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Utilization of Urban Wastes in Crop Production

Author(s): Carl W. Carlson and J. D. Menzies

Source: BioScience, Vol. 21, No. 12 (Jun. 15, 1971), pp. 561-564
Published by: Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Institute of Biological Sciences
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Accessed: 18/06/2014 17:27

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Utilization of Urban Wastes
in Crop Production
Carl W. Carlson and J. D. Menzies
The public concern about pollution minimal. On the other hand, benefits to are so diverse in composition that one
and its influence on ecology has placed those having to dispose of the wastes are cannot generalize as to their acceptabil-
great emphasis on the disposal of urban obvious. This is not to say that agricul- ity on agricultural land.
wastes. Deteriorating water quality ture has no role or responsibility in Municipal refuse. The composition of
makes it evident that past practices of helping to handle the Nation's avalanche municipal refuse is difficult to define
disposing of wastes in our streams can of wastes. But when these wastes are to because it may contain any and all
no longer be tolerated. Likewise, the be used on productive land, the eco- substances used by man. Available infor-
increases in smog have led to added nomics will have to be understood, and mation indicates that paper products
restrictions on burning of refuse. more importantly, the sustained produc- make up about one-half the weight of
Intensified activity on this problem tivity of the land and the quality of the urban refuse (Environmental Pollution
was made possible by the Solid Waste drainage water from it must not be Panel, 1965). Food wastes make up
Disposal Act of 1965. This legislation impaired. about one-fifth, and another one-fifth is
directs the Secretary of the Department It seems certain that agricultural land made up of such nondegradable mate-
of Health, Education, and Welfare to will have to be used more and more for rials as metals, concrete, glass, ceramic,
initiate, encourage, and support a na- urban waste disposal. The waste can be and ashes.
tional program aimed at discovering and applied in conjunction with normal crop The cheapest method of refuse dis-
evaluating better methods of waste dis- production, or it can replace cropping- posal on land at present is the so-called
posal. In our search for alternative converting the land to simply a disposal sanitary land fill. This process is ordi-
solutions to waste management prob- site. The Nation's land resources need narily not associated with crop produc-
lems, more and more attention is being be in no danger from either activity. We tion because it ideally creates new land
given to disposal of domestic and in- have at present almost 182.1 million ha more suited to urban use or parks. In
dustrial wastes on the land. of cropland and over 404.7 million ha of any case, the eventual problem from
It has long been an article of faith forest and range. In addition, there are sanitary land fill is the danger of ground
among city dwellers that almost any some 202.4 million ha of nonagricul- water pollution by seepage. This is a
form of waste, with proper composting tural (U.S. Dept. Agric. 1969). If we particularly serious problem in humid
and processing, can be made into a assume that we generate about 907 kg of regions and on sites, such as marshland,
fertilizer that farmers will gladly pay solid waste per capita per year and that where a high water table exists. For
for. They reason that even if it does not cultivated farmland can easily handle example, the first leachate coming from
contain much of the essential plant 9070 kg per hectare of the usual kind of the land fills in Pennsylvania and Illinois
nutrients, surely it will improve soil processed garbage or sewage sludge, we had a BOD content of 20,000 ppm and
structure and produce healthy plants. can calculate that all of our decom- a COD content of 50,000 ppm (Envi-
This is simply not true; at least not true posable or pulverizable municipal wastes ronmental Pollution Panel, 1965). These
enough to persuade the modern com- could be disposed of on less than 5% of leachates contained 1000 ppm of iron
mercial farmer. The present-day farm our cropland without harm to the re- and 2000 ppm of chlorides. These con-
manager is an astute businessman, and source. This is an assumed worst case. centrations are roughly 100 times those
he will first ask, "What will it cost me to Actually, sanitary land fills with many in raw municipal sewage.
put this on the land per pound of times higher loadings can be made on For many years, organic farmers have
available N, P, and K?" and then, "Does noncropped land; forest and range can promoted the practice of composting
it contain substances that will harm my be utilized if necessary; and the waste organic wastes. However, in the United
soil or reduce the value of my crop?" tonnage reduced by sorting and recycl- States, composting has been an eco-
So in approaching the question of ing. Obviously the problem comes nomic failure because (1) there was no
beneficial use of urban wastes on land down to distribution rather than capac- steady market; (2) the initial investment
for crop production, it must be realized ity of the whole system. and operating costs were too high;
that benefits to the farm are apt to be Three main types of urban wastes (3) the end product was of low quality;
can be used on cropland beneficially, or and (4) the noncompostible separates
at least, not harmfully: municipal gar- required a land fill for disposal.
