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Submission on amending naturalisation as a British citizen requirements to the Justice and Home

Affairs Commission of Labour’s National Policy Forum

Amending the requirements for naturalisation as a British citizen would answer in part the question
“What challenges and opportunities can issues around immigration and asylum present to local
communities and to wider society?” asked in the Justice and Home Affairs Commission’s
discussion paper. It would increase the perceived value of British citizenship to both applicants for
naturalisation and the wider British citizenry. This should lead to a strengthening of community
cohesion between British citizens of all origins.

I would like to submit a proposal to amend the requirements for naturalisation as a British citizen

1) Require applicants who are not married to or the civil partner of a British citizen to have been
statutorily resident the UK for a minimum of 10 years before they apply. This would ensure that
applicants are willing to contribute to the Exchequer.

2) Abolish the exemption from the knowledge of language and life in the UK requirement for
applicants aged 65 or over. This would ensure that older applicants are able to communicate with
the wider community and are equipped to play a part in community life and so reduce the
prevalence of social isolation in older people.

3) Normally refuse applications from convicted criminals who have received any custodial sentence
in the UK. This would ensure applicants give suitable regard to British justice.

4) Normally refuse applications from applicants who have attempted to deceive the Home Office or
other Government Departments at any time. This would ensure applicants give suitable regard to
the British Government.

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