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Daily routine

1. I’m in my last year at school. My elder sister, Betty, is studying at

the same school. Betty can organize her time wisely, whereas I do not know
what order I should things in. I find it hard to get up on time, and usually I do
not get enough sleep. I have to wind two alarm clocks to make sure I do not
2. My sister, an early riser, is awake by 7 o’clock, refreshed and full of
energy. While I’m wandering round the kitchen, fighting the urge to go back
to bed, my sister manages to have a quick shower, make her bed, put on
make up, do her hair, eat a full breakfast and set off to school. It takes me
an hour and a half to get ready. I have a hasty bite and rush out of the house.
Even if I catch a bus at once I still arrive at school 15 minutes late, which
always makes me feel guilty.
3. My studies keep me busy all day long. I have 5 hours of English a
week. I also have various seminars and tests. At lunchtime I meet up with my
sister and we have a snack at the school café. After classes I make myself go
to the library where I spend about six hours a week preparing for my classes.
4. My sister and I come home tired. I always find excuses to put my
homework off. Unlike me my sister manages to do the housework and get
down to homework. I like the idea of going to bed early, but quite often I
have to sit up late, brushing up on my grammar and vocabulary, though I
feel sleepy. My sister says that keeping late hours ruins health. Of course, I
5. As my sister and I do not get any time off during the week, we try to
relax on the weekends. One of my greatest pleasures is to lie in bed and read
my favourite books. My sister is a sporty person. To keep herself fit, Betty
goes for a run in the park, from time to time she works out in the gym. I hate
staying in, and sometimes on Saturday night my sister takes me out to a
concert or a play. Sometimes we go to a party or to a disco. But more often
than not I end up catching up on my studies and my sister goes out. I wonder
how I manage to spoil my leisure time.
6. Every Monday when I awaken I think I should start a new life. I
honestly think that I must become well-organized and correct my daily
routine. I make plans to go to keep-fit classes, to do shopping with my sister,
to do the cleaning and to do a hundred other good things. But when I
remember that I have to call on my school friend in the evening, and I put off
my plans till next Monday. It is always better to start a new life in a week.
Match the headings to the paragraphs
A. Spare time
B. Everyday life
C. Plans for the future
D. Morning motion
E. Never coming true
F. So different
G. Exhausting
Read the text and choose the best answer

The secret of a long life

Growing older is a natural (0) …..A.. that we cannot avoid. However, some people
manage to keep their looks for longer than others, and live to a (1)….. old age. So,
what exactly is their secret?
Age is (2) ….. by many to be a mental attitude. As our minds and bodies are not (3)
…… from each other, if you feel content, you are more likely to be healthy and
therefore to live a long life. Others stress the (4) ….. of having an interesting
occupation. Having a deep interest in whatever you do (5) ….. to a more fulfilled and
active life.
Many also recommend yoga or other types of physical exercise. Everybody, young
or old, can (6) …. from regular exercise and spending time with others.
Some, on the other hand, (7) ….. old age without taking special care of their health.
But research has shown that people who (8) ….. to a low-calorie diet have a greater
chance of living longer. Of course, having access to good medical care (9) ….. a
difference, too.
Recent studies suggest that people with more high-powered jobs are healthier, as
are people who have (10) ….. a good education. But scientific opinion (11) …..
changing. Maybe longevity just depends on genes or perhaps it’s (12) ….. down to
good luck.

0 A process B operation C system D programme

1 A Ripe B Ready C Plump D Prime
2 A Valued B Considered C Suggested D Mentioned
3 A Different B Individual C Separate D Divided
4 A Greatness B Strength C Importance D Power
5 A Runs B Results C Directs D Leads
6 A Take B Advance C Win D Benefit
7 A Get B Reach C Touch D Grab
8 A Stick B Stay C Hold D Remain
9 A Shows B Has C Makes D Is
A Received B made C Taken D Owned
A Maintains B Keeps C Stays D Continues
A usually B hardly C simply D only

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