Project Management

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Cmp l dou datinq ltuen-upbudgcting

Top douin budgetina Bottoms up budaeting

Basic 6oeaksthe massive Solues the tundarmertal

poobleminto smaller law-level problern &
subproblems itegaates them ioto a
lauqer one
ormmunication Not sequired in top-doun Needs a specitic amounit
appToaCh of comm unication:

Hocess Submodules ane solitasly bxarnine urat data is to

aralyzea be encapsulated and imples
the concept d infoa rmat ion

Redundanc Contain vedundant hiling

kedundancy can be
injaomation eliroinated
Psoguanmina Stuctused/poceduog Obiect-ooiented paoeraomins
lanquaors o0ien ted poomomming Onquages Clike ct`ve
lanquaqes Cie. COfolouwsBIlows the bottom -up
the top-down appoOach-appooa

Sainly used 1odule document atlon, Testing boe

in Test case coration
I Code implenentotion
oject Maroaement Life Cycle cycle is poocess a
that Bi
-The ctmonagement
life Tt
it paCVIded a Don
I e d bynerrly all the pooject be well managd en
picject con
tramsuioak within hich anu that jollouwingq
have found
Leadensauour the uopld Of a pooject
PAOectite cycle is
coitical fx success

ife cucle consists df two types

lupical life cycle because
tis also called as Standada t e pueoictable and poove
t l l o u s a set of steps that
Successtil in most ot the cases
2: Htypical lt deviates
Ttis also called as Pdaptive oject life cycle
hom the set of steps ands useomostly foro poojects
is not
where apio changes coe expected and sope
possible to define uptoont

lipcal hoject Marnagement Phases

n pooject mahaqement theue are tive phases
initiating plannin9 executin ContTolling and closine
Thefive phoses dt a pooject constitute the pooject
managementite cule
This is the phase wheue al paojects beqin Tn this phase
the value as well a the tasibility of the pooject s
dete mined: Ihe poo j ect is qpproved 0 ejec ted on tbe
basis of Business cose & easibilitu studu
Hhis cTucial phase, the 302dmaptoo
oo the dest ofAle
paoject laid cut he paoject plan will contain
about the cespuoduce qualitu output intaorration
and andle
a Execuioan
In mest of he this ls wheae the pooject
becames visible Lo the outside wer ld 7his phase is
made up of the fallawins detailed Poocesses
Executig the plan Jau beqin by folleuuinq the plan
you coeated
Administoute Jhis is done by managing the contoacts
Secu ed in the
41lanitou and contaol
This is anathey cmtica
phase df
pooject manegement
htcycle Heae you ensune that the paoject plan
is being executed as descaibed by monitoinq and
contaolling al the aspects ofthe poocess as und
when equlred
5 Close
Close is the last pahase of the life
cycle The
puojectisnt ovea till the paoject qoal and objectives
have been met lhe jost phase of the pooject is all
about meet ing the
2 Atypical (hdaptive) Project Gfe
-Ihe ife cycle of cucle
pavticular jectis composed of
diffeaent phases,o0ound which poo

the pooject management

5cheme 15 deqanized

Hn atypical poo ject

itecycle is charqe-dsiven t is on
aaile uby of doing thinqs as it is intehded to
of changes t needa on-qoing the hich level
stake ho ldes inuolvernent
Heve iteoatlons veo apiu usuglly ith a
of 2 to 4 weeks oru o0e lowest in dunation
time and cost
-hypical TPsoject Gecycle exists within five staces
IConstont Charqe 2 Umency
3 Need to leagn 4 Smalllean Abilitu
5. Delived in Smal lncxements
C4 Pooject Chaater
Poject Chonter
is a statementhat descoibes
statement alsa sets the objedi
of a paoject his out
esponsibilities dentife detailed Dpooiecb
goals, coles and the
and the level of authotity ot a pioyector man stake hade
O0ect onaqeg
Tt also acts as a quideline to futume
urs poacts
Jou need tto poepae and authodize youg
his is the document that sells the pocject
praoject chagter
holders ano defines brcadly wbat thed detun
toyoug soke-
in inyestmernent
wil be

