Dulaugon Ttl1 Assessment

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Dulaugon, Razel Ann D.

BSEd Math 2-B 10/02/22


Module 3 Questions

What is the importance of technology integration in education?
With the continuous development of technology today and in the future, it also
become the future of our educational system in assisting students in their learning.
Properly integrating technology in education helps in several ways that it became
important. For example, it helps teachers explain concepts and ideas that is hard to
explain without proper visualization. It can also enhance the learning process and
understanding of students especially that through technology, students can access a
very wide sources of information that will be very beneficial to them in learning more.
Technology already have a lot of contributions when it comes to the development of
education for the past years and integrating technology in education will definitely
assist student in developing skills and competencies they will need in the developing

What is SAMR model all about?
The SAMR model is a model that helps teachers in integrating technology into
teaching that will lead to more achievements for the students. It stands for
Substitution, Augmentation Modification, and Redifinition. The first two is for the
enhancement of students in their learning and the last two is for the transformation of
the way students learn, interact together or with experts, and may even own their
learning. Students may start from simply substituting technologies to the traditional
tools in learning and then proceeds to augmentation where there’s a bit improvement
and the interaction/sharing of tasks/lessons is now through technologies. When the
students are finally able and comfortable in doing these, then they can proceed to the
transformation. Students may individually publish something such as blog in the
internet (modification) and then proceed to the more interactive one in redefinition
where there’s finally an interaction with different people or even experts in the blog
published. It’s a ladder-like model that intersects the technological and pedagogical
areas/ knowledge of educators.

How to use the TPACK model in improving education for students?
TPACK stands for Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge.
Technological knowledge is about the literacy of the teachers when it comes to
technology especially for teaching. While pedagogical knowledge concerns on the
knowledge of the teacher about the effective teaching strategies for students to learn
in the class and finally the content knowledge concerns on the knowledge of teachers
about the subject matter to be teach in class. Intersecting this three components forms
the TPACK model and might be use in developing more advanced and effective way
of educating students. For example, while in the online class with the students, it will
become hard for math teachers to explain process of solving problems about a given
topic. But because the teacher has a knowledge about technologies that can help in
situations like this, teachers can utilize digital interactive whiteboards such as
Jamboard where the teacher can now share his/her knowledge to the class about the
subject matter (content knowledge). A strategy that the teacher can apply to make sure
that the students are still learning is to interact students and allow them solve on their
own at the digital whiteboards that everyone can see. So far, I can say that this
strategy that teachers do during the online class in math is effective for me to
understand enough.

How does the Edgar Dale’s cone of experience impact the teaching and learning?
There’s a saying that “experience is the best teacher.” Edgar Dale’s cone of
experience is represented by a cone divided by into 11 parts which provides teachers
knowledge and understanding about the rate retention of students. The more senses is
involve in learning, the higher the rate of retention of the learner will be about the
particular matter being learned. Through this, teachers will be more aware of the ways
they may do or activities they may give to the students to increase the retention of the
learners and in this way, the teaching and learning process between teachers and
learners will be more involving and effective.

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