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A special thanks to the ­Honourable Ones
who helped us fund this project.

Fredric Landén, Ian Edberg, Paul Atkin, Alexander Rodatos,

Bjarkathur, Tommy Nilsson, Robin Idebrant, Mathias Hansson,
Nicolas Vandemaele-Couchy, Martin Legg, Per Stalby, Lars
Lindegaard Sørensen, Morten Strårup, Lodhagen Dimtunga,
Robert Barkhald, Jonas Hällström, Mikael Chovanec, Craig
Denham, Matt “Devilboy” Murray, James W. Keller, Erik Franzon,
Pedrini Andrea, Kemwrath, Jan Artoos, Henrik Widforss, Anders
Stafberg, Markus Kollas, AJ Thornton, BB Fuge, Brandon
“Guplu” Margicin, Jeff ‘Sage’ Trisoliere, Don E Ward, Alan Reid
of Harvest Wood, Jacob Guldbrandsen, Whitford Bates, Edouard
Negre, Marcus Stahl, Unek85, Andrew Coulton-Knight, Jakub
Rozalski, Kaspar Tamsalu, Dr. FJ H. Calvin, Maximilien
Leclercq, Thomas Biskup, Alexander Höptner, Daniel Lindblom,
Filip Marzuki, Massimiliano Cappelletti, John Tommy Irving,
Kurt Olson, David Kaufman II, Mike Schaefer, Fredrik
Caligula Bermar, Per Andersson, Alexander Bjursell, Ailin
Rolon, Xavier Brinon, Heath Harger, Lutece, Markus Scheller,
Michael Allenson, Jack Conroy-Murphy, Randy Bias, Demetrios
Hadjistavropoulos, Andreas Mellwig, Christer Malmberg, Joel
Hallin, Spelföreningen Vita Ulven, David S. Robinson, Timothy
A. Lyons, Darien Liddelll, Kalevala, Wilhelm Murdoch, Adrian
Leegaard Jensen, Freke Räihä, Ian L McNesby, Robert John
Litchfield, Aaron Neilson, Fabrice Gatille, Claas van Koeverden,
Robin Lange, Jason Owens, Elias Ferdinandsson, David Brown,
Sergey Koptev, Daniele “Chojin” Cappelletti, Marco Alan
Meredith, Connor Kelly, Jason Lissner, Zach Ford, Cody Lucas,
Michael Buonagurio, El Principal, David Larsson, Alexander
M Croteau, Zachary Andrew Forsyth, Benjamin White, Nils
Davidson, Chang Hsuan Tai, Doug Bailey, Mike Shema, Andrew
Hurley, Nick Nyaiesh, Patrick Kamuela Hicks, Charlie Paxton,
Linnea Östergren, Martin Dahl Nielsen, Lenny Manis, Marco
Bassi, Taylor, Marvin L. Sims, Lars Enflo, Pernilla Sparrhult,
Gabriele Sandoni, DrShagend, Dávid Csobay, James R Jones,
Peter Landén, François Colin, Brett Bozeman, Martin Buresch,
Alexander Welsz, Joel Andreasson, Kasper Bøgh Pedersen,
Rasmus Nord Jørgensen, Michael O. Sanders, Paul Haberstock,
Rob David wilson Barclay, Chad Guthrie, Carsten Chalk, David
Goncalves, Dennis Edgren, Nils Ödlund, Viktor Gustafsson,
Kenneth Svendsen, Jon-Erik “Hrafne” Karlsson, Fache
Guillaume, Joe McLean, M. Cory Winn, James Charlesworth,
Mattias Wäppling, Jude Rowe, David Futterrer, Sir SaiCo,
Eszrah, Adam Zomada Kramer, Lisa Mari Taylor, Henrik Falk,
Ryker Lowmiller, Ugo Greevy, Pedro Martins, Jacob Richardson,
Daniel Klimmeck, Ian Warner, LeifDaViking, Harry J J Gardner,
Dan Rasmusson, Dr. Markus Pillmayer, Ben W, Ryan Tutterow.

Concept and Design

Theodore Bergqvist and Magnus Malmberg

Theodore Bergqvist, Magnus Malmberg,
Anders Jacobsson and Luca Cherstich

Additional Writers and Helpers

Ray Vallese, Max Herngren,
David Malmström, Robert Frick,
Kevin Tompos and the Proofreaders’ Guild


Art Direction
Theodore Bergqvist

Layout and Typesetting

Magnus Malmberg

Cover Art
Paul Bonner

Interior Art
Alvaro Tapia, Thomas Wievegg, Justin Gerard
Per Sjögren, Jonas Valentin Persson and Paul Bonner

Skill Trees, Signs and Borders

Niklas Brandt

Additional Kudos
Thanks to all the Kickstarter pledgers and to all the
backers who made this project come to life.

Our style is to use “they” as a singular gender-neutral pronoun

when possible. This usage continues to gain m ­ ainstream
acceptance, including among major style guides such as The
Associated Press Stylebook and The Chicago Manual of
Style. We believe it is appropriate and practical, not just to
reflect common usage but to accommodate a more inclusive
view of gender identity. The Trudvang Chronicles books also
use “he” or “she” when helpful for added clarity.

Copyright © 2021 RiotMinds AB

isbn: 978-91-977263-6-8
Table of Contents

Table of Contents


What Is a Character?.............................. 7 Dwarves...................................................22 Skill Value................................................43 Battle Experience (D)...........................59
Character Traits....................................... 8 Bard...........................................................24 Disciplines and ­Specialties..................43 Unarmed Fighting (D).........................60
Creating a Character.............................. 9 Dimwalker...............................................26 Agility.......................................................46 Knowledge............................................... 61
Charisma.................................................. 10 Dweller.....................................................28 Battle Maneuver (D).............................47 Culture Knowledge (D)........................62
Constitution............................................ 11 Ranger......................................................30 Body Control (D)...................................47 Language (D)..........................................62
Dexterity.................................................. 12 Rogue........................................................32 Horsemanship (D)..................................48 Learning (D)...........................................63
Intelligence.............................................. 13 Vitner Weaver........................................34 Care...........................................................49 Race Knowledge (D).............................63
Perception................................................ 14 Warrior.....................................................36 Handicraft (D)........................................50 Shadow Arts............................................64
Psyche....................................................... 15 Character Skills......................................38 Handler (D).............................................50 Shadowing (D)........................................65
Strength................................................... 16 Magic and Faith.....................................38 Healing and Drugs (D)........................50 Thievery (D)............................................65
Affiliations............................................... 17 Secondary Traits....................................38 Tradesman (D)........................................ 51 Vitner Craft.............................................67
Races and Cultures................................ 17 History......................................................40 Entertainment........................................52 Call of Vitner (D)...................................68
Archetypes............................................... 17 Equipment................................................ 41 Gambling (D)..........................................53 Vitner Focus (D)....................................69
Humans.................................................... 18 Experience, Improvement a­ nd Death.41 Music and Dancing (D)........................53 Vitner Shaping (D)................................69
Elves..........................................................20 Storytelling (D)......................................53 Wilderness............................................... 71
Faith..........................................................54 Geography (D)........................................ 72
Divine Power (D)...................................55 Hunting Experience (D)...................... 72
God Focus (D)........................................55 Nature Knowledge (D)......................... 73
Invoke (D)................................................56 Seafarer (D)............................................. 74
Fighting....................................................58 Survival (D)............................................. 74
Armed Fighting (D)..............................59
Vitner: Magic Energy..........................77 Delusion Vitner....................................101 The dimwalkers...................................149 Tablet of Anger....................................194
The Wizard’s Choice............................77 Dimvitner..............................................105 Path of the Dimwalker.......................149 Tablet of Grace.....................................197
Vitner Craft.............................................80 Flame Craft...........................................109 Invoking the Gods............................... 151 Tablet of the Knight............................199
Weaving a Spell.....................................80 Perceiving.............................................. 112 Divine Feat Descriptions...................153 Tablet of the Shield.............................201
Learning a Spell.....................................86 Power of Thought................................ 116 Gerbanis.................................................155 Tablet of the Sun..................................203
Vitner Capacity and Vitner Points....86 Power of Vision....................................120 The Sacrifice ........................................155 Tablet of Voices....................................206
Seeing the Vitner...................................86 Soil Craft................................................123 Gerbanis Holy Tablets.......................160 Haminges...............................................209
Vitner Tablets and Spells....................86 Vitner Craft...........................................129 Influence of Jorn..................................160 The Spirit Battle .................................209
Vitner Tablets.........................................87 Vitner of Objects..................................132 Power of Enken....................................162 Haminges’ Holy Tablets....................212
List of Vitner Tablets........................... 91 Water Craft...........................................135 Strength of Stormi..............................164 Power of the Beast...............................212
Animal Vitner.........................................92 Wind Craft............................................139 Warmth of Sunvei................................166 Power of the Dragon........................... 214
Body Vitner.............................................96 Witchcraft..............................................143 Wisdom of Windinna.........................168 Power of Men........................................ 216
Wrath of Tyrd...................................... 171 Power of the Scale............................... 218
The Eald Tradition............................. 173 Power of Thurses.................................221
The Promises........................................ 173 Power of Trolls.....................................223
Eald Tradition’s Holy Tablets.......... 176 Thuuldom..............................................225
Gift of Thanja....................................... 176 The Sacred Objects.............................225
Halawen’s Offering.............................. 178 Thuuldom’s Holy Tablets..................229
Heritage of Majne................................ 181 Toikalokke.............................................235
Magh’s Gift...........................................183 Star Harp ..............................................235
Nema’s Usefulness...............................185 Toikalokke’s Tablets of Power..........237
Tribute of Morgu.................................187 Animal Mind........................................237
The Tenets of Nid................................191 Lynx Power...........................................239
The Studies ..........................................191 Master of the Elements......................241
The Tenets of Nid’s Holy Tablets...194
Chapter 1

A character is the player’s fictitious persona who accepts the
challenges offered by Trudvang Chronicles. Only the players have
characters (often called a player character or a PC), and it is the
task of the game master (GM) to create an adventure for them.

What Is a C haracter ? A character’s culture further defines Most characters have some sort of
In this chapter we explain how a them, as there are a number of d ­ ifferent equipment, such as a sword or a shield,
player can quickly and easily create a cultures among the races. Certain when they start play.
­character. cultures inhabit different parts of
Characters consist of different Trudvang.
elements that depend on choices the The archetype tells what professional Creation Points
players make when their PCs are created. focus the character has chosen in life and In agreement with the game master,
The most important elements of a what experience they have gained prior select the experience level that the
character are: to the start of the adventure. ­character will start at. There are three
The skills show what the ­character beginning levels that provide ­different
✦ Character traits learned while growing up and what numbers of creation points. It is
✦ Race and culture profession they chose. It consists of
­ ­ultimately up to the GM to decide how
✦ Archetype different abilities such as reading,
­ many a character should get. A simple
✦ Skills writing, knowledge of plants and rule is that the more experienced a
✦ Secondary traits animals, fighting, and so forth. ­character is when created, the more work
✦ Raud Secondary traits indicate the the player needs to put into describing
✦ History character’s age, weight, height, and
­ and ­justifying the ­background to explain
✦ Equipment mobility. the higher experience.
Raud is about the character’s destiny The Creation Points are used for
The character traits consist of a and the potential for them to affect buying character traits, skill levels,
number of attributes that the character it. Put more simply, a character has disciplines and specialities.
possesses such as Strength, Charisma, a number of Raud points that can be
and Dexterity. used to change the outcome of a roll or CREATION POINTS AND EXPERIENCE
A character’s race may be human, decision. Creation Points Experience
elf, or dwarf. In addition, there are also The history of a character consists of 300 Beginner
half-folk who are the result of human/ different events and experiences that have
500 Practiced
elf or human/troll relationships, called shaped and affected them through their
half-elves and half-trolls, respectively. life until the day when adventure calls. 700 Experienced

chapter 1. the character | 7

Character Traits
Character traits describe a character’s
significant attributes. You could say
that the traits are the most noticeable
aspects of the character. The player will
decide where the character is above or
below what is considered normal. In
any other traits, the character remains
average (0 bonus).

✦ Character traits to choose from are:

✦ Charisma
✦ Constitution
✦ Dexterity
✦ Intelligence
✦ Perception
✦ Psyche
✦ Strength

Every character trait exists in three

positive levels (+4, +2, and +1) and three
negative levels (-1, -2, and -4). The higher
the better, and the lower the worse. Each
level is also a modifier to specific Situation
rolls, as explained below.

Choose Character Traits

Think about a concept for your c­ haracter and
choose which traits should be d ­istinctive,
either good or bad ones, in order to follow
that specific concept. Positive traits cost
creation points while negative traits give
you more points to spend, a­ ccording to the
table below. For example if a player chooses
two negative traits for his ­character, one
that gives -4 and one that gives -2, he will more effects. The situation modifier is TRAIT LEVELS COST
receive 90 creation points (60 + 30) to spend used to modify the character’s chance Level Cost
on traits and skills. of succeeding with an everyday task, +4 -60
which doesn’t require a specific skill to
✦ You can’t choose the same character succeed. This modifier is applied to the +2 -30
trait as both a positive and a negative target number the character tries to roll +1 -15
trait, since they would cancel each equal to or below. Other effects give the -1 +15
other out. character a direct bonus or a penalty (for -2 +30
✦ If no character points are spent or example, on Body Points). -4 +60
gained in a specific trait, that trait is
considered to be average (0), t­ herefore
giving no situation modifier. This EXAMPLE: BUYING CHARATER TRAITS
means that the character neither
excels nor struggles in that field. Jon wants to create a character who is big and tough and smashes things with a hammer.
He wants his character to be very strong, so he spends 60 creation points to give him
Effects of a Character Trait +4 in Strength. However, the character doesn’t have to be that smart, so he takes -2 in
The character traits always have a Intelligence and earns back 30 creation points.
“situation­modifier” as well as one or

8 | chapter 1. the character

In order to create a character, the player
goes through the following steps.

Decide together with the game master

1 how many creation points they will have available.

Determine the character’s affiliation. First decide their race and culture.
2 Based on that decision, choose the character’s native language. You
should also decide which religion the character belongs to.

3 Decide which character traits will be positive or negative.

Choose an archetype and note what core skill it has because you gain
bonus creation points in that skill. Should your character learn about
4 vitner, they also must select the type of vitner to learn. And if you
­invest in Faith you should also choose a religion.
Buy Skill Values, disciplines, and specialties with the unspent creation
5 points. They represent the character’s experience and upbringing.
Decide the character’s secondary traits: age, height, weight, and weapon
6 hand. Roll how much Raud the character gets. Determine Body Points,
movement, and their persistence in the wild.

Name your character and based on all the information gathered so far,
7 choose the character’s background and personality.

Equip your character by asking your game master what you may have
8 at the start. Alternatively, you can buy equipment with the money your
character receives at the beginning of the game.

chapter 1. the character | 9


Charisma describes a character’s natural force of personality. A
person with high Charisma can easily charm their surroundings and
get those in the vicinity to listen and follow.

+4 +2 +1

The character has the charisma of a divine The elves of Trudvang are rumored to The character has a charm that makes
being. It almost seems like they have a be beautiful and enormously c­ harismatic. people like them. You can’t really put
shimmering aura. Wherever the c­ haracter When the character is spoken of, they are your finger on it, but overall the c­ haracter
turns, people smile and feel at ease. Their readily compared to an elf. The character is a pleasant person. Even if they don’t
whole appearance makes it clear to anyone is charming and c­ aptivating, and few can radiate a godlike aura of destiny, it is
that Trudvang, as a force of nature, has resist their exceptional ­ characteristics. apparent that Trudvang has something
chosen something very special for this Fate rests heavier on this person’s special in store for this character.
being. Fate or Raud has woven a thicker ­shoulders, which attracts companions.
weave around the character.

✦ Situation modifier: +4 ✦ Situation modifier: +2 ✦ Situation modifier: +1

✦ Raud: The character receives 4 extra ✦ Raud: The character receives 2 extra ✦ Raud: The character receives 1 extra
Raud points. Raud points. Raud point.
✦ Disciplines and specialties: ­Disciplines ✦ Disciplines and specialties: ­Disciplines ✦ Disciplines and specialties: ­Disciplines
and specialties under the Entertainment and specialties under the Entertainment and specialties under the Entertainment
skill, as well as the Tradesman d ­ iscipline skill, as well as the Tradesman d ­ iscipline skill, as well as the Tradesman d­ iscipline
and its specialties, cost 4 points less than and its specialties, cost 2 points less than and its specialties, cost 1 point less than
usual. usual. usual.

-1 -2 -4

It is hard to put a finger on what makes Revolting is a word that is used when The whole being of the character sparks
people find the character ­ unpleasant. someone speaks of the character. Most loathing. Everything the character
Their personality just radiates a of what they say and do is regarded as says and does is regarded by others as
­distasteful and uneasy feeling. unpleasant and nasty. ­revolting. The character is repulsive and

✦ Situation modifier: -1 ✦ Situation modifier: -2 ✦ Situation modifier: -4

✦ Raud: The character loses 1 Raud ✦ Raud: The character loses 2 Raud ✦ Raud: The character loses all Raud
point. points. points.
✦ Disciplines and specialties: ­Disciplines ✦ Disciplines and specialties: ­Disciplines ✦ Disciplines and specialties: ­Disciplines
and specialties under the ­Entertainment and specialties under the Entertainment and specialties under the Entertainment
skill, as well as the Tradesman d
­ iscipline skill, as well as the Tradesman d
­ iscipline skill, as well as the Tradesman d
­ iscipline
and its specialties, cost 1 more point and its specialties, cost 2 points more and its specialties, cost 4 points more
than usual. than usual. than usual.

10 | chapter 1. the character


Constitution describes a character’s physical well-being and fortitude,
that is, how healthy and susceptible to disease they are. A person with
high Constitution is almost always healthy and rarely gets sick.

+4 +2 +1

The character belongs to a small group Even as a child, the character could The character has been hardened by
of men and women who are incredibly endure more than most others. The their upbringing and can stay out in the
resilient. Neither disease, weather, nor character could work longer than cold and wet longer than others. When
hardship faze them. most, seldom fell ill, and almost never the character gets sick, it is most often
­complained of being cold in the winter. only for a short while, and sleeping
outside under a bear skin does not
bother them.

✦ Situation modifier: +4 ✦ Situation modifier: +2 ✦ Situation modifier: +1

✦ Body Points: +4 ✦ Body Points: +2 ✦ Body Points: +1
✦ Health: Heals up to 4 Body Points per ✦ Health: Heals up to 3 Body Points per ✦ Health: Heals up to 2 Body Points per
day. day. day.

-1 -2 -4

The character has a hard time recovering The character has frail health and is The character has a permanent condition
from sickness, injuries, or a longer stay often sick. Making any effort is hard and or chronic disease that causes their health
in the wilderness. The character often arduous, and it demands that the ­character to be greatly reduced. It is a wonder that
feels ill and tired. spend lots of time in p­ reparation. they even made it to adulthood.

✦ Situation modifier: -1 ✦ Situation modifier: -2 ✦ Situation modifier: -4

✦ Body Points: -1 ✦ Body Points: -2 ✦ Body Points: -4
✦ Health: Heals 1 Body Point every ✦ Health: Heals 1 Body Point every
other day. other day.

chapter 1. the character | 11


Dexterity describes a character’s movement ability: how supple,
agile, and quick to act the person is. A character with high Dexterity
maneuvers their body with ease and is swift to react.

+4 +2 +1

It is said that there is no animal as agile The character is very agile and can The character is more nimble than many
as the drauglon that lives in Easthelm. stretch and contort their body in a way others and can perform ­movements that
When someone describes how agile the most people can only dream of. demand the body to be both fit and
character is, they often compare her to flexible.
the drauglon.

✦ Situation modifier: +4 ✦ Situation modifier: +2 ✦ Situation modifier: +1

✦ Maximum movement: +4 meters ✦ Maximum movement: +2 meters ✦ Maximum movement: +1 meter
✦ Initiative: +4 ✦ Initiative: +2 ✦ Initiative: +1
✦ Disciplines and specialties: ­Disciplines ✦ Disciplines and specialties: ­Disciplines ✦ Disciplines and specialties: ­Disciplines
and specialties belonging to the Agility and specialties belonging to the Agility and specialties belonging to the Agility
skill cost 4 points less than usual. skill cost 2 points less than usual. skill cost 1 point less than usual.

-1 -2 -4

The character’s body is stiff and clumsy. The character is significantly immobile. When trying to describe how clumsy the
While some people are significantly Most things that demand a lithe and fit character is, one might say that a dead
stiffer than the character, there are body are hard to carry out. It also hurts stump in the forest is more mobile. The
­certainly situations where it would be an to make such attempts, which causes the character has had no luck in terms of
advantage to be more coordinated. character to try to avoid such situations. physical agility.

✦ Situation modifier: -1 ✦ Situation modifier: -2 ✦ Situation modifier: -4

✦ Maximum movement: -1 meter ✦ Maximum movement: -2 meters ✦ Maximum movement: -4 meters
✦ Initiative: -1 ✦ Initiative: -2 ✦ Initiative: -4
✦ Disciplines and specialties: ­Disciplines ✦ Disciplines and specialties: ­Disciplines ✦ Disciplines and specialties: ­Disciplines
and specialties belonging to the Agility and specialties belonging to the Agility and specialties belonging to the Agility
skill cost 1 point more than usual. skill cost 2 points more than usual. skill cost 4 points more than usual.

12 | chapter 1. the character


Intelligence describes a character’s ability to think logically and analytically. A person with
high Intelligence finds it easy to understand and learn through studying and manages to
solve most situations or problems that require consistent thinking and analytical skills.

+4 +2 +1

The character’s mental capabilities The character has a well-developed The character has a knack for solving
are as sharp as a honed dwarven blade. intellect. The character’s mind and quick problems. While some people are
The character is clear of mind and finds wit outshine most others. The person significantly more intelligent than the
­solutions to problems that few others can learns significantly easier and faster than character, in some cases he manages to
solve. The person learns with incredible others. see things in a way that makes him rise
ease. above the norm. The character learns
faster and more easily than others.

✦ Situation modifier: +4 ✦ Situation modifier: +2 ✦ Situation modifier: +1

✦ Disciplines and specialties: ­Disciplines ✦ Disciplines and specialties: ­Disciplines ✦ Disciplines and specialties: ­Disciplines
and specialties belonging to the skills and specialties belonging to the skills and specialties belonging to the skills
Vitner Craft, Knowledge, and Faith cost Vitner Craft, Knowledge, and Faith cost Vitner Craft, Knowledge, and Faith cost
4 points less than usual. 2 points less than usual. 1 point less than usual.

-1 -2 -4

While there are others who are much To be this stupid is not as bad as being The character is “troll-dumb,” a Trudvang
more dim-witted than the character, “troll-dumb,” but the character is never expression used to convey that most
intelligence is not one of her best
­ mistaken for being sharp-witted. Most trolls fall far short of the ­ intelligence
attributes. With great effort, the
­ things that demand thinking seem that humans, elves, or dwarves possess.
character can solve most everyday
­ almost impossible. Problems that many While some trolls might prove smarter
problems, but her ­intelligence is not others can solve demand a great effort and more cunning, it is ­ nonetheless a
enough for much more than that. The from the character to solve. The person name reserved for one that is so stupid
person does not learn as easily or as doesn’t learn anywhere near as easily or and unintelligent that problems can be
quickly as others. as quickly as others. solved only by brute strength. Absolutely
­everything the person has to learn is hard
and takes a long time.

✦ Situation modifier: -1 ✦ Situation modifier: -2 ✦ Situation modifier: -4

✦ Disciplines and specialties: ­Disciplines ✦ Disciplines and specialties: ­Disciplines ✦ Disciplines and specialties: ­Disciplines
and specialties belonging to the skills and specialties belonging to the skills and specialties belonging to the skills
Vitner Craft, Knowledge, and Faith cost Vitner Craft, Knowledge, and Faith cost Vitner Craft, Knowledge, and Faith cost
1 point more than usual. 2 points more than usual. 4 more points than usual.

chapter 1. the character | 13


This trait describes a character’s ability to examine and evaluate the world
around them. A person with high Perception can use sight, smell, sound, taste,
and touch to perceive most of what exists and happens in the environment.

+4 +2 +1

The observant character registers The character has an easy time seeing The attentive character rarely has to
everything in the vicinity. Nothing gets connections and patterns, but especially concentrate to perceive small changes or
past them. This is done by using all of things that are peculiar or unusual. A that which is hidden, and in large part
the senses, smell, taste, sound, sight, whisper, a print, a hidden switch, and they have no trouble discovering patterns
and touch, to their fullest. Every little other things that often go unnoticed are and contexts that normal people miss.
detail is acknowledged, and the tiniest discovered without effort.
­divergence from the norm is registered
like a red blot on a white sheet.

✦ Situation modifier: +4 ✦ Situation modifier: +2 ✦ Situation modifier: +1

✦ Specialties: Finding and Spotting, ✦ Specialties: Finding and Spotting, ✦ Specialties: Finding and Spotting,
Thief Signs, Tracker, Weatherman, Thief Signs, Tracker, Weatherman, Thief Signs, Tracker, Weatherman,
Wilderness signs, Orienteering and Wilderness signs, Orienteering and Wilderness signs, Orienteering and
Cartography, Navigation and Extracts Cartography, Navigation and Extracts Cartography, Navigation and Extracts
and Potions cost 4 points less than and Potions cost 2 points less than and Potions cost 1 point less than
usual. usual. usual.

-1 -2 -4

The character has a hard time The character would likely miss tracks The character is so absent-minded that they
­concentrating, is distracted by details, made with muddy shoes, horse and cart hardly notice that it is raining before their
and has to use all their power to impressions furrowed in the road, or clothes are soaked, and barely even then. The
focus on one thing. Others regard the even someone whistling in the street. It’s character has as much difficulty p­ erceiving
person as unfocused. Where others ­difficult for them to tell if any changes have what is right in front of their nose as they
see ­ connections and changes, the occurred, and the character has a hard time would in finding a needle in a haystack. Only
­character has a hard time coming to any recognizing patterns and an even harder by pure coincidence do they find what seems
­conclusions. time recognizing breaks in a pattern. incredibly obvious to others.

✦ Situation modifier: -1 ✦ Situation modifier: -2 ✦ Situation modifier: -4

✦ Specialties: Finding and Spotting, Thief ✦ Specialties: Finding and Spotting, Thief ✦ Specialties: Finding and Spotting, Thief
Signs, Tracker, Weatherman, Wilderness Signs, Tracker, Weatherman, Wilderness Signs, Tracker, Weatherman, Wilderness
signs, Orienteering and Cartography, signs, Orienteering and Cartography, signs, Orienteering and Cartography,
Navigation and Extracts and Potions Navigation and Extracts and Potions Navigation and Extracts and Potions
cost 1 point more than usual. cost 2 points more than usual. cost 4 points more than usual.

14 | chapter 1. the character


Psyche describes a person’s willpower and mental health. A character
with high Psyche can cope with things that would cause others
mental stress.

+4 +2 +1

The character has a willpower that It is hard to budge the character’s The character does not hesitate to
outshines most. Even if the character decision or will once their mind is set. take action once they decide to do
is not particularly strong or intelligent, The character can push themselves much so. While there are some people who
hardly anything can make them give up further than a normal person to achieve have ­ significantly more willpower,
or change their mind. Whether cold, their goals. determination is one of the more
hungry, uncomfortable, or embattled, it ­prominent traits of the character.
does not matter; the character simply
will not quit until physical limitations
force them to stop.

✦ Situation modifier: +4 ✦ Situation modifier: +2 ✦ Situation modifier: +1

✦ Persistence in the wild: +4 days ✦ Persistence in the wild: +2 days ✦ Persistence in the wild: +1 day
✦ Terror modifier: The character ✦ Terror modifier: The character ✦ Terror modifier: The character
receives a -4 fear factor modifier when receives a -2 fear factor modifier when receives a -1 fear factor modifier when
afflicted by fear. afflicted by fear. afflicted by fear.
✦ Specialties: Pathwalker, Terrain ✦ Specialties: Pathwalker, Terrain ✦ Specialties: Pathwalker, Terrain
Experience, and Weathered cost 4 Experience, and Weathered cost 2 Experience, and Weathered cost 1
points less than usual. points less than usual. point less than usual.

-1 -2 -4

While there are some people who are The character is spineless and often The character is so weak-willed that the
­significantly weaker-willed, the ­character lets others decide what is best. In many slightest setback causes them to give up,
is largely doubtful and i­ ndecisive. situations, they give up long before a
­ and the slightest attempt to persuade
Setbacks and situations that they don’t normal person would. them changes their mind. The c­ haracter
control are difficult to handle. is very easy to influence and often
switches views and allegiances because
they lack the ability to make decisions.

✦ Situation modifier: -1 ✦ Situation modifier: -2 ✦ Situation modifier: -4

✦ Persistence in the wild: -1 day ✦ Persistence in the wild: -2 days ✦ Persistence in the wild: -4 days
✦ Terror modifier: The character ✦ Terror modifier: The character ✦ Terror modifier: The character
receives a +1 fear factor modifier receives a +2 fear factor modifier receives a +4 fear factor modifier
when afflicted by fear. when afflicted by fear. when afflicted by fear.
✦ Specialties: Pathwalker, Terrain ✦ Specialties: Pathwalker, Terrain ✦ Specialties: Pathwalker, Terrain
Experience, and Weathered cost 1 Experience, and Weathered cost 2 Experience, and Weathered cost 4
point more than usual. points more than usual. points more than usual.

chapter 1. the character | 15


Strength describes a character’s raw power, physical stamina, and
endurance. A person with high Strength is big, strong, durable, and
in good physical condition.

+4 +2 +1

The character is as powerful as a large The character is almost as powerful as a The character is stronger than most
troll, and most people agree that troll troll. For some reason, their strength has others.
blood must run in their veins. developed more than normal and they are
well known for their ­incredible might.

✦ Situation modifier: +4 ✦ Situation modifier: +2 ✦ Situation modifier: +1

✦ Damage modifier: +4 in melee ✦ Damage modifier: +2 in melee ✦ Damage modifier: +1 in melee
damage (added after open rolls have damage (added after open rolls have damage (added after open rolls have
been rolled) been rolled) been rolled)
✦ Body Points: +4 ✦ Body Points: +2 ✦ Body Points: +1

-1 -2 -4

Physical prowess has never been the At some point during the character’s The character is anything but strong.
character’s most prominent trait. The childhood, their muscles stopped Lifting even the smallest object is d
­ ifficult.
character is weak and finds most things developing. They are quite feeble and
­ Most people agree that the c­haracter is
that involve muscle difficult. appear frail and thin. among the weakest of their kind.

✦ Situation modifier: -1 ✦ Situation modifier: -2 ✦ Situation modifier: -4

✦ Damage modifier: -1 in melee damage ✦ Damage modifier: -2 in melee damage ✦ Damage modifier: -4 in melee damage
(but never below 1; subtracted after (but never below 1; subtracted after (but never below 1; subtracted after
open rolls have been rolled) open rolls are rolled) open rolls are rolled)
✦ Body Points: -1 ✦ Body Points: -2 ✦ Body Points: -4
✦ Other: Cannot use heavy one-handed ✦ Other: Can use only light one-handed
weapons. weapons.

16 | chapter 1. the character

A player must choose their character’s Humans Elves Dwarves
affiliations by deciding their race and Stormlanders Korpikalli Buratja
nation, Mother Tongue, the kind of vitner
Mittlanders Illmalaini Borjornikkas
to weave (if any), and their religion.
Races and Cultures
Half-trolls Half-elves Dwarf-troll
✦ A character can be human, elf, dwarf,
Changelings Dyfirs Zvordas
half-elf, half-troll or dwarf-troll.
Gray brute Barkbrule
Not all who belong to the same race Ogro
are equal and behave in the same way.
and ­varieties: the more wide spread a Language Culture Archetype Core Skills
race is, the more numerous and different Eika Spoken by elves Bard Entertainment
its cultures will be. A character who is Knowledge
Futhark Spoken by dwarves and
human can be a Stormlander, Mittlander,
dwarf-trolls Dimwalker Faith
Virann, or Wildfolk. An elf can be a Knowledge
­Korpikalli or Illmalaini. A dwarf can be Rona Spoken by Viranns and
Mittlanders from the Dweller Care
a Buratja or a Borjornikka.
western and middle parts Knowledge
Beside the human, dwarf and elf races of Mittland
there are also half-breeds. Remember that Ranger Knowledge
Vrok Spoken by Stormlanders Wilderness
race and culture are ­different concepts: a
and Mittlanders from east- Rogue Knowledge
half-breed ­character can belong to the ern parts of Mittland
culture of either parent. Regarding the Shadow Arts
Wild Vrok Spoken by Wildfolk Vitner Weaver Knowledge
specific race name a half-elf could be a
Dyfir (a mix between a human and an Vitner Craft
­Illmalaini) or a ­Barkbrule (a mix between Warrior Knowledge
a human and a ­ Korpikalli). There are Fighting
many variants of half-trolls because
there is such a variety of trolls. A half- Geography Level 1, Land Knowledge Core Skills
troll that is a mix of a human and a forest Level 1, even if they do not have the basic Every archetype has two core skills
troll is called a Changeling, a mix of a skill SV requirements. Mother Tongue that are tied to the character when it
human and a gray troll is called a Gray Specialty Level 3. ­Characters who are is created. The character has 50 bonus
Brute, and the offspring of a human allowed to have more than one Mother creation points to spend on the core
and an ogre is called an Ogro. A cross Tongue specialty can have them but the skills as well as their disciplines and
between a dwarf and a troll, a dwarf- total of Free levels in these specialty is specialties.
troll, is called a Zvorda. always 3.

✦ SV Mother Tongue is SV of ­Knowledge Choose an Archetype

Mother Tongue skill, +1/level of Language discipline, The characters in Trudvang Chronicles
All characters speak their native +3/level of Mother Tongue specialty are best described as archetypes, rather
language fluently. Characters who live than as specific professions that require
on the border between two nations can their full time to make a living. When
have multiple languages as their Mother Archetypes creating a c­haracter, the player should
Tongue. The half-breeds mother tongue Below are descriptions of a few typical choose an ­archetype and perhaps also a
is the language spoken by the people professions in Trudvang. These are ­profession that will fit. But remember
where it has been raised. mostly meant as examples and guidelines that the choosing of this archetype
All characters start with some skills of how to flesh out characters. The is ­important only during ­ character
related to their own culture and language player should always make their PC the creation. The f­ ollowing ­ adventures
for free: Culture Knowledge Discipline way they want it, regardless of whether and personal development can lead a
Level 1, Language Discipline Level 1, it perfectly fits a description below. character far away from his ­beginning!

chapter 1. the character | 17

races and cultures


18 | chapter 1. the character

The daughters and sons of the human race Wildfolk that one can be an Ogro Wildfolk or a
live in every corner of Trudvang. Ever The traditional Wildfolk are a mix Stormlander Gray Brute.
since their first dawn, they’ve adjusted to of different tribes, Amures live in the
the environment like no other race. In the northwestern mountains, T ­ hoorkaals Changeling
east live the Stormlanders; in Mittland, in the southwest, and all the wild A Changeling is a cross between a human
descendants of the Thronelander kings; and savage tribes and clans dwell and a forest troll. It is smaller than a
and in the far west the wise Viranns. Side in the northern parts of Trudvang. regular human, with brownish skin and
by side with these main human breeds live Most of the Wildfolk pray to the dark yellow eyes. Some Changelings also have
the Wildfolk hiding in the deep forests gods and put their faith in Haminges. a cow tail, just like a troll.
and mountains. They are brutal and hardened, well
known for their excellence in war and Gray Brute
fighting. They are typically smaller, A Gray Brute is the offspring of a human
Mittlander less i­ntelligent, and stronger than the and a gray troll. They are typically bigger
The old name of the Mittlanders is East- average Stormlander. than a human in every respect. A Gray
throners. It is a human culture with old Brute usually takes after its troll lineage,
and complex traditions. ­According to meaning they have lots of hair on their
legend, Mittlanders descended from Half-Trolls body, yellow eyes, a big nose, and long ears.
the Thronelanders and lived in the There are many stories about trolls
far eastern wilderness for t­housands using their foul magic on humans to Ogro
of years before returning west. beget ­offspring. Half-troll is the common An Ogro is a mix of human and ogre.
­Mittlanders are proud and honorable, name for the offspring of a human and It is much taller than a human but
and they value courage as the highest a troll. The typical half-troll is big and less intelligent. Their skin is gray
virtue. Typical Mittlanders are not as brutish, and shares c­haracteristics of or green and as hardened as leather.
tall and strong as most Stormlanders, both trolls and humans. Rem­ ember Some ogros have blue eyes, but most
but they are still respected for their that “half-troll” is just a race name. of them have the yellow eyes of a troll,
stamina and endurance. Half-trolls raised by humans tend to and just like changelings most ogros
also have human cultures. This means have a long tail.

Stormlanders are the main folk in the
east. They are tall and strong and
have been shaped by the harsh and
great ­
wilderness they live in. Typical
Stormlanders are taller than other
humans and have dark hair and black
eyes. Only those from Ejdland differ
from the typical Stormlander; they are
blond and have blue eyes. Sometimes one
may even find a Stormlander with yellow
eyes, which is said to be the heritage
from living side by side with trolls and
other dark breeds.

