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In our Daily Life

Elastic collision

Ahmad al ajmi ID : 1822467

Dr. Feras Al Zubi
• Physics extends well into your everyday life, describing motion, forces, and energy in
ordinary experience, and physics operates in everyday activities such as walking, driving a
car, or using a phone. And for everyday life you take advantage of all the techniques you
might take for granted the rules of physics.

• During the identification of the law of free fall, it is necessary to know that this law has
many applications in a world in the world of physics, for example, by knowing the
acceleration of a falling body, the location of this body can be known at any time during
free fall, and since the acceleration of free fall is constant, the equations of motion can
be applied with acceleration Fixed on any free-falling object.
Elastic collisions
• Examples of elastic collisions in real life:

• hammer and a nail head

• billiard balls

• falling objects

• collisions in mechanics
Falling objects

• Free fall is any movement of an object when there is gravitational acceleration only the

acceleration acting on the object, such that there is no other external force acting on it.

• Applications of the law of free fall:

• The study of ballistics, which depends on the study of the movement of objects while they are thrown

• Spacecraft in space without a propulsion system

• Free jumping for people without parachutes to lift them at low speed.
• The importance of the uses of physics in our lives is highlighted by the
many applications that physics has made possible in people’s lives,
and which have become one of the indispensable necessities of life,
as it contributed to a huge technical and knowledge revolution that
enabled humans to find an easier way to carry out all daily activities.

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