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[Monvation TO READ PROFILE: READING SURVEY & Name oe. Sample 1: Lgefin—___. Sample 2; I gm a_____— Second grade © Fifth grade boy O Third grade 0 Sixth grade D gil 0 Fourth grade 1. My friends think I'am © a very good reader OA good reader ‘an OK reader B a poor reader 2. Reading a book is something I like to do. © Never © Not very often # Sometimes 0 Often te. 1 not as well as my friends ‘® about the same as my friends 0 alittle better than my friends © alot better than my friends 4, My best friends think reading is really fun 2 fon 0 OKtodo © no fun at all ©. 5. When I come to a word I don’t know, I can 1 almost always figure it out @ sometimes figure it out O almost never figure it out 1 never figure it out 6. Itell my friends about good books I read, O Inever do this. © [almost never do this. @ 1 do this some of the time. O Ido this a lot. (continued) Sari, Pe BM, Cling RM Ma, (95) Aten ring moto The Reng Tench ntinued) MorIvaTion TO READ PROFILE: READING SURVEY (CO! 7. When am reading by myself, I understand —————~ D almost everything I read B some of what I read 1 almost none of what I read 1D none of what I read 8, People who read a lot are —___——: @ very interesting © interesting O not very interesting © boring 9. Lam © a poor reader @ an OK reader © a good reader © avery good reader 10. I think libraries are # 2 great place to spend time 1 an interesting place to spend time © an OK place to spend time © a boring place to spend time 11. I worry about what other kids think about my reading —___—- © every day © almost every day D once in a while # never 12. Knowing how to read well is 0 not very important © sort of important © important ® very important 13. When my teacher asks me a question about what I have read, I © can never think of an answer © have trouble thinking of an answer ® sometimes think of an answer © always think of an answer (continued) Gantrc,L-B. Palmer, BM. Coding, RM, & Mazzon, S.A (1996) Assessing reading motivation. The Reading Teacher 49, 8 ee NOMO? | Morivarion to Reap PROFILE: READING SURVEY ‘coneinued! 14, I think reading is © a boring way to spend time © an OK way to spend time ‘© an interesting way to spend time © a great way to spend time 15. Reading is © very easy for me 1 Kind of easy for me ® kind of hard for me © very hard for me When I grow up I will spend . 1 none of my time reading 1 very little of my time reading ‘© some of my time reading 0 aot of my time reading 17, When I am in a group talking about stories, 1 . 1D almost never talk about my ideas @ sometimes talk about my ideas 1D almost always talk about my ideas 1D always talk about my ideas T would like for my teacher to read books @ every day 1 almost every day © once ina while 0 never When I read out loud I am a____—— 1 poor reader 0 fair reader @ good reader © very good reader When someone gives me a book for a present, I feel —————~ very happy 0 sort of happy © sort of unhappy ‘8 unhappy 16. 18. out loud to the class ————— 19. ‘Gambrel, -B., Palmer, BM, Coding, RM. & Mazzon, S.A (1996). 518-533, ‘Assessing reading motivation. The Reading Teacher, 49, 9

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