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Republic of the Philippines

Negros Oriental State University

R.A 9299, Bais City, Campus II
College of Teacher Education

SS 18 A – Research in Social Studies

Levels of Awareness, and Acceptability of the NORSU Vision, Mission, Goals, 
and Objectives and Objectives of the Program

A Research Paper 
Presented to 
The College of Teacher Education 
Negros Oriental State University,
 Bais Campus 2, Bais City 

In Partial Fulfillment 
Of the Requirements in BSED SOCSCI - 18 
Research in Social Studies

Regie C. Balasabas
Maricel T. Fuentes
Mary Grace C. Kadusale
Anna Jane B. Lagunero
Glesie Jane R. Luz
Estephanie A. Mora

  June 2022


The completion  of this study would not have been possible and successful without the support of the

various individuals who contributed and shared their time and effort for the completion of this study.

First and foremost, praises and thanks to God, the Almighty, for His showers of blessings and
guidance to the researchers throughout in making the research work to complete successfully.
The researchers would like to express our deep and sincere gratitude to our University, Negros
Oriental State University (NORSU) Bais Campuses and for the opportunity given to the

To our research professor, who provided unselfish and unfailing guidance, assistance, and
brilliant comments and suggestions, for the improvement and completion of the study despite
many other commitments, for unfailing encouragement, for being so supportive and helpful.

The researchers' gratitude also extends to  the Dean of the College of Education, Dr. Ma. Sarah
Fatima P. Valencia, thank you so much ma'am for giving us the opportunity to conduct this
research . The researchers would also like to thank you for your empathy, patience and
knowledge that you impart to us. It was a great privilege and honor to work and study under
your invaluable supervision and guidance. We are extremely grateful for what you offered us.  

We would like to thanks and appreciate all the respondents who willingly help with their full
cooperation and share their little time which had made the research study achieve its smooth

Last but not the least, the researchers would like to thanks our dearest Parents and Guardian as
the number one fan and for their deep consideration for finances and assistance in terms of our
financial problems and undying support throughout the making of the research study. As well as

for their unconditional love and words of encouragement, to all those nights that the researchers
spent finishing our research studies.


Title Page                                                                                             1

Acknowledgement 2-3

Table of Contents                                                             4-5     

Abstract 6-7

Chapter I: 7
Introduction 7
Background of the Study 7-10
Statement of the Problem 11
Scope and Limitations of the Study 12
Significance of the Study 13-14
Definition of terms 14
Theoretical Framework 15
Conceptual Framework  15
Review of Related Literatures and Studies 16-25

Methodology 26
            a. Research Design 26
            b. Research Respondent 27
            c. Research Environment 27
            d. Research Instrument 28
            e. Data Gathering Procedure 28
             f.  Statistical Treatment of the data 29
Chapter II: Presentation, Interpretation,  29-34
                   and Analysis of the Data

Chapter III: Summary of Findings, 35-37

Conclusions and Recommendations 

Bibliography of References 38-40
Appendices  41-44
                  A. Research Questionnaire
                  B. Letter Requests to conduct the Study/Distribute Online Questionnaires
                  C. Curriculum Vitae 
List of Tables 
         Table 1: The respondents of the study 
                        Distribution of Respondents 
          Table 2: Level of Awareness of VMGO to the respondents
          Table 3: Levels of Awareness to the Goals of the College of Teacher Education 
          Table 4: Levels of Acceptability of Norsu Vision, Mission and Objectives 
          Table 5: Levels of Acceptability to the Goals of the College of Teacher Education 
List of Figure: 
          Figure 1: Conceptual framework showing the relationship of the variables of the study


The vision, mission, goals and objectives serve as concrete guides for the future of
students in

Norsu. This descriptive survey research determined the means of promoting and disseminating
the VMGO and the extent of awareness, acceptability and internalization of the stakeholders in
the VMGO institutions. Furthermore, VMGOs are vital instruments for strategic planning and
management of an organization. A descriptive survey method of research was followed
involving randomly selected students, faculty and staff from Norsu Bais City. Assessment of
civil society was also determined by this survey. We had 102 respondents taken as samples
representing different individuals. The researcher's data were collected using a Google form
questionnaire which was designed from the vision and mission of the institutions, goals of each
college, and program objectives of every curricular offering of NORSU Bais Campus. The data
were analyzed using mean to determine their level of awareness and acceptability of the VMGO.
The result of this study revealed that the students are very much aware of the vision and mission
of NORSU. In addition, they are also highly aware of the goals of the college and the objective
of the  program of the institution. In terms of their level of acceptance to NORSU, the students
are very acceptable in the institution’s vision and mission; college goals; and program objectives.
On the other hand, the faculty members are “very aware” and they “like very much” the vision
and mission of the institution. Furthermore, they “like extremely” the goals of the college as well
as the objectives of the specific curricular programs. Lastly, the staff and civil society were
found" very much aware” and “like very much” the vision and mission of the institution. These
findings are indicative that with proper dissemination, students, faculty, staff and other
stakeholders are informed of the VMGO of the university with high level of acceptance.

