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Prospects of Electricity Generation from Municipal

Solid Waste of Dhaka City

A. Hamid Khan, M. Fayyaz Khan
Department of EEE, United International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
United International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Abstract: Dhaka the capital city of Bangladesh has around 2. Waste disposal system of Dhaka City
12 million people generating around 5000 tons of municipal
solid waste per day. Presently there are three existing sites Corporation
for disposal of waste of Dhaka city. These are According to current generating rate of solid waste, it is
Matuail,Mmirpur and Lalbagh. The largest damping area is estimated that by 2015 more than 8000 tons per day of
in Matuail where 88% of the solid waste of Dhaka city is
being dumped. As these damping areas are being filled-up,
solid waste will be generated in DCC area alone [4].
Dhaka city corporation (DCC) has selected three more areas Various studies and survey reports have concluded that the
for the solid waste disposal. The life of the people living formal waste management system of DCC cannot collect
around the damping areas has become intolerable due to and dispose of more than half of the waste produced, the
pungent smell originating from the existing sites. The other half remain either uncollected or partly picked up by
electricity demanded for Dhaka city alone is around 400-430 informal sector people or gathered in drains. The wastes
MW [1]. Considering the quality and moisture contents of collected are dumped at basically only three sites, which
the municipal solid waste (MSW) of Dhaka city around 100 again are not proper landfills according to international
MW of electricity can be produced from the municipal solid standard. The larger one is located at Matuail, about 3 Km
waste which may reduce the burden on fast depleting non-
renewable sources of energy and at the same time reduce the
south-east of the DCC central office. While a second,
damping sites. In this paper the prospect of electricity smaller one is located at Gabtoli along the flood protection
generation by installation of combusting plants for Dhaka embankment. During the rainy season, the dump gets
city has been studied by considering the quality of the waste flooded and waste are carried away by running water to
in terms of combustibility and moisture. pollute the river. The third dumpsite is very new and
located in a low-lying spot at Ashulia, north-east of Dhaka.
1. Introduction At none of these sites waste dumping is done by any
DCC is the only formal organization of Dhaka city scientific method.
responsible for waste management in an area of 360 Sq. The disposal operation even at the main dumping site
km, estimated to generate around 5000 tons of waste at Matuail is very poorly organized. Pollution of surface
every day. Out of which 40-50 percent is disposed in the water and possibly ground water at the dumping site is a
landfills and the rest is left unattended and locally major problem. Generation of potentially toxic and
dumped [2]. Total land required for disposal of solid explosive gases within dumping sites is another major
waste in Dhaka city is estimated at 1.1 km2 per year [3]. concern. DCC also dumps waste in relatively small
With increase in population and horizontal expansion of amount in undesignated locations. Near the area
the city, it is difficult to find waste disposal sites in future. Trimohoni, where municipal solid waste is dumped,
Inadequate collection and uncontrolled disposal of solid blocking the flow of water and polluting it seriously. The
waste poses a serious threat to the inhabitants and also to most hazardous solid wastes are from nearly 600 clinics
the environment. DCC with support from the Japan and hospitals located in different parts of the city. About
International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is preparing a 200 tons of wastes were produced by these hospitals in the
master plan for the solid waste management of Dhaka year 2000 out of which about 40 tons were infectious
city. Two projects on landfill recovery along with height wastes [5]. Recycling plants are located at different parts
increase of Matuail landfill site of Dhaka and of the city, but large concentrations are found in the
establishment of 700 tons/day capacity composting plant crowded old parts of the city at Lalbagh near the river
has been approved by the National Clean Development Buriganga [6].
Mechanism (CDM) board of the government [3]. It is evident that the present disposal system is not
However, Waste to Energy (WTE) conversion suitable because of economical and environmental
technologies may be adopted to provide a useful reasons. Though DCC hopes they can solve the problem
indigenous contribution to energy budgets and also a by selecting 3 new disposal areas but the problem will
solution to the problems of waste disposal in Dhaka. remain same and new areas will be under threat of
3. Quality of Dhaka city waste and
prospect of electricity generation

Power cell, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources,

Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh plans
to implement a Waste to Electricity Energy (WEE) project
in Dhaka, where the refuse would be processed through a
WEE Power plant. Institute of Fuel research &
Development (IFRD) and Bangladesh Council of
Scientific & Industrial Research (BCSIR) are selected as
consultant for carrying out this work [7]. They collected 3
bags of samples (20-30 Kg) from different parts of DCC.
Fig. 3 Result of Ultimate Analysis of the solid wastes of
They performed both Physical and Chemical Analysis on
the basis of a) As received basis. b) Air dry basis. c) Oven
dry basis. Table 1 Comparative results on Ultimate Analysis of solid
The waste compositions are as follows: wastes of the USA & DCC
Constituents USA (%) by wt. DCC (%) by
(As received)[8] wt. (As
Moisture 15-35 50-70
Carbon 15-30 6.02-26.06
Hydrogen 2-5 1.20-3.53
Nitrogen 0.2-0.1 .46-1.62
Sulfur .02-.1 .00-.02
Ash 15-25 13-33
Calorific Value 3000-6000 1386-2600
(Higher heating Btu/lb Btu/lb

Fig. 1 Type of waste and percentage comparison.

