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Loth cats are a feline species native to the planet Lothal, and are related to the Tooka species.
They are known to be apprehensive and hostile against strangers, but can warm up to them if their trust is gained.
Behaviour: Temperamental, friendly (occasionally), apprehensive (occasionally), hostile (occasionally)
Physical appearance: Large mouth, pointed ears, thick tail, sharp teeth, sharp claws.
Members of the tooka family, and native to Lothal, often found in the grassy plains of the Outer Rim planet.
They're small, temperamental creatures, and while at times friendly, are still able hunters with sharp teeth and claws.
They feast on Loth-rats.
Type: grasslands feline predator
Search 5D+2, Sneak 6D+2
Brawling 4D, climbing/jumping 6D+2
Special Abilities:
Bite: STR+1D damage.
Claws: STR+2 damage.
Gore: STR+1D+2 damage.
Pounce: When pouncing on a target the Loth-cat's jumping and brawling are considered a single action, taking no MAPs
and happening simultaneously.
Move: 13
Size: 0.46 meters
Source: Star Wars Rebels, "Rise of the Old Masters", stats by +Oliver Queen

Tookas can be a variety of colours, such as violets, greenish blues, yellows, fawns, dark yellow, brown, deep purple and
They usually have a flat face with a slightly protruding muzzle.
They have two slit nostrils that sit underneath a pair of beady grey or black eyes.
They have very long mouths that stretch all the way across their face and can open wide to display long sharp fangs.
They have a pair of very tall, pointy ears that are usually striped. Their neck is rather short, as are their legs, and their
paws are very similar to a bird's talons.
Their claws are adept at gripping their prey and climbing.
Their tails are fat and bushy and usually striped, and their underbelly is usually a different colour that the body.
They are very similar to their subspecies Loth-cats.
When angry, threatened or scared tookas can dilate their entire eyes and arch their backs like cats.
They are often kept as pets, but are also considered by many to be feral nuisances.
When properly trained, they can be excellent hunters of pests.

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