Key words: Awareness, Acceptability, VM

                                                                   Chapter 1

Background of  the Study

                    In this modern world, colleges and universities do not only serve as a generation of
knowledge. It has great roles to play in society, particularly in the political, social, and cultural
aspects, which are inevitable for school to have the responsibility to immerse students in society.
It cannot seclude students because the learning, knowledge and philosophies imparted by the
school will be carried out by them and will then be used in interacting with society. It is expected
that educational institutions align their vision, mission, goals and objectives to these roles. It will
be the guide of the institution in its operation to attain its roles. Apart from these, it is also
important to steer the institution’s stakeholders to act in one direction and provide a guide in
attaining it. It is only possible if the vision and mission is well disseminated, appreciated and
observed from the highest official down to the community. Because, according to Ezekwe and
Egwu (2016),even how well-crafted the VMGO is, if it is not well observed, it will not have its
                   The vision, mission, goals and objectives serve as the cornerstone of an educational
institution. A vision is a statement about what the organization wants to become and therefore
resonates with all the members of the institution and helps them have the sense of ownership and
become part of the entire organization. It provides the impression, character and direction of its

               Universities and colleges that are created by and operate under the law are found by the
permission of their charter and may not be as ready and flexible as private entities. Schools, as
emphasized by Vetadine (2010), are likely to be more successful in achieving in depth learning

when leaders work with staff and the community to build a collective educational vision that is
clear. Compelling and connected to tracking and learning, this collective vision helps focus
attention on what is important, motivate staff and students, and increases the sense of shared
                  The vision and mission are statements about the long-term  view of the institution of
itself and of the world within which it operates its long-term role and stature, and what it does to
achieve this purpose and how it would like to play its role [3]. The program objectives are a
broad statement that describes the career and professional accomplishment that the program is
preparing graduates to achieve within a prescribed number of years of graduation. These
objectives are based on the needs of the program constituencies.

                  The Accrediting Agency for Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines
(AACCUP) possesses a certain standard of quality excellence based on the institutional
operations in relation to VMGO. A university is judged by the degree to which its VMGO is
attained and not in comparison with others.

                   The effectiveness of the VMGO lies in its structure and dissemination. In order to
attain this, the constituents of an educational institution have to be aware of its VMGO and fully
comprehend the implications of it such that Negros Oriental State University Campus is guided
by its vision, mission, goals and objectives as it pursues a path in transmitting its mandated

                   The VMGO statements of any institution are the fundamental guide for the future of
the institution and its academic programs (Robbins et al. 2003). CMO No. 37 s.2012 describes
the vision and mission as statements on the long-term view of the institution of itself and of the
world within which it operates, including the fundamental purpose of its existence, its long-term
role and stature, and what it does to achieve this purpose and how it would like to play its role.

On the other hand, The vision, mission, goals and objectives serve as the guiding principle of an
educational institution. VMGO statements are the fundamental guides for the future of the
institution and its academic programs. A vision is a statement about what the organization wants
to achieve. The vision states that the institution hopes to become in the future. Mission reflects
the mandate/aim of the whole state university or state college. Goals are the aims at the
hierarchical structure below the institutional level (the academic college/institute/school); and the
Objectives are the aims at the program level.    

         The university not only serves knowledge to the students but also it has a big role of them
that the students become a good examples in our communities. They have roles in society in
order to prepare young people for their success in transition and adulthood, to improve their
cooperative teamwork, to become effective, caring, and concerned members of our
communities.The University also has a role in the political, in order to prepare young people to
become good citizens, and, in the last end have a role of the cultural aspect of our society. This is
one of the focuses and priorities  of Negros Oriental State University to serve  the students a
higher types of education.The college/university, according to the Negros Oriental State
University (NORSU), offers Diploma, Certificate, Baccalaureate and Masters Degree Programs.
It has a total enrollment of about 22,000 students per semester and produces about 3300 world-
class graduates annually.

                Norsu is a good and effective school. Negros Oriental State University (NORSU) was
cited as the Top 2 performing State universities and Colleges (SUCs) with the most number of
assessed programs (including preliminary visits) and the Top 4 SUC with the most number of
accredited programs, Level 1 and above, among the 102 SUCs in the entire Philippines.

                The students  enhance their skills and improve their knowledge  because of the
provision of the NORSU. According to mandate section 2, they primarily provide advanced

education, higher technological, professional instruction and training in the fields of arts,
sciences, commerce, agriculture, fishery and Education and other related fields of study. It shall
also promote research and extension services and provide progressive leadership in its areas of
specialization. The NORSU Vision and Mission, together with the Goals of Teacher Education
and Objectives of the Bachelor of Secondary Education, has a big role in the university, so that
students will be brought to the higher types of education. But the NORSU VMGO has not been
effective if it cannot be observed well.

 Furthermore, it is important that we have a strategic plan. The teachers/instructors and other
higher officials, especially the president of the university, should need to act in one direction and
provide guidance in attaining this vision, mission, goals, and objectives of the university to
become more effective to the students.

              This study aimed to generate necessary and useful data for the policy makers of the
college and university. The research aimed to measure the clientele’s level of awareness and
acceptability of the Norsu VMGOs.

               The result of this study will be used as the basis in the formulation of the vision,
mission, goals and objectives of the college to meet the needs of the industry, public service and
civil society. It will also be used to strengthen the involvement in the dissemination of its vision,
mission, goals and program objectives/outcomes among its clients.

Statement of the problem

This study examine and discovered the feedback of the clienteles of NORSU on its vision,
mission, goals and objectives among the BSED students in Negros Oriental Bais Cmpus II.

Specifically, the researchers would like to know the answer of the following questions
 What is the level of awareness and acceptability of the respondents as to NORSU



       2.   The Level of awareness and acceptability of Goals of the College of Teacher Education
and the Objectives of Bachelor of Secondary  Education as perceived by the respondent?

Scope and limitation of the Study

      This study only determines the level of  awareness and acceptability of NORSU's vision,
mission, goals and the objectives of how the students apply this implementation to their studies
and their lives, despite many challenges they encounter. This study was confined to clients at the
university in the first semester of 2022-2023. The researchers randomly gathered a total number
of 102 respondents, namely: students, faculty, staff, and the civil society. The researcher had
allocated 1 month as a duration to complete the study. The study was conducted during the strike
of the COVI-19 pandemic.

Significance of the Study

                The completion of this study contributes to the knowledge and interventions that may
be done by the following individuals by increasing the levels of awareness and acceptability of
NORSU's vision, mission, goals and objectives of the program.

