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Accepted Manuscript

Green talent management to unlock sustainability in the oil and gas sector

Bhaskar B. Gardas, Sachin Kumar Mangla, Rakesh D. Raut, Balkrishna Narkhede,

Sunil Luthra

PII: S0959-6526(19)31534-3
Reference: JCLP 16783

To appear in: Journal of Cleaner Production

Received Date: 22 February 2019

Revised Date: 28 April 2019
Accepted Date: 2 May 2019

Please cite this article as: Gardas BB, Mangla SK, Raut RD, Narkhede B, Luthra S, Green talent
management to unlock sustainability in the oil and gas sector, Journal of Cleaner Production (2019), doi:

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Green talent management to unlock sustainability in the Oil and Gas Sector

Bhaskar B. Gardas
Research Scholar
Dept. of Production Engg, Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI),

H.R Mahajani Marg, Matunga, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Pin- 400019.
Email: -

Dr. Sachin Kumar Mangla (*Corresponding Author*)
Lecturer in Knowledge Management and Decision Making,

Plymouth Business School, University of Plymouth,
PL4 8AA, United Kingdom
Email:- ;

Dr. Rakesh D. Raut
Asst. Professor
Operations and Supply Chain Management
National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Vihar Lake,

Mumbai – 400 087, Maharashtra, India.


Dr. Balkrishna Narkhede

Assoc. Professor
Department of Industrial Engineering,
National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Vihar Lake,

Mumbai – 400 087, Maharashtra, India.


Dr. Sunil Luthra


Department of Mechanical Engineering,

Government Engineering College, Nilokheri, India
Aim: To identify, and analyse the ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT
barriers to sustainable human resource management with a focus on
talent management in the Indian oil and gas sector.

Literature review Identification of the barriers Expert opinions

TISM approach DEMATEL approach

Establish the contextual relationship Formulate a matrix of a direct relationship
between the identified barriers and normalize it

Develop an initial reachability matrix
AN Develop the total relation matrix

Generate the causal parameters matrix


Develop a final reachability matrix


Partition the reachability matrix into Calculate the threshold value and formulate
various levels the inner dependency matrix

Develop TISM based model Develop power Develop cause-effect

matrix relationship diagram

Develop integrated TISM-DEMATEL model

Significant barriers are ‘Uncertain career growth’, ‘industry dynamism’, and ‘lack of training programs’

Graphical Abstract
1 Green talent management to unlock sustainability in the Oil and Gas
2 Sector
4 Abstract
5 Due to the high requirement of skills and human resources, talent management has become
6 an essential strategic domain for the success and survival of both local and multinational

7 organisations in the energy sector. This research intends to identify, and analyse the barriers
8 to Sustainable Human Resource Management with a focus on Talent Management in the
Indian oil and gas sector. From the literature review and expert teams’ suggestions, several

10 significant barriers were identified, and further their mutual interrelationships were explored

11 using total interpretive structural modelling technique. Later, the matrice d’impacts croisés
12 multiplication appliqués à un classement analysis was used to identify the barriers having
13 high driving intensity. Finally, the decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory was

14 employed for establishing the cause-effect relationships between the barriers. The results of
15 the integrated structural model highlighted that three barriers namely ‘uncertain career
16 growth’, ‘industry dynamism’, and ‘lack of training programs’ were the significant barriers.
This research intends to help the practising managers in understanding the relationship

18 between the barriers and identifying the most critical (driving/causal) ones in linking talent
management with sustainable human resource management for higher corporate

20 sustainability of organisations in the oil & gas sector.

21 Keywords: Sustainable Human Resource Management; Corporate Social Responsibility;

22 Training and Awareness; Talent Management; Indian Oil and Gas Sector.


24 1. Introduction

25 The Oil & Gas (O&G) sector is one of the core sectors in the Indian context and has a
26 significant influence on the financial status of the country. The growth and development of

27 any organisation depend on the quality and sustainability of human resources (Jabbour,
28 2013). The issues of people management have become very significant in the O&G industry
29 as this sector is trying to manage the progress with high domain specialisations and
30 insufficient supply of talent. This sector is facing several workforce-related challenges and
31 overcoming these ensures sound human resource practices, provides influential talent culture
32 and a more robust industry (Kanason, 2018). The growth of the case sector results in

1 increasing demand for the trained workforce as the scenario of human resource has reached to
2 a highly competitive level (Gallardo-Gallardo et al., 2013).
3 Furthermore, it would be challenging for the sector to sustain Exploration and Production
4 activities due to an insufficiently trained workforce. The demand and supply misalliance may
5 get increased in the country as the international requirements are expected to increase
6 (Narkhede and Gardas, 2018). The hydrocarbon domain has been expanding rapidly, and the
7 O&G sector has to increase refining capacity, set up new filling stations, build new storage,

8 lay new pipelines, etc., to ramp up domestic O&G production. This would require O&G
9 industries to employ more knowledgeable and trained people and upskilling the existing

10 manpower (Choudhary, 2016).
11 Currently, HR training is observing remarkable changes across the world. The Indian O&G

12 sector needs to reinvent their HR strategies for meeting the roadblocks faced by the industry
13 and develop a workforce for future competitive prospects in the energy domain. The current

14 downturn in the O&G sector is an opportunity to train, retrain, and re-skill the manpower.
15 This would resist the talent pool’s decline and make the industry more competent/attractive
16 for the newer generation aiming to build careers in the case sector.

18 It is worth mentioning that the Sustainable Human Resource Management (SHRM) performs
19 two tasks. The first one is to ensure the sustainability of the individual employee and develop

20 the human resource management systems/policies to attract continuously, retain, and develop

21 motivated workforce, i.e. the ‘Talent Management (TM)’ (Ehnert, 2011). It is believed that
22 effective TM enhances organisational performance (Jabbour et al., 2017). The second one is
23 to ensure the sustainability of the business by focusing on three pillars of sustainability

24 namely social, ecological, and economical through co-operation and support from the NGOs,
25 key stakeholders, and top management (Ehnert, 2011). The present investigation intends to

26 focus on the first task of the SHRM.


27 Due to a shortage of talent, TM has become an essential strategic domain for the success and
28 survival of both local and multinational organisations (Tatli et al., 2013). Regardless of the
29 location or sector, talent readiness is significant for effective and efficient leadership. Further,
30 industry and academia have indicated that agility of talent is crucial for industries growth,
31 development, & sustainability (Martin, 2015). A little consideration will show that the
32 shortage of skilled workforce is seen as the most significant challenge in the O&G sector. As
33 discussed earlier, talent management is a critical issue in the O&G sector and achieving
34 sustainability of the talent would ensure profitability, positive brand image, and competitive

1 advantage for the industry. The present research framework intends to address the barriers to
2 sustainable human resource management (SHRM) with a focus on talent management and
3 aims to attain the following research objectives:
4 i. To identify barriers of talent management in the O&G sector in the context of SHRM.
5 ii. To establish the contextual and causal relationship between and among the barriers.
6 iii. To suggest implications for managers/practitioners to overcome the identified
7 barriers.