The humans living in the far west are
called Viranns. The typical Virann is
blond and has gray or dark brown eyes.
They are not known for great strength or
­constitution but rather for their wisdom
and knowledge. Ever since they settled
down and learned agriculture, the Viranns
have valued the pursuits of knowledge
above those of strength and war.

chapter 1. the character | 19

races and cultures


20 | chapter 1. the character

The old stories say that the elves were Half-Elves Barkbrule
the first race to set foot in Trudvang. For as long as humans have had contact Barkbrule is the name of a cross between
Supposedly, they came from the dark with the elves, their blood has mixed. Korpikalli and humans. Just like a Dyfir,
void, riding on rays of light, led by the Half-elves are generally beautiful like the Barkbrule breed is shorter and
gods. Over the course of eons, the elves elves, with long, silver hair and slimmer slimmer than a human and much like a
split into two sub-races: the traditional bodies than humans. Korpikalli. The main difference is that a
Illmalaini (the star elves) and the wild Barkbrule tends to have pitch-black eyes
Korpikalli (the dark elves). Dyfir and dark hair.
Dyfir is the name of a mix between
Illmalaini and humans. A Dyfir tends
Illmalaini to be both shorter and slimmer than a
The Illmalaini elves are highborn human. Usually their skin is white and
and consider themselves superior to pale and their eyes dark.
all other races in Trudvang. Their
lives are focused on one major task: to
connect with the gods once again. Why
did the gods leave the elves chained to
Trudvang, without any answers? The
Illmalaini guard the ancient secrets and
knowledge and perceive their future as
an even bigger step away from the gods.
In appearance, these elves are quite tall,
with silvery white hair and pale white

The Korpikalli elves have abandoned the
old traditions to seek their new future in
the dark woods. When the gods left the
elves, the Korpikalli decided to leave the
gods behind as well. They don’t care about
those gods anymore. In fact, they disdain
and scorn the absent deities. The typical
Korpikalli has black hair and dark eyes, with
a body shaped from life in the wild woods.
These elves embrace nature, which they
worship with reverence. The Korpikalli are
more aggressive than the Illmalaini.

chapter 1. the character | 21

races and cultures


22 | chapter 1. the character

Deep down in the mountains lives the They commonly trade with humans, shared the mountains as their home,
quiet and leisurely race of dwarves. and ­therefore spend much of their time and thus came a mixed breed from
No one knows when they first came to on the surface. The Borjornikkas are the darkness. Zvorda are much bigger
Trudvang or who created them. Some ­superstitious and value tradition, much than a typical dwarf but smaller than
say the dwarves are part of the m
­ ountains like the Illmalaini elves do. a gray troll. Some say that the Zvorda
themselves, while others say that the god have the temper of a troll and the
Borjorn created them to serve him. The persistence of a dwarf. Most Zvorda
female dwarves are m ­ ysterious beings Buratja tend to have a dwarvish culture since,
that dwell in the darkest and deepest The Buratja dwarves are a rare breed given the ­ mysterious nature of the
caves, deep down below the surface of that live deep in the earth. Most of them Norgavaina and how they reproduce,
the earth. There are very few dwarf have never even seen the sun or been the Zvorda are almost never raised
men who in adulthood have seen these outside their mountains. They have among the trolls.
women, called Norgavaina by dwarves, extraordinary stamina and ­constitution
and they are described as short, ­beautiful and pray to their fiery forges as if they
creatures with fair skin and not nearly were gods. Buratjas value smithing and
as rough as the male dwarves are. Male forging above all else. Their bodies
dwarves live in brotherhoods and clans are covered with a thick layer of soot
and are separated from the females. and their eyes shine brightly in the
dark. These dwarves have thick and
✦ Dwarves can see up to 10 meters with bushy hair but shorter beards than the
a weak light source as if it were day. ­Borjornikkas.

Borjornikka Dwarf-Trolls
The Borjornikkas are the most common Zvorda is the dwarvish name for
dwarves in Trudvang. They live under the offspring of a dwarf and a troll.
the earth in great cities and halls. Dwarves and trolls have always

chapter 1. the character | 23


✦ BARD ✦
✦ Core skills: Entertainment, Knowledge

24 | chapter 1. the character

Bards are well regarded and sought after of zorjorns meet, the sounds of their Tradition has it that harjonturs bring
all over Trudvang, especially in Mittland. drums rumble through the great cavern luck with them and that their music
They tell stories and sing songs about halls. People who have seen or heard such keeps evil spirits and gods of chaos at bay,
the past or the future. They gather the a thing speak of a feeling so intense that which is why many berserkers (savage
elders, children, men, and women around it felt like a thousand thunders, and how warriors) join up with them. There are
the crackling fire to tell tales about great their bodies shook and vibrated from the harjonturs that only dance, too, called
heroes and deeds, fabulous and magical mighty sounds of the drums and horns. “haddings” and “haddingjas” (males and
swords, and mythical creatures. females, respectively).

Mittlander Bards
Elven Bards Of all the people of Trudvang, Mittlanders Virann Bards
The elves have always loved different are the most proud and have the longest The Viranns have no established art of
kinds of stringed instruments and flutes. traditions when it comes to bards and narrative, nor any aspirations to hear the
The instruments are often made out of chiefly storytellers. The Skwildhugla, tales of a bygone age. They do, however,
parts of animals, such as the jaw of a an ancient society of keepers of tradition appreciate dancing as an art form. Those
pike or the antlers of a stag, on which and storytelling, is so influential that no who spellbind crowds with their dance
strings are attached. The strings are in other society is said to have such power in Westmark are called “fulkas,” and a
many cases made of the hair of the elves over people as they do. To be admitted skilled fulka knows almost all the dances
­themselves. For thousands of years, the to the Skwildhugla is no simple task and that are allowed. In less ­ respectable
elves have bestowed upon the world requires decades of training and roaming places, there are other stories about the
beautiful music that makes wanderers the lands before one is accepted. fulkas. It is said that fulkas secretly belong
of the forests fall asleep or forget where Bards not part of the Skwildhugla are to an ancient society of assassins and
they were going. The elven bards are often travelling storytellers, going from “­eitrspatters” (rogues who use poison).
masterful musicians who can, without village to village to share their tales of There are no doubts that the group is
uttering a single word, convey a feeling heroes and valour. They sometimes play an in many regards a secret society, but the
or sensation. Like their dwarven peers, instrument as well. Their stories are told in fulkas themselves intend for mystery
elven bards can play for hours, even days, a certain metre called “skwild,” which is why to be part of the dance ­experience, and
before they stop and fall into a deep sleep. the typical bard is called either “skwilde” or with these secrets and dance moves they
The elves who master these stringed “skwilda,” depending on gender. entrance their audiences.
instruments and flutes have many names,
but most common of all is “kjolltalinja,”
meaning “ring of the stars.” Stormlander Bards Wildfolk Bards
As with the Wildfolk, the bards of the The typical bard among the Wildfolk
Stormlands are often those who had a is old and feeble, an old man or woman
Dwarven Bards different trade when they were younger, who has seen it all but no longer has
For the dwarves, drums and tall horns but as they grew older and weaker, they the strength to hunt the great spirits.
have always been associated with retired to farms where they now tell Their tales are often about how to defeat
tradition and stories. Their way of
­ their stories. In the Stormlands, they are a powerful spirit or about great killers
entertaining is seldom done through
­ called “vudjun.” who slew beasts thought undefeatable.
words, but through drumbeats and horn But there is another, much younger, Wildfolk bards gather their crowds
blasts. For the same reason, it is common kind of bard that can be seen around the around the fire during cold, dark nights
for dwarven bards to first learn playing Stormlands. They play “­ stormharjas,” and toss roots and herbs into it to make
both the small drum (the “rozorji”) and a stringed instrument, while they the flames crackle and shift in color. To
the large one (the “kalorva”), along with alternate between singing and telling
­ the sound of drums they tell their weird
the mountain horn (the “rogduboki”). tales of strange things. They are called tales.
A “zorjorn,” as the drummers are the “harjonturs,” and since they travel The Wildfolk call these storytellers
called, can practice his art for days from farm to farm, they often bring news “thowintuza” which in Wild Vrok means
without interruption. When a ­gathering to remote or desolate lands. “someone who speaks to the fire.”

chapter 1. the character | 25


✦ Core skills: Faith, Knowledge

26 | chapter 1. the character

Dimwalkers live in the name of their the god of creation, has blessed. There is prepared as possible for when their lives
god(s). They pray and connect with a nothing more important to the Thuuls in Trudvang end so they will be able to
divine power to receive special ­abilities than the artifact they have created, and so walk through the storm without the help
and skills. Stormlanders pray to the strong is the bond to this item that they of Enken, for those who do will get a
Stormasirs, Mittlanders to the spirits of believe that fate has woven them to it. place at Tabarast, Stormi’s table, in the
nature, and Viranns to the one god Gave. mythical hall of Jarnglimma.
Common among all dimwalkers is that
they devote their lives to a higher power, Mittlander Dimwalkers
a belief, and a faith in the divine. There are many heroes and honorable sons Virann Dimwalkers
and daughters who form pacts and take The dimwalkers of Westmark have nearly
oaths of blood in order to be granted the unlimited power. There are few people or
Elven Dimwalkers strange and mysterious gifts of the Eald powers that may question the authority of
It is strange, but the elves have no official Tradition. The real dimwalkers, those even a single dimwalker. The dimwalkers
dimwalkers and no complicated religious who once ruled over the steppes and the of the Tenets of Nid are called “Gavlians.”
hierarchy. Even though their traditions keeps, live a more secluded life. They are They receive their holy powers by praying
and customs are based entirely on gods called “lairds” and are chiefs in villages to and serving the One God, Gave.
and their tales, they are not in contact where people are still followers of the Eald Some gavlians serve their entire lives
with any gods, unlike the humans and ­Tradition. In ancient times only those who in a distant monastery and never see
dwarves. Some say that the elves carry had sworn pacts with the Flowras could what is outside the tall walls. But there
a curse, while others claim that they are be called “lairds”, but during the last few are those who have no fixed point in life,
immaculate and thus need no gods. centuries it has become common for all the but seek the grace of Gave far from the
Some elves, however, are born with chieftains who have devoted themselves to boundaries of their homes. For the power
something that may be likened to divine the Eald Tradition to take this title. The of Gave is so great that it reaches all the
abilities. Naturally, the elves themselves heroes and heroines who have not taken way from the holy land of Viranno in the
believe that these abilities are a legacy, a the responsibility to lead a village or to west to Dranvelt in the east.
gift, from the gods that they lived side acquire a piece of land under the ancient Younger gavlians, so-called v­ enerables,
by side with at the dawn of time. The tradition, but who still have learned its are often apprentices to accomplished
elves who carry one of these abilities are divine abilities, are called “malhewens,” gavlians, and it is not uncommon for
called “Ihana.” They are considered to be after Malhewen the Trollseeker. those with experience to have several
quite valuable to the elven c­ommunity Many malhewens live a life on the road, venerables under their tutorship.
and are often keepers of tradition, living serving a higher purpose. They meddle
­alongside the immortal elves, for only the little in the day-to-day dealings of other
Ihana are believed to be able to partake in folk, since their oaths require them to Wildfolk Dimwalkers
the traditions that live on since the Age be above the mundane. Their lives are a Dimwalkers among the Wildfolk are
of Dreams. constant search for an opportunity to
­ mostly followers that tie themselves with
fulfill their purpose and serve a tradition dangerous and powerful spirits in order
that goes back thousands of years. to extend their power. There are many
Dwarven Dimwalkers names for the dimwalkers of the Wildfolk,
There are not many dimwalkers among but most adopt the tribal roles of “vigan,”
the dwarves, since few of them manage to Stormlander Dimwalkers “gellti,” and “mastru.” A vigan is the
master the mysterious runes and receive the The “stormkelts” are those who serve the leader of the tribe, whose sole purpose is
secrets of the god Yukk. The dwarves who violent god Stormi and his s­ ubordinates. combat and defeating others. The gellti is
have chosen to take the holy path are called The meaning of stormkelt is broad, but the tribe’s dark mother, granting life and
“Thuuls.” Thuuls interpret the mountain the most established is “they who serve health as well as taking it. Cunning and
and the knowledge that lies buried deep Stormi with an iron fist,” since a “kjalt” bewildering, the mastru is the trickster
beneath thousands of years of tradition and is a person who brings somebody to their of the tribe. Apart from these three types,
symbiosis with the stone. Oddly enough, knees with an ironclad hand. there are other dimwalkers that are called
the thuul forging arts are mostly diffused The stormkelts are callous and upright with names like “arkorja,” “honnajorl,”
among Gray Dwarves, while Buratja and and waste no time on pity, they act in or “thowatz” that, in one way or another,
Zvorda Thuuls, even if existing, are very the name of Stormi or one of the other all mean something along the lines of a
rare, and no one knows why. storm gods and have given themselves claimer or coercer of spirits. Thowatz,
It is believed that a Thuul’s powers to the Gerbanic faith to protect the or gorger, however, is the most common
are in direct relationship with a special weak and ward off the gods of chaos. name for those who subject themselves to
item they have made and which Borjorn, Their ultimate goal, however, is to be as the darkest of all divine teachings.

chapter 1. the character | 27


✦ Core skills: Care, Knowledge

28 | chapter 1. the character

Dweller is the common name for people Mittlander Dwellers work, especially if they cannot join
living off the land. They settle down in a In Mittland the farms are larger the jarl’s hirdmen for one reason or
small village or town and try to use their and more widespread than in the another, and instead move from farm
skills to survive. A dweller is good at Stormlands. The dwellers gather in
­ to farm looking for work.
­agriculture, blacksmithing, and ­woodcraft. teams and specialize in certain tasks, Additionally, most dwellers are
Some have a permanent home, while such as agriculture, cattle raising, or capable hunters, since the harsh and
others go from village to village seeking crafting. They are not as bound to a ruthless weather makes farming life
employment that lets them use their
­ single farm as much as the Viranns unstable at best. Hunting and fishing
talents. They collect, produce, sell, and are, but it is still common practice for are important sideline activities for
sometimes hunt for their survival. Some the free dwellers to stay at one place many dwellers in the Stormlands.
dwellers serve as “hirdmen” or sellswords for a couple of years before the teams
in a chieftain’s guard and are as good with move on. The sense of community is
a sword as they are with a plow. important for dwellers in Mittland,
­ Virann Dwellers
and most of them spend their entire The Viranns are large-scale dwellers
lives, or most of it, with the same team. and all the farms in Westmark are
Elven Dwellers Dwellers seek to own farms, and big and well off. The largest farms
It is largely uncommon for elves to have those who do are respected. They keep cattle, tend the fields, have
big farms or to gather in one place. They might keep horses or cattle, or just ­c raftsmen, and try to make a profit off
often wander from place to place with farm the lands. In rare cases, they the surplus. Westlander dwellers are
their herds (usually reindeer) or stay occupy themselves exclusively with well versed in farming, trading, and
briefly where wild crops are abundant. craftsmanship. languages.
Elven dwellers are often as good with a It is not uncommon to meet a In this part of Trudvang, there are
hunting bow and fishing rod as they are ­Mittlander dweller who has learned also dwellers who live inside, or just
at tending their herds. another language to simplify trading outside, the walls of a city. They are
However, there are also the “Koivhas,” with peddlers from faraway lands. often referred to as “wall dwellers,”
especially among the light elves, who remain While farmers in the Stormlands but other common names for them are
in one place and tend to the land with their strive to be self-sufficient, the dwellers “barrow peddlers” (since they sell their
abilities. These sedentary elves learn how to of Mittland also seek to sell off their wares from barrows and carts), “market
make use of what the land offers, and never surplus in order to further secure traders,” or the more d
­ erogatory “dung
abuse it for their own gain. their well-being and income. draggers,” since their shoes tend to
track in animal droppings from the
Dwarven Dwellers Stormlander Dwellers
Dwarven dwellers are almost exclusively Dwellers in the Stormlands often live
smiths or miners. There are not many by a jarl’s keep and the societies around Wildfolk Dwellers
dwarves who keep to traditional them, but demand for their supplies is Among the Wildfolk there are no
farming or cattle raising, but some do often too small for them to stay for an distinct dwellers, since they seldom
grow mushrooms underground or keep extended period of time in one place. live on farms. Their communities are
domestic pigs in the mine tunnels. Peddlers have to walk from farm to temporary settlements or crossroads,
Smiths are held in high regard since farm to support t­ hemselves and must and it is uncommon for them to make
they work and transform the force of the pay a fee for the jarl’s blessing to sell use of this practice. However, there
great god Borjorn into items which is his their wares. are some among the Wildfolk who
purpose. Mining is a heavy and tiresome In the Stormlands, dwellers are keep herds of reindeer or goats, and
labor, and some dwarven miners enjoy most commonly found as farmhands ­gatherers who collect wild herbs, roots,
a higher status than others. Those who and maids, charged with the various mushrooms, and anything else that is
mine coal for the furnaces are not as tasks of agricultural life: tilling, edible and of use for the tribe.
appreciated as those who mine ore. crafting, building, or cattle raising. A Wildfolk dweller is often very
Crafting is also common among Unless they are serfs, dwellers receive knowledgeable about the flora and fauna,
dwarven dwellers. a small amount of payment for their as well as about trading.

chapter 1. the character | 29


✦ Core skills: Knowledge, Wilderness

30 | chapter 1. the character

The ranger is a wanderer of the wilds, Mittlander Rangers the wilderness” rings true. Not being
a pathfinder, and a hunter. They have Hunters are a common sight in able to live off hunting is considered
learned all the skills needed to live outside Mittland, and while they form an weak and unworthy; such people are
villages and towns, and they prize most important part of the Mittlander often s­ acrificed as blot or drowned in
highly a free life in the wilderness. A Rangers, in this region of Trudvang a hole in the ice. The hunters of the
ranger is a skilled hunter and scout who mounted messengers and scouts are Stormlands are usually well versed in
has learned how to predict weather and also encompassed. The mounted the flora and can gather large ­quantities
track the most fearsome beasts. ­messengers, like the spörrulvi of the of berries, nuts, mushrooms, and other
Stormlands, are familiar with the edible vegetables.
geography they travel through, live Some men and women from larger
Elven Rangers a life on the roads, and are paid to farms and settlements make their living
The elves have always hunted, but not deliver missives or goods small enough by helping others to travel across the
in the same way or for the same purpose to fit in their saddlebags. Mittland’s lands and through the wilderness.
as humans. Where men seek to acquire mounted messengers are, as the name Usually, these individuals are referred
quantities of fur and meat, elves value suggests, excellent riders and fond of to as the “spörrulvi,” those who track
balance in the woods and never hunt their horses. like wolves. They know a great deal
more than what is needed for the day. Scouts and vanguards to the ever-­ about the land and prove themselves
Elven hunters are skilled at setting moving hanir tribes are also ­considered capable warriors and hunters, but most
traps and surrounding prey. They often rangers in Mittland. Much like the of all they understand the elements and
lie in wait and almost exclusively hunt mounted messengers, they are highly can travel for months at a stretch.
in teams. Hunters play a crucial role dependent on their horses.
especially among the Korpikalli elves,
­ In this part of Trudvang, where feats
since they move from place to place and of honor and courage are highly valued Virann Rangers
have no permanent settlements like the and recorded, it is common for some to Dwellers make up the majority of the
Illmalaina elves of the south. Entering specialize in hunting a certain, specific population in Westmark and rangers are
new hunting grounds and learning what kind of beast. Hunters of trolls, hrim considered strange and dangerous. They
game it offers are tedious tasks that are trolls, or lindwurms are highly honored are wanderers who live by hunting and
filled with dangers. and always respected in the mead halls. trading fur, but since almost all the farms
The elves who travel far with their Those who live by hunting are called have a huntmaster who has learned both
herds of reindeer to find pastures for “spearlauger,” but generally, rangers fishing and hunting, there is little to gain
their livestock have learned to live in and are poetically called the “stersluming,” there. It is very common for rangers to be
coexist with nature. meaning “star sleeper.” forced to serve a rich dweller or work as a
Elven hunters are known as “toumi,” caravan guard, given their knowledge of
the keepers of balance. the land. In Westmark there are plenty of
Stormlander Rangers derogatory names for the ­rangers, such
With the same grimness and raw as “troll-wanderer” or “root-chewer,” but
Dwarven Rangers bravery of the wildmen in the north, the most common practice is to call them
There are few who can be called the rangers of the Stormlands and “vildvittjes” or “vildvittras” (for men and
rangers among the dwarves. Of course, tamers of the wild roam the forests to women, respectively).
there are vast and untrodden areas of hunt. Here, as in the north, the rangers
wilderness beneath the earth too, but spend most of their time hunting. It
dwarves do not have the same hunting is, however, fairly uncommon for them Wildfolk Rangers
culture as humans and elves. The few to encounter big game. Instead, they Among the Wildfolk of the north, where
who do hunt look for tunnelswine, and pursue wolves, foxes, and drauglo, or the constant perils of the dark forest
the gatherers who explore the endless, the dangerous morkbru in the northern lurk, there is plenty of game, but also
dark crevices seek rare mushrooms or parts of the region. Other rangers lay mortal dangers for those who take the
roots. It is also uncommon for dwarven traps for skullverines, winter hares, wrong path. The rangers here hunt both
rangers to provide only for themselves; and raw martens, or they hunt birds big and small game; the further north,
oftentimes, a band of brothers leaves to and plunder the nests. The further the bigger the quarry. At the border
hunt and gather for a period of time and north in the Stormlands, the more of the barren Isvidda (the Great Ice
later returns to their ordinary tasks in rangers one finds, and the saying “In Plains), ­frostboar and m
­ astomants are
the mine or smithy. the Wilderland, everyone is a part of felled, and ­sometimes even hrimtursirs.

chapter 1. the character | 31


✦ Core skills: Knowledge, Shadow Arts

32 | chapter 1. the character

The rogue is an outcast or vagrant, to have been coined in Mittland. The coin-snatchers are simple thieves,
someone without a king, earl, or chieftain Assassins are cold-blooded killers stealing from people in streets and
to serve. They live by stealth, murder, or who thoroughly plan their deeds. markets and breaking into homes and
dealing with secrets, and they always live They infiltrate the households and keeps to find something they can sell.
in the shadows. The rogue learns the homes of those they are paid to slay. The “belwenpollers” serve a w
­ ell-to-do
trades of picking pockets, burglary, and The ­“eitrspatters” are, if possible, even trader or smuggler whose clients may
backstabbing. If rogues are not cautious, more thorough than the assassins. not always be able to pay. ­Belwenpollers
they might be sacrificed in the moorland They have learned to kill with poison are sent to break bones and noses to
or thrown to the wolves. and carry a great deal of knowledge of keep their lords paid. There are plenty
botany and toxicology. of ­belwenpollers in Westmark’s many
In addition, just as in the rest of ports.
Elven Rogues Trudvang, there are some rogues who The “shadowers” are creatures of
Elves who have caused large forest fires, simply steal and rob. the night, earning their coin by tailing
led trolls or Wildfolk to elven villages, people and investigating what they are
or done something else that put the tribe up to and where they live. Shadowers
in grave danger are cast out and must Stormlander Rogues stop at nothing to get the information
live as rogues. Sometimes they build a Most common in the Stormlands are the they need, and they charge good money
hut in the outskirts of the tribe’s hunting sea wolves, the “log less,” and scoundrels. for their services.
grounds and sneak into villages to steal Sea wolves are shipborne robbers who Outside the cities, among farms or far
food and items. It is not uncommon for perform nightly raids, stealing cattle and out in the wilderness, possibly the most
these elves to seek out humans and join thralls. Their ships are fast and strike dangerous of Westmark’s rogues gather:
up with adventurers or woodsmen. The without warning. the “utlaupsmen” and robber barons.
elves call their rogues “kallivojka” (“the The “log less” are those who have Utlaupsmen are robbers who ravage
lost”), and they are forever cut off from their stormilogs removed from their and plunder farms, lying in ambush
the tribe. homes as punishment for murdering on important trade routes, or who are
and stealing, revealing to all passersby simply hired by lords to make life difficult
that they are loyal to no one. They are for someone.
Dwarven Rogues ­sometimes hired by people who do not Robber barons are “riddermen”
Rogues are uncommon among dwarves. want to bloody their own hands, but (warriors) who have fallen from
Often, the only rogues are dwarves usually Stormlanders want nothing to grace and abandoned their lord and
who have lost all their brothers or done do with the log less. their ­traditions to rob and ravage the
something so wrong that they have been Scoundrels are those who move from ­countryside. What differentiates robber
excluded from the community, forced to farm to farm, killing and stealing as they barons from utlaupsmen is that most
survive by stealing or worse. Dwarves go. Most of the time, they have betrayed robber barons are not as ruthless.
call their rogues “mulovos,” which means their families and thus have no right to
“dark-hearted.” The worst sin of all is call themselves warriors and have no vote
slaying a brother, and dwarves who do at the “Thing” (the assembly of people). Wildfolk Rogues
so are called “orgej” (“blood-hand”), but The scoundrels live off the shady tasks Rogues are uncommon among the
they are very rare. that might give them board and lodging. Wildfolk, since they are slain in a
shameful manner if caught. Those who
hide in the dark and steal from others
Mittlander Rogues Virann Rogues deserve nothing better than being
Two types of rogues are especially In Westmark, where the big cities are drowned in a mire or hung from a tree.
dangerous in Mittland: assassins and
­ crowded with people, coin-snatchers The most common type of Wildfolk
“eitrspatters.” and “belwenpollers” gather, along with rogues are simple thieves and the
Assassin is a term that is used all the “shadowers” who use the cities as a “slogi,” those who betray their own for
over the Stormlands, but it is assumed starting point for their missions. payment.

chapter 1. the character | 33


✦ Core skill: Knowledge, Vitner Craft

34 | chapter 1. the character

To master the energies of magic is councilors and advisors to gothis and weavers “vedmas.” Oftentimes it is
a powerful skill, and to weave the kings. They are seen to be very close, the “Vaagritalja” (those who seek the
mysterious energy called “vitner” is a
­ and sometimes even one, with nature balance of power) who learn to live
dangerous trade. Some people call these and its beings. The weavers are divided close to nature. Sometimes they can
weavers enchanters, mages, ­spellcasters, into three groups: the “Gandhman,” the be seen crossing the mountains with
sorcerers, or conjurers. The vitner “Hallawes,” and the “Fhomors.” their gnarled, knotty staffs (called
weavers have learned to cast spells and The Gandhman are sorcerers “­gambatein”), seeking plants and herbs
to control the powerful vitner. They are sworn to no master who travel from that they mix and boil in their huts and
rightfully feared all over Trudvang, but farm to farm in the backwoods to cabins.
also highly respected and valued. seek, or share, knowledge. In many
parts of Mittland, it is believed that
the Gandhman have sworn pacts with Virann Vitner Weavers
Elven Vitner Weavers the Flowras or stand very close to Since the advent of the Tenets of Nid
Elves were the first to learn the powerful these mysterious beings of nature. in Westmark, many vitner weavers
art of weaving from the Misturelves, A Gandhman is a welcome guest at have lived like hunted animals. They
and thus also have had the longest time Mittlander farms, since many carry
­ do not have the same rights as others
to practice it. The elvish conjurers are the skills and abilities of a skald. and are sometimes punished for using
generally called “sampokkas” (weavers) The Hallawes, or Hellawes, are vitner. Because of this, the conjurers of
and they usually perform their magic by the conjurers who thirst for ancient Westmark live in obscurity, oftentimes
singing or playing odd instruments. ­knowledge and dig deep into the secrets in the wilderness, to avoid persecution.
Among the elves there is a kind of of the vitner. Because of their knowledge, Of all the vitner weavers in Trudvang,
conjurer that for some reason attracts Hallawes often serve a rich gothi or king, it is said that those in Westmark possess
animals which choose to live close to and are able to spend considerable sums the greatest knowledge of the Uvenla
them. Because of this, men have given from their treasury to increase their (demons) and of other creatures from
them the name of “besturvejkler,” but knowledge. Dimhall. It is not unusual for them
the elves call them “raoumma,” “they The Fhomors are the most feared of to specialize in fire, water, wind, or
who caw.” These conjurers are always all vitner weavers in Mittland. Tamers of ­something else and to learn to weave in
“Hwitaljas” (ones who bring light). vitner, they use their secrets in combat silence.
and are nearly as deft with the arts of Common folk in Westmark call the
battle as they are with weaving vitner. vitner weavers warlocks and witches.
Dwarven Vitner Weavers Many commanders seek (and fear) these Older are the names “hexe,” for men, and
Even though several attempts have been swordmages. “hagzissa,” for women. Ever since the
made to teach dwarves how to wield Tenets of Nid bloomed in Westmark, it
and weave vitner, they have never been has been widely believed that warlocks
successful. It is said that their bonds Stormlander Vitner Weavers and witches are bound tightly to the
to the mountains and their gods are so Despite the fact that vitner weavers Uvenla and the Ioi, and that they carry
strong that they cannot let vitner enter are highly unusual in the Stormlands, inside them a seed of evil that leaves a
their minds. There is, however, a specific many scholars claim that it was in this physical mark upon their bodies.
Dwarven kind of Vitner Weaver which part of Trudvang that the weaving
is diffused especially among the rare began, among elves and humans alike.
Buratja dwarves. These are weavers who It was here that the “Misturelves” Wildfolk Vitner Weavers
know how to engrave magical runes on shared their gifts with the elves, who Wildfolk believe that they who can
items to be made magical. ­subsequently did the same with humans. distort nature without defeating a spirit
Many weavers disappeared along with are walking down a dangerous path,
the Thronelanders when the latter which is why no conjurers will be found
Mittlander Vitner Weavers decided to leave the Stormlands and among these people. The few Wildfolk
Vitner weavers are most appreciated in settle in Mittland. who dare to learn the art of vitner
Mittland. They have a prominent role In the Stormlands, male vitner weaving are driven off or sacrificed in
in the Eald Tradition, but also serve as weavers are called “veduns” and female bogs or marshes.

chapter 1. the character | 35


✦ Core skills: Fighting, Knowledge

36 | chapter 1. the character

The warrior is the backbone of an Weapon masters worship their and learn how to wield spears, shields,
adventuring party. They usually
­ weapons, are taught secret techniques, and swords as well as to till the lands
put faith in no god but in their own and live to master their skills and prowess and run the farm. Among the hirdmen
sword and strength. The fierce and on the battlefield. It is not uncommon to are also sellswords, shieldsmen, and
supernatural berserkers from the
­ see weapon masters make alliances with glaive fighters who live a wandering life,
Stormlands are respected and feared, others of their kind. In these cult-like working for the jarls and chieftains who
just like the holy warriors in the far ­alliances, they swear oaths to protect each can pay for their services.
west. A warrior serves to protect others other, to fight, and even to die together
and to die with their sword in one hand on the same battlefields. Mighty ring
and their axe in the other. breakers and speargothis often have Virann Warriors
weapon masters in their service, partly to The “riddermen” are found in Westmark.
protect themselves and partly to educate They are the bulk of the warriors in the
Elven Warriors their spearmen in the noble art of fighting. Western lands. Heavily armored, armed,
As with the Wildfolk, it is common for Like the hirdmen in the Stormlands, and mounted, they are sworn to obey
elvish warriors to be hunters first and the spearmen live close by their gothi their order or king. They carry their
warriors second. During peacetime, or king as guardians and warriors under banners with pride and are well aware
they hunt food for their tribe, and when their banner. There are many mythical that on their shoulders rest a heavy yoke
trouble arises, they don leather armor spearmen in Mittland; the “Borgwarths” of tradition and code of honor.
and bring forth battle clubs. are the most famous and revered. The Less appreciated and less capable are
The warriors who protect the care spearmen are often skilled in fighting the watchmen of Westmark, warriors
trees are called the “Puvartija.” Specially on horseback, and they spend many days tasked with guarding a wall, keep, estate,
trained, they are able to stay for long and nights by their horse to form strong or anything else that requires armed
periods of time in the wilderness of the connections. defense. The watchmen can be found all
forests, patrolling and protecting the For warriors of Mittland, courage over Westmark, but they gather mostly
grounds where the care trees grow. They is all that matters. When warriors in towns or larger estates. While they do
work mostly in pairs, and spend most of die, it is said that they die because of not carry the same burden of tradition
their time away from their tribe. their courage and what it has brought as the riddermen, nor do they enjoy the
them. Whether it be in anger, sorrow, same high status.
­melancholy, ­recklessness, or heroism, it Those in Westmark who live by the
Dwarven Warriors is because they sought to be a hero for a great sea have built many a ship that
There are two kinds of warriors among greater cause. carries valuable cargo. To protect these,
the dwarves: the “Zvordorkûm” and the “leidangr” are hired, mariners who are
“Logovorda.” just as skilled with seafaring as with
In the olden days, the Zvordorkûm Stormlander Warriors fighting. Because of the experience and
bore mighty zvordorkûm-maki armor; In the Stormlands, warriors are usually knowledge they gather from distant
however, today they are generally either berserkers or hirdmen. lands, the leidangr are more sought
associated with defensive fighting in
­ Berserkers are savages, bloodthirsty after than the watchmen, but still find
heavy armor. They bear fear-­inspiring axe- and swordsmen capable of going ­themselves far beneath the riddermen.
masks, helmets, and chest plates, all into a battle rage. It is said that they
in iron, called “murgles,” and they are can shift into the forms of bears, wolves,
known all over Trudvang to be nigh-­ and other wild animals. In battle, these Wildfolk Warriors
impossible to defeat in battle. shapeshifters care nothing for shields The warriors of the Wildfolk are
The Logovorda are warriors who often or helmets, feel neither pain nor fear, often hunters and are also tasked with
work in the mines, thus learning the and cut down all in their path. The defending the tribe from the lurking
ways of spear and pick. When the drums ­berserkers of the Stormlands are feared dangers of the forests, the mountain
of war call once again, they emerge from all over Trudvang. They often take ranges, or the ice-covered plains. Some
the dark tunnels to fight behind the names related to dangerous predators make their living from campaigns, with
Zvordorkûm with long spears. such as Ulve, Garm (both warg beasts), war as their only source of income. Such
Bjorn (bear), or Örn (eagle). warriors are often brutal and seasoned,
The hirdmen of the Stormlands often with little to no understanding of
Mittlander Warriors gather under the banner of a jarl or the world outside of combat. These
The warriors of Mittland are often powerful chieftain. Many are warriors warsworn are especially common among
divided into two groups: weapon masters first, but serve on their lords’ farms and the Arks and the Bults, but can also be
and spearmen. keeps too. They live close by their jarl found among Wildboarers and Agrots.

chapter 1. the character | 37

A skill is a collection of similar competence Skill Skill Value (SV) 1-10 Broad and comprehensive knowledge
and talents obtained through experience, within an area.
insight, and training. Within these skills Discipline SV +1 per level of Discipline An area of expertise within the
are specific knowledge areas, divided into general skill.
disciplines and specialties in which the Specialty SV +2 per level of Specialty (special- Greater expertise and specialization
character can develop even further (such ties with other bonuses also exist) within the discipline.
as speaking in prose or playing a ­particular
The bonus to SV from a Specialty stacks with the bonus from Discipline.
instrument). Creation points are spent to
buy Skills, Disciplines and Specialties. For
their cost see Chapter 2. During character
creation remember that: AGE GROUPS
Age Group Human Elf Dwarf/Zvorda Half-elf Half-troll
✦ All characters start with SV 1 in all Young 10-15 10-30 10-25 10-20 10-15
skills and with free levels in mother
Mature 16-25 31-75 26-60 21-50 16-22
tongue and culture (See page 17).
✦ dimwalkers and vitner weavers require Middle-aged 26-50 76-120 61-110 51-80 23-40
specific skills, disciplines and specialties Old 51+ 121+ 111+ 81+ 41+
to be bought (see Page 55 and 68).

The chosen archetype gives 50 bonus HEIGHT AND WEIGHT

creation points that can be spent only on Race Height (Male) Height (Female) Weight (Male) Weight (Female)
the archetype’s core skills and u
­ nderlying Stormlander 1.85 m 1.70 m 85 kg 65 kg
disciplines and specialties. See Table
Mittlander 1.80 m 1.65 m 80 kg 60 kg
“Archetypes and Core Skills” at page 17.
Virann 1.80 m 1.65 m 80 kg 60 kg
Wildfolk 1.85 m 1.70 m 85 kg 65 kg
Magic and F aith Korpikalli 1.75 m 1.65 m 75 kg 55 kg
Characters who have acquired the Illmalaini 1.70 m 1.60 m 70 kg 50 kg
Vitner Craft skill can acquire groups
Buratja 1.30 m – 65 kg –
of spells called “Vitner Tablets,” while
those who have the Faith skill can Borjonikka 1.35 m – 80 kg –
acquire groups of divine powers called Zvorda 1.75 m – 150 kg –
“Holy Tablets.” Dyfer 1.75 m 1.60 m 63 kg 52 kg
Each Vitner or Holy Tablet is a Barkbrule 1.75 m 1.60 m 63 kg 52 kg
Specialty of the corresponding Vitner
Changeling 1.60 m 1.50 m 60 kg 52kg
Craft or Faith skill, and are acquired like
all other specialties, as further explained Gray brute 1.90 m 1.80 m 90 kg 81 kg
in the Skills section of this book. Ogro 2.20 m 2.00 m 145 kg 120 kg
Each level in these Tablet specialties
grants the access to specific spells and
powers, as explained in the description of Age Height and Weight
each Vitner or Holy tablet. The player chooses how old the A player also chooses the height and
character is. The age should reflect
­ weight of their character. They should
how e­xperienced the character is at mirror the character’s traits, such
Secondary Traits the start of the game. The older the as constitution and dexterity. The
The secondary traits are often used in the ­character, the more experienced. Age table above lists the average height
form of different modifiers, but also as also have its toll on the character’s and weight of each race, by gender.
guidelines and limits for a character. A PC’s physical traits. It’s all up to the player Because dwarves and half-dwarven
secondary traits describe their age, height and GM to modify the traits when the breeds in Trudvang are usually only
and weight, weapon hand, Body Points, PC reaches a certain age. male, there is only one gender listed
movement, and persistence in the wild. In Learn more about experience upon in the table.
this step it is also decided how much Raud creation under Creation Points at the
or fate a character has when created. beginning of this book.

