negative realms are
actually beneath 3D. Those of us accustomed to thinking in terms of
“densities” (degrees of consciousness) may not have found this initially
apparent. But here we are talking instead about dimensions (degrees of
freedom in motion). Fourth density STS beings are higher than us in
terms of density and complexity of dimension, but positionally lower than
us in the fourth dimension. Remember that the third dimension is just a
subset of the fourth and like a horizontal plane there is space above and
space below. So when heaven and hell are said to be above and below,
this is just a metaphor for positive and negative realms being ana and
kata, respectively. Ana and kata are the four dimensional equivalents of
up and down.

One reason this hypothesis works is because mythology frequently

makes references to dark forces residing in the abyss, underground, in
tartarus, at the bottom of the ocean where it is cold, dark, and still. It is
true that negative beings have bases that are literally underground, but
the myths also refer to their being fourth dimensionally beneath us.
Steiner and the Theosophists refer to this as the Eighth Sphere. The
abyss also seems to be the quantum foam from which our three
dimensional physical existence and its timelines spring forth, and likewise
it is the place physical dimensions and timelines may return to when
wiped from active existence.

This then brings us to the myth of Atlantis. There are enough

archeological, religious, geographic, and mythological pieces of evidence
that Atlantis existed, and popular theories say it disappeared between
twelve and thirteen thousand years ago. The most convincing evidence
for Atlantis is that early civilizations sprung into existence quite suddenly
at highly advanced levels of cultural and scientific sophistication, yet
these immediately degenerated over the following millennia as old
knowledge became lost. This indicates they were seeded by
sophisticated remnants (survivors) of a pre-existing advanced culture.
And yet, the majority of physical evidence of Atlantis from the time of the
end of the last Ice Age is curiously missing. Maybe more should have
survived if Atlantis merely sank beneath the waters.

But what if the myth speaks not (only) of a physical cataclysm, but a
hyperdimensional one? What if Atlantis sank into the quantum abyss and
the new timeline that sprang forth contained little physical evidence of the
previous one?

I am reminded of Matrix Reloaded where it was revealed that the

underground sanctuary Zion was just the most recent version, whereby
the older versions had been intentionally wiped out by the machines to
make room for the next try, the next “iteration of the timeloop.” The Matrix
Trilogy is modern mythology, and as such includes data about
hyperdimensional history. For instance, note that the Keymaker
mentioning a “314 second” time limit could very well be code for
“timeloop” since 314 is the circle constant PI and seconds is a measure
of time. Another movie, Donnie Darko, contains similar themes when a
temporary timeloop is spawned by a dimensional glitch from the future.
We may also take into account ancient mythology, like those analyzed in
the book Hamlet’s Mill that appear to describe precession of equinoxes
when referring to events like the “unhinging of the millstone” but may in
fact refer to an unhinging of the time axis, and also the battles between
hyperdimensional forces if you read between the lines. If you research
this stuff deeply, you may even conclude that our current timeline may
very well have resulted from a monumental abuse of hyperdimensional
technology, that we exist in a temporary timeloop perhaps very different
from the original. The full exploration of this idea can be viewed in my
Gnosis Series.

Returning to the subject of Atlantis, another interesting thing is that if the

Fall of Atlantis occurred 12,000-13,000 years ago, that is exactly half of a
precessional cycle. Every year at spring equinox the sun rises at a
slightly different spot relative to the background of stars, traversing the
entire zodiac of constellations over a 25,700 year period. This is known
as the Great Year, or Platonic Year. For each zodiac sign there is an age
lasting around 2100-2150 years, and currently we are in the Age of
Pisces heading over the next several centuries into the Age of Aquarius.
The Fall of Atlantis occurred opposite our current age on the zodiac
circle, during the Age of Virgo going into Leo.

If we draw the precessional cycle as a wave, it is evident that both the

beginning of the wave and its halfway point cross the zero line and thus
share common qualities. If the beginning marks the Fall of Atlantis, then
the midpoint basically marks 2012-2013 AD, the symbolic mile marker on
the Mayan Long Count calendar, which may signify the beginning of a
dimensional Shift providing an opportunity for some humans to rise
towards fourth density. This is primarily a positive shift, a rising toward
something higher. Notice how this is opposite what happened to Atlantis;
whereas Atlantis sank into the abyss, we now have an opportunity to rise
into the heavens. All of these ideas may be elegantly related in this
As you can see, the Fall of Atlantis marks descent into a negative half of
the cycle. No doubt, history since then has been quite dark. And half a
precessional cycle afterwards, we now cross that zero line again, this
time into a positive phase. In the terminology of Ra, I would say that the
heights of corruption and darkness reached by Atlantis made for a social
memory complex on the verge of graduating towards a 4D STS state of
existence. Not everyone in Atlantis would have qualified due to lack of
sufficient polarization, and they would have been recycled, allowed to
continue in the next timeloop which is the one we currently find ourselves
in. The negative ones who graduated gained abode in the quantum
abyss from which they have for the past twelve thousand years
manipulated their counterparts within the 3D timeloop, namely those
negative secret societies who have run the show in all great civilizations
of history (Egypt, Sumeria, Babylon, Rome, etc…).

It is only appropriate then, that this time we are experiencing now may be
an opposite shifting, one towards a restoration of balance (in the end).
But again, the primary point of this research note is to emphasize the
importance of thinking fourth dimensionally, and how doing so unlocks
many secrets of mythology, history, current and future events.

What if the dating of Atlantis is wrong?

That said, I have reasons to suspect that Atlantis may not have existed
10,000+ B.C. but rather 4,000-3,000 B.C. (or just slightly earlier). This is
based on well-developed civilizations springing up around that time, one
of which was involved in the building of the Great Pyramid. Prior to that
time, there were no great advanced civilizations of significance; even
Gobekli Teppe and the Vinca civilization were primitive compared to what
came after. It doesn’t makes sense for Atlantis to fall around 10,000 B.C.
and its survivors to lay dormant for more than six millennia before
suddenly emerging around 4,000-3,000 B.C. with knowledge, culture,
and technology intact in order to seed new civilizations in their image.

The conventional dating of Atlantis relies heavily on retro-calculation from

the current astronomical conditions, which assumes the rate of
precession of earth’s axis has remained constant for tens of millennia.
Perhaps that is not the case. Perhaps there was a skip in the
precessional cycle along the way.

This is further confirmed by archeological artifacts being plentiful in

association with Leo (lion) and Virgo (fat woman) worship occurring
around that time (the Sphinx near the Pyramid is one example, the fat
women statues of Malta near the megalithic temples there is another)
suggesting that perhaps the ages of Leo and Virgo and the transition
between them happened during 4,000-3,000 B.C. rather than thousands
of years earlier.

Meanwhile, the subsequent ages of Cancer and Gemini (it goes Virgo ->
Leo -> Cancer -> Gemini -> Taurus) have little or no presence among
archeological artifacts indicating worship/celebration of those ages.
Rather, it goes from Leo straight to the Taurus, hence the ancient Apis
Bull worship in Egypt.

This would make sense if there were a devastating pole shift around that
time which knocked Earth’s precessional cycle out of whack, causing it to
rapidly skip Cancer and Gemini and leap right into Taurus. Could that be
the symbolic significance of the Minoan practice of Bull Leaping? The
Mayan Long Count calendar, said by the Mayans to signify the beginning
of time, begins in 3114 B.C., further underscoring the idea. It marks the
beginning of a new age, and possibly a new timeline.

This catastrophic skewing of the precessional cycle I call the “Equinox


So if Atlantis really existed 4,000-3,000 B.C., then they may have actually
been the trans-Atlantic proto-Phoenician, proto-Indo-European civilization
that sprung up (or “landed”) in what is now Lebanon and Turkey, and who
colonized Spain, Ireland and Scotland. Through their sophistication and
ingenuity they became wealthy beyond compare. Their descendants
(Minoans, Phoenicians, proto-Celts) remained so, up until about 1500-
1400 B.C. when the Bronze Age collapsed due to their being militarily
overwhelmed by Egyptian and other forces. Their last remnants were
known as the Veneti and Tocharians who died out by 500 A.D.
So if it was 4,000-3,000 B.C. and not 11,000-10,000 B.C., then that
suggests the 3D/4D etheric cycle has more to do with Earth’s axial
alignment than some fixed measure of time. Incidentally, the Platonic
Year happens to equal the time it takes light to reach us from the Galactic
Center. That is, there may be a kind of resonant wave phase-lock
between Earth and the Galactic Center.

I am reminded of the quantum phenomenon of spin, where a detector’s

spatial orientation determines how it detects the incoming electron which
has spin up or spin down (spin is more complicated than that, but a
simple explanation suffices for now). What if Earth’s axial direction
relative to the wave emission from the Galactic Center affects how it
“detects” those emissions? What if that affects the timeline of Earth, its
etheric / 3D / 4D conditions? Perhaps that is the key to explaining why
precessional ages seem to correlate with the occult, cataclysmic, and
social phases of history.

Putting all this together, I propose that around 4,000-3,000 B.C. (or
slightly earlier) a geophysical, temporal, and/or hyperdimensional
cataclysm occurred that caused a fourth density civilization (the original
Atlantis) to “fall” fully into third density Earth, to be injected into the
current timeline. This civilization subsequently civilized the primitives
around the globe and thereby birthed various civilizations that started at
the heights of sophistication but gradually degraded over the following

Maybe Earth was supposed to take another several thousand years

before reaching the Age of Taurus, but a cataclysm caused a premature
shifting of the axis, thereby changing the alignment/tuning with the
Galactic Center wave emission, thereby prematurely bringing our timeline
in contact with 4th density forces. Their consequent involvement in our
history has created modern day conditions that are almost entirely of, by,
and for various fourth density agendas. But if our axial orientation is now
shifting to the sign opposite to the one during which Atlantis fell, then we
may soon experience an upward rising instead, and will therefore enter
their territory this time, instead of their entering ours.
Tuning Forks and Megalithic Technology

05/11/2010 (history)

Officially, tuning forks were invented in 1711 by John Shore, a British

Musician. Unofficially, their existence traces back to ancient Celtic and
Egyptian times.

Nowadays they are used mainly for testing hearing, tuning musical,
keeping time in a quartz watch, and teaching the principles of vibration
and resonance in the classroom. The alternative health community uses
tuning forks for healing purposes.

But what did the ancients use them for? I believe they were mainly used
to cut, drill, and levitate stones. I will provide some information in this
note regarding these applications.

First consider this photo of the Abernethy Pictish Stone in Perthshire,

There you clearly see a tuning fork and hammer. If both are drawn to
scale, then the tuning fork is quite large. A hammer would be needed to
strike so large a fork. This fork was likely made of bronze, just as bells
are made of bronze, due to the ideal stiffness and resilience of the
material allowing for prolonged vibrations. Other materials like stone,
iron, copper, and wood are unsuitable. Also, the Pict/Celt civilization
traces back to Bronze Age.

To the right of the fork is what looks like an anvil, ax-head, or horn. Horns
have acoustic applications, as explained on Wikipedia

A horn loudspeaker is a complete loudspeaker or loudspeaker

element which uses a horn to increase the overall efficiency of the
driving element, typically a diaphragm driven by an electromagnet.
The horn itself is a passive component and does not amplify the
sound from the driving element as such, but rather improves the
coupling efficiency between the speaker driver and the air. The horn
can be thought of as an “acoustic transformer” that provides
impedance matching between the relatively dense diaphragm
material and the air of low density. The result is greater acoustic
output from a given driver.

It’s also worth mentioning that this stone is positioned right in front of a
round stone tower. If you read the works of Phil Callahan you’ll know
these towers, made of highly diamagnetic stone, served exotic/occult
functions. Their inner floor is made of dirt and raised off the ground at
varying levels, which Callahan theorizes was to allow fine tuning of the
resonant frequency inside the tower by varying the height of the inner

Underneath is a tulip growing from a rounded surface with swirl patterns

reminiscent of cymatic patterns in liquids. For comparison, here is an
image of liquid being subjected to vibrations (from Hans Jenny’s book
“Cymatics, Volume 1”, page 58):
In the above picture, vibrations form standing waves in the liquid, which
impart vortical currents in the water that form swirl patterns in dye or oil.
These vibrationally induced patterns are virtually identical to design
elements found on Pictish and Celtic artifacts.

Next, consider these symbols on an Egyptian statue of Isis and Anubis

(from Crystalinks):
There you see two tuning forks joined to each other by strings. The left
fork is joined at two vibrational nodes, the right at three, possibly implying
a 2:3 frequency ratio between the two forks which is the musical interval
known as a “perfect fifth” (aka the power chord for you metalheads).
Beneath them is a four-shaped leaf pattern reminiscent once again of a
flower. Then a dish or convex lens. And further down on the left, that
same anvil or bullhorn flare shape.

So, what are the chances that an old Pictish stone in Scotland would
show several of the same symbols as a carving from ancient Egypt? Both
show tuning forks, flower shape, flare shape, and possible liquid
associations (one a cymatic liquid swirl, the other a dish that can hold

Only the Pictish stone shows a hammer, and only the Egyptian carving
shows an extra fork connected by strings. These differences merely
suggest different ways of setting the fork into vibration. Consider the
following anecdote reported in 1997 (from keelynet):
Some years ago an American friend picked the lock of a door
leading to an Egyptian museum store-room measuring approx 8 feet
x ten feet. Inside she found “hundreds” of what she described as
“tuning forks”.

These ranged in size from approx 8 inches to approx 8 or 9 feet

overall length, and resembled catapults, but with a taut wire
stretched between the tines of the “fork”. She insists, incidentally,
that these were definitely not non-ferrous, but “steel”.

These objects resembled a letter “U” with a handle (a bit like a

pitchfork) and, when the wire was plucked, they vibrated for a
prolonged period.

It occurs to me to wonder if these devices might have had hardened

tool-bits attached to the bottom of their handles and if they might
have been used for cutting or engraving stone, once they had been
set vibrating.

The technical details in this anecdote are too clever to be made up, in my
view. The wide U-shape is not something you ever see in commercial
tuning forks, but they are precisely what is needed to have strings strung
between the tines.

Notice how the Egyptian photo above also shows strings and tuning
forks, and that’s from a verified ancient Egyptian artifact. Strings strung
this way (either between forks, or between the tines of a fork) as on a
harp, piano, or guitar, can be tightened to the exact same pitch as the
tuning fork, and thus by bowing or plucking them, the fork can be set to
vibrate without need for a hammer blow. This feature is likewise never
seen in modern commercial tuning forks. Bowing the string would be
ideal, as it would make for a steady vibration, just as a violin can be
bowed to make an extended note. That the largest forks were 8-9 feet
long indicates some seriously low pitches and/or powerful and prolonged
sounds were required.

Whereas tuning forks can nowadays be vibrated through electronic

drivers that use a pulsing magnetic field to set the tines in motion
(perhaps what Ed Leedskalnin used) in ancient times simple striking,
bowing, and plucking did the job equally well. These vibrations may then
be applied toward drilling, shaping, and levitating stones.

Sonic Drilling

You can’t drill and shape stones as you would metal or wood, especially
hard stones like granite, because they are made of extremely hard
mineral particles that overheat and wear down the tool bit. Normally it
takes a special diamond cutting wheel and a slowly turning drill bit, lots of
cooling fluid, and very slow progress to drill through granite.

A better method is sonic drilling. Sound vibrations are sent through a drill
bit or even a metal pipe, so that the end in contact with the stone surface
acts as a high-frequency jack-hammer. The drill barely needs to turn,
since it’s the vibrational impacts and shattering that do the job. Compared
to conventional drilling, this method is faster, puts less wear on the tool
bit, and takes less energy.

