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Who is that girl with a purple hoodie?

September 20, 2021

Ceylin Arden UZUN

Who am I? A question to which we will find the answer together.


I am Ceylin Arden, but my name isn’t enough to describe myself to you.

My second name is the name I use the most: Arden. My mother came up with it. First,
she told her friend to name her daughter Arden, but then she learned that she was pregnant with
me so she took my name back. The name Arden comes from a green, strong forest Ardennes
which is in Europe. I think Arden represents me, being strong is one of my personality traits.
Ceylin means the door to heaven. I’m not really sure if Ceylin represents me or not, it’s a little
bit surreal for me to be the door to heaven.
I was born and raised in Istanbul, but both sides of my family are from Trabzon,
Akçaabat (a great place to eat meatballs btw). I live with my mother, sister, and my grandmother.
I have a hug family tree and a lot of relatives to visit in Ramadan. I am almost seventeen and I
am looking forward to take my drivers license and make a long journey in a car with my friends.
I am a fencer. No, I don’t color fences. I do fencing and I have training five times a week, it
makes my friends really angry by the way. Because I usually don’t have the time to hang out
with them, but they’re all used to this.
Nowadays I am trying to keep everything in order. I’m in a triangle between school, my
trainings, and my already-dead social life. I am used to it though, every single part of my life
somehow benefits me. It is sometimes physical, sometimes mental, but I am usually (not always)
in a good mood, otherwise I am just angry. And I am sure, it’s because I’m from Blacksea.
I like hanging out in my room. I have this huge bookshelf and a wall which I surrounded
with the things I admire or love. I have quotes from my favorite authors, my medals, some
bookmarks from my favorite books, and photos with people I love on my wall. I close and open
my eyes every single day and night to that wall.
Being together with my friends and my family is very valuable for me. Sitting and just
chatting with them is a big joy and a thing to be grateful at. Knowing that people supporting me
whenever I need is just an indescribable feeling. Being able to talk about your problems with
people is just amazing and I have this opportunity in my life thanks to them. There’s no way that
I can talk about myself without mentioning people who care about me so much.
So, this is all I know about myself. If you have any idea of who I am now, please contact
me (via e-mail), I would love to know who I am. Good bye!

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