38 | chapter 1. the character

Weapon Hand Upon creation, all characters get ✦ The character jumps from one rooftop
The hand that a character prefers to use 1d6 Raud that they can use in certain to another but fails the Skill roll. By
is called the “weapon hand” (the right situations. Those who have chosen
­ spending Raud, they barely manage to
hand for a right-handed person). The Charisma as a positive or negative reach the other side.
other hand is called the “shield hand.” ­character trait receive more or less Raud
When a character attempts to perform to use. Remember that such modifiers are Raud can never be used to influence an
an action with their shield hand, they applied only during character creation. action that directly affects another player’s
suffer a negative modifier of -15 on the Once a character starts playing, even if character. A character who spends Raud in
SV of that skill. By learning the Body their Charisma trait changes, the Raud order to avoid a dragon’s fiery breath does
Control discipline and the ­Ambidexterity is not affected at all. Each time a player not save others who get hit by the same
specialty this modifier is reduced. wants to change their character’s action, breath. For the other characters to escape
1 Raud is used up permanently. the attack, they also need to spend Raud.
Below are examples of actions and Raud that has been used never
Raud, Change of Fate situations that may be altered or undone ­replenishes. When a character has spent
Fate prevails over life’s events, but not by Raud. all their Raud, it is gone and they never get
always over a person’s will and actions. more. (There is an exception in the Eald
No one can completely control their ✦ The character is hit in battle, and the Tradition of faith, where people who enter
­predestined death, but with certain deeds damage is so great that they will die. pacts with Flowras can be granted Raud).
and actions, they can at least postpone it. By spending Raud, they turn the hit
By spending Raud, the ­ character into a miss.
can undo an action (although with ✦ The character fails a Skill roll that has Body Points
the ­ limitations described below). Such critical implications for the future. By All creatures and characters have Body
fate changes have to be made in direct spending Raud, they succeed at the Points (BP). Body Points show how
­connection with the action, never at a Skill roll. much the body can tolerate in terms
later time. ✦ The character says something in of physical damage and blood loss, but
a weak moment that has critical also how much it can tolerate in terms
✦ Beginning Raud: 1d6 +/- modifiers ­consequences. By spending Raud, the of damage that has nothing to do with
from the Charisma trait. fateful words were never spoken. physical violence, such as diseases and

chapter 1. the character | 39

intoxications. Every time a character BODY POINTS AND MAXIMUM EXAMPLE: SAMPLE OF ATTACKS
is injured or otherwise impairs their MOVEMENT
health, Body Points are reduced by the Race Body Points Movement Ragnar has the following Combat
amount of the damage indicated. Human 32 10
Points: Free 10 / Attacks and Parries
The table shows the Body Points a 2 / Armed 1 (One-Handed Light
Elf 30 12
character has depending on race. Body weapons 4, Shields 4) / Unarmed 1
Points can be modified if the character Buratja 28 8 (Brawling 2).
has a positive or negative modifier from Borjornikka 30 8 Possible sample of attacks to write on
Constitution or Strength (or both). Zvorda 34 6 the character sheet are:
Half-elf 30 11
Short Sword SV 10, SV 7
Damage levels Short Sword SV 10, Shield SV 10
Changeling 26 11
There are four damage levels: lightly Brawling SV 8, SV 7
damaged, injured, seriously injured, Gray brute 34 11 etc..
and critically injured. The exact range Ogro 38 12
of each damage level is determined by
dividing the total Body Points by 4. whether the character comes from the
If the result of this division has no DAMAGE LEVELS plains, the ­mountains, the city, or perhaps
decimal, it means that all ranges have Damage Level Body points the forest. How did they grow up in this
the same dimensions. If the result has Lightly damaged 1 – (BP/4)
place? Are they the son or daughter of
a decimal, the ranges are rounded as a dweller or maybe an old dimwalker, or
Injured ((BP/4) + 1) – (BP/4) x 2
follows: has the ­character been abducted by trolls
Seriously injured ((BP/4) x 2 + 1) – (BP/4) x 3 and raised as a slave? The environment
✦ Result with decimal of .25: level 1 is Critically injured ((BP/4) x 3 + 1) – (BP/4) x 4 can help the player create a story about
rounded up, levels 2-4 are rounded down. Round the levels up or down according to the character.
✦ Result with decimal of .5: levels 1-2 are the rules above. Another important component is the
rounded up, levels 3-4 are rounded down. character’s family, clan, relatives, and
✦ Result with decimal of .75: levels 1-3 are friends. The player should consider in
rounded up, level 4 is rounded down. ✦ In favorable conditions and with the detail what the PC’s family tree looks
right equipment, a person can stay in like and to which clan they belong.
For more info about taking damage the wild for ten days. Where are the character’s family,
see Game Master Guide book. ✦ The Psyche trait provides ± number ­relatives, and friends now?
of days. A character’s background is an
✦ Each level of the Survival discipline important factor in roleplaying because
Maximum Movement extends the number of days by +1, and it determines how they act in different
The table shows the maximum amount every level of the Weathered s­ pecialty situations. A dweller’s son who comes
in meters per action round a character increases the number of days by +2. to a big city for the first time is likely to
can move depending on race. Movement attract unwanted attention with his wide-
can be modified by having a positive or open mouth and eyes as big as shields
negative Dexterity character trait. Sample of Attacks gazing with admiration and wonder at
Trudvang Chronicles has a dynamic ­everything in his ­surroundings. A person
combat system but, to make your life of noble birth who visits the country for
Persistence in the Wild easier, we suggest to prepare a few the first time may have to work for their
In favorable conditions and with the possible combinations ahead of the game. food, and will probably have just as big
right equipment, a person can remain a problem adjusting as the farmer’s son
in the wilderness for ten full days does in the city.
(± modifiers from the Psyche trait). History
The number of days can be increased Coming up with your character’s history
if the person has learned the Survival or background is not as complicated as it Appearance, First Impressions
­discipline and the Weathered specialty might sound. Let your imagination run Once background and character traits
available under the Wilderness skill. wild. Your creativity (and sometimes that are established, the character’s ­archetype
Each level the character has in the of the game master) is the only thing that is selected, skills are bought, and the
­discipline extends the number of days limits what kind of history a PC can have. ­secondary characteristics are developed,
by +1, and each level of the specialty Once the player has decided on a race it is time to include all of these in the
increases the number of days by +2. and origin, it is useful to determine description of the character. The first

40 | chapter 1. the character

enough knowledge during an adventure
through experience and ­adventure points
to learn the skill. The character can also
study with a teacher to gain the knowledge
and experience required to learn a new
­discipline or specialty.
When a character is created, they
receive a certain amount of creation
points to distribute on skills and traits.
When the character later participates
in an adventure and starts to overcome
­challenges, they get “adventure points.”
These adventure points are used in the
same way as creation points to buy higher
values in a skill, or buy new or higher-­
level disciplines and specialties. The
thing to determine is how the character Equipment ­character can also choose to increase their
looks and behaves. The GM determines what equipment level in a Holy Tablet or Vitner Tablet,
All characters have something called a newly created character begins with. or gain access to one or more new tablets
a first impression, what people notice Sometimes the character has nothing that they found during the adventure.
most about them at the first meeting. except for the clothes on their back, and
­Ultimately, it is up to the player to choose sometimes they have extra money and ✦ 1 adventure point = 1 creation point
their first impression. It should, to a large equipment worthy of a great hero. Most ✦ A character can be improved in three
extent, be based on the following things: often this is determined based on the game ways:
group in general. It is important to create a ✦ adventure points
✦ What character trait is most balance between the characters in terms of ✦ practice
­prominent? skills, experience, and equipment. ✦ study
✦ What clothes or other attributes does Obviously, a player can also make ✦ A character can use adventure points
the character possess? suggestions as to what the character
­ to do the following:
✦ What skills are the character should own, with regard to their ✦ improve skills, disciplines, specialties,
­strongest in? background and history. or tablets
✦ What social class does the character In addition to equipment and weapons, ✦ learn new skills, disciplines, s­ pecialties,
belong to? a character should get a number of coins or tablets
or precious metals that can be mined and
The base impression should be simple to used as payment. Exactly how much is
understand and convey. The player selects decided in agreement with the GM. Character Death
keywords that give a good ­description of Characters can die in the game. This
the impression. They may be powerful usually happens as the result of combat,
keywords like brusque, capricious, friendly, Experience, Improvement but it could be that a character perishes
courteous, well-read, haughty, down to ­ nd Death
a in a horrendous winter storm, falls
earth, and so on. The first impression may A character can improve simply by using ­overboard from a ship and drowns, or
also be a c­ombination of keywords such their skills, disciplines, and specialties. Often ingests something poisonous.
as avid and fashionable, well behaved and a character gains experience by completing The death of a character is a sad
eloquent, ­ superstitious and preachy, and missions and participating in adventures. event. It’s never fun to have a character
so on. The most i­mportant consideration During an adventure, if a character disappear from the game, especially if
is that the words convey what others will comes into contact with one or more people they have been around for a while and the
notice when they meet the character for who practice a particular skill, discipline, or players have grown attached. However,
the first time. specialty that the PC has not yet learned, the it’s important to remember that Trudvang
Later in the game the character can character can gain the experience needed Chronicles is just a game, and this danger is
alter that first impression by using their to acquire that knowledge at a later time what makes the game exciting.
skills, changing clothing, changing their (through carefully observing the skill in use If the player whose character has died
companions, and so on. Skills and clothing and asking questions of the practitioner). wants to continue to play, they can create a
are especially important when a character Ultimately, it is up to the game master to new one. The GM will decide the best time
wants to enhance their appearance. determine whether the character has gained for the new character to enter the game.

chapter 1. the character | 41

Chapter 2

The skills in Trudvang Chronicles are broad and inclusive, and they are
important because they determine what kind of knowledge and experience a
character has. The skills that a character is best at are very likely those they
can use to earn a living, but also those they trained in during their upbringing.

Skill Value Improving Skill Value Disciplines and

To measure how good a person is at a skill, Raising your character to a higher ­Specialties
the term “Skill Value” (SV) is used. As the Skill Value costs a certain number of Under each skill are a number of
character becomes more proficient at a skill skill points (both creation points and disciplines and specialties that divide
from practical performance, ­education, or ­adventure points are skill points). generic skills into more specific fields of
life experiences, the character’s ability Increasing a Skill Value by one step ­knowledge. It is therefore easy to create a
grows and the SV improves. costs the same number of skill points wide range of characters where everyone
A low SV number means the c­ haracter as the level of the new Skill Value. So has their own areas of expertise.
has entry-level skills. A high value improving from SV 1 to SV 2 costs 2 A “discipline” represents a focus on a
indicates well-developed skills. skill points, from SV 5 to SV 6 costs specific area inside a broader skill, while
6 skill points, and from SV 9 to SV 10 a “specialty” is an even deeper level of
✦ Skill Value ranges from 1 to 10, with 1 costs 10 skill points. If you want to specialization. By learning all levels of
being the worst and 10 the best. increase more than one step at a time, a discipline and specialty within a skill,
✦ All characters begin the game with SV it costs just as much as if you had a character can increase their SV up to
1 in all skills. purchased each step individually. For
­ 20 or more in situations where those
example, improving from SV 7 to SV 10 ­abilities are used.
Skills are very broad and general would cost 27 skill points (8 + 9 + 10).
and include a lot of knowledge and When a character begins to
­experience. A person can become great adventure, they can learn any skills,
­ Costs
in general skills but never have complete provided that they have skill points to The cost in skill points of acquiring a
mastery. To continue to improve in a spend. A ­character gets new skill points ­discipline or specialty varies ­depending
skill, the person must learn disciplines by ­acquiring ­adventure points in each on the level being acquired. It also
and specialties. These deeper areas of adventure. A single a­dventure point requires the character to have a base
expertise are more specific than the corresponds to a single skill point and level Skill Value.
general skills, allowing for characters can be used directly for improving a The cost of skill levels, disciplines and
who demonstrate decent ability in the character’s Skill Value. Creation points specialities can be modified by traits (as
same areas but have greater ability in are spent the same way, but are received described in the Traits descriptions in
different focuses. only at character creation. Chapter 1).

chapter 2. skills | 43
The table below shows the skill point EXAMPLE: SPECIALTY
cost for a new discipline or ­specialty at
each level, as well as the SV r­ equirement If a PC tries to ride a horse in a
to learn the knowledge. Note that the ­d­ifficult situation and has an Agility
cost per level is identical for d ­isci­ Skill SV 10, Horsemanship ­Discipline
plines and specialties. This is because Level 2 (+2 to SV) and Riding
­specialties give a greater bonus but to ­Specialty Level 4 (+8 SV) the PC has
a stricter field. a total of SV 20 (10+2+8=20).

COST OF DISCIPLINE/SPECIALTY The same PC wants to buy the

Level SV Requirement Cost Riding Specialty at level 5. He can do
1 4 7
it since he has a Skill Value of 10 in
the Agility skill. He will pay 35 skill
2 7 14
points to buy that level.
3 7 21
4 10 28
5 10 35 learned each of the lower levels. So, for
a character to learn the fifth level of a
­discipline or specialty, they must first learn
Discipline the first, second, third, and fourth levels.
A discipline is a specific area of e­ xpertise You cannot learn the same level of a
inside a broader skill. A character who discipline or specialty more than once.
learns a discipline can add +1 (per
level) to their Skill Value when taking
an action that falls within the scope
of that ­ discipline. In the following
pages the names of the Disciplines are
­distinguished by a “(D)” in the title.

A specialty is a very specific field
of knowledge within a discipline. A
character who learns a specialty can
add +2 (per level) to their Skill Value
when taking an action that falls within
the scope of that specialty (as well
as the bonus from its corresponding
­discipline). In the following pages the
specialties are indicated just after their
related discipline.

Order of Learning
To learn a specialty, the character must
first have learned the discipline to
which the specialty belongs. When the
­character has mastered the first level of
a discipline, they can then learn all levels
of each specialty under that discipline
(provided they have enough Skill Value
in the general skill to do so).
You cannot learn a higher level of a
­discipline or specialty without first having

44 | chapter 2. skills
chapter 2. skills | 45
✦ Driving Riding
Wagon ✦

Climbing &

✦ ✦ Combat Movement

Jestering ✦ MANEUVER ✦
✦ BODY ✦

✦ Ironclad



46 | chapter 2. skills
The Agility skill is used in most cases ✦ Up to 2 attacks at Evade level 3 modifiers from both Discipline and
when a person performs something ✦ Up to 3 attacks at Evade level 5 Specialty are stacked in order to offset
with their body. It may be, for example, the penalty for the shield hand. Once
when a character jumps, climbs, does a The player divides the total Skill Value both Body Control Discipline and the
handstand, balances, falls and lands on as he wishes among the number of Evade Ambidexterity Specialty have been
their feet, or leaps away from a runaway attempts that he plans. mastered to the highest level, the -15
horse. It is also used to Evade attacks. A character who has, for instance, penalty to the shield hand is completely
In addition to these maneuvers, Agility Agility 8, Battle Maneuver 2 and Evade nullified.
is used in a number of other physical 3 will have a total of 16 SV. He can dodge
situations, such as when the character drives up to two attacks per turn (because of
a wagon or sleigh, canoes, skis or rides a Evade 3), for example one attack with 9 Jestering
horse. Remember that in all these situations SV and another with 7 SV.
wearing armor will affect the results. A character cannot attempt to dodge ✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level
In all areas, it is ultimately up to the the same attack more than once, neither The character has learned to perform
game master to determine when a Skill he can parry it with fire, juggling, and other jester
roll is needed, and what modifiers the tricks. The knowledge enables them to
character receives in each situation. breathe fire, pull their hands through
Ironclad flame, and juggle. When the game
master requires a Skill roll, the character
Battle Maneuver (D) ✦ Level 1-5: Armor Heft -1/level can add +2 to their Skill Value per level
The person finds it easy to move and in this specialty.
✦ Level 1-5: SV +1/level maneuver in armor. Their worn armor
This discipline allows the access to is counted as if it has 1 less in Heft (-1)
specialties which improve moving in for each level of specialty (minimum Heft Jumping, Climbing, and
battle and wearing armor. The bonus of 1) to assess the armor modifiers the B
­ alancing
modifier is used for Evade rolls. person receives.
✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level
The character is adept at jumping in
Combat Movement Body Control (D) ­different environments and can add +2
to their Skill Value in the ability to jump.
✦ Level 1-5: special ✦ Level 1-5: SV +1/level With a successful Skill roll, they can leap
A person with this specialty can move The Body Control discipline develops up to 2 meters + 1 meter per level in
quickly and effortlessly during battle. the character’s ability to get the most out length (maximum 7 m), jump up to 60 cm
They can move 1 meter per level of their agility to duck, climb, land softly + 20 cm per level in height (maximum
(maximum 5 m) without spending on their feet after a fall, and so on. The 1.6 m), and fall up to 3 meters + 1/2
Combat Points and beyound the ­discipline can also be used to make flips meter per level (maximum 6 m) without
maximum movement. After moving in the air and engage in other acrobatic getting hurt. A successful Jumping roll
that distance, the character must spend maneuvers. The penalties on attacks for falls from heights also reduces the
2 Combat Points for every additional with the shield hand are reduced by 1 damage dice by one level (3d6 points of
meter they want to move. point per level damage becomes 2d6, and so on).
When a character wants to leap
farther, jump higher, or fall farther than
Evade Ambidexterity the level permits, it is up to the GM to
set a suitable modifier on the Skill roll.
✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level ✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level The character is also good at climbing
The character has perfected the art of The character improves their ability to and balancing. While balancing, they
avoiding or dodging an attack without fight even with the shield hand (which is move at about a third of their movement
parrying it. It takes an action to attempt the left hand for a right-handed person or ability under normal conditions.
to Evade, and it cannot be combined with vice versa). The penalties on attacks with While climbing, they move at about a
any other action. the shield hand are reduced by 2 points fifth of their movement ability under
Normally even those without this per level. By learning all levels of the normal ­conditions. Ultimately, the GM
specialty can try to Evade a single attack. Ambidexterity specialty and the Body determines how far a character climbs
However, high levels of Evade can allow Control discipline, the character becomes or balances during an action round based
multiple Evade attempts equally skilled at using both hands. The on the prevailing conditions.

chapter 2. skills | 47
Swimming After 3 action rounds (three cumulative during hunts, chases or in difficult
­odifiers), the ­
m character has a -6 terrain or weather conditions.
✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level ­modifier to succeed. On a failed roll, the
The character has learned to swim character must rise to the s­urface for
(without this knowledge, they cannot air. The movement speed is the same as Riding
swim) and can add +2 to their Skill when swimming.
Value per level in the ability. They can ✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level
normally move 1 meter per level per The character has learned to ride a horse
action round in the water, and hold Horsemanship (D) and is able to do maneuvers on ­horseback.
their breath underwater for 10 action Because of this, they get +2 on their Skill
rounds per specialty level (maximum ✦ Level 1-5: SV +1/level Value per level in the s­ pecialty whenever
50 action rounds, or four minutes and The Horsemanship discipline develops they try to ride fast, get the horse to
ten seconds, since an action round is the character’s ability to ride animals jump, or do other tricks.
five seconds long). A character without sitting up and to drive a chariot pulled The Riding specialty can also be used
this specialty can still hold their breath by four-footed animals. in conjunction with long rides, when
for 12 rounds if standing still, or for 6 battles are fought, or for complications
rounds if underwater or moving. in the wild.
Those who swim while wearing Driving Wagon Each combat round that a rider fights
armor can do so with armors up to Heft on horseback, they must pay 15 (-3 per
1 per level in the specialty (maximum ✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level specialty level) Combat Points. So at full
Heft 5). They can easily move up to 3 The Driving Wagon specialty develops specialty level, there is no extra cost for
action rounds underwater. For each the character’s ability to drive a wagon fighting on horseback. More i­ nformation
additional action round, a Skill roll is coupled to one or more draft animals. on Mounted Combat is in the Game
required with a cumulative -2 modifier. Skill rolls are normally required only Master Guide book.

48 | chapter 2. skills
Hard Soft Brewer ✦
Materials Materials Barber ✦ ✦

✦ ✦ Trader

Counterfeiting ✦



Extracts &
Sage ✦ Potions

Commander ✦ First Aid

✦ & Nursing



chapter 2. skills | 49
The Care skill is both administrative clothing, fur, and leather. In case of of others through drugs and poisons.
and practical because it is used when the repairs, a successful Skill roll restores 2 To care for injuries and i­ llnesses, one of
­character wants to know how something in the Breach Value per level of specialty the underlying specialties is required.
is handled, but also when they want to and requires one hour of work. Skill rolls performed using only
manufacture something. For example, knowledge of this discipline (without
the skill gives a person insight into any specialty) only stops the blood flow
how a town, farm, community, or army Handler (D) and allows the injured or sick to avoid
is managed and controlled. It ranges further damage.
from the a­dministrative to the actual ✦ Level 1-5: SV +1/level
management of the business, farm, or The person has learned management and
town. The more practical side of the skill is administration in various forms. It can Extracts and Potions
when a person has learned various crafts. be anything from controlling a village or
Such a character can be a jack of all trades, town to planning wars and campaigns. ✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level
but most specialize by acquiring key skills. The handler is the one behind a city’s The person has learned what
prosperity and knows why taxes are ­substances cause the body to react in a
needed, who runs the administration, certain way. In addition to the extract
Handicraft (D) and what they do. Even if the handler preparation, this specialty includes
does not know everyone personally, they what can happen to a person exposed to
✦ Level 1-5: SV +1/level know which authorities are responsible a particular extract and what can help
The character is good at building for which tasks. the victim overcome the drug’s effect.
and crafting things. This discipline is The person has learned to r­ ecognize a
linked to three different craft groups, specific extract depending on its taste,
­Counterfeiting, Hard materials and Soft Commander smell, appearance, and effect when
materials, and each has their own ­specialty. someone has been exposed to it. After
✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level ­determining the extract involved, the
The person has become proficient in character knows what can be used as
Counterfeiting the management of armies and warfare, an antidote to neutralize the effect. The
how to move troops, what it takes to character has also learned to improve
✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level entertain troops, and which defenses the balance of the body and speed
The person has learned to forge should be built around the squad. In healing by applying various substances.
­impressive objects that appear as close short, the specialty covers everything For this specialty, everything from
to the original as possible. The more connected with managing armies and diseases to broken limbs and wounds
time they spend with the original, the waging war. count as injuries.
more difficult it is to see through the
­counterfeit. The person must also have
the specialty that the material requires. Sage First Aid and Nursing
✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level ✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level
Hard Materials The person has gained great insight The person has learned to take care of
into the city’s management and injuries. Any injury that is tended to
✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level administration (or into that of the
­ immediately (within ten minutes) heals
The character has learned to make and country, later in their careers). ­Therefore, 1 Body Point per level of specialty, as
repair items of hard materials such as they may be involved in solving the city’s long as the injury being treated actually
stone, metal, wood, and bone. In case of or country’s problems. caused damage to BP.
repairs, a successful Skill roll restores 2 When applied to injuries which are
in the Breach Value per level of specialty older than 10 minutes, the specialty
and requires one hour of work. Healing and Drugs (D) does not directly heal BP but augments
the patient’s Natural Healing rate by
✦ Level 1-5: SV +1/level +1 BP per specialty level. However,
Soft Materials The Healing and Drugs discipline this assumes that the patient lies still
teaches a person to mend and take care and gets the treatment required within
✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level of the sick and wounded in a way that a day, before the night sleep. The
The character has learned to make and enables them to recover faster than healer must spend at least two hours
repair items of soft materials such as normal, as well as to impair the health per attempt to care for their patient.

50 | chapter 2. skills
Tradesman (D) Trader what items can and cannot be sold, who
can or should be bribed, and so on. The
✦ Level 1-5: SV +1/level ✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level person knows what papers are required
The person has learned to operate a The person has learned where to buy for admission to a town or for ­receiving
farm, an inn, a barber shop, or a trade goods cheaply and sell them at a higher approval to conduct their trade. The
that offers other services. Through this price elsewhere. The trader also knows person has also learned to appraise objects
skill, they also know who to bribe when what taxes to pay on goods, what it costs in terms of the current price and what
something needs to be smuggled or how to transport the goods in different ways, they could get by selling it elsewhere.
to evade taxes.

✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level
The person has learned to cut and shave
hair, and also to pull out “evil” teeth.

✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level
The person has learned to prepare
­delicious drinks. The brewer knows how
to produce everything from mead and
wine to the strongest of spiced spirits.

✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level
The person has learned how to cook
good food.

✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level
A peasant knows when and how to carry
out animal care or trade in their farm’s
goods. They also know what it takes for
a farm to survive the winter and are well
versed in what needs to be done from day
to day.

chapter 2. skills | 51
Singing & Playing
Dance Instruments
✦ ✦

Great ✦ Acting


✦ ✦ Libel
Game ✦

Cheater ✦




52 | chapter 2. skills
This skill includes all kinds of Game Strategist Storytelling (D)
entertainment. A person with this skill
has learned the rules for gambling and ✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level ✦ Level 1-5: SV +1/level
social games and can take part in such The person is good at seeing the smartest The person has learned the art of
activities. They can also sing common moves in strategic games such as Koke’s ­storytelling. They know how to speak
songs or tell of an event or legend Boxes, Bultconan, and Ship on Fire. The and act to evoke a certain mood among
with a skill great enough to spellbind person can add +2 to their Skill Value in listeners and can, without much
an audience. The person can perform the ability when playing a strategic game ­preparation, come up with a story about
common dances and act or pretend to be of any kind. anything or tell epic legends.
others (which may include dressing up
in costume to increase the ­authenticity
of their acting). Great Gambler Acting
✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level ✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level
Gambling (D) The person is an accomplished gambler. The person has learned, through acting,
They know how game rules work and to express feelings in such a poignant
✦ Level 1-5: SV +1/level how much and when to invest to win as manner that every observer is able to
The person has learned to play cards, stone, much as possible. The person can add +2 understand what they feel. The person
dice, and other forms of gambling, which to their Skill Value in the ability when knows how to speak and act to elicit a
often results in profit. This ­discipline gives playing games. The specialty is effective specific mood. By speaking mournfully,
the person the knowledge to succeed at only if the game has a stake. they can make listeners gloomy, and
the most common and best-known games by speaking inspiringly, they can rally
in Trudvang. When making a Skill roll others.
involving gambling, the character can add Music and Dancing (D)
+1 to their Skill Value.
✦ Level 1-5: SV +1/level Libel
The discipline gives a person the ability
Cheater to entertain others through music. ✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level
The character can sing, dance, and The person can tell a false and
✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level play instruments, as well as use many undermining story about someone.
The person has learned different tricks ­narrative techniques. The speaker often uses a real event but
to cheat in games. Cheating consists of a twists it to make the victim look bad.
positive modifier to the Skill roll’s Skill By succeeding with libel, the speaker
Value. The cheating player decides the Dance can make a crowd disapprove of the
size of the modifier, that is, how much ✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level intended victim.
they want to cheat (maximum modifier The person knows how to dance. They
of +10). can add +2 to their Skill Value in the skill
Upon a successful Skill roll, the game when trying to capture an ­ audience’s
master determines whether the opponent interest through dance.
discovers the cheat or not based on
the circumstances, the s­ituation, the
opponent, and the cheater’s skill level. Singing and Playing
Opponents always get a chance to see Instruments
through the cheat with a roll for the
Shadow Arts skill (or the Gambling ✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level
­discipline or Cheater specialty, if those The person has a good voice that can
are higher). captivate an audience. The specialty also
If the cheater’s Skill roll fails, the gives them the ability to play music on
opponent gets the same positive most of Trudvang’s instruments. They
modifier that the cheater used when
­ can add +2 to their Skill Value in the
trying to cheat. ability to sing or play instruments.

chapter 2. skills | 53
Faithful Powerful Gavlian
✦ Bruid ✦
✦ ✦
✦ Ihana

Rigorous DIVINE


✦ Noaj

Invocation ✦ Thuul
✦ GOD ✦

Composed ✦

✦ Stormkelt



54 | chapter 2. skills
The Faith skill is the knowledge of A character’s Skill Value in the Faithful
a race’s religion and how a faithful Faith skill corresponds to a Divinity
servant should behave in order to call Point (1 Skill Value equals 1 Divinity ✦ Level 1-5: SV +7 Divinity Points/
on the gods’ powers. The main religions Point). The total number of Divinity level
of people in Trudvang are Gerbanis, Points that a person has is called their The faithful one has delved deeply into
the Eald Tradition, the Tenets of Nid, “Divine ­ C apacity.” The dimwalker religion and gains a further +7 Divinity
and Haminges. Dwarves may choose gains access to divinity capacity by Points per level to their divinity capacity.
to indulge only in Thuuldom, and the learning the ­Divine Power discipline Dwarves get +7 Divinity Points per
elves may indulge only in Toikalokke. and the specialties that are linked to level to insert into an object.
By gaining disciplines, the person their religion.
can learn to activate their religion’s The dimwalker’s total Divinity Points
divine abilities. A person can learn (divinity capacity) equals the unmodified Powerful
to use supernatural powers for only Skill Value in the Faith skill plus any
one chosen religion, and it is usually other Divinity Points gained through
­ ✦ Level 1-5: SV +7 Divinity Points/
impossible to activate another race’s
­ the Divine Power discipline and its level
divine religious abilities. Half-breeds, ­specialties. Note that other Disciplines The dimwalker has learned to draw extra
like half-elves and half-trolls, must and Specialties which augment the Faith power from the divine source and adds +7
choose one religion and therefore count SV (e.g. Invoke, etc.) do not raise the Divinity Points per level to their divinity
as members of the race related to that Divinity points whose base is always the capacity. Dwarves get +7 Divinity Points
specific religion. For example a half elf unmodified Faith Skill Value. per level to insert into an object.
orphan, growing up in Westmark and
embracing the Tenets of Nid, cannot ✦ Divinity capacity = SV (Faith) +
activate Toikalokke powers, unless the divine points from the Divine Power God Focus (D)
GM allows a very good explanation discipline and its specialties.
about it. ✦ Prerequisites for using Divine ✦ Level 1-5: special/level
To learn supernatural powers, the Capacity to cast divine powers: Faith
faithful servant must first choose Skill, Divine Power Discipline, Invoke This discipline represents a deep focus
a specific religion by acquiring the Discipline and one of its specialties, at on the religious practices linked with
Invoke discipline and one of the least 1 Holy Tablet specialty. ­invocation of divine powers. It helps the
following specialties: Stormkelt (for
­ dimwalker with modifiers per level as
Gerbanis), Gavlian (for the Tenets of follows: +1 on situation rolls to remain
Nid), Bruid (for the Eald Tradition), or Divine Power (D) focused while distrurbed and -1 to rolls
Noaj (for Haminges). If the person is a on the table for fatal failure.
dwarf, the specialty is Thuul Forging ✦ Level 1-5: 3 Divinity Points/level
(Thuuldom), and if the person is an This discipline gives the human
elf, the specialty is Ihana (Toikalokke). dimwalker the ability to get power
­ Composed
When this is done, the faithful can (in the form of Divinity Points
learn supernatural powers belonging from their deity) and thus greater ✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level
to the religion by purchasing Holy divinity capacity. The sum of the The dimwalker is rarely disturbed when
Tablets. ­discipline’s Divinity Points c­ onstitutes invoking a divine feat and knows how to
Holy Tablets can be chosen only the d ­imwalker’s divinity capacity. limit disasters. Anytime they must make
among those specific of a single religion. ­Therefore, a dimwalker at first level a Situation roll to see if they’re ­disturbed
Each Holy Tablet is a single specialty has access to 3 more Divinity Points enough to cancel the i­ nvocation is
and the character can buy up to five per day, while a dimwalker at fifth level modified by +2 per level. When rolling
levels in it. Anyone who gains a specialty has access to 15 more Divinity Points on the Table for Fatal Failure subtract -2
in a Holy Tablet up to a certain level can per day. By learning one or more levels per level of this ­specialty
also invoke all available divine powers at of a specialty associated with this
or below that tablet’s power level. ­discipline, the dimwalker can increase
To activate the divine abilities, divinity their divinity capacity even further. Lightning-Quick Invocation
capacity is required, which a dimwalker Dwarves who acquire this discipline
can acquire through the Divine Power receive as many Divinity Points as ✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level
discipline. To activate the divine abilities, humans, but since these are specifically The dimwalker has learned to invoke a
the dimwalker must learn the Invoke tied to items, the points are consumed as divine feat extra quickly, which gives +2
discipline. soon as they are inserted into the object. per level on the initiative.

chapter 2. skills | 55
Potent specialties (Bruid, Gavlian, Noaj, or Bruid
Stormkelt) and then at least one Holy
✦ Level 1-5: -2 special/level Tablet specialty. ✦ Level 1-5: SV +2 /level
The dimwalker’s divine abilities are The dwarves have to learn the Thuul The dimwalker has chosen to indulge
extra powerful. When a victim makes a Forging specialty followed by at least in the religion of the Eald Tradition
Situation roll to avoid or stand up to a one Holy Tablet, and the elves have to and can learn to invoke the Flowras
divine ability, the roll is modified by -2 learn the Ihana specialty followed by at and their ancestors to activate
per level due to the dimwalker’s force. least one Holy Tablet. supernatural powers. By acquiring
A character can only invoke divine the Holy Tablet (the Eald Tradition)
powers related to their own race. For a specialty, the d ­imwalker can activate
Rigorous half-breed, it is up to the game master to the divine ­abilities in the learned Holy
decide whether the character can invoke Tablet.
✦ Level 1-5: -2/level on Fatale Failure table divine powers or not, and if so, which The specialty provides +2 in Skill
When rolling on the Fatal Failure race’s gods to involve. Value per level for performing blood
table this specialty gives -2 per level. The discipline also provides the oaths, which in turn give the bruid
In addition, the faithful one knows how faithful with the ability to go through ­additional temporary Divinity Points.
to spend power to increase the chances various rituals according to religion, By choosing this specialty, the
of success. By using extra Divinity and summon additional (but t­ emporary) character forfeits the opportunity to
Points during the prayer, the chances Divinity Points. These additional acquire any of the specialties of other
of success are increased. For each level Divinity Points disappear at a rate of religions.
of the specialty, the faithful one can use 1 point per day. The faithful cannot
2 Divinity Points to obtain a modifier perform another ritual until these
of +1 on the Skill roll. Thus, a faithful ­temporary Divinity Points are used up, Gavlian
one with level 3 in the specialty can either by running dry naturally or by
transform 6 Divinity Points into a being used to invoke a divine power. ✦ Level 1-5: SV +2 /level
+3 on the Skill roll. The faithful one The dimwalker has chosen to follow a The dimwalker has chosen to indulge
decides how many Divinity Points to specific religion and can learn to invoke its in the religion of the Tenets of Nid
use, up to the amount allowed by the aspects to activate supernatural powers. and can learn to invoke the god Gave
specialty level. By acquiring the Holy Tablet specialty, to activate supernatural powers. By
the dimwalker can activate the divine getting the Holy Tablet (the Tenets
abilities in the learned Holy Tablet. The of Nid) specialty, the dimwalker can
Invoke (D) specialty provides +2 SV per level when activate the divine powers of the
activating a power and performing the learned Holy Tablet.
✦ Level 1-5: SV +1/level task described in the table below, which The specialty provides +2 in Skill
This discipline gives the faithful the in turn grants additional temporary Value per level for performing prayers,
ability to call on their religion’s divine Divinity Points. which in turn provides the gavlian with
powers using Holy Tablets (sets of By choosing a particular religion additional temporary Divinity Points.
divine abilities). as a specialty, the person forfeits the By choosing this specialty, the c­ haracter
To be able to invoke a divine power, opportunity to acquire any of the
­ forfeits the opportunity to acquire any of
the faithful must also learn one of the ­specialties of other religions. the specialties of other religions.