8 In the present work, significant barriers to SHRM were identified with a focus on talent
9 management through literature review and suggestions from expert teams. Then, an

10 integrated approach, i.e. Total Interpretive Structural Modelling (TISM) and Decision-
11 Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) was applied for exploring the

12 contextual and cause-effect relationships of barriers (Gardas et al., 2018a; Mangla et al.,
13 2016; Sushil, 2012). This research intends to help the practising managers and researchers in

14 understanding the relationships between the barriers and identifying the most critical
15 (driving/causal) ones in linking talent management with sustainable human resource
16 management for higher triple bottom sustainability of organisations in oil & gas sector.
17 The rest of the manuscript is organised in the following sequence-Section two details the

18 literature survey, followed by research methodology (Section 3). The data analysis and results
19 with integrated model development are covered in Section 4, and discussion on findings is

20 highlighted in Section 5. The research implications are detailed in Section 6. Lastly,


21 conclusion and future research directions are discussed in Section 7.


2. Literature review


24 In this section, articles published in the area of SHRM with a focus on talent management
25 have been discussed.

26 2.1 Talent management and Sustainable Human Resource Management


27 The contribution of global talent management and global mobility integration on the success
28 of multinational enterprises was analysed by Collings (2014). In the area of cooperative
29 innovation, Van den Broek et al. (2018) carried out a case study to cope with the human
30 resources shortages in the health care sector by developing a joint ‘talent management pool,’
31 and a term ‘coopetition’ (an amalgamation of cooperation and competition) has also been
32 coined. It was concluded that organisational perceptions differ and might act as a barrier for
33 the cooperative innovation with competitors, whereas, perceived shared issues and resource
34 constraints motivate ‘competition’. In order to analyse the impact of strategic talent

1 management on the success of the project, Mahjoub et al. (2018) employed a structural
2 equation modelling (SEM) methodology in the Iranian O&G field context. It was found that
3 there existed a positive relationship between the two parameters.
4 Further, to evaluate the influence of TM on employee commitment, Vural et al. (2012)
5 carried out statistical analysis and found that there is a positive relationship between the two
6 factors. Martin (2015) focused on the TM in the healthcare organisations context and
7 highlighted that the effective implementation of the TM practices ensures the preparedness,

8 readiness, and agility of the workforce. In order to address the talent shortage issue in the
9 Asia-pacific region (Taiwan, Hongkong, Thailand, Singapore, and China), Tatli et al. (2013)

10 suggested considering gender quotas as a part of TM strategy for leveraging the unexploited
11 female potential. Al Ariss et al. (2014) discussed TM current theories and future scope.

12 Cerdin and Brewster (2014) focused on the overlapping of the TM and expatriation in the
13 global TM context. It was concluded that strategic expatriation management would result in

14 increased organisational performance.
15 With a focus on TM and career development programs, Claussen et al. (2014) investigated
16 the managerial skills that are required for the manager’s job promotion. In the context of
17 strategic TM, Collings and Mellahi (2009) developed a theoretical framework and conceptual

18 boundaries. In the talent retention framework, Festing and Schäfer (2014) adopted a ‘social
19 exchange’ theory for explaining the TM’s influence on the psychological contract and its

20 outcomes. It was suggested that to retain talent; the employees should be offered training.

21 Karatop et al. (2015) used fuzzy logic for analysing the level of employee competency in the
22 Turkish manufacturing industries context. Meyers and Van Woerkom (2014) introduced four
23 talent philosophies and discussed their assumptions, TM practices, opportunities and

24 challenges for each philosophy. In the domain of talent optimisation, Schiemann (2014)
25 elaborated concepts such as talent investment optimisation, the importance of talent lifecycle.

26 In the area of global TM, Tarique and Schuler (2010) and Schuler et al. (2011) highlighted

27 global talent challenges and their opportunities. In the context of the Arab Gulf region, Sidani
28 and Al Ariss (2014) detailed the corporate and institutional drivers of global TM. Further, a
29 framework indicating the impact of various forces on the TM process was portrayed. In a
30 comparative study between multinational enterprises (MNEs) and local firms in the Turkish
31 context, Tatoglu et al. (2016) found that MNEs had more strategic motivations for their TM
32 systems. Thunnissen et al. (2013) developed a multi-value and multi-level approach to TM.
33 Also, the potential non-economic and economic value created by the TM at the societal,
34 organisational, and individual level was detailed. Tymon Jr et al. (2010) highlighted the role

1 of intrinsic rewards in the TM, and it was concluded that they are crucial for the retention of
2 the employee in an Indian context. For the companies in crisis, with a focus on turnaround
3 strategies, Santana et al. (2017) suggested that the HR managers should analyse the reasons
4 of decline before firing the workforce. Kennedy and Daim (2010) developed a hierarchical
5 structural decision model for assisting organisational management in retaining manpower in
6 the high technology engineering field. Kumar and Yakhlef (2016) developed a framework to
7 understand how the organisations can manage the relationships with clients’ despite attrition

8 threats. Podsiadlowski et al. (2013) focused on the organisational diversity perspectives for
9 analysing the organisation's cultural diversity management in the Australian context. Turner

10 et al. (2019) explored the influence of controversial CSR actions on the functions of HRM,
11 and the potential implications were examined. Roca-Puig (2019) analysed the circular path of

12 social sustainability, and it was highlighted that earlier poverty negatively influences the
13 investment strategy of human resources and vice versa. It was also found that the strategy of

14 investment negatively influences inequality of income.
15 In the area of SHRM, Macke and Genari (2019) carried out a literature review and identified
16 essential elements, research gaps, trends, and future research directions in the case domain.
17 The importance of SHRM for adopting the goals of sustainable development was studied by

18 Chams and García-Blandón (2019). Also, the antecedents and outcomes were identified. In
19 order to win the talent war, Aguinis et al. (2012) suggested that organisations should

20 implement a performance management system. It was highlighted that the implementation of


21 the performance management system would also help in retaining the company’s top talent.
22 In the field of diversity management, Jabbour et al. (2011) identified benefits, challenges and
23 explored the role of HRM in the Brazilian context. Based on the case studies it was

24 concluded that a challenge namely ‘discriminatory actions taken by co-workers’ was the most
25 significant.

26 In the area of global competence, Cascio and Boudreau (2016) carried out a literature survey

27 with a focus on TM and international human resource management (IHRM). Further, the
28 challenges of future TM and IHRM were detailed. Also, in the IHRM domain, Al Ariss and
29 Sidani (2016) addressed TM, diversity and international mobility concepts. It was suggested
30 that institutional and socio-cultural factors are important indicators of HR practices, and the
31 significance of socio-cultural context in IHRM was underscored. Siyambalapitiya et al.
32 (2018) employed principal component analysis (PCA) to identify the influence of GHRM on
33 the environmental performance with a focus on the tourism industry in the Sri Lankan
34 context, and the positive relationship was found between the two. In the multi-criteria

1 decision making (MCDM) environment, Tooranloo et al. (2017) analysed the factors
2 influencing the SHRM implementation using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) and
3 type II (DEMATEL) approach. It was found that the environmental pillar was the most
4 significant. Yadav et al. (2018) mapped the HR based indicators with sustainability aspects of
5 the power industry in the Indian context by employing TISM. It was found that an enabler
6 namely ‘work safety & healthy working conditions’ was the most crucial.
7 In order to mitigate the organisational stress, Chrichton and Shrivastava (2017) connected

8 aesthetics, sustainability, and HRM. It was highlighted that organisational aesthetic practices
9 might improve the sustainability of human resources. Also, it was stated that sensory and

10 emotional knowledge could reduce stress levels. For searching the workforce possessing the
11 required skill set, Hamilton and Davison (2018) suggested that the hunt should begin before

12 the specific job announcements are made by partnering with line managers. In the area of
13 SHRM research activities, Kantabutra (2014), and McCann and Sweet (2014), focused on

14 sustainable leadership practices; In the stakeholder’s theory perspective, Järlstörm at al.
15 (2018) and Guerci et al. (2014) studied SHRM with a salience of stakeholders; Bondarouk
16 and Brewster (2016) conceptualised the HRM’s future; Silvestre (2015) researched on
17 implementation of sustainability in a supply chain; Jamali et al. (2015) explored the roles of

18 HRM in CSR; Matos and Silvestre (2013) worked on stakeholder relations management;
19 Jensen (2010) focused on value maximisation.

