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‫ م‬1:48 2022/‫‏‬12/‫‏‬14 Social Questionnaire

Social Questionnaire 
I am Abdullah Al-Bably, I study mental health.
I am interested in societal issues, so I chose the problem of child labor because I believe that all children
have the right to equal opportunities.
Unfortunately, many children nowadays are deprived of educational and health opportunities due to the
living conditions surrounding them, so they are forced to work at a very early age.






YYYY ‫شهر‬ DD

1984 / 03 / 27

* Qualification

High school

Bachelor's degree

Postgraduate studies (Masters or Ph.D.)

:‫أخرى‬… 1/3
‫ م‬1:48 2022/‫‏‬12/‫‏‬14 Social Questionnaire

University Specialization

Al Quds

* Are you interested in community issues?



* What are the reasons that drive children to work?

To help to improve family financial income

* In your opinion, how does child labor affect society?

Loses their potentials in education either ways and development of their personalities in addition to
longterm unemployment problem

* ?How can we improve the mental and physical health of working children

Organize laws to prevent working of children , follow up implementation of these laws and agencies to
save and help these childreb in addition to creation of job opportunities for their houshold head

* What is the best solution to this problem in your opinion?

Laws and rules. Follow up. Decrease rates of unemployment, programs for job creation for adults and
.improvement of Cash transfer in Gaza in more a productive way for enrollee more than it is

.Google ‫لم يتم إنشاء هذا المحتوى وال اعتماده من ِقبل‬… 2/3
‫ م‬1:48 2022/‫‏‬12/‫‏‬14 Social Questionnaire

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