So, conceivably one could turn the handle of a large tuning fork into a
cutting rod, whether a drill tube or drill bit, and thereby have a sonic drill
that can handle hard stones. Even a copper tube would cut into granite in
that case. Or instead of a tube, the end could be flat like a chisel or
spade to cut instead of drill.

To make a tuning fork sonic drill, the resonant frequency of the cutting rod
must match the frequency of the fork it’s attached to. The way it works is
that transverse vibrations from the tines move the bottom of the U-shape
up and down, which sends longitudinal vibrations down through the
cutting rod.
At the rod’s resonant frequency, these vibrations create standing waves
with maximum vibration at the beginning and end of the rod, and a point
of no vibration at the middle where a perpendicular handle can be
attached if needed.

Here are some links on sonic drilling and tuning fork physics:

» Tuning Forks For Vibrant Teaching

» NASA research into ultrasonic drilling

» Technical info on sonic drills for mining applications

The frequency of a tuning fork is approximated by the following equation:


is frequency (Hz)
is length of tine (m)
is cross sectional area of a tine ( )
is Young’s Modulus of the fork’s material (pascals)
is density of the fork’s material ( )

The frequency of a metal rod is:


is frequency (Hz)
is Young’s Modulus of the rod’s material (pascals)
is density of the rod’s material ( )
is length of the rod (m)
is speed of sound in the rod’s material ( )

If the fork and rod are made of the same material, and if the tines have a
square cross section with width , then setting these frequencies equal
and simplifying:


is length of rod (m)

is length of tine (m)
is width of tine (m)

This simple equation says how long to make the rod for any given tuning
fork size (again, provided the fork has a square tine cross section and
both fork and rod are made of the same material… if not, then this
equation will be slightly more complicated, but all you do is set (1) and (2)
equal and solve for ).
So let’s plug in some numbers, to get an idea of how a sonic tuning fork
drill would look. Tines 30 cm long and 3 cm thick makes for a resonant
frequency of 1100 Hz and requires a rod 1.5 m long. Here is a picture
drawn to scale:

Notice how long the handle is, relative to the fork, and how this actually
looks like a trident or harpoon, and can function as such if the tines are
sharpened. This is reminiscent of Neptune, the god of Atlantis. This
aquatic symbol shows up in the Egyptian myth of Horus (falcon god)
striking his enemy with a harpoon, as well the Egyptians associating their
antediluvian ancestors with the harpoon symbol. The Celts likewise have
their legends about arriving in Europe after fleeing a sinking island to the
northwest (likely Greenland or Iceland).
In other words, an antediluvian ocean-faring civilization with advanced
technology including harpoon-like tuning forks, may have split up after
the cataclysm, some founding Egypt, others becoming ancestors of the

Stone Levitation

The Great Pyramid, ancient megaliths, Stonehenge, and Edward

Leedskalnin’s “Coral Castle” in Florida are testaments to a secret
technology, one that allowed people with simple methods to move stones
up to several hundred tons in weight.

Everything points to sound being the principal ingredient. This is not the
same as acoustic levitation demonstrated in physics labs nowadays,
where little ping pong balls and similar light-weight objects are levitated
by the air pressure impact of standing waves produced by really loud
horns. Rather, I mean sound being the initiator of a process that ends up
altering gravity directly.

This is nowhere more evident than in the size of megalithic stones. Why
didn’t the ancients use smaller stones that were easier to carry? Why
were stones 10-500 tons more prevalent than those under a ton?
Probably because the smaller the stone, the higher its resonant
frequency, and the more difficult it is to produce a powerful sound at the
required frequency using tuning forks and/or the human voice. Both forks
and the human voice have a limited frequency range, generally 100-3000
Hz. If you convert that frequency range into an allowable range of stone
sizes, it matches the range of megalithic stone sizes around the world.

It was only after the loss of this technology that buildings and stone
structures were built of much smaller blocks. You see this in Mycenae,
Malta, Macchu Picchu, Baalbek, and Egypt, where the earliest stones are
huge and precisely fitted, while the ones added much later are smaller
and usually more roughshod. This can only be because earlier ones were
shaped and put in place through an exotic technology that attenuated

The largest megalith is the Stone of the Pregnant Woman at Baalbek. It

is 21.5 meters long, made of red granite, and weighs an estimated 500-
1000 tons. Its resonant frequency, like that of a metal rod, depends on its
length and the speed of sound through it. The speed of sound in red
granite is approximately 4500 m/s, giving a resonant frequency of 105
Hz. If its width of 4.8 meters is used instead, the frequency is 469Hz.
Another example, the typical Great Pyramid block has a length of 2.2
meters, and with speed of sound through limestone being 3000 m/s, its
resonant frequency is 682 Hz.

All these are well within the ideal frequency range of metal tuning forks
and the human voice. Tuning forks only go up so high in pitch before the
viscoelasticity of the material at that pitch is too much and the ringing
dies down very quickly.

Likewise, the human voice only goes so high. If voice is used, it is likely
through the mystical method of overtone singing, a vocal manipulation
method that produces a clear ringing sound similar to that of a tuning

Incidentally, overtone singing establishes standing waves inside the skull

and does inside the head what resonant sound does inside a stone, as
described below. The cross-section of the skull bears similarity to the top-
view of Stonehenge, in the sense of a circular arrangement of mineral
around a cluster of smaller stones in the center, in this case the smaller
stones being the calcine formations inside the pineal gland. Furthermore,
if you watch the first 15 minutes of Meetings with Remarkable Men
(Gurdjieff autobiography) you’ll see precisely this method used to make
the rocks sing. And lastly, see Chapter 18 of Bringers of the Dawn for
discussion on sound being used to psychometrically extract knowledge
from the hollow skulls of deceased spiritual masters, similar to how,
according to the Cassiopaean Transcripts, Stonehenge was used to
download information into the crown chakra through overtone singing
(termed “tonal rill” in the transcripts).


So how does sound do its thing in a stone? Well, when a stone vibrates
at its resonant frequency, a standing wave of compression/expansion
sets up within it. What makes stones unique is that they are piezo-
electric, meaning they convert pressure into electricity. Therefore,
applying sound to a stone converts that sound into electromagnetic or
electrogravitational energy.

Imagine that — you hit a large tuning fork with a hammer, apply the
bottom of its handle to the side of a stone, the stone vibrates in
sympathy, standing waves arise within the stone, and those standing
waves turn into electromagnetic or gravitational waves.

How gravitational waves are produced this way is implied in my other

physics Research Notes. In short, longitudinal acoustic waves in stones
create longitudinal magnetic vector potential waves within the stone,
thanks to the piezoelectric effect, and these are identically gravitational
potential waves.

When gravitational potential waves are made to be standing waves, you

have a stable gravitational node or antinode at the center of the stone —
essentially an artificial vibrating center of gravity. That alone may affect
the stone’s weight (not to mention, may open portals if the gravitational
node is sufficiently intense).

Now, by additionally muting the opposing end of the stone (say through a
non-vibrating rod pressed against it) the node shifts a bit off center,
thereby unbalancing the stone’s center of gravity. If shifted upwards, the
stone will become lighter. The point of muting and point of applied
vibration can be shifted to direct the stones.
So, the same technology used to drill, cut, and shape stones, can also be
used to levitate them through an acoustic-electric-gravitational coupling

Here is a photo of Edward Leedskalnin, a Lithuanian stonemason who

single-handedly built his rock-park in Florida. It’s a mystery how he was
able to lift such heavy stones and even packed up and moved his entire
park ten miles by himself to a new location.
There you see a metal auto axle with wire wrapped around it, mounted
on a branch that functions as an electrically insulating support. Was this
an electromagnetic tuning fork that Leedskalnin applied to the his
quarried blocks of coral? Did the fork (or rather the metal rod) vibrate
acoustically and also electromagnetically? Is that cable going up off the
right side of the device the power cable? Maybe… I’m just including that
here because it’s an interesting photo.

It’s possible, however, that something more is needed to levitate a stone

than mere vibration; maybe the vibration only loosens the stone a bit from
the laws of physics, and then etheric / psychic / conscious power must be
applied to make it move.

But I have no doubt that sound applied to stones, the setting up of

standing waves within them, and the piezoelectric effect play a part in this
process. The point of this Research Note is to show how ingenious use of
simple technology can conceivably produce marvelous effects that not
even modern technology can replicate, because modern technology has
been neutered and kept from accessing the secrets of etheric energy and

And now, saving best for last, if you haven’t read Christopher Dunn’s
article on ancient machining in Egypt, you’ll find it absolutely fascinating:

» Advanced Machining in Ancient Egypt

Neutrinos and Earth Cataclysms

01/22/2011 (history)

In Roland Emmerich’s film 2012, “mutant neutrinos” were responsible for

destabilizing the planet. Initially I found such a plot device hilarious, but
as it turns out, such a mechanism may be grounded in truth. Consider the
following news items:

Two Suns? Twin Stars Could Be Visible From Earth By 2012

The Huffington Post – January 22, 2011.

Dr. Brad Carter, Senior Lecturer of Physics at the University of

Southern Queensland, outlined the scenario to
Betelgeuse, one of the night sky’s brightest stars, is losing mass,
indicating it is collapsing. It could run out of fuel and go super-nova
at any time.

[…] But doomsday sayers should be careful about speculation on

this one. If the star does go super-nova, Earth will be showered with
harmless particles [neutrinos], according to Carter. “They will flood
through the Earth and bizarrely enough, even though the supernova
we see visually will light up the night sky, 99 per cent of the energy
in the supernova is released in these particles that will come
through our bodies and through the Earth with absolutely no harm
whatsoever,” he told

Carter suggests Betelgeuse could go supernova at any moment (true),

and when it does, 99% of its energy will be released as neutrinos that will
irradiate our solar system (true). But he says there’s nothing to worry
about since they are harmless (false).

Next item:

The strange case of solar flares and radioactive elements

Stanford Report, August 23, 2010
[…] It’s a mystery that presented itself unexpectedly: The radioactive
decay of some elements sitting quietly in laboratories on Earth
seemed to be influenced by activities inside the sun, 93 million
miles away.

[…]The story begins, in a sense, in classrooms around the world,

where students are taught that the rate of decay of a specific
radioactive material is a constant. This concept is relied upon, for
example, when anthropologists use carbon-14 to date ancient
artifacts and when doctors determine the proper dose of
radioactivity to treat a cancer patient.

[…] On Dec 13, 2006, the sun itself provided a crucial clue, when a
solar flare sent a stream of particles and radiation toward Earth.
Purdue nuclear engineer Jere Jenkins, while measuring the decay
rate of manganese-54, a short-lived isotope used in medical
diagnostics, noticed that the rate dropped slightly during the flare, a
decrease that started about a day and a half before the flare.

[…] Their findings strengthened the argument that the strange

swings in decay rates were caused by neutrinos from the sun.
The swings seemed to be in synch with the Earth’s elliptical orbit,
with the decay rates oscillating as the Earth came closer to the sun
(where it would be exposed to more neutrinos) and then moving

Going back to take another look at the decay data from the
Brookhaven lab, the researchers found a recurring pattern of 33
days. It was a bit of a surprise, given that most solar observations
show a pattern of about 28 days – the rotation rate of the surface of
the sun.

The explanation? The core of the sun – where nuclear reactions

produce neutrinos – apparently spins more slowly than the surface
we see. “It may seem counter-intuitive, but it looks as if the core
rotates more slowly than the rest of the sun,” Sturrock said.

All of the evidence points toward a conclusion that the sun is

“communicating” with radioactive isotopes on Earth, said Fischbach.

There we see a possible link between neutrinos and radioactive decay on

earth. Radioactive decay is a purely quantum mechanical thing, it’s not
caused by any physical factor. Therefore neutrinos affect quantum
processes, such as decay rates. Note that biological and neural activity
are also based on quantum processes.

Why is this important? Next item:

Wikipedia Entry: Geothermal Gradient

The geothermal gradient is the rate at which the Earth’s temperature

increases with depth, indicating heat flowing from the Earth’s warm
interior to its cooler surface. Away from tectonic plate boundaries, it
is 25-30°C per km of depth in most of the world. Strictly speaking,
geo-thermal necessarily refers to the Earth but the concept may be
applied to other planets. The Earth’s internal heat comes from a
combination of residual heat from planetary accretion (about
20%) and heat produced through radioactive decay (80%).

So 80% of earth’s core and mantle heat comes from radioactive decay.
Radioactive decay rates are affected by neutrinos. Supernovas release
99% of their energy as neutrinos. Taken to its logical conclusion, this
implies that if Betelgeuse goes supernova and becomes bright enough to
appear like a second sun, Earth will be irradiated by those neutrinos,
decay rates will be altered, and there could be enough of a change in
core-mantle temperatures to upset the convective processes and disturb
the tectonic plates, hence global earthquakes and volcanoes.

I’m only referencing that dying star since it provides a good excuse to
discuss the neutrino-seismic link. Deterministic probability says that,
since the star could blow anytime within the window of several thousand
years, its chances of reaching us within the next couple years are almost
negligible. But low probability has never deterred the scriptwriters of
reality, therefore Betelgeuse is a wild card that could be played if
There are many other neutrino-shower sources that could produce similar
effects, for instance the galactic core explosions detailed in LaViolette’s
Galactic Superwave Theory.

Other implications:

1) Dating via Carbon-14 and other isotopes may be thrown way off
by solar or interstellar neutrino radiation, since it assumes a constant
decay rate, which in actuality may be arrested or suddenly
accelerated by sporadic high intensity neutrino showers.

2) Wilhelm Reich discovered that orgone energy (crude form of

etheric energy) affects radioactive decay rates, even neutralizing
certain radioactive materials. If neutrinos also have this effect,
perhaps orgone and neutrinos are closely related. If so, maybe
supernovas and solar flares release bursts of etheric energy.

3) As is known in occult and contactee writings, changes in etheric

energy affect human perception and consciousness. For instance, if
Earth were to enter a dense region of etheric energy, people would
automatically shift into a state of consciousness similar to that of
clairvoyant trance or the kind of psychic activation experienced in the
presence of powerful shamans or alien entities. In the terminology of
Carlos Castaneda, this would involve a radical shift in the
assemblage point. If this were to happen concurrently with global
seismic upheavals, that would make for an extremely entertaining
ending to the World as We Know It.

I reference the above news articles not to predict doom, but to explore a
single physico-etheric mechanism that could account for a broad range of
end-time prophecies.

10/31/2011 (history)

With 2010-2011 seeing the rise of Wikileaks, Anonymous, Arab Spring,

and Occupy Wall Street movements, it seems the “bad guys” are facing
growing resistance. It seems they might finally be going down, and a new
system of fairness, justice, freedom, and democracy is on the horizon…
Wait, maybe it’s not that easy. There are some important things to keep
in mind, discussed below.

I see these protest movements as a further advancement of the

polarization phenomenon. Polarization means the undecided, apathetic,
indifferent separate out into opposing extremes. Light gets brighter, dark
gets darker; smart get smarter, dumb get dumber. As time goes on, it
gets harder to stay on the fence. What we are seeing now is just the

At the mainstream level, the polarization phenomenon is still in its

infancy. The divisive issues are limited to mundane political, financial,
and environmental ones and the response has largely been symbolic. It’s
a good start but still in its fragile infancy.

These political and financial catalysts will escalate up to a point, perhaps

economic and social collapse, armed revolution, and World War III. But
as big as those may seem, these issues will eventually be displaced by
even bigger ones. They will give way to an entirely new species of
catalysts belonging to a completely different paradigm.