Specialty Religion/Holy Tablet Powers Bonuses To
Bruid The Eald Tradition Invoking the Flowras and Blood oaths
Gavlian The Tenets of Nid Invoking the god Gave Prayers
Ihana (elf only) Toikalokke Stellarmany and astrology Stargazing
Noaj Haminges Invoking spirits Stealing souls
Thuul Forging (dwarf only) Thuuldom Forging divine objects Creating items and inserting Divinity Points
Stormkelt Gerbanis Invoking the Stormasirs Blood gifting

56 | chapter 2. skills
Ihana Thuul forging is merely a generic For dwarves that call upon the
term for the ability dwarves have ­ ountain’s spirit in their manufactured
✦ Level 1-5: SV +2 /level to bring life to the mountain spirit objects, the Holy Tablet specialty works
The elf has chosen to indulge in the through the materials coming out of a little differently. Each level of a Holy
religion of Toikalokke and can learn the mountain. The Thuul need not Tablet costs as many Divinity Points as
to decipher the stars through which to always forge metal, but can also create the level of the rune, in addition to the
activate the elven divine abilities. By objects from materials such as granite creation/adventure points spent. A rune
getting the Holy Tablet (Toikalokke) or precious stones. of level 3 thus costs 3 Divinity Points,
specialty, the faithful can invoke the By choosing this specialty, the and one of level 5 costs 5 Divinity Points.
godly powers in that Holy Tablet. character forfeits the opportunity to
­ Unlike in other religions, there is no cost
The specialty provides +2 in Skill acquire any of the specialties of other to activate a rune.
Value per level for performing ­stargazing, religions. This specialty is acquired for every
which in turn provides the Ihana with new Holy Tablet the dimwalker learns.
additional temporary Divinity Points. Each dimwalker cannot acquire more
By choosing this specialty, the Stormkelt Holy Tablets than their skill level in the
character forfeits the opportunity to Faith skill.
acquire any of the specialties of other ✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level The dimwalker chooses which tablet
religions. The dimwalker has chosen to indulge in the specialty includes from the list below.
the religion of Gerbanis and can learn to For details on Holy Tablets and their
invoke the gods to activate supernatural abilities, see Dimwalkers.
Noaj powers. By obtaining the Holy Tablet
(Gerbanis) specialty, the dimwalker can ✦ Gerbanis’s Holy Tablets: Influence
✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level activate the divine powers in the learned of Jorn, Power of Enken, Strength of
The dimwalker has chosen to indulge Holy Tablet. Stormi, Warmth of Sunvei, Wisdom of
in the religion of Haminges and can The specialty provides +2 in Skill Windinna, Wrath of Tyrd
learn to invoke the spirits to activate Value for performing blood gifting, ✦ The Eald Tradition’s Holy
­supernatural powers. By obtaining the which in turn gives the Stormkelt Tablets: Gift of Thanja, Halawen’s
Holy Tablet (Haminges) specialty, the ­additional temporary Divinity Points. Offering, Heritage of Majne, Magh’s
dimwalker can activate the divine powers By choosing this specialty, the Gift, Nema’s Usefulness, Tribute of
of the learned Holy Tablet. character forfeits the opportunity to
­ Morgu
The specialty provides +2 Skill Value acquire any of the specialties of other ✦ The Tenets of Nid’s Holy Tablets:
per level for stealing their victims’ religions. Tablet of Anger, Tablet of Grace,
spirits, which in turn provides the Noaj Tablet of the Knight, Tablet of the
with additional temporary Divinity Shield, Tablet of the Sun, Tablet of
Points. Holy Tablet (Selected Tablet) Voices
By choosing this specialty, the c­ haracter ✦ Haminges’s Holy Tablets: Power
forfeits the opportunity to acquire any of ✦ Level 1-5: 1 Holy Tablet of the Beast, Power of the Dragon,
the specialties of other religions. The faithful learns a Holy Tablet’s Power of Men, Power of the Scale,
divine abilities in a specific Holy Tablet Power of Thurses, Power of Trolls
­associated with their religion. Each cult ✦ Thuuldom’s Holy Tablets: Anvil
Thuul Forging has its own prerequisites for allowing Shock, Borjorn’s Hand, Cave Spider’s
access to Holy Tablets. The details are Grip, Earthquake, Fang of Yukk,
✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level explained in the Dimwalkers chapter. Gills of the Blackfish, Hammer Fists,
The dwarf has chosen to indulge in By learning this specialty, the faithful Healing Rune, Heat of the Depths,
the mountain’s ancient power and the can invoke any divine feat that exists Labyrinth Blood, Mark of Brokk,
holy Thuuldom, and can learn to create under the selected Holy Tablet at that Power of Repair, Scales, Stoneling,
rune-inscribed objects through which level. Each new level of the specialty Stone to Clay, Stoneshape, Well of
to activate the mountain’s forces. By provides all the divine abilities included Water
obtaining the Holy Tablet (Thuuldom) in the Tablet’s new level and in all the ✦ Toikalokke’s Holy Tablets: Animal
specialty, the dimwalker can activate the previous levels. For example, a faithful Mind, Lynx Power, Master of the
runes found in the learned Holy Tablet. who learned the third level of the Holy Elements
The specialty gives +2 in Skill Value Tablet (Power of Enken) specialty may
per level for creating items and runes and invoke the divine feats that belong to
inserting Divinity Points in the runes. the first three levels.

chapter 2. skills | 57
Shield ✦
Bearer Two-Handed ✦

Throwing ✦ Weapons Armor

Weapons Bearer
✦ ✦

1H Heavy

✦ ✦
1H Light✦

✦ Reaction
Crossbow ✦



Bows &
Slings ✦

✦ Fighter



58 | chapter 2. skills
The Fighting skill is a person’s ability Bows and Slings knowledge, the person gets a further +2
in various forms of combat, ranging Combat Points per level to distribute
from wrestling and fist fights to armed ✦ Level 1-5: SV/locked CP +2/level on parries made with the shield. These
melee and the use of ranged weapons. This specialty develops the ­character’s Combat Points can be used only when
For every Skill Value a person obtains ability to use bows and slings. The the person parries with their shield.
in this skill, their ability to perform it character gains +2 per level in Skill
­ Characters with the Shield Bearer
increases. To get better at the different Value when using a bow or a sling. specialty do not suffer the usual -15
forms of fighting, it is important to learn modifier for performing acts with their
specialties. shield hand (applies only when using the
A Skill Value for the Fighting skill Crossbow shield).
corresponds to the same number of
Combat Points (1 Skill Value equals ✦ Level 1-5: SV/locked CP +2/level
1 Combat Point). The total number This specialty develops the character’s Throwing Weapons (Left or
of Combat Points that a person has is ability to use crossbows. The ­character Right Hand)
called ­“Combat Capacity.” By ­acquiring gains +2 per level in Skill Value on
disciplines and specialties, a person attacks made with crossbows. ✦ Level 1-5 : SV/locked CP +2/level
can increase their combat capacity This specialty develops a character’s
and gain more Combat Points, as well ability to throw weapons with fatal
as learn different fighting techniques. One-Handed Light Weapons accuracy. The specialty applies only to
However, many of these additional (Left or Right Hand) weapons suited for this purpose, such
Combat Points can be used only for as throwing knives, throwing axes, and
combat actions that correspond with ✦ Level 1-5: SV/locked CP +2/level stones. The character gets +2 per level
the discipline or specialty that grants This specialty develops the character’s ability in Skill Value when throwing weapons.
them. to use light weapons held with one hand, The specialty is tied to the right or left
The skill in its basic form, without any such as a dagger or a club. The character hand, just like the one-handed heavy or
disciplines, is simple. gains +2 per level in Skill Value when using light weapons. If the character wants to
one-handed light weapons. The specialty, throw weapons with both hands, they
✦ A person can use Combat Points to however, is tied to the right or left hand. If must learn the specialty twice, once for
perform combat actions each combat the character wants to use one-handed light each hand.
round. weapons in each hand, they must learn the
✦ Using the shield hand for either a specialty twice, once for each hand.
­secondary weapon or a shield results Two-Handed Weapons
in a -15 penalty. To reduce this p­ enalty
one must take the Shield Bearer­ One-Handed Heavy Weapons ✦ Level 1-5: SV/locked CP +2/level
Specialty of the Armed Fighting (Left or Right Hand) This specialty develops the character’s
­Discipline (Fighting skill) or the Body ability to use two-handed weapons,
Control and Ambidexterity Specialty ✦ Level 1-5: SV/locked CP +2/level such as a two-handed sword or axe.
from the Agility skill. This specialty develops the character’s The ­character gains +2 per level in Skill
✦ Combat Capacity = SV (Fighting) ability to use heavy weapons held in one Value when using two-handed weapons.
+ Combat points from specific hand, such as arming swords or battle At levels 3 and 5 in this specialty, the
­disciplines and specialties. axes. The character gains +2 per level character also receives an extra weapon
in Skill Value when using one-handed action per round. Thus, instead of the
For more details about how battle heavy weapons. The specialty, however, usual two weapon actions per round,
works, see the Combat chapter in the is tied to the right or left hand. If the they could perform three (at levels 3 and
Game Master Guide book. character wants to use one-handed heavy 4) or four (at level 5) weapon actions
weapons in each hand, they must learn per combat round with a two-handed
the specialty twice, once for each hand. weapon.
Armed Fighting (D)
✦ Level 1-5: SV/locked CP +1/level Shield Bearer Battle Experience (D)
The person knows how to fight with
weapons of all kinds. This includes ✦ Level 1-5: SV/locked CP +2/level ✦ Level 1-5: SV/Free CP +1, +1 IM/level
ranged weapons as well as melee The shield bearer has learned the art of The person has been in battle many
weapons and shields. using a shield in battle. Because of this times and learned how to react, fight

chapter 2. skills | 59
and to attemt risky things. They parries). The specialty gives +2 Combat Fighter
receive an additional +1 Combat Point Points per level. These points can be
per level to use as desired, like the Free used only for actions related to a person’s ✦ Level 1-5: SV/locked CP +2/level
Combat points given by the Fighting role in combat, such as drawing weapons, The person has been in battle many
skill. The person also gets +1 per level standing up, or performing combat times and learned how to attack and
in i­nitiative in combat. movement. defend. They receive an additional +2
Combat Points per level to distribute on
their attacks and parries during a combat
Armor Bearer Combat Reaction round.

✦ Level 1-5: Heft +2/level ✦ Level 1-5: +2 IM/Level

The person has learned to wear armor in The person has learned to react quickly Unarmed Fighting (D)
battle, allowing armor with Heft Value of in battle. The specialty gives the person
2 per level of the specialty. For example, +2 per level in initiative in combat. ✦ Level 1-5: SV/locked CP +1/level
a person with level 3 can wear armor The Unarmed Fighting discipline teaches
with a Heft Value of up to 6. a person to battle without weapons. The
Crossbow Loader character receives +2 Combat Points per
level from this discipline to use when
Combat Actions ✦ Level 1-5: Special performing the acts that the following
The Crossbow loader specialty lets the specialties describe.
✦ Level 1-5: SV/locked CP +2/level person load their crossbow faster. The
This specialty allows a person to perform loading time for a crossbow is reduced
combat actions almost effortlessly in by -1 per level, but never lower than 1 in Brawling
battle (this does not apply to attacks or a combat round.
✦ Level 1-5: SV/locked CP +2/level
The character has learned to punch and
kick hard, but also to defend against both
armed and unarmed attacks using just
their body. The character receives +2
Combat Points per level in the specialty
to distribute on their punches, kicks, and
unarmed parries.

✦ Level 1-5: SV/locked CP +2/level
The character has learned to wrestle and
perform combat actions such as grapple
and glima. The character receives +2
Combat Points per level when using
grapple and glima in combat actions.
Remember that, as per normal
Grapple rules, 2 combat points are
needed to produce 1 SV for the
attacker (e.g. spending 20 CP = SV
10) and 3 CP for the one who wants to
break free. The SV cannot be higher
than the total Wrestling SV including
the Unarmed Combat discipline and
the Fighting skill.

60 | chapter 2. skills
Monster Spirit
Lore Lore
Insight ✦ ✦ Bribery
✦ ✦

✦ Calculate

✦ ✦ Foreign
Religion ✦


Customs Read &

& Law ✦ ✦

✦ ✦
Lore & Silver
Legends ✦ Tongue



chapter 2. skills | 61
The Knowledge skill provides They can add +2 to their Skill Value Bribery
i­ nformation about a variety of per level when trying to learn about the
academic ­ subjects that are mainly chosen race’s history. ✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level
obtained through study and learning. The specialty focuses on a single The person has learned to gauge how
Examples include history, culture, culture: Stormlanders, Mittlanders, people react to bribes. The person
and ­ communication. This means that Viranns, Wildfolks, Dwarves, and Elves. quickly discovers whether someone can
the person has learned about ­different be bribed, and if so, they know how it
cultures and gained insight and should be delivered and how much is
­understanding of their history, customs, Religion (Specification necessary. By using this specialty, the
governance, warfare, gestures, ­ taboos, R
­ equired) person can add +2 to their Skill Value
ceremonies, festivals, gods, clothing, per level when trying to bribe someone.
housing, attributes, and hobbies. ✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level
This specialty tells how a culture’s
religion works. What gods exist, and Calculate
Culture Knowledge (D) what do they stand for? How do the
faithful live? What are their feasts? ✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level
✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level What is the religion’s history? All The person has learned to make d ­ ifficult
This discipline covers most things these ­questions can be answered with calculations and solve mathematical
that have to do with a race’s culture, a successful Skill roll. The person can problems using addition, subtraction,
religion, history, and legends. add +2 to their Skill Value per level multiplication, and percentages. The
The person is familiar with the when trying to learn about a people’s person can add +2 to their Skill Value per
­culture’s way of life, feasts, laws, and religion. level when trying to make a ­calculation
­background. A ­character has level 1 of The specialty focuses on a single of some sort.
the discipline as a base (for the culture culture: Stormlanders, Mittlanders,
they originate from). Viranns, Wildfolks, Dwarves, and Elves.
Stormlanders, Mittlanders, Viranns, Foreign Tongue
Wildfolks, Dwarves, and Elves, all have (Specification Required)
their own cultures. Language (D)
✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level
✦ Level 1-5: SV +1/level This specialty can be purchased multiple
Customs and Law The Language discipline develops the times, each for a different foreign
(­ Specification Required) character’s ability to express themselves in language. Some languages are harder to
a specific language (which would be their learn than others and therefore have a
✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level Mother Tongue before they learn more requirement that the character achieve a
The person knows all about a ­culture’s languages). certain level of the Languages discipline,
laws and legal systems, customs, Vrok, which is the more ­widespread of even for the first level of this specialty.
gestures, taboos, food habits, rules of the two human languages, is spoken by
conduct, typical dress, and housing, people in Nhoordland, in the ­Stormlands,
as well as their common attributes, and in parts of Mittland and Soj. Rona, Mother Tongue
personalities, and appearances. The
­ the other human language, is spoken in (Specification Required)
person can add +2 to their Skill Value Westmark, Soj, and parts of Mittland.
per level when trying to learn about a Human characters from Mittland may ✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level
people’s customs. choose which language they speak, with All characters speak their Mother
The specialty focuses on a single approval from the game master. If the Tongue fluently (Mother Tongue
culture: Stormlanders, Mittlanders, character is a supporter of the Tenets of specialty level 3).
Viranns, Wildfolks, Dwarves, or Elves. Nid, however, they should always speak
In addition, there are other languages Reading and Writing
Lore and Legends such as Eika (spoken by elves), Futhark (­Specification Required)
(­ Specification Required) (spoken by dwarves), and Bastjumal
(spoken by trolls and giants). ✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level
✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level A character cannot read or write until This specialty enables a person to read
The person knows a lot about a certain they acquire the Reading and Writing and write texts in the selected language.
culture’s history, myths, and legends. specialty. It can be purchased multiple times,

62 | chapter 2. skills
Language Spoken by
Eika Elves
✦ Level 1-5: SV +1/level
This discipline gives a person ­knowledge
Futhark Dwarves
about Trudvang’s different and
Rona Viranns and Mittlanders from the western and middle parts of Mittland exotic races such as trollkin, wyrms
Vrok Stormlanders and Mittlanders from the eastern parts of Mittland (­
dragonbeasts), serguronts (ancient
Estiatic An ancient language used by scholars and sages spirits), and salhele (undead). The person
Wild Vrok Heathens
knows their ideologies, governance,
lifestyle, fears, strengths, weaknesses,
A dead language that was spoken by Thronelanders. Requires level 3 of the
Thronelandic and more. The person can add +1 to
Languages discipline.
their Skill Value per level when trying to
Bastjumal Trolls and giants. Requires level 2 of the Languages discipline. learn about Trudvang’s residents.
An ancient language spoken by heathens. Requires level 2 of the Languages
Ancient Vrok
discipline and level 2 of Wild Vrok.
Forneika Elves. Requires level 3 of the Languages discipline and level 2 of Eika. Monster Lore
Ancient Rona Viranns. Requires level 3 of the Languages discipline and level 2 of Rona.
Dragearthian Dragons. Requires level 4 of the Languages discipline.
✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level
The specialty gives a person extra
knowledge about Trudvang’s beasts
each for a different foreign language. A involving a specific subject of their that are considered to be more than just
­character must have the Foreign Tongues​​ choosing. In principle, this can be animals, such as trolls, jotuns, tursirs
specialty for the selected language before anything: swords, literature, kings, (giants), wurms (dragons), and other
they can learn to read and write it. demons, symbols, or whatever is intelligent creatures. The person knows
desired. The discipline involves an their ideologies, governance, lifestyle,
infinite number of specialties where fears, strengths, weaknesses, and more.
Silvertongue each specialty is a specific subject. The The person can add +2 to their Skill
SV modifier given by the discipline Value per level when trying to learn
✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level applies only to specialties that the about these types of creatures.
The Silvertongue specialty allows person has learned.
a person to speak with formal and The Geography discipline and its
technical words in complex sentences.
­ specialties under the Wilderness skill Spirit Lore
The person has also learned to quickly could be a theoretical knowledge skill.
and ­convincingly fabricate an untruth, In other words, the person studied the ✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level
whether great or small. The person subject but did not experience it. The specialty gives a person extra
can add +2 to their Skill Value per level knowledge about the undead, spirits,
when making a Skill roll to determine mist creatures, demons, and similar
success when lying or using eloquence Insight (Specification entities. The person knows their
for ­something such as persuasion. R
­ equired) ­ideologies, governance, lifestyle, fears,
strengths, weaknesses, and more. The
✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level person can add +2 to their Skill Value
Learning (D) The person knows a lot about a per level when trying to learn about
­particular chosen subject. The person these types of creatures.
✦ Level 1-5: SV +1/level can add +2 to their Skill Value per level
The Learning discipline gives a person when trying to learn about the chosen
education and extensive knowledge subject.

chapter 2. skills | 63
Attack Walking in Locks &
Disguise Traps
Finding &

Shadows ✦
✦ Stealing

Spotting ✦


& Hiding

✦ Signs



64 | chapter 2. skills
The Shadow Arts skill is for times when such as a tent, a rowboat, or a wagon, Walking in Shadows
a character wants to do something in but also smaller items like traps, chests,
secret. This includes sneaking, picking swords, and books. It also includes hiding ✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level
locks, following someone, and hiding oneself or other people. Camouflage is The person has learned to sneak around
oneself or something else. Shadow used mostly in the great outdoors where without being detected. They know
Arts is not just for thieves, spies, and the person can take advantage of things how to step in ways that generate as
­assassins, but also hunters. The higher like tall grass, shrubbery, and trees, but it little noise as possible. The specialty is
the Skill Value, the better the character can also be used in environments such as good not only for sneaking, but also for
hides, sneaks silently, or moves around caves and rooms. movement in various environments such
without being detected in different as shadows, brush, and wilderness, and
environments, whether in public or off also through crowds. Walking in the
the beaten path. Finding and Spotting shadows has limits. One can move only
The skill can receive modifiers (to up to half their maximum movement
be established by the GM depending ✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level when trying to remain hidden, and only
on whether the appropriate equipment This specialty gives the person the up to 20% of the maximum movement
(lockpicks) or clothes (soft shoes and ability to notice hidden things, such when also trying to remain silent.
dark garments) are available.) A person’s as people and creatures that are hiding
perception and cognition are also tied or sneaking, but also things that are
to the skill. A person with a high Skill cleverly concealed in objects, buildings, Thievery (D)
Value in Shadow Arts more easily spots or terrain. The person develops a
hidden things and people, hears sounds trained eye to spot what is hidden ✦ Level 1-5: SV +1/level
and whispered conversations, and uses beyond the first glance. Examples This discipline enables the person to get
their other senses such as smell, taste, include a hidden poison thorn in a into locked places and steal items from
and touch to great effect. drawer, a stashed object, a trap in the locations or people. They also know the
There are times when different uses floor or the ground, a secret door in the hidden signs of the underworld that
of the Shadows Arts skill oppose each wall, and so on. criminals use to communicate.
other. Somebody using “Finding & This specialty may allow spotting
Spotting” clearly opposes another using rolls even when one is not actively
“­Camouflage and Hiding” or “Walking in searching. The GM decides whether it is Disguise
the Shadows”. The GM is the final arbiter the case or not.
on such struggles, for example making ✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level
both parts rolling and considering as a The person is good at dressing up
winner the lowest roll compared to the Sneak Attack convincingly and mimicking people.
SV to hit. With the right accessories, they can
✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level blend into the environment. The person
When successfully using Camouflage can add +2 to their Skill Value per level
Shadowing (D) and Hiding or Walking in Shadows to when trying to blend in. By changing
sneak up on a target, they can launch a both body language and speech, they can
✦ Level 1-5: SV +1/level Sneak Attack. Only melee weapons can imitate another person (including the
The Shadowing discipline is used when a be used, not ranged ones. opposite sex) so well that others who are
person wants to go unnoticed, sneak up The attack hits automatically and not familiar with the intended person are
on someone, hide, or get someone to look provides an additional open roll of likely to believe the deception. However,
the other way. The Discipline includes damage no matter the result of the first to prevent a close friend from noticing
also the spottiing or finding of hidden roll. In addition to the open roll, the the deception, a very good disguise is
things victim takes an additional 2 points of required.
damage for each level of Sneak Attack
that the attacker has learned.
Camouflage and Hiding The Sneak Attack applies only for the Locks and Traps
specific attack. Afterwards, the sneaking
✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level attacker is detected. ✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level
The person knows how to make an object If the person fails with Walking in The person has learned to pick
blend into the surroundings and thus Shadows, they are discovered before locks and knows how most locking
become more difficult to detect. This striking the blow, and combat c­ ommences mechanisms function. They can add
­specialty includes not only large objects as usual with no sneak attack. +2 to their Skill Value per level when

chapter 2. skills | 65
✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level
The person has learned the basics of
stealing items from other people and
can add +2 to their Skill Value per
level in the ability. People present when
the theft occurs are allowed to make a
specific ­Situation roll decided by the
GM or a Shadows Arts (Finding and
Spotting) Skill roll to try to discover or
notice the theft.

Thief Signs
✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level
A person with this specialty can read
thief signs and create simple thief
signs to communicate with. A thief
sign could, for example, be a symbol
carved on the foundation of a house or a
gatepost, stones laid in a certain pattern,
or ­ something else that most people
would not notice. Each sign has its own
­importance and can tell the experienced
interpreter how many people are living
in the house, whether they are rich or
important, how many hirdmen are in the
area, which is the best escape route out
of the city, where a secret passage can be
found, and so much more. The use can
be almost limitless, depending on what
trying to manipulate or pick a lock. This specialty is also used to build traps the person who placed the sign wanted
Without this specialty, the person to hinder prying or to warn when someone to convey. Most signs consist of at least
cannot pick locks at all. or something is coming. The person has two parts: a main idea and something
All locks have a difficulty level (which also learned to gradually and methodically specific about it. Most important is the
is also the modifier on the character’s examine traps without a­ctivating them. part that conveys the main message, for
Skill Value) that is up to the game After some careful e­ xamination, they know example, whether there are guards at the
master to decide. A basic door lock has how the trap is constructed and therefore place. The other part tells something
a difficulty of -1, and a very advanced can disable it easier. about the main message, for example,
lock has a difficulty of -20. Any attempt how many guards there are. A person
to pick the lock takes 2 action rounds, with this specialty can read and create
where each successful attempt reduces Shadow World thief signs with two or three additions
the lock’s difficulty level by two steps. to the main message, such as “­murderous
An unsuccessful try returns the lock ✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level guards here,” “fourth plank cracks,” or
to its original difficulty level. Several The person has learned the ways “10 shifts of guards.”
unsuccessful attempts risk breaking of the shadow world: how to obtain Thief signs are created in places
off the pick in the lock, which would counterfeits and contracts, how to
­ that are hidden to the untrained eye,
make any further attempts impossible. receive and send information that can but for the initiated they are quite
When the lock’s difficulty level reaches lead to better thefts, and how to find and obvious. A person just needs to know
a positive value, the lock is opened. use black markets. where to look.

66 | chapter 2. skills
Sejding Vitner
✦ Runes
Galding ✦
✦ Vyrding

Vitner ✦

Weavers ✦


weaving ✦


Potency ✦
Vitner Habit



chapter 2. skills | 67
The Vitner Craft skill is the Call of Vitner (D) The choice to weave dark vitner,
k­nowledge of vitner, which gives a however, brings consequences to the
person the ability to understand the ✦ Level 1-5: 5 Vitner Points/level conjurer, who can never learn Vaagritalja
energies used in spells. The skill gives This discipline is the first step to see and or Hwitalja after learning this specialty.
knowledge about vitner, its history, call for the vitner and receive a Vitner Dark vitner has the following effects
its writing and symbolic language, its Capacity. But a character also must on the conjurer:
three forms, and the various ways to learn one of the specialties (Hwitalja,
draw it out and direct it. ­Darkhwitalja, or Vaagritalja) in order to ✦ Darkhwitalja increases vitner capacity
There is no real perception of the use the Vitner Points that the ­discipline by +20 Vitner Points.
Vitner before reaching Vitner Craft gives. Seeing the vitner is a long process ✦ Darkhwitalja can never get perfect
Level 4, learning the first level of that is described in more detail in the results because of the impure vitner.
the “Call of Vitner” Discipline and Three Types of Vitner section in the ✦ Darkhwitalja misses can be fatal. In
pursuing one of the three specialties Weavers of Vitner chapter. The conjurer case of a fatal failure, the D
­ arkhwitalja
Hwitalja, Vaagritalja, or Darkhwitalja. increases their vitner capacity by +5 rolls 1d10 (OR 8-10) on the fatal
Only those who have these skills can Vitner Points per level of the discipline. magic table.
see glimpses of the world behind the ✦ The description of each specific Vitner
veil, visible only for real enchanters of Tablet includes the specific effects of
Trudvang. Hwitalja Darkhwitalja, usually in terms of
In order to evoke spells, vitner Vitner points cost.
capacity is required, which the conjurer ✦ Level 1-5: 10 Vitner Points/level
receives through the Call of Vitner The conjurer has, after years of study,
discipline. The conjurer then gains a found the way past both dark vitner Vaagritalja
vitner capacity equal to the Skill Value and vaagri vitner to eventually find the
in Vitner Craft plus any vitner capacity purest form: white vitner. The conjurer ✦ Level 1-5: 15 Vitner Points/level
gained through the discipline and its has now become a Hwitalja and belongs The conjurer has, after years of study,
specialties. In order to shape and weave to those who bring light. found the vaagri vitner, which is a mix
the vitner so it results in a spell, the The choice to weave white vitner, between the dark and white vitner.
conjurer must learn the Vitner Shaping however, brings consequences to the This is the vitner they shall weave
discipline and at least one of the vitner conjurer, who can never learn V
­ aagritalja in p­erpetuity. The conjurer has now
weaving specialties Galding, Sejding or ­ Darkhwitalja after learning this become a V ­ aagritalja and belongs to the
or Vyrding.. specialty. ones called the wave masters.
A conjurer starts with a number of White vitner has the following effects The choice to weave vaagri vitner,
Vitner Points equal to the ­unmodified on the conjurer: however, brings consequences to the
Vitner Craft Skill Value. The total conjurer, who can never learn Hwitalja
number of Vitner Points a person ✦ Hwitalja increases vitner capacity by or Darkhwitalja after learning this
has is called “Vitner Capacity.” The +10 Vitner Points. specialty.
practitioner gains access to more
­ ✦ The conjurer weaves the vitner Vaagri vitner has the following effects
Vitner Points by learning the Call of ­perfectly on a roll of 1-2. on the conjurer:
Vitner discipline and its specialties. ✦ In case of a fatal failure, only 1d10 (OR
Note that other Disciplines and 10) is rolled on the fatal magic table. ✦ Vaagritalja increases vitner capacity
­Specialties which augment the Vitner ✦ The description of each specific Vitner by +15 Vitner Points.
Craft SV (e.g. Vitner Shaping, etc..) do Tablet includes the specific effects of ✦ Vaagritalja otherwise has no
not raise the Vitner points. Hwitalja, usually in terms of Vitner positive or negative effects on the
points cost. ­conjurer’s ability to learn to weave,
✦ Vitner capacity = SV (Vitner Craft) + refine vitner for extra power, access
vitner capacity from the Call of Vitner the vitner or weave perfectly. In case
discipline and its specialties. Darkhwitalja of a fatal failure, the Vaagritalja rolls
✦ Prerequisites for weaving vitner: 1d10 (OR 9-10) on the fatal magic
Vitner Craft SV 4, Call of Vitner ✦ Level 1-5: 20 Vitner Points/level table.
Discipline and 1 specialty (Hwitalja, The conjurer has, after years of study, ✦ The description of each specific Vitner
Darkhiwitalja, Vaagritalja), Vitner found the dark vitner and can summon Tablet includes the specific effects of
Shaping Discipline and at least 1 it. The conjurer has now become a Vaagritalja, usually in terms of Vitner
­specialty (Galding, Sejding, Vyrding), Darkhwitalja and belongs to the dark
­ points cost.
at least 1 Vitner Tablet specialty. tamers.

68 | chapter 2. skills
Vitner Habit a ­ Situation roll to see if they’re individual, and the same spell may
­disturbed enough to cancel the spell, sound completely different if another
✦ Level 1-5: 10 Vitner points/level the roll is modified by +2 per level. conjurer were to evoke it. For one of
The conjurer reaches an ­ important See the Being Disturbed section in the them the spell can be a beautiful song,
insight into the vitner art, which Weavers of Vitner Chapter. while the same spell for someone else
increases their ability to draw in vitner could be a gurgling sound deep in
from the surroundings. their throat. Some conjurers even use
The conjurer must have a minimum Strenuous instruments of various kinds that,
level of 1 in one of the other specialties: together with voice and sound, attract
Hwitalja, Darkhwitalja, or Vaagritalja. ✦ Level 1-5: special and shape the vitner.
They increase its capacity by +10 Vitner The conjurer concentrates especially Regardless of how the spell sounds,
Points per level of Vitner Habit. hard when weaving the vitner. By using it can often be heard from afar, which
extra vitner during a spell, the chances means that the conjurer is easily detected
to succeed increase. For each level of and recognized as such.
Vitner Focus (D) this specialty, the conjurer may use 2
Vitner Points to get a +1 modifier on
✦ Level 1-5: +1/level on special the Skill roll. A conjurer with level 3 of Sejding
The conjurer has learned to focus their the specialty can therefore use an extra
mind on the vitner energies receiving 6 Vitner Points to get +3 on their ✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level
the following modifiers per level: +1 on Skill Value, and a conjurer with level The one who Sejders up a spell molds the
situation rolls to remain focused while 5 can use an extra 10 Vitner Points to vitner using different movements and
distrurbed and -1 to rolls on the table get +5. How many Vitner Points the gestures. The conjurer must therefore be
for fatal failure. conjurer wants to add is up to them, able to use both their hands for weaving.
provided that they do not exceed what Otherwise they cannot control the vitner
their specialty level permits. needed for the spell. This spell method
Potency is quiet but startling since the conjurer
must gesticulate with both arms and
✦ Level 1-5: -2 special/level Vitner Shaping (D) hands.
The conjurer’s spells are very powerful.
All Situation values that the victim ✦ Level 1-5: SV +1/level
must roll at or below to resist a spell Vitner can be shaped through various Vitner Runes
are reduced by -2 per level due to the methods:songs and sounds (Galding),
­conjurer’s force. gestures (Sejding) and thoughts ✦ Level 1-5: SV +1/level
The conjurer can also put up great (Vyrding). This discipline give modifiers The person has learned to decipher the
resistance to spells directed toward to all three but the conjurer must know complicated symbols that make up the
them. All Situation values that the at least one of the related specialties in vitner craft’s written language.
conjurer must roll at or below to resist order to cast a spell. The three ways
or reduce a spell’s effect are increased by cannot be combined with one another; a
+2 per level. spell is Galded, Sejded, or Vyrded. The Vitner Tablet (Selected
discipline also provides knowledge of the Tablet)
written language of the incantation arts.
Safeweaving ✦ Level 1-5: +1 Vitner Tablet/level
By learning this specialty, the conjurer
✦ Level 1-5: -2 special/level Galding can shape the vitner to a spell in the
The conjurer is meticulous when selected Vitner Tablet. Each new level of
weaving spells. On the occasions that the ✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level specialty provides all the spells included
conjurer’s spell malfunctions, because of The conjurer specializes in singing up a in the Tablet’s new level and in all the
this specialty they subtract -2 per level spell. Galding means that the conjurer previous levels. A conjurer who, for
from the roll on the fatal magic table (see weaves and shapes vitner into spells example, learned the third level of the
the Fatal Magic section in the Weavers entirely through mysterious songs and Vitner Tablet (Delusion Vitner) specialty
of Vitner chaper). sounds. Some songs are both long and could conjure any of the spells belonging
The conjurer is also very hard to complex, while others are no more than to Delusion Vitner’s first three levels.
disturb when preparing or conjuring a protracted tone at the right time. The This specialty is acquired for every
a spell. Anytime they must make songs and sounds are, however, highly new Vitner Tablet that the conjurer

chapter 2. skills | 69
learns. For more details, see Vitner Vyrding thought force, and the only indication of
Tablets and Spells in The Weavers of trying to create a spell is the virtually
Vitner chapter. ✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level non-existent gesture or movement that
The following are the Vitner Tablets: The spell method known as Vyrding finally channels the magic out through
Animal Vitner, Body Vitner, Delusion is quiet and tranquil, and often goes the body.
Vitner, Dimvitner, Flame Craft, completely unnoticed until the effect
­ The movements may be a simple twist
­Perceiving, Power of Thought, Power of arrives. Conjurers who Vyrd fill of a wrist, a flick of the fingers, or a wink
Vision, Soil Craft, Vitner Craft, Vitner of themselves with vitner and, for a
­ of an eye. The downside to Vyrding is
Objects, Water Craft, Wind Craft, and moment, become one with their own that it takes twice as long to shape vitner
Witchcraft. being. They mold the vitner with pure into a spell as in other styles.

70 | chapter 2. skills
Tracker Botany
Hunting ✦ Animal ✦ Zoology
& Fishing Species Weather- ✦
Wilderness Friend ✦ man
✦ Hunter ✦
✦ Signs

Carve &
Butcher ✦ ✦
NATURE ✦ Navigation

✦ Seaman
✦ ✦ ✦

Knowledge ✦ Camper

✦ ✦
Orienteering ✦ Path-
& Cartography walker
Sea ✦


Weathered Experience



chapter 2. skills | 71
The Wilderness skill gives a person a of things like where the ruler lives Hunting Experience (D)
greater knowledge of nature and the and where trading houses, inns, baths,
ability to survive in the wild. The skill sacred buildings, and other places of ✦ Level 1-5: SV +1/level
includes hunting, survival ­ experience, interest are located. The specialty With the Hunting Experience d ­ iscipline,
nature awareness, geography, and must be designated to a specific town a person knows how to track and hunt
­navigation at sea. or city. prey, as well as how to survive in the wild
The person can use their survival and difficult environments. The person
experience when they cannot find knows a lot regarding different prey and
things necessary to survive in the wild Land Knowledge has learned to read their trails, habits, and
or perhaps lack tools to hunt game or (­Specification Required) behavior. They also know the best way to
set up camp. Their experience provides chase prey and fish in different waters.
the knowledge of how and where to ✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level
find water; which insects, berries, moss, The person has knowledge r­ egarding a
and roots are safe to eat; and how to country’s geography and can add +2 per Carve and Butcher
set up the best protection with what’s level to their Skill Value when trying
available. to learn about its forests, rivers, lakes, ✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level
coastlines, mountains, cities, trails, and The person has learned to carve meat
more. Every country in Trudvang (e.g. and butcher animals properly, and can
Geography (D) Vortland, Wildland, Nojd, etc.) has its get 10% more daily rations than usual
own Land K ­ nowledge specialty. through hunting or fishing. The person
✦ Level 1-5: SV +1/level is also good at skinning animals and
With the Geography discipline, a person taking care of the fur. The more skillful
knows what the environment looks like Orienteering and Cartography the person is, the greater and finer piece
and how it is laid out. This gives the of fur they can get from a killed animal.
ability to interpret and create maps, know ✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level The specialty bonus is used when the
where different places are in relation to By comparing famous landmarks, and person is skinning an animal in order to
others, and which d ­ irection to travel in the positions of stars and celestial bodies take care of the fur.
order to reach a certain ­destination. in relation to each other, a person knows
The discipline allows the person to their current location and in which
get a rough idea of how the selected ­direction they are moving. The specialty Hunting and Fishing
part of the world is constructed. They helps them take the quickest and most
know which countries exist and all direct route possible from one place to ✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level
­boundaries, popular routes, and towns another. The person is good at hunting in the
and villages that exist. The person The person has also learned how wilderness or on a lake. The person
receives a bonus of +1 per level to a to make maps by being observant can also build and manage traps used
Skill roll to d ­etermine if they have of how areas look and being careful in hunting. The specialty bonus is used
knowledge regarding the area. when c­alculating distance and space. when the person goes hunting or fishing.
Characters begin with level 1 in this If the mapmaker can read and write,
discipline and level 1 as a basic specialty the ­ information on the maps they
in Land Knowledge, specified according create is much easier to understand. Species Hunter (Specification
to the country where they grew up. A mapmaker can only draw a map of Required)
The discipline must specify one of an area that they have visited and
the following countries: Westmark, witnessed. ✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level
Mittland, the Stormlands, N ­ hoordland, This specialty is for hunting a specific
­Muspelheim, or Soj. In effect each c­ ountry animal. The character has learned how and
requires its own different Discipline. Sea Knowledge (Specification where the animal lives and which tracks to
Required) search for when stalking it. Animal species
may include hare, wolf, bear, fox, lynx,
City Knowledge ✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level wild horse, deer, salmon, and so on. The
(­Specification Required) The person is familiar with the sea that specialty bonus is added to bonuses from
surrounds a specific coast, and can add other relevant specialties (e.g. Tracker,
✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level +2 per level to their Skill Value when Hunting &Fishing, etc.) when traking the
The person has learned all about a trying to learn about the seas of a chosen animal and also when hunting in
particular city and gained knowledge selected region. the area where the species dwells.

72 | chapter 2. skills
Nature Knowledge (D)
✦ Level 1-5: SV +1/level
The Nature Knowledge discipline gives
the person knowledge regarding the
flora and fauna of Trudvang as well as
the ability to predict weather. The person
knows what plants are located in an area,
which animals and beasts are there, how
they behave, and why. The person also is
familiar with the landscapes and terrains
of Trudvang, and what characterizes a
particular area.

Animal Friend
✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level
This specialty gives a person improved
knowledge regarding the lives of animals.
The specialty bonus is used when
the person wants to know s­omething
regarding their ways and patterns. The
knowledge is also used to train an animal
to perform tricks and activities.
The person has also learned to train
wild animals so as to domesticate them.
To domesticate an animal, it must first
be captured. A caught animal becomes
domesticated if the tamer succeeds on
five rolls for the Wilderness skill. The
tamer may roll only once per week. Thus,
it takes at least five weeks to domesticate
a wild animal.
Because there are a great variety of
animals in Trudvang, it is up to the game
Tracker could convey how rich the area is with master to determine which ones can be
animals, if there are trolls in the forest, trained and for what. Some examples
✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level how many trolls there are, what kind of of animals that can be trained are
The person is good at spotting trails in trolls, that a good resting place is a half horses, dogs, birds, cats, bears, snakes,
the terrain. The specialty bonus is used day’s march eastward, that there is a and rodents. The specialty bonus is
when they try to find or follow a trail. risk of landslides, and much more. It all used when the person wants to train or
depends on what the person who made command an animal to do something.
the sign wanted to convey. Most signs Different animals can be taught
Wilderness Signs consist of several parts. Most important different skills (see the Trained
is the part that conveys the main message, Animals section in the Game Master
✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level such as “Beware of trolls.” The other Guide book for more details). There
A person with this specialty can read and parts expand the main message, such as are eight different types of training:
create wilderness signs. A ­ wilderness ­detailing what kind of trolls, how many fetching, jumping, hunting, ­couriering,
sign could, for example, be a symbol there are, and in what direction they went. sprinting, tracking, combat, and
carved on a tree trunk or a gatepost, Signs are positioned in places that guarding. All these training areas have
stones positioned in specific patterns, or are not obvious to an untrained eye, five capability levels: obedient, capable,
anything else that only the skillful can but to an experienced person they are excellent, skilled, and masterful. A dog
find. Every sign has an importance and quite clear. can therefore have excellent training

chapter 2. skills | 73
in fighting and capable training in expected in various sea environments, Camper
guarding. However, an animal cannot as well as which signs to follow to find
be trained until it is first tamed. the right place on the high seas. ✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level
The person is good at building camps in the
wilderness. Primarily, it is not just about a
Botany Navigation camp you set up for the night, but a camp
where you can stay for several days to hunt,
✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level ✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level repair equipment, or simply rest. The camp
This specialty gives a person more By comparing famous landmarks at sea, takes eight hours to build and requires a
knowledge regarding the trees and and the positions of stars and celestial successful Skill roll. If the person manages
flowers of Trudvang. The specialty bodies in relation to each other, a person to build a camp, it means that those in the
bonus is used when the person wants to knows their current heading or direction camp will not suffer negative modifiers for
know something regarding plants. as well as location. The specialty helps being in the wilderness. People can also
a person take the best and most direct rest and recover from injuries just like they
possible route from one place to another at would if they were in a city.
Weatherman sea. Depending on distance and weather, The person is also good at making fire
the game master determines how often without a tinderbox or other tools.
✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level a navigator needs to succeed with a Skill
The person has learned to interpret roll to stay on the right course.
the signs of nature and can use them to If a person has a good sea map that Pathwalker
predict the weather for the next few days. shows landmarks, they can determine
The specialty bonus is used when the their location and heading with great ✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level
person tries to predict weather for the accuracy. The person has great stamina when
next two days +1 day per level. ­traveling in the wild. The specialty bonus
is used when a Skill roll is required during
Seaman long trips through the ­wilderness. A person
Zoology with this s­ pecialty also increases the distance
✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level covered during one day by 10% per level.
✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level The person is familiar with spending long
This specialty gives a person extra periods of time at sea and does not need
knowledge regarding creatures in to go ashore as often as someone with less Terrain Experience
Trudvang that lack higher intelligence. experience. The person uses this specialty (­Specification Required)
The person is familiar with these when a successful Skill roll is required
animals’ strengths and weaknesses, to keep from getting sick on the stormy ✦ Level 1-5: SV +2/level and +2 Days
how they live, what they fear, what ocean, or anything that has to do with of Persistence in the wild/Level for
tracks they make, and much more. The life on board a ship. The person has also the specific terrain
specialty bonus is used when the person learned most of the common routines and The person has great expertise r­ egarding
wants to know something about a chores that are required when working survival in a certain terrain. The ­specialty
particular creature. on a ship. The person knows, for example, bonus is used when a Skill roll is required
how to set sail, how to load the cargo, to find shelter, food, water, or other
which ropes and knots to use, and perhaps necessities in the selected terrain. Available
Seafarer (D) most importantly, how to sail. terrain are mountain, forest, sea, arctic,
plains and Muspelheim.
✦ Level 1-5: SV +1/level
The Seafarer discipline provides Survival (D)
knowledge of the sea and the basics of Weathered
how to operate various types of boats. ✦ Level 1-5: SV +1/level and +1 Day of
The person knows how things work on Persistence in the wild/Level ✦ Level 1-5: Level 1-5: SV +2/level and
a boat, such as how teams of workers This discipline makes the person a +2 Days of Persistence in the wild
should look and act, how to load the true survivor who can subsist on the The person is used to spending long
cargo, which ropes and knots to use, how few assets that nature has to offer. The periods of time in the wilderness, and can
to set sails, and most importantly how ­discipline bonus is used when the person therefore endure rain, wind, and cold. The
to sail and steer a ship. Seafaring also has to survive in the wild and must find specialty bonus is used when the person
provides knowledge of which winds are shelter, food, water, or other necessities. needs to overcome the weather in the wild.