20 Also, some authors Aragão and Jabbour (2017); and Zaid et al. (2018) highlighted the role of

21 HRM in the promotion of environmental sustainability. Further, Aust et al. (2015); and Peters
22 and Lam (2015) researched in the area of ‘tensions’ and ‘paradoxes’ (economic pillar)
23 spreading through SHRM with a focus of dualities in objectives. Additionally, in the domain

24 of social dimension comprising the CSR perspective was underscored by Yang et al. (2013);
25 and Moktadir et al. (2018b).

26 2.2 Research Gaps


27 It may be noted that little research has been carried out in the area of employee
28 motivation/retention (Kennedy and Daim, 2010). For analysing the workforce sustainability
29 issues, Narkhede and Gardas (2018) applied the ISM tool on seven hindrances and concluded
30 that ‘lack of clarity in the career ladder’ was found to be the most significant roadblock in the
31 upstream O&G sector as it is already discussed that ISM has significant drawbacks as a
32 decision-making tool. There is a significant need to analyse workforce sustainability issues
33 by employing an integrated TISM-DEMATEL approach. It is very shocking that many
34 organisations are unaware of why employees are leaving and why do they stay? (Baker,

1 2006). Keeping crucial workforce encouraged/motivated/dedicated is the need of time for
2 every company. It may be noted that sometimes ‘whom the industry keeps’ counts more than
3 the ‘whom the industry hires’ (Cutler, 2001).
4 Additionally, it is cheaper to retain an employee than hire a new one (Kennedy and Daim,
5 2010). The shortage of workforce in an organisation may be linked to the attrition of the
6 existing workforce (Kennedy, 2006). A significant barrier identified in the literature is the
7 organisation's failure in managing the ‘talent’ effectively (Al Ariss et al., 2014).

8 This work is an initial effort to use an integrated approach based on TISM and DEMATEL
9 for examining the barriers to TM in the context of SHRM in the Indian oil & gas sector. We

10 could find only two publications on the integrated TISM-DEMATEL methodology. Bag
11 (2017) employed an integrated approach for comparing the framework of green procurement,

12 and Lamba and Singh (2018) modelled the big data enablers of operations and SCM.

14 3. Research methodology
15 In the present research, the TISM was employed for exploring the interrelationship between
16 barriers. Subsequently, the MICMAC analysis was used to identify the barriers having high

17 driving intensity. In the second stage, the DEMATEL (Li and Mathiyazhagan 2018) was
18 employed for establishing the cause-effect relationship between the barriers with the help of

19 graphs. Then, the integrated TISM-DEMATEL methodology was developed, and weights
20 were assigned to the important links, based on the weights and driving intensity the

21 significant barriers were explored. Lastly, the suggestions were made to improve the
22 performance of the HRM in the case sector.

23 The TISM commonly presents a complicated system. Also, it answers “how” and “what” in
24 theory building and helps to identify the structure within the system. The TISM methodology

25 provides causality of links, which was poor in interpretive structural modelling (ISM)

26 approach. Further, unlike other MCDM methodologies (TOPSIS, AHP, ANP, DEMATEL,
27 BWM), TISM does not require the strength of the relationship between the factors. This
28 reduces the expert’s biases and improves the accuracy of the model (Gardas et al., 2019;
29 Mangla et al., 2018).

30 The merits of DEMATEL approach over other methodologies such as ELECTRE, TOPSIS,
31 AHP, ANP, VIKOR, and grey relational analysis are: It helps to visualise the indirect and
32 direct interrelationships between the criteria and formulates the ‘cause-effect’ relationship
33 between them. Further, the DEMATEL tool finds ranks of the criteria, identifies significant

1 criterion and helps in measuring their weights. A little consideration will show that this
2 activity may also be performed by the ANP and AHP. However, these two methodologies do
3 not consider the interrelationships and dependencies between the factors. Further, the ANP
4 can deal with dependencies; but, ANP is based on the assumption that each factor possesses
5 equal weight for getting a super weighted matrix, which is not practicable (Gardas et al.,
6 2018c; Liu et al., 2014). As both the methodologies are complementary to each other, hence,
7 in the present framework, they are employed for identifying the structure of the barriers, their

8 driving influence, and cause-effect relationship.

9 3.1 TISM approach

10 In this approach, the interpretive matrix is used for interpreting the undirected and directed

11 fuzzy or binary relationships (Nasim, 2011; Mangla et al., 2014). In the example of a
12 graphical model, the analysis of relations may be passed out across paired factors (both sets

13 and relations) which were limited in the ISM approach. In order to raise the applicability of
14 the structural model in day to day life situations, the ISM approach can be stretched to TISM
15 methodology (Rajesh, 2017). The necessary steps of TISM methodology are briefed
16 hereunder-

17 1. Define & explain the challenges whose interrelationship has to be established through
18 the literature or from a group of experts.

19 2. Establish the contextual/mutual relation between the identified factors. The relation

20 depends on the structure type such as mathematical or process dependency,

21 enhancement of attribute, priority, and intent. For example, the contextual relationship
22 between the two attributes could be ‘P helps to achieve R.’

23 3. Interpret the interrelationship between the elements/criteria. Although the mutual

24 relationship helps to interpret the relationships nature, it fails to construe ‘how’ the

25 relationship works. In the TISM methodology, it is necessary to establish the


26 construal of relation, and it may be noted that the interpretation would be

27 explicit/specific for each pair of elements.
28 4. Interpret the pairwise comparison logic. The interpretive matrix concept enables the
29 complete interpretation of paired comparison is focusing on the operation of a
30 directional relationship. In a corresponding assessment, the ith element is
31 independently equated with all factors. For each link (i-j) the entry could be ‘Y’ (Yes)
32 or ‘N’ (No) and if it is ‘Y’ then it is further evaluated. This traditional table procedure
33 the interpretive logic information base.