For instance, currently the protesting public are fighting over strictly 3D
Matrix Control System issues. Sooner or later these will be made
obsolete when the alien issue rises to the forefront. What does it matter
that you lost your home, when you’re about to lose your whole damn
planet? The alien catalyst will skip the question of whether they exist and
go right to how to handle them and whom to align with once they do show
up. This catalyst will be far more divisive than the current political ones.
And after the alien factor reaches its climax, it will be displaced by yet
another higher level of catalysts of a spiritual nature. That’s where the
polarization phenomenon is headed. As foretold in various prophecies,
including the purported words of Jesus (see the Gospel of Thomas), in
the end the population will be sharply divided along spiritual lines. I don’t
mean Christians versus Muslims, but anti/pseudo-spiritual versus

“Perhaps people think that I have come to cast peace upon the
world. They do not know that I have come to cast conflicts upon the
earth: fire, sword, war. For there will be five in a house: there’ll be
three against two and two against three, father against son and son
against father, and they will stand alone.”

Polarization will lead to an eventual spiritual/gnostic insurgence by those

who can tap into another reality and start separating off this one, versus
those who are firmly rooted here or of a highly negative disposition.
Separation between the two is where all this is ultimately going, in my

Many truth seekers start out with easy-to-digest political conspiracies like
the Federal Reserve and IRS scam. Then they got into the 9/11
conspiracies, the occult nature of the elite conspirators,
synchromysticism, aliens, holographic universe, and so on. In the end
they came to some spiritual realizations about the nature of reality, that
things are not as they seem. These folks were simply ahead of the curve,
meaning there is a larger body of people behind them who will eventually
follow. The fringe will keep percolating into the mainstream until
saturation is achieved and only the staunchest defenders of the Control
System remain stubbornly opposed and thus visibly identified.

The Occupy Wall Street and similar movements are indicative of where
populist resistance is located in that growth curve. They are still in the
early stages, still dealing with the immediate, tangible, easy-to-digest
conspiracies. But as time goes on and new catalysts appear, this will shift
to ever more advanced types of issues. Truth seekers who have already
gotten to the spiritual stages are microcosms of what is to come, much
more severely and deeply, on a wider scale.
Authorities clamping down on the resistance will only serve as another
catalyst to inspire more resistance. This is a runaway feedback loop that
will end in revolution one way or the other, in proportion to the direness of
living conditions. If the good times return, people will go back to sleep.
But if economic, environmental, and cosmic disasters increase, then
desperation combined with revolutionary sentiment will likely produce
violent clashes. Hence the concentration camps and totalitarian police
state infrastructure already in place, awaiting use. This could eventually
lead to civil war in the USA.

As for other countries, different cultures will handle it differently. The

current protest events in each country serve as litmus tests for how bad
things will get there; in Rome, there were violent demonstrations,
meanwhile in Iceland people were treating it like a festival with food
stands and a peaceful atmosphere.

Bait and Switch

The alien issue matters because, foolhardy freedom fighters bringing

down the current old world order could — if they aren’t careful — clear
the way for an even worse New World Order. The main danger right now,
as with all attempted revolutions, is that people are treating the reform or
toppling of the old order as their only goal. Like in the French Revolution,
they are not considering what to do after.

The revolution in Egypt was a token effort, for while the symbol of
oppression was removed, the reality of the oppressive military regime
remains. It was only a symbolic regime change. Too often, things turn
worse after a revolution. The French Revolution gave way to Napoleon.
The greatest dictatorships in history came about through revolutions,
because people rejected the old order and walked straight into a new

And that’s where the current protest movement, which will blossom into
mass civil disobedience once economic and environmental conditions
plummet, will lead. If our current political order brings the world to the
brink of annihilation through, say, World War III involving small scale
nuclear warfare, or if further man-made disasters like Fukushima occur,
that is the perfect pretext for alien intervention, heralding the start of the
next phase of catalysts. Those who are smart will stay out of the
beginning phases and prepare for the more important latter ones. Let
those who don’t know better take part in the early stages. They will be
exhausted, aimless, and unprepared by the time the latter phases
develop, thus stronger wiser people are needed to move in at that point;
this will happen naturally according to our abilities and destinies.

As discussed in “Discerning Alien Disinformation”, alien factions already

have their ground teams in place, and here I mean programmed
abductees and contactees groomed for the task, to guide the formulation
of the new world after the current order is dismantled. It will be a symbolic
regime change; sure the old order of Neocons, bankers, Rockefellers,
Bilderbergers and other 3D boogeymen will have gone, but they will give
way to 4D boogeymen who are far less kind.

Thus there is a strong potential for an Anti-Christ-like system to replace

our current failing political system, through the help of these revolutionary
movements that will one day evolve into alien/contactee guided
movements once the catalysts shift from the political arena to the alien

Therefore I would caution anyone who believes the current revolutions,

the seeming downfall of the corrupt elite, and the eventual overturning of
the old global political system, are 100% the product of “good guy forces”
liberating humanity. To believe and promote this, is to play into the hands
of alien factions ready to step in as false saviors. Undoubtedly there are
benevolent forces helping us, and that includes certain alien factions and
possibly time travelers from our probable futures. However, the picture is
complicated regarding the distribution of their varying intentions.

Consider the human-like Nordics for instance. In modern contactee lore

they’re always portrayed as the good guys, but sources outside that well-
manicured field point to a more realistic picture, that these aliens are
actually of mixed motivation.

For example, the Thule and Vril Societies, who were the occult
forerunners to the Nazi movement, were in contact with beings from
Aldeberan who communicated tactical and technological information to
them and helped inspire the Nazi obsession with Nordic supermen. Hitler
himself was visited by such beings, who scared the hell out of him, but
who also showed him what mankind “must become.”

Centuries earlier in the Reign of Charlemagne, the Nordics attempted

mass contact but that didn’t go so well when their contactees were
hunted down and burned for consorting with demons. What was
observed back then was that these beings, once called Elementals, were
divided into factions at war with each other.

And if you go back far enough to Egyptian and Sumerian times, you find
these same humanoids posing as Gods (like the “System Lords” in
Stargate SG-1) and sending their followers to death in wars against each
other. There was infighting among the “gods” even back then. Sodom
and Gomorrah remain radioactive to this day.

So, there is much to say that human-looking aliens are divided into
different camps, and should they ever show themselves to mankind there
is no guarantee it will be a benevolent Nordic faction. Anyone pushing
Nordics as the solution to mankind’s problems needs to investigate their
nature more deeply; some may be fourth-density Service-to-Others
beings, but some are among what the Ra Material calls the Orion
Crusaders. It’s a mixed bag, and there’s no excuse for ignoring the risk of
getting conned by charming cosmic scam artists. The real good guys
may not even intervene until humanity has passed the test of
discernment and rejected the impostors.


There is room for cautious optimism here. Optimism because the status
quo is crumbling, and caution because nothing guarantees where this will
go. It could go very well, or it could get far worse. There is great naïveté
in thinking this is it, it’s over, we’re home free, the bad guys are going
down, and we’ll be in a Golden Age come 12/21/2012. Sorry, the data
just doesn’t indicate this. If anything, such views have been pushed by
the same disinformation sources that have been furthering the alien
deception agenda for many years.
Thus we should remain vigilant and discerning. Currently there are two
parallel trends occurring. One is a genuine gnostic spiritual awakening
whereby certain individuals are becoming truly more wise, discerning,
and empowered. They are wayfarers of the final spiritual catalysts that
won’t hit the mainstream for some time to come. The other trend is a
burgeoning foolhardy mindset of false hope and false change that,
through dialectic synthesis, will birth a new control system worse than
anything previously seen in history.

These two trends reflect the one and only polarization trend that matters,
which is separation between:

1) The spiritual.

2) Those who belong to the false pseudo-spiritual vs. anti-spiritual


These are the prophesied Christ and Anti-Christ dualities in their early
stages, manifesting on a global scale. While the first may triumph in the
end, the latter will be the dominant force on this planet for a while longer
until people finally wise up.
On the Historicity of Jesus

11/16/2011 (history)

This Research Note is for those who need clarification regarding my

position on the historical existence of Jesus Christ, since I mention Christ
quite a bit in my Gnosis articles.

Did Jesus actually exist? Common answers include:

A) Yes, he was everything the Bible says he was. Jesus was God’s
only begotten Son, whom the Lord sent to die for our sins.

B) Yes, but he was just an ordinary man, at most the leader of a

Jewish rebellion against Roman authorities.

C) No, Jesus was a complete fabrication assembled from various

pagan sun-god myths of the time.

The first is based solely on the word of the Bible and associated texts. It’s
my observation that those who believe the Bible or any religious text is
100% the “Word of God” are reasoning from programmed and
unquestioned root assumptions and flawed logic. But if that gives them
moral strength in life, then good for them.

The second “historical” or “factual” interpretation ignores all the occult,

metaphysical, and spiritual dimensions of the Christ phenomenon that
indicate there is indeed something to it. This is a popular view held by
atheists and secular historians who have an overly narrow definition of
what constitutes proof. The actual scholarly research on the historicity of
Jesus is interesting and has been the subject of many books, but it’s very
limited and doesn’t do enough sleuthing into the metaphysical to get the
bigger picture.

And the third fails to separate the historical and occult “signal” from the
religious and political “noise” when it comes to the institutionalized
portrayal of the character we know as Jesus Christ. Typically this view is
held by those who hold a grudge against organized Christianity for its
manipulative, spiritually oppressive nature. That includes those who have
been clued into the ritualistic pagan aspects of Christianity, as
showcased by Zeitgeist, Acharyah S., David Icke, and others. I agree
with their observations overall, but it seems they are throwing the baby
out with the bathwater.

Instead of doing the usual academic routine (discussing Tacitus,

Suetonius, etc…) here I will give a more holistic, abductive, nonlinear line
of reasoning. My view on the matter is as follows.

It’s a lot easier to hijack something than to fabricate it. Instead of

inventing a totally non-existent character of Jesus Christ and selling that
product to the masses, it makes more sense that the authorities would
consolidate already existing paradigms into a single system. The purpose
of such a system would be to portray these authorities as divinely

Assimilated paradigms included Mithraism, Greek Neo-Platonism, and

Judaism. For instance, the solar/zodiacal elements in Christianity came
from Mithraism and related pagan systems. But these are just auxiliary
additions, not the core nucleus of Christianity. The nucleus is the original
Christian system, which existed alongside the other elements prior to
their combined assimilation into an organized religion.

All of these elements were then glued together by the authors of the New
Testament, who added various rationalizations, logical sleights of hand,
fabricated backstory, and gaudy superstitious elements to create a belief
system that would appeal to the widest audience. The Gospels of Mark,
Matthew, Luke, and John were variations of the same story further
customized for Greek, Jewish, and Roman audiences.

Thus the New Testament is a patchwork of truth and lies. The original
pre-assimilation Christianity is buried in there somewhere. How can it be
found? By stripping away the rationalizations, sleights of hand,
superstitious miracles, pagan symbolism, etc… This is done the same
way one approaches any potential source of disinformation; you look for
logical fallacies and attempts at persuasion that would play into a
negative agenda. When those are removed, only the following remain:

The wisdom-teachings of Jesus, including sayings and parables.

These do not benefit any human authority, their spiritual worth is self-
evident, and they correlate with metaphysical/occult principles.

The Sermon on the Mount, in which Jesus gave Buddhist-like

alternatives to the ignorant form of morality and justice espoused in
the Old Testament. The spiritual truth of these is also self-evident, or
at least testable and observable in life.

Stories of Jesus healing people and casting out demons. These

“miracles” are entirely performable by anyone today with the proper
knowledge. Healing and negative entity removal are common
practices. Contrast this with walking on water, turning water into
wine, or bread into fish, which are cheap tricks inserted by the New
Testament authors to wow the superstitious.

Another reason why not everything in the New Testament is fabricated, is

that there are portions that seem to be reported as given, without
commentary, and with an unstated sense of befuddlement, as if the New
Testament authors themselves didn’t know what to make of it and simply
passed it along. For instance, Jesus healing a blind man by mixing spit
with mud and putting it on his eyes. Such an act possesses an internal
logic that escaped the authors, but is logical to anyone who understands
etheric energy and its role in healing. There are elements in both the Old
and New Testament that are too obtuse, mysterious, or inexplicable to
the audience to serve a persuasive function. Fabricators write to ensnare
the widest audience, meaning everything they write is done with design,
purpose, and intent, so as to be loud and clear for the intended target.
Obtuse descriptions go against that principle, indicating they are
externally sourced, and the authors were probably just passing along
eyewitness testimony, oral tradition, or folklore.

Similarly, since organized Christianity was engineered to control the

masses, if it were entirely fabricated it would make no sense that there
should be elements in the New Testament that undermine or fail to
substantiate such control. That these elements exist, and are in conflict
with other elements, suggests the authors were forced to include them.
That can only be because they were attempting to hijack an already
existing burgeoning movement whose contents they could not suppress
and instead had to absorb.

And as it turns out, the only elements in the New Testament that subvert
or fail to validate the Church/State are the aforementioned sayings and
parables of Jesus, the Sermon on the Mount, and the healing/exorcism
examples, which scholars have determined are the oldest and thus most
original parts of the New Testament. Everything else, including Jesus
being born of a virgin, dying for our sins, being the only begotten son of
God, the Twelve Apostles and betrayal by Judas, perhaps even the story
of crucifixion and resurrection, etc… serve the negative agenda in some
way, or else are derivations of Mithraic/Pagan/Occult symbolism added
on after the fact.

It’s unfortunate that what defines the modern fundamentalist Christian

mindset is belief in precisely these artificial, deviatory, ultimately un-
Christian elements, often to the ignorance of the true portions. Example:
street corner fundamentalists who push John 3:16 but ignore John 14:12.

And it’s equally unfortunate that those who rightly observe that the
modern version of Jesus Christ is a hoax end up throwing the baby out
with the bathwater and say that no Jesus of any type ever existed. If that
were true, then where exactly did those sayings, parables, teachings, and
healing accounts come from? They didn’t come from the Church/State,
as they were already circulating before being assimilated and don’t serve
the Church/State in any way. And they weren’t pure inventions of folklore
either since folklore merely embellishes history; as much as Santa Claus
is made up, he is based on a real Saint Nicholas, though one who was
very different from the Santa we know today. Whether Jesus Christ or
Santa Claus, something with a historical basis passed over into oral
tradition and folklore.

What can be said from all the above, is that there once existed a mystic,
a sage, a spiritual rebel, who performed healings, taught a certain system
of spirituality, and gave prophetic knowledge about the origins and fate of
the world. He left behind a legacy that propagated through folklore and
secret oral transmission. A cult grew up around this figure and his legacy
began to snowball. Within a half century it was co-opted into serving as
the nucleus of an engineered religion, and the rest is history.

Therefore we must turn to the sayings, teachings, and parables that

predate the writing of the New Testament. Scholars have given these a
name: the “Q” source (Q for Quelle, German word for “source”, thus a
generic title) which is a hypothesized document containing the original
sayings of Jesus. Of course it’s ridiculous to think it had to be a document
since it could just as well have been a secret oral tradition. In any case,
the closest thing we have to the “Q” source is the Gospel of Thomas,
which is a collection of the purported sayings of Jesus. There is some
dispute over when it was written. Even if written later, the content
indicates it is a setting down of an older oral tradition.

Over 80% of the Gospel of Thomas can be found distributed throughout

the New Testament, but padded and deviated with the aforementioned
artifices. The Gospel of Thomas contains all the meat and none of the
dressing found in the New Testament. It is fundamentally subversive to
the religious power structure, and it is of Gnostic disposition, including the
80% that are in the Bible. Thus the New Testament contains a Gnostic
nucleus. The rest contains a mix of genuine wisdom from other sources
and corruption with malicious intent.