The authors are with the U.S. Department of bage, sewage effluents and sludge, and
Agriculture, Soil and Water Conservation Re- Composting and compost utilization
search Division, Beltsville, Maryland. wastes from food-processing plants. have been somewhat more successful in
This paper is a contribution from the Soil and (Some might consider animal manures Europe. In 1968, Hart made a study of
Water Conservation Research Division, Agri- from feedlots as an urban waste because the composting of solid wastes in several
cultural Research Service, U.S. Department of of the proximity of many of these
Agriculture, Beltsville, Md. It was presented European countries. Less than 1% of the
at the First National Biological Congress, enterprises to suburbia. However, this is domestic refuse in West Germany was
Detroit, Mich., 6-10 November 1970. really another subject.) Industrial wastes composted, compared with 17% in Hol-
June 15, 1971 561

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TABLE 1. Sales distribution in per cent of the erosion losses from small plots on a ever, will be trivial compared with the
compost from municipal refuse in Holland 30% slope were reduced from 5 to 0.2 volume of compostible waste being
(From Hart, 1968). m3 of soil per hectare per year when 60 generated. Compost can certainly be
metric tons of compost were applied as used safely, and often beneficially, on
Outlet 1961 1965 a mulch (Fig. 1). cropland, but these benefits are simply
In Germany, studies indicated that not great enough to pay production
Forests 2.4 0.6
90,720 kg of compost per hectare made it costs. Whether composting is used in
Agriculture (field possible to establish vegetation on strip- garbage disposal will be decided by the
and row crops mined sites. The scientists concluded economics of waste management rather
and litter) 34.4 16.4 that the organic matter in the compost than by the demand for this product in
Fruit farming 6.5 6.3 improved the physical properties of the commercial agriculture.
Hotbeds 11.6 13.0 problem soils, as reflected in increased Somewhat of a hybrid between sani-
water-holding capacity. However, physi- tary landfill and compost is the process
7.9 8.4
cal data to prove or disprove this hypo- of garbage shredding. After a prelimi-
Bulb production 11.7 17.6 thesis were lacking. nary sorting, the garbage, the bulk of
Recreation 25.5 37.7 The nutrient content of compost is which is paper products, is shredded by
usually low, but frequently, very satis- machine. The resulting product is said
land. Percentage figures for the com- factory yield increases result. For exam- to be dry and surprisingly odor free.
posted refuse in France, Switzerland, ple, Tietjen and Hart (1969) in studies This material can be spread on the land
and Italy were not available but ap- over a 9-year period found that compost surface, buried in trenches, or mixed
parently account for only a minor part increased yields of potatoes, rye, and into the soil. There is no apparent
of these countries' output. oats an average of 11.4% compared with reason why mixing shredded garbage
Most of the refuse made into com- plots receiving equal amounts of nutri- into soil should be incompatible with
post was marketed in "luxury agricul- ents supplied as chemical fertilizer but many kinds of crop production. In
ture" in the five countries visited by no compost. effect, the compost is being made in the
Hart. The sales distribution in percent- In recent field studies conducted by soil rather than in an industrial plant.
age in Holland is given in Table 1. Terman (1970), compost applied at 16 One could probably apply on the order
Between 1961 and 1965, the amount of metric tons per hectare increased 18,144 to 90,720 kg per hectare of such
compost used in basic agriculture de- sorghum forage yields 0.6 metric tons/ a product without harm, handling it
creased by one-half. Economics caused hectare (Fig. 2) by increasing the soil much like a low analysis manure. Studies
this decline; 907 kg of compost contains are probably needed to find solutions to
only 0.5% N, 0.4% P, and 0.2% potas- SORGHUMYIELDS the problems of odor, wind movement of
sium. Farmers can buy and apply chemi- 71Kg/ho garbage fragments, and the limitation of
z oaomo
ix No N use on root crops for human consump-
cal fertilizer cheaper than they can
apply compost obtained without cost. tion.
