50 Software Testing Interview Questions

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50 Software testing interview Questions

1. What is a Software Testing ?

Software testing is the process of evaluating and verifying that a software product or
application does what it is supposed to do.

ISTQB. Testing is a process that determines software products satisfy specified

requirements. Also testing demonstrate that software is fit for purpose and it detect

2. What are Quality Assurance and Quality Control?

QA (Quality Assurance) involves in process-oriented activities
Whereas QC (Quality Control) involves in product-oriented activities.
QA ensure the prevention of defects while developing the software. Whereas QC
executes the code to identify the defects in the software application.

3. What is the difference between Verification and Validation?

1) Verification answers the question – Are we building the product right?
2) Verification is the process of evaluating the different artifacts as well as the process
of software development.
3) It is a static process of analyzing the documents and not the actual end product.
4) Verification is a process-oriented approach.
5) Errors found during verification require lesser cost to get fixed.

1) Answers the question – Are we building the right product?
2) Validation is the process of validating that the developed software product conforms to
the specified business requirements .
3) It involves dynamic testing of a software product by running it.
4) Validation is a product-oriented approach.
5) Errors found during validation require more cost.

4. What is the difference between Defect, Error, Fault, Failure.

1) Defect/Bug.
When the application is not working as per the requirement is knows as defect. It is
specified as variation from the actual and expected result of the software.
2) Error.
If someone makes an error or mistake in using the software, this way lead directly to
a problem.
3) Fault
An incorrect step, process or data definition in a computer program which causes
the program to perform in an unintended or unanticipated manner.
A fault is introduced into the software as the result of an error.
4) Failure
An event in which a component or system does not perform a required function
within specified limits is known as Failure.

5. What is software testing life cycle?

STLC has five phases.
Test planning and control
Test Analysis and design
Implementation and execution
Evaluating exit criteria and reporting
Test closure activities
During test planning we make sure we understand the goals and objectives of the
stakeholders risks issues and test approach.
Then second phase test analysis and design is the activity where general testing
objectives are transformed into tangible test conditions and test designs.
Third phase is test implementation and execution. We take the test conditions and
make them into test cases and set up the test environment.
Fourth phase is evaluating exit criteria and reporting which is the activity where test
execution is assessed against the defined objectives.
In Fifth phase which is during test closure activities we collect data from completed test
activities including facts and numbers.

6. Defect life Cycle

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