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Kujaczysnki 1

Arien Kujaczynski

James Smith

English 2010

15 December 2022

Self-Reflective Essay

My researched argument is about technology and how it has many more positive effects

than negative. Technology is a great tool to use but there can be some negative effects. These

negative effects arise when a person uses technology excessively or in bad ways. So it is

important for people to educate themselves about technology to be able to know how to set

boundaries and manage use. I hope to show people that technology can do amazing things if it's

appropriately managed. Hopefully this essay can encourage people to educate themselves about

the positive and negative aspects of technology.

To fix up this essay I add more information to extend the essay. I also added some more

quotes from different resources to help back up my statements. I also edited a few sentences

throughout my essay so that it flows better. While doing these adjustments I also edited a few

mistakes that I spotted from the draft. All of these revisions will help strengthen my whole essay.

This topic connects to my Psychology class in a way. They both discuss the health of

people. Also, how it is important for people to manage things in their life for the better of their

own wellbeing. Doing research for both this essay and the psychology class I have learned how

important research is for wide topics like technology. I understand that research is vital for many

other things in life. I have also learned that there are going to be varying opinions on everything
Kujaczysnki 2

in the world. So, it is important to understand differing opinions before deciding your own or

judging other people's opinions.

It was a bit challenging trying to figure out how to portray other points of views well. I

had to incorporate these other ideas with my own. This was interesting but also hard. I had

trouble figuring out how to make the essay flow well considering there is so much information

needed. With so many different points to include I had to find ways to mix them together so the

essay made sense. I grouped similar points together then elaborated on them each. I also would

write about perspective points that were different from my own and then include information on

how these points may be wrong. This helped with any issues that I had while writing.

I do enjoy writing about topics that I am passionate about. If given enough time I could

write for a long time about these topics. I am always working to improve my writing skills. I also

am constantly looking for new ways and ideas to write. I think that my essay is a bit rushed, so it

doesn't flow like I would like it to. I also should have mixed the negative with the positive better.

This would strengthen my essay and my points.

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