1 5. Create a reachability matrix and check for transitive links. The ‘Y’ or ‘N’ entries of
2 the interpretive logic knowledge base are transformed into a binary matrix (‘Y’=1;
3 ‘N’= 0). Then the fully developed reachability matrix should be checked for
4 transitivity. An instruction of transitivity shows that if a factor/variable ‘A’ influences
5 ‘B,’ and ‘B’ influences ‘C,’ then ‘A’ can influence ‘C.’ The formulated matrix is
6 termed as a final reachability matrix (FRM).
7 6. Partition the reachability matrix into various levels. From the FRM for each barrier,

8 recognise reachability, antecedent, and intersection sets. A barrier having the same set
9 values in the reachability and intersection set should be eliminated and given peak

10 location in the hierarchical structure. All the challenges were iterated similarly for
11 obtaining different levels of elimination.

12 7. Establish the diagraph by organising factors at their exclusion levels and draw the
13 directed links accordingly. It may be noted that critical links of transitivity may be

14 reserved.
15 8. Construct the interaction matrix by converting the final diagraph to binary matrix
16 representing all the significant interactions. Insert ‘1’ in the binary matrix for
17 indicating the relationship and write the interpretation statement in the interpretive

18 matrix.
19 9. Construct the TISM model using the concluding diagraph and the interaction matrix.

20 The TISM model should highlight the interpretations of the corresponding


21 comparisons alongside with the hierarchical structural model.

23 3.2 MICMAC analysis

24 Matrice d’Impacts Croisés Multiplication Appliqués à un Classement (MICMAC) approach

25 helps in analysing and explaining the barriers by focusing on their influential power and

26 dependency (Gan et al., 2018). The driving/influential power and dependency of a


27 barrier/challenge can be found by adding all 1’s of a row, and all 1’s of a column respectively
28 (Raut et al., 2017). The FRM highlights all the values of the driving power and dependency.
29 From the FRM the power matrix can be developed, which has four segments namely
30 ‘autonomous,’ ‘dependent,’ ‘linkage,’ and ‘driving’ cluster (Rajesh, 2017). The independent
31 section involves variables/factors having weak influential power and weak dependency; the
32 dependent cluster covers the variables/factors with low influential power and high
33 dependency, the linkage segment comprises of elements having important driving power with

1 considerable dependency. In the driving segment, factors are having high driving power and
2 low dependency.
3 3.3 DEMATEL approach

4 It is a methodology that creates a structural model indicating the cause-effect relationship of

5 the complex variables with diagraphs or matrices. All the shortlisted variables are categorised
6 into two sections namely ‘cause’ and ‘effect’ (Raut et al., 2019; Seth et al., 2018). These two

7 categories result in an excellent understanding of the system.
8 This approach is a useful and practical tool especially for converting the cause-effect

9 relations of the factors into a comprehensible structural model of the complex system (Gardas
10 et al., 2018b: Lin et al., 2018).

11 DEMATEL approach comprises the following steps (Seth et al., 2018)-

12 1. Identify the criteria to be modelled.

2. Formulate a matrix of a direct relationship between the criteria. Ask experts to fill in
14 the tables considering the following: ‘O’- no relationship; ‘1’ – little influence; ‘2’-
15 moderate influence; ‘3’- high influence. Then take an average of all the entries. Let,

16 ‘m’ be the variable, and ‘A’ is the average matrix.

 a11 ... a1 j ... a1m 
 ... ... 

 ...
17 A =  a i1 ... a ij ... a im 
 

 ... ... ... 

a m1 ... a mj ... a mm 


18 ‘i’ and ‘j’ are for variables of row and column respectively.
19 3. Normalise the direct relation matrix
20 The normalised direct relationship matrix ‘D’ can be found from ‘A’ by multiplying it

21 by ‘S,’ where ‘S’ is: S = min {1/maxi∑ | |, 1/maxj∑ | |}


22 4. Develop the total relation matrix (T) by using the following relation: T = D(I-D)-1
23 Where ‘I’ is the identity matrix.
24 5. Generate the causal diagram by finding the values ‘r’ and ‘c’ which are sum of rows
25 and columns respectively. They are calculated by employing following relations-
26 T= [tij]mxmi, j = 1,2,3,…….,m
27 r = (r1,…,ri,….rm)’ = (ri)mx1 = [∑ ]mx1 = [ti]mx1
28 c = (c1,…,cj,….cm)’ = (cj)mx1 = (Cj)’1xm = [∑ ]1xm = [tj]1xm

1 ‘r+c’ is the ‘prominence’ (horizontal axis vector) that indicates the relative
2 significance of each factor, i.e., it gives ranking to the factors. Whereas, ‘r-c’ is
3 termed as ‘relation.’ If ‘r-c’ value is positive, it falls under the ‘cause’ category, and
4 if ‘r-c’ is negative, then the criterion belongs to the ‘effect’ group.
5 6. Calculate the threshold value (α) by taking an average of the ‘T’ matrix. The threshold
6 value helps in filtering out unimportant relations. The values greater than ‘α’ are
7 significant and are chosen for showing the cause-effect relationship (Malviya and

8 Kant, 2016).

10 4. Development of the integrated TISM-DEMATEL model
11 In order to develop an integrated model of TISM and DEMATEL, 15 barriers to TM

12 were identified through the literate review. Later, through experts and academicians
13 inputs insignificant barriers were filtered, and some were merged. From 3

14 levels/categories of case sector and academia (public and private), 15 HR personnel
15 were contacted. From the category of operational level (1 HR manager, 1 employment
16 manager); from middle level (1 assistant director, 1 personal manager training, 1
17 personal manger welfare and benefit, 1 wage and salary administrator, 1 industrial

18 relations manager, 1 training and development manager, 1 HR safety manager); from

19 senior level (1 general HR manager, 1 assistant HR manager); from academia (2

20 professors from the organisational behaviour and HRM; 2 training & placement

21 officers from the premium institutes). In the process of qualitative decision making
22 the number of experts may range from 5 to 30 (Murry and Hammons, 1995; Robbins,

23 1994). Hence, in this investigation 15 experts were contacted. The experience of the
24 experts was in the range of 17 -27 years. In various phases of discussion, 15
25 challenges were reduced to 10, and the same are detailed in Table 1.


1 Table 1 Barriers to SHRM.

S.N Barriers Brief description Author(s) & Year
1 High attrition rate Unlike any other sector, the O&G sector is field-based, and it demands a mental ability that Gupta et al.,

is far beyond the traditional desk jobs. This industry requires the manpower possessing both (2017); Kanason

physical resilience along with the mental skills that help the workforce to sustain in very (2018); Orr and
critical working situations. The skill sets acquired by the person working in the case sector McVerry (2007);

are highly specialised and challenging to develop. Thus, despite attractive pay packages the Petrotech (2010)
risks involved in the job, and hostile working conditions act as key hindrances for the HR

teams to maintain the sustainability of the workforce and attract a fresher. Further, heavy

recruitments during the high production cycle and layoffs during downturns have affected

the image of the case sector. Also, due to the unique job nature, the exit options from the
case sector are also limited.

