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Balance Check DCs Disable Device Check DCs

Surface DC Surface DC Device Time DC Example

7-12 inches wide 10 Uneven floor 10 Simple 1 round 10 Jam a lock.
2-6 inches wide 15 Surface angled +5* Tricky 1d4 rounds 15 Sabotage a wagon wheel.
Less than 2 inches wide 20 Surface slippery +5* Difficult 2d4 rounds 20 Disarm a trap, reset a trap.
* Cumulative; if both apply, use both. Wicked 2d4 rounds 25 Disarm a complex trap, cleverly
sabotage a clockwork device.
* If the character tries to leave behind no trace of the tampering, add 5 to
Climb Check DCs the DC.
DC Example Wall or Surface
0 A slope too steep to walk up. A knotted rope with a wall to brace
Escape Artist Check DCs
Restraint DC
5 A rope with a wall to brace against, or a knotted rope, or a rope
Ropes Binder’s Use Rope check at +20
created by the rope trick spell.
Net, animate rope, command plants, 20
10 A surface with ledges to hold on to and stand on, such as a very
control plants, or entangle
rough wall or a ship’s rigging.
Snare 23
15 Any surface with adequate handholds and footholds, such as a
Manacles 30
very rough rock surface or a tree. An unknotted rope.
Tight space 30
20 An uneven surface with some narrow handholds and footholds,
Masterwork manacles 35
such as a typical wall in a dungeon or ruins.
Grappled Grappler’s grapple check
25 A rough surface, such as a natural rock wall or a brick wall.
Overhang or ceiling with handholds but no footholds.
— A perfectly smooth, flat, vertical surface cannot be climbed. Open Lock Check DCs
-10* Climbing a chimney or other location where one can brace Lock DC Lock DC
against two opposite walls. Very simple lock 20 Good lock 30
-5* Climbing a corner where one can brace against perpendicular Average lock 25 Amazing lock 35
+5* Surface is slippery.
* These modifiers are cumulative; use any that apply. Search Check DCs
Task DC
Concentration Check DCs Ransack a chest full of junk to find an item.
Notice a typical secret door or a simple trap.
DC Distraction Find a difficult nonmagical trap (rogue only). 21+
10 + damage dealt Injury or failed saving throw during the Find a magic trap (rogue only). 25 + spell level used
+ spell level casting of a spell. Notice a well-hidden secret door. 30
10 + half of continuous Suffering continuous damage (such as from
damage last dealt Melf’s acid arrow).
+ spell level Skills that can be Used Untrained
10 + damage dealt Damaged by spell. Skill Ability Skill Ability
+ spell level Appraise Int Intimidate Cha
Distracting spell’s save Distracted by nondamaging spell. (If the spell Balance Dex* Jump Str*
DC + spell level allows no save, use the save DC it would Bluff Cha Listen Wis
have if it did allow a save.) Climb Str* Move Silently Dex*
20 + spell level Grappling or pinned. (Can only cast spells Concentration Con Perform Cha
without somatic components and whose Craft Int Ride Dex
material component is in hand.) Diplomacy Cha Scry Int
10 + spell level Vigorous motion (moving mount, bouncy Disguise Cha Search Int
wagon ride, small boat in rough water, Escape Artist Dex* Sense Motive Wis
below decks in a storm-tossed ship.) Forgery Int Spot Wis
15 + spell level Violent motion (galloping horse, very rough Gather Information Cha Swim Str
wagon ride, small boat in rapids, on deck Heal Wis Use Rope Dex
of a storm-tossed ship). Hide Dex* Wilderness Lore Wis
20 + spell level Affected by earthquake spell. * The PC’s armor check penalty, if any, also applies.
5 + spell level Weather is a high wind carrying blinding rain

10 + spell level
or sleet.
Weather is wind-driven hail, dust, or debris. Movement and Distance
Distracting spell’s save Weather is caused by spell, such as storm of 15 feet 20 feet 30 feet 40 feet
DC + spell level vengeance. One Round (Tactical)
15 + spell level Casting defensively (so as not to provoke Walk 15 ft. 20 ft. 30 ft. 40 ft.
attacks of opportunity). Hustle 30 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft. 80 ft.
15 Caster entangled by animate rope, command Run (×3) 45 ft. 60 ft. 90 ft. 120 ft.
plants, control plants, entangle, snare, net, Run (×4) 60 ft. 80 ft. 120 ft. 160 ft.
or tanglefoot bag. Run (×5) 75 ft. 100 ft. 150 ft. 200 ft.
One Minute (Local)
Walk 150 ft. 200 ft. 300 ft. 400 ft.
Listen Check DCs Hustle 300 ft. 400 ft. 600 ft. 800 ft.
DC Sound Run (×3) 450 ft. 600 ft. 900 ft. 1,200 ft.
-10 A pitched battle. Run (×4) 600 ft. 800 ft. 1,200 ft. 1,600 ft.
0 People talking. Run (×5) 750 ft. 1,000 ft. 1,500 ft. 2,000 ft.
5 A person in medium armor walking at a slow pace (half speed) One Hour (Overland)
trying not to make noise. Walk 1½ miles 2 miles 3 miles 4 miles
10 An unarmored person walking at a slow pace (half speed) trying Hustle 3 miles 4 miles 6 miles 8 miles
not to make noise. Run — — — —
25 A cat stalking. One Day (Overland)
+1* Per 10 ft. from the listener. Walk 12 miles 16 miles 24 miles 32 miles
+5* Through a door. Hustle — — — —
+15* Through a stone wall. Run — — — —
* These modifiers are cumulative; use any that apply.

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