To the School/University Administrator: This study serves as a baseline for them to understand
the different perceptions of students with regard to their awareness and understanding of
implementation, they can make way for more effective existing strategies in assessing the
students in coping up effective learning process such us making program for teachers and
instructors on how to deal students to become more effective to their studies through to the
Implementations of NORSU VMGO will guide them on how to help and guide their students
through their teachers through formulating appropriate and effective teachings in order that the
students will brought them to the higher types of education.

     To the Instructors/Professor: Professors, Instructors and the faculty and staff who are    part of
the learning process are cohorts to the Administrator in formulating and employing appropriate
and effective methods and approaches on how to help, guide, cater and teach their students, in
order to so that the implementation will be more effective. This study provides necessary
information and data about their awareness and acceptance of NORSU Vision, Mission,   Goals
and the Objectives programs.

              In line with this, they will be able to effectively design and apply this implementation
and find ways of how to deal with it for the students to become more effective.

To the students: This study will provide students with an understanding of the levels of
awareness and acceptability of NORSU VMGO. This will also provide an eye-view towards

their understanding of NORSU VMGO on how to be able to help them cope effectively with
their studies. Hence, give them an idea on how to help themselves and create measures such as
coping strategies for how they do the implementation of NORSU  to the students.

Definition of Terms
To further understand this research study, the  following terms  that was presented to this study
are conceptually anf operationally defined.
Goal Statement- It refers to the desired aims of the study.
Mission Statement- In this study it refers to the school’s day-to-day operational objectives, its
instructional values, or its public commitments to its students and community.
Objective Statement- It refers to the learning objective makes clear the intended learning
outcome rather than what form the instruction will take. Specific statements describing what you
and your students intend to achieve as a result of learning that occurs both in class and outside of
Students- It refers to the respondents of the study whether its undergraduate or graduate student.
Vision Statement- It refers to the school’s loftiest ideals, its core organizational values, its long-
term objectives, or what it hopes its students will earn or be capable of doing after graduating.

Theoretical Framework

According to the Task Force on Developing Research in Educational Leadership (2003),

"Effective educational leaders help their schools to develop or endorse visions that embody the
best thinking about teaching and learning. School leaders inspire others to reach for ambitious
goals" (p. 3). A mission statement is the wind that brings you to your desired harbor. It guides
your travel and powers your momentum. Mission statements "give educators stronger motivation
and provide parents with a clearer picture of what the school values.  A clear vision and a
common mission that identify the kind of learning to be achieved can help keep the school and
the efforts of its staff and students on target" (Peterson, 1995).

                  This study will be anchored on the theories above, the researcher wanted to determine
the level of awareness and acceptability of  the NORSU VMGO among the BSED students of
Negros Oriental State University, Bais City, Campus II.

Conceptual Framework

                    Figure 1 depicts the conceptual framework of the study. As shown, the dependent
variables are the level of awareness and acceptability of Norsu VMGO. The independent
variables are the Norsu Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives.

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework showing the relationship of the variables of the study

The Norsu Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives had to be disseminated to the BSED students,
faculty, staff and civil society through various methods to make then inform. The level of

awareness and acceptability of Norsu VMGO could also be vary among stakeholders.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

             Based on the readings of the researchers, this chapter contains related literature and
studies based from journal, and articles which are suitable to the present study on this topic about
"The awareness and acceptability of the Norsu VMGO among the BSED students of Negros
Oriental State University, Bais City, Campus II.

Awareness and Acceptance of Vision, Mission Goals and Objectives

               The vision, mission, goals and objective of an organization needs to be resonated with
its stakeholders. As Segismundo (2017) emphasized, VMGO needs to be disseminated and

accepted by its various stakeholders because they will serve as active participants in achieving it.
In addition, Garcia et al. (2021) stressed that the university stakeholders’ awareness and
acceptability of the VMGO could serve as a basis to improve its policies, practices, and

             Moreover, Dungan et al., (2016) highlighted that if the institution’s stakeholders are fully
aware and understand its vision, mission and goals, it leads them to act in one direction in
attaining it. Also, Arado et al. (2019) pointed out that bringing them together with one common
understanding of the VMGO enables them  work collaboratively in one direction. As Pelicano &
Lacaba (2016) stressed, that high level of awareness and acceptance of VMGO are good
indicators of creating positive outcomes or impact as spillover of attaining the VMGO.

Relevance of VMGOs

              The vitality of the vision, mission and goals of an educational institution serves as its
strong foundation for an institution to succeed. The VMGOs provide a framework that paves the
way for development, enhancement and direction for a better and responsive educational
institution that answers the need and call of time. In a university, for instance, VMGs should be
the basis of its operations.  

               According to Jones & Kahaner (1995), aptly expressed that mission and mission
statements focus the attention of organizational members and external constituents on the core
purpose of the organization. This has been supported by a Stanford educator (2010) who said that
enterprises using mission and vision statements successfully outperform those that do not by six
to one. VMGOs need to be shared in order to be effective and to be achieved. In order for it to be
shared, it needs to be developed in a collaborative manner (Philippines-Canada Local
Government Support Program, 2004). Hence, the success of a university depends upon bringing

together all its stakeholders to reconcile differing perspectives, find common ground and create a
shared cause for the betterment of life in general. The stakeholders are the people behind it, at
may contribute to the success of a university. Stakeholders, as a term, comprise the individuals,
groups or entities who affect, or are affected by, an organization and its activities. They can be an
avenue for performance management and for creating and sustaining organizational change.

Recognition by Accreditation

                 Accreditation is to appropriately acknowledge an educational program that embodies

particular criteria to assess standard of quality and outstanding performance on the basis of
thorough evaluation of the educational conduct of its VMGO and its distinct character it portrays
in the community it supports. A set of standards has been established in terms of quality and
excellence in an educational institution’s operations in relation to the fulfilment of its VMGOs.