Further, retaining the talented manpower and finding their substitutes is a big issue. Pay

packages in India are lower than in other economies. This leads to the continuous exit of the
talent to the middle east and commonwealth of independent states (CIS) region.
2 Lack of talent supply O&G sector is no longer a preferred domain among the younger generation as the school as Gupta et al.,
from the academic well as college students are unaware of the job opportunities and career paths (short & long (2017); Orr and

institutes term) in the E&P domain. The existing educational institutions are unable to ensure McVerry (2007);

manpower stability in the case sector. The demand and supply gap for a skilled workforce is Petrotech (2010)
increasing annually. The Indian education system prepares approximately 400 candidates in
exploration and production related courses. Out of these graduate students, 56 % join the


O&G sector, 12 % take up overseas positions, and remaining students join IT & telecom
sector related job positions.
3 Industry dynamism The O&G sector has an inbuilt dynamic approach to its management practices as this Kanason (2018);

industry is dependent on many extrinsic factors and is highly competitive. It is difficult for Orr and McVerry

HR managers to develop a long-term framework as the strategies of management change (2007); Vural et al.
very frequently and thus influences the policies of HR considerably. (2012)

4 Uncertain career Unclear career growth discourages the workforce, and this causes attrition. Further, unlike Orr and McVerry
growth other economies (mostly middle-east), in India, retention of the talented workforce is a (2007); Vural et al.

challenge due to uncompetitive pay package. (2012)

5 Insufficient It is the need of the energy sector that the successor should have more analytical and Gupta et al.,
knowledge transfer technical skills than their predecessors as the sector is highly dynamic. However, many times (2017); Jabbour

the retiring or retired human resource is unable to transfer their knowledge/skills to the and Puppim-de-

recruits due to the improper or ineffective knowledge management system. It is the Oliveira (2012);

responsibility of the HR team to provide a provision of knowledge transfer from skilled Orr and McVerry
professionals to the new joiners through mentoring. (2007)
6 Shortage/retirement of The average age of the employees all over the globe is significantly high, i.e. around 50 Al Ariss et al.
the manpower years. More than 850 critical skills are expected to retire shortly creating a talent vacuum in (2014); Gupta et

the case sector. It is expected that upstream and mid-stream would be the most affected al., (2017); Orr

segments. Even though technological advancements have reduced the manpower and McVerry
requirements; however, future technologies (unconventional E&P, shale gas) cannot (2007); Petrotech
completely offset the workforce requirements. (2010)


It may be noted that core technical functionalities will face significant workforce barriers due
to retirement. In the past 16 years, the permanent manpower recruited by all the Indian
public sector O&G industries combined has declined by 14.65 %. The total workforce has

been decreased as the number of retirees exceeded fresh hiring.

7 Lack of training To cut down cost during the slack period, many O&G industries reduce or cancel their Aragão and
programs training programs. However, during the upturn, the training programs are not expanded in Jabbour (2017);

the same proportion. This makes the workforce insecure about their job and causes attrition. Martin (2015)
8 Working environment Working in the isolated, sometimes hostile environments, and away from the family for Kanason (2018);

and technical longer periods affects the levels of motivation of the employees. It becomes a challenge for Orr and McVerry

complexities the employees to adapt to the food, climate, seasickness, adverse terrain, and local culture. (2007);
Also, stereotyping of careers in the case sector as ‘low skilled’ acts as a roadblock to attract

young talent. Industries are exploring O&G from the challenging areas with the aid of

advanced technologies, and also the offshore depths are being increased. Increased technical

complexities induce stress on the workforce, and it becomes challenging to retain them, and
the workforce with this level of expertise is not easy to find in the case sector.
9 Lack of industry Fewer students are joining the E&P domain due to the lack of awareness of the job Petrotech (2010)
awareness opportunities. Many students are unaware of the career paths offered by the O&G industry.

Also, there is a poor understanding regarding the advanced equipment & methods, reduced

ecological impact, lowered risk to manpower, etc. The unstructured internship pattern also
has a considerable role in the students’ unawareness regarding job opportunities. There is a
need to encourage the candidates to work as an apprentice in the case sector to enhance their


technical skills.
10 Maintaining diversity The workforce from various sections and parts of the country work in isolated and remote Kanason (2018)
locations of O&G extraction sites. Maintaining diversity helps to strengthen bonds between

them. Also, maintaining the sex ratio is a significant challenge faced by the O&G sector. A

little consideration will show that for both the genders mid-career retirement is widespread.



After, shortlisting the ten barriers, the experts were requested to fill Table 2 based on
their knowledge and experience.
Table 2 Barriers, contextual relation, and interpretation.
Barriers Influence/Contextual Justification/Interpretation
Barriers to human resource A barrier ‘A’ will In what way or how barrier

sustainability enhance/influence another ‘A’ enhances/influences
The high attrition rate (C1), barrier ‘B.’ another barrier ‘B’?

Lack of talent supply from the
academic institutes (C2) to

Maintaining diversity (C10)

After receiving the responses from the experts’, all the relationships, and

interpretations were documented. Then, they were sent back to the experts for their
comments. After three iterations, all the experts have accepted the interrelationship
between the barriers and the same are provided in the Supplementary material; based

on which the initial reachability matrix was developed (Table 3).


Table 3 Initial reachability matrix of Barriers

S. Barriers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 High attrition rate (C1) 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
2 Lack of talent supply from the academic 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1

institutes (C2)
3 Industry dynamism (C3) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1
4 Uncertain career growth (C4) 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1

5 Insufficient knowledge transfer (C5) 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1


6 Shortage/retirement of the manpower (C6) 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1

7 Lack of training programs (C7) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
8 Working environment and technical 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1
complexities (C8)
9 Lack of industry awareness (C9) 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
10 Maintaining diversity (C10) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1

Later, by considering the significant transitive links, the final reachability matrix was
formulated (Table 4).
Table 4 FRM of barriers

S.N Barriers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Driving
1 High attrition rate (C1) 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 4
2 Lack of talent supply from the academic 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1* 1* 1
institutes (C2)
3 Industry dynamism (C3) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 9
4 Uncertain career growth (C4) 1 1 1* 1 1* 1 1* 0 0 1 8
5 Insufficient knowledge transfer (C5) 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 8

6 Shortage/retirement of the manpower (C6) 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 5
7 Lack of training programs (C7) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 9
8 Working environment and technical 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1

complexities (C8)
9 Lack of industry awareness (C9) 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 4

10 Maintaining diversity (C10) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2
Dependence 8 6 7 4 7 7 6 4 4 9 62/62
*transitive links

From the final reachability matrix, the reachability, and antecedent sets were developed, and
their intersections were noted. Then, the level of partitioning was carried out. In this study,
ten barriers were partitioned into four levels (Table 5).

Table 5 Level partitions of the final reachability matrix Iteration I to Iteration IV


S. N Reachability set Antecedent set Intersection Level


1 1, 3, 5, 10 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9 1,3,5 II (1,3,5)

2 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8,9,10 2,3,4,7,8,9 2,3,8,9 III (2,9)
3 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 IV (4)

4 1,2,3, 4, 5,6,7,10 3,4,5,7 3,4,5,7 IV (4)

5 1,3,4,5,6,7,9,10 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 1, 3,4,5,6,7 IV (4)
6 3,5,6,7,10 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 3,5,6,7 II (3,5,6,7)

7 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10 3,4,5,6,7,9 3,4,5,6,7 IV (4)

8 1,2,6,8,10 2,7, 8,10 2, 8,10 III (2)

9 1,2,7,9 2,3, 5, 9 2,9 III (2,9)

10 8,10 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 8, 10 I (8, 10)

The diagraph was developed from the FRM, and by keeping significant transitive links, the
final diagraph was developed. Further, the final diagraph was transformed into a binary
matrix showing all the important relationships, and the interaction matrix was then
formulated (Supplementary Material). From the final diagraph the TISM model was
developed by replacing the nodal values with barrier statements (Figure 1).