Contents of Pooject Chaste


t descbes the fon unded ta kinq the project

so that eveayone is cleon about
the puapose d the pmoiect
-]t descbes the objectives and
Tt out ines the popos ed solution
df the poject
to the constoaints dt
the pooect
-Tt also qives the details of the main
the puoject stakeholdess ih
qives the details of the in-sccpe ond out-of-scope
-It also
analyzes and descsibes the potentia
otentiu sks
eks in
the pooject t is
that could abise in the puoject identifu
to all the 1s
s0 that you aoe
taken by Suapoise.
-Tt outlines the
Tt detemints he poojectpenefits
pooect costs
Woak Boeakdoun Stauctuae (B)
he erk boeakaoun staucture (wBS) is a m ethod
done in an Cosy
ettng a cormplex, multi-step pooect
and ective ay by dividingitinto Smallesunits so
that you Can qet thirgs done fastes and mcne
-WBS (uweak Bucakdown Stouctuae)is a hieyachica toee
stsucture that outlines yourg pooject ond bieaks it
into smgllep and moge manaqable units
can use to
-laday 30ftuwaeb alsa ailable which you
build o WBS by Coeating toldeos and subfokdeus
and con
even oo fun the b diviaing inaluidual tasks into subtosks
he qoal of WBS 1s to make a laaqe poo ject mope
managable b boeakinq it douwn intosmalle chunks

so that
that Sepaõate but nteoconnec ted un1ts can be
maraged Simultaneously by diftesent team membcos
eoding to bettes poõductiuity and cosieg pooject marogemend

-Follouwing ae teu Deasons to6 ceating a WBS in

T tcoeates an accuTate and geadable pooject oqani20ton
l t coeates accuaate assiqnment of aes pongibillties to
the project team
Tt clealy laus down the pooject milestones and contaol
t helps the pooject Leam to estimate the cost,time &sisk
L deoly illustaates the poject scope so the stoke
holdes can hove a bettea undesstanoing d the same
eOus Taiple onstaalnt
J t is a
model othe Constraints inhenent
Oue in
Danaqinqa p0oiectlhese Cgnstaaints ane throeetol
Tt is ainancial Constaaint of a pooject also knoun
as the pooject budqet
tis the tasks equised to fulf the paaject's qoals
t is he schedule foa the mojeet to acath completion
he aiple Constoaint states that the success d the
pooiect is impacted by its cost, scope and time
Hs a manag e the pooiect, you can toade betweer
these thTee constaaints
Houweve, uhile changin one of the thoee onstaaints,
the other tuo miabht suffer to 30me extet which
shauld qive uou an idea o how impo00tant the Toiple
Constaain i5 hen man a9in9 POoject
- uou 0De mana qinq a pooject tlhen you ane uwoakins
with aple onstoaint too lheuetoue, it can
be cosily
adqued that, the Toiple (onstoaint becomes a vital
Conceptin Fooject lonaqement

While it is ue thot the iple lonstoaint is an

impor tant poot of any successful pooject, I doesnt
aeteomine success Poojects ae made Poom mary pants,
mone than the thaee that make up the oiple onstoaint
but these joctops oDe always at play in the pooject
0 10 1lanaqement
Need of Proiec

SuccessHu oevelopment S uch asS

levent phases5 Such
PDoject lonstauction and bxecud
In1tiotion Planing ard Design,
Completjon: Ihe 5mooth ang
onitos and Contgol and erecution of all the
uninteraupted developm@t
phases ens uges the succesS df a pooject

2 sosuctive quidance, e icient cormunicatjon and supeov

The successa oiluxe of a pocjecti5 bighly cepende
on teamuTk whch quidecollabobotion_omord its m
ape'o quidance, qoadcomnunlcat on and equiqn supeviso
are impootant as intaumation needs
to be cleav
toustuathy and completefoT the betteTment d a pdoyed
3chlevement ot the projects moln
Proojct manaqement hasthe Tesponsibilities
the set qaals ota ofachieving
poaject even with the Poesence
pOesence o q

4 Optimization ofthe
he success d the
allocatcd esOugces
utilization d al the psoj@ct alsa
sesousces. his 1s a
an he
an heopt
opt imum
ofPsaject manaqementhe e
najot dbjective dbjecu
utilization o the heidentiication
Tesouices qie to be done
ad prope
to oals
5Completion o psoject as pea the client's
This maht mean
exclusive eco

that you need

client's vision to stape
a to shape ghd
gnd Jetoom he
pojects objectives, to heotiate
9oects with them as
as oeqads the
modiy them nio seqaods
easible qoals

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