                 This has been emphasized by the Agency for Chartered Colleges and Universities in
the Philippines (AACCUP). Accordingly, a university is judged not in comparison to others but
by the attainment of its VMGs. If a college or university is aspiring for accreditation, it all starts
with the areas of VMGs which will be surveyed first. A stricter qualification is required at a
higher accreditation level. Everything in a university is justified only to the extent of the
realization and fulfilment of its VMGOs (Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and
Universities in the Philippines, Inc. 2010). One important idea relative to the attainment of the
mandates of a university is accreditation in its. In a general sense, accreditation is a formal
recognition of an educational program as possessing certain standards of quality and excellence.
The standards for accreditation are based on an institution’s selfstudy of the extent to which the
institution feels it has met its own purposes (Eaton et al., 2005). Moreover, Erichsen, (2003)
stresses accreditation as a process by which a (non)governmental or private body evaluates the

quality of a higher education institution as a whole or of a specific educational program in order
to formally recognize it as having met certain pre-determined minimal criteria or standards. The
process can imply initial and periodic self-study and evaluation of the extent of the fulfilment of
its VMGOs.

Importance and Roles of Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives

                 Mission and vision both relate to an organization’s purpose and are typically
communicated in some written form. Mission and vision are statements from the organization
that answer questions about “who we are”, “what do we value”,and “where we’re going” (Bart et
al., 2001).

                 Vision and mission statements have been considered by both practitioners and
professionals alike as a vital instrument for strategic management processes, especially for public
and private organizations (Sufi, 2003). It is assumed that a good vision and mission statements
drives strategy and reposition organization, motivates and infuse greater performance among

               According to Mullane (2002), he believes that vision and mission statements are useful
for everyday operations. It is not an anticipated document that is exhibited and placed at the
strategic position of an institution and also has the power to motivate employees when the future
and present of the institution is known and an effort geared towards sustaining the dream.

           In an ideal situation, vision and mission statements intend to project the direction of
management, employees, customers or clients, shareholders and communities where it operates
(William 2012). To a reasonable extent, the configuration of vision and mission statement
outside the employee has a negative influence on the result the organization proposes to achieve.

It is when the employee understands the beginning, then they may work to sustain the future of
the organization. It is distinguishable according to strategic managers that the vision and mission
statements of public institutions are not the same thing and such needs to be separated (Sufi,
2003). Noordin and Jusoff (2009) assumed that having a competent vision and mission statement
may lead to a world class university. The university needs to have world class academic
employees that are dedicated, competent,knowledgeable, and above all committed to the
university and their career. But all these attributes may likely diminish if the employee or the
members of the employee perceive that they are not experiencing motivation in the institution.
The result may be in doubt (Ezekwe and Onwe, 2014). It is empirically supported by researchers
like Mullane (2002), Klemmet al.,(1991), Collins and Poras (1991), Daniel (1992). Thus, it tends
to motivate, shape behavior, cultivate a high level of commitment and ultimately impact
positively on employee performance. The employee that desires to be rated best in the special
area of discipline needs to be familiar with the vision and mission statement of the University
and thus, configure the employee  for greater performance in the areas of specialty (Ezekwe and
Onwe, 2014).

                The strategy is intended to achieve the vision and thus satisfy the organization’s
mission. Typically, vision statements are relatively brief (Bartet al., 2001).According to
Deazeley (2012), the mission typically describes what the organization does to achieve its
vision.Because the vision is often expressed as a dream or ideal, the mission helps clarify the
practical aspects of what the organization will actually do. Most missions emphasize action,
using such words as: support, involve, assist, contribute, provide, promote, etc. The
organization’s mission must be compatible with its legal purposes. A good mission statement is
concise and precise. It should identify the organization’s key stakeholders and set out how the
organization will serve them.

             VMGOs serve as anchors/frameworks for the university’s strategic and operational

planning and actions (Salom, 2013). The VMGOs provide for the university’s constituents and
stakeholders the necessary direction and motivation on how they are expected to perform their
respective functions and to generate, allocate, and use resources (Dunganet al., 2016).

             Mission and vision statements play three critical roles: (1)communicate the purpose of
the organization to stakeholders,(2) inform strategic development, and (3) develop the
measurable goals and objectives by which to gauge the success of the organization’s strategy
(Bartet al., 2001).

             With the dynamic demands of this era, it is of the utmost importance that a well-defined
new vision for education not only by mere widely informing the public or enriching skills or for
status purposes but for empowering individuals and communities to exist and actively take part
in achieving better, impartial and mutually dependent relationships among communities and
countries- in political, economic and socioeconomic arena[10] cited in Ordoñez, 2015.She
further states that the superior threat encountered by institutions of higher learning today is in
obtaining that education is sensitive to what is essential and which, nowadays although marked
by dynamism and continuous evolution, has greater meaning and value.

                A vision is a statement about what the organization wants to become and therefore
resonates with all the members of the institution and helps them have the sense of ownership and
become part of the entire organization. It signals its influence on the broad public, the image that
it projects and the trend of its impact.

               The future of the organization is driven by a vision statement that brings hope and
support to welcome sustainable outcomes in the community. It is, indeed, all the true desires of
the institution that are general, encompassing and pro-active/future driven-an institution and its
employees must clearly reflect and embody its vision statement. There is a great possibility that

institutions will flourish in attaining meaningful learning if a concerted effort among leaders,
staff and community in creating a collaborative institute’s vision that is transparent and
unambiguous. It is believed that a well-defined vision requires not only forward-thinkers but,
very importantly, it necessitates able leaders who are capable at undertaking the vision to the
internal and external stakeholders.  Jimenez, cited in supporting this by saying that because a
vision statement is a highly significant movement, it allows all stakeholders to have a goal and
leadership geared towards cooperative movement.

              According to Deazeley, the mission statement is evidenced in the implementation or

achievements of the school. Thus, what the school’s mission states relates to its implementation
and its achievements. It usually denotes the action undertaken by the organization to realize its
vision. For oftentimes, the vision is ideally stated while the mission supports in demonstrating
what the organization must do to meet/achieve the vision.