It is clear from the above data that moisture content is the
main deterrent factor for energy generation from DCC
waste. But a study of IFRD and BCSIR shows that if
wastes were kept on the sieve and the natural gas flame
was applied from the bottom of the sieve, the moisture
level comes down to 30-35% from 62%.For the fibrous
and light materials like cotton, jute products, and fibers
when moisture level of 20~25% is achieved, then fibrous
materials would keep on burning on the sieve without
additional fuel [7].
U.S.A needs almost 1500 tons of waste to generate 55
MW of electricity. By separating low moisture waste
from total waste, DCC can get more than 1500 tons of
waste. The high calorific value of DCC waste is another
Fig. 2 Percentage of combustible and non combustible positive factor for generating electricity. In India Aguada
materials in the refuse of DCC (based on Physical Infra-Power plants based on Pearson technology has been
composition). proposed using identical quality of waste to that of Dhaka
city. By this plant they can generate 10 MW of electricity
by burning 250 tons of MSW per day [9].
Generator Set Electricity

Hot water
Boiler drum

filter Stack
Feed hopper Post
combustion Residue for
chamber appropriate
Ash collection

Household waste Waste

collection vehicles bunker Inert clinker
Furnace store
Ferrous & non-ferrous
Quench tank metal removed for
Fig. 4 Block Diagram of WTE Power plant.

There are various options available to convert municipal 4. Cost Analysis of different power plant
solid waste to energy. Mainly, the available technologies Though the cost of WTE is three times more than that of
are a) Sanitary landfill b) Incineration c) Gasification d) coal based power plant, but there are some other
Anaerobic digestion e) Pelletization f) Plasma arc etc. economical factors which may make WTE more
Some existing technologies throughout the world are: In profitable. The options for power generation are: a) Coal
U.S.A Wheelabrator technology, in Turkey Kalina based station. b) Gas fired station. c) Diesel/furnace oil
technology, in India Pearson/Aguada infra power fired and d) WTE station. As far as coal based station of
technology etc. Bangladesh is concerned, the company (Barapukuria coal
DCC collects MSW 1825000 tons annually, which is mine company ltd.) incurred a loss of tk 156 crore ($ 229
19 times larger than that of Aguada plant of India. Since, million) between 2005 & 2008 due to poor coal
the moisture content in vegetables and other foods are production & excessive production cost [10]. Besides,
higher; DCC can encourage people to use different bins to Bangladesh has proven reserve of 2.5 billion tones of coal
separate low moisture wastes from those of higher [11] which may be exhausted in a couple of years as
moistures wastes. And separate collection process may be excessive coal is required to generate electricity. Also the
undertaken to collect different types of waste having price of per ton coal is $ 70 [9] which means large
different moisture contents. One way of collection of amount money is required to run such coal based power
different wastes is to make partitions in the collecting plant. There are also some private users of coal, and an
vans and dump the respective wastes in a particular alarming situation will exist if the coal reserve is
compartment of the van. It is estimated that by the year exhausted rendering the coal fired station idle or the
2015, the total waste generated in Dhaka city will be government will be forced to import coal at the rate of
about 8000 tons per day and for disposing this amount of $70 per ton.
waste 2.92 km2 of land per year will be required [4]. To The price of per 1000 ft3 is 233.12 tk [12]. A total
make effective use of DCC waste, each house hold should 11230 ft3 gas is required to generate 1MWHr electricity.
have 2-3 garbage bins to for different types of waste. One Low gas pressure and high investment cost for gas
bin for Vegetables materials, second one may be for transmission network are other negative factors for
clothes, papers, plastics and the third one for other type of installation of gas fired power station. As till to-date no
wastes. new gas field is discovered, so new gas based power
station is a remote possibility.
A comparative study has been made to calculate the
running cost of different generating stations for
generating 1 MWHr of electrical energy.

