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Romeo Theatre Company

Director Kendra Knoblock

62300 Jewell Rd.
Washington, MI 48094
(586) 281-1154

Dear Parents:

On behalf of the Romeo High School Theatre Company, I would like to congratulate your child on receiving a part
in our upcoming show:

Nos Off
During the next several weeks we will be rehearsing, sewing, pain ng and construc ng our way to perfec on. In order to
con nue enriching our community with theatre, we need your support. If you are capable of suppor ng our group in
any capacity, please complete the form below. If you have any ques ons please feel free to call me at (586) 281-1154 or
be er yet, e-mail There is also informa on on our website
about this year’s theatre season!

I would also like to men on that although theatre is very important to many students, school work must come first.
Teachers will contact me if they feel that your child’s studies are being neglected.

Rehearsal schedules have been distributed to the students. If you are unable to a end prac ce send an email to Mrs.
Knoblock before the rehearsal. Realize mul ple absences will jeopardize your role.

Please sign at the bo om, indica ng that you have read the informa on and grant permission for your child to
par cipate in the produc on. Please complete the informa on and return as soon as possible.

Thank-you for your constant support,

Kendra Knoblock
Director R.T.C

Parent Name _____________________________________________________

Student Name____________________________________________ Student T-Shirt Size __________________

Does your child work as a(n) (circle) ACTOR TECHNICIAN

Phone # (Home)_________________________ (Cell)______________________________________



DUE January 13th, 2022

Dear Parents/Guardians:

To begin, I would like to thank you for giving a few extra minutes of your busy schedule to the students involved
with this produc on. Your presence and support is so important in crea ng a posi ve experience for your child’s high
school career.

Romeo Theatre Company currently has over 150 students ac vely involved in crea ng our shows. We are very proud of
our produc ons, but feel with your help we could be even stronger.

I don’t believe a show has closed without several parents commen ng, “I wish I would have known you needed help.
Just let me know.” Well, I am now officially “le ng you know!” I don’t want to create Drama “boosters.” Rather, I would
like to merely create a parent group that is interested in helping our program. Mee ng mes will be difficult due to
everyone’s different schedules. I would therefore strongly encourage your response in a wri en manner.

Kendra Knoblock
Romeo Theatre Co. Director

Phone:__________-___________-___________ Best me to call_______________________

Parent Email:___________________________________________________________________

I_____________________________, parent of _______________________________ would be interested in

assis ng in the following areas:

_____ Costuming (Sewing from full costumes to a simple bu on to thri store shopping)!!!
_____ Shopper (outside errands)
_____ Construc on (Donate materials or work at Sat/tech rehearsals)
_____ Hang posters around the Romeo Area the week of January 9th
_____ Setup/cleanup/donate food/pick up food cast meals (We will contact you)
_____ Yes, I would also be willing to head one of the events below (_______ date preference)
(Organize all who volunteered!!!)
_____ January 13th Lock in Dinner, set up/clean up, set up by (5:00pm eat by 5:30pm)
_____ January 13th Donate desserts/sides/drinks for a lock in (we provide the main course)
_____ January 21st Lock in lunch, set up/clean up, set up by (12:00pm eat by 12:30pm)
_____ January 21st Donate desserts/sides/drinks for a lock in (we provide the main course)
_____ January 28th Cast Party a er show (set up/clean up, set up by 9:30 p.m.)
_____ January 28th (Cast Party, donate snacks/drinks)

(Cast Party held at Romeo High School following the Saturday show)

DUE January 13th, 2022

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