               It is imperative that the academic units at a university should develop their goals that
are relevant to the university’s vision and mission statements and the well-stated objectives of all
the programs under such academic unit must appropriately jive with the goals of the academic

                The program objectives are broad  statements that describe the career and professional
accomplishment that the program is preparing graduates to achieve the prescribed number of
years of graduation. These objectives are based on the needs of the program constituencies.

              The vision, mission, goals and objectives (VMGO) should be the basis of a state
university’s operations. If a college or university is seeking accreditation, the area of VMGO is
the most fundamental of all the areas to be surveyed. The realization of the VMGO statements
says everything about what  the university is.

             A mission statement communicates the organization’s reason for being, and how it aims
to serve its key stakeholders. Customers, employees, and investors are the stakeholders most
often emphasized, but other stakeholders like government or communities (i.e., in the form of
social environmental impact) can also be discussed. Mission statements are often longer than
vision statements. Sometimes, mission statements also include a summation of the firm’s values.
Values are the beliefs of an individual or group, and in this case, the organization, in which they
are emotionally invested. A vision statement, in contrast, is a future-oriented declaration of the
organization’s purpose and aspirations. In many ways, you can say that the mission statement
lays out the organization’s“purpose for being,” and the vision statement then says,“based on that
purpose, this is what we want to become.” The strategy should flow directly from the vision,
since the strategy is intended to achieve the vision and thus satisfying the organization's mission.

              According to Locke and Letham (1990), they developed a wide ranging theoretical
model linking goal to performance to help clarify the goal setting for performance while taking
into account certain conditions, such as ability task complexity. This theory describes that
employees were motivated by clear goals and appropriate feedback, and that working toward a
goal provided a major source of motivation to actually attain the goal and, in turn, improve

           The strategic planning process is aided by mission statements. It explains the

organization's mission and who it serves. It aims to bring different parts of the firm together
around a common goal, hand over the company's strategic direction, and ensure that resources
are handled correctly in compliance with this paradigm (David, 2001, cited in Erkan, 2008).

             Another key aspect of strategic planning is vision statements. "A vision toward the
uncertainty to determine the future, which comprises existing realities, aspirations, desires, risks,

and possibilities," according to one definition. Vision forms and drives future company actions
(Zel, 1997). It explains what the company seeks to become and what position it intends to attain
in the future. It is the manifestation of a dream about a future ideal condition (Efil, 2004).

          The VM statements are interminable perspectives of itself and of the general public within
which it functions interminable purpose and position and what it serves to attain iits intention
and purpose. Hence, the ultimate goal of these statements is presumed to be and sustain that
exposes culture and philosophy. The strategy of disseminating the VMGO and how these
statements are formulated are the concrete basis of their effectiveness. Furthermore, VMGO
needs to be shared in order to be effective and to be achieved. To be shared, it needs to be
developed in a collaborative manner. The success of a university depends upon bringing its
stakeholders together, both physically and philosophically. Stakeholders ought to arrive at a
common view, settle varying opinions and produce a communal VMGO.

            Vision and mission statements are believed to motivate, shape behaviors, cultivate high
levels of commitment that significantly and positively affect an employee’s performance.

           The importance of displaying the vision and mission is based on the fact that it is needed
to make the employees be constantly aware of them to achieve more. Yet, in reality, inadequate
information on the significance of these statements leads to problems in achieving the very
reasons why these documents were created in the first place.

             Tertiary institutions need dedicated, competent, knowledgeable, committed and world-

class academicians. But all these attributes may likely diminish if the employee or the members
of the employee perceive that they are not experiencing motivation in the institution. It is
assumed that the daily tasks, motivation, commitment and professional development and
competence are derived from the vision and mission statement.

              Presently, some universities have adopted vision and mission statements for competitive
advantage and distinguish one university from another by showing its uniqueness, which
differentiates it from others. Competitive advantage starts from strategic planning, which has
four components, like vision, mission, strategy and action. An important aspect in strategic
planning is formulating the vision and mission statements. Strategic planning success depends
largely on the proper identification and formulation of the vision and mission statements and
adding to the organizational identity.

Research Methodology

a. Research Design

                    The researcher utilizes the descriptive research method that will help them to obtain
information concerning the current status to describe what exists with respect to variables or
conditions in the situation. The methods involved range from the survey which describes the
status quo, the correlation study which investigates the relationship between variables to
determine changes over time.Basing from the above-mentioned definition, the researcher used
descriptive research in order to determine the awareness acceptability of the Norsu vision,
mission, goals and objectives.

           According to John Dudovskiy, descriptive research aims to describe various aspects of the
phenomenon. In its popular format, descriptive research is used to describe characteristics and/or
behavior of the sample population. It is an effective way to get information that can be used to
develop hypotheses and propose associations. A descriptive research question typically starts
with “what” but it is not concerned with the question “why”.


b. Research Respondents

                 The researchers employed a stratified random sampling. The formula of Slovin was
used in order to get the numbers of respondents to represent the whole population of the Negros
Oriental State University at Bais Campus. This study had have102 respondents. which are the
students, faculty, staff and the civil society, which are the residents of Negros Oriental State
University at Bais Campus and to answer the survey questionnaire. All of them will be taken as
respondents to provide the quantitative data pertinent to the study. The respondents of the study
shown in Table 1.