The historical context and timing of these teachings, as well as their

spiritual content and direction, says something about the role of the
original Jesus Christ. It’s very similar to the role of other avatars such as
Gautama Buddha. As I proposed in my Gnosis series, Jesus was an
advanced soul who incarnated as a human in order to become a living
vessel for a higher divine intelligence. There is a difference between
Jesus the man and Christ the higher consciousness that became active
in him, and can become active in us. The end goal of his legacy was for
each of us to do likewise, and that is the basis of Gnostic belief. It was his
intent that we follow in his example and succeed him, whereas the
corrupted version of Christianity demands we remain in his shadow on
our knees.

The Gnostics, more than any other sect in history, have suffered the
greatest and harshest persecution by the Church. It is both ironic and
expected that those who were closest to the original Christian teachings
would become the greatest targets of those who hijacked the teachings.
The greatest threat to any simulacrum is the original.

Further Reading

Synoptic Gospels

Q Source

Gospel of Thomas (Discussion)

Gospel of Thomas (Text)

The Parables of Jesus

The Sermon on the Mount

Why Christians Can’t Disregard the Gospel of Thomas

Dating the New Testament

Also see my Gnosis Series

Transverse and Longitudinal Waves

07/07/2004 (science)

Transverse Waves

Electromagnetic waves consist of electric (E) and magnetic (B) fields

propagating through space. These fields are orthogonal (at right angles
to each other), in phase (reach same peak at same time), and fluctuate
perpendicular to the direction of motion.

There you see an EM wave propagating outwardly from a metal rod

(antenna) given a high frequency signal. The electric field and current
oscillate vertically within the antenna, radiating off a vertically polarized
electric field. Because fluctuating electric fields induce fluctuating
magnetic fields at right angles and vice versa, electromagnetic waves
consist of both coupled together.

An easier way to understand such waves is to visualize them in terms of

the vector potential rather than magnetic or electric field. The vector
potential is a more fundamental field, analogous to the momentum
carried by flowing water. If a thick rope is dragged through water, some of
the water surrounding it will be dragged along. Likewise with a wire or
antenna through which current flows. The current (I) drags some “ether”
along with it, and that flow is the vector potential (A).

Whenever this flow accelerates or decelerates, that brings about an

electric field in the direction of flow. Whenever the flow contains some
vorticity, that creates a magnetic field along the vortex’s axis of rotation,
an axis that is necessarily perpendicular to the direction of flow. This is
what the math says, but diagrams say as much.

Because the flow is stronger near the wire, an inequality exists between
near and far fields, and this makes for some vorticity.

A magnetic field therefore follows along the axis of this vorticity, wrapping
around the wire like so:

Rather than drawing the 3D view all the time, we can diagram only the
side-view and use a circle with a dot to mean “coming out of screen” and
circle with an X to mean “going into screen:

The antenna shown earlier is just a vertical wire with an oscillating rather
than steady current. So let’s look at the vector potential field around the

In this diagram, only a slice of the right side of the field is shown. Here
you see the vector potentials varying over distance. If this were animated
you would see each arrow oscillate vertically, and the train of these would
move out and away from the antenna. The electric field is also oriented
vertically since it arises from changes in the vector potential, but with a
90 degree phase lag.

As mentioned earlier, a current-carrying wire is surrounded by a circular

magnetic field due to differences between adjacent parts of the vector
potential field creating vorticity. Same holds true for the antenna:
Only in this case the rotation of the vortices varies over distance and
time, meaning the magnetic field also fluctuates, as expected:

So now you should have a better understanding of how electromagnetic

waves are generated, and how the electric and magnetic components are
simply different aspects of a single and more fundamental field, the
vector potential. In fact, the vector potential is more “real” than either the
electric or magnetic fields which are just our measurable interpretations
of different distortions in the vector potential.
This brings up an interesting question. Modern physics dispels the idea of
“ether” because it claims the concept is unnecessary to explain
electromagnetism. Its reasoning is that an electromagnetic wave can
easily travel through the vacuum since the fluctuating electric and
magnetic fields both generate each other, that a photon is a self-
contained entity requiring no medium in which to travel. But if the vector
potential is what actually fluctuates then there is no other field component
and the rationalization fails, meaning there must be a medium to support
the wave. Some might respond that the vector potential is just a
mathematical convenience, an arbitrary concept with no tangible
existence of its own, but that could not be further from the truth.

Longitudinal Waves

The preceding section depicted electromagnetic waves in terms of the

more elementary “vector potential” field. Thinking in terms of fundamental
rather than derivative phenomena is the key to understanding almost
anything. Here I will use vector potentials to explain longitudinal
electromagnetic waves.

To recap, transverse waves are undulations whose orientation of

fluctuation is perpendicular to the direction of travel. An antenna given a
high frequency electrical signal will radiate a transverse electromagnetic
wave. The electric component may be illustrated like so:
The magnetic field is not shown in this diagram but would look similar
except being horizontal rather than vertical. Since the electric field
derives from changes in the vector potential (A), the wave can be shown
in its more fundamental A-field configuration:

The A-field is oriented in the same direction as the E-field but with a
phase difference. Notice that there is only one field shown, and that this
field is complete in itself; there is no need to draw separate electric and
magnetic fields at right angles to each other, because the latter are just
two derivative phenomena stemming from this single A-field.

In contrast to transverse waves, longitudinal waves fluctuate in the

direction of propagation. A common example would be sound waves,
which consist of an alternating series of displacements in air where the
displacement points in the direction that sound travels. So for longitudinal
EM waves, the vector potential fluctuates in the direction of travel rather
than perpendicular to it.

There are numerous methods to generate longitudinal EM waves, but

only one will be discussed here. Consider a large flat metal plate charged
to a steady high voltage:
This gives rise to a steady electric field pointing out and away from the
plate. If its voltage were instead made to uniformly oscillate, the electric
field would likewise oscillate and radiate away. But since the field already
points in the direction of radiation, the resulting wave will be longitudinal.
The vector potential diagram would then look like this:

Aside from current flows, a changing voltage field can also give rise to
vector potentials. As the voltage on the metal plate oscillates, concussive
waves of vector potential are radiated away. The fluctuations in this
diagram are longitudinal rather than transverse. Notice also that there is
no vorticity in this field, and therefore no magnetic field. Some call it a
“curl-free vector potential.” This is seemingly in direct violation of the
Maxwell equations that state there must be an induced magnetic field for
every change in the electric field. Not so in this case, and that violation
turns out to be the norm for all longitudinal “E/M” waves because it is
mathematically and geometrically impossible for a longitudinal wave to
have both electric and magnetic components simultaneously. I put a
slash between E and M to signify “one or the other, or neither.”

In actuality, longitudinal waves do not violate Maxwell’s equations, rather

they are what Maxwell termed displacement current. Usually current is
defined as a flow of charges. But across a capacitor consisting of two
conductors separated by an insulator that allows no charge to pass,
oscillating energy can still transfer. Physicists aren’t sure precisely how to
explain displacement current other than that the changing electric field
from one conductor induces a magnetic field that induces another electric
field on the second conductor. However if the conductors consist of one
spherical electrode inside another, all the magnetic fields cancel and yet
there is still a displacement current. This proves that the displacement
current is nothing more than a longitudinal E/M wave in some cases. In
other cases a magnetic field might indeed play a role, but the Maxwell
equations allow for either possibility.

Longitudinal E/M waves are just as real as transverse EM waves but are
more difficult to detect. Modern mainstream technology has been
optimized to deal solely with transverse waves and is therefore largely
incapable of measuring, let alone detecting, longitudinal waves. For this
reason physicists dismiss the possibility of longitudinal E/M waves,
though more out of intellectual oversight and materialistic bias than
reasonable justification; they confuse objectivity with tangibility. The
assumption that “what cannot be measured does not exist” fails to take
into account that the shortcoming might be with technology rather than

It takes specialized antennas to intercept longitudinal waves, ones that, in

some applications, point in the direction of the wave and maximize the
cross-sectional area. In nature these appear as the array of rod-cells
populating the retina of our eyes, which aside form being suited to see in
low-light conditions are also structured to be functionally capable of
detecting longitudinal emissions. Consider the idea that each color we
can see has a longitudinal counterpart that our neural systems have not
been trained to interpret.

This has been just a brief overview. The possibilities and implications of
longitudinal E/M waves are immense: time dilation, scale contraction,
time travel, creation of interdimensional portals, faster-than-light
communication, free energy, antigravity, healing and age reversal,
invisibility, aura imaging, inertia dampening, detection of etheric beings,
weather engineering, and teleportation. For a glimpse of the mathematics
behind these, visit the Scalar Physics Research Center.

12/13/2004 (science)

A psychomantium (also spelled psychomanteum) is a darkened room

with black walls containing a mirror into which a person gazes and sees
prophetic visions. It is commonly built in the form of a black felt tent
containing a large swivel mirror tilted slightly to show only a featureless
blackness of indeterminate depth. A small lamp or set of candles
illuminates the space just enough to distinguish the mirror.

Rather than go into the history or use of a psychomantium, I’ll briefly go

over how and why it works, then suggest links for further reading.

The psychomantium is designed to induce an open-eye trance in the

viewer, allowing the conscious mind to perceive visual impressions from
the subconscious and other realms beyond normal waking perception like
an open-eyed form of dreaming. There are several factors helping induce
such a trance.

First, the room is dim and featureless. This acts as a form of visual
sensory deprivation, a condition helpful to trance induction. Second, the
uniform color of the setup is a prerequisite for creating the Ganzfeld
Effect, a hallucinogenic state of trance induced by a uniform field of
vision. Third, the lamp or candles are often recommended to be
flickering, and strobing/flashing light is a strong catalyst for trance. And
fourth, the indeterminate depth of the mirror’s darkness allows the eyes
to focus outward to infinity, a relaxation that sympathetically lowers one’s
state of consciousness.

An open-eye trance allows the mind to perceive visual information that is

normally filtered out during waking beta brainwave activity. When using a
psychomantium, brainwaves drop into the alpha and theta range, easing
the generationg of hypnogogic imagery. What science calls noise or
hallucination may in fact be meaningful perceptions. Just as in dreams,
the subconscious can create visual symbols and vignettes that the
perceiver can then remember for conscious analysis after the
psychomantium session. With practice, this can be done during a

More interestingly, however, open-eye trance is necessary to view behind

the 3D linear visual matrix. As known from quantum mechanics,
observing a wave function collapses it into a single state. This single
state arises from one’s highly focused engagement with a chosen slice of
that wave function. When the observer softens the focal point of his
awareness, that slice likewise broadens or delocalizes. This allows
perception of things beyond our assembled singular material reality.

Anticipation has the opposite effect, turning awareness upon the next
moment in time and collapsing it, thereby shutting out any delocalization
effects. This is why using a psychomantium requires non-anticipation of
results. The ego being a creature of linear time and thus anticipation
naturally hinders such efforts, though the very nature of trance involves
temporary dissolution or forgetting of the ego.

Besides viewing images of the subconscious, a psychomantium also

encourages viewing other realms and entities within them. This happens
both through images in the mind’s eye overlaid upon the visual field
during light trance, and vivid “hallucinatory” images during deeper levels
of trance akin to lucid dreaming with the eyes open.

The possibility that one can view other realms through scrying is
supported by the fact that it works better during new and full moons –
times when the veil between realms is naturally thinner.

More Practical Alternatives

Now, the problem with building a psychomantium is finding room to build

a large felt tent and gathering the material to sew one together.
Fortunately, once you know the basics of how a psychomantium works,
you can optimize with alternatives.

Instead of a swivel mirror, try a black scrying mirror. These consist of

large picture frames whose glass has the inner side spray painted
black. This creates a shiny black surface on the front equivalent to a
standard mirror pointed toward dark felt, but is a lot cheaper to

For the flicker, electric candles or some kind of mobile phone random
flickering app may be used. [Note: there may be something to a
chaotic rhythm to the flickering, as Peruvian Whistling Vessels –
when whistled as a group – produce a chaotic beat frequency that
strongly induces trance. The chaos, unpredictable by the linear mind,
tires its anticipatory tendencies. This principle was also
demonstrated in the movie Suspect Zero for use in remote viewing].

And lastly, binaural beats or shamanic drum sounds can help entrain
brainwaves for quicker trance state, although one must be careful
about the lingering effects of such induction methods. The danger is
in this inducing a form of self-hypnosis and a lowering of awareness
that hearkens back to the ‘atavistic clairvoyance’ of the old days, as
Rudolf Steiner would call it, which is a primitive and backwards state
of consciousness that we shouldn’t engage in. Instead, we should
raise our awareness and maintain its sharpness while the body falls
asleep (or while the psychic organs of perception, discussed below,
start doing their thing). Putting oneself into a spaced-out,
suggestible, “out to lunch”, delirious trance is not the same as “mind
awake, body asleep”. The latter retains one’s awareness, self-
awareness, volition, memory, and sense of time.

If you’re thinking about trying scrying, better read up on the subject as

scrying out of ignorance can lead to the same problems as using a Ouija
board out of ignorance. In all likelihood you’ll give it a shot, get frustrated
after a few failed attempts, and give it up. Luckily no harm comes of that.
Just remember that patience and non-anticipation are essential to getting

What’s Really Involved in Scrying

For most practitioners, scrying requires entering a “mind awake, body

asleep” state of consciousness with eyes open. This isn’t simply lying still
until your body goes numb with boredom. As long as you are awake, you
will see nothing in the mirror. You must fall asleep with your eyes open,
thereby entering a heavy immobilized state. This is very difficult. See my
research note on Active Dreaming for more on this.

To walk, you first have to learn to crawl, and crawling consists in lying
down, closing your eyes, and attempting to fall asleep while remaining
aware throughout that transition. Books like the The Silva Method can
help with this, or else see this excerpt from Theun Mares’s book Cry of
the Eagle on the topic of Active Dreaming.

Once you can do that reliably, especially if you’ve created a mnemonic

trigger that puts you into that hypnopompic state rapidly when enacted,
then you can try it with eyes open. And once that is achieved, try it while
sitting up in front of the scrying mirror. Only then will you have reliable
use of the mirror. Therefore try not invest in any equipment until you can
at least enter this state with eyes open while lying on your back in bed.
Then you won’t even need the flickering lights or sounds.

Psychic Organs of Perception

Now, in the above state, you are detaching from your body slightly. It’s a
slight OBE (out of body experience) that detaches your etheric eyes from
your physical eyes, thereby bypassing the limitations of the physical
body. This is the other side of the coin of what I explained earlier about
quantum delocalization — the body is always phase-locked with the
environment because both are physical, but the mind can defocus and
thus detach from not only the environment (the current linear timeline and
space-time coordinate) but also from the body. Either way, you are then
able to see things that the physical eyes cannot see. So in the “mind
awake, body asleep” state you peek out from behind the curtains of your
five senses.

Notice, however, that successful clairvoyants aren’t just sitting there in full
sleep paralysis while they’re slightly detached from their bodies. They are
animated and talking and relatively awake. How can this be? Well,
instead of leaving their bodies, they have actual extensions of their
etheric/astral bodies that act as antennas or periscopes that feed them
ESP while they are still in their bodies.

These psychic organs grow out of them through repeated use and
nourishment by overactive etheric energy emissions and circulations in
and around their bodies. In other words, they don’t have to achieve “mind
awake, body asleep” — rather, they have made themselves psychic by
developing new psychic organs that reach beyond the confines of the
physical senses. And that should assist with scrying, allowing quicker and
more reliable results.