74 | chapter 2. skills
chapter 2. skills | 75
Chapter 3

There are three types of vitner that together form the worldwide
force, which makes up all of the worlds as well as the gap between
them. Together, the three powers build and surround everyone
and everything, from the smallest piece of gravel to the largest
mountain, from the smallest mouse to the largest giant.

Vitner: Magic Energy The njord fires flow forth like streams, and beings also harbor a ­disharmony
Vitner form objects, beings, and even rivers, and huge waterfalls. At some places among the three. They receive power
the worlds themselves in two different their force and power is so strong that and properties reflective of the ­
forms. One of these forms of reality is even vitner masters are o­verwhelmed. balance energy within.
referred to as “Havvitner,” the external Other places, h ­ owever, are almost empty
energy, and the other is “Rimvitner,” the of vitner and the njord fires move at a
internal energy. The three energies are slow, almost stagnant pace. Mistvitner, the Hidden Magic
called: The hlogres are mighty and There is often talk of another vitner
­impressive. These are spots where the that incorporates all the other vitners as
✦ White vitner njord fires join and create a central one, an energy that does not d ­ istinguish
✦ Dark vitner source of power, which throws its energy between type, level, or even how it is
✦ Vaagrivitner out to the surrounding areas. Usually developed. These rumors speak of the
these places are of great importance to “Mistvitner,” the hidden magic, the one
“White vitner” is light and pure, and ­Trudvang’s wizards, who gather there that the misturelves once used, long
gives life. “Dark vitner” is dark and frequently to study the vitner. before they learned how to conjure the
impure, and is used like a poison to break Each of the three forms of vitner flow separate parts in order to teach others.
down the life that white vitner fosters. amidst the njord fires and intersect at the Today there are few, if any, who know
“Vaagrivitner” is a combination of the powerful hlogres. But their appearance how to deal with such ancient vitner, which
two energies, a tight and inseparable does not always look the same. At some is rumored to be able to break worlds and
­pattern that divides the others. places, the darker energy gets more create new ones. It is believed that the
It is easier to see and master the current in the njord fires and ­permeates magic the fjol trolls use is closely related
gloomy and impure dark vitner, and the ground with its dark force. At other to mistvitner, but nobody knows for sure.
harder to see the light and pure white places, the light energy is more powerful. Humans who have experienced
vitner. But in most njord fires, the three energies this vitner shaping refer to it as
flow in harmony and equilibrium. ­“Bjaustavitner” (wild magic).
The njord fires and hlogres do not
Arteries of Vitner exist only in Trudvang’s soil. Objects
“Njord” fires can be found all over and beings have these forces as well, The Wizard’s Choice
Trudvang. The njord fires are like though on a much smaller scale. Just like All wizards start by deciding which
giant arteries of vitner that come from there are places where the three types of vitner they wish to study and hopefully
­different central sources called “hlogres.” vitner are out of harmony, some objects master. The choice is made when the

chapter 3. weavers of vitner | 77

enchanter chooses the ­ knowledge and
pursuit of “Darkhwitalja,” “­Vaagritalja,”
or “Hwitalja.” Each of these are
­specialties of the Call of Vitner D
­ iscipline
and Vitner Craft Skill.
Once an enchanter has chosen to
specialize in one of the three forms of
vitner, they can never change to another
type without destroying themselves.
Therefore, there are only three types of
enchanters. Those who truly know and
see vitner speak of the three m­ asteries as
those who bring light, those who weave
darkness, and those who balance the
None of the three types can truly
claim to be better or worse than the
others, as all of them have pros and cons.
But since each of the three energies is
controlled differently and has different
­characteristics, this choice will affect the
wizard’s entire career.

Three Types of Vitner and

By their own choice, enchanters belong
to one of the three types of practitioners.
Those who choose to weave the white
vitner will belong to the “Hwitalja,” the
ones who bring light. Those who choose
to use dark vitner will belong to the
“Darkhwitalja,” the dark weavers. And
those who choose to follow the road
between the two forces will use the force
from Vaagrivitner and belong to the
“Vaagritalja,” the balance of power.

Hwitalja, the Ones Who Bring knowledgeable and highly respected by than the other two types. They describe
Light kings, warriors, and even the other two the vitner as a muddy lake, a tormented
The elves describe the white vitner as a types of mages. and silent wasteland, and a road to the
sparkling meadow of beautiful flowers, Enchanters who choose Hwitalja, the darkest of all realms. Here, one finds only
like the light at the heart of a flame or bright way, have to remember that great death and decay, just like at the bottom of
a calm and crystal-clear lake. One who accuracy is needed for their spells, which a poisoned well. Those who use the dark
learns to see this beautiful vitner and means it is not only difficult to learn new vitner to shape their spells speak of their
manages to master it is called Hwitalja. spells but also difficult to use the vitner energy as if it were an untamed wild horse.
Hwitalja create spells from the to reach higher levels of power. The But it is not as obscure and sinister as many
lightest and purest energy, often with positive side, however, is that the vitner would suggest. One simply needs to take in
noble purposes as well. There are far is very reliable and is not as devastating and master the wild energy, and once that
fewer Hwitalja in Trudvang compared with fatal magic. is accomplished, it can be used to achieve
to Vaagritalja and Darkhwitalja great things. There is nothing wrong with
because pure energy is much more Darkhwitalja, the Dark Weavers trying to bend an iron pole or tame large
­difficult to see and master. Those who The dark vitner is both alluring and creatures to serve the enchanter’s purpose;
use it, however, are usually extremely inviting. More people can see this vitner this is the perspective of the dark weavers.

78 | chapter 3. weavers of vitner

Enchanters who choose Darkhwitalja an endless sea of black. They call find it at the bottom of a lake or high up
quickly learn how to create impressive t­ hemselves Vaagritalja, and they believe in the sky. It stays in the middle where
spells, which are easy to summon and that balance between controlling the stream is strongest and follows the
have high levels of power. They have to and enjoying this colorful beauty is flow, because those who use this energy
be cautious, though, as the dark vitner is important in order to maintain the
­ believe that in the middle, where you find
unreliable and can produce devastating balance of Trudvang. They are mages vaagrivitner, you will find the best of
effects when fatal failures occur, which who believe that there is nothing out of both worlds.
happens relatively often. place with a jagged thorn bush at the Enchanters who choose ­Vaagritalja
center of a lush summer meadow. often have both good and bad
Vaagritalja, the Balance of Power Vaagritalja use the energy that acts properties. As their knowledge
There are those who are attracted to like a separating layer between the white ­regarding vitner grows stronger, they
both light and darkness. They are the vitner and dark vitner. The layer not may create spells with a high level of
ones who look up at the sky at night only divides them, but also may be mixed power. They do not have to worry as
and see beauty in the vast, untouched together in an intricate pattern that is much about failure as a Darkhwitalja
darkness, but also in the stars that impossible itself to separate. Vaagritalja might. On the other hand, they cannot
spread their light like little spots in is neither fish nor fowl; you will never achieve the same success as a Hwitalja.

chapter 3. weavers of vitner | 79

Vitner Craft Depending on the level of the No matter how many extra levels
The Vitner Craft skill gives a character Vitner Tablet the spell is created on, of power are added through a perfect
the knowledge of how to use and weave the ­difficulty of conjuring ­successfully success, the spell costs the same
the vitner. At skill level 4, the enchanter will vary. The table below shows the number of Vitner Points that were
reaches their first real insight in the art ­modifiers to the enchanter’s Skill Value. spent on it i­nitially with the original
of vitner. They start seeing glimpses level of power.
of the world behind the veil, which VITNER TABLET SPELL LEVEL
opens only for enchanters of Trudvang. Level Modifier Success
At this point, the enchanter gets the 1 -2
A successful result means that the
­opportunity to pursue one of the three spell is conjured just as the enchanter
2 -4
masteries (Hwitalja, Vaagritalja, or intended it.
Darkhwitalja, found under the Call of 3 -6 The spell costs the same number
Vitner discipline), which bestows the 4 -8 of Vitner Points that were spent on
ability to see that vitner. 5 -10 it ­
initially with the intended level of
Once the enchanter learns to see power.
one of these vitners, they must learn
to master and weave it. The enchanter Outcome of a Spell Failure
does this with help from the s­ pecialties Depending on which vitner the A failed result indicates that the
under the Vitner Shaping discipline. enchanter has chosen to weave (the first enchanter failed to weave the vitner
When they learn how to weave the choice they make), the chance of success accurately and none of what they
vitner, they can form it into spells, when creating the spell differs greatly. intended occurs. Failing to weave a spell
which is done through the Vitner See table below: also means that the enchanter loses all of
Tablet specialty. the Vitner Points spent on it.
This means that a character who OUTCOME OF A SPELL The spell costs the same number
has a Skill Value of 4 in Vitner Craft Die Result Outcome of the Spell of Vitner Points that were spent on it
first needs to buy the Call of Vitner 1 (or 2 Hwitalja) Perfect success
­initially with the intended level of power,
­discipline and one of its three specialties just as if it were successful.
(Hwitalja, Vaagritalja, or Darkhwitalja) ≤ SV Success
in order to see that vitner. Next, the > SV Failure Fatal Magic
enchanter must learn to form the vitner 20 Fatal failure, fatal magic If an enchanter fails disastrously to
through the specialties under the Vitner weave the spell, the formed vitner
Shaping discipline. Vaagritalja achieves a perfect success will bounce back and harm the mage.
on a roll of 1, and Hwitalja achieves Enchanters refer to this occurrence as
a perfect success on a roll of 1 or 2. Fatal Magic. It unfortunately means that
Weaving a S pell Darkhwitalja cannot achieve a perfect
­ the enchanter needs to roll a die on the
In order to cast a spell, a successful Skill success no matter what number is rolled. table for fatal magic (see Fatal Magic,
roll is needed for the method of Vitner below).
weaving that is being used: Galding, Perfect Success The spell costs the same number
Sejding, or Vyrding (and the Vitner If the enchanter achieves a perfect of Vitner Points that were spent on it
Shaping discipline). success, it means they wove the vitner ­initially with the intended level of power,
so well that the spell becomes stronger. just as if it were successful.
✦ SV = SV Vitner Craft + 1/lv Vitner The spell receives a bonus 1d10 + 1
Shaping discipline +2/lv specialty: Vitner Points to its level of power
(Galding, Sejding or Vyrding). without any cost. Cost of Spells
All spells have a cost, which shows
EXAMPLE: WEAVING A SPELL how many Vitner Points are needed
to weave the spell. If the enchanter
An enchanter with a skill level of 6 in Vitner Craft (SV 6), level 1 (SV + 1) in the Vitner wants to add an extra level of power to
Shaping discipline, and level 2 (SV + 4) in the Sejding specialty will have a total Skill the spell’s basic version, this will also
Value of 11 when weaving a spell with Sejding. The enchanter decides to create the cost an amount of extra Vitner Points
spell Call on Animals, which belongs to level 2 of the Animal Vitner tablet. Since this is (see Levels of Power, below). The table
a level 2 spell, the modifier is -4. To successfully weave the vitner, the player must roll below shows how many Vitner Points a
equal to or under 7 (11-4). spell of a certain level costs to weave in
the basic version.

80 | chapter 3. weavers of vitner

Level Cost in Vitner Points
1 2
For the previously mentioned enchanter who wanted to cast Call on Animals, the
initial cost for the spell is 4 Vitner Points. The enchanter also wants to add extra
2 4
levels of power at a cost of 7 more Vitner Points. The total cost for the spell is 11
3 6 Vitner Points.
4 8
5 10
Vitner Points from Self-Sacrifice Capacity equal to the amount of Body
To weave a spell, the enchanter must An enchanter might not always have Points offered at the scale of 1 Body
first pay the cost of the spell plus any enough vitner capacity to use certain Point = 2 Vitner Points. ­Following this,
additional costs for extra levels of spells. They can also use their Body the Body Points must be healed as usual.
power. The costs for these extra levels Points to create vitner through their own In an extreme situation, the enchanter
of power are indicated in each spell life essence. In this manner, an enchanter can offer their own life to save that of
description. can receive a temporary bonus to Vitner a friend. An enchanter who chooses to

chapter 3. weavers of vitner | 81

do this is still limited in how much they power can increase the spell’s range so Magic and Initiative
can spend. The enchanter can drain it affects one extra creature, or increase An enchanter who evokes a spell must
their life essence only to an amount the effect of the spell itself. make an initiative roll (1d10 OR 10), just
below zero equal to their maximum To add a level of power to a spell, the like everyone else who will take action in
BP. This means that the character can enchanter needs to have enough Vitner that round.
weave a spell whose total cost is as large Points to meet the additional cost, as Some spells are labelled as rituals and take
as the current vitner capacity, plus the explained in the table on levels of power far more time than a single round to evoke.
enchanter’s doubled Body Points, minus after each spell description. Whether the weaving time is a single round
the enchanter’s current damage. If it is possible to expand the spell or many action rounds, the spell always
so that an extra person or creature is takes effect according to the e­nchanter’s
affected, that target is affected as if by initiative in the final action round of the
Restoring Vitner the spell’s basic version. The enchanter weaving time. So if it takes only 1 round to
A full night of rest gives the enchanter must add extra levels of power for the weave, it is cast according to the e­ nchanter’s
access to their full vitner capacity. second target if they want to amplify its initiative in that first round. If it takes 3
effects, even if they already used extra rounds to weave, it takes effect according to
levels of power for the first target. Some the enchanter’s initiative in the third round.
Levels of Power spells are exempt from this rule, and the Some rituals can take anywhere from a few
An increased level of power is an extra targets are also affected by the minutes to hours to perform.
improvement or enhancement of a basic extra level of power from the original All spells have an initiative modifier
spell. All spells are described initially spell. When this is the case, it will be as well, which is equal to the level of
in their basic version. At the end of clearly stated in the spell’s description. the spell (e.g .a level 5 spell will have
each spell description is a list of how an The only limit to how many levels of an IM of -5). This modifier applies only
enchanter can further enhance the spell, power an enchanter can purchase for a to the action round in which the spell
spending one or more levels of power single spell is that character’s available takes effect. Read more about magic and
on the spell. For example, a level of vitner capacity. ­initiative under Initiative Modifier in the
Vitner Tablets section of this book.


Being Disturbed
An enchanter who is left with 20 vitner capacity and 26 Body Points also has 8 points If the enchanter is disturbed in any way
of damage. To save her friends, she can offer her own life by transforming it into vitner during the invocation, such as by being hit
for a final mighty spell. The total amount of Vitner Points the enchanter can create is 64 in combat, they risk losing ­concentration
(20 + [2 x 26] - 8 = 64). This will cost her 44 Body Points, which means the end of her. and effectively cancelling the spell.
To see if the enchanter manages to
An enchanter wants to add extra levels of power to a level 1 spell. The spell costs 2 maintain concentration for the spell,
Vitner Points to evoke in its basic version and can be enhanced in the following ways: a Situation roll is used with a standard
Increase the spell’s duration by 1 minute (cost: 1) Situation value of 6 (Psyche modifiers
Increase the spell’s range by 10 meters (cost: 1) apply). However, it is up to the game
Increase the number of creatures that are affected (by the spell’s basic version) by 1 (cost: 2). master to decide whether a Situation roll
Below are examples of what the enchanter can choose when adding levels of power is needed and what modifiers (positive or
to this spell. negative) apply.
One of each: Since the spell can be increased with three different effects, the enchanter If the enchanter is successful with
chooses to use one of each. Therefore, it will cost 6 Vitner Points to evoke (2 + 1 + this Situation roll, they maintain
1 + 2). The extra creature targeted is affected only by the basic version of the spell. concentration and can continue to
Three of the same: The enchanter can focus only on extending the range of the weave the spell despite the disturbance.
spell, adding 3 levels of power to extend the range by 30 meters (10 meters per level). However, if they fail the Situation roll,
­Therefore, it will cost 5 Vitner Points to evoke (2 + 1 + 1 + 1). they lose concentration and the spell is
Two of a kind plus one of another: The enchanter can enhance the spell with two canceled but no vitner point is spent.
levels of power that both increase the duration, and with one level of power that
increases the number of affected targets. By doing so, the enchanter can either increase
the duration by 2 minutes, with the additional target affected only by the basic version, Abusing the Vitner
or enhance the effect on both targets (still costing 2 power levels). Either way, the cost One of the first rules an enchanter learns
will be 6 Vitner Points to evoke (2 + 1 + 1 + 2). is to never abuse the vitner. Vitner is a
whimsical energy that must not be used

82 | chapter 3. weavers of vitner

haphazardly or without consideration. NUMBER OF ACTIVE SPELLS
When an enchanter uses vitner in spells, Level Number of Active Spells Modifier
it is gathered from all over Trudvang, but 1 1 -2
the more often the enchanter uses vitner,
2 2 -4
the closer it gathers and congregates.
Due to this fact, it is important for the 3 3 -6
game master to showcase the negations 4 4 -8
of summoning vitner. The more spells an 5 5 n/a
enchanter evokes during a short period of
time, the nearer and more powerful these
negations should be (see Negations, below). vitner’s mystical energies. In times like magic, though the enchanter should
Any truly major abuse of vitner, this, when the use of a spell goes horribly still respect the vitner and its power.
which is up to the game master to wrong, the enchanter’s very existence is Being somewhere in between, one using
decide, could force the player to roll on ­threatened. When the gathered energies Vaagritalja should show proper respect
the Fatal Magic table, even if the spell do not perform as requested and backlash and reverence toward the vitner, just as
was woven with success. with devastating consequences, they bear all other enchanters do. They don’t have
down on anyone trying to control the as much reason to fear fatal magic as a
terrible negation. Almost all of the spell’s Darkhwitalja, but neither should they
Number of Active Spells negation effect centers on the immediate be as confident as a Hwitalja.
At most, an enchanter can maintain only surroundings, rather than elsewhere in
­ The vitner that an enchanter weaves
five active spells, one for each level of the Trudvang (see Negations). It is up to the is not the only aspect that determines
Hwitalja, Darkhwitalja, or Vaagritalja game master to decide the specific negation the effects of fatal magic. Other factors
specialty that they have. “Active spells” and which characters are affected. include the power of the evoked spell
refer to any spells that have a duration The results of fatal magic depend on the and the number of other spells currently
currently maintained. type of vitner the enchanter has chosen active.
Even after a spell with a certain to control. A novice enchanter who has When an enchanter experiences
duration has been evoked, the enchanter not yet decided which type of vitner to fatal failure while weaving the Vitner,
must maintain a connection to it. This ­specialize in (meaning they have no levels in the player rolls a die according to his
makes it more difficult to weave new spells the Hwitalja, Vaagritalja, or ­Darkhwitalja chosen Vitner type (see table below) and
as one or more are still being supported. specialties) is treated as Vaagritalja,. adds the total vitner cost of the spell (or
For every active spell the enchanter An enchanter who summons the dark spells, if more than one is active). Look
­maintains, they receive a negative modifier vitner should tremble with fear at the up that final result on the Fatal Magic
of -2 when weaving a new one. mere thought of a spell backlashing with Effects table below. Even if a character
The table below shows how many fatal magic, as the effects are far worse. causes fatal magic via a magical item
active spells an enchanter of a certain One who weaves the pure white vitner loaded with a spell, the same principle is
skill level (in the Hwitalja, Darkhwitalja, has less need to be as scared of fatal used as if they had woven the spell.
or Vaagritalja specialty) can maintain
at a single time, as well as the negative EXAMPLE: FATAL MAGIC
modifier for weaving a new one.
Even if an enchanter can maintain An enchanter attempts to weave a spell that costs 16 Vitner Points, but suffers a
several active spells simultaneously, most fatal failure. He has added 5 levels of power (for an additional 12 Vitner Points)
vitner weavers try to avoid it. This is to the spell’s basic version (4 Vitner Points). The enchanter is Darkhwitalja and
because any fatal failures would lead to weaves the unpredictable dark vitner, so he needs to roll 1d10 with an open roll on
catastrophic consequences. The backlash a result of 8, 9, or 10.
from fatal magic derives its strength not The enchanter is unlucky and rolls a 9, which results in an open roll. The result
only from the failed spell, but also from any from the open roll is a 6, which makes the enchanter’s total 15 (9 + 6). He also has to
other spells that are currently active. Read add 16 (4 + 12), which is what the spell would have cost to evoke, so the final result
more about this under “Fatal Magic.” is 31 (15 +16). The player looks up 31 on the Fatal Magic Results table to see what
unfortunate effect will occur.
If the enchanter also had one or more spells that were still active, he would have
Fatal Magic to add their Vitner Points to the final result as well. For example, if the enchanter
When an enchanter encounters fatal ­referenced above had one active spell that cost 14 Vitner Points to evoke, he would add
magic, everyone present immediately 14 more to the result for a new total of 45.
regrets the decision to try to control the

chapter 3. weavers of vitner | 83

DIE ROLL FOR FATAL MAGIC 35-36 The vitner that the enchanter 43 The failed spell absorbs the vitner
attempted to control is gathered from all creatures within 1d10
Enchanter Type Dice
like an enclosure around the (OR 10) meters of the enchanter.
Hwitalja 1d10 (OR 10) enchanter. Each time the Everybody within the area loses
Vaagritalja 1d10 (OR 9-10) enchanter is within 10 meters 1d10 Vitner Points (roll separately
of another enchanter, a flash for each victim). Because vitner
Darkhwitalja 1d10 (OR 8-10)
bursts out and causes 1d6 points is life, any creatures that are not
of damage (non-magical armor enchanters and have no Vitner
offers no protection). Anytime Points lose the same amount of
Fatal Magic Results it deals damage, the enclosure Body Points in damage.
depletes by an amount of vitner 44 The vitner that the enchanter
✦ Roll of the die + total vitner cost of equal to the damage caused. The attempted to control is gathered
enclosure remains until emptied. like an enclosure around the
37-38 The failed spell absorbs the vitner enchanter. Each time the
TABLE OF FATAL MAGIC EFFECTS from all creatures within 1d10 enchanter is within 50 meters of
(OR 10) meters of the enchanter. another enchanter, a flash bursts
Roll Effect Everybody within the area loses out and causes 1d6 points of
<20 Nothing special happens. 1d6 Vitner Points (roll separately damage (non-magical armor offers
21-22 The enchanter feels lethargic for each victim). Because vitner no protection). Anytime it deals
and apathetic. They receive -2 on is life, any creatures that are not damage, the enclosure depletes by
everything they try to accomplish enchanters and have no Vitner an amount of vitner equal to the
during the next 1d3 hours. Points lose the same amount of damage caused. The enclosure
Body Points in damage. remains until it’s emptied.
23-24 The enchanter loses 1d10 Vitner
Points from their vitner capacity 39-40 The vitner goes wild. The 45 The vitner goes wild. The
(though it cannot drop below 1) enchanter temporarily loses a enchanter temporarily loses
for 1d3 hours. third of their vitner capacity and half of their vitner capacity and
encounters one of the following encounters one of the following
25-28 The enchanter feels lethargic negations (only visual effects), negations (only visual effects)
and apathetic. They receive -2 on which lasts for 1d3 days. which lasts for 1d6 days.
everything they try to accomplish Roll 1d10 Roll 1d10
during the next 1d3 hours. The 1-2: The enchanter’s skin turns 1-2: The enchanter’s skin turns
enchanter also loses 1d10 Vitner to bark. to bark.
Points from their vitner capacity 3-4: The enchanter’s fingers 3-4: The enchanter’s fingers
(though it cannot drop it below 1) double in length. double in length.
for 1d3 hours. 5-6: The enchanter’s hair turns to 5-6: The enchanter’s hair turns to
29-30 The enchanter feels lethargic grass. peat moss.
and apathetic. They receive -2 on 7-8: The enchanter’s skin is 7-8: The enchanter’s skin is
everything they try to accomplish covered with fur, resembling the covered with fur, resembling the
during the next 1d6 hours. The fur of local wildlife. fur of local wildlife.
enchanter also loses 1d10 Vitner 9: The person closest to the 9: The person closest to the
Points from their vitner capacity enchanter suffers one of the effects enchanter suffers one of the effects
(though it cannot drop it below 1) mentioned above (1-8). mentioned above (1-8).
for 1d6 hours. 10: Everyone within 10 meters of 10: Everyone within 10 meters of
31-32 The enchanter loses control over the enchanter suffers one of the the enchanter suffers one of the
the vitner and loses 1d10 (OR effects mentioned above (1-8). effects mentioned above (1-8).
9-10) Vitner Points from what is 41-42 The vitner that the enchanter 46 The enchanter becomes vitner-
left of their vitner capacity, though attempted to control is gathered blind and can’t evoke spells for
it cannot drop below 1. The effect like an enclosure around the 1d6 days. The failed spell also
lasts for one day. enchanter. Each time the absorbs the vitner from creatures
33-34 The failed spell absorbs the vitner enchanter is within 20 meters of within 1d10 (OR 10) meters
from all creatures within 1d10 another enchanter, a flash bursts of the enchanter. Everybody
(OR 10) meters of the enchanter. out and causes 1d6 points of within the area loses 1d6 Vitner
Everybody within the area loses 1d3 damage (non-magical armor offers Points (roll separately for each
Vitner Points (roll separately for each no protection). Anytime it deals victim). Because vitner is life, any
victim). Because vitner is life, any damage, the enclosure depletes by creatures that are not enchanters
creatures that are not enchanters and an amount of vitner equal to the and have no Vitner Points lose the
have no Vitner Points lose the same damage caused. The enclosure same amount of Body Points in
amount of Body Points in damage. remains until it’s emptied. damage.

84 | chapter 3. weavers of vitner

47 The vitner that the enchanter 53 An enormous discharge of 58 The enchanter opens a portal
tried to control is gathered blinding light bursts from the of fog to Bloodheim, the world
like an enclosure around them. enchanter. Everybody within 2d6 of demons, which devours the
Everybody within 1d10 (OR 10) meters must make a Situation enchanter.
meters of the enchanter is hit roll with a Situation value of 10 59 The enchanter becomes seduced
by a flash of pure vitner, which (Psyche modifiers apply) to keep by the energy and cannot stop
causes 1d10 points of damage from going blind for 1d5 minutes. gathering vitner. They quickly
(non-magical armor gives no The enchanter receives an amount amass so much that they are
protection). Each discharge of damage to Body Points equal to engulfed by it and transform
draws 1d3 Vitner Points from the the total vitner cost of the spell into a small orb of pure lightning
enclosure, which remains until it’s being attempted. The enchanter energy. After 2d6 action rounds,
emptied. also falls unconscious for 1d10 the orb explodes and everything
48 The enchanter loses their memory (OR 9-10) minutes. Finally, the within a radius of 50 meters
for 1d3 days and has no idea who enchanter’s remaining vitner takes 1d10 (OR 7-10) points of
they are, what they can do, or who capacity decreases to 1, and they damage to their Body Points.
their friends are. Because of this, must wait a week before they After the explosion, the enchanter
the enchanter cannot evoke spells begin to recover the vitner. disappears without a trace.
or perform skills. 54 The enchanter suffers a minor 60+ The enchanter becomes seduced
49 The enchanter is emptied of stroke due to the force of the fatal by the energy and cannot stop
all vitner in an enormous, but magic, which results in 2d10 (OR gathering vitner. They quickly
harmless, explosion of light. The 10) points of damage and puts amass so much that they are
enchanter’s vitner capacity is them in a coma for 1d10 days. engulfed by it and transform
lowered to 1 and they have to wait 55 An enormous discharge of into an orb of crackling black
a week before it begins to recover. blinding light bursts from the energy. After 1d6 action rounds,
50 The vitner that the enchanter enchanter. The enchanter and the orb explodes and everything
tried to control is gathered everyone within 2d6 meters are within a radius of 100 meters
like an enclosure around them. damaged. The enchanter receives takes 1d10 (OR 5-10) points of
Everybody within 1d10 (OR 9-10) as many Body Points in damage damage to their Body Points.
meters of the enchanter is hit as the spell costs to evoke and Everybody within 300 meters
by a flash of pure vitner, which also falls unconscious for 1d10 takes half the rolled damage.
causes 1d10 points of damage (OR 7-10) minutes. Other victims After the explosion, the enchanter
(non-magical armor gives no receive half of what the spell disappears without a trace.
protection). Each discharge draws costs to evoke in damage. The
1 Vitner Point from the enclosure, enchanter’s remaining vitner
which remains until it’s emptied. capacity decreases to 1, and they
must wait two weeks before they
51 The enchanter creates such a begin to recover the vitner.
powerful discharge of vitner that
they and every person or creature 56 The enchanter suffers a severe
within 2d6 meters receives 1d10 stroke due to the powerfully
points of damage (non-magical failed magic, which results in
armor gives no protection). The 2d10 (OR 9-10) points of damage.
discharge also makes the enchanter The enchanter also loses some
lose half of their remaining Vitner of their brain capacity, which
Points. The enchanter has to wait means that the character’s trait
a full week before they begin to for Intelligence decreases by one
recover the vitner. step (+4 becomes +2, ±0 becomes
-1, and so on). The enchanter falls
52 The enchanter is damaged by the unconscious for 1d10 days.
magical energy they are trying to
channel and receives an amount of 57 The enchanter experiences
damage to Body Points equal to an enormous negation, which
the total vitner cost of the spell absorbs 1d10 (OR 6-10) of their
being attempted. The enchanter Body Points. The enchanter is also
also falls unconscious for 1d10 emptied of all vitner during an
minutes. Finally, the enchanter’s enormous but harmless discharge,
remaining vitner capacity which drops their vitner capacity
decreases to 1, and they must to 1. They must wait for two
wait a week before they begin to weeks before beginning to recover
recover the vitner. the vitner.

chapter 3. weavers of vitner | 85

Learning a S pell Once a person learns a Vitner Tablet’s Seeing the V itner
There are no magic academies in new skill level, they must pay 7, 14, 21, Vitner is everywhere in Trudvang,
Trudvang. There are also no networks 28, or 35 skill points (depending on the within and surrounding every being
of enchanters who try to gather their level) in order to gain access to it. The and object. However, the only ones able
collective wisdom in one place. Instead, learning rituals differ from enchanter to actually see the vitner are the vitner
most enchanters live a very lonely life, to enchanter, but the learning is always masters. To be able to see the flow of
where the key ingredients are trial and successful if the character spends the vitner in an area, a successful Skill
error in order to gain insight into how required time. The player gets to decide roll is needed for Vitner Craft, and the
the vitner works and what is needed to what spells the character learns. character must have at least a single
best weave it. rank in one of three specialties: Hwitalja,
If a character has the skill of Vitner Vaagritalja, or Darkhwitalja.
Craft with skill level 4 or more at the Vitner Capacity and
time of creation, the player can decide Vitner Points
which spells the character begins play Vitner capacity is the amount of vitner an Vitner Tablets and
with. enchanter can use for spells ­throughout a Spells
Sometimes, though it is rare, a few single day. The vitner capacity is measured A Vitner Tablet is a collection of spells
enchanters gather together to reach in Vitner Points, and the more Vitner that are all linked together in one way
or pursue the same insight. Through Points an enchanter has, the more spells or another, and a single spell is what
­assisting each other with the theory of can be created, and the greater they can be. might happen if you weave the vitner’s
a spell, and observing each other and the Once the enchanter learns the Call of threads in the prescribed manner,
vitner as it is woven, they can gain helpful Vitner discipline and its specialties, the causing it to flow in unique ways. By
insight for future spells. S ­ometimes it enchanter receives a base vitner capacity, changing the flow and composition of
also happens that an enchanter finds which is equal to the Skill Value in the the vitner around them, enchanters make
­theoretical work that focuses on a certain Vitner Craft skill plus any extra Vitner ­incredible things happen: stone turns to
kind of spell or comes across another Points the enchanter receives from the clay, beings change their appearance, and
enchanter’s notes regarding a spell. discipline and specialties. flames ignite in midair.

✦ Each Vitner Tablet is also a Specialty ✦ Vitner capacity = SV (Vitner Craft)

of the Vitner Shaping Discipline. unmodified by disciplines and Levels and Spells
This means that the only limits in specialties + vitner capacity from
­ Each Vitner Tablet (specialty Vitner Tablet
the number of spells one owns is the the Call of Vitner discipline and its [selected tablet]) consists of several spells
amount of Vitner Tablet specialties he ­specialties. that require different amounts of k­ nowledge
can buy. and expertise to be created. In order to buy
Since the vitner is everywhere in a Vitner Tablet specialty or more levels
Any time an enchanter tries to learn Trudvang, the enchanter needs only of a Vitner Tablet specialty, the normal
a new Vitner Tablet or a new spell to rest in order to regain their vitner rules for skill and specialties apply. Before
level within the tablet, it takes a certain capacity. The game master can modify buying a certain level of a specialty, there is
amount of time. Ultimately, the learning this recovery if the circumstances are a ­requirement in terms of SV of the Vitner
time is determined by the game master, such that the wizard cannot rest properly. Craft Skill, as per the rules on page 44.
who should take other circumstances Each Vitner Tablet is a separate
into account in addition to the d ­ ifficulty ✦ The enchanter receives all of their ­specialty. In order to master all five levels
of the spell. The table below offers vitner capacity and Vitner Points after of a Vitner Tablet, five levels of knowledge
general guidelines. 8 hours of rest. from the matching specialty are required.
Like any other specialty, the first level
costs 7 skill points, the second level 14,
LEARNING TIME AND COST OF VITNER TABLETS the third level 21, the fourth level 28,
Vitner Tablet Level Vitner Craft Skill Level Cost Skill Points Time and the last level 35. Each level must be
Level 1 4 7 2-4 days
­purchased separately, and none of them
may be skipped.
Level 2 7 14 1-2 weeks
Each Vitner Tablet may consist of a
Level 3 7 21 2-4 weeks differing number of spells, both in the
Level 4 10 28 1-2 months total amount of available spells and in
Level 5 10 35 2-4 months the number of spells per level. In one
Vitner Tablet’s first level, there may be

86 | chapter 3. weavers of vitner

three spells, while in another tablet’s
first level, there may be only two.
The enchanter learns how to create
and weave all of the spells listed within
that Vitner Tablet for the specified level
once they acquire that rank. They do
not need to choose among the spells, but
they can cast all the spells of that level.
In order to learn level 2 spells, the
enchanter must first learn level 1 spells;
to learn level 3 spells, they must first
learn both level 1 and level 2; and so on.

The Vitner Tablets

The spells listed below are only a
sample of the spells that mages have
invented or discovered throughout the
long history of Trudvang. Every spell
described here, therefore, creates a sort
of generic spell, twisted and modified
by different mages through the ages.
Because all mages more or less invent
their own spells, this also means that
no two enchanters will conjure the
same spell in the exact same way. Just
as the technique for casting a spell can
vary between two mages, so can the
­particular details of the spell itself.
A mage cannot know what effect a
spell will have before they have seen or
­experienced it. However, they might be
able to reasonably guess what will happen
by following the patterns of vitner being
woven. For example, a mage might be
able to see that another enchanter is
­gathering and weaving vitner for use with
fire, water, manipulation of the mind, or
something else, but the observer can
never predict exactly what a spell’s full
effect will be, even if they can conjure an
almost identical spell.
An experienced or creative player
can, under the watchful eyes of the game
master, modify the spells in this book.
Cosmetic changes that alter the way a
spell looks or feels (but maintain the
mechanics) are the most reliable. For
example, just because the text says that
a blue shimmering light spreads from northern lights. As another example, There are no limits on how you can
the mage, it does not n ­ ecessarily have instead of the victim viewing the modify the spells as long as the game
to be that way. Instead, a ­shimmering ­conjured image of a terrible beast, they master has the opportunity to voice
red light might spread, or a gray fog may instead briefly catch a glimpse of their opinion and approve the final
might gather and shimmer like the their own death. change.

chapter 3. weavers of vitner | 87

Tablet Descriptions
All of the spells that belong to a certain
Vitner Tablet are described below that
tablet. Immediately below the name
of each tablet is the name of each spell
and the proper term used in Trudvang
for such magic. Within the tablet
­descriptions is information about what
type of negations might be caused when
conjuring spells of that classification, as
well as how the three different types of
vitner affect spells from that tablet.
In the introduction of every tablet’s
description there are a few sections of
significant information. Below we will
explain what each section means.