                                                             TABLE 1
                                             The Respondents of the Study


Students 73

Faculty 6

Staff 3

Civil Society  20


c. Research Environment 

                    The study was conducted at Negros Oriental State University (NORSU) Bais City
Campuses 1 & 2, a satellite campus of the only state university in the Province of Negros
Oriental. The main campus is located at Kagawasan Ave. Dumaguete City. Negros Oriental State
University Bais Campus 2(NORSU) is located at Tavera St. Bais City.

d. Research Instrument

                     In this study, the instrument for data collection was a researcher-made
questionnaire. The questionnaire surveys were through Google form. It will be distributed among
the target respondents  by using Facebook and messenger who belong to Negros Oriental State
University at Bais Campus. The questionnaire is a set of orderly arranged questions carefully
answered by the respondents to collect information about their level of awareness and
acceptability of VGMO at Negros Oriental State University , Bais Campus. We used the Liker
t Scale method in the survey question to specify the level of awareness and acceptability of the
respondent to the statement. The survey questionnaire is divided into two parts. Part 1 comprises
the question with regards to the level of awareness of VGMO. It uses a 5-point scale, where 5
correspond to very much aware and 1 correspond to not aware. Part 2 comprises the question
with regards to the level of acceptability of VGMO. It also uses a 5-point scale, where 5
corresponds to very acceptable and 1 corresponds to not acceptable. The instrument was
validated by our instructor in research, who was Dr. Ma.  Sarah P. Valencia before it laid on the

e. Data Gathering Procedure

                   In consideration of RA 11 469, also known as the Bayanihan Heal as One Act”, the
researchers utilized a self-report survey approach through an accessible online survey
questionnaire using Google Form, Facebook messenger and/or thru email that was available to
the respondents. The researcher was prepared to receive a hard copy of the survey questionnaire
if the respondent chooses to respond in a face-to-face setting without disregarding proper
measures. Before conducting a survey, the researchers informed the campus administrator as
well as the dean of the five different colleges on the two campuses. The respondents were also
informed and oriented thru a written letter about the purpose and nature of the study. The

respondent was not forced to participate in this study and was given all the rights to wave or opt
out if he/she chooses to before, during or after the collection of data. He/she may also choose to
remain anonymous and to be treated with confidentiality. The respondents will also be informed
of the result of the study. And lastly, the respondents shall remain voluntary to the conduct of
this research.

f. Statistical Treatment of Data

                      The formulas below were used to interpret and analyze the collected data from the
students with different demographic profiles.

P= f/n × 100
F= Frequency
n= no population
P= percentage
B. Mean
Mean= Sum of all items/the total no.of item.
The formula of slovin on random sampling was utilized to get the stratified random sample of the

C. N= N/ (1+Ne2)

Chapter II


              In this chapter, the researchers present the findings, interpretations and analysis of the
data gathered. The category of the respondents will be presented first, which includes students,
faculty, staff, and the civil society. The researchers also include the interpretation and analysis of
the data gathered respectively.

               In this study, we collected a number of 102 respondents from different clients. Table 1
shows the category of respondents. There are 71.6%  (73) who participated in this study, which
is composed of students studying at different colleges of NORSU Bais campus, the 6 (5.9%)
respondents are the faculty in different schools, the faculty in high school and university, 3
(2.9%) is on staff, and 20 (19.6%) are the civil society which composed by neighbors, classmates
and etc.

                                                  TABLE 1
                       DISTRIBUTION OF RESPONDENTS

CATEGORY Frequenc Percent


Students 73 71.6 %

Faculty 6 5.9 %

Staff 3 2.9 %

Civil Society 20 19.6 %

Total 102 100 %

Table 2 and 3 shows the level of awareness of the respondents to Negros Oriental State

University about the Vision, Mission of the institution, and the goals of the college of teacher

education and the Objectives of the program. Results revealed that overall the respondents were

very aware of NORSU VMGO.


Statement Mean Descriptive


1. VISION: Negros Oriental State University by 2016 is a 4.41 Very much aware

higher education institution of preference for the


of competitive, productive, and world class human capital

2. MISSION: Negros Oriental State University passionately 4.58 Very much aware

quality instruction, fosters cutting edge research, and

encourages socially-responsive community services


relevant and innovative technologies.

3. OBJECTIVES OF THE PROGRAM OF THE 4.54 Very much aware




to develop highly motivated and competent teachers

specializing in the content and pedagogy for secondary

education, after the successful completion of all academic

requirements for the degree/programs, graduates of BSED

should be able to practice the teaching profession in the

secondary level.

The average mean 4.47 equivalent to “Very Much Aware” which implies that the institution was

effective in informing the stakeholders of the vision, mission, goals and objectives through

effective dissemination and provision of relevant activities and programs. The highest mean of

4.59 with a descriptive equivalent of “Very Highly Aware” which are one of the Goals of

College Teacher Education, Transfer knowledge in demonstrating relevant research based

teaching pedagogies incorporating 21st Century literacy, numeracy, scientific and

technological skills.

On the other hand, the lowest mean of 4.5 pertaining to the Goals of College of Teacher
Education which states the Collaborate with professionals and stakeholder in the
enhancement of responsive learning programs to meet curriculum goals. It is still signifying
that respondents are “much Aware” of this indicator.

It can be implied from the results that the respondents specially the students are properly
informed of the VMGO of the university which can be attributed to that practice of integrating
the VMGO in the syllabi of the faculty and is introduced as the first lesson in every subject.


Statement Mean Descriptive



4.1 Transfer knowledge in demonstrating relevant research based
teaching pedagogies incorporating 21st Century literacy, numeracy,
scientific and technological skills.