Developing these organs is no trivial task and those who know what’s
involved say it’s fraught with dangers including damage to one’s biology
and neurology if one is not genetically suited for such abilities, as well as
attraction of malevolent entities who are drawn to the energy emissions
like sharks to blood. That said, if you wish to pursue this route then look
into Robert Bruce’s N.E.W. Energy Ways and/or the meditational practice
of Vipassana, and combine it with the Silva Method.

An Etheric Mirror

Franz Bardon in his book Initiation into Hermetics (see the link at
Amazon) stated that spraying a scrying mirror with some chamomile tea
and letting it dry enhances its powers, for chamomile tea is a “fluid
condenser” as he calls it. By fluid he means etheric energy, and
condenser means accumulator.

If this is true, then it’s possible that the mirror isn’t just a device to relax
the eyes, but may rather act as a physical substrate for the growth of an
additional etheric energy layer, and the latter acts as a kind of etheric
mirror or screen. Thus a psychic person, or someone in the “mind awake,
body asleep” state, may perceive guided perturbations in this etheric
layer which the mind then turns into visual imagery. Stated another way, it
becomes an externalized etheric sense organ that functions like a CCTV
screen. It’s a crude form of etheric technology.

Interestingly, clairvoyants like Stuart Wilde claimed to see the “morph”

just by lying on his bed and staring up at the ceiling. He said the morph
looks like a layer of undulatory static about an arm’s length away. Well, I
think that static noise is just phosphene noise in the retina perceived to
be some distance away for the same reason that white noise played in
each ear creates a wide stereo effect. However staring into this nebulous
visual void can induce a scrying effect and allow dreaming with the eyes
open. Wilde’s method is even simpler then, since it just uses the ceiling.
Though again, whether it’s merely a Ganzfeld effect, or whether Wilde
created an etheric screen above him that he was peering into, remains to
be known.

Alternatively, an etherically charged mirror might merely function as a

magnet that can assist in pulling you out of your head/eyes, or help
extend/energize the psychic structures that allow for extrasensory
perception. Bardon said that concave mirrors are especially effective, and
we know from Feng Shui that concave mirrors have a “sucking” or
“condensing” effect on subtle energies thus their pull would be greater
than flat mirrors.

The above is just speculation, but such possibilities must be taken into


It’s tragic when instructions merely state “keep staring, and you will
eventually see something.” People do that for years and see nothing.
Maybe if they knew what they were doing, it wouldn’t take so long! Here
I’ve explained what’s involved (either “mind awake, body asleep” or
psychic sense organs) and that should hopefully help interested readers
narrow in on the goal.

Keep in mind that what one sees may be a combination of what is

projected internally by your mind (including your own subconscious
content) and what the mind decodes of external objective etheric data
patterns. Both of these are converted according to your subconscious’s
visual lexicon into formats you can understand. I strongly caution people
from taking these images at face value and interpreting them all literally.
Sometimes they are literal, like a precognitive dream; sometimes they are
symbolic; sometimes they are just internally generated subjective

Being absolutely calm and dispassionate about what you see can reduce
contamination of the signal by your own energies. Non-anticipation
likewise keeps you out of the way of yourself and what you receive. It’s
the excitable, manic, anticipatory, wishfully thinking folks that, if they are
unfortunate enough to be ‘blessed’ with clairvoyance, end up building a
schizophrenic hell for themselves and wind up merely staring into a
mirror of their own insanity.

The integrity of your mind and soul play a big part in the fidelity of what
you perceive, just as a cheap broken radio might only produce noise
versus a high end radio that gives crystal clear reception. Impeccable
logic and discernment are needed to not get led astray by false
conclusions from half-baked perceptions interpreted erroneously. That’s
why clairvoyants like Stuart Wilde go off the deep end eventually. Don’t
let it happen to you.

Further Reading

Mirror Scrying – from Shaman’s Cave

Making a Black Mirror
General Scrying Links

Initiation into Hermetics – Franz Bardon

How to Know Higher Worlds – Rudolf Steiner
The Silva Method – Jose Silva
Astral Dynamics – Robert Bruce

02/23/2005 (science)

We know several things about the human aura. It does not bend light, nor
does it slow time. It doesn’t change the strength of constant magnetic or
electric fields. But what it DOES do is alter how easily certain forms of
oscillating energy propagate through space.

For example, Kirlian photography passes high voltage and high

frequency electricity through an object… the brighter and larger the
sparks coming off the object and recorded onto grounded photographic
film, the stronger the aura of the object. That is because electricity takes
the path of least resistance (or impedance in this case) and the aura
changes the impedance of space itself along its filamentary
substructures, allowing oscillating high voltage electricity to follow those
channels and impress a corresponding image upon the film.

In another example, the Life Energy-Field Meter, based on Wilhelm

Reich’s orgone detector, uses a vacuum tube with alternating current
flowing between the electrodes in the tube. The energy extends outside
the tube and is called “displacement current” rather than “electric current”
because it does not involve transfer of electrons. In the presence of an
aura, the quantity of displacement current increases which registers on
the Life Energy Meter as a read-out of the aura field strength.

Displacement Current

The displacement current is a longitudinal electrogravitational wave. It is

analogous to energy passing through a slinky that is shoved at one end;
a compressive ripple travels through to the other end. This is how a
capacitor transmits energy, via displacement current. So displacement
current is energy transfered in the form of oscillating gravity waves.

Mainstream science says the displacement current comes from the

electric field of one electrode changing into a magnetic field in between
that induces an electric potential on the other electrode — but this isn’t
exclusively true because if the electrodes were one sphere inside another
sphere (as in a spherical capacitor) all magnetic fields would cancel but
energy is still transmitted. See my paper at the Scalar Physics Research
Center for the mathematical details.

The displacement current is really just a longitudinal electromagnetic

wave — not in the sense of electric and magnetic fields traveling
longitudinally (that is impossible just as science says) but rather the
underlying magnetic vector potential component oscillating in the
direction of travel. This also shows why the aura does not bend or
discolor ordinary light, since it only affects longitudinal waves and not
transverse waves. Ordinary electromagnetic waves have both a magnetic
and electric field component that oscillate transversely like a rope being
shaken rather than a slinky being compressed. Point is that the aura
seems to amplify the transmission of longitudinal or gravitational waves.

Now, displacement current only exists when current is oscillating rather

than constant. This means the aura affects only frequency fields and not
static fields. In other words, the aura only affects gravity waves, not
gravity fields; it does not change the gravitational field of a mass, and
therefore objects don’t get heavier or lighter necessarily in the presence
of an aura. It would, however, affect the transmission of gravitational or
electrogravitational waves. It is therefore a “frequency resonance field”
that gives preference to any gravitational waves having a frequency in
common with its own resonance spectrum.

If stimulated, an aura will emit gravitational waves at its resonance

spectrum, and these waves would essentially be the “Frequency
Resonance Vibration” or FRV as the Cassiopaeans call it. Interestingly,
this suggests that physical matter, because it gives off a constant gravity
field, has an FRV of zero, and that living energy fields accentuate
anything other than zero frequency. That which is living is just a higher on
the gravitational vibrational spectrum than matter.

In order to measure the aura, one could conceivably place an object

between the plates of a capacitor, pass white noise through one plate
and record it on the other. By subtracting the input white noise from the
output white noise, all that is left is a series of peaks at the resonant
frequencies of the object. But this is just an average value for the entire
field of the object, and does not give individual values for individual points
in the field as with Kirlian photography. There may be more elegant
methods. What we need is a device that measures displacement current
at a wide spectrum of frequencies.

Solid state devices like a field effect transistor may work, as used by
Chuck Shramek in his alleged aura camera. Hodowanec’s gravity wave
detectors, which measure the self-excited potentials in capacitors, may
also work if modified. This all relates to Townsend Brown’s gravitators
which applied the principle in reverse – charging a capacitor to produce a
static gravity field.

Temporal Modulation Field

But perhaps the aura isn’t simply a passive resonance field (in the sense
of how water doesn’t give off light, yet it does have a certain absorption
and resonance spectrum with regard to EM waves passing through it).
What if the aura is actively vibrating? Then it would be continuously
emitting a broad spectrum of high frequency gravitational waves.

And since gravity bends time, the aura would identically be a modulating
temporal field. If you placed a very sensitive clock in the auric field, in
theory the nanosecond hand would move slightly faster one moment,
slightly slower the next moment, and thus oscillate in a rich vibratory
manner corresponding to the spectrum of longitudinal waves comprising
the aura. But since these oscillations average out to the regular time rate,
we don’t detect a net loss or gain of time on the clock, just a subtle
flickering of the time rate.
Reality Uncertainty Principle

04/03/2005 (science)

Some things you can predict with certainty, other things you cannot. The
difference between science and metaphysics is very simple: for science,
the end is contained in the beginning; for metaphysics, the end is open.
Let me explain this because it is a valuable concept to understand.

When you can predict what will happen at a particular moment in time,
that event might as well have already happened. Throw a ball in the air at
a given velocity and a physics formula will tell you when and where it will
land. Its landing spot is decided the moment it leaves your hand; the
beginning contains the end. This is what science strives toward: to study
nature in order to predict it, to predict nature in order to control it.

But science encounters a little difficulty in the quantum domain. It’s

known as the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, which explains that you
cannot completely nail down the behavior of reality at the subatomic
level. For example, the more you know where a subatomic particle is
located, the less you know where it’s going and vice versa.

Position and momentum, these are like the opposite views of the same
cube. In one view we see three sides, in the opposite view we see the
other three sides. The more we see of the first, the less we see of the
second and vice versa. Yet all six sides exist simultaneously as part of
the same cube.

The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle is simply a clue from our Creator

that 3D space and linear time are illusory, that everything is happening in
the Infinite Here and Eternal Now. Existence is an unchanging
holographic fractal; the only thing that moves and changes in this fractal
is the focal point of our consciousness. The “future” is an endless zoom
into the fractal.

While science says the Uncertainty Principle is limited to the quantum

domain, this is actually not so. Like leaves floating swiftly along a river we
sense no immediate motion around us and falsely conclude the river is
still. In truth, quantum principles are in full effect even on the macroscopic
scale, but since our experiences through “linear time” are products of
these effects, we are oblivious as leaves in a river.

But the Reality Uncertainty Principle is very evident for those with eyes to
see. Here I am talking about the spiritual principle of manifestation, how
the universe answers earnest requests through nothing short of
surprises. Either you receive at the expected time in an unexpected
manner, or receive in the expected manner at an unexpected time.
Usually it’s a little of both.

Quantum mechanics concerns itself with position and momentum, but

these are just questions of “what” and “when” — space and time. The
timing and nature of synchronistic answers to spiritual requests are also
questions of “what” and “when” — space and time. The Uncertainty
Principle is as valid on the macroscopic scale as on the quantum. As
above, so below.

Linear time does not exist because there is no change in the infinite
fractal, only a change in our point of observation. The only true time is
that which measures our sequence of freewill choices, lessons, and
increments of soul growth — the measure marker of our pathway through
the infinite fractal.

But the critical point is this: without choice, there is absolutely no time. In
a deterministic system where the beginning contains the end, the
beginning and end occur without advancement along true time.

It is for this reason that such events can be predicted with absolute
certainty, for they take place within the same frame of the cosmic film
strip. Metaphysical events take place between such frames. Putting it
another way, the events studied by science take place within this
universe, while metaphysical events like synchronicities involve dynamic
shuffling between universes.

Just as rotating toward you one half of a cube rotates away the other half,
so does focusing on the timing of a metaphysical event “rotate away” the
expected nature of the event, and vice versa. The solution? Don’t expect
at all. In other words, patience and non-anticipation. You can go through
life without manifestation rituals, just a happy-go-lucky attitude that lets
good things fall into place like a cube falling into a square hole. (Though,
keep in mind that due to the Law of Awareness, you should indeed
calmly anticipate and prepare for the bad things, in order to head them

But if you do make a request, follow Ron Popeil’s advice: “set it and
forget it.” Through non-anticipation you leave the timing entirely
ambiguous, which according to the Reality Uncertainty Principle keeps
the integrity of your request entirely intact.
Tesla Wireless Technology

03/08/2007 (science)

Nikola Tesla invented a means of sending energy efficiently and

wirelessly over long distances. A power plant could send all its energy to
a receiving station halfway around the globe. In his article The True
Wireless, Tesla explained conceptually how it works, and I strongly
recommend reading his article to better understand the following
discussion on the physics of wireless energy transmission and the
secrets of free energy.

The wireless system consists of a transmitter and receiver with identical

resonant frequencies. Both are earth grounded Tesla coils. When one
oscillates, the other also starts oscillating no matter how far away. The
conventional explanation is that the transmitter sends electrical vibrations
into the ground which are picked up by the receiver.

The earth, due to its huge cross-sectional area, is an excellent conductor

and even more with respect to high frequency alternating current. But
that does not explain how, according to Tesla, the transmitter can send its
energy specifically to the receiver when the energy should instead spread
out and dissipate as soon as it enters the ground. And if current is indeed
conducted through the ground, where is the return path for that current?
How can the transmitter send megawatts of power without losses to a
receiver halfway around the globe without heating or electrocuting
everything in between?
First, notice that both transmitter and receiver ideally use spherical metal
terminals. Why spheres instead of thin metal rods like conventional
antennas? Because what is being broadcast is not transverse EM waves,
but longitudinal. Tesla figured the terminals functioned as charge
reservoirs that could give and take electrons from the ground through the
oscillating secondary coil. By doing so, the electrical vibrations could be
impressed upon the earth and by resonating the entire planet also affect
the receiver. If the transmitter’s terminal serves only as an electron
reservoir, then it is spherical mainly to minimize electrical leakage into the
surrounding atmosphere.

But in actuality the spheres also function as longitudinal wave

broadcasters, and it is these waves that would be partially responsible for
resonating the distant receiver into oscillation. Longitudinal waves differ
from transverse in that their undulation points in the direction of travel
and that they have no magnetic field component. How is this possible?
Because due to the symmetry of a spherical terminal, most of the
magnetic field vectors arising from the dynamic electric field cancel each
other. What are emitted are concussive waves made of divergent vector
potentials (identically longitudinal electric waves). Vector potentials,
meanwhile, are merely gradients of a scalar superpotential field, a.k.a.
the aether. So the spherical terminal would essentially radiate “sound
waves” into the aether, just as Tesla surmised. For more on longitudinal
waves and potential fields, see my other science-related research notes
and the Scalar Physics Research Center
Interestingly, because the magnetic field components are absent, the
Poynting vector (E x B) is zero and hence such an antenna does not
actually broadcast energy — it merely puts out an information signal. The
information tells the receiver that it’s time to start oscillating. This is
possible because of a nice physics equation that says the divergence of
the vector potential effects changes in electron density and vice versa:

So if the receiver’s terminal holds X amount of electrons for its size, then
if it experiences a change in the local divergence of the vector potential, it
will be perturbed into either holding more or less electrons than before.
And if connected to a circuit, such as the secondary coil connected to
earth ground, then those extra electrons will enter/exit the terminal in an
oscillating fashion, creating an AC current in the entire device whose
energy can be tapped at the output primary coil. But it can only do so if
those electrons have a place to go to or come from, and that is the
ground itself. Earth is an immense electron reservoir. The transmitter and
receiver both use the earth to provide a giver/taker for electrons
entering/exiting their spherical antennas, and it is the oscillating
divergence in the vector potential that sets it all into motion.

