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The water cycle

1. Water evaporates at high temperatures.

2. The water vapour rises and cools. It forms clouds.

3. The wind blows the clouds.

4. The condensed water falls as precipitation (rain, snow and hail).

5. Water reaches the sea and rivers or becomes groundwater.

2. Seawater and continental waters.

-Seawater forms 97% of the water on Earth and is found in oceans and seas. It has a high level
of salinity.

-Continental water is found in rivers, lakes, groundwater, and the ice and snow in glaciers.

3. Rivers *Ver mapa en el libro

-A river is a continuously moving body of water that flows into an ocean, a sea or another river.

-The river from its source to the river mouth. A river that flows into another river is a tributary.

- The world´s most important rivers: the Missississippi (North America), the Danube(in
Europe),the Yangtze(in Asia),the Amazon(in South America),the Congo and the Nile(in Africa)

4. Groundwater

-It´s water that is stored beneath the Earth´s surface. Most come from precipitation: water
from rain filters through the soil and from an aquifer.

5. Glaciers *Ver dibujo en el libro

-They are masses of ice created by the accumulation of snow. They are found near the poles
and on high mountain peaks. Icebergs are masses of floating ice.

-Parts: cirque (a depression with accumulated ice), main glacier (ice descending the mountain)
and moraine (deposits of rocks).

6. Oceans and seas

-Oceans are huge masses of water that surround the continents a d separate them.

-Seas are smaller than oceans and partly enclosed by land.

- The oceans on Earth: Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Southern Ocean and Artic
Ocean. *Ver dibujo en el libro
7. Oceans currents

-They are large masses of water that cross the oceans in a similar way to rivers.

-A warm current is hotter than the surrounding water

-A cold current is colder than the surrounding water.

8. Tides

-They are the daily rise and fall of the water level in oceans and seas. They are caused by the
gravitational forces of the Moon and the Sun. They can be high and low.

9. Waves

-They are movements of the surface of the water caused by the wind

10. The importance of seas and oceans.

-They provide us with food, raw materials and energy.

-And they attract tourism and are used for transport.

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