European compost research has re- o Sewage sludge. Soil scientists have
cently been directed to use for crop long recognized that sewage sludge was
3- more valuable as a soil amendment than
production on special problem sites. For
example, the scarcity of straw and as a compost. Bear and Prince (1947), in
animal manures ordinarily used to a study comparing sewage sludge with
mulch vineyards on steep slopes in manure, concluded that sludge rein-
Germany and Switzerland prompted sci- 0 4 8 12 16 forced with potassium was as effective
entists in those countries to evaluate from Termon as cow manure in increasing corn yields.
compost as an erosion control residue. Fig. 2 Lunt (1959), working with sewage
Results show that compost from munic- water-holding capacity. A similar re- sludge in Connecticut, found that
ipal refuse can be a good substitute for sponse to compost was measured with sludges varied widely in their properties.
straw and manure. Over a 7-year period, Bermudagrass. With both crops, how- Most contained high amounts of nitro-
ever, the yield increases were insuf- gen. All sludges contained relatively
ficient to pay the application costs. large amounts of zinc and considerable
SLOPES TREATED WITH COMPOST In a greenhouse experiment in which amounts of copper and boron in com-
an infertile Mountview silt loam was
used, corn forage yields increased RESPONSE OF CORN TO APPLIED N AS INFLUENCED
04- markedly with the amount of applied
nitrogen both with and without com- 260 -
0- post (Fig. 3). Application of compost
without nitrogen decreased yields and N 45- O
uptake on all treatments. These data
illustrate the need for adequate nitrogen
fertilizer with the compost to prevent 1550
S- - No compost
nitrogen deficiencies.
There will always be a small market 20 400 800
from Hort
for garbage compost in the retail trade
ig. 1.1. for home gardeners. This outlet, how- Fig. 3.

562 BioScience Vol. 21 No. 12

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TABLE 2. Heavy metals' content of Con- Cadmium is of concern because it is with raw sewage, to modern "sewage
necticut digested sewage sludges compared absorbed readily by many species of farms," using secondary treatment efflu-
with manure (From Lunt, 1959) plants. Cadmium can be absorbed in the ents with or without suspended sludge.
body and has been related to cardiovas- A good example of how treated
Material B Cu Mn Zn
cular disturbances and degradation of sewage effluents can be used on the land
ppm renal and testicular tissues. is the system developed by Kardos and
Sewage sludge 211 758 172 3205 Lead accumulates in the surface soil. associates (1970) at Pennsylvania State
Manure 38 61 150 210
Most research data suggest that plant University. The objectives of these
contamination occurs by lead deposi- studies were to return sewage nutrients
tion from the atmosphere. However, to the land, restore ground water, avoid
parison with manure (Table 2). The there is some evidence that lead trans-
influence of industrial wastes on the stream pollution, and eliminate the need
locates from root to shoot. for adding chemical fertilizer to crop-
concentration of these metals in sludges
Unfavorable effects of heavy metals land. The system involves using the
was evident from the data obtained in a
on plants generally can be alleviated by water and nutrients in sewage effluents
study in Muskegon County, Michigan. keeping the pH above 6.5. Also, the on forest and cultivated crops. When the
Although the heavy metals varied organic matter in soil or in the sludge effluents were applied at the rate of
greatly, sludge from this highly indus- tends to reduce the toxicity from heavy 2.5 cm per week, the equivalent of 1150
trialized county was much higher in metals to plants. kilograms per hectare of a 14-15-14
heavy metals than sludge from the city Recently, there has been great con- fertilizer was added. Yields of treated
of San Diego (Table 3).
cern about methylated mercury in the cultivated and forested crops were
environment. Apparently, inorganic about double those not receiving the
TABLE 3. Heavy metals in sewage sludge
mercury becomes methylated through effluent. The data indicate that the
(From Muskegon County, Michigan, unpub- anaerobic microbial activity. Many of
lished data) system, modified to suit local condi-
these organic wastes are anaerobic some- tions, holds real promise for solving
time in their history. Therefore, the waste disposal problems in small villages
Elements MCWMSa San Diego mercury content of these sludges needs and cities.
to be watched. The Metropolitan Sanitary District of
Cadmium (Cd) 1-110 0-2.5 Greater Chicago has selected land dis-
Chromium (Cr) 26-580 0 Beet roots posal as the best method of handling
* - - WestHavensludge
O its sewage sludge (Dalton et al.,
Copper (Cu) 24-690 20-33 S400 -Spinoch
U o- - - West Havensludge 1968). In 1968, a sandy soil area about
Lead (Pb) 6-510 3-11 S x
sludge 0o- - - - -
- - - - - --
80.5 km from Chicago was selected as a
~3 00-- 00
Nickel (Ni) Trace -150 0-0.75 W.0 disposal site. The digested sludge is
Zinc (Zn) 90-2280 67-200 - -- transported by tank car in a 3% slurry
to the agricultural site. Moving the
solids via the water vehicle provides
aMuskegon County Wastewater Management a
waters for irrigation as well as nutrients
System 0 20 40 80
from Lunt
for the crops. The reduction in cost over
other methods of sludge disposal is
Lunt (1959) compared a sludge from Fig. 4.
