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Demonstra on

Number of Por on: 55

Por on size: 1
Prepara on me:
Chef Instructor: David Alvarez

Ingredients: Qty. Units

Green apple mousse

1) Green apple puree 750 g
2) Sugar 150 g
3) Gela ne sheet 12 pcs
4) Whipped cream 750 g

Green apple sorbet

1) Green apple puree 1500 g

2) Water 255 g
3) Sugar 180 g
4) Dextrose 82.5 g
5) Glucose atomisé 45 g
6) Stab 2000 9 g
7) Dill 100 g

Granny Smith apples garnish and compote 30 pcs

Lime zest TT
Star anise 2 pcs
Cinnamon 1 pcs
Vanilla 1 pcs


1) Flour
2) Brown Sugar 200 g
3) Bu er 200 g
200 g








Apple veil
Apple jus
500 g
Gela ne
6 g
Agar Agar
5 g
Apple gel
1 L
Apple jus
100 g
14 g
Agar agar
Green Isomalt opaline and pearls
Green food colouring

Microwave sponge
Icing sugar
300 g
Almond powder
240 g
Egg Whites
510 g
Egg Yolks
120 g
Corn Oil
90 g
120 g
1 pod
5 g
Green food colouring
un l light green
Method of Prepara on:

Green apple mousse

1) Soak 3 in cold water
2) Heat up 1 and 2 just below a boil, remove from flame and add 3
3) Let cool at room temperature, do not refrigerate
4) Slowly fold in 4
5) Mold them and freeze

Green apple sorbet




1) Heat up water to 45C, Add 2-6

2) Bring to 85C and then remove from flame
3) Add 1 and 7, transfer to paco containers

Granny Smith wedges and compote

1) Realise wedges from the apples (3 per cover)
2) With the rest, make a reduced apple sauce with the spices
3) Finish with lime zest (strong flavour) (add agar agar if needed)

1) Cream the butter and sugar
2) Add flour and combine
3) Bake at 180 until cooked
4) Blend in the robot coupe on pulse, ensuring it isn’t a paste (call chef if not sure)

Apple Veil
Soak gelatine sheets
1) Prepare the cutting board as demonstrated by the chef
2) Heat up the apple juice with agar agar and bring to a boil
3) Take off the heat, let cool down for a while, add the soaked gelatine sheets
4) Realise veils

Apple Gel

1) Bring all ingredients to a boil

2) Let set in the fridge
3) Blend to obtain a gel

Isomalt decos
Preheat oven to 130
1) Melt all the isomalt with the addition of green food colouring
2) Cool down on a silpat and blend
3) Dust the powder on silpats
4) Cut using the cookie ring for the opaline
5) No need to cut for the pearls
6) Put in the oven at 130 and keep an eye
7) Take out the opaline as soon as the the sugar seems clear and transparent and not cloudy
8) Take out the pearls when you see them form

Chef tip- Do the pearls first to learn the stages of the process- powder-> cloudy opaline
-> transparent opaline -> pearls

Microwave sponge

1) Mix all the dry ingredients together

2) Mix all the wet ingredients together
3) Mix everything together and ensure its lump free
4) Poke 3 holes in the bottom of the paper cup
5) Place mixture into siphon and charge with 2 chargers
6) Fill it up 1/3rd and microwave for 30-35 seconds
7) Flip the cups and demold

Students Notes:

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