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‫ م‬7:45 2022/‫‏‬12/‫‏‬14 Social Questionnaire

Social Questionnaire 
I am Abdullah Al-Bably, I study mental health.
I am interested in societal issues, so I chose the problem of child labor because I believe that all
children have the right to equal opportunities.
Unfortunately, many children nowadays are deprived of educational and health opportunities due
to the living conditions surrounding them, so they are forced to work at a very early age.






YYYY ‫شهر‬ DD

1969 / 02 / 09

* Qualification

High school

Bachelor's degree

Postgraduate studies (Masters or Ph.D.)

Assistant Professor :‫أخرى‬… 1/3
‫ م‬7:45 2022/‫‏‬12/‫‏‬14 Social Questionnaire

University Specialization

Electrical & Electronics Engineering

* Are you interested in community issues?



* What are the reasons that drive children to work?

Poverty is one of the main causes of children labor. Families who cannot meet their basic needs such as
food, water, education, or health care have no other choice except to send their children to work to
supplement the household income. Other reasons of child labor is linked to low literacy rates, lack of
adequate employment options, natural disasters, conflicts and mass displacement, lack of access to
.quality education, violation of existing codes of conduct, inadequate of Law enforcement

* In your opinion, how does child labor affect society?

Children not only do not attend schooling, but they spend their childhood away from their families and
raised in dysfunctional and sometimes dangerous environments, often, violent situations. Children not
only engage in similar or identical tasks as adults, but they do so from their situation of physical and
mental immaturity. Child labor causes chronic ailments and diseases depending on the nature of the
undertaken work, which leads to emotional and educational consequences such as stress, depression,
.or low self-esteem

* ?How can we improve the mental and physical health of working children

Research shows that individual who exercise regularly have better mental health, emotional wellbeing,
and lower rates of mental illness. Moreover, individual's emotional well-being is just as important as
their physical health, where positive mental health helps them develop the resilience to cope with
problems and improves happiness. In addition, positive interactions with children can boost their mental
.health… 2/3
‫ م‬7:45 2022/‫‏‬12/‫‏‬14 Social Questionnaire

* What is the best solution to this problem in your opinion?

:In my opinion, there are six solutions to stop the problem of child labor
Laws: Bringing in laws that makes it illegal for children to work until they reach a certain age child .1
labor. Such laws do not just provide an explicit statement that child labor and child exploitation are
.wrong, but also provide a framework and a set of privileges

Reduce poverty: Poverty is a key reason for the existence of child labor. When a family lives in poverty, .2
they are being forced to send their children out to work at a young age. In addition, when wages are very
low and even if everyone in the family is working as well, additional child labor may be needed to
support the whole family. Therefore, reducing poverty in communities helps to support families and
.means that they do not need to send their children out to work

Education: Studies show time and time again that providing free and good quality education to all .3
children around the world helps in reducing the incidence of child labor. This is especially the case if
schools provide free meals and uniforms, so that poor families do not have to go without necessary
things in order to send their children to school. Education widens children’s perspectives and shows
.them that they have so many more options in life than simply to labor at arduous

Ethical consumerism: By spending their money wisely, consumers can help to halt or can (often .4
inadvertently) support child labor. By investigating the companies that you buy from and refusing to
hand over your cash to companies that deploy child labor, you can stop funding sweatshops and other
unethical businesses that are taking away the childhoods of young people across the globe. Do not be
seduced by the often cheaper prices that sweatshop made goods can be associated with: these cheap
prices come as a result of employing children, making adults work excessively long hours, and
.sometimes even employing slave labor

Be alert, and ready to act: Keep your eyes open and if you see any examples of child labor occurring .5
do not be afraid to report them. If you have spare time, you could also train to work on a helpline, giving
advice and support to children dealing with a variety of problems – including child labor. So many
people just shut their eyes to the issue of child labor, refusing to see it when it is right in front of their
.face or refusing to inquire as to where that brand new laptop or that cheap new pair of pants came from

Donate to charities: Donate your money to charities that help children to escape the trap of child labor .6
and to those charities that work to end poverty and lack of education and more generally, these are the
two factors that heavily contribute to conditions in which child labor can flourish. Sometimes, we are too
busy or simply not in the right place to dedicate ourselves to the fight against child labor. Fortunately,
there are dedicated charity workers out there who do spend almost every day tackling this issue and our
.money can help them to keep up their good work

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 ‫نماذج‬… 3/3

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