As a side note, the equation also shows what Tesla meant by his “radiant
energy” (radiant as in radius rather than brilliant) being sound waves in
electrified air. “Sound waves in electrified air” was his description for what
we today call ion-acoustic waves. These are compression waves in
charged plasmas, which due to their coupling to the ether produce
longitudinal waves. While plasmas/ions/electrons can respond to
longitudinal waves and generate them as well, they themselves are not
longitudinal waves, as the latter can exist independently of matter.

In addition, intense nonlinear pulses of longitudinal waves create

gravitational waves, and Tesla commented on experiencing these pulses
as feeling like slaps of air that could even pass through metal shielding,
though he did not know (or publicly admit) that they were gravitational
waves. He experienced these when a sharp current pulse was sent down
a wire, creating the electrical equivalent of water hammer, and causing
the electron density (like water pressure) in the wire to spike suddenly,
which would send a radial longitudinal shockwave away from the wire.

Vibrating the Planet

Anyway, Tesla outdid himself when he realized he could use the entire
planet as a spherical antenna. This is important because there is another
physics equation that relates a time-varying voltage field to the
divergence of the vector potential:

Physicists will recognize this as nothing more than the Lorentz gauge, but
such gauges in physics serve only to cover up taboo implications by
limiting all conceived physical systems to those that self-cancel any
forbidden phenomena. For those familiar with Tom Bearden’s work, this is
why he stresses the importance of asymmetric regauging, whereby
instead of canceling out there is a net presence of some exotic
phenomena, be it free energy, artificial time dilation, antigravity, etc…

This particular equation shows that even if you have a uniform voltage
field, meaning one in which no electric field is present (because electric
field is the negative gradient of the voltage, and a uniform scalar field has
no gradient) then as long as the voltage oscillates over time, that uniform
field will produce a divergent vector potential in that space, and this in
turn would oscillate electron density. Tesla’s system was capable of
electrically vibrating the entire planet, and when that happens you get a
voltage field that is for all practical purposes locally uniform along any
given circumference around the globe while varying rapidly over time,
and hence it creates an oscillating divergence in the vector potential

Therefore it doesn’t matter where the receiver is located; it will

experience the same oscillation in the vector potential divergence
everywhere on the planet and hence the electrons in its terminal will
enter and evacuate to produce the needed current.

The Secret of Free Energy

In case you missed it, there is a critical implication here. The transmitter
does not lose energy by generating longitudinal waves, yet the receiver
responds to those waves and generates a measurable current. This
means that if the transmitter uses a million watts, and the receiver
outputs the same, ten more receivers can each output a million watts
without putting additional load on the transmitter. Where does the extra
energy come from?

Well, there is something very special about an oscillating divergence in

the vector potential, namely that it creates an oscillating time field that
extracts energy from the flow of time itself. If you have ever wanted to
know the secrets of free energy, this is definitely one of them. Under ideal
conditions, the transmitter sends an information signal that nudges the
receiver into extracting free energy from the time stream. Some would
call it extracting the zero point energy. Due to the first equation showing
the relation between divergence and charge density, charges vibrating in
a compressive/expansive manner automatically extract free energy that
adds to the amplitude of their oscillation.

That the transmitter and receiver electrically oscillate at resonance is how

one can dial specifically into the other, and that their mode of oscillation
involves radial electron compression makes the entire process assisted
by free energy.

What About Ground Currents?

Tesla put more importance on what was happening underground with

currents being pumped into the earth than with waves radiating from the
top terminals. He said that when the transmitter pushes electrons into the
ground during one half of its cycle, that perturbs the electron distribution
in the planet, basically pushing it up through the receiver into its terminal.
In that case, the energy needed to push down by the transmitter is
recovered by the energy generated by the push up in the receiver, and so
energy is conserved.

More likely it is both processes in combination: since the transmitter’s top

terminal is opposite in voltage from its bottom ground connection, each
sends a longitudinal wave of opposite polarity. When these hit their
respective parts of the receiver, that provides the necessary potential
difference to induce a current. But let’s remember that longitudinal waves
(oscillating divergences in the vector potential) affect electron density, so
between transmitter and receiver, the electrons within the earth rapidly
come under the influence of the underground longitudinal waves radiating
from the bottom terminals of both transmitter and activated receiver.
Therefore a compressive standing wave will arise in this electron
distribution, assisting the entire process. That is how wireless
transmitters and receivers using straight metal rods as antennas instead
of spheres still accomplished their jobs.

Cold Electricity

The key is that whereas DC currents involve a collective motion of

electrons in one direction, and AC currents involve a collective motion
that first goes forward then backward, what Tesla’s system employed was
a collective compression and expansion of electrons. That follows from
the coupling between divergent vector potentials and electron density. It
is unique because a wire carrying such a “current” will have both ends
pulling or expelling electrons at the same time. With DC, one end takes
electrons while the other expels, same with AC except the ends switch
roles with every cycle of oscillation. But with Tesla’s “cold electricity” both
ends give and take simultaneously. (While AC-induced standing waves
do similar, only cold electricity can do this at low frequencies, and for
wireless transmission Tesla said lower frequency was better). This means
there is zero net current flowing through the wire. And without current,
resistance has no effect. In that case the electrons do not form an actual
current so much as couple to the vector potential and amplify it along the
way via the free-energy-from-time principle.

Tesla said that it was important to have a good ground connection, that
when the surrounding soil was damp the energy transmission was better;
while this seemingly confirms that regular current is indeed being
conducted through the ground as the conventional explanation holds, it
equally supports the idea that if longitudinal waves play a greater role
then the better the ground connection, the better the transmitter and
receiver can extract or inject electrons into the earth.

However, given the size of the earth and its huge capacitance, injecting
electrons from a metal terminal would not push them up into the distant
receiver any more than a gallon of water dropped into the ocean pushes
a gallon onto the opposite shore. Therefore I think the earth functions
more as a limitless reservoir of electrons that readily takes or gives them
into the transmitter and receiver, and that it is the longitudinal waves from
the transmitter that, by creating a round-the-world oscillating voltage field
(and equally a round-the-world oscillating divergence in the vector
potential) induces the receiver into extracting its own proportionate
amount of free energy.

Must wireless transmission use ground currents? They can, but Tesla
later claimed to have received communications from Mars, and said
himself that by using his wireless system, information could be sent
between planets. Well, being that there is no conducting ground between
planets, and that Tesla was not using transverse EM waves, only a
longitudinal signal sent from one planet could induce an electrical change
in a receiver on the other. If through space, then perhaps also on earth,
and if communication signals then also megawatts of power between the
transmitting power station and its multitude of receivers around the globe.


The two secrets of free energy employed in Tesla’s wireless technology:

1) By applying an oscillating high voltage signal (dV/dt) to a metal

terminal with large surface area, longitudinal waves are emitted that
result in no loss of energy because in lacking magnetic components
these waves have no Poynting vector. Yet the receiver will respond
to this by outputting energy.

2) Longitudinal waves, which are identically scalar waves made of

divergence in the vector potential, or voltage fields that vary
uniformly over space but oscillate over time, will cause
corresponding oscillations in the density of mobile electrons. And
likewise, compressive oscillations in the density of mobile electrons
will create longitudinal waves. Furthermore, such radial oscillations
in ion or electron distribution will, when vibrating in a mode of
resonance, tap into the time stream and produce free energy that
adds to the amplitude of their oscillation.
The Etheric Origins of Gravity, Electricity,
and Magnetism

07/04/2007 (science)

There is a beautiful unity underlying gravity, electricity, and magnetism.

This unity may be expressed mathematically, but here it will be shown
visually because doing so allows a quicker and more direct
understanding of the geometric reality often obscured by mathematical

These diagrams show how electric, magnetic, gravitational, and potential

fields all arise from various kinds of distortions in a single field called the
scalar superpotential. This field is also know as the ether, or the medium
in which everything physical exists.

The term “scalar” just means that each coordinate in the field is
associated with a single measurement value. The way this value varies
over space and time determines what kind of secondary field arises from
the superpotential. The unit of measurement is the Weber, which is a unit
of pure magnetic flux.

In these diagrams, each circle represents a particular value of

superpotential. Circles of different sizes indicate different superpotential
values. Circles made of dashed lines signify superpotential values that
vary over time.

Scalar Superpotential

First we have a uniform superpotential field:

All the circles are the same size. Each coordinate in space has the same
magnetic flux value. There is no electric, gravitational, or magnetic force
field, just a uniform ether.

Magnetic Vector Potential

The simplest distortion is a gradient, where the superpotential increases

or decreases over some distance:

This gradient gives rise to the magnetic vector potential. We have no

direct experience with the vector potential because unlike gravity,
electricity, or magnetism it generates no forces in its undistorted form. But
it exists nonetheless and can be measured with special instruments that
operate through quantum mechanical principles. James Clerk Maxwell,
the originator of electromagnetic theory, said the vector potential was the
most important and fundamental field of electromagnetism and likened it
to etheric momentum.
Magnetic Field

The magnetic force field only arises once the vector potential distorts in a
circulatory manner:

Circulatory distortion is also known as curl. When there is curl in the

vector potential, a magnetic force field arises at right angles to that curl.
Stick out your thumb and curl your fingers along the increasing slope in
the superpotential, and your thumb will point in the direction of the
magnetic line of force. You can also picture it like the axis of a tornado
being a magnetic field line and the circulating air currents being the
vector potential. So what we know as the magnetic field arises from
circulation in the ether.

This explains why magnets attract and repel each other. Here is the
conventional view of magnetic fields:
There you see the magnetic force field coming out of one pole and
entering the other. When the field lines emerging from one pole enters
the pole of another magnet, the two poles attract.

But there is another way to understand this. A cylindrical magnet is

surrounded by an etheric vortex made of superpotential:
When the north pole of a magnet is near a south pole of another, the
fields of both circulate in the same direction and so they have an affinity
for each other and thus attract. But when like poles are put together,
because one is facing down while the other faces upward, their
circulation is oriented oppositely and so they repel.

Electric Scalar Potential (Voltage)

Another distortion in the superpotential is one where the value changes

over time:
This creates a electric scalar potential, more commonly known as
voltage. A uniform voltage or scalar potential field is one in which the
superpotential varies everywhere at the same rate:

We have no direct experience with an undistorted scalar potential field

either because it does not generate any forces. If the voltage is
everywhere uniform, we cannot detect it.

Electric Field

But if the voltage varies over distance, when there is a gradient in the
electric scalar potential, then there arises an electric force field. One way
to create an electric field is by creating a voltage gradient, meaning a
gradient in the time-varying superpotential.
Another way is to change the vector potential over time, creating a time-
varying gradient in the superpotential:

Both methods amount to the same thing, because both involve the scalar
superpotential varying over both space and time.

Gravitational Potential

So the vector potential arises from a gradient, magnetism from curl, and
electricity from variation over time. There is only one major field and one
major distortion left: gravitational potential and the divergence.

It makes perfect sense that the gravitational potential arises from

divergence in the magnetic vector potential, from a compression or
expansion in the ether. Very useful postulate.
There you see the scalar superpotential increasing or decreasing
outwardly from a central point (the “neutral center”), or compressing in a
linear direction. Both are equivalent. When there is linear or radial
divergence or convergence in the magnetic vector potential, there arises
a gravitational potential. It is equivalent to etheric pressure or density.

Once again, a uniform gravitational potential field has no associated

forces. So we have no direct experience with a gravitational potential in

Gravitational Field

Like in the case of electric fields, it is only when the gravitational potential
varies over distance that a gravitational force field arises:
This is what we know as gravity. Gravity is a gradient in the divergence of
the magnetic vector potential. In other words, it arises from a double
compression or expansion of the ether. Masses suck ether into
themselves, generating an inwardly directed gradient in the ether that
varies with distance from the center, which creates a gravitational force
aiming toward the center of mass.

Charge versus Mass

Electric charges and gravitational masses have similar scalar

superpotential fields:
(Note: instead of shrinking “snow flakes” like in the previous diagram,
here I’m using an equivalent depiction of radially shrinking circles.
Mathematically, both depict a gradient in the divergence).

Both fields are radially symmetric, but only the electric charge is
surrounded by a time-dynamic field. That is the only real difference
between charges and mass, that one varies through time while the other
is static with time. Paraphrasing one of my favorite sources, “A graviton is
an electron in a time-vacuum.” If you remove the time component of an
electron with its radial electric field, you end up with a mass emitting a
radial vector potential.

Longitudinal Wave Equation

Waves are interesting in that their spatial distortions and variations

through time are coupled together. So one generates the other.
Longitudinal waves have the variation through time coupled to
compressive distortions in the undulating field. In other words, the wave
undulates in the same direction it travels like a shock wave sent through
a slinky, versus transverse waves where the undulation is perpendicular
like a shaken rope.

The first longitudinal wave equation applies to uniform voltage fields that
vary through time:

Time-varying uniform voltage field generates a uniform gravitational

potential field. We cannot easily detect either, yet they exist and do have
subtle and unexpected effects. One effect is a vibrating time field.
Another effect is alteration of our emotional and biological well-being.
Scalar technology and weaponry exploits this property to the maximum
extent possible (example: electrically pulsed conductive chemtrail layers
over populated areas).

The second longitudinal wave equation applies to vector potentials that

vary in an accelerative manner through time:

When the vector potential is strongly and nonlinearly pulsed, it creates a

corresponding gravitational pulse because the ether is double
compressed. This is what Tesla observed in his experiments with radiant
energy, where upon sending a strong current pulse down a wire he would
feel a sharp slap to his body even if standing behind a metal shield. The
scalar superpotential around a wire carrying a steady electric current
looks something like this:
When the current is pulsed, it creates a gravitational shockwave in and
around the wire. Electrons drag ether along with them, and when electron
density changes rapidly, so does the ether density. This is why wires
given strong current pulses mysteriously break apart into segments as
though pulled apart by internal longitudinal forces, and why rail guns
buckle in ways that cannot be explained by mere magnetic forces.

Transverse and Longitudinal Antennas

Transverse electromagnetic waves, which are the ones everything from

cellphones to radios utilize, are undulations in the ether that involve
twisting of the field:
A thin metal antenna given an oscillating current will produce transverse
waves. In the antenna, the vector potential first points upward then
downward, and so the waves emitted have vertically oriented electric and
magnetic vector potential components. The changing electric field
creates a changing magnetic field at right angles to it, and so what results
is an electro-magnetic wave.

But if the magnetic field is suppressed, a changing gravitational field will

arise instead. That is because the vector potential normally curls back
and forth to create an alternating magnetic field, but if the curl is
prevented then the vector potential diverges and converges instead.

One way to do this is to send an oscillating voltage into a large metal

sphere. The spherical symmetry causes the generated magnetic field to
cancel out almost everywhere on the sphere, leaving only an alternating
electric field and its alternating vector magnetic component. If the vector
potential varies in an accelerative manner over time, then gravitational
waves are created. The superpotential field would look like this:
Such waves cannot be detected with ordinary radio receivers because
rather than causing electrons in the receiving antenna to collectively
move back and forth, these waves cause the electrons to bunch together
and expand which equates to a zero net current in the antenna. Rather it
would take an antenna in the shape of a large metal sphere or a large
metal plate to adequately intercept longitudinal waves.