Vegetables Table 2 The individual costs are as follows:

Papers, clothes, & fruits Others
plastics, trees Type Required Running cost
Amount (Taka)
Coal 923 lb 2196
Fig. 5 Suggested bins for separating different wastes.
Gas 11230 ft3 2617
Diesel 292.82 liter 16105
The calorific value of Dhaka city wastes as found in 6. Conclusion
IFRD and BCSIR (study) [7] varies from 1386-2600
Btu/lb. Taking an average calorific values of 2100 Btu/lb This paper has presented the outcome of a study by the
the amount of energy by 5000 tons of waste is equivalent authors to establish WTE project in Dhaka city. The study
to 6158 MWHr of energy. Assuming plant efficiency of finds that around 100MW capacity generating plant can
40%, 2463 MWHr of energy can be obtained as output. If be established which can be run from the municipal solid
the plant runs for 24 hrs/day, the plant capacity is 102 waste of Dhaka city. To solve the major problem of waste
MW. The running cost of such power plant is negligible management this can play a vital role. Bangladesh should
when compared to running cost of coal/gas/diesel based take latest technology for this purpose. After completing
stations because very small amount of fuel is required to this project, it can be extended throughout the major cities
burn the wastes. Once the waste burns, no additional fuel of the country. WTE is not only environmentally friendly
will be required [7]. ( due to less degree of pollution compared to other non-
Compared to above non-renewable sources of energy renewable based generating stations) for electricity
WTE is more economical and environmentally friendly. generation, it is more attractive due to its other benefits
The quantity of electricity generation by MSW is constant like byproducts, recycling opportunities, employment
throughout the year. Even in certain cases; if the quantity benefits, extension of landfills life, economic solution for
of MSW is not sufficient, electricity generation could be municipal solid waste management problems etc. It is
maintained at the target value by substitute fuels. WTE hoped that the proposed study would be helpful for DCC
plants do not require any expensive supply networks and in deciding implementation of WTE plants for Dhaka
taking into consideration of inadequate reserve of non- city.
renewable energy sources, WTE plant may be a very References
good option for energy solution of Bangladesh
[1] Power situation improving (The daily Independent, 05, 05,
5. Benefits of WTE 2009)
Apart from the generation of electricity as the main [2] Official website of DCC.( waste).
commodity, there are also some byproducts of great [3] World Environmental Day 2005: Waste Reduction.
commercial value from the MSW whereas other power [4] Sinha and Enayetullah, 1997, “Waste as resource”. Article in
plants do not yield any such byproducts. The byproducts the Bangladesh Observer, Dhaka, November 21, 2001.
are [9]: [5] Forum on Urban Infrastructure and Public Service Delivery for
I. Methanol, Mixed alcohol - used as an automotive the Urban Poor Regional Focus: Asia [Jointly sponsored by
fuel. the Comparative Urban Studies Project Woodrow Wilson
II. Acetic acid – used in the manufacture of plastics. International Centre for Scholars (WWIC) Washington, DC.
III. Single-cell protein – used in the feeding of USA and the National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA) New
Delhi, India. Dates: 24-25 June 2004Venue: India Habitat
livestock, poultry, and certain fish.
Centre Lodhi Road, New Delhi]
IV. Photosynthesis Plant fertilizer – used as fertilizer.
V. Foam glass insulation – used as reflective paint [6] Solid Waste Management in Dhaka: A participatory approach.
By- Muhammad Abul Hasnat, Executive Engineer Dhaka
City Corporation, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
VI. Ash after conversion – used for road formation;
since ash left over after burning is only about 10 [7] Refuse quality assessment of Dhaka city Corporation (DCC)
for waste to electric energy project, July ’98. Studied by-
percent of the original volume of trash, waste-to- IFRD and BCSIR.
energy helps landfills last longer. In many states and
[8] Environmental Engineering and Sanitation, 2nd edition, by
several European countries, ash is reused in
Joseph A. Salvator, Jr, P.412.
concrete, asphalt, grout, road-base and other
construction materials. Burning also makes it easier [9] Municipal Solid Waste Fueled Power Generation for India
(MSWFPG). By- C. Palanichamy, Member IEEE (Ministry of
to recover and recycle many metals, which are big
education, Brunei Darussalam), N. Sundur Babu (Scientist,
moneymakers in recycling programs. Drexel University), and C. Nadarajan (Magnum Power,
VII. Waste heat – used for steam production. Madurai, India).
[10] Bangladesh
WTE provides recycling opportunities. The WTE project
[11] New energy bd.
provides job opportunities. Wages for recycling workers
are higher. Recycling reduces the need for landfills. [12] Bangladesh (25.09.2008) - Gas price for
Recycling has been recognized as a significant way to commercial user (per 1000 cubic feet) will go to take 291.59
from 233.12 tk .
reduce the amount of solid waste at disposal sites, extend
the lives of the landfills, reduce waste disposal cost, and
conserves resources. Waste recycling also saves energy
since the manufacturing of secondary papers, glasses,
steel and aluminum products, and some type of plastic
bottles consume considerably less energy and produce
less pollutants than primary manufacturing does [9].

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