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How bats are wonderful help with to us and our food crops

● Bats feed on the insects in the flowers as well as nectar and

flower parts.
● It helps pollinate plants and spread seeds.
● They also reproduce and create more fruit for us.
● A bat flies to a plant to drink nectar from the flowers.
● Pollen sticks to the hairs on their body.
● The bat transfers the pollen from his body to the new plant

Why people think bats are weird

● Bats are the only mammal that has the ability to fly.
● Some bats have bizarrely elaborate faces, with intricately shaped
● People think that bats are weird as they drink blood from cattle
animals for half an hour at a time.
● It hangs upside down so that it makes it harder for predators to eat
● It also uses heat sensors to find a victim's veins this way the bats get
the most blood efficiently.
● It also is great at exterminating pests that destroy crops.

Why we should protect bats

One bat can consume over 3000 insects per night keeping pest
numbers in control. Fruit bats also play a vital role in reforestation
through seed dispersal in their excrement.

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