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‫ م‬1:46 2022/‫‏‬12/‫‏‬14 Social Questionnaire

Social Questionnaire 
I am Abdullah Al-Bably, I study mental health.
I am interested in societal issues, so I chose the problem of child labor because I believe that all children
have the right to equal opportunities.
Unfortunately, many children nowadays are deprived of educational and health opportunities due to the
living conditions surrounding them, so they are forced to work at a very early age.






YYYY ‫شهر‬ DD

2002 / 07 / 17

* Qualification

High school

Bachelor's degree

Postgraduate studies (Masters or Ph.D.)

:‫أخرى‬… 1/3
‫ م‬1:46 2022/‫‏‬12/‫‏‬14 Social Questionnaire

University Specialization

Economic and business

* Are you interested in community issues?



* What are the reasons that drive children to work?

...)Parents' irresponsibility(
Low salaries, making the father's salary insufficient for family needs, so the children forced to wor

* In your opinion, how does child labor affect society?

Increasing social and cultural gaps and contradictions in society

* ?How can we improve the mental and physical health of working children

Give them respect, encourage them, care for them

* What is the best solution to this problem in your opinion?

Establish institutions that bring these children together, as well as some initiatives and activities aimed
.at raising children's awareness and education so that they remain in contact with development

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‫ م‬1:46 2022/‫‏‬12/‫‏‬14 Social Questionnaire

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