One of the biggest reasons that mages
are both feared and revered relates to the
erratic behavior of the vitner. Whenever a
mage conjures a spell by weaving vitner,
it is pulled from somewhere else in the master to decide how big or powerful vitner is creative in nature. This means
greater vicinity where there is now a lack a negation gets, as well as whether it that some Vitner Tablets will match
of vitner, resulting in what is called a affects the player c­haracters. And the some vitner types better than others.
negation. Suddenly, for no apparent reason, more ­frequently an enchanter weaves the Below each Vitner Tablet is a
unexplainable things start to happen vitner in short periods of time, the closer description of how the different types
that can affect the environment and the and more concentrated these negations react when used to weave spells from the
people within it. A negation of a spell acts will become. In order to help the game tablet.
much like an opposite or c­ ounterpoint to master to decide about negations, various
a spell that is being conjured nearby. For examples and indications are given in Level and Cost
example, if a mage conjures heat in one the description of each ­individual Vitner Before every spell’s name is a value from
place, the negation would be inexplicable Tablet. 1 to 5, which shows the level of specialty
cold in another place, and vice versa. If Negations are one of the reasons the mage has to learn of the Vitner
they weave a protective concealing layer (along with the fear of fatal magic) that ­Tablet to be able to cast that spell.
around a being so that it becomes hard to mages do not want to weave vitner As soon as a mage learns a p­ articular
detect, another being elsewhere suddenly unnecessarily. level of a tablet, they can conjure all of
becomes incredibly noticeable and much the spells that belong to that tablet’s
easier to detect. And so on. Vitner level and below.
A negation does not have to be All mages choose the type of vitner they The level also signifies the cost of
negative for the one experiencing it. In will weave their spells with by p­ urchasing the spell and whether it has any spell
many cases, mages attempt to weave one of the three knowledges: Hwitalja, modifier. Read more about this under
spells that have a negative effect on a Vaagritalja, or Darkhwitalja. Weaving a Spell, above.
target. The negation of such a spell The ­Darkhwitalja weaves the dusky
would likely be perceived as incredibly and ashen vitner, which exists in Modifier
positive, even miraculous. abundance and is easiest to discover;
­ Depending on the level of the spell b­ eing
Often these sporadic negations last for the Vaagritalja weaves the mixed vitner, conjured, the difficulty to s­ ucceed ­weaving
only a few moments and in small doses, which partly consists of white vitner will vary. This is different from the
because the negation of a spell happens and dark vitner, interlaced to become a initiative modifier, which is ­
­ determined
in several places at the same time and balanced power; and the Hwitalja weaves solely by the level of the spell.
to a much smaller degree. But it is not the pure and powerful white vitner that
unknown for a negation to have the same is hard to get and hard to discover, but Type
great power and focus as the spell being much safer to use. The dark vitner is There are four types of spells that
conjured. It is completely up to the game destructive in nature, and the white demand different levels of concentration

88 | chapter 3. weavers of vitner

from the mage, both during and after the conjuring, but sustain themselves what the mage is doing. A short weaving
conjuring them. The four categories ­afterward. time grants the mage much greater
are called Instant, Lasting, Preserving, chance of avoiding interruption. The
and Permanent. These names describe Duration shortest weaving time is 1 action round,
how much concentration the mage must A spell’s duration determines how long which means that the spell is conjured in
maintain to keep the spell active. it is active. Some spells lack a specified the same action round.
duration, which indicates that they are Some spells with long weaving times
Instant Instant, active only during the action are called rituals. The weaving itself is
Instant spells are triggered round in which they were woven. really a full ritual, regardless of how long
­immediately once the spell is woven. it takes to weave a spell.
It is common for these spells to have Range If a mage suffers injury or is shoved
only a temporary effect. After a mage A spell’s range determines how far away to the ground during the weaving time,
has conjured an Instant spell, they can from the mage it can be activated, and they must succeed on a Psyche-based
perform new actions immediately in how large of an area is affected. Some Situation roll with a Situation value of 6
the following action round, including spells designate the range as Contact, to maintain concentration and keep from
conjuring more spells. which means they affect only the mage failing with the spell. This roll must be
or someone (or something) the mage made every time the mage is harmed
Lasting touches during the invocation. Others during the conjuring, not just once per
Lasting spells have a duration but do designate the range as Personal, which action round.
not demand special attention from the means that only the mage can be affected.
mage beyond the initial weaving. Once Initiative Modifier
a Lasting spell is conjured, its effects Weaving Time A spell’s initiative modifier is deducted
linger for a designated amount of time. Because all spells have varying from the mage’s initiative, but it applies
During this time, the mage does not have ­difficulties, the time it takes to conjure only in the action round when the
to concentrate on sustaining the magic. them varies as well. This means that weaving is completed to determine when
After a mage has conjured a Lasting weaving times are often different. The the spell takes effect. If the spell has a
spell, they can perform new actions more advanced a spell, the longer it takes weaving time of only 1 action round, the
immediately in the following action to conjure it (longer weaving time). modifier applies immediately since the
round, including conjuring more spells. A spell’s weaving time also i­ndicates spell casting and the spell effect happen
how much the mage has to do to conjure in the same round.
Preserving it. A short weaving time means the A spell’s initiative modifier is equal to
Preserving spells demand the mage’s mage has to devote very little time and its level. So a level 1 spell always has an
full attention for their entire duration. effort to conjuring the spell, while a long ­initiative modifier of -1, a level 2 spell
Therefore, the mage cannot perform weaving time means the opposite. This always has an initiative modifier of -2,
any actions while they want the spell means that the longer the weaving time, and so on. The modifier caps at -5 for a
to remain active. As soon as a mage the easier it should be for others to notice level 5 spell.
takes any kind of action, the current
spell is broken. The mage can choose to EXAMPLES: WEAVING TIME, INITIATIVE MODIFIER
­terminate a Preserving spell in order to
take actions (such as fighting in combat) A spell that has a weaving time of 1 action round is conjured in the same round
in the next action round. in which the mage began weaving it. A spell that has a weaving time of 3 action
Because a Preserving spell demands rounds is conjured in the third round, beginning with the round in which the
the mage’s full concentration, it can be weaving began. A spell that has a weaving time of one hour is conjured one hour
interrupted if the mage is disrupted in after the weaving began.
any way during the duration. It is up to
the game master to determine whether Glorma evokes a first-level spell that has a weaving time of 3 action rounds. In
this occurs and what sort of Situation the first round, she makes an initiative roll (1d10 (OR 10)) to see when she starts her
roll the mage must make to determine conjuring. She rolls a 7. So on initiative 7 of the first action round, she starts her
whether they maintain concentration. conjuring, and in the third round, she finishes her weaving. Glorma makes a new
initiative roll in the third action round, this time with the spell’s initiative modifier,
Permanent to see when the spell takes effect. Glorma first rolls a 10 and then a 4 (because she hit
Permanent spells are those whose power the open roll). This means the spell takes effect during initiative 13 in the third action
never disappears. These spells demand round (10 + 4 – 1 modifier).
the full attention of the mage during

chapter 3. weavers of vitner | 89


Animal Vitner Body Vitner Delusion Vitner Dimvitner Flame Craft

1: Messenger 1: Grip 1: Roar 1: Animate Undead 1: Heat Water
1: Speak to Animals 1: Tipping 1: Phantom Sound 1: Hand of Death 1: Spark
2: Call on Animals 2: Hearing/Deafness 1: Shriek 2: Dismiss Undead 2: Burning Hand
2: Conjure Ravens 2: Sense of Smell 1: Increase Sounds 2: Speak to Undead 3: Flame Burst
3: Control Animals 2: Vision/Blindness 2: Traceless 3: Tendril of Dimhall 3: Protection from Fire
3: Mind of the Wolf 3: Leather Skin 2: Ghost Voice 3: Vitner Theft 4: Flame Control
4: Possess Animals 3: Immobilize 3: Depict 4: Summon Wight 4: Warmth
4: Create Messenger 3: Appearance Change 3: Camouflage 5: Control Undead 5: Sea of Fire
5: Send Message 4: Strengthen 4: Landscape Illusion 5: Darkness of Dimhall
4: Hasten 4: Silence
5: Imprison 5: Lindwurm Illusion
5: Change Creature 5: Invisibility

Perceiving Power of Thought Power of Vision Soil Craft Vitner Craft

1: Find Home 1: Understanding Script 1: Tracking 1: Rock Throw 1: Channeling
1: Retrace Tracks 1: Understanding Speech 2: Scanning 1: Shape Soil 1: Vitner Pouch
2: Detect Object 2: Courage 2: Far Sight 2: Earthquake 2: Enchant Object
2: Orientation 2: Fear 3: Seeing 2: Quagmire 3: Anti Magic
3: Detect Being 2: Telepathy 3: Espionage 3: Soil Blast 3: Enchant Being
4: Detect Undead 3: Ecstasy 4: Astral Voyage 3: Soil Walk 4: Seal
4: Surrounding 3: Imagining 4: Read Vitner 4: Shape Stone 4: Dispel Vitner
5: Map 3: Memory 5: True Sight 4: Stone Walk 5: Trace Vitner
4: Creature Control 5: Petrify/Remove petrification 5: Wall of Vitner
4: Aura of Power
5: Possess Creature
5: Mind Reading

Vitner of Objects Water Craft Wind Craft Witchcraft

1: Detect Composition 1: Find Water 1: Purify Air 1: Uprooted Tree
1: Waterproof 1: Purify Water 1: Wind Gust 1: Phantom Plague
2: Bind 2: Breathe 2: Fog 2: Fever
2: Rust 2: Form Water 2: Control Wind 2: Curse Object
3: Alarm Object 3: Create Water 3: Air Armor 3: Amnesia
3: Unlock/Lock 3: Solid Water 3: Lift 4: Curse Creature
4: Enlarge/Reduce Object 4: Control Precipitation 4: Air Shield 4: Bad Harvest
4: Alter Object 4: Water Walk 4: Wind Blast 5: Tree Curse
5: Create Object 5: Wave Master 5: Storm
5: Wind Catcher

chapter 3. weavers of vitner | 91

Animal Vitner 1: Messenger 1: Speak to Animals
“Besturvitna” “Hvindbaud” “Bestamal”

The pattern that the mage weaves the ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2
vitner in is specifically connected with ✦ Type: Lasting ✦ Type: Preserving
animals and their spirits. For example, ✦ Duration: Special ✦ Duration: 1 minute
the mage can summon animal spirits to ✦ Range: 100 meters ✦ Range: 50 meters
frighten or shock someone, or use them ✦ Weaving time: 5 action rounds ✦ Weaving time: 1 action round
to send messages to people far away.
With the help of vitner, the mage can By singing a special song, the mage This spell creates a spiritual link between
call upon wildlife nearby and compel can use creatures nearby to pass on a the mage and a chosen animal within
them to obey, even against their will if message. It does not matter what type 50 meters. The link allows the mage to
they are not friendly. With the power of creatures hear the mage, as all within communicate with the animal, who will
of the mind, the mage can ­communicate range are affected and will pass on the attempt to answer the mage’s questions
with animals or even shift his own message. The animals will not change to the best of its limited ability.
­consciousness into the creature’s body their current behavior or itinerary to Keep in mind that most animals are
and control it as if it were his own. deliver the message, but will simply unintelligent and will not be able to give
pass it on to others they encounter on straight answers most of the time. Thus,
the way. This means that there is no the information the mage receives is
Negations for Animal Vitner way to predict how long it will take often unreliable. However, this is never
When a mage directs and ­manipulates for the message to be delivered. If the intentional on the part of the animals,
the vitner toward animals or their mage is lucky, it will take only a short as they always try to do their best.
spirits, a negation happens somewhere time; if unlucky, it might take forever. ­Questions must be asked in basic forms,
else in the vicinity. If the mage wants The animal can also pass the message and the answers will also be very basic.
to control an animal, another creature on to intelligent beings, who hear the Below are typical questions and potential
­elsewhere (possibly even a domesticated words of the original mage, but the answers.
one) suddenly becomes unruly and acts recipients must decide for themselves
out in a manner completely unexpected whether or not to pass the message on ANSWERS FOR SPEAK TO ANIMALS
or disobedient. If the mage wants to further. It is up to the Game master to Question Answer
summon an animal, another runs away; if decide how long it takes for a certain Did any two-legs Yes/No.
the mage wants to shift his mind into an person or being to receive the message pass by here?
animal, another person might suddenly In the spell’s basic version, the mage
Which way did they That way.
be possessed by the mind of an animal can command one creature within go?
and act as if she were an animal for a hearing distance of the song. The
Was anyone wearing White? Cloak?
while. When the mage tries to send a message can contain a maximum of three
a white cloak?
message, another creature ­ somewhere words and can travel 10 kilometers.
fails to deliver its own message or Did they bring any Bring? Prisoners?
delivers the wrong one. LEVEL OF POWER: MESSENGER
When did the two- Several sun-ups ago.
Cost Extra Level of Power
legs pass? (Measurements of
Vitner Type Effects for 1 Increase the number of creatures time can be difficult
who hear the song by 1 to explain.)
Animal Vitner
1 Increase the number of words the
message can contain by 1
✦ White Vitner: No modifier.
2 Increase the range the message can
✦ Vaagrivitner: Levels of power cost -1, LEVELS OF POWER: SPEAK TO
travel by 10 kilometers
but not less than 1 per level. ANIMALS
✦ Dark Vitner: Levels of power cost +1. Cost Extra Level of Power
1 Increase the range by 10 meters
Animal Vitner is balanced in nature.
2 Increase the duration by 1 minute
It creates and changes creatures of

92 | chapter 3. weavers of vitner

2: Call on Animals The mage can call on one or more closest animals. Regardless, the animals
“Bestkallja” unintelligent animals. In total they can are cautious with the mage. Any fast or
call on one animal with a maximum aggressive movements from the mage
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 amount of 15 Body Points, or a number or anyone else in the vicinity might
✦ Type: Preserving of smaller animals that together total startle the animals and cause them to
✦ Duration: 10 minutes up to 15 Body Points, see table below flee. If someone tries to get close to an
✦ Range: 1 kilometer for direction. animal, this is normally regarded as
✦ Weaving time: 5 action rounds The mage can specify what type of an aggressive move. Once the spell’s
species to call, if desired, or call the duration ends, the animals continue to
be watchful and ­eventually move away
Type of Animal Size BP stay is lifted.
Small bird, rat [<1/3] Size of a piglet 1-2
Cat, bird, hen, small dog, fox [1/3] Size of a lamb 3-9
Large bird, dog, roe deer, wolf [1/2] Size of a foal 10-16
Cost Extra Level of Power
Large dog, deer, drauglo [1x] Size of a calf 17-30
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
Donkey [1.5x] Size of the largest tame swine 31-41
1 Increase the limit on how many
Horse, frostboar [2x] Size of the largest tame sow 42-52 Body Points the mage can call
Cave boar, bear, ox [4x] Size of an ox 53-84 by +5
Mastomant [7x] Size of a mastomant 85-199 4 Increase the range by 1 kilometer
Dragon [>10x] Size of a dragon 200+ 6 Increase the duration by 1 hour

chapter 3. weavers of vitner | 93

2: Conjure Ravens roll with a Situation value of 8 (Psyche 3: Control Animals
“Rafnkallja” modifiers apply), they suffer only -1 on “Rauda bestura”
actions during the current action round.
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6
✦ Type: Preserving LEVELS OF POWER: CONJURE ✦ Type: Preserving
✦ Duration: 3 action rounds RAVENS ✦ Duration: 1 minute
✦ Range: 10 meters Cost Extra Level of Power ✦ Range: 10 meters
✦ Weaving time: 1 action round 1 Decrease the victim’s chance of
✦ Weaving time: 3 action rounds
succeeding on the Situation roll
This spell conjures a murder of ravens by -1 The mage can control and direct one or
that flaps, swirls, and caws around the 2 Increase the duration by 1 action
more unintelligent animals. In total they
target. The spell is primarily used round can control one animal with a maximum
to disrupt other mages during their amount of 10 Body Points, or a number
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
­conjuring, but it can also be used to of smaller animals that together total up
frighten or disturb other people or 4 Increase the ravens’ tenacity so the to 10 Body Points (see table on previous
victim suffers an additional -1 on
creatures. Those who are afflicted by page for direction).
everything they do for the duration
this spell receive -3 on everything they The spell is woven in the form of a
attempt to do while the spell is active. 4 Create another murder of ravens soothing song and slow, soft movements
that disturbs another target
However, by succeeding on a Situation so as not to scare the animals away.

94 | chapter 3. weavers of vitner

The mage can control and direct LEVELS OF POWER: MIND OF THE they must be careful to return within the
the animals completely, even in battle, WOLF spell’s range before its duration is over.
but cannot do anything other than Cost Extra Level of Power If the animal is killed while possessed
concentrate on the spell. The control 2 Increase the range by 5 meters
by the mage, or if the duration runs
is broken immediately if a creature (contact is no longer necessary) out before the mage returns within the
gets outside of the spell’s range, if spell’s range, the mage’s consciousness
2 Increase the range to make out the
the animal suffers half of its Body astral reflection by 5 meters
returns to their body automatically, but
Points in damage, or if the mage loses with complications. The experience is
2 Increase the duration by 1 minute
concentration. so t­raumatic that they undergo extreme
4 Increase power so that one more shock. The incredible stress on the mind
LEVELS OF POWER: CONTROL person is afflicted is so powerful that the mage loses 1d6 in
ANIMALS 6 Increase the duration by 1 hour vitner capacity permanently, and falls into
Cost Extra Level of Power 10 Increase the range to make out the a deep slumber that lasts for 1d6 days.
astral reflection by 100 meters
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
1 Increase the amount of affected
Body Points by +5
4: Possess Animals Cost Extra Level of Power
1 Increase the range by 5 meters “Eiga bestur” 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
3 Increase the duration by 10
minutes 1 Increase the range by 10 meters
✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8
6 Increase the duration by 1 hour ✦ Type: Lasting 5 Increase the duration by 1 hour
15 Increase the duration by 1 day ✦ Duration: 10 minutes 5 Increase the range by 100 meters
✦ Range: 100 meters 10 Increase the duration by 1 day
✦ Weaving time: 4 action rounds 10 Increase the range by 1 kilometer
3: Mind of the Wolf
“Húgulva” This spell enables a mage to transfer
their consciousness into an intelligent 4: Create Messenger
✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 ­vertebrate’s body. To accomplish this, “Besturbaud”
✦ Type: Lasting the mage has to be within the spell’s
✦ Duration: 3 minutes range of the creature, as well as have it ✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8
✦ Range: 10 meter in sight. You cannot possess an animal ✦ Type: Lasting
✦ Weaving time: 1 action round that you cannot see. ✦ Duration: 15 minutes
If the spell is successful, the enchanter’s ✦ Range: Nearby the weaver but can
The one affected by the spell gains consciousness is shifted to the intended travel up to 10 kms.
­something that resembles a wolf ’s ability creature, which loses all direct control ✦ Weaving time: 3 action rounds
to tell subtle differences in smells, such as over its body. The mage can, without any
fear, aggressiveness, anxiety, and strength. ­difficulty, embrace all of the animal’s traits The mage creates a messenger of flesh and
By studying a group or individual’s astral as their own. The mage keeps their own blood, which can deliver its message to a
reflection(s) (within 10 meters), the affected intelligence but cannot use Vitner Craft or predetermined destination. The ­messenger
can, for example, tell the strong from the speak, as well as any other skills that would is an animal and has 2 Body Points. The
weak, friend from foe, or if someone is not be physically possible for that creature’s most commonly created animals are birds,
unusually anxious or cowardly and has a form. On the other hand, the mage receives rats, or fish. The messenger travels in the
will that can be influenced. But the affected a bonus for the Agility and Shadow Arts same way that any other creature of its
can never be sure of who the leader of a skills when in animal form (the size of the type would, though it does not need to
group is, since the strongest individual is bonus is up to the game master). The mage stop to eat or rest. It is able to deliver the
not always the leader. is also able to attempt communication by message in any chosen language.
The spell also gives the target a using body movements. The messenger has the same values and
distinct wolf-like appearance for the While in animal form, the mage cannot attributes as a generic animal of its type,
duration. understand or communicate with other and it is susceptible to the same dangers
animals, not even those of the same species. on its journey as a normal animal. The
When the mage possess the animal, their message it carries can be as long as the
own body falls into deep slumber. Once mage desires, but can consist only of
inside the animal, the mage can move as words. Furthermore, the ­messenger can
far as desired from their own body, but travel only 10 kilometers before the vitner

chapter 3. weavers of vitner | 95

it consists of is dissolved. In the spell’s creature’s physical body. Through 1: Grip
basic version, the mage can send messages small ­ modifications to the vitner “Festja”
only to a place they have already visited. flow, the enchanter can transform a
creature completely, not only in physical ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2
LEVELS OF POWER: CREATE characteristics and appearance, but also
­ ✦ Type: Lasting
MESSENGER in senses like hearing, sight, and smell. ✦ Duration: 10 action rounds
Cost Extra Level of Power Through manipulation of the vitner, the ✦ Range: Contact
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
enchanter can also hinder or stop a creature ✦ Weaving time: 1 action round
in different ways. This may involve simple
1 Increase the range by 10 meters
tricks such as causing the creature to This spell changes the vitner flowing
5 Increase the duration by 1 hour stumble or locking up its muscles. But it through the enchanted character’s hands
5 Increase the range by 100 meters can also be much more complex, taking the and feet so their skin becomes more
10 Increase the duration by 1 day form of a seemingly invisible prison that coarse and adhesive. The enchanted
10 Increase the range by 1 kilometer
the victim is unable to escape. has full control of this adhesion and
can decide when to let go of things and
when they should remain attached. The
5: Send Message Negations for Body Vitner enchanted can maintain incredible grip
“Dimbaud” The negations that occur when an with their hands and feet, even on vertical
enchanter alters characteristics are walls, ceilings, and craggy cliff faces.
✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10 always in contrast to the one evoked. However, they must not have anything
✦ Type: Lasting If the enchanter decides to make a that covers their hands or feet, as it is the
✦ Duration: 15 minutes creature stronger, one or more creatures skin that becomes adhesive. Gravity still
✦ Range: 100 meters (starting point of become weaker, and vice versa. When works and loose-fitting items can easily
the creature). an enchanter tries to get a creature fall free if the enchanted is upside down
✦ Weaving time: 4 action rounds to stumble, the negation aids another on a ceiling. Any grip that is ­maintained
creature somewhere else that normally in this way is locked in place and cannot
The mage creates a vitner being that has would have fallen. When the enchanter be disturbed unless the enchanted person
a single purpose: to deliver a message chooses to immobilize a target, someone wishes it. Someone else can break the
to intelligent creatures of the mage’s else immediately receives mobility grip only by amputating the enchanted
choosing. In the spell’s basic version, the beyond what they’ve ever experienced, person’s hand or foot or convincing them
message can contain a maximum of ten legs that were once limp or seized up to let go.
words, and can be received by up to five suddenly move again, the perpetually
beings within a radius of 10 kilometers. clumsy suddenly becomes graceful, and ✦ The enchanted moves at half of their
The vitner being is incredibly fast and so on. When an enchanter imprisons movement capacity when climbing on
can travel 1 kilometer per action round. a target, somewhere else someone is walls or ceilings.
The message must be in a language that set free (literally or metaphorically), ✦ Climbing automatically succeds, +5
the mage has mastered. suddenly the gate opens to a prison, SV to Agility rolls to be made only in
someone who has fallen victim to a critical situations.
LEVELS OF POWER: SEND MESSAGE dangerous spell sees an opportunity to
Cost Extra Level of Power get out, or someone who is trapped in a LEVELS OF POWER: GRIP
1 Increase the number of creatures
cave sees stones fall from a wall, opening Cost Extra Levels of Power
that can hear the message by 1 a passage to freedom. 1 Increase the duration by 1 action
1 Increase the number of words the round
message can contain by 1 Vitner Type Effects for Body 2 Increase the range by 5 meters
3 Add a mental image to the message (contact is no longer necessary)
5 Increase the number of kilometers 2 Increase the bonus on the Agility
that the message can travel by 50 skill by +1 when climbing
✦ White Vitner: No modifier.
✦ Vaagrivitner: No modifier. 3 Increase the duration by 1 minute
Body Vitner ✦ Dark Vitner: No modifier. 6 Increase the duration by 10
“Skopjatenvitna” minutes
Body vitner is inherently neither balanced
Spells in this tablet change the nor unbalanced, creative nor destructive.
vitner that flows in and around a It manipulates, strengthens, or weakens.

96 | chapter 3. weavers of vitner

1: Tripping

✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2
✦ Type: Instant
✦ Range: 5 meters
✦ Weaving time: 1 action round

The enchanter makes a creature stumble

and lose its balance. The victim of the spell
must immediately make a Skill roll for
Agility. Failure means the victim tumbles
to the ground. Success means the victim
takes no notice of what has happened and
is able to continue as normal.


Cost Extra Levels of Power
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
3 Reduces the victim’s chance of
success on the Agility Skill roll
by -1
4 Affect another victim with the
spell’s basic version

2: Hearing/Deafness

✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4
✦ Type: Lasting
✦ Duration: 1 minute
✦ Range: Contact
✦ Weaving time: 2 action rounds

This spell can increase the hearing of the Situation roll with a Situation value of 8 2: Sense of Smell
enchanted for the duration. It also acts as a (Constitution modifiers apply). “Ulvakon”
filter to protect the ears against unwanted
noise, dampening all high-pitched and LEVELS OF POWER: HEARING/ ✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4
loud sounds that would otherwise cause DEAFNESS ✦ Type: Lasting
damage. The enchanted receives +3 on Cost Extra Levels of Power ✦ Duration: 1 minute
all Situation rolls and Skill rolls for which 1 Decrease the victim’s chance of
✦ Range: Contact
hearing could be considered a significant succeeding on the Situation roll ✦ Weaving time: 2 action rounds
factor for success. by -1
The spell can also evoke a negative 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
This spell can temporarily increase the
effect, diminishing the sense of hearing. enchanted person’s sense of smell. The
2 Increase the positive/negative
The victim receives -3 on all Situation enchanted receives +3 to all Situation
modifier by ±1
rolls and Skill rolls related to hearing. rolls and Skill rolls in which the olfactory
Any creature enchanted with enough 3 Affect an extra being (with the ability is a significant factor for success.
spell’s basic version)
extra levels of power to receive -10 is For example, they can use their sense of
considered to be deaf and cannot hear 3 Increase the duration by 1 hour smell to determine whether anyone is
anything for the duration of the spell. 8 Increase the duration by 1 day hiding in the room or even around the
The creature exposed to this negative 20 Increase the duration by 1 week corner. The enchanted can detect smells
effect can resist it by succeeding on a within a range of 50 meters.

chapter 3. weavers of vitner | 97

The spell can also evoke a negative The spell can also evoke a negative LEVELS OF POWER: LEATHER SKIN
effect, diminishing the sense of smell. The effect, diminishing sight and clarity. The Cost Extra Levels of Power
victim receives -3 on all Situation rolls and victim receives -3 on all Situation rolls 1 Increase the duration by 1 action
Skill rolls that require a sense of smell. and Skill rolls that involve sight. Any round
Any creature enchanted with enough extra creature enchanted with enough extra
3 Increase the Protection Value by
levels of power to receive -10 is considered levels of power to receive -15 is c­ onsidered +1
to be completely scent-blind and unable to to be completely blind and unable see
4 Increase the duration by 1 minute
smell anything for the spell’s duration. The anything for the spell’s duration. The
creature exposed to the negative effects of creature exposed to the negative effects of 12 Increase the duration by 1 hour
this spell can resist it by succeeding on a this spell can resist it by succeeding on a
Situation roll with a Situation value of 8 ­Situation roll with a Situation value of 8
(Constitution modifiers apply). (Constitution m­ odifiers apply).


Cost Extra Levels of Power Cost Extra Levels of Power
1 Decrease the victim’s chance of 1 Decrease the victim’s chance of
succeeding on the Situation roll succeeding on the Situation roll
by -1 by -1
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
1 Increase the range within which 2 Increase the positive/negative
the enchanted can sense odors by modifier by ±1
+10 meters 3 Affect an extra being (with the 3: Immobilize
2 Increase the positive/negative spell’s basic version)
modifier by ±1 3 Increase the duration by 1 hour
3 Affect an extra being (with the 8 Increase the duration by 1 day ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6
spell’s basic version)
20 Increase the duration by 1 week ✦ Type: Lasting
3 Increase the duration by 1 hour ✦ Duration: 5 action rounds
4 Increase the range within which ✦ Range: 10 meters
the enchanted can sense odors by 3: Leather Skin ✦ Weaving time: 2 action rounds
+100 meters “Leiderhyda”
8 Increase the duration by 1 day This spell creates a prohibitive energy
✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 that immobilizes a chosen victim. The
✦ Type: Lasting vitner makes it impossible for the victim
2: Vision/Blindness ✦ Duration: 6 action rounds to move, no matter how hard they try. The
“Skönja” ✦ Range: Contact spell can be broken only if the enchanter
✦ Weaving time: 1 action round chooses to release the victim, the victim
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 is subjected to violence and takes 1 or
✦ Type: Lasting This spell alters a creature’s skin, which more points of damage, the duration
✦ Duration: 1 minute thickens to the hardness and durability expires, or someone uses the spell Dispel
✦ Range: Contact of leather. In addition, the skin takes Vitner to break the ­enchantment. The
✦ Weaving time: 2 action rounds on a brownish color as to be easily victim can resist the enchantment by
confused with actual leather. The leather succeeding on a Situation roll with a
This spell can increase the vision of skin grants the enchanted a natural Situation value of 6 (Psyche modifiers
the enchanted for the duration. The ­Protection Value of 1, which is added to apply). Exceptionally large creatures and
enchanted creature suddenly sees any other protection that already exists. monsters can also be affected by the spell,
­everything much clearer and with sharper Despite the tough skin, the enchanted but for every increase in size equivalent
detail. Subtleties they had not seen or creature can move normally and weighs to that of a human, the Situation value
had trouble noticing before become clear no more than they did before the spell. to resist the spell increases by +2. So a
immediately. The enchanted receives If the beneficiary of the spell gains creature that is three times larger than a
+3 on all Situation rolls and Skill rolls enough levels of power to increase the normal human would receive a bonus of
where vision is considered a significant protective value above 4, the leather- +4, which results in a Situation value of
factor for success. colored skin takes on a more metallic shade. 10 to resist the spell.

98 | chapter 3. weavers of vitner

LEVELS OF POWER: IMMOBILIZE LEVELS OF POWER: APPEARANCE one step in the Strength character trait
Cost Extra Levels of Power CHANGE according to the following table, with a
1 Increase the duration by 1 action Cost Extra Levels of Power maximum of +8.
round 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
The spell can also be woven for the
reverse effect, causing a victim’s muscles
2 Increase the range by 5 meters 2 Decrease the victim’s chance of
to languish and atrophy. The victim’s
2 Increase strength and decrease the succeeding on the Situation roll by
strength immediately decreases, which
victim’s chance of succeeding on
leads to a reduced damage modifier and
the Situation roll by -1 4 Increase the duration by 1 hour
a reduced chance of success on Situation
3 Increase the duration by 1 minute 8 Increase the duration by 1 day rolls related to strength. The enchanted
5 Affect another victim (with the character drops a step on the table
spell’s basic version) above. The victim may resist the spell’s
8 Increase the duration by 1 hour 4: Strengthen effect on a successful Situation roll with
20 Increase the duration by 1 day “Jotnastyrkja” a Situation value of 6 (Constitution
modifiers apply).
✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8
3: Appearance Change ✦ Type: Lasting LEVELS OF POWER: STRENGTHEN
“Utlytbreijta” ✦ Duration: 5 action rounds Cost Extra Levels of Power
✦ Range: Contact 1 Increase the duration by 1 action
✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 ✦ Weaving time: 2 action rounds round
✦ Type: Lasting
2 Decrease the victim’s chance of
✦ Duration: 10 minutes This spell increases the enchanted succeeding on the Situation roll
✦ Range: Contact character’s muscles, which ­immediately by -1
✦ Weaving time: 5 action rounds grow both in size and power. The
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
enchanted character’s strength (contact is no longer necessary)
This spell’s energy creates an increases, which leads to an increased
3 Raise or lower another step on the
i­mbalance in the enchanted c­ haracter’s damage modifier and an increased
body, which results in an i­mmediate chance of success on any Situation rolls
change of their physical appearance. related to strength. 3 Increase the duration by 1 minute
These changes may include hair, skin Suddenly the enchanted can wield 4 Affect an extra being (with the
and eye color, facial features, and enormous trunks as if they were small spell’s basic version)
voice. The enchanter decides what to branches, or throw boulders as if they 8 Increase the duration by 10
change and what the final ­appearance were mere pebbles. The enchanted rises minutes
should look like. The changes are
purely cosmetic, however, and do not
affect physical ability or traits beyond STRENGTHEN’S STEPS
appearance. Strength Trait Value
A target who chooses to resist the Power of Giants +8
change may do so with a successful
Strength of the Stonehinje +6
Situation roll with a Situation value
of 6 (Constitution modifiers apply). Strength of the Trolls +4
However, the victim must be aware Mighty +2
of the spell in order to resist. If the Strong +1
enchanter weaves the spell upon a Average ±0
person who is sleeping or unaware of
Weak -1
what’s going on, the victim does not
realize that a change has taken place. Feeble -2
The enchanter can remove the Powerless -4
appearance change at any time. Once
­ Soft -6
the change is removed, it takes 5 rounds Limp -8
before the enchanted resumes their
original appearance.

chapter 3. weavers of vitner | 99

4: Hasten drops one step on the table above. nervous system, inflicting 1d5 points
“Lokraftla” The victim may resist the spell’s effect of damage. For those who are not
on a successful Situation roll with imprisoned by the spell, it is possible to
✦ Cost (Modifier): 8 /-8 a ­
Situation value of 6 (­Constitution go in and out through the energy wall
✦ Type: Lasting ­modifiers apply). without suffering any damage.
✦ Duration: 5 action rounds Once a person is captured by the spell,
✦ Range: Contact LEVELS OF POWER: HASTEN there are four ways to break free.
✦ Weaving time: 2 action rounds Cost Extra Levels of Power The first and least violent way is to
1 Increase the duration by 1 action
convince the enchanter to release the
This spell alters the enchanted round imprisoned, or wait for the duration of
character’s flexibility and reflexes,
­ the spell to expire.
2 Decrease the victim’s chance of
which immediately become nimbler and succeeding on the Situation roll
The second way is for the spell to be
more agile. The enchanted character’s by -1 lifted by another enchanter using the
increased agility leads to enhanced spell Dispel Vitner.
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
movement (movement capacity), (contact is no longer necessary) The third way is for the prisoner
quicker speed (Initiative), and a higher to attempt to barrel straight through
3 Raise or lower another step on the
chance of success on Situation rolls the interfering energy with a s­ printing
and Skill rolls that involve d ­ exterity. charge. To achieve this, the victim
Suddenly the enchanted person 3 Increase the duration by 1 minute must succeed on a Situation roll with a
moves faster and is far more precise 4 Affect an extra being (with the Situation value of 4 (Strength ­modifiers
with everything related to movement spell’s basic version) apply). Whatever the result, the electric
(typical skills: Agility and Fighting). 8 Increase the duration by 10 charge damage is suffered, although in
The enchanted rises one step in the minutes case of failure this is augmented by a
Dexterity character trait according to further 1d10 damage (no OR). This is
the following table. very distressing to perform and the
5: Imprison prisoner can muster only two attempts
HASTEN’S MODIFIERS “Fjettring” each day.
Trait SV modifier to The fourth and most violent way to
Dexterity Cost/Modifier: 10/-10 break free is to have others who are not
Value specific skills ✦

Drauglo +8 +5 ✦ Type: Lasting under the enchantment pull the victim

dexterity ✦ Duration: 2 days through the prison walls of their mind.
Elastic +6 +4
✦ Range: Contact It takes a total of four adults with
✦ Weaving time: 3 action rounds normal strength to pull the imprisoned
Gracious +4 +3
character through the wall of vitner,
Agile +2 +2 The spell is an extension of the spell and the prisoner suffers 1d10 points of
Lithe +1 +1 Immobilize, which means that the damage in the process.
Average ±0 ±0 enchanter must first successfully
Stiff -1 -1
immobilize the victim through that LEVELS OF POWER: IMPRISON
spell before attempting to weave this Cost Extra Levels of Power
Awkward -2 -2
one. Once the enchanter has succeeded 2 Increase the vitner wall’s
Immobile -4 -3 with the first spell, they can imprison strength and therefore decrease
Inflexible -6 -4 the victim by touch. the victim’s chance of succeeding
Lapidified -8 -5 The enchanter can alter the size on the Situation roll by -1
of the prison area at will, but it must 2 Increase the maximum radius by
The spell can also be woven for the remain within a minimum height and 1 meter
reverse effect, causing the victim’s body radius of 2 meters, and a maximum of 3 Increase the duration by 1 minute
to become more stiff and unwieldy. 5 meters. The prison walls and ceiling
5 Increase the vitner wall’s damage
The enchanted character’s dexterity are invisible, but they appear slightly
by one step: 1d5 g 1d10 g 1d10
decreases immediately, which leads translucent to the prisoner. In reality, (OR 10) g 1d10 (OR 9-10) g
to hindered mobility (Move), reduced the prison exists only in the target’s 1d10 (OR 8-10) g +1 OR range
speed (Initiative), and a lower chance of mind and body. Anytime the victim of per further level (max OR 5-10)
success on Situation rolls c­oncerning the spell believes that they touch the 10 Increase the duration by 1 week
dexterity (typical skills: Agility and prison’s walls or ceiling, an electric
Fighting). The enchanted ­ character charge is triggered through their

