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cataclysmic 灾难性的

facetious 乱开玩笑的
antithetical 对立的
mimicry 模仿
expunge 清除,删除
fallible 会出错的
stealthy 偷偷摸摸的
irksome 令人恼怒的
indigent 贫穷的
impetuous 鲁莽的(acting quickly without thought or care)
convivial 欢乐的,快活的
rancor 怨恨
forbear 克制(politely restrain an impulse to do something)
tenable 站得住脚的
Involnerable 无懈可击的
chauvinism 盲目的爱国主义
effusive 过于热情的
credulous 亲信的(have too great a readiness to believe things)
edify 教化
bombastic 华而不实的
defame 诽谤
imprudent 轻率的(not wise or sensible)
anticlimax 令人扫兴的结尾
seditious 煽动性的,扰乱治安的(disposed to arouse or take part in or guilty of sedition)
decorous 端庄稳重的(keeping with good taste and propriety)
adroit 机敏的,灵巧的(clever or skillful in using the hands or mind)
abstruse 深奥的
fallacious 谬误的(containing a mistake: not true or accurate)
discernible 看的清的(be able to be discerned)
conciliate 安抚,调解(stop sth from being angry or discontented)
benediction 祝福
ingenuous 天真的
commodious 宽敞的
gluttony 贪吃,暴饮暴食
execrable 恶劣的(extremely bad or unpleasant)
curmudgeon 脾气坏的人
unswerving 坚定不移的(not changing or becoming weaker)
preeminence 卓越,杰出
provident 节俭的,有远见的
ceremonious 隆重的,正式的
acme 顶点
abase 使谦卑,使出丑
avant-garde 前卫派的
congruous 一致的
contented 满意的
craving渴望(a strong wish for sth)
delve into 探索
detached 冷漠的,单独的
disinterested 公正的,非利益相关的
draw on 临近,导致

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