Read More

So now that you have a conceptual understanding, you may wish to

follow up with the following articles that include further diagrams, insights,
and equations:

Transverse and Longitudinal Waves

Scalar Superpotential Theory
Tesla Wireless Technology
Scalar Physics Research Center (see my PDF there “A Brief Introduction
to Scalar Physics”)
Research Resources

11/23/2007 (science)

This will be a running list of interesting documents concerning fringe


NEW! (HTML) Coherent Field and Energy Resonance System [A.C. Holt]

(PDF) The True Wireless [Tesla]

(ZIP) Velocity of Light Experiments [Marinov]

(ZIP) Deutsche Physik v6 no21 [Marinov]

(ZIP) Thermogravitics

(PDF) British Patent 300311 – Brown – Gravitator

(PDF) Patent 3187206 – Brown – Asymmetric Gravitator

(PDF) Patent 6317310 – NASA Asymmetric Capacitor

(PDF) Patent 4874346 – Wachspress – Magnetic Levitator

(PDF) Greenberger – Quantum Theory Looks at Time Travel

(JPG) Original Kowsky Frost Article

(ZIP) Dave’s Cell Water Splitter

(PDF) The Star Chamber Project

(PDF) Stefan Marinov’s MAGVID

(ZIP) Stefan Marinov – Annus Horribilis

(PDF) Johansson – Longitudinal Forces

(PDF) Bearden – Extracting and Using EM Energy

(DJVU) Potentials in Quantum Theory

(DJVU) Fundamental Fields and Phase

Astral Physics and Timespace

04/15/2008 (science)

Can the etheric and astral planes can be understood from the viewpoint
of physics? What is the mathematical relationship between these and the
physical realm? To take a shot at these questions, we must examine
what physics says of the physical and see if that can be mathematically
extended to produce predictions matching anecdotal observations of the
etheric and astral.

To clear up semantic confusion, “etheric” can refer to either of two things:

first is the “etheric realm” of occultism which is a luminescent mirror world
interpenetrating the physical, and second is the “ether” of archaic science
which is the medium in which everything exists. Perhaps the two are
identical, but for this article I will be referring to the “etheric realm” of
occultism since that is where we have empirical data.

Etheric Realm

What is the etheric? Minerals, plants, animals, and people have physical
bodies, but what makes them alive is something beyond the physical.
Without that extra factor, entropy would cause disintegration of the
physical as happens after death. Tracing the physical processes of the
body down to the smallest scales brings us into the quantum domain.
Processes that seem mechanical and predictable on the large scale have
their origins in quantum jumps that are neither predictable by physical
science nor controllable by physical means.

So that extra factor is something that biases these quantum jumps at the
small scale to offset the forces of entropy at the large scale. This is the
etheric body, a subtle energy body interpenetrating the physical and
shaping the quantum processes that give rise to its biological activities. In
other words, the etheric body is an energy template that biases the
probability of acausal biological events to produce ordered and intelligent
life. It is a formative field made of coarse lifeforce energy. Using the
terminology of chaos theory, it is an attractor field (a structured field made
of strange attractors).

Since the physical body resides in a physical environment, the etheric

body must reside in an etheric environment. And just as a physical body
can exist without an etheric (as is the case with a corpse) so can the
etheric exist without the physical. This means etheric lifeforms may exist
around us who, because they lack physical bodies, are imperceptible to
our physical senses.

Occult perception (known as second sight) lets one view the local etheric
environment. For beginners this requires entering a trance state in
between sleeping and waking, where the mind is decoupled from linear
time and mechanized thoughts. It happens naturally in hypnagogic and
hypnopompic states while going to sleep and waking up, although
advanced occultists and shamans can switch into this while walking
around and talking.

In this state, one can observe etheric lifeforms, the etheric field around
living things, and also etheric thoughtforms which are produced by
mental/emotional energy cast off by people throughout the day that
continue in the ether like eddies in water until running out of energy and

It is also known that alien / hyper-dimensional entities can hang around in

the etheric, not fully materializing into the physical, in order to quietly
observe. This is also true of time travelers who are unable or unwilling to
fully lock phase with our particular time stream and thus can only observe
us. All these can be seen with second sight, however. The etheric realm
is therefore a superset of the physical, and the parts we can see through
second sight is just the close halo of the physical extending into the
etheric realm.

From a quantum viewpoint, the etheric state appears to involve partial

delocalization of the wave function, as will be discussed below. And it
takes delocalization of your own consciousness to view it through second
sight. While the physical realm and our normal waking consciousness are
both highly localized or collapsed into a single sharp focal point, the
etheric plane is more diffuse, like the tranced consciousness needed to
perceive it. That diffuseness is what allows the etheric body to shape
quantum events, to bias probability, because it is a structure diffused
across multiple possibilities instead of being localized to just one as our
physical body is.

Other clairvoyants have described the etheric realm as a mirror world, not
only in mirroring the physical when, say, the etheric body has similar
morphology to the physical it enlivens, but that very often perception
shows things as reversed — reversed in time, reversed in space. I’m
getting ahead of myself, but that phenomenon appears to involve more
the parts of the etheric that blend into the astral, complicated by the fact
that what we see with second sight is what our mind decodes of the
energy patterns constituting etheric lifeforms, and it is therefore biased by
our own personal lexicon of symbolic visuals. Although relatively
speaking, what you see of the etheric is closer to its actual reality than
what you would see in the astral.

Another thing to notice is that if the etheric realm is indeed a mirror world
in every sense of the term, where time intervals do run opposite those of
the physical, then it sheds further light on how it can bias probability.
Probabilities deal with probable futures and to shape quantum events
means to have these be attracted toward certain probable futures and
repelled from others. So it wouldn’t be a stretch to say that this attraction
and repulsion seems to come from those probable futures. Some type of
resonant action between the current quantum system and the most
strongly attracted probable future helps that future manifest. This
resonance is encoded in the etheric field, and it acts upon the physical by
pulling on it from the direction of the future — meaning it is an influence
that originates in our perceived future and flows backward in time.

To illustrate this, if you are given five choices then you have five probable
futures all sending their influences back in time and intersecting you in
the present. The choice you most feel a tug toward is the probable future
with the strongest reverse-time attraction force. You still have freewill and
can choose one of the lesser alternatives, which is especially important if
that strongest future is a bad one and willpower is needed to get you
toward the healthier alternative. Etherically you are resonant with the
strongest of your immediate probable futures.
In addition to being mere psychology, habit also has an etheric basis
because repeated behaviors set up a type of momentum in the etheric
that biases probability toward continuation of that behavior. And not only
behavior, but for instance the type of activity that goes on in a house can
imprint the etheric to attract similar activity in whoever moves in next. So
a transfer of etheric patterns can take place. You could receive the
pattern of illness or bad luck from someone else’s etheric field through
close interaction and thus start attracting those. In fact, etheric entities
(and devices built by aliens) can be latched onto you in order to alter your
behavior, health, and probability of experience. Certain schools of
occultism teach how to create your own etheric thoughtforms to
accomplish tasks, and the darker of those schools teach how a
thoughtform programmed to start a fire in your enemy’s home will do just
that. Of course, it won’t start a fire by heating the carpet until it smolders,
rather it heightens the probability that an accident causing a fire will
occur. All this shows that the etheric is intimately involved in probability.

Astral Realm

So the etheric is closely associated with the physical realm, loosely

mirroring its shape and diffusing outward in all spatiotemporal directions.
It is the seat of raw lifeforce energy and influencer of probability. In
contrast, the astral is as far removed from the etheric as the etheric is
from the physical, and is thus two orders different from the physical. It is
more reflective of internal psychic space than an external physical space.

The astral body is the seat of soul-based emotions. Whereas the etheric
pulls on physical quantum events, the astral seems to pull on mental and
emotional events. The astral realm, instead of mirroring physical form,
symbolically mirrors emotional and psychic energy patterns.

Second sight also allows perception of the astral when an astral entity
blends into the etheric environment. But to fully enter an astral realm
requires that consciousness shift completely out of the physical and
etheric environment and enter into something that is more like shared
mind-space rather than spacetime. Astral beings are not defined by
structure and form, but by abstract symbolic meaning and conscious
signature. An astral traveller can still decode all this into an internally
recreated visual environment, but the real reality behind it isn’t
comprehensible in terms of distance and time.

What Physics Says About Spacetime

To relate the physical to etheric and astral, we can examine what is

known about the physical at its most fundamental level. That would be
the structure of flat spacetime.

Brief background: the Theory of Special Relativity gives a mathematical

framework describing how time stretches and length contracts depending
on velocity relative to an observer. Space and time are shown to not be
independent of each other, but part of a single structure called spacetime.
Two observers traveling at different velocities perceive each other’s
length and rate of time as different compared to when they were at rest.
Why? Because each are rotated at different angles in spacetime.

To have two observers measure two different values of distance and time
and both be right was thought impossible under the old physics. This
comes with treating time as mere ticks on a clock. Relativity treats time
as a fourth spatial dimension, however, where the separation between
two events is measured between two points in the four-dimensional
spacetime. That four dimensional separation stays constant no matter the
velocity of the observers, and everything works out. Two observers are
just looking at the same thing from two angles.

That interval of flat four dimensional spacetime is written like this:

= speed of light

(I left out the for the sake of simplicity)

This is just a four dimensional version of the Pythagorean Theorem. The

Pythagorean Theorem gives distance between two points in an
orthogonal coordinate system (right-angled measuring grid). For
instance, the two and three dimensional versions of the Pythagorean
theorem are:
(Where and are sides of a rectangle, and is the height of a cube
or rectangular prism)

The time component of spacetime can only be treated as a physical

dimension if its squared value is meaning that the unsquared value
is where is an imaginary number .

While space is real, time has an imaginary direction. Literally, the fourth
dimension has units of “imaginary meters” or “imaginary light seconds”.
The coordinate system of spacetime (physical realm) therefore looks like

Physical Realm:

At low velocities where there is barely any rotation into the fourth
dimension, we can get by doing all our physics with real time. But in truth,
time is imaginary compared to space. What does this mean, that time is

Quantum Physics and Time

Relativity treats time in a strange way. Quantum physics does as well.

How the two relate, and how that ties into the etheric and astral realms, is
the focus of the rest of this article.

In quantum physics, time is treated as the changing phase of a wave

function. Phase is the alignment of a wave relative to some starting point,
and the wave function is the diffuse set of probabilities of which one slice
we perceive as a tangible manifested reality. The wave function is written
like so:

This definition states that the total wave function is simply a time-
dependent phase factor multiplying a space-dependent wave function. If
you compare this to Relativity, you’ll see that what in spacetime is
imaginary (the time component) becomes here a phase factor, while what
was real (the space component) becomes a wave function depending on
that component only.

The phase factor is really important. What we observe as particles and

atoms (and by that logic everything in the universe) is just a fuzzy wave
of possibilities before observation. What happens upon observation is
that we, as points of consciousness, lock phase with one “frame” of that
wave function so that, with both now having the same wave alignment,
both share the same reality, both are tangible to each other, and other
possibilities not phase-locked get shut out. (As stated earlier, if you
diffuse your consciousnesss to something other than a sharp point, you
can likewise perceive things in their fuzzier probabilistic state). There is
absolutely no way for science to mathematically predict what particular
tangible state a wavefunction will collapse into; that is decided by
consciousness and the etheric template, not the physical.

When two things (even two people) have the same quantum phase, their
phase difference is zero and they are completely real to each other. The
only reason you and I would be able to shake hands is because we have
the same quantum phase, which in this case is the same time-dependent
phase factor. This means we are both occupying the same moment in
time. Upon meeting we would be near the same position in space as well,
and this allows us to solidly interact. If our phase difference is slightly
different, our interaction will be less tangible.

That time for us is a mere quantum phase factor, that it has an imaginary
direction, goes hand in hand with our being pulled along the river of time
collectively even against our wishes, while we retain total freedom to
move around in space. What is real to us, we have complete freedom to
move around within. What is imaginary, we can only navigate to the
degree that our consciousness changes.

Etheric and Astral Physics

With this background in Relativity and quantum physics, we can now take
a shot at interpreting how the etheric and astral realms relate to the
physical. Whatever the relation, it should be simple and explain the
empirical observations regarding these while still matching up with the
physics of spacetime and quantum mechanics.

The major clue is that time is imaginary while space is real… interesting
that time can be imaginary… could space become imaginary too? What
about other imaginary numbers beside ? These were the questions I
asked. And it leads straight into quaternions, which are an extension of
imaginary numbers. Instead of just being the square root of minus one,
the other imaginary numbers and relate to each other in similarly
odd ways. The rules for quaternions are as follows:

The difference between real and imaginary numbers is basically a ninety

degree rotation into a dimension of impossibility. By that I mean, if you
ask a fifth grader what is the square root of negative one, they’ll say it is
impossible since no number times itself can give a negative value. But
that is what happens to be defined as, something that exists and can be
worked with despite seeming impossible. The same goes for the etheric
relative to the physical — tell any scientist of the etheric realm and he will
find it impossible, yet the influence of the etheric hides right behind the
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and the unpredictable phase-locking of
the wave functions. It exists and can be worked with, but is impossible
under thinking of conventional physics which treats the intelligent and
ordered biasing of phase-locks as mere “randomness” that can only be
analyzed statistically like a game of Plinko. And for this same reason,
science still does not know what time truly is — they know space very
well, because it is real, but time is imaginary and we move along it
mysteriously at a steady pace.

All the above points to the etheric having a relationship with the physical
what imaginary numbers have with the real numbers. And to convert from
real to imaginary, you just multiply by . That is what must be done, to
take the coordinates of spacetime times an and thus “operate” upon it a
virtual ninety degree rotation:



So whereas the physical realm has imaginary time and real space, the
etheric realm has real time and imaginary space. We can take it further
and multiply by to theoretically get the astral:



And if we operate upon the astral coordinates with the third imaginary
number we get back the physical:



Summarizing the structure of the coordinates:

Physical Realm: (imaginary time, real space)

Etheric Realm: (negative real time, imaginary space)

Astral Realm: (negative j-imaginary time, negative k-imaginary


These are the raw coordinates. The Pythagorean spacetime intervals are
as follows:
These two are just opposite in sign. This implies that whereas events in
spacetime progress from past to future along a path, etheric influences
manifesting in spacetime progress from future to past backward along
that same path. Of course, at moments of quantum choice multiple paths
open up into the future, and thus multiple futures have paths tracing back
to the present moment. This precisely matches what was stated earlier
about probable futures exerting influences via the etheric that go
backward in time and intersect the present. So the etheric is indeed
associated with some kind of “reverse time” phenomenon, at least as far
as its interactions with our physical realm is concerned.

As for the raw coordinates of the etheric, time is real instead of imaginary
and space is imaginary instead of real. In that sense it is more like
timespace instead of spacetime. I’m not sure how to interpret this exactly.
But to make an educated guess, this implies that within the etheric, one
has total freedom to move forward or backward in time just as we
physical beings have total freedom to move around in space.

Inversely, our consciousness is quantum phase-locked into a collective

rate of time and mobility in time is limited, while for the etheric entity it
would be spatial geometry, form, path, and position would be the
restrictors instead of time. Maybe that explains why etheric phenomena
depend so much on geometry:

the etheric energies of a room being dependent on furniture

shape of pyramids and domes being concentrators of etheric energy
ghosts being tied down to particular locations and sometimes seen
doing the same thing or walking the same path over and over
or the use of specially arranged items and repeated motions in
rituals to invoke etheric entities
ley lines and earth grid lines being geometrically precise
spatially periodic arrangement of atoms in a crystal lattice making it
function as an amplifier and transducer of etheric energies

We can take a closer look at the quantum physics of the etheric plane, if
that is even possible. Earlier it was shown how spacetime coordinates
related to the wave function, where imaginary components became a
phase factor multiplying another wave function depending only on the
real components. Applying this to the etheric case:

And continuing onto the astral case:

I’m not sure whether the etheric wave function should have the last part
be or but in either case that wave function is a function of
time, and if periodic would be a frequency. Therefore the etheric wave
function is a spatial phase factor times a frequency factor. That may be
where the resonance phenomenon of the etheric body comes into play.

