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Lurking in sewers and dungeons, Skaven aim to take over the world through spreading foul diseases and potent

NATURAL PLAGUE BEARERS: The fetid Skaven have been associated with disease for such an expanse of time
that they have become naturally immune to the majority of diseases known to civilisation.
Not only this, but their populations seem to carry most of them.
The Skaven also brew their own virulent epidemics, with the aim to destroy the overworld.

Like their rat companions, Skaven are most comfortable and deadly in hordes.
The aggregate naturally, detecting others through their keen sense of smell.
Hordes can range from twenty individuals to over two hundred, at which point their natural diseases spread
like wildfire, contaminating anyone or anything that enters their subterranean lairs.

Skaven who have proven themselves worthy to their leaders are honoured by their unnatural transformation
into tumour hosts.
These hulking rat ogres are covered with boils, ganglions and growths, each filled with an infectious fluid ready
to burst and cover anyone stupid enough to tackle these beasts.
With the transformation comes an unquenchable rage, which forces the host to fulfil their only desire, the
spreading of plagues.
Soon after the creation of a tumour host within a city a new disease will emerge and wipe through its
population, as the suicidal ogre will emerge from its den and run rampant.

The highest rank achievable in Skaven society is that of the plague priest.
These corrupted cultists are charged with the creation of new viruses and the creation of tumour hosts.
They rule with a whip in hand, punishing the lowly Skaven runts without mercy or reason.
These priests worship deities such as Talona, the Mistress of Disease.
During their worship they will sacrifice house cats, dogs or street urchins that they have captured in their
ventures to the surface world.
Through these disturbing rituals they gain divine inspiration for new pestilence.

The vile nature of the Skaven finds them with little in the way of allies.
These repugnant beings are spat upon by all races other than their own brethren.
This hatred fuels their desires to bring down the high and mighty surface dwellers.
Skaven frequently enslave homeless paupers who stray down into sewers for shelter, and occasionally will band
together to launch a city raid.
During these raids the Skaven attempt to bite and enslave as many people as possible, in order to further their
fetid plagues.

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