4.2 Expose a students to avariety of enteractive teaching strategies and 4.49 Very much
assessment. aware

4.3 Adapt classroom learning environment that engage learners 4.49 Very much
individually or ingroup in meaningful exploration, discovery, and aware
hands-on activities

4.4 Collaborate with professionals and stakeholder in the 4.5 Much aware
enhancement of responsive learning programs to meet curriculum

4.5 Hone teaching skills necessary to cater to diverse learners. 4.33 Very much

4.6 Enrich personal and professional growth and development among 4.52 Very much
teachers, student and the community. aware

4.7 Respond community needs through relevant extension services 4.32 Very much
and linkages. aware

4.8 Supplement acquisition of knowledge and skills with desirable 4.45 Very much
values based on professional and ethical teaching standards. aware

AVERAGE MEAN 4.47 Very much


The acceptability of the VMGO as depicted in table 4 to 5, it is proven that the levels of

acceptance of NORSU VMGO is ''Very Much Acceptable" as an average mean of 4.39. This
rating is expected because in the formulation and consultation of the VMGO, representatives of
the stakeholders are taken in consideration thus their concerns are fully addressed in each




Statement Mean Descriptive



4.1 Transfer knowledge in demonstrating relevant research based
teaching pedagogies incorporating 21st Century literacy, numeracy,
scientific and technological skills.

4.2 Expose a students to avariety of enteractive teaching strategies 4.43 Very much
and assessment. acceptable

4.3 Adapt classroom learning environment that engage learners 4.49 Very much
individually or ingroup in meaningful exploration, discovery, and acceptable
hands-on activities

4.4 Collaborate with professionals and stakeholder in the 4.32 Very Much
enhancement of responsive learning programs to meet curriculum acceptable

4.5 Hone teaching skills necessary to cater to diverse learners. 4.23 Very much

4.6 Enrich personal and professional growth and development among 4.27 Very much
teachers, student and the community. acceptable

4.7 Respond community needs through relevant extension services 4.40 Very much
and linkages. acceptable

4.8 Supplement acquisition of knowledge and skills with desirable 4.53 Very much
values based on professional and ethical teaching standards. acceptable

AVERAGE MEAN 4.39 Very much




                          This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions and

recommendations of the study as revealed in the outcome, analysis and interpretation of the

Summary of Findings

                 The primary objective of the study was to determine the level of awareness and
acceptability of the Norsu VMGO among the BSED students. 

                 A descriptive method was employed in the study. . From the stakeholders, 102 were
taken as respondents, which was categorized as students, faculty members, staff and civil
Frequency counts, means and percentage were the statistical tools used in the presentation,
analysis and interpretation of the study. 

                Based from the results, the respondents perceived that the Norsu vision, mission, goals
of the college of teacher education and objectives of the BSED program are very acceptable and
they are very much aware of it. However, the students and civil society consider the levels of
awareness of the goals of the college of teacher education in terms of collaboration with
professionals and stakeholders in the enhancement of responsive learning programs to meet

curriculum goals and consider them as much aware. 

                 Furthermore, the responses also revealed that the aforementioned activities are also
“Fully Implemented” in the college.


              This study on the level of awareness and acceptability of  the Norsu Vision, Mission and
Goals  of the College of Teacher  Education and the Objectives of the BSED Program provides
valuable insights and feedback to the University which could be a baseline data for future
planning and innovation measures. The participants of this study are very much aware of the
VMGO of the Teacher Education Program. They accept Norsu VMGOs very much. The result of
this study further shows that the University is on the right track. Furthermore, to account for the
level of awareness of the stakeholders in the statement and dissemination of VMGO, the
following salient findings are established:

1. The stakeholders are generally very highly aware of the vision, mission and goals of the

college of teacher education and the objectives of the BSED program. 

2. This can be attributed to the extensive dissemination means and efforts that have been
made by the university and the program.

3. The stakeholders very much accept the vision, mission and goals of the college of teacher

4. education and the program objectives of BSED.


                 Based on the foregoing findings and conclusions drawn, the researchers would like to
recommend the following:

1. To raise stakeholders' awareness of Norsu VMGO), it is recommended that University,

should continuously collaborate and work more intensively  for the awareness and
acceptability of Norsu VMGO.

2. The university or institution should establish an incentive and reward system to

encourage or incentivize stakeholders to work more or devote their full attention to
increasing their awareness and acceptance of VMGO.

3. Periodic evaluations of the VMGO's awareness and acceptability among various

stakeholders should be conducted.

4. The university must therefore continue with its present endeavor of regularly
disseminating the VMGOs to its stakeholders.

5. Additional research much be conducted on issues such as factors affecting stakeholder

awareness and acceptance of VMGO, as well as best practices in VMGO distribution.

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A.  Research Questionnaire 
     The research questionnaire was made through Google Form. 



Instructions: This is survey on the Acceptability and Awareness of NORSU Vision and
Mission; the Goals of the College of College Of Teacher Education; and the Bachelor of
Secondary Education  Program Objectives. Please check [ √ ] the appropriate the box for your

Category of the Respondent:

[  ] Faculty                 [  ] Cooperating Agency        [  ] Government Sector

[  ] Staff                     [  ] Industry-Link Sector         [  ] Non-Government Sector
[  ] Student                [  ] Research Partner             [  ] International Linkage/ Partner      
[  ] Parent         [  ] Local Linkage                   [  ] Civil Society
             [  ] Guardian         [  ] Extension Partner            [  ] Alumni

[  ] Others, pls specify _______________________________________

Please check [ √ ]  your rating for the Level of Awareness as 5 = Very Much Aware; 4 =
Aware; 3 = Moderately Aware; 2 = Aware; and 1 = Not Aware.  The Level of Acceptability
rating is as of 5 = Very Much Acceptable; 4 = Much Acceptable; 3 = Moderately
2 = Acceptable; and 1 = Not Acceptable.

Item for Acceptability and Awareness Level of  Level of 

Awareness Acceptability

Negros Oriental State

1. The Vision University by 2016 is 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1
of NOrSU a dynamic higher
education institution
of preference for the
development of
productive, and world
class human capital.

Negros Oriental State

2. The University 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1
Mission of passionately delivers
NOrSU quality instruction,
fosters cutting edge
research, and
encourages socially-
responsive community
services through
relevant and

The BSED degree

3. The program aims to
Program develop highly 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1
Objective/s of motivated and
the  Bachelor competent teachers
of Secondary specializing in the
Education content and pedagogy
for secondary
education, after the
successful completion

of all academic
requirements for the
graduates of BSED
should be able to
practice the teaching
profession in the
secondary level.

