Reading Test - Mode Preview - Placement Test B Reading - Top Notch

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English UU Ge eines nec ERE Reading Reading Test - Page 1 Read items 1-5. Then read the article, Select the correct answer for items 1-5. Example: They students. am @are Is be Can Violent Movies Be Dangerous? Before the 1960s, most movies didnot show much graphic violence. When fighting or shooting occurred on the screen, it was clean: Bang! You'e dead! The victim fll tothe ground and died, perhaps ater speaking afew tinal words. The ewer never saw blood or suffering. But in the late 60s, lmmakers Arthur Penn and Sam Peckinpah began making movies wth more graphic violence, such as Bonnie and Cyd and The Wild Bunch. They believed that if audiences ould ee how truly horrible real violence was, people would be less violent in their own lives Today, special effects technology has made it possible to create very realistic images of bloodshed and violence. Steven Prince, author of Savage Cinema: Sam Peckinpah and the Rise of Ultraviolent Movies, describes the difference between early movies and the movies of today”. filmmakers can create any Image that they can dream up.” So, Prince believes, because of the technology, movies today have become more and more violent and bloody. Some people are worried that viewing a lot of violence in movies and video games can be dangerous. They feel that it can make violence seern normal and can cause people to imitate the violent behavior, ta do the same thing themselves. Other people disagree. They belleve that showing violence is honest and can even be helpful (One popular filmmaker asks why violent images on the screen are a problem since we live in such a violent world. "Just ‘open any newspaper,” he says. "Any newspaper is much more violent. And those are true stories about what happens in real life. 1 Sam Peckinpah was. anactor an author ® a filmmaker a newspaper journalist 2. Before the 1960s, movies did not show. fighting shooting ® blood death 3. In Steven Prince's opinion, movies today have become more violent and bloody because of video games Sam Peckinpah © special ettects technology newspapers. 4 According tothe article, movies have always been very violent © graphic violence has become more common since Bonnie and Ciydeand The Wild Bunch everyone agrees that graphic violence in movies Is good entertainment, everyone agrees that violent movies are dangerous 5 Peckinpah and Penn thought that showing real violence in movies would make people behave more violentiy Violence seem normal people more honest and helpful ® people less violent Reading Test - Page 2 Read items 6-10. Then read the article. Select the correct answer for items 6-10. Hong Kong Tailors ‘The famous Hong Kong 24-hour sult isa thing of the past, but you can stil have clothes custom-made in a few days. ‘Today, prices are no longer as low as they once were, but they're often about what you'd pay for a ready-made garment back home; the difference, of course, is that a tailor-made garment should fit you perfectly. The workmanship and quality of the better established shops rival even those of London's Savile Row-at less than half the price. A top-quality ‘men's sult will run about HK$7,000 (USS910) or more, including fabric, while a sik shirt can cost HKS600 (USS78). Tailors in Hong Kong will make almost any garment you want-sults, evening gowns, wedding dresses, leather jackets, even monogrammed shirts. Many tailors offer a wide range of cloth from which to choose, from cotton and linen to very fine wools, cashmere, and silk. Hong Kong tallors are excellent at copying fashions. Bring a picture or drawing of ‘what you want. You should allow three to five days to have a garment custom-made, with at least two or three fittings. Ifyou aren't satisfied during the fittings, speak up. Alterations should be included in the original price. If, In the end, you still don like the finished product, you don't have to accept it. However, you will forfeit the deposit you are required to pay before the tailor begins working, usually about fifty percent ofthe total cost. \With more than 2,500 tailoring establishments in Hong Kong, it shouldn't be any problem finding one. Some of the ‘most famous are located in hotel shopping arcades and shopping complexes, but the more upscale the location, the higher the prices. (Once you've had something custom-made and your tailor has your measurements, you will more than likely be able to order additional clothing later, even after you've returned home! 6 You used to be able to get Jn Hong Kong. a sult tallor- made alterations made top-quality clothes custom-made © a suit made in 24 hours 7 Hong Kong tailors only make men's clothing. © are more expensive than they used to be are not permitted to copy fashions are hard to find 8 Atallor-made garment should cost about US§910, be ordered after you've returned home be copied trom a picture or drawing © fityou perfectly 9 Ifyou have a garment custom-made in Hong Kong, you should not expect the garment to be ready in 3-5 days 10 pay a deposit before the tailor begins working to have 2-3 fitings © to pay extra for alterations 10 According to the article, © Ifyou buy a ready-made garment at a store at home, it will cost about the same as a custom-made garment in Hong Kong, ifyou get a garment made on Savile Row, you will pay about 50 percent less than you would pay for the same. garment made in Hong Kong it you don't like the garment you ordered, you can get all your money back it you want to pay a low-price for a custom-made garment, go to an upscale hotel shopping arcade

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