Also, the interpretations of the barriers were reflected in the TISM model from the binary
matrix (Supplementary Material). Later, considering the magnitudes of influential power and
dependency from the FRM, the driving and dependency diagram (power matrix) was
developed (Figure 2).

For the development of the DEMATEL cause-effect model, all the 15 experts were requested

to fill the direct relationship matrix, and the scales of the relationship as discussed in step 2 of
Section 3.3 were explained to them. After receiving all the matrices, all the entries were

averaged (Table 6).
Table 6 Average decision matrix (A)

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10
C1 0 0 2 0 2 1 1 1 0 3
C2 2 0 2 0 1 1 1 1 1 2

C3 2 2 0 2 3 2 3 1 2 3
C4 3 2 1 0 1 3 1 0 0 2
C5 1 1 2 2 0 3 3 0 2 1
C6 0 0 1 1 3 0 3 0 0 3
C7 3 2 1 2 3 3 0 2 1 2

C8 3 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 1
C9 1 3 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0

C10 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0

Then, the average decision matrix was normalised, and the total influence matrix was
developed accordingly. The total influence matrix (T) is shown in Table 7.

Table 7 Total relationship matrix (T)

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 ri
C1 0.074 0.062 0.151 0.054 0.179 0.155 0.134 0.090 0.042 0.245 1.19

C2 0.177 0.070 0.161 0.052 0.142 0.157 0.138 0.094 0.090 0.212 1.298

C3 0.250 0.221 0.125 0.188 0.304 0.299 0.300 0.127 0.169 0.344 2.331
C4 0.230 0.158 0.131 0.058 0.166 0.262 0.158 0.054 0.045 0.242 1.51
C5 0.179 0.156 0.195 0.178 0.152 0.307 0.281 0.065 0.156 0.224 1.897
C6 0.095 0.075 0.118 0.117 0.243 0.134 0.241 0.051 0.052 0.260 1.389
C7 0.283 0.207 0.167 0.178 0.296 0.331 0.158 0.163 0.114 0.294 2.195
C8 0.202 0.181 0.065 0.033 0.085 0.220 0.078 0.038 0.028 0.158 1.092
C9 0.111 0.188 0.102 0.034 0.072 0.119 0.112 0.035 0.032 0.089 0.9
C10 0.0149 0.012 0.009 0.007 0.016 0.067 0.015 0.054 0.004 0.020 0.224
cj 1.621 1.335 1.227 0.903 1.659 2.056 1.621 0.776 0.736 2.093

Later, the values of ‘prominence’ (‘ri+cj’) and ‘relation’ (‘ri-cj’) were calculated from the ‘T’
matrix. Table 8 highlights the values of ‘ri+cj’ and ‘ri-cj’ along with the ranking of the

Table 8 Values of causal parameters

ri cj ri+cj ri-cj Nature
C1 1.19 1.621 2.811 -0.431 Effect

C2 1.298 1.335 2.633 -0.037 Effect
C3 2.331 1.227 3.588 1.104 Cause
C4 Cause

1.51 0.903 2.413 0.607
C5 1.897 1.659 3.556 0.238 Cause
C6 1.389 2.056 3.445 -0.667 Effect

C7 2.195 1.621 3.816 0.574 Cause
C8 1.092 0.776 1.868 0.316 Cause
C9 0.9 0.736 1.636 0.164 Cause

C10 0.224 2.093 2.317 -1.869 Effect
Then, by taking the average of the ‘T’ matrix the threshold value (α) was calculated. The
values which are lesser than ‘α’ were eliminated from the ‘T’ matrix, and a new matrix

namely inner dependency matrix was developed (Table 9).

Table 9 Inner dependency matrix (α = 0.14)

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10
C1 0.151 0.179 0.155 0.245

C2 0.177 0.161 0.142 0.157 0.212

C3 0.250 0.221 0.188 0.304 0.299 0.300 0.169 0.344
C4 0.230 0.158 0.166 0.262 0.158 0.242

C5 0.179 0.156 0.195 0.178 0.152 0.307 0.281 0.156 0.224

C6 0.243 0.134 0.241 0.260
C7 0.283 0.207 0.167 0.178 0.296 0.331 0.158 0.163 0.294
C8 0.202 0.181 0.220 0.158

C9 0.188


Lastly, based on the ‘r-c’ values the challenges were categorised into cause-effect groups as
shown in Table 8, and the significant cause-effect relationships are shown in Figure 3.

From the inner dependency matrix (Table 9) and the final TISM model (Figure 1), an
integrated TISM-DEMATEL based model was developed as shown in Figure 4.



Maintaining link
Lack of diversity (C10)
Threat of

initiatives Attrition
Unclear incompetency Decreases
policies/ strength of Significant
manpower Incompetency/ transitive
frequent policy

changes Shortage/retirement of attrition link
High attrition rate (C1) Food issues, the manpower (C6)

isolation, etc.
More demand less supply Early retirement

Influences diversity Unclear policies

feedback to poor
institutions Lack of talent supply Working environment policies Lack of industry

from the academic and technical awareness (C9)
institutes (C2) complexities (C8)

Less Involvement of Lack of
interaction risks interactionwith
Frequent with academia academia
Unclear policies Lack of Ineffective policies manpower

Insufficient Lack of

Industry Uncertain knowledge training

Dynamism (C3) career ladder Transfer (C5) programs (C7)
knowledge Unclear career
Attrition Shortage of Less knowledge transfer Unclear
transfer prospects
manpower policies

21 based model of challenges

Figure 1 TISM

9 7 3

8 4 2 5
Cluster IV

7 Cluster III
Driving factors Linkage factors


5 8 6

4 9 1

Cluster I Cluster II
Autonomous factors Dependent factors

2 10


Dr.P 1 2 TE 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Figure 2 Driving power and dependence diagram of barriers.



0.5 8
9 5

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5


-1 6



Figure 3 Cause-effect relationships between challenges



Maintaining 0.2 link
0.3 diversity (C10)


0.1 Significant
0.2 transitive
Shortage/retirement of

0.2 High attrition rate (C1) the manpower (C6) 0.3

0.2 0.2

Lack of talent Working environment Lack of industry
supply from the

0.21 0.1 and technical awareness (C9)
academic complexities (C8)

institutes (C2) EP
0.2 0.16

0.1 0.3

0.1 Insufficient 0.3 Lack of

Industry 0.1 Unclear career knowledge training
Dynamism (C3) ladder (C4) transfer (C5) programs (C7)
0.1 0.1 0.3

0.3 0.1

Figure 4 Integrated TISM-DEMATEL based model.

1 5. Discussion on findings

2 The TISM based model comprised of four levels and these levels were categorised into three
3 segments namely ‘most significant’, ‘moderately significant’ and ‘least significant’. In the
4 most significant category, there are four barriers namely ‘industry dynamism’ (C3),
5 ‘uncertain career ladder’ (C4), ‘insufficient knowledge transfer’ (C5), and ‘lack of training
6 programs’ (C7). These challenges can influence/drive the barriers of the top three levels.