4.   The Goal/s of the College of

College of Teacher Education is to:

        4.1 Transfer knowledge in

demonstrating relevant research based 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1
teaching pedagogies incorporating 21st
Century literacy, numeracy, scientific
and technological skills.

        4.2  Expose a students to a variety

of enteractive teaching strategies and and 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1

        4.3 Adapt classroom learning

environment that engage learners 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1
individually or in group in meaningful
exploration, discovery, and hands-on

        4.4 Collaborate with professionals

and stakeholder in the enhancement of 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1
responsive learning programs to meet
curriculum goals.

        4.5 Hone teaching skills necessary

to cater  to diverse learners. 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1

         4.6 Enrich personal and 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1

professional growth and development
among teachers, student and ad the

        4.7  Respond community needs 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1

through relevant extension sevices and

       4.8  Supplement acquisition of 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1

knowledge and skills with desirable
values based on professional and ethical
teaching standards

B. Letter Request to Conduct the Study/Distribute Online Questionnaires

Dear respondent/ Participant,

Good day to you dear, we are the third year students of Negros Oriental State University Bais
Campus II taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education, Major in Social Studies, as part of our
research we are conducting a survey with regards to our research entitled: The Awareness,
Understanding, and Acceptance of
the  NORSU  Vision,  Mission,  Goals,  and  Objectives  among the BSED students of Negros
Oriental State University, Bais City, Campus 2.

With regards to this, we are humbly asking your participation to make this research successful.
We would like to ask question that matters our study and for us also to be guided your
cooperation is really appreciated, If you have any questions or queries about this research, please
contact us in our email address, or just
contact this no# 09362259123.

Respectively yours

Balasabas Regie C.
Fuentes Maricel T.
Luz Glesie Jane R.
Mora Stephanie A.
Kadusale Mary grace C. 
Lagunero Anna Jane B.

Regie C. Balasabas

Address: Tagpo, Bais City Negros Oriental

Age: 22
Civil status: Single
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Iglesia ni Cristo
Date of birth: February 28, 2000
Name of Mother: Eglyn Balasabas
Name of Father: Plander Balasabas
II Educational background: 
           Elementary: Tagpo Elementary High School
            Secondary: Tagpo National High School
                  Course: Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Social Studies 
                  Year level: Third Year Student

                  School: Negros Oriental State University (NORSU) — Bais Campus II
III.  Scholarship Grant

Maricel T. Fuentes

Address: Sitio Canghatap, Brgy. Pal-ew, Tanjay City, Negros Oriental

Age: 21
Civil Status: Single
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic 
Date of Birth: March 20, 2001
Name of Mother: Marilyn T. Fuentes 
Name of Father: Alberto L. Fuentes 
II. Education Background:
Elementary: Hinagbaan Elementay School - Valedictorian 
                               AY 2012-2013
Secondary: Pal-ew High School — With Honor 
                               AY 2018-2019

Course: Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Social Studies
Year Level: Third Year Student
School: Negros Oriental State University (NORSU) – Bais City, Campus II
III. Scholarship Grant

Mary Grace C. Kadusale

Address: Mantighad, Cabcaban, Bindoy Neg.Or

Age: 21
Civil Status: Single
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: PICC
Date of birth: December 18, 2000
Mother's Name: Mercy C. Kadusale
Father's name: Benjamin P. Kadusale
II. Educational background
Elementary: Cabcaban Elementary school
                  AY  2012-2013
High School: Cabcaban Community High School

                  AY 2017-2018
           Course: Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Social Studies
           Year level:  Third Year Student
           School:  Negros Oriental State University ( NORSU) Bais Campus II
III. Scholarship Grant

Anna Jane B. Lagunero

Address: Bangkal, Sac Sac Manjuyod Negros Oriental

Age: 22 
Civil Status: Single
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Born Again Christian 
    United Foursquare Gospel Church of the Philippines
Date Of Birth: November 9, 1999
Name of Mother: Lagunero, Rosie B.
Name of Father: Lagunero, Edgar C.
II Education Background
Elementary: Manjuyod Central School 
                 AY 2012-2013
Secondary: Manjuyod National- Senior High School

                   AY 2017-2018
           Course: Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Social Studies 
            Year Level: Third Year Student
School: Negros Oriental State University (NORSU) Bais Campus II
III. Scholarship Grant

Glesie Jane R. Luz

Address: Barangay Cambagahan, Bais City Negros Oriental

Age: 23
Civil Status: Single
Nationality: Filipino 
Religion: Iglesia Ni Cristo
Date of Birth: October 01, 1998
Name of Mother: Elenita R. Luz
Name of Father: Wilfredo L. Luz Sr.
II. Education Background:
Elementary: San Vicente Elementary School 
                              AY 2011-2012
Senior High: Parañaque National  High School- Main — With Honor

                          A.Y 2018-2019 
Junior High: Manjuyod National High School — With Honor 
                         A.Y 2015-2016
           Course: Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Social Studies
            Year Level: Third Year Student
School: Negros Oriental State University (NORSU) – Bais Campus II
III. Scholarship Grant

Estephanie A. Mora

Address: Calubasa, Batangan, Bindoy, Negros Oriental

Age: 21
Civil Status: Single
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Date of Birth: January 1, 2001
Name of Mother: Gemma A. Mora
Name of Father: Edwin A. Mora

II. Education Background:

Elementary: Batangan Elementary School- With Honor
                                  AY 2012-2013
Secondary:  Demetrio L. Alviola National High School-    With Honor 

                     AY 2017-2018
             Course: Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Social Studies
             Year Level: Third Year Student
              School: Negros Oriental State University (NORSU) – Bais Campus II
III. Scholarship Grant


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