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2: Lesson 2, Module 2 – Communicate to Persuade

Name: Selah Cybelle A. Tolin Section: AS Schedule: 2:00-3:00pm


Exercise A. View this sample Persuasive Speech video from

v=_pzNIQ3oXdk and answer the following questions:

1. What is the title of the persuasive speech?

Answer: The title of the persuasive speech is all about Putting the Brakes on Teenage

2. There are three (3) major points the author wants to discuss in her persuasive speech.
What are they?

 The plans and ways towards solving the problems with teenage driving
 The major causes of the problems with teenage driving.
 The problems that are associated with teenage driving.

3. Identify the author’s thesis statement mentioned in the introductory part of her speech.
Answer: The author’s thesis statement is that raising the age for full driving rights to 18
or older is the best strategy to prevent such an accident.

4. List down the facts/evidence stated by the author in relation to the following:
A. Problems associated with teenage driving

Teenagers make up seven percent of all licensed drivers in the United States, but
they account for fourteen percent of all motor vehicle fatalities, according to the
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Last year, 3,657 drivers aged 16 to
20 were killed in car accidents, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration. These identical accidents killed 2,384 teenage passengers in addition
to the drivers, but these accidents didn’t just harm minors. They also murdered 2,625
persons aged 21 and up, bringing the total number of people died in car accidents
involving teenagers to 8,666, almost exactly the number of full-time students on this
B. Major causes of vehicle teenage driving

Inexperience is one of the factors; new drivers simply do not have enough time on
the road to develop their driving skills, but inexperience is far from the only one.
Even if the driving age is raised to 21 or 25, there will always be novice drivers.
The brain of an average 16-year-old has not evolved to the point where he or she can
adequately estimate the risk of a given situation, according to brain research findings
from the National Institute of Mental Health. When an educated, talented, and mature
youngster does something that a parent could consider stupid, according to Doctor
Jay, who lead the research team that conducted the study.

Night driving is the third leading cause of motor vehicle fatalities among
teenagers. When 16-year-olds get behind the wheel after dark, according to the
Washington Post. The chances of having an accident increase by several times, and
nighttime driving is inherently risky. When combined with a young driver’s lack of
experience and diminished ability to assess risk, it becomes more deadly.

C. Ways/steps to solve the problem associated with teenage driving

First, a nationwide policy that no one can get a learner’s permit until they’re
sixteen (16), and no one can have full driving privileges until they’re eighteen is
required (18). This gives sixteen-year-olds enough time to obtain driving experience
before receiving an unrestricted license and to reach a period of brain development
when they are better prepared to handle the risk and responsibility of driving.

Second, nighttime driving should be prohibited to keep younger drivers off the
road when conditions are most dangerous. Some states have attempted to combat this
issue by prohibiting teens from driving after midnight or one (1) a.m. However,
according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, these restrictions do not go
far enough.

Third, the number of teenage passengers in automobiles operated by younger

drivers should be limited. According to Kevin Quinlan of the National Transportation
Safety Board, the first and most important step in reducing juvenile driving fatalities
is to restrict passengers. Quinlan believes that the best approach would be to prohibit
drivers under the age of seventeen (17) from having any passengers unless they are
adults or family members. Drivers between the ages of seventeen (17) and eighteen
(18) should be prohibited from transporting more than one adolescent passenger.
5. How did the author end her speech? In other words, what conclusion/s did she give?

Answer: Her communication is persuasive and motivating, presenting a problem and

providing facts. The author concludes her lecture by offering advice and persuading the
audience that, while there is no way to fix the challenges we face on the road, we can do
something to save the lives of the drivers and make the road safer for everyone. She
stated that while her remarks may appear harsh or inconvenient, they motivate and inspire

Exercise B. By this time, you have already written an informative essay, and you have
familiarized the features of a persuasive essay. What do you think are the similarities and
differences of these essays? Complete the table below.

Informative Text Persuasive Text

What is it? It is an informative text when Persuasive texts presents

it inform the audience on a views, opinions and influence
certain topic or issue and it the audience or reader. It
tells us the truth. It also present a point of view and
educate the reader in a specific seeks to persuade a reader.

What is the purpose of writing The purpose of writing an Persuasive essay

the essay? essay in an informative text is convince readers to believe in
to educate and inform the an idea or opinion. The author
reader in a certain topic. It or writer convinces the reader
gives a certain explanation and of their perspective on a
it is based on facts. specific issue. It is also
supported with facts or logical
reasons to convince the
audience. Usually found
posters, television,
advertisement and many more.
What are the features of this Graphics that deliver The presentation of a
essay? information in a simple clear, short, and
manner, as well as illustrations defined issue, position
that focus on a certain section statement, arguments,
of a graphic and provide and counterarguments
readers with additional are all features of this
information, are among the essay. Use of more
features. Apart from powerful action and
structuring content structure, modal verbs,
written cues like strong fonts adjectives, adverbs,
and italic labels add emphasis and the combining of
and help readers identify key several types of claims
information and organizational
structures like bullets,
headings, labels, and
subheadings that supply
necessary information. .

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