substantial (Fig. 5). The agricultural
an industrial area (Torrington) with Dried activated sewage sludge is com- benefits
from sludge usage are less obvi-
sludge originating from municipal monly used on shrubs and flowers. ous. The usual method of
wastes (West Haven), using table beets Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and Grand sludges by sprinkler caused no damage
and spinach as indicator crops. West Rapids, Michigan, have successfully to corn (Hinesly and Sasewitz, 1969).
Haven sludge more than doubled marketed activated sludge from their Although the crop injury is unlikely, the
spinach yields and more than tripled treatment plants for the past several public health implications are not well
beet yields (Fig. 4). High rates of Tor- years. Revenues from these sales have understood.
rington sludge reduced spinach yields partially offset the operating costs of Sewage effluents have been applied
due to the high copper and zinc con- the facilities. Many cities report using to land in Europe for
up to 100 years,
tents. The toxicity was accentuated sludge on parks, golf courses, and other and at several sites in the United States,
when extra nitrogen was used but was municipally owned properties. applications have been in progress for
corrected when the soils were limed. From these and other experiments, over 50 years. The composition of the
The total salts in sewage sludge delayed we can conclude that sewage sludge can effluents has been variable, and
seed germination on the high treat- supply plants with nitrogen, phospho- tion rates, on a dry-weight basis, have
ments. rus, and trace elements. However, the ranged from less than 907 kg per ha to
In a review of the importance of value of the nutrients supplied does not
over 90,720 kg per ha. In general, there
heavy metals in soils, Lagerwerff (1967) justify the costs involved in their use on has been very little evidence of harmful
warns that it is possible for a number of field crops. effects on crops or soils. From these
heavy metals to enter the food cycle by Liquid sewage effluent. Several meth- experiences, the following cautionary
way of the soil. Copper, zinc, and nickel ods of using liquid sewage effluents on points can be made:
can be a problem through toxicity to land have been developed, some of them 1) Soluble salts may be high enough
crop plants. Cadmium and lead, on the having been used for many years. These to interfere with germination and seed-
other hand, may be hazardous to man systems range from the primitive use of ling growth of crops. This can be con-
and animals eating the crop. night soil, through surface irrigation trolled by leaching practices, but such a
June 15, 1971

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$66 SLUDGE ing, followed by lagooning, can appreci- act as a living filter for many of the in-
#63 from Ddton
ably reduce the undesirable characteris- organic chemicals known as pollutants.
#54 tics of effluent waters. Proper use of the We have been short-sighted in our
water in lagoons for irrigation can com- attempts to use water and air as a
pletely eliminate stream pollution. cheap sink for our pollutants. The pub-
Rates of application range from 0.25 to lic is now confronted with requests for
230 1.5 meters (1 to 5 acre-feet) per year, tremendous sums of money to reverse
depending on soil conditions. Most pro- this process. In seeking alternatives, we
20 -
16.5 cessors prefer sprinkler irrigation meth- must consider the soil as a pollutant
ods for effluent disposal. sink. Caution must be exercised to avoid
10 In Delaware, Pearson and Knibbe1 damaging soils by applying amounts
O- 0
showed that 90% of the COD and that exceed the soils' capacity to absorb
phosphates were removed in the top these pollutants. Properly planned land
0.15 meters (6 inches) of soil. Under areas used for waste disposal can serve
Fig. 5. conditions of hydraulic overloading, the useful purposes as greenbelts or for
practice can lower the quality of drain- danger of surface-water contamination agricultural production.
age water. by runoff was much greater than If the soils' potential for waste dis-
2) The nitrogen content of the ap- ground-water contamination. Usually, posal and utilization is to be fully real-
plied waste may be excessive, leading to the disposal area must be allowed to dry ized, there must be substantial inputs
lower quality of some crops, excess between irrigations to maintain a satis- from the agricultural scientists. They
lodging of grain or hay, and perhaps factory infiltration rate. must provide the information on the
even increasing the nitrate content of In almost every case where proces- limitations that must be put on waste
forage to levels hazardous to livestock. sing plant effluents are disposed of on disposal practices to preserve our soil and
3) Continued application of sewage cropland, they are spread by sprinkler water resources. When this is coupled to
products to land could eventually lead on permanent grass. Because applica- engineering and economic studies, dis-
to dangerous levels of certain minor tions have to be geared to plant opera- posal of urban wastes on cropland can be
elements, notably copper, zinc, boron, tions rather than field operations, the planned rationally, safely, and aestheti-
nickel, cadmium, and lead. We have seen forage may not be harvested or pas- cally.