7 These four barriers from the foundation of the structure and hence, they are the ‘most
8 significant’ for the decision/policy makers. In the ‘moderately significant’ cluster, there are

9 three barriers namely ‘lack of talent supply from the academic institutes’ (C2), ‘working
10 environment and technical complexities’ (C8), and ‘lack of industry awareness’ (C9). It may

11 be noted that the barriers of this segment can influence the top two levels and are being
12 driven by the bottom-most level. In the third and last segment of ‘least significant’ barriers,

13 there are three challenges namely ‘high attrition rate’ (C1), ‘shortage/retirement of the
14 manpower’ (C6), and ‘maintaining diversity’ (C10). As these barriers are dependent on the
15 bottom two levels, i.e. ‘most and moderately significant’ clusters, they have less influential
16 power intensity, and they demand less attention from the decision makers.

17 The power matrix (Figure 2) of MICMAC analysis highlights the driving and dependency
18 intensities of all ten challenges. This matrix has been classified into four clusters namely

19 ‘autonomous,’ ‘dependent,’ ‘linkage,’ and ‘driving.’ The barriers of the autonomous cluster

20 are less important as they have less driving and dependence intensity. In this study, two
21 barriers namely ‘working environment and technical complexities’ (C8), and ‘lack of industry
22 awareness’ (C9) fell in this cluster possessing a driving power of 5 and four respectively. The

23 dependent cluster factors are even less significant than the independent factors as the factors
24 of the former cluster have a high dependency and less driving potential. In this segment there

25 are there three barriers namely ‘shortage/retirement of the manpower’ (C6) with a magnitude

26 of 5, ‘high attrition rate’ (C1) with an influencing power of 4, and ‘maintaining diversity’
27 (C10) with a value of 2. In the linkage cluster (high driving/influential power and high
28 dependency) there are four barriers namely ‘lack of training programs’ (C7) with an
29 influential power of 9, ‘industry dynamism’ (C3), with a magnitude of 9, ‘lack of talent
30 supply from the academic institutes’ (C2), with a driving power of 8, and ‘insufficient
31 knowledge transfer’ (C5) with a value of 8. This cluster acts as a link between the driving and
32 dependent cluster as the factors of this category have high driving and dependency. It may be
33 noted that there is only one barrier in the most significant driving cluster namely ‘uncertain

1 career ladder’ (C4). This shows that the decision and policymakers need to focus on the
2 linkage and driving cluster barriers for improving human resource sustainability.
3 The results of DEMATEL analysis have been tabulated in Table 8. All the shortlisted
4 barriers have been classified into two sections, i.e. cause and effect. In the cause group there
5 are six challenges (arranged in the descending order of their influence) namely ‘industry
6 dynamism’ (C3), ‘uncertain career ladder’ (C4), and ‘lack of training programs’ (C7),

7 ‘working environment and technical complexities’ (C8), ‘insufficient knowledge transfer’
8 (C5), and ‘lack of industry awareness’ (C9). The effect group consisted of four barriers

9 namely ‘lack of talent supply from the academic institutes’ (C2), ‘high attrition rate’ (C1),
10 ‘shortage/retirement of the manpower’ (C6), and ‘maintaining diversity’ (C10). The cause-

11 effect relationship of all the barriers is shown in Figure 3. From the graph, it may be inferred
12 that the challenges which are located away from the zero lines in the positive Y-axis direction
13 are the most significant causal factors.

Similarly, the barriers which are away from the zero lines in the south direction are the most
15 dependent or weak challenges. The factors which are close to the zero lines may be
16 considered as ‘neutral’ barriers. Figure 4 shows the integrated TISM-DEMATEL based

17 structural model which was developed by superimposing weights of the inner dependency
18 matrix (Table 9) on the TISM model. In the integrated model the important transitive links

19 have been retained, and weights indicate the strength of the relationship between the barriers.
20 The results of the TISM approach revealed that four barriers namely ‘industry dynamism’

21 (C3), ‘uncertain career ladder’ (C4), ‘insufficient knowledge transfer’ (C5), and ‘lack of
22 training programs’ (C7) were most significant. The results of the MICMAC analysis

23 highlighted that ‘C4’ ‘C7’ ‘C3’, and ‘lack of talent supply from the academic institutes’ (C2)
24 are the critical challenges and these findings are similar to the TISM model. Further, the

25 cause-effect diagram of the DEMATEL approach indicated that ‘C3’, ‘C7’, ‘C4’, and ‘C5’
26 are the most important. It can be said that the results of DEMATEL technique validated the

27 findings of TISM model and MICMAC analysis. It is the validation of TISM results by
28 ‘triangulation.’ It may be noted that all three approaches highlighted that three barriers, i.e.
29 ‘C4’ ‘C7’ and ‘C3’ are the most significant.
30 ‘Uncertain career growth’ (C4) causes attrition which leads to the shortage of the workforce,
31 and in turn, reduces the frequency of the training programs and influences the industry
32 dynamism. Also, ‘C4’ gives negative feedback to the academic institutes and diverts the
33 talent to the other sectors. Also, it demotivates the employees’ and poses as a critical
34 hindrance to maintain the diversity of the workforce and acts as a hurdle in the process of

1 knowledge transfer. Another significant, influential factor namely ‘lack of training programs’
2 (C7) leads to attrition which in turn reduces diversity and early retirement of the workforce.
3 Due to lack of personality development/technical programs/knowledge transfer programs,
4 stress among the workforce increases and it becomes difficult for employees to handle the
5 complex and advanced technological systems. Training sessions on the career prospects in
6 the case industry need to be highlighted by the HR team. Also, the lack of training programs

7 influences industry dynamism. The third most significant barrier is ‘industry dynamism’
8 (C3), like ‘C4’, and ‘C7’ this barrier also can drive almost all the barriers. The uncertain HR

9 policy framework due to O&G sectors dynamics may cause attrition, reduce the supply of
10 talent from the academic institutions due to the negative feedback, may lead to the early

11 retirement of the employees which in turn reduces the frequency of training sessions and acts
12 a roadblock in maintaining diversity. This would hinder the knowledge transfer process in the
13 organisation horizontally as well as vertically and does not provide a clear picture of the

career prospects of the employee. The ineffective policy framework may also act as a
15 restriction in bridging the gap between academic institutions and the industry.
16 On the other hand, three barriers namely ‘shortage/retirement of the manpower’ (C6), ‘high

17 attrition rate’ (C1), and ‘maintaining diversity’ (C10) were found to be the most dependent
18 and least influential barriers by three methodologies. These three barriers have less driving

19 potential and high dependency as they fall in the effect group and demand very less attention
20 to the policy/decision makers. It may be inferred that addressing the ‘cause’ cluster or

21 barriers having high influential power would help in improving human resource
22 sustainability. However, the DEMATEL approach showed that ‘C3’ as the most crucial

23 causal factor, whereas the TISM suggests that ‘C4’ is the most significant. The variation in
24 these results may be due to the differences in the judgments of the experts. As stated earlier,

25 the DEMATEL methodology demands intensity of the relationship, whereas, in the TISM
26 approach only the direction of the relationship is needed. It is worth mentioning that the most

27 critical barriers identified by all three methodologies are the same. The policy and decision
28 makers need to focus on these factors for improving the sustainability of human resources.

