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Headline:The Day The Titans Changed Everything


Clary had always been a bit of an outcast. At school, her younger brothers picked
on her relentlessly, calling her names and making fun of the way she looked. She
was too quiet for popular kids, and too proud for the geeky kids. So when Clary's
best friend disappeared at the start of their second year of high school, Clary
found herself alone again. She was sure that nobody would want to be friends with
her now that she wasn't cool anymore.

Which is why it came as such a surprise when Simon invited her to a party at his
house after school one day. It turned out that Simon also grew up being picked on
by other kids - but he'd learned to stand up for himself and he was now one of the
most popular boys at school. For Clary, it felt like everything was starting to
change for the better.

The friendship between Clary and Simon grew stronger over time as they shared their
stories and overcame their differences. When Clary found out that Simon had a
powerful gift - he could see visions of the future - she eagerly asked him to look
into hers, just in case anything terrible happened. But instead of terrifying
images, Simon saw kindhearted people working towards positive change - inspiring
scenes that made him feel optimistic about the future even in difficult times.

Clary's Metrocard suddenly read "Free admission all day" as though from nowhere,

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