100 | chapter 3. weavers of vitner

5: Change Creature The victim can resist the Delusion Vitner
“Skopjatenbreijtja” t­ ransformation on a successful “Skenvitna”
­Situation roll with a Situation value of
✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10 4 (Constitution modifiers apply). The enchanter has learned to use the
✦ Type: Lasting Exceptionally large creatures and vitner to manipulate the environment and
✦ Duration: 5 minutes monsters can also be affected by the create illusions and images that appear to
✦ Range: Contact spell, but for every increase in size be convincingly true. The enchanter has
✦ Weaving time: 10 action rounds equivalent to that of a human, the full control over what they want the vitner
Situation value increases by +2 to
­ to illustrate, as well as whether or not it
The vitner that the spell brings forth resist the spell. So a creature that is should move. In addition to creating the
is powerful enough to turn a living three times the size of a normal human illusions of small creatures and objects, the
creature into the form of an entirely would receive a bonus of +4, which enchanter can also generate vast ­landscape
different one. The spell transforms the results in a total Situation value of 8 to illusions where whole cities, forests, and
enchanted creature, whose size must resist the spell. mountains are swept into reality (at least,
be no greater than 1t, into any other as long as observers continue to believe
desired creature’s shape. The new LEVELS OF POWER: CHANGE what they see). The enchanter has also
size cannot exceed that of the original CREATURE learned to manipulate the air in ways that
creature, nor can it be more than Cost Extra Levels of Power mimic sound and vibrations of motion. By
five times smaller than the original 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
molding the vitner, the enchanter can raise
­creature’s size. (See Creature Size in or lower the volume of the s­urroundings,
2 Decrease the victim’s chance of
the Bestiary for more i­ nformation producing deafening storms or subtle
succeeding on the Situation roll
about sizes.) by -1
pitches that are so high that a human
The enchanted takes on the new cannot hear them. What’s more, the
3 Increase the creature’s size by a
creature’s shape as well as its physical enchanter has learned to use this mimicry
factor of 1.5 (allows the enchanted
­characteristics, such as size, a­ ppearance, to assume the form of a larger to remain undetected by hiding tracks,
Strength, Agility, and senses, along creature) producing camouflage, or even removing
with any relevant m ­ odifiers, such as themselves from sight altogether.
4 Increase the duration by 1 hour
for damage and natural attacks (non-
magical). The enchanted keeps its 5 Increase the creature’s size by a
factor of 2 (allows the enchanted Negations for Delusion Vitner
original Intelligence, Constitution,
to assume the form of a larger
and Psyche. Because the change is only creature) When an enchanter creates an illusion, the
physical, the enchanted does not adopt negation need not always be negative. It
8 Increase the creature’s size by a
the new creature’s magical abilities or may mean that another illusion suddenly
factor of 4 (allows the enchanted
powers, nor does it adopt the creature’s to assume the form of a larger shows up in a completely d ­ ifferent place,
Body Points, which are unchanged by creature) or that some creature, object, or l­andscape
the initial transformation or by the suddenly vanishes from sight or flickers
10 Increase the duration by 1 day
eventual transformation back after the for a little while. When the enchanter
14 Increase the creature’s size by a
spell ends. manipulates sounds of various kinds,
factor of 7 (allows the enchanted
For example, a person who turns to assume the form of a larger
however, the negation will always be the
into a Skoll has all its physical creature) opposite. If they reduce the volume in
­character traits (not Body Points), but one place, it will be increased in another;
20 Increase the creature’s size by a
not its Intelligence, Constitution, or factor of 10 (allows the enchanted
if they create a thunderous burst of
Psyche. If the person turns into a fjoll to assume the form of a larger sound, a s­imilarly great noise elsewhere
troll, they will look like one but not be creature) will be entirely muted (such as l­ightning
able to use troll magic. The enchanted 20 Increase the duration by 1 week
or crashing waves that happen without
can speak only if the new form has a sound). If the enchanter creates the
30 Increase the creature’s size by a
the ability to speak. A ­character who sound of someone walking across a
factor greater than 10 (allows the
has been transformed voluntarily can enchanted to assume the form of a
gravel path, somewhere else that precise
turn back to their natural shape when larger creature) sound ­disappears. If they create a knock
they wish, but a creature enchanted on a door, nothing is heard when another
against its will cannot. Once the spell’s person somewhere else does precisely that.
duration expires, it takes 5 action And if the enchanter removes a particular
rounds for the enchanted to fully sound in one place, that exact sound will
resume their original form. ­inexplicably echo somewhere else.

chapter 3. weavers of vitner | 101

Vitner Type Effects for 1: Phantom Sound The spell is Instant in its basic version,
Delusion Vitner “Hlidklapp” but with levels of power the effect can be
✦ White Vitner: Levels of power cost +1. ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2
✦ Vaagrivitner: No modifier. ✦ Type: Preserving LEVELS OF POWER: SHRIEK
✦ Dark Vitner: Levels of power cost -1, ✦ Duration: 10 action rounds Cost Extra Levels of Power
but no less than 1 per level. ✦ Range: 10 meters 2 Increase the range by 5 meters
✦ Weaving time: 1 action round
3 Increase the duration by 1 minute
Delusion vitner is inherently mani-­
pulative. It is neither destructive nor The spell suddenly generates one or 6 Increase the duration by 1 hour
creative in its own right because it is more noises within the designated range.
only an illusion, but the dark concepts The sound or sounds consist of audible
of falsehood and deception draw near illusions that fit the current ­environment 1: Increase Sounds
to the dark, the unclean, and the and situation. They may be steps “Slammerakraftla”
destructive. approaching, a twig breaking, a growl,
a collection of whispers, a knock on the ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2
door, or any other noise. ✦ Type: Lasting
1: Roar ✦ Duration: 5 action rounds
“Slammera” LEVELS OF POWER: PHANTOM ✦ Range: Contact
SOUND ✦ Weaving time: 1 action round
✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 Cost Extra Levels of Power
✦ Type: Instant 1 Increase the duration by 1 action
The vitner is woven around a person
✦ Range: Personal round or creature and begins to amplify every
✦ Weaving time: 1 action round sound that the target makes. The spell
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
is woven around the target’s body or
By controlling the vitner, the 3 Increase the range by 10 meters the target’s head. If the spell is woven
enchanter can create a tremendous around the body, all sounds caused by
roar like a deafening thunderclap. 1: Shriek movements, such as steps, branches
The enchanter is not able to hear the “Rifla” breaking under feet, the rustle of
sound personally, but everyone in the clothing, and so on, are amplified.
area and even those who are far away ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 If the spell is woven around the head,
hear the thunderous blast. Anyone ✦ Type: Instant/Lasting it seems to drown out any other sounds
within a radius of 10 meters of the ✦ Range: 5 meters within the area because anything the
enchanter immediately experiences ✦ Weaving time: 1 action round creature says is heard with perfect
severe pain and ringing in their ears, clarity, even if it is whispered quietly. If
causing them to suffer -4 on all Skill The spell creates a high-pitched s­ creeching it is woven over someone involuntarily,
Values ​​and Situation values ​​related to noise that instantly shatters anything the target might get into a lot of trouble
hearing. The effect expires after 1d6 nearby made of glass, ­ earthenware, or depending on the situation, because
minutes. porcelain (magic items are not affected by everyone else in the immediate vicinity
the spell). The sound is so high-pitched will believe that the target is screaming.
LEVELS OF POWER: ROAR that most humanoids hardly even notice
Cost Extra Levels of Power it, hearing little more than a faint beeping. LEVELS OF POWER: INCREASE
1 Increase the range from Personal
The noise emits from a designated point SOUNDS
to 10 meters. (The roar no longer within range of the spell and affects all Cost Extra Levels of Power
emanates from the enchanter, objects within a radius of 10 meters and all 1 Increase the duration by 1 action
but remains the same power animals within a radius of 100 meters. round
otherwise.) Dogs, cats, rats, and similar animals
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
5 Increase the radius by 10 meters. find themselves compelled to run toward (contact is no longer necessary)
5 Increase the range from Personal the area where the noise is coming from,
3 Increase the duration by 1 minute
to 100 meters. (The roar no longer and once there they frantically make
noises of their own in attempts to make 8 Increase the duration by 1 hour
emanates from the enchanter,
but remains the same power the ­screeching stop. They are unable to
otherwise.) do anything productive during the spell’s

102 | chapter 3. weavers of vitner

2: Traceless the victim no longer has any control it use body language to express any
“Sporvaska” over how their voice sounds, instead number of emotions such as anger, rage,
having a voice that reflects whatever love, aggression, and more.
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 the enchanter decides. The enchanter can cause the object to
✦ Type: Lasting move or fly around at a speed of 6 meters
✦ Duration: 1 hour LEVELS OF POWER: GHOST VOICE per action round. If anything gets in
✦ Range: Contact Cost Extra Levels of Power its way (whether the image is perfect
✦ Weaving time: 1 action round 2 Increase the duration by 1 minute
or not), the image will slide straight
through the obstacle. So it is critical
2 Decrease the victim’s chance of
The spell creates an energy that follows for the enchanter to carefully direct the
succeeding on the Situation roll
the enchanted person around, causing by -1
creation to react ­ appropriately to its
tracks or evidence they leave behind to surroundings.
6 Increase the duration by 1 hour
fade and be swept away, leaving the land In order to resist the deception of a
as it was before they passed by. Not even 10 Increase the duration by 1 day perfect image, an observer must make a
their scents remain. successful Skill roll for the Shadow Arts
skill with a negative SV modifier of -3.
LEVELS OF POWER: TRACELESS 3: Depict It is much easier to see through a less-
Cost Extra Levels of Power “Skenbildra” perfect image (a copy of anything the
1 Increase the duration by 1 hour
enchanter was not in contact with upon
✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 creation). Anyone ­ observing a l­ess-­
2 Increase the range by 5 meters ✦ Type: Preserving perfect image can resist by ­succeeding
(contact is no longer necessary)
✦ Duration: 1 minute on a simple (+5 SV) Skill roll for the
2 Affect an extra being (with the ✦ Range: 10 meters Shadow Arts skill.
spell’s basic version) ✦ Weaving time: 2 action rounds An image woven through this spell
4 Increase the duration by 1 day cannot make a noise or emit a smell,
12 Increase the duration by 1 week By concentrating on an object, a being, which means that it is much easier to
or a person, the enchanter can evoke uncover the true nature of an illusion
an exact duplicate of it. To create a depicting something that normally
2: Ghost Voice perfect likeness, the enchanter must be makes loud sounds or has a strong
“Draugastemma” in contact with the original during the odor. In such a situation, the Skill
evocation of the spell. An enchanter rolls for resisting the deception should
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 who is not in contact with the original be modified with a positive modifier
✦ Type: Lasting can evoke a less-perfect likeness from between +1 and +10, depending on
✦ Duration: 1 minute their memory or even their imagination how obvious the ruse is. It is up to the
✦ Range: 10 meters (which is necessary if the item doesn’t game master to determine how big the
✦ Weaving time: 1 action round exist). These less-perfect images have modifier will be.
a kind of fuzziness or faint d ­ istortion
The spell enables the enchanted around them, making it easier for LEVELS OF POWER: DEPICT
c­ haracter to throw their voice so it seems people to recognize them for what they Cost Extra Levels of Power
to come from a completely ­ different are. The duplicated image cannot be 2 Increase the range by 5 meters
place within range. The enchanter or larger than a normal-sized human in
2 Increase the duration by 1 minute
the enchanted can also change the voice its basic version.
entirely to their liking, causing it to The enchanter can create the image 3 Increase the chance that the viewer
sound spooky, strong, violent, or severe; anywhere within the spell’s range. fails the Skill roll by -1
but it may also sound gentle, kind, However, they must maintain a line 5 Increase the size of the image so
alluring, childish, or amusing. of sight with the image all the times; it can be up to five times that of a
If the spell is woven over an if the whole image (not just a part normal human being
unwilling target, the enchanter can
­ of it) is removed or blocked from the 5 Increase the duration by 10
distort the victim’s voice as desired. enchanter’s field of vision, it dissolves. minutes
The victim can try to resist the effect The enchanter also has full control over 8 Increase the size of the image so
with a successful Situation roll with the image portrayed, down to subtle that it can be as large as a stormihall
a Situation value of 8 (­ Constitution expressions and reactions. Thus, the
modifiers apply). On a success, the
­ enchanter cannot only cause an illusory
voice is not distorted at all. On a failure, creature to walk or run, but also have

chapter 3. weavers of vitner | 103

3: Camouflage 4: Landscape Illusion LEVELS OF POWER: LANDSCAPE
“Aldyldja” “Augvilland” ILLUSION
Cost Extra Levels of Power
✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 ✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 2 Increase the range to 100 meters
✦ Type: Lasting ✦ Type: Lasting (the center of the illusion no longer
✦ Duration: 5 minutes ✦ Duration: 2 hours needs to come from the enchanter)
✦ Range: Contact ✦ Range: 300 meters 2 Increase the chance that the
✦ Weaving time: 3 action rounds ✦ Weaving time: 10 minutes observer fails Skill rolls to discover
the illusion by -1
The spell causes the target, as well as their The spell creates a massive sphere 3 Increase the radius of the illusion
clothing and equipment, to completely blend of illusion around the enchanter that by 100 meters
into the surroundings. Anyone searching mimics a desired landscape. The sphere
3 Increase the duration by 1 hour
for the target needs to succeed on a ­difficult has a radius of up to 300 meters around
(-3 to SV) Skill roll for the Shadow Arts the enchanter and can depict things 8 Increase the duration by 1 day
skill in order to discover them. Depending like a great hill, a forest, or even a city 15 Increase the duration by 1 week
on the environment, the camouflage will (the enchanter chooses the size of the
differ from place to place. For example, if illusion). It might also be an illusion of
the target stands next to a wall, they could nothing at all, used to mask whatever 4: Silence
appear to be a shrub or part of the wall itself; landscape is really there. The enchanter “Knystdyldja”
if they stand in a forest clearing, they could cannot create an illusion of movement,
appear as a tree, a rock, or a bush. Their so the illusion must depict something ✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8
physical appearance does not change; it is that remains static. ✦ Type: Lasting
the vitner that surrounds them that adopts In order to recognize from a distance ✦ Duration: 10 action rounds
the appearance of the intended camouflage. that the landscape is an enormous ✦ Range: Contact
The target must stand completely still for illusion, the observer must succeed on ✦ Weaving time: 1 action round
the spell to work. It is broken if they make a Skill roll for the Shadow Arts skill,
any significant movements or noises, or if modified according to the distance The spell creates a sphere of energy that
someone touches them. However, the spell between the observer and the illusion. prevents listeners from perceiving sounds
will be restored as soon as the target stops These m ­ odifiers are outlined in the made within the enchanted location.
moving or causing the noise that is breaking table below. The observer gets to make The spell is woven over an object or a
the illusion. a new Skill roll for each new distance person and has a radius of 3 meters. If
The spell can also be used on an object range they reach when approaching the enchanted point is moved, the sphere
instead of a living being. The object must be the illusion. moves with it. All sounds generated
something that is not attached to or carried within the spell’s range are immediately
by a creature. Beings that are not actively LANDSCAPE ILLUSION MODIFIERS absorbed by the sphere, and are t­ herefore
looking for hidden things do not get to Distance Modifier muted from anything outside the
make Skill rolls to discover the camouflaged <50 Illusion is discovered
enchanted area. Within the spell’s range,
object, unless it is a trap or an assault. however, everything sounds as it should.
50-100 m +5
Because of this, the spell works well for
LEVELS OF POWER: CAMOUFLAGE 101-200 m +2 anyone who wishes to sneak around, as no
Cost Extra Levels of Power 201-400 m ±0 sound is able to reach beyond the sphere’s
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute 401-600 m -2 protective covering.
601-1,000 m -5
The enchanter can also reduce the size
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
of the sphere. By reducing the radius to just
(contact is no longer necessary) >1,000 m -10
a few inches, the enchanter can weave the
2 Increase the level of difficulty to The illusion remains in the location spell over a person or creature whose voice
discover the target by -1
where it was woven until the spell and noises would then completely disappear,
2 Affect an extra creature or an expires, even if the enchanter moves because a listener would have to be within
additional subject (with the spell’s away. If an observer ventures into the sphere to hear anything they said.
basic version)
the illusion, it ­disappears completely The spell does not hinder anything
4 Increase the duration by 1 hour from their field of vision, and they see besides sound. Observers can still see
10 Increase the duration by 1 day the area as it really appears, though through the protective sphere as if it
other observers who are outside the weren’t there, even if they cannot hear
enchanted realm still see the illusion. any sounds from within.

104 | chapter 3. weavers of vitner

LEVELS OF POWER: SILENCE the enchanter must always maintain (-3) Skill roll when the target moves
Cost Extra Levels of Power line of sight with the beast. The slowly. If the target makes any sudden
1 Increase the duration by 1 action
enchanter remains hidden even if the or extreme movements, such as running
round lindwurm moves away from the area. or fighting, the vitner can no longer
However, creatures can detect the camouflage them as well, and anyone
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
(contact is no longer necessary)
enchanter with a successful Skill roll viewing them receives +5 on their Skill
for Shadow Arts. rolls to see the target; this lasts until the
2 Increase the sphere’s radius by 1
target slows down their movements.
LEVELS OF POWER: LINDWURM Any person trying to attack the
4 Increase the duration by 1 minute ILLUSION invisible target or parry their attacks
8 Increase the duration by 1 hour Cost Extra Levels of Power must succeed on a Skill roll for Agility
2 Increase the lindwurm’s range by
in order to avoid modifiers. A person
10 meters who fail the Skill roll suffers a -15 to
5: Lindwurm Illusion all combat actions rolls against the
2 Increase the chance that the
“Ormaskepn” observer fails Skill rolls by -1
invisibile opponent (attacks, parries,
evade attempts, etc.) as per normal
2 Increase the chance of the
✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10 “Blind Fighting” rules.
enchanter not being discovered
✦ Type: Preserving with Shadow Arts by -1
✦ Duration: 3 action rounds LEVELS OF POWER: INVISIBILITY
5 Increase resulting Fear Points by
✦ Range: Personal Cost Extra Levels of Power
one step: 1d10 (OR 9-10) g 1d10
✦ Weaving time: 2 action rounds (OR 8-10) g +1 OR range per 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
further level (max OR 5-10) 2 Increase the range by 5 meters
The spell creates the illusion of a vast
5 Increase the damage by one step: (contact is no longer necessary)
lindwurm (or a different beast). Any 2d10 g 2d10 (OR 10) g 2d10 (OR
enemies of the enchanter (designated 3 Increase the level of difficulty for
9-10) g 2d10 (OR 8-10) (max OR an observer to discover the target
by the enchanter) watch as a lindwurm 8-10) by -1 on Skill rolls
erupts from the ground at high speed 5 Increase the duration by 1 action
and devours the enchanter. All victims 4 Affect an extra being (with the
round, as well as allow another spell’s basic version)
of the spell must immediately make a attack (the enchanter can choose
Situation roll with a Situation value the same victim or a new one 5 Increase the duration by 1 hour
of 4 (Psyche modifiers apply) to avoid within range)
taking 1d10 (OR 9-10) Fear Points. A
victim who succeeds on the roll takes Dimvitner
only 1d5 Fear Points. This happens 5: Invisibility “Sálhelevitna”
immediately in the first action round of “Oseidir”
the spell. The enchanter has learned to control
In the second round, it appears ✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10 death’s bond between the realms of
as if the beast is looking around for ✦ Type: Lasting Trudvang and Dimhall, the realm of
its next meal. In the third round, ✦ Duration: 5 minutes death. By manipulating the power of
the enchanter (who still stands in ✦ Range: Contact this invisible bond, they can force souls
their original location, hidden by the ✦ Weaving time: 5 action rounds to Trudvang and transform them into
beast’s body) can cause the beast to undead beings. The enchanter can
attack (Skill Value of 10) a chosen The spell creates powerful camouflage steal vitner and life force from the
victim within range. If the enchanter that constantly changes its appearance living and use the bond of death to
succeeds, the beast rips into the victim based on the observer’s ­p erspective. speak with dead souls in Dimhall, drive
with its jaws. The victim risks 2d10 The vitner gives the target, and their undead beings back to Dimhall, and
points of damage from the illusion as clothing and equipment, the look of take control of an undead and dictate
it takes on solid form for a moment whatever the observer would normally what it should do. By adding vitner to
before dissolving completely. The see if the target were not present. the bond of death, they can send waves
victim can attempt to parry the bite to The target becomes virtually invisible of powerful energy toward the chosen
avoid the damage (or avoid it with the in this way. An observer must succeed on victim. This energy of death then takes
Evade specialty). an extremely difficult (-10) Skill roll for the form of dark, humid streaks of fog
The lindwurm can move up to 20 the Shadow Arts skill in order to detect that the weaver can use in various ways
meters away from the enchanter, but a target who stands still, or on a d
­ ifficult to hurt their victims.

chapter 3. weavers of vitner | 105

Vitner Type effects for

✦ White Vitner: Levels of power double

in cost.
✦ Vaagrivitner: No modifier.
✦ Dark Vitner: Levels of power cost -1,
but no less than 1 per level.

Dimvitner is destructive in nature. It is

used to either damage what is living or
attract and control dead things that do
not belong in Trudvang.

1: Animate Undead

✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2
✦ Type: Lasting
✦ Duration: 3 days
✦ Range: 10 meters
✦ Weaving time: 3 hours

This ritual creates a bond between

Dimhall and a dead body or a skeleton,
which results in the mage conjuring an
undead slave from those remains. The
mage must have access to a reasonably
complete skeleton that is not missing
any significant parts; small things such
as fingers, a few ribs, or even hands are
not necessary. The mage who creates
the undead controls all of its ­activities.
Orders can be given only when the
undead is within the range of the spell.
If it is outside of that range, or not being
directly commanded, it will carry out
its most recent order. Once an order
Negations for Dimvitner negation robs something else of its life. is given, the undead will continue to
The opposite of dimvitner is life and the It could be animals that suddenly die, pursue that end until it is ordered to do
creation of it, and the negations of the children that are ­ stillborn, creatures something new.
dimvitner therefore revolve around life that suddenly fall ill, or other tragic The undead has 1d10 (OR 10) +5
force. Whenever an enchanter conjures ­happenings. When an enchanter tries to Body Points and 1d10 (OR 10) +20
something with this Vitner Tablet, the contact a spirit in the realm of the dead, skill points to distribute on eventual
negation is that life force is bestowed the negation is that one or more spirits skills and disciplines (or specialties).
somewhere else, like a birth succeeding can contact a living being in Trudvang. The undead receives the following
against all odds, an invalid miraculously If the mage wants to drive an undead exceptional ­
­ character traits: Dexterity
becoming healthy, an injured person being back to the realms of death, one -4 and ­Intelligence -4.
being healed, and many other beneficial or more undead souls can slip out into Beyond the skills purchased with
effects. But when an enchanter chooses Trudvang. And if the mage wants to skill points mentioned above, the
to conjure undead beings, the negation control an undead being, the negation undead also gains the ability to
becomes significantly worse. Since the is that one or more living beings are sense living beings in its i­mmediate
mage is more or less creating life, the ­temporarily ­controlled by dead souls. surroundings. By succeeding on a

106 | chapter 3. weavers of vitner

­ ituation roll against a Situation value
S Success means the victim avoids all ADDITIONAL MODIFIERS TO
of 8, the undead can notice living damage from the spell in that action DISMISS UNDEAD
­creatures within 10 meters, ­regardless round. Undead’s Body Points Modifier
of whether they are invisible or hidden 1-10 +4
in some way (the undead cannot use LEVELS OF POWER: HAND OF
11-15 +2
this to discover living beings that DEATH
are using gateblom clover or moving 16-19 ±0
Cost Extra Level of Power
through Dimhall). This skill cannot be 1 Increase the range by 5 meters
20-25 -2
improved with skill levels and is not 26-30 -4
2 Increase the duration by +1 action
modified by troubling circumstances. 31-35 -6
The mage cannot conjure this spell
2 Decrease the victim’s chance of 36-45 -8
multiple times during the same duration.
succeeding on the Situation roll 46-55 -10
by -1
UNDEAD 2 Conjure another hand of death that
66-75 -16
the mage can use to attack another
Cost Extra Level of Power victim (with the basic version of For every additional Additional -4
2 Increase the range by 5 meters the spell). range +10
2 Increase the duration by 1 day 5 Increase the damage by one step:
The mage can drive away any number
4 Receive another 1d10 (OR 10) skill 1d10 g 1d10 (OR 10) g 1d10 (OR
9-10) g 1d10 (OR 8-10) g +1 OR of undead within the spell’s range, but
points to distribute among the the Body Points for all targeted undead
undead’s skills. range per further level (max OR 5-10)
are totaled to see how difficult the
4 Affect an extra skeleton set (with ­Situation roll will be.
the basic version of the spell)
4 Increase any one characteristic by LEVELS OF POWER: DISMISS
one step UNDEAD
4 Increase Body Points by 1d10 Cost Extra Level of Power
6 Increase the duration by 1 week 1 Increase the chance to succeed on
14 Increase the duration by 1 month the Situation roll by +1
30 Increase the duration by 1 year 3 Increase the range by 5 meters
2: Dismiss Undead
“Brotja sálhele” 5 Increase the range by 10 meters
1: Hand of Death
“Rifhjarta” ✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 2: Speak to Undead
✦ Type: Instant “Sálhelemal”
✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 ✦ Range: 10 meters
✦ Type: Preserving ✦ Weaving time: 2 action rounds ✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4
✦ Duration: 1 action round ✦ Type: Preserving
✦ Range: 5 meters By severing the bond between the ✦ Duration: 1 minute
✦ Weaving time: 1 action round undead and the realm of death, the ✦ Range: Contact
mage manages to banish one or ✦ Weaving time: 1 hour
The mage creates a bond between a more undead creatures’ souls back to
creature in range and the realm of Dimhall. The spell affects creatures The mage creates a thin bond of death
death. As soon as the bond is opened, such as skeletons, disers (ghosts), and between a corpse and Dimhall that
life force is immediately sucked from draugr, but not demons. To sever the permits the mage to speak with the spirit
the victim’s heart, which stops beating bonds of death and banish the soul of of the corpse. However, the spirit can
for the duration of the spell. This causes the undead, the mage has to succeed choose whether to converse with the
1d10 points of damage to the victim on a Situation roll with a Situation mage or not. Because it is an incredibly
per action round. Most armor gives value of 10 (Psyche modifiers apply), hard task to find the spirit of the corpse
no protection, but armor of g ­ atesilver modified depending on the undead’s in Dimhall, the enchanter is not always
gives full protection. The victim can full Body Points in accordance with certain that the spell has succeeded, even
resist the damage by ­succeeding on a the table below (even if the undead is if the bond is created. Mages who use this
Situation roll with a Situation value injured, modifiers are determined as spell have to be wary of the risks that are
of 6 (Constitution m ­ odifiers apply). though it were uninjured). associated with creating a bond of death.

chapter 3. weavers of vitner | 107

RESULTS OF SPEAK TO UNDEAD The spell creates a spiritual bond between
1d20 Results the mage and a chosen victim. Through
1–12 The mage establishes contact with the spirit of the corpse and can easily converse
this bond, the mage can suck 1d6 of the
with it for the duration of the spell. What the spirit has to say is up to the game victim’s vitner per action round. The
master to decide. casting mage adds the vitner to their own
13-14 The mage establishes contact with a spirit who kindly apologizes for not being the
capacity, while the victim loses the same
one sought. This spirit may still converse with the mage for the duration, though amount. Because vitner is life, a victim
what it has to say is up to the game master to decide. who is not an enchanter (and has no vitner
15-16 The mage cannot establish contact with any spirits. capacity) suffers the resulting number of
damage to Body Points. Armor gives no
17-18 The mage establishes contact with a spirit that claims to be the one sought, though
protection. A mage can replenish Vitner
the mage can see through its lie by succeeding on a Situation roll with a Situation
value of 10 (Intelligence modifiers apply). Points through this spell only up to their
full vitner capacity. These points remain
19 The mage establishes contact with a spirit that claims to be the one sought, though
until they are used, just as if the mage had
the mage can see through its lie by succeeding on a Situation roll with a Situation
value of 6 (Intelligence modifiers apply). gathered the vitner naturally. The mage
can stop the spell at any time.
20+ The mage establishes contact with a spirit, which immediately tries to break into
The victim can try to resist the vitner
Trudvang through the bond of death. Roll 1d20 again and on a result of 1-5, the spirit
succeeds in possessing the corpse (a process that takes 1d6 action rounds to complete). theft once per action round by succeeding
Once the possession is complete, the corpse becomes an undead that immediately on a Situation roll with a Situation value
attacks. The game master decides what traits the undead has (for tips, see the stats for of 6 (Psyche modifiers apply). If the roll
various undead creatures in Game Master’s Guide or in Jorgi’s Bestiary). is successful, the theft is avoided in that
action round. However, if the victim fails,
The table above describes what happens fingers. A number of dark tendrils of the casting mage continues to receive 1d6
when a mage tries to contact a spirit in fog reach out from the mage’s hands and Vitner Points each round that the spell is
Dimhall. The game master should roll 1d20 assault the targeted victim. The tendril maintained, and the victim loses the same
and reference the table so that the mage does 1d10 (OR 10) points of damage. amount from their own Vitner Points (or
does not know whether they succeeded. Regular armor gives no protection, but Body Points if vitner is unavailable). The
For this spell to work best, the corpse magical armor and armor of gatesilver victim is allowed to attempt the Situation
being sought cannot have been dead for gives full protection. roll before every new action round for as
longer than a week. For every day beyond The tendrils of fog seek out their victim, long as the spell lasts.
a week that the corpse has been dead, the so it is impossible to avoid getting hit.
mage gets a modifier of +1 on the roll LEVELS OF POWER: VITNER THEFT
on the table below (making success less LEVELS OF POWER: TENDRIL OF Cost Extra Level of Power
likely, and the endeavor more dangerous). DIMHALL
1 Decrease the victim’s chance of
Cost Extra Level of Power succeeding on the Situation roll
1 Increase the range by 5 meters
4 Increase the number of tendrils, 2 Increase the range by 5 meters
Cost Extra Level of Power which results in another person 3 Increase the duration by 1 action
2 Increase the duration by 1 minute falling victim to the basic version round
2 Modify the roll that decides the of the spell.
effect by -1 5 Increase the damage by one step: 1d10
(OR 10) g 1d10 (OR 9-10) g 1d10
4: Summon Wight
(OR 8-10) g +1 OR range per further “Gastlakallja”
3: Tendril of Dimhall level (max OR 5-10)
“Rifurkraftla” ✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8
✦ Type: Permanent
✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 3: Vitner Theft ✦ Duration: ,
✦ Type: Instant “Vitnasjúg” ✦ Range: 10 meters
✦ Range: 5 meters ✦ Weaving time: 10 hours
✦ Weaving time: 1 action round ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6
✦ Type: Preserving The spell creates a thick bond between
The mage gathers deathly power around ✦ Duration: 2 action rounds Trudvang and the realm of death, Dimhall,
their body and channels the humid ✦ Range: 10 meters which makes it possible for the mage to
energy out through their hands and ✦ Weaving time: 1 action round beckon a dead person’s spirit and soul.

108 | chapter 3. weavers of vitner

The ritual can be performed only at night, Body Points according to the table below area has a radius of 2 meters, which forms
since that is when the bond between the (even if the undead is injured, modifiers are a circle centered on ­whichever point the
two worlds is at its strongest. Once the determined as though it were uninjured). mage has e­ stablished. This point is fixed
ritual is complete, it still takes until the If the mage succeeds in controlling on that space and not a specific object,
following night before the wight awakens an undead, it will obey everything the so moving the object will not cause the
from its slumber. Only human souls and mage commands it to do. This control darkness to move. Everyone within the
spirits can be awakened in this manner is immediately lost if the mage loses area immediately suffers 1d10 (OR 9-10)
to become wights. If the soul is willing to consciousness. points of damage. Regular armor gives no
once again dwell in the realm of the living, The mage can control any number protection. However, magical armor and
it is doomed to forever wander the lands of undead within the spell’s range, but armor of gatesilver give full protection.
of Trudvang. But if the soul resists the the Body Points for all of the targeted
calling, it immediately returns to the realm undead are totaled to determine how LEVELS OF POWER: DARKNESS OF
of death. Nothing binds the wight to the ­difficult the Situation roll will be. DIMHALL
mage, and it is under no c­ompulsion to Cost Extra Level of Power
obey or preserve the one who summoned LEVELS OF POWER: CONTROL
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
it. However, it is ­susceptible to the spell UNDEAD
4 Increase the radius by 1 meter
Control Undead if the mage wishes to try Cost Extra Level of Power
to establish control over it. 5 Increase the damage by one step:
1 Increase the chance to succeed on 1d10 (OR 9-10) g 1d10 (OR 8-10)
The summoned wight receives 1d10 the Situation roll by +1 g +1 OR range per further level (max
(OR 9-10) +15 Body Points, as well
2 Increase the duration by 1 minute OR 5-10)
as 1d10 (OR 9-10) +70 skill points to
­distribute among its skills and d ­ isciplines 2 Increase the range by 5 meters
(or specialties). See the stats for the unded 5 Increase the duration by 1 hour Flame Craft
in Game Master’s Guide or the barrow 10 Increase the duration by 1 day “Loganojd”
wight in Jorgi’s Bestiary.
MODIFIERS FOR CONTROL UNDEAD The vitner the mage weaves increases,
LEVELS OF POWER: SUMMON WIGHT Body Points Modifier decreases, or stabilizes the flow of vitner
Cost Extra Level of Power 1-10 +8
in surrounding environments and objects.
4 Distribute extra 1d10 (OR 9-10)
By increasing the flow in an explosive
11-15 +4
skill points among the wight’s manner, the mage can heat objects to a
16-19 +2 point where they suddenly catch on fire.
skills and disciplines
4 Increase Body Points by 1d10
20-25 ±0 If the mage is a little more careful with
26-30 -2 the supply, they can gradually increase
31-35 -4
the heat in a place to a comfortable level
4: Control Undead of generous warmth and joviality. Or by
36-45 -6
“Rauda sálhele” cutting off the supply of vitner, the mage
46-55 -8 can do the opposite and suffocate fires or
✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 56-65 -10 suddenly drop surrounding temperatures.
✦ Type: Preserving 66-75 -12 They can also grant protection from
✦ Duration: 5 minutes For every additional Additional -4
fire and heat by making the vitner stand
✦ Range: 10 meters range +10 completely still in a protective layer that
✦ Weaving time: 3 action rounds the turbulent and hot energy of flame is
unable to affect.
The spell allows the mage to control the 5: Darkness of Dimhall
souls of one or more undead creatures, “Salhelehögg”
such as skeletons, disers (ghosts), wights, Negations for Flame Craft
and draugr, but not demons. By taking ✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10 When a mage creates fire or decides to
control of the bond between the undead ✦ Type: Instant heat an area, it causes a significant change
and their realm, the mage succeeds in ✦ Range: 5 meters in the intensity of the vitner. This added
­controlling the souls of the undead as well. ✦ Weaving time: 1 action round vitner is taken from somewhere else in
In order to do so, however, the mage has to the greater area where the temperature
succeed on a Situation roll with a ­Situation The mage points at an area within range, change occurs, which suddenly turns
value of 12 (Psyche modifiers apply), which is then engulfed in the humid and very cold. Frost may appear on bushes
modified depending on the undead’s full clinging darkness of Dimhall. The afflicted and trees, but also on creatures that

chapter 3. weavers of vitner | 109

1: Heat Water

✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2
✦ Type: Lasting
✦ Duration: 5 minutes
✦ Range: Contact
✦ Weaving time: 2 action rounds

By touching water, the mage can bring

up to 5 liters to a boil in that location.
The water will boil for five minutes,
after which it will slowly decrease in
­temperature as normal. The mage does
not create extra water, however, so if
only 2 liters of water exist, then only 2
liters will boil. The mage cannot move
a boiling mass of water within a larger
body of water. The spell is not meant to
harm creatures, but the effect of boiling
water may do so on its own. Boiling water
does 1d6 points of damage for every
action round that a person or creature
is in contact with it. Metal armor gives
no protection, as it conducts heat. Other
types of armor protect for a number of
rounds equal to their assigned ­Protection
Value. A person who is wholly or partly
in water can avoid the damage by getting
up or away from the boiling water.