reports from Europe showing that cop- tured. The systems are primarily for
per and zinc seem to be causing yield disposal with no attention to possible
Bear, E., and A. L. Prince. 1947. Agricul-
reduction on sewage farms that have beneficial use in crop production. There
turalvalue of sewagesludge.N.J. Agr. Exp.
been operating for 70 to 100 years. are many operational problems to be Sta. Bull. 733, 30 p.
Obviously, the time required to reach solved in combining processing plant Dalton, F. E., J. E. Stein, and B. T. Lyman.
this danger level will depend on minor waste disposal with crop production, 1968. Land reclamation-A complete solu-
element content of the waste, rate of but if the benefits from irrigation water tion of the sludgeand solids disposalprob-
lem. J. WaterPollut. Contr. Fed., 40(5):
loading, and the character of the soil. or nutrients are great enough, the han- 789-805.
Dangerous levels of minor elements dling can be worked out. Where sprinkler Environmental Pollution Panel, President's
need to be established from research disposal fields are established on good Science AdvisoryCommittee. 1965. Restor-
data. This will permit careful monitor- cropland, the site should be returned to ing the Quality of Our Environment.The
ing so that applications can be stopped crop production and a new disposal site WhiteHouse, 317 p.
Hart, Samuel A. 1968. Soil WasteManage-
before the soil is irreversibly damaged. established before salts of other toxic
ment/Composting;European Activity and
Food processing wastes. Wastes from chemicals have accumulated to a harm- AmericanPotential. U.S. Health, Education
the food processing industry are being ful concentration. and Welfare, Public Health Service, No.
successfully disposed of on agricultural Potential of land application for 1826, 40 p.
land. The principal ingredients, other waste disposal. In our concern about the Hinesly, T. D., and B. Sasewitz. 1969. Di-
gested sludgedisposalon cropland.J. Water
than water, in such wastes are plant and possibility of polluting our atmosphere, Pollut. Contr.Fed., 41(5): 822-831.
animal remains. These are quickly rivers, and reservoirs, we have so far Kardos, Louis T. 1970. A new prospect.
decomposed by soil microorganisms. failed to take full advantage of the Environment,12(2): 10-27.
The major points of concern are chemi- tremendous and underexploited capac- Lagerwerff,J. V. 1967. Heavy-metalcontami-
nation of soils. In: Agriculture and the
cal additives used in processing. ity of our soils to absorb pollutants. The Quality of the Environment, N.C. Brady
Most canneries operate on a seasonal wastes concentrated by agriculture, in- (ed.), p. 343-364.
basis. Waste volume and characteristics dustry, and municipalities can be dis- Lunt, Herbert A. 1959. Digested sewage
vary widely with the type of product persed by applying them to the land. sludge for soil improvement. Conn. Agr.
packed. For example, effluents from The various microbiological and chemi- Exp. Sta. Bull. No. 622, 30 p.
Terman, G. L. 1970. Utilization and/or dis-
packing plants using high amounts of cal processes in soil can convert pollu- posal of urban waste compost on agricul-
sodium chloride for quality-grading peas tants into plant nutrients or innocuous turalland. Joint Industry/Government Task
and lima beans, or lye for peeling substances. Data presented in this paper Force on Eutrophication,TVA Activities
potatoes, require different disposal sys- indicate the tremendous capacity of the Related to Study and Controlof Eutrophi-
tems than acid effluents with high BOD soil to absorb organic wastes and bio- cation in the Tennessee Valley, National
Fertilizer Development Center, Muscle
and COD values. logically break them into compounds Shoals,Alabama.
The material in the wastes consists that can re-enter the natural cycle of Tietzen, C., and S. A. Hart. 1969. Compost
largely of organic solids in suspension plant and animal life. The soil can also for agriculturalland?J. SanitaryEngin.,SA
2 April 1969, Proc. Paper6506, p. 269-287.
that cause objectionable conditions
U.S. Departmentof Agriculture.1969. Agn'-
when they decompose. Effective screen- 1Unpublished data culturalStatistics1969, p. 429.
564 BioScienceVol. 21 No. 12

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