I wrote of this in my article Ether Body and FRV where the resonance
spectrum of your etheric body (aka aura) determines what probable
futures you resonate with and are mutually attracted toward. The aura
has spatial characteristics, not only localized to your body and varying in
frequency over different regions of the body, but also extending outward
a certain distance, which is why cities have certain vibes due to
everyone’s auras contributing to the collective aura of the city. It is also
why you can get bad reactions to people with bad vibes if you get too
close to them, or say, why having a roommate of bad vibes can drag you
down as well (aside from the psychological osmosis) including bringing
you the same mishaps and misfortunes that are resonant with him or her.

I should also mention that the physical wave function shown earlier is, in
realistic cases, just one of many wave functions comprising the totality of
a particle, atom, molecule, substance. Likewise, there are many etheric
frequencies making up a rich spectrum unique to each individual (unless
the individual is not an individual but some artificial humanoid construct
cast from the same mold and thus carrying identical energy signature as
others like it — see my article Human Simulacra for more on that idea).

That sums up my interpretation of the etheric wave function. The astral

case is interesting because all components of the astral coordinates are
imaginary and thus the wave function consists purely of phase. This
shows that, as required, the astral realm is completely different from the
physical. Whereas the etheric somewhat mirrors the physical, the astral
is perpendicular to both the physical and the etheric. Its wave function
has no spatial or temporal wave function component, just pure phase. It
is beyond spacetime and timespace.

From a Relativistic point of view, the astral realms would reside exactly
on the event horizon of existence, on the light cone, in a timeless state of
eternity and zero space. This is evident from the following Special
Relativity equations:

Or the General Relativity equations, in terms of the gravitational potential


When or then time goes to infinity and length goes to

zero, both losing their meaning. Those conditions happen at the event
horizon, at the speed of light, on the lightcone in spacetime diagrams. All
quantum wave functions would, in that state, lose their real spatial and
temporal dependence and the only thing left would be phase. And that is
why existence in the true astral realms is so abstract, symbolic, timeless
and spaceless. The astral is the phase space, phase time, within the
bubble of eternity. And from this state, physical realms are accessible by
simply rotating into them via transformation through , though only in
accordance with the phase pattern one holds in the astral state. This may
very well be the process of incarnation. Reincarnation would involve
consciousness first rotating out of the physical, then out of the etheric,
and finally into the upper strata of the astral before doing the reverse and
entering into a new fetus.

When or then time and space return — with Real and

Imaginary flipped. Talk about going through the looking glass! That is the
multiplication of spacetime by which is how the etheric realm was
derived. The physical plane exists under the light barrier, etheric beyond
the light barrier, and astral at the light barrier. This is another reason
etheric processes act acausally instead of causally — they operate in a
region of reality that are not causally connected to us (in the same way
one domino knocking down another are causally connected) but rather
acausally by “unpredictably” affecting the phase of the physical wave

Complex Spacetime

We can combine the physical, etheric, and astral into one coordinate
system if coordinates are made complex instead of purely real or purely
imaginary. If so, it would look like this:

This is to allow for entities occupying multiple realms. For instance, the
coordinate (ic3 – c5, 2+4i, 0, 0) is located neither entirely in the physical
nor in the etheric, but has projections onto each. We would observe this
point located at 2 meters and 3 imaginary light-seconds, while in the
etheric realm it appears to be at 4 imaginary meters and -5 light-seconds.
But in truth this point is neither in the physical nor in the etheric, but in

The coordinate can also be represented in polar form with magnitude and
phase, where a 45˚ phase angle means being halfway between physical
and etheric, 0˚ fully physical, and 90˚ fully etheric. This is probably the
same phase discussed earlier in connection with the quantum wave
As mentioned earler, 0˚ quantum phase difference means phase lock or
full tangibility between two beings (or a system and its observer) and just
now 0˚ polar phase was defined as the physical plane — the plane of

This also suggests, however, that if another collective reality is at 23˚ and
everyone in it were also at 23˚ then those people would be fully tangible
to each other, yet phased out from us at 0˚ and thus imperceptible. Aliens
who hang around invisibly to observe us are probably phased out in this
manner to varying degrees, although that they can see us without us
seeing them must then be due to our being focused on just one special
phase while they can see multiple phases at once.

Aside from the phase angle associated with there are also phases for
and in the astral realm, though my interpretation of those is left for
another research note.


What separates one timeline from another? Consider two moments in

time, both occurring at noon on the same day but located in parallel
timelines. In the first you have spaghetti for lunch, the other you have
curry. Where are these two moments relative to each other? Well, they
both have the same physical time since they both happen at noon.
But if time is complex, then they must have different complex time values
despite having the same imaginary one. One could be (.435c + ic12) and
the other (.482c + ic12).

This shows that choices we face each split off into different complex time
values. If ten minutes before lunch I can think of three places to go, then
my timeline splits into three timelines with unique complex time values.
The spacetime diagrams of Relativity (with light cones) only show
and not – they don’t allow for real time and therefore parallel
timelines. Although that could be easily added by layering lightcones or
having them be joined at the axis with rotation from light cone to light
cone signifying changing phase angles.

I would go so far as to say that, to represent all this more accurately, the
light cone has to be folded up into a light bundle containing our reality
similar to how a fiber optic cable can carry the video data of a movie, and
that reality would thus consist of an intricate network of these light
bundles intersecting and diverging at nodes, the nodes representing
choice points where one can switch from one causal time segment to an
array of others.

Final Thoughts

It should be clear that all these phase angles, realms, and the complex
regions between them make for a vast and mind-boggling hyper-
dimensional game board. The complex spaces may even have a fractal
structure, which would make opportunities for experience and evolution
of life truly infinite. That is assuming any of this math speculation is even
correct, and given that I only received these ideas less than a week ago
there is plenty of room for error. If nothing else, consider this research
note an exercise in creative thinking.
Derivation of Mach's Principle

05/22/2008 (science)

Mach’s Principle is a phrase coined by Einstein to denote the idea that

inertia, the resistance of mass to changes in motion, is not a fundamental
property of that mass alone, but something that depends on its
relationship to all other masses in the universe. Modern physics has
never been able to explain why. This research note succeeds where
modern physics has failed by showing the exact mathematical reason
behind this mystery.

Although the Theory of Relativity was about motion being relative to the
observer, inertial resistance to changes in motion is not relative and does
not depend on the observer at all, and that is what intrigued Einstein. For
example, when mass is forced to move into a circular pathway, it will
resist that force and pull outward against it. That is why stirred tea
presses outward and up the inner wall of a mug. But the tea will do this
regardless of whether you stand still, spin around, or run past the mug.

Such inertial effects must therefore be independent of the observer. The

motion leading to such effects must be measured relative to something
absolute, and that absolute is the fixed background of stars in the sky.
When something spins, it spins relative to the stars. When something
accelerates, it accelerates relative to the stars. Somehow masses far
away affect how mass behaves right here.

That is a big problem because how can local and distant masses possibly
interact over such vast distances, and how would this interaction create
inertia? Apparently no one has solved this problem.

But with the right postulate it can be easily solved, as will be

demonstrated below. I will give a layman’s summary of the rest of this
research note and then provide the mathematical derivation of Mach’s
Principle, of inertial resistance and centrifugal force as a function of the
mass of the universe.

Of all fields in existence, gravity has the longest reach. The field
connecting local to distant masses is simply gravity, or more precisely,
the gravitational potential.

By “gravity” we usually mean the gravitational force field that pulls

masses together and makes things fall to the ground. But this force field
only arises from gradients in the gravitational potential. If the potential
varies over distance, then a force field exists that tugs on masses caught
in the field. Potential is more fundamental than the force field, it is the
underlying component of gravity.

Every mass has a gravitational field, but whereas the force fields from all
masses in the universe cancel each other out, the gravitational potentials
do not. So the combined potential fields from all masses in the universe
creates an ambient potential throughout the universe. Therefore all
masses are immersed in the gravitational potential of all other masses.
The interaction between a mass and this ambient field is what leads to
inertial effects.

Moving with constant speed and direction does nothing but change the
locally experienced value of ambient gravitational potential. Each velocity
comes with its own value of potential. This has the effect of dilating time
and contracting length relative to slower moving or stationary observers,
as predicted by Special Relativity.

Accelerating through this field creates a compression of the field in front

of the mass and expansion in the back. The accelerating mass then
exists within a field gradient, meaning a gravitational potential that is no
longer uniform. This creates a gravitational force field pointing opposite
the direction of motion. That causes the mass to resist acceleration,
which is the basic inertial property of mass.

As for circular movement and centrifugal force, note that each distance
from the center of curvature has a different velocity. Consider a spinning
disk: the edge is moving faster than points closer to the center. Since with
each velocity comes a different gravitational potential, a gradient in the
gravitational potential exists between center and edge of the disk.
Therefore, circular motion creates a local gravitational force field pulling
outward and away from the center. And that is centrifugal force, another
byproduct of inertial resistance to changes in motion.

All these inertial phenomena ultimately depend on masses in the rest of

the universe, as stated in Mach’s Principle, because it is the combined
gravitational potential of these that lead to resistance to changes of
motion by individual masses.

Ambient Gravitational Potential

First step is to calculate an approximation of the ambient gravitational

potential field of the universe. The basic equation of gravitational

is the gravitational constant

is mass

is distance from center of mass

This must be integrated over all mass in the universe. For simplicity we
will assume a uniform spherical distribution of mass around a central
point. Then all we need is the radius of the universe and its average
mass density and integrate. Because it is mass surrounding a point,
rather than a point some distance from the center of mass, the potential
is positive instead of negative:

is average density of universe

is radius of universe
Values for radius and density of the universe depends on whether it is the
visible, observable, or total universe being considered, whether the
curvature of space is included, and other variables. Ranges given:



The ambient gravitational potential has the following range of possible



A better way to find the ambient potential is to use an equation from

General Relativity for how a local gravitational potential affects the local
rate of time. Since in flat spacetime there is no local potential and the rate
of time is undisturbed, then conversely a local potential that is equal and
opposite to the ambient potential will stop time. So we set the following
equation to infinity and solve for the local potential, then the opposite is
the ambient potential.

The result falls within the range given above and is more accurate since it
depends only on the speed of light, which is well known. Since the
ambient potential, which comes from the gravitational potential fields of
masses in the universe, is solely a function of the speed of light, it may
therefore be inferred that in a less massive universe with a lesser
ambient potential, the speed of light is also lower.

For the rest of this note, the ambient potential will be taken as:
Gravitational and Electromagnetic Potentials

Showing how the ambient potential leads to local inertial effects requires
a postulate of mine that links electromagnetism to gravity. A postulate is
an idea that cannot be derived or proven from previous ideas, but gains
validity from the consistent success in applying it. The postulate is as

This equation states that the gravitational potential is proportional to the

divergence of the magnetic vector potential. That is the missing link
between EM and gravity. The beta is a constant of proportionality to be
empirically determined.

The vector potential is a gradient in the scalar superpotential , and

the latter is a scalar field of pure flux forming the substrate of spacetime.
See my other science research notes for a thorough explanation of the
vector potential and scalar superpotential.

The following relations hold true between these:

The gravitational force field is the negative gradient of the gravitational

potential , so:
Wave Equations

Wave equations exist for the scalar and vector potentials. These are just
your typical wave equations relating how spatial variations of a wave
relate to temporal variations:

(for the case of curl-free vector potential)

These wave equations are important because they link motion through
the ambient gravitational potential with the alteration of potential for that

Uniform Velocity through Ambient Potential

In the first case under consideration, we have a mass moving with

constant speed and direction through the ambient gravitational potential
of the universe. This field fundamentally consists of scalar superpotential
varying over space, and may be written out mathematically as a function
of position :


Motion through space causes the superpotential to vary over time for the
traveling mass. It is like mile markers showing different values at different
distances, and thus the observed marker showing different values at
different times on a road trip. To find this rate of change, we differentiate
the above equation twice with respect to time:
Since the velocity is steady, there is no acceleration and the first term
on the right is zero. Then we are left with:

A mass moving with constant velocity therefore experiences a scalar

superpotential that changes as the square of time elapsed. We can
substitute this into the wave equation:

The left side of this equation represents a newly generated gravitational

potential. Because this new potential is in the frame of reference of the
moving mass itself, a minus sign must be affixed to switch back to the
stationary reference frame where the ambient potential resides so that
both potentials can be properly summed:

What an interesting result! The local gravitational potential is a

function of velocity. It is simply the ambient potential times the squared
ratio between velocity and speed of light. For the moving mass, the total
potential at any point would be the sum of local and ambient values:

At zero velocity, the total potential just equals the ambient. For two
moving masses, if both have the same velocity then there will be zero
difference in between them and each will appear to the other as being
situated in the same ambient potential. This is in accordance with Special
Relativity where all that counts is the relative velocity between two

The new potential may be written more simply if we substitute the actual
value of ambient potential into the equation:

Except for the minus sign, which is a matter of convention and frame
chosen, this is the kinetic energy equation without the mass variable.
Gravitational potential generated by velocity is a type of “kinetic
potential.” Kinetic energy isn’t normally thought about in terms of
gravitational potential, but that is what it appears to be.

Time dilation and scale contraction of Special Relativity then come down
to the ratio between local and ambient gravitational potentials:

Additionally, the most famous physics equation may be rewritten in terms

of the ambient potential:
This suggests that the intrinsic energy of matter is essentially its
gravitational potential energy relative to the rest of the universe. Picture a
rubber sheet with a small part pinched from below, pulled and held
downward. This illustrates energy as matter, as stable potential rather
than kinetic energy. When the pulled portion is released, the stored
potential energy flies out in all directions, which illustrates the annihilation
of matter and its conversion back into kinetic / electromagnetic energy.

Linear Acceleration and Inertia

For mass accelerating in a straight line, each moment in time and

position in space comes with its own velocity, and thus its own
gravitational potential. So there will be a different for different values
of . This comprises a gradient, which in turn generates a gravitational
force field.

We can take the “kinetic potential” equation and rewrite the velocity
variable in terms of acceleration and position:

Then to get the gravitational field experienced by a moving mass due to

its acceleration, we change signs (multiply by -1) to switch reference
frames back to the moving mass and take the gradient or spatial
derivative of this local gravitational potential:

As you can see, the induced gravitational field is equal and opposite the
acceleration. This means an accelerating mass will experience a
backward pull proportional to the rate of acceleration, which is identically
the property of inertia. The force of this pull is equal to the gravitational
force field times the mass, and so the force needed to accelerate an
object is:

Centrifugal Force

In the case of rotation or mass moving around a circular path, each point
along the radius of curvature has a different tangential velocity and thus a
different local gravitational potential.

Tangential velocity is a function of angular velocity and radius , and

these can be plugged into the kinetic potential equation and differentiated
with respect to radial position to get the gravitational field produced by
circular motion:

This indicates that the force needed to keep a mass moving along a
curved path (instead of flying outward back into a straight path) is a
function of its mass, tangential velocity, and radius. This is the standard
physics equation for centripetal / centrifugal force, except I interpret it as
a gravitational force acting on the mass due to a gradient of potentials
existing along the radius of curvature.

With the postulate that the gravitational potential is the divergence in the
vector potential, that all masses in the universe create an ambient
potential, and the wave equation for the scalar superpotential, in the end I
have derived the Equivalence Principle, Mach’s Principle, and Newton’s
First and Second Laws.

Further Reading

See my latest paper: A Brief Introduction to Scalar Physics.

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