30 6. Research implications
31 This study has a novel contribution to the literature of SHRM with focus on TM by
32 identifying the TM barriers, establishing a mutual relationship between them, identifying the

1 significant hindrances, and categorising the barriers into cause-effect groups. Also, the
2 significant barriers were identified which need the attention of the decision makers.
3 Any O&G project demands a huge capital and various resources. The HR team is under
4 significant stress to make a new project fully operational. It may be noted that hiring
5 employees for a new project is more tedious as compared to the established ones. It is the
6 responsibility of the HR managers to offer a suitable working environment for the hired

7 employees for the long-term profitability of the industry. A little consideration will show that
8 there are inherent stresses at all the stages of the career growth and industry invests a

9 significant amount in training their manpower. It is the role of the HR team to manage the
10 ‘work-life’ balance of the workforce to ensure that they are productive and healthy (physical

11 wellness along with emotional and psychological well-being). There is a significant need for
12 empowering the employees by offering them financial incentives, rewards, recognition, etc.,
13 and to reduce the rate of attrition. Also, there is a need for the discussion forums,

motivational workgroups, interactive sessions for detecting the demotivation levels and
15 prompt resolution (Macke and Genari, 2019).
16 For appraisals and reward systems there should be a mixed provision of the result based and

17 management by objectives, i.e. for setting up of goals for himself, the field engineer can
18 discuss with the field service manager. Then, the service manager is responsible for

19 scheduling relevant training sessions for the field engineer. Later, the service manager can
20 take feedback on the performance of the engineer, deadlines met, working in a team, etc., and

21 convey the same to the HR and the engineer for improvement. The HR team should offer
22 flexible lateral movements to the workforce for discovering their niche areas. Also, there is a

23 need to facilitate interpersonal effectiveness through interactive sessions and to reduce or

24 eliminate the hindrances to communication between the diverse team of employees. The

25 information technology (IT) is now an integral part of many industries that helped in opening
26 many job profiles, such as software engineers, automation engineers, data analysts, etc. The

27 policies of HR need to change dynamically for supporting technological advancements in

28 each segment and develop managers who can transform the needs of the business into
29 business solutions (Kanason, 2018). The conventional approach of offering competitive
30 compensation which is considered as an essential strategy by many organisations for the
31 retention may not be fruitful in the highly competitive environment. For encouraging
32 employees and boosting their knowledge levels, the industry should offer both theoretical as
33 well as practical training, workshops on ongoing marketing trends, executive development
34 programs, suitable reward system, professional opportunities, etc. Also, structured sessions

1 for ensuring knowledge transfer from more experienced employees to new bees should be put
2 in place (Orr and McVerry, 2007).
3 To spread awareness regarding the job opportunities being offered by the case sector, there is
4 a need to communicate or offer to counsel to the probable applicants, and their
5 parents/guardians. Also, a website may be developed for indicating job prospects. Further,
6 industries and academic institutions can participate in the career fairs. At the entry level

7 candidates may also be hired from the non-premier institutes and they can be upskilled by
8 offering various training programs/certifications. Also, there is a need to strengthen the

9 curriculum of the existing institutions by taking inputs from the industry practitioners to
10 ensure that the graduands are job ready in the shortest possible time. Also, a mechanism can

11 be developed to utilise the services of the retiring or retired manpower as trainers or mentors
12 for transferring knowledge to the recruits. Additionally, video conferencing may be useful for
13 sharing knowledge/information and the same needs to be appropriately stored (Petrotech,
14 2010).
15 In order to reduce the costs of training programs, operations, etc. the concept of competition
16 and cooperation may be employed between the case industries by developing a joint ‘talent

17 management pool’ i.e. the experts/specialists services can be shared to balance the skilled
18 manpower shortage (Van den Broek et al., 2018). Also, it may be noted that SHRM policies

19 tackle environmental issues, ensure talent retention, increase social responsibility, improve
20 competitive advantage, offer cost savings due to reduced talent loss, & workforce turnover,

21 provide positive brand image, job satisfaction, job creation, better relationships, etc. (Zaid et
22 al., 2018). When there is a crisis, it is a common practice to think of downsizing as the first

23 option. Conversely, the HR team needs to identify the cause of decline and alternatives to
24 layoffs should be explored (Santana et al., 2017). During the downturn, many O&G

25 companies across the world have trimmed expatriate packages, slashed bonuses, frozen
26 salaries, cut jobs. These moves should be accurately communicated to the workforce, or else

27 it would lead to significant attrition.


29 7. Conclusions
30 The globalisation leads to mergers & acquisitions, new product developments, technological
31 advancements, change of regulatory requirements and demographics, etc. All these acts as
32 barriers to the O&G sector in attracting, developing, and retaining knowledgeable and skilled
33 manpower. The HR team has to address all these issues by understanding the basics of the

1 labour market of the case sector by realising the workforce demand issue which is governed
2 by demographics, and is structural, and long term.
3 The nature of the O&G sector is intrinsically volatile. These days energy domain is accepting
4 best practices from various other sectors for improving overall efficiency. The human
5 resource dimension has a crucial role to play in steering overall business performance and
6 focusing on the various activities for the expansion and growth of the industry. For propelling

7 an industry forward, the HR team has to ensure that the motivation levels of the employee are
8 high at work. The policies of employee care, meritocracy, diversity, equality, the global

9 workforce is significant for any organisation that intends to grow.
10 In the present research framework, an integrated TISM-DEMATEL based methodology has

11 been employed for analysing the barriers to sustainable talent management in the context of
12 O&G industries. This research intends to help the practising managers in understanding the
13 relationship between the barriers and identifying the most critical (driving/causal) ones for

higher corporate sustainability of organisations in the case sector. The results highlighted that
15 three barriers namely ‘uncertain career growth’, ‘industry dynamism’, and ‘lack of training
16 programs’ were the most significant. Also, various strategies have been suggested and

17 discussed to achieve human resource sustainability.


19 This study has its limitations such as expert’s judgements may be biased. The results of the
20 present study apply to the Indian economy in the O&G sector. However, this study can be

21 applied to other economies and other industries by carrying out significant modifications to
22 the integrated model. As each sector has its talent management issues, these may be analysed

23 sector wise, and additionally, a comparative study may be carried out. Why the results differ
24 in each sector? Alternatively, why there are similarities? These research questions may be

25 addressed in further studies. In future, authors would like to conduct an extensive survey to
26 validate the findings. Also, some other decision-making techniques like analytic hierarchy

27 process, best worst method, interpretive ranking process, fuzzy sets, etc. may also be applied
28 to evaluate the identified barriers. In further studies for validation of these studies results,
29 authors would like to use PLS-SEM.

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Green talent management to unlock sustainability in the Oil and Gas

Research Highlights
Talent management is a key to organisational sustainability.

Analysed barriers to Sustainable Human Resource Management focusing on Talent


An integrated TISM-DEMATEL approach is applied.

‘Uncertain career growth’, ‘lack of training programs’ are most significant barriers.


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