Cost Extra Level of Power
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
1 Increase the range by 5 meters
(contact is no longer necessary)
1 Increase the amount of water
boiled by 1 liter
5 Increase the amount of water
­nexpectedly sense their ­
u temperature boiled by 10 liters
Vitner Type Effects for Flame
dropping and their ­ surroundings 15 Increase the amount of water
­beginning to chill. Water freezes to ice
Craft boiled by 100 liters
and hot food instantly turns cold. Or if the ✦ White Vitner: Levels of power cost +1.
mage chooses to remove the heat, there ✦ Vaagrivitner: Levels of power cost -1,
must be a place nearby for it to go. If a but no less than 1 per level. 1: Spark
mage wants to control fire, the opposite ✦ Dark Vitner: Levels of power cost -1, “Gnistlogir”
occurs ­elsewhere: fire that burns calmly in but no less than 1 per level.
a hearth suddenly leaps from its confines ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2
and spreads with the potential to cause Fire craft is balanced by nature but ✦ Type: Lasting
great damage. Candles and torches burn also has destructive features. It creates ✦ Duration: 1 minute
with such intensity that something in heat but is quite whimsical and easily ✦ Range: Personal
their vicinity might catch on fire. ­destructive if not controlled. ✦ Weaving time: 1 action round

110 | chapter 3. weavers of vitner

The mage makes a small flame spark As usual CP and VP cannot be spent in LEVELS OF POWER: FLAME BURST
in their hand, with light equal to that the same round, therefore, if an unarmed Cost Extra Level of Power
of a large candle. The flame can ignite attack is needed, the first AR of the duration 2 Increase the range by 5 meters
flammable material, just like any normal is usually wasted only for casting the spell.
5 Increase the fire burst’s diameter
flame, but it does not harm the mage.
by 1 meter
At any time, the mage can choose to LEVELS OF POWER: BURNING HAND
­extinguish the flame. 5 Increase the damage by one step:
Cost Extra Level of Power
1d10 g 1d10 (OR 10) g 1d10 (OR
1 Increase the duration by 1 action 9-10) g 1d10 (OR 8-10) g +1 OR
LEVELS OF POWER: SPARK round range per further level (max OR 5-10)
Cost Extra Level of Power 3 Both hands start to glow (with the 5 Increase the duration by 1 action
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute basic version of the spell) round so the fire burst continues
2 Increase the intensity of the flame 5 Increase the damage by one step: 1d10 into the coming round
so it equals that of a torch (the g 1d10 (OR 10) g 1d10 (OR 9-10)
mage can decrease or increase g 1d10 (OR 8-10) g +1 OR range
the flame’s effect, from minimum per further level (max OR 5-10)
3: Protection from Fire
to maximum, as desired for the “Muspelskjold”
2 The mage can put the flame aside
3: Flame Burst ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6
so it burns from a chosen place like “Logild” ✦ Type: Lasting
a candle or torch, the tip of a staff, ✦ Duration: 5 minutes
a rock, or any other object (the ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 ✦ Range: Contact
object will not catch on fire) ✦ Type: Instant/Preserving ✦ Weaving time: 3 action rounds
3 Increase the duration by 1 hour ✦ Duration: 1 action round
10 Increase the duration by 1 day ✦ Range: 10 meters The spell creates a film of protective
✦ Weaving time: 1 action round vitner around the body of the enchanter
or a selected creature. The vitner prevents
2: Burning Hand The spell creates a sudden fire that the enchanted and all of their equipment
“Loghönd” ignites within 10 meters of the enchanter. from the effects of fire. However, the
The fire takes the form of a cylinder with ­protective effect applies only to natural
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 an approximate diameter of 1 meter. fire, dragon’s fire or any other magical
✦ Type: Lasting Within this cylinder, it is not only the flames are not covered by the spell’s effect.
✦ Duration: 4 action rounds fire that causes harm, but also the air
✦ Range: Personal that is heated to several hundred degrees LEVELS OF POWER: PROTECTION
✦ Weaving time: 1 action round in the blink of an eye. The fire and air FROM FIRE
together cause 1d10 points of damage Cost Extra Level of Power
The vitner heats up one of the weaver’s to everyone within the area of effect. 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
hands to the point where it begins Regular armor offers no protection against
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
glowing, and its very touch causes this ­unimaginably intense fire and heat.
(contact is no longer necessary)
1d10 points of fire damage (the weaver Magical armors, however, protect as usual.
is immune). Armor absorbs damage as The flame disappears as quickly as 3 Affects an extra being (with the
spell’s basic version)
usual, but it may ignite, if made from it came if the duration is not ­prolonged
flammable materials. In fact, aside from with levels of power. Therefore, any easy- 3 Increase the duration by 10 minute
causing damage, the Burning Hand may to-ignite objects within the area risk 6 Increase the duration by 1 hour
ignite flammable objects, which is up to combustion only during the initial burst. If 15 Increase the duration by 1 day
the GM to determine. a potential victim has the Evade specialty,
A successful unarmed attack (which they can attempt to jump free from the
can be evaded or parried) is required affected area and avoid the damage as long 4: Flame Control
against unwilling targets, adding the as they have not yet acted in the action “Loganrauda”
1d10 fire damage to the basic unarmed round. The attempt suffers -1 to the Skill
damage (usually 1d5). In case of Value for every point of initiative that ✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8
continuous contact (e.g. a grapple) fire character’s own initiative falls behind the ✦ Type: Lasting
damage is automatic and, if both hands current moment. By choosing to extend ✦ Duration: 5 minutes
are on fire (see levels of power) fire the duration, the mage can also move the ✦ Range: 10 meters
damage is rolled twice. fire burst to a new area within range. ✦ Weaving time: 2 action rounds

chapter 3. weavers of vitner | 111

The mage can control an existing flame WARMTH: TEMPERATURES AND Victims who are standing inside the
by cutting off or supplying oxygen to the DAMAGE area or at its perimeter receive damage.
fire in specific directions or space. For Temperature Damage in Body Points If a potential victim has the Evade
example, the mage can open a passage 50° C 1d6 + 1 BP per day
­specialty, they can attempt to jump free
free of flame in the middle of an inferno, from the affected area and avoid the
60° C 1 BP per hour
make a fire stretch and spread to places damage as long as they have not yet acted
where it is not currently burning, or 70° C 1d6 + 1 BP per hour in the action round. The attempt suffers
even suffocate it completely. The area of 80° C 1 BP per minute -1 to the Skill Value for every point of
flame that the mage controls can be as 90° C 1 BP per action round ­initiative that character’s own initiative
large as a small room. 100° C + 1d6 BP per action round
falls behind the current moment.
Anyone who takes actions while
LEVELS OF POWER: FLAME within the sea of fire or who tries to
CONTROL attack someone within that area suffers
Cost Extra Level of Power LEVELS OF POWER: WARMTH -5 to the SV since it is so hard to see in
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute Cost Extra Level of Power the burning inferno.
3 Increase the range by 10 meters 1 Increase the duration by 1 hour
3 Increase the duration by 10 2 Increase the radius of the sphere by
1 meter Cost Extra Level of Power
2 Anchor the spell to an object, 2 Increase the range by 5 meters
4 Control an area as big as a hall
which makes the sphere portable 5 Increase the sea of fire’s radius by
9 Increase the range by 100 meters
with the object as its center 1 meter
12 Control an area as big as a large
4 Increase the temperature range by 5 Increase the damage by one step:
another +10° C 1d10 g 1d10 (OR 10) g 1d10 (OR
5 Increase the duration by 1 day 9-10) g 1d10 (OR 8-10) g +1 OR
range per further level (max OR 5-10)
4: Warmth 6 Change the type of the spell to
“Vjerma” Lasting 10 Increase the duration by 1 action
6 Increase the radius of the sphere by round so the sea of fire continues
into the coming round
✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 10 meters
✦ Type: Preserving
✦ Duration: 5 hours Perceiving
✦ Range: 3 meters 5: Sea of Fire “Alldskonja”
✦ Weaving time: 3 action rounds “Muspelhaf ”
The enchanter has learned how to search
The mage causes the temperature within ✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10 out and detect objects, living creatures,
a sphere around a fixed point (radius of ✦ Type: Instant/Preserving and even undead with the help of
3 meters) to immediately rise up to ten ✦ Duration: 1 action round vitner. The enchanter can also establish
degrees (+10° C). The mage can choose ✦ Range: 20 meters a mental bond with the ­ immediate
what temperature to create within that ✦ Weaving time: 2 action rounds surroundings. With the help of vitner,
ten-degree range. Depending on where the enchanter can gather an accurate
the spell is conjured, the duration might The mage points to an area within picture of anything that exists in their
be different. For example, if it is conjured range, and it suddenly explodes in a surroundings. They know ­precisely how
in a somewhat isolated and controlled sea of flame. The fire engulfs a circular to return to a place they have previously
room, the duration is doubled, but if it is area within a radius of 2 meters from been and can follow their own tracks as if
conjured on a windy plain, the duration the mage’s chosen point. All who are they shone like candles in the dark.
is halved. A mage who uses this spell caught in the affected area receive 1d10
to create extreme temperatures runs points of damage. Regular armor gives
the risk of harming creatures or objects no protection. Magical armor protects Negations for Perceiving
within the affected area. as usual. When the enchanter uses vitner to
The sea of fire disappears as quickly seek out an object, living creature, or
as it came if the duration is not extended. undead, somewhere else s­omething
Therefore, any easy-to-ignite objects will be lost. Places that a person has
within that area risk combustion only been to before suddenly seem foreign
during the initial burst. or unknown to them. ­ Directions

112 | chapter 3. weavers of vitner

The enchanted person can choose any
place they wish, as long they have spent
sufficient time there. The enchanted
person knows exactly which direction to
go in order to reach the designated place.
However, they do not know the exact
route, only a powerful sense of direction.


Cost Extra Level of Power
1 Increase the duration by 1 hour
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
(contact is no longer necessary)
2 Decrease the number of hours
the enchanted must have spent at
the location by 1 hour (cannot be
decreased to less than 1 hour)
2 Affect an extra being (with the
spell’s basic version)
5 Increase the duration by 1 day

1: Retrace Tracks

✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2
✦ Type: Lasting
✦ Duration: 1 hour
✦ Range: Contact
✦ Weaving time: 3 action rounds

The spell allows the enchanted person

to easily see their own footprints on
the ground. The tracks light up with a
reddish glow that only the enchanted
change as east becomes west, and Perceiving is, by nature, a ­manipulative person can see. If they crossed a body
familiar landmarks such as the art that is neither destructive nor of water at some point or traveled in a
distinct hill beyond the next turn is creative. But by revealing the truth, it manner that does not leave tracks (such
now nothing but a hole in the ground. destroys the false, which brings it close as jumping over a ravine, swimming, or
Finding the way home becomes near to the bright, the pure, and the creative. riding a horse), small pieces of vitner
impossible for some, even by ­retracing light will collect on the water or in the
their steps. Information might be air to indicate the direction.
­forgotten, or physical objects might 1: Find Home
shift or be misplaced. “Heimfundr” LEVELS OF POWER: RETRACE
✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 Cost Extra Level of Power
Vitner Type Effects for ✦ Type: Lasting
­Perceiving 1 Increase the duration by 1 hour
✦ Duration: 1 hour
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
✦ Range: Contact
(contact is no longer necessary)
✦ White Vitner: Levels of ✦ Weaving time: 2 action rounds
power cost -1, but not less than 1 per 2 Affect an extra being (with the
spell’s basic version)
level The spell creates a spiritual bond
✦ Vaagrivitner: No modifier. between the enchanted and a location 5 Increase the duration by 1 day
✦ Dark Vitner: Levels of power cost +1 they have been to for at least six hours.

chapter 3. weavers of vitner | 113

2: Detect Object RESULTS, DETECT OBJECT The spell enables the enchanted person
“Tingskonja” 1d20 Result to retain their orientation and sense
1-3 The enchanter knows the exact
of direction for the duration. The
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 location of the object. enchanted person clearly perceives the
✦ Type: Lasting cardinal directions of the compass, as
4-8 The enchanter knows the exact
✦ Duration: 1 hour compass point toward the location
well as the current depth or height.
✦ Range: 5,000 meters of the object as well as the distance
✦ Weaving time: 5 minutes to it, with accuracy ± 100 m. LEVELS OF POWER: ORIENTATION
9-11 The enchanter knows the exact Cost Extra Level of Power
The spell makes it possible for the compass point toward the location 1 Increase the duration by 1 hour
enchanter to find designated objects of the object as well as the distance
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
within the range. The enchanter first must to it, with accuracy ± 500 m.
(contact is no longer necessary)
specify the object sought by ­determining 12-13 The enchanter knows the exact
its value (which is subjective according 2 Affect an extra being (with the
compass point toward the
spell’s basic version)
to the enchanter’s point of view, but also location of the object as well as
­corresponds to the object’s material value) the distance to it, with accuracy 5 Increase the duration by 1 day
and assigning it the appropriate value ± 1,000 m.
between 1 and 100. A value of 1 indicates 14-15 The enchanter knows the exact
something as common as a wooden spoon, compass point toward the location 3: Detect Being
and 100 is more on par with the magical of the object. “Skopjatenskonja”
crown of a king. In order to perceive the 16-17 The enchanter has a good sense
object, the enchanter makes a Situation of the compass point toward ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6
roll with a Situation value of 10 that is the location of the object, with ✦ Type: Lasting
modified according to the object’s value, accuracy ± 10 degrees. ✦ Duration: 1 hour
as shown on the table below. 18-20 The enchanter has a good sense ✦ Range: 5,000 meters
of the compass point toward ✦ Weaving time: 5 minutes
DETECT OBJECT MODIFIER the location of the object, with
accuracy ± 30 degrees.
Value Modifier This spell makes it possible for the
1-10 +8
enchanter to sense where a person or
creature is located within the range.
11-20 +4
LEVELS OF POWER: DETECT OBJECT However, they need to know the name
21-25 +2 of the target being sought and must
Cost Extra Level of Power
26-35 ±0
1 Increase the chance to succeed on a
possess an object that belonged to that
36-45 -2 Situation roll by +1 individual to use for the ritual. The less
46-55 -4
time that has elapsed since the target
1 Increase the chance that the 1d20
roll will become more precise by
had the object, the easier it is to find
56-65 -8
deducting -1 from the result them.
66-75 -10 The game master must first
2 Increase the range by 1,000 meters
76-85 -12
(1 km) determine the object’s value to the
86-90 -16 target (which is subjective ­a ccording
4 Increase the duration by 1 hour
91-95 -20
to the target’s point of view, but
5 Increase the range by 10 kilometers also corresponds to how long the
96-100 -30
12 Increase the range by 100 ­individual had the object) and assign
If the enchanter is successful on kilometers it an appropriate value between 1 and
the Situation roll, they roll 1d20 to 100. Unlike with the Detect Object
­determine how much information they spell, 1 indicates something valuable
learn regarding the object’s location. 2: Orientation and recently used, such as an heirloom
Check the result on the table below. “Veigfundr” weapon that the target had just a
Once the enchanter has a sense of few hours ago, while 100 indicates
where an object is located, that feeling ✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 ­something like an old sock that was
remains for the spell’s duration. If the ✦ Type: Lasting last worn several years ago.
object is moved, the enchanter senses ✦ Duration: 1 hour If the enchanter is successful on
it, and the direction sense is altered ✦ Range: Contact the Situation roll, they roll 1d20 to
accordingly. ✦ Weaving time: 2 action rounds ­determine how much information they

114 | chapter 3. weavers of vitner

learn about the target’s location. The DETECT UNDEAD MODIFIER passage, an open area, a settlement, gaps,
result corresponds with the Detect Value Body Points Modifier rooms with furniture, large plants and
Object table listed above (under the 1-10 1-10 +8
shrubbery, or forests.
Detect Object spell). In the basic version, the enchanter
11-20 11-20 +4
Once the enchanter has a sense of can reach out with their mind up to a
where a target is currently located, that 21-25 21-25 +2 radius of 10 meters.
feeling remains for the spell’s duration. 26-35 26-35 ±0
If the target moves, the enchanter senses 36-45 36-45 -2 LEVELS OF POWER: SURROUNDING
it, and the direction sense is altered 46-55 46-55 -4 Cost Extra Level of Power
accordingly. 1 Increase the radius of the sensed
56-65 56-65 -8
surroundings by 10 meters
2 Increase the duration by 1 minute
Cost Extra Level of Power 76-85 76-85 -12
5 Increase the radius of the sensed
1 Increase the chance to succeed on 86-90 86-90 -16
surroundings by 100 meters
the Situation roll by +1 91-95 91-95 -20
6 Increase the duration by 1 hour
1 Increase the chance that the 1d20 96-100 >95 -30
roll will become more precise by
deducting -1 from the result
2 Increase the range by 1,000 meters
4 Increase the duration by 1 hour An enchanter in a forest can use
Cost Extra Level of Power
5 Increase the range by 10 kilometers the Surrounding spell to discover a
1 Increase the chance to succeed on
the Situation roll by +1 hidden path or a building located
within a radius of 10 meters. While
1 Increase the chance that the result
4: Detect Undead is more precise by deducting -1
concentrating, they can also sense
“Sálheleskonja” from the roll how many rooms the building has
as well as the general layout (if
2 Increase the range by 1,000 meters
✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 (1 km) the structure is within the radius).
✦ Type: Lasting However, they would not know what
4 Increase the duration by 1 hour
✦ Duration: 2 hours objects are in the building or if there
✦ Range: 5 kilometers 5 Increase the range by 10 kilometers is something specific on the path.
✦ Weaving time: 5 minutes 12 Increase the range by 100
The spell makes it possible for the
enchanter to sense the presence of an 5: Map
undead creature within range. To detect 4: Surrounding “Ortaskonja”
the undead being, a Situation roll is used “Naerskonja”
with a Situation value of 10, modified ✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10
according to the undead’s Body Points ✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 ✦ Type: Preserving
as shown in the table for the Detect ✦ Type: Preserving ✦ Duration: 5 minutes
Undead Spell, below. ✦ Duration: 3 minutes ✦ Range: 1 kilometer
If the enchanter is successful with ✦ Range: 10 meters ✦ Weaving time: 7 action rounds
the Situation roll, 1d20 is then rolled to ✦ Weaving time: 6 action rounds
determine how much information the Like the Surrounding spell, this spell
enchanter receives about the undead. The spell makes it possible for the makes it possible for the enchanter to
The result corresponds with the table enchanter to reach out with their mind reach out with their mind and ­immediately
for the Detect Object spell, above. and immediately acquire a general but acquire a general but accurate picture of
Once the enchanter has a sense of accurate picture of the near ­surroundings. the near surroundings. The spell will not
where the undead is currently located, The spell will not offer the enchanter offer the enchanter clear pictures, but a
that sense remains for the spell’s clear pictures, but a strong sense of the strong sense of the major features and
duration. Even if the undead moves, the major features and layout. They cannot layout. They cannot see small details like
enchanter senses it, and the direction see small details like writing or m
­ iniscule writing or miniscule items, but they do
sense is altered accordingly. items, but they do receive different senses receive different senses that detail things
that detail things like a stream, a lake, a like a stream, a lake, a passage, an open

chapter 3. weavers of vitner | 115

mind of the creature and act as if it were a certain emotion within a creature,
their own body. one or more other creatures suddenly
Since the vitner being manipulated experience the overwhelming emotion
dwells in the center of creatures’ minds, of the opposite type. If the enchanter
the mage is able to cause the victim to creates a mental bond with another,
suddenly forget something significant other creatures likely experience
or remember something long lost. mental voices and personalities outside
They can also get the creature to see of their own, and visits in their sleep
things that are not there or experience as others occupy their dreams. If the
all manner of different emotions. These enchanter uses vitner to decipher
could be uplifting emotions such as something, the negation means that
awe or joy, but also sharper ones such elsewhere in Trudvang someone is
as fear, doubt, or courage. rendered incapable of understanding
The enchanter can also create a whatever they hear or read for a while,
mental bond with selected creature(s) even though they normally speak the
that the two can use to ­communicate language or would be able to read the
with each other via the power of text that now baffles them.
area, a settlement, gaps, rooms with thought. By enchanting oneself, a mage
f­urniture, large plants and shrubbery, or can talk to animals and creatures, or
forests. decipher text written in a language Vitner Type Effects for
In addition, the enchanter gets an idea that the enchanter normally would not Power of Thought
of how many people, animals, and other understand.
beings are present in the surrounding ✦ White Vitner: No modifier.
area, as well as where they are, but not ✦ Vaagrivitner: No modifier.
their identity, since the mage cannot Negations for Power of ✦ Dark Vitner: No modifier.
make out details such as facial features or Thought
distinguishing marks. When an enchanter tries to control Power of thought is inherently
In the basic version, the enchanter can a creature’s mind or consciousness manipulative, but neither destructive
reach out with their mind up to a radius in some way, the negation is often nor creative. It doesn’t gravitate toward
of 1 kilometer. a bit subtler than other negations. truth or lies, but instead relies entirely
When the enchanter tries to plant an on the disposition of the enchanter.
LEVELS OF POWER: MAP idea in a victim, the negation may be
Cost Extra Level of Power that ­elsewhere someone experiences
an ­overwhelming sense of déjà vu, 1: Understanding Script
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
causing distraction for a moment. If “Tecknkraftla”
3 Increase the range by 1 kilometer
the enchanter tries to control or take
5 Increase the duration by 1 hour over a creature, the negation means ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2
10 Increase the range by 10 kilometers that the creature’s consciousness must ✦ Type: Lasting
go elsewhere, often trading places with ✦ Duration: 10 minutes
something/someone else. However, this ✦ Range: Personal
Power of Thought usually occurs for only a brief moment, ✦ Weaving time: 5 action rounds
“Húgkraftla” and once a creature returns to its own
body, it may be rather confused about The spell allows the enchanter to
The enchanter has learned to m ­ anipulate what just happened. In very rare cases, decipher a piece of scripture that
the vitner within creatures’ minds. By minds that have changed places have they normally are unable to read.
directing the vitner, the enchanter can remained that way permanently. All the scripture’s symbols and
cause a victim to suddenly be inspired by Whenever an enchanter affects characters are converted before the
something strange and then act upon it the consciousness of another being, enchanter’s eyes to a language that
as if it were their own brilliant idea. By the negation always manifests as they can decipher using the Reading
subtly using the force of this vitner, the the opposite for one or more other and Writing s­pecialty (Knowledge
enchanter can take over a creature’s ability creatures. If the enchanter causes
­ skill and Language d ­ iscipline). If the
to think for itself, and designate from afar amnesia, someone else suddenly enchanter is unable to read or write
what it should do. The enchanter can even remembers something long f­orgotten, any l­ anguages at all, they cannot make
transfer their own consciousness into the and vice versa. If the enchanter evokes worthwhile use of this spell.

116 | chapter 3. weavers of vitner

LEVELS OF POWER: UNDERSTANDING during the duration of this spell are 2: Telepathy
­SCRIPT decreased by -4. “Húgtengja”
Cost Extra Levels of Power
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
LEVELS OF POWER: COURAGE ✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4
Cost Extra Levels of Power ✦ Type: Lasting
4 Increase the duration by 1 hour
1 Affect another person or creature
✦ Duration: 10 minutes
within range (with the same effects) ✦ Range: 10 meters
1: Understanding Speech ✦ Weaving time: 3 action rounds
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
2 Increase the range by 5 meters The spell creates a mental link between
✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 2 Reduce any Fear Points gained by the enchanter and a chosen person
✦ Type: Lasting an additional -1 within range. The link allows for
✦ Duration: 1 minute 4 Increase the number of current Fear ­telepathic communication between the
✦ Range: Personal Points removed by one step: 1d10 g two, who can speak to each other simply
✦ Weaving time: 3 action rounds 1d10 (OR 10) g 1d10 (OR 9-10) g by thinking. The two can move as far
1d10 (OR 8-10) g +1 OR range out of range of each other as they please
per further level (max OR 5-10)
By enchanting oneself, the enchanter is able and still be able to communicate with
to understand everything that is spoken in ease and secrecy.
a designated language that they normally 2: Fear Only the thoughts that a person wants
don’t speak or understand. The enchanter “Skreikur” to send are transmitted through the link,
comprehends the language as naturally as while other thoughts remain secure with
if it were their own mother tongue. With ✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 the thinker. Therefore, the enchanter
extra levels of power, the enchanter is even ✦ Type: Instant cannot use this spell to read someone
able to speak the language. ✦ Range: Contact else’s mind. All characters linked to the
✦ Weaving time: 2 action rounds enchanter through the spell’s increased
LEVELS OF POWER: power can talk to each other through the
UNDERSTANDING SPEECH The spell sends a wave of m ­ anipulative telepathic link, rather than solely with
Cost Extra Levels of Power energy through a chosen victim, the enchanter.
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
­overwhelming its thoughts with horrific
visions. The victim believes that it is LEVELS OF POWER: TELEPATHY
3 The enchanter’s spoken words are
observing the greatest fear-inducing
­ Cost Extra Levels of Power
also converted, so that one creature
hears the enchanter’s words in that
creature that it can think of, which means 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
designated language. that several c­ haracters exposed to the same
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
spell likely do not see the same things.
4 Increase the duration by 1 hour 2 Affect another person or creature
The victim must succeed on a Situation
roll with a Situation value of 8 (Psyche within range
2: Courage ­modifiers apply) to resist the fear and avoid 4 Increase the duration by 10 minutes
“Kjarkku” taking any Fear Points. Anyone who fails 4 Increase the range by 100 meters
the Situation roll immediately takes 1d10 6 Increase the duration by 1 hour
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 Fear Points and suffers any consequences.
8 Increase the range by 1 kilometer
✦ Type: Lasting
✦ Duration: 5 minutes LEVELS OF POWER: FEAR
✦ Range: 5 meters Cost Extra Levels of Power 3: Ecstasy
✦ Weaving time: 2 action rounds 1 Affect another person or creature
within range (with the same effects)
The spell sends a wave of manipulative ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6
1 Decrease the victim’s chance of
vitner through the enchanted character, succeeding on the Situation roll by -1
✦ Type: Lasting
who is immediately filled with an ✦ Duration: 1 minute
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
­overwhelming sense of hope and courage. ✦ Range: Contact
(contact is no longer necessary)
The spell abolishes doubts, fears, and ✦ Weaving time: 3 action rounds
other moods that might affect the person 4 Increase the Fear Points by one step:
1d10 g 1d10 (OR 10) g 1d10 (OR
negatively, which lowers their Fear The enchanter sends a wave of
9-10) g 1d10 (OR 8-10) g +1 OR
Points by 1d10. Any Fear Points that range per further level (max OR 5-10) ­ anipulative vitner through a chosen
are received by the enchanted c­ haracter person, immediately filling the target

chapter 3. weavers of vitner | 117

with a wave of emotions. The enchanter ECSTASY’S TRAITS
must choose what emotions the target Feelings Characteristic
will feel (see the table below for Happy The target becomes extremely happy, singing, joking, and romping around
examples) before weaving the spell. their surroundings.
The enchanted character can resist the
Tired The target must make another Situation roll with a Situation value of 10
effect of the spell by making a ­successful (Psyche modifiers apply) to keep from falling asleep within the next 5 minutes.
­Situation roll with a ­Situation value of 10
Lovesick The target looks around for the person they love (up to the target to decide
(Psyche modifiers apply). Some further
who they fall in love with).
effects that emerge from emotions
listed below can also be avoided with a Aggressive The target gets annoyed instantly by everything and everyone. The target will seek
out a fight with an individual or group as soon as an occasion or reason is given.
separate Situation roll.
Melancholic The target slips into a depressed state, and only wants to talk about how sad
LEVELS OF POWER: ECSTASY they feel or how much they miss their friends.

Cost Extra Levels of Power Mischievous The target is inspired by all sorts of mischievous antics. Pulling the chair out from
someone who is about to sit down, tinkering with someone’s personal possessions,
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute or weaving elaborate lies are common pranks the target thinks are fun.
2 Decrease the target’s chance of Patroniz- The target speaks condescendingly to anyone they meet, claiming that no one
succeeding on the Situation roll(s) ing else is as significant as they are.
by -1
Boastful The target boastfully talks about everything they have done (or would like to
2 Increase the range by 5 meters have done) and liberally exaggerates the details.
(contact is no longer necessary)
Truthful The target opens their heart and shares secrets and hidden desires to nearby
2 Affect an extra being (with the friends. The target must succeed on another Situation roll with a Situation
spell’s basic version) value of 10 (Psyche modifiers apply) to keep from sharing significant or
6 Increase the duration by 1 hour incredibly incriminating secrets (up to the game master to determine whether
a secret is revealed or not).
Insecure The target feels worthless in everything they do and believes that nothing
3: Imagining they attempt will succeed. The target must succeed on another Situation roll
with a Situation value of 10 (Psyche modifiers apply) to keep from suffering -3
on all Skill Values ​​and Situation values for the duration of the spell. If the roll
is successful, the target suffers only a -1 modifier.
✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6
✦ Type: Lasting
✦ Duration: 5 minutes For example, if the thought was “I’d LEVELS OF POWER: IMAGINING
✦ Range: Contact like to jump off this cliff,” it likely Cost Extra Levels of Power
✦ Weaving time: 1 action round wouldn’t work unless the creature was 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
incredibly stupid or impulsive. Any
2 Decrease the victim’s chance of
The enchanter uses the vitner to create reasonably intelligent creature would
succeeding on the Situation roll
a thought and plant it in another probably push aside such a thought as by -1
intelligent being’s mind. The target a crazy whim and ignore it, no matter
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
believes that it conceived of the idea how nagging or natural it appears.
(contact is no longer necessary)
itself and does not reflect further, However, thoughts like “I wonder if
instead taking action as if the thought my best friend is trying to fool me; I 6 Increase the duration by 1 hour
were perfectly acceptable. How exactly probably should be suspicious of him,”
the target reacts to this new thought or “Maybe I should give my money to 3: Memory
is decided by the game master. The this poor beggar with the funny hat, “Húgstyrkja”
target can unconsciously resist this since he seems to need it more than I
spell, however, through a s­uccessful do,” or “This looks a good group; of ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6
Situation roll with a Situation value course I’ll let them in,” should work ✦ Type: Lasting
of 8 (Psyche modifiers apply). If the just fine. Other examples of what ✦ Duration: 5 action rounds
Situation roll fails, the thought is
­ might work are “I have to run away ✦ Range: Contact
implanted in the target’s mind and from here because it isn’t safe,” or ✦ Weaving time: 1 minute
gnaws at their consciousness until the “That guy by the fireplace frustrates
duration of the spell expires. me; now he’s getting it,” or “How tired Through this spell, the enchanted
An implanted thought is usually I have become! I need to sit down and c­ haracter is able to remember
unable to overcome common sense. rest for a while.” ­everything that happened to them over

118 | chapter 3. weavers of vitner

the past week. They can remember command a target to willfully harm itself. ends, all who have been bewitched also
one selected event in great detail Finally, it is not possible to command a see the enchanter for who they really are.
each action round (this event could target to perform ­ autonomous actions If the enchanter asks for anything
have lasted up to an hour). The spell that require the creature to think for out of the ordinary, the victim has a new
also restores any memory losses that itself, as doing so would break the opportunity to make a Situation roll to
occurred over the past week. However, control. see through the aura.
the spell does not affect the enchanted The listed range applies only to the Being captivated by the Aura of Power
character’s learning abilities. Once the weaving time, which means that after does not mean that a victim blindly
spell’s duration has expired, the person the spell has been woven, the enchanter follows orders, but that the ­enchanter’s
keeps the restored memories but not can send the target far beyond the range words hold significant gravity. To
quite in the same degree of detail. and still maintain control. The effect disagree with or oppose the enchanter
of the spell is broken if the enchanter feels very uncomfortable and maybe even
LEVELS OF POWER: MEMORY loses concentration for any reason, if dangerous.
Cost Extra Levels of Power the target disappears out of sight from
1 Increase the duration by 1 action
the enchanter, or if the target takes 1 or LEVELS OF POWER: AURA OF
round more points of damage. POWER
2 The enchanted remembers 1 week Cost Extra Levels of Power
further back in detail 2 Increase the duration by 1 minute
5 The enchanted remembers 1 2 Decrease the victim’s chance of
month further back in detail Cost Extra Levels of Power succeeding on the Situation roll
10 The enchanted remembers 1 year 2 Increase the range by 5 meters by -1
further back in detail 2 Decrease the target’s chance of 6 Increase the duration by 1 hour
30 The enchanted remembers their succeeding on the Situation roll 15 Increase the duration by 1 day
entire life in detail by -1
3 Increase the duration by 1 minute
4: Creature Control 15 Increase the duration by 1 hour 5: Possess Creature
“Rauda skopjaten” “Eiga skopjaten”

✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 4: Aura of Power ✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10

✦ Type: Preserving “Kraftlahinja” ✦ Type: Preserving
✦ Duration: 3 minutes ✦ Duration: 10 minutes
✦ Range: 10 meters ✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 ✦ Range: 100 meters
✦ Weaving time: 2 action rounds ✦ Type: Lasting ✦ Weaving time: 1 minute
✦ Duration: 5 minutes
The enchanter can control and direct an ✦ Range: Personal The spell enables an enchanter to transfer
intelligent creature (not an animal) that ✦ Weaving time: 2 action rounds their consciousness into an intelligent
is within range and line of sight. The being’s body. To accomplish this, the
target can attempt to resist the spell The spell creates an aura of vitner around enchanter must have the victim within
by succeeding on a Situation roll with the enchanter that exudes incredible the spell’s range and line of sight. It is
a ­Situation value of 6 (Psyche ­modifiers power, authority, and glory. Anyone who not possible to possess a creature who, for
apply). If the roll fails, the target looks at the enchanter must immediately some reason, cannot be seen. The victim
blindly obeys everything the enchanter make a Situation roll with a Situation value can resist this intrusion by succeeding on
commands it to do. In doing so, the of 6 (Psyche modifiers apply). On a failure, a Situation roll with a Situation value of 6
target can perform any action that would the victim immediately believes that the (Psyche modifiers apply).
normally be possible. enchanter is excessively i­mpressive and If the spell is successful, the e­ nchanter’s
However, the enchanter cannot powerful, and will obey their commands. consciousness transfers to the victim,
command the target to commit acts (A person who is known for loyalty to who loses all control over its body. From
that are extremely different from what rulers is more likely to obey than someone this point, the enchanter can embrace the
it would normally be willing to do. For who commonly defies authority). creature’s characteristics such as speech
example, the enchanter cannot command A successful Situation roll means that and abilities as if their own, without any
a target to murder an innocent person the victim sees through the aura and resistance. When the enchanter leaves their
unless the target is otherwise inclined observes the enchanter as they really own body to take control of the victim,
to do just that. Nor could the enchanter appear. Once the duration of the spell their body is left behind in a deep slumber.

chapter 3. weavers of vitner | 119

Once inside the victim, the enchanter can weave a new Mind Reading spell over the Negations for Power of Vision
move as far as desired from their own body creature to try to discover the withheld Whenever the enchanter weaves an astral
without having to maintain spell range. information. But even if the enchanter is projection of any kind, the s­urrounding
However, the enchanter must be careful blocked from learning that secret, they environment might be exposed to
to return within range before the spell can continue to look for other secrets unusual images from the beyond. Blurred
ends. If the victim is killed or the spell’s until the duration of the spell is up. images of strange objects or otherworldly
duration expires before the enchanter ­creatures become visible in the real world
returns within range, the ­ enchanter’s LEVELS OF POWER: MIND for a moment or two. For many, this can
consciousness is ripped ­
­ violently back READING be a terrifying experience. The game
to their body. The ­ experience is so Cost Extra Levels of Power master determines whether an image
traumatic that the enchanter undergoes
­ 1 Increase the duration by 2 action
becomes visible or not, what bizarre thing
extreme shock, ­permanently loses 1d6 of rounds is shown, where it manifests, and the
their vitner capacity, and falls into a deep resulting consequences. The negation is
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
slumber for 1d6 days. (contact is no longer necessary)
rather straightforward since when vitner
causes one person to see things more
2 Decrease the victim’s chance of suc-
LEVELS OF POWER: POSSESS clearly, other things fade or blur. Tracks
ceeding on the Situation roll by -1
CREATURE disappear and people’s eyesight grows
4 Increase the duration by 12 blurry and weak, and what normally
Cost Extra Levels of Power action rounds
1 Increase the range by 10 meters
would be obvious suddenly becomes very
5 The bewitched is unaware of the difficult to note.
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute enchanter’s presence (secrets are
2 Decrease the victim’s chance of still hidden as before)
succeeding on the Situation roll by -1 8 Increase the range by 50 meters Vitner Type Effects for
4 Increase the range by 100 meters Power of Vision
6 Increase the duration by 1 hour
15 Increase the duration by 1 day
Power of Vision ✦ White Vitner: Levels of power cost
“Skönjakraftla” -1, but no less than 1 per level.
✦ Vaagrivitner: No modifier.
5: Mind Reading The enchanter has learned to master ✦ Dark Vitner: Levels of power double
“Húgfreska” the astral consciousness possessed by in cost.
every living being. Objects also have
✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10 a form of astral consciousness, but it is Power of Vision embodies light and
✦ Type: Preserving ­considerably less advanced than that of creation by nature. Its effect is to grant
✦ Duration: 6 action rounds a living being. By slipping into a trance knowledge, paving the way for truth and
✦ Range: Contact during the spell’s weaving time, the destroying falsehood.
✦ Weaving time: 3 action rounds enchanter can perform various spells
related to the unseen astral plane.
The enchanter can read a creature’s Methods of visiting the astral plane 1: Tracking
memories simply by touching it. The can be quite different, as everyone “Sporskönja”
enchanter observes a sequence of images has different ways of focusing. Some
that broadly explains the creature’s history, enchanters stare into flame or a bed ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2
ranging up to one year back in time. For of hot coals, others use a large trunk, ✦ Type: Lasting
every 2 action rounds that pass during the and a few more use the sun or moon. ✦ Duration: 1 hour
spell, the enchanter can try to learn one big Players can decide how their enchanters ✦ Range: Contact
secret that the creature is trying to hide. perform the ritual. ✦ Weaving time: 2 action rounds
The enchanted creature immediately Since everything physical is
senses that someone else is in their mind mirrored on the astral plane, the The spell allows the enchanted character
and searching the scattered memories enchanted is able to see how things to easily see and track another creature’s
(at increased ranges, the creature cannot really look. The mage can see the footprints on the ground. The tracks
know who is reading their memories). The vitner’s flow that ­surrounds everyone, light up with a reddish glow that only the
creature can hide a particular secret from follow the tracks of a creature as easily enchanted person can see. If the creature
the enchanter with a Situation roll with as following light in the darkness, see being tracked crossed a body of water at
a Situation value of 6 (Psyche m ­ odifiers far into the distance, and know things some point or traveled in a manner that
apply). On a success, the enchanter has to for what they really are. does not leave tracks (such as jumping

120 | chapter 3. weavers of vitner

Cost Extra Levels of Power
2 Increase the duration by 1 hour
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
(contact is no longer necessary)
6 Increase the duration by 12 hours

2: Scanning

✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4
✦ Type: Preserving
✦ Duration: 9 action rounds
✦ Range: Contact
✦ Weaving time: 1 minute

By touching an object and slipping into

a trance, the enchanter can explore its
memories through the astral plane. The
enchanter receives a sequence of images
that broadly describe the object’s history
but can only perceive events ranging up
to one year back in time. For every 3
action rounds that the enchanter spends
under the spell, they recall a significant
event from the object’s history. They can
also ask specific questions of the object,
such as who was the last person to hold
it. The answer to each question also
takes 3 action rounds to complete. What
the enchanter sees or learns is always up
to the game master to determine.


Cost Extra Levels of Power
1 Increase the range of history that
the enchanter can perceive events
from by 1 year
3 Increase the duration by 3 action

2: Far Sight

over a ravine, swimming, or riding a a single hair, a drop of blood, a ✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4
horse), small pieces of vitner light will ­ ngernail, or something similar from
fi ✦ Type: Lasting
collect on the water or in the air to the one being pursued. The object used ✦ Duration: 2 action rounds
indicate the direction. The enchanter can will be consumed once the enchanter ✦ Range: Contact
also follow tracks of a creature that has successfully weaves the spell, so the ✦ Weaving time: 1 action round
been enchanted with the Traceless spell. spell cannot be repeated unless the
In order to use the vitner to track enchanter finds another item from the The mage concentrates on a space, and
a creature, the enchanter must possess creature. the swirling energies there form a tunnel

chapter 3. weavers of vitner | 121

of compressed air and energy. While the detect things that they would not be able 4: Astral Voyage
enchanted character looks through the to see under normal c­ onditions. “Dimvandr”
tunnel, the vitner works like a telescope, The Seeing spell can also be used to
enabling that character to see things up cancel the effects of spells that impair ✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8
to 500 meters away as if there were only a vision (effective for the spell’s duration), ✦ Type: Preserving
few meters between them. The enchanted such as Vision/Blindness. ✦ Duration: 5 minutes
person can focus on anything within that ✦ Range: Personal
range at will, without losing any clarity. LEVELS OF POWER: SEEING ✦ Weaving time: 10 minutes
Far Sight improves the Skill Value Cost Extra Levels of Power
to hit with ranged weapons at a long 2 Increase the range by 5 meters
By leaving the material plane of e­ xistence,
distance by +1. Far Sight improves the (contact is no longer necessary) the enchanter allows their spirit to move
Skill Value to hit with ranged weapons freely through the ­ environment at an
2 Increase the duration by 1 hour
at a long distance by +1. The maximum incredible rate of 1 kilometer per minute.
distance of ranged weapons is augmented 4 Affect an extra being (with the The enchanter’s spirit travels on the border
spell’s basic version)
by 10 m per +1 bonus added by this spell. between Trudvang and Dimhall where they
6 Increase the duration by 1 day can still perceive things in Trudvang, but
LEVELS OF POWER: FAR SIGHT everything appears gray, misty, and fading.
Cost Extra Levels of Power After the enchanter’s spirit has left
3: Espionage their physical body, the body goes into
1 Increase the duration by 1 action
round “Hlustspyrja” hibernation. The enchanter can see and
hear as normal while in spirit form.
1 Increase the range of sight by 100
✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 However, they are unable to interfere or
✦ Type: Lasting/Preserving communicate with their ­ environment.
2 Increase the range of casting the ✦ Duration: 1 hour The astral body is ­ completely
spell by 5 meters (contact is no
longer necessary)
✦ Range: Contact transparent, as it is purely composed
✦ Weaving time: 1 action round/5 of the enchanter’s c­onsciousness. The
2 Affect an extra being (with the
action rounds astral body is immune to physical attacks
spell’s basic version)
and immediately knows if the physical
3 Increase the range of sight by 500 The mage can enchant an object in their body is hurt in any way.
possession (1 action round), then plant The enchanter must be careful to
4 Increase the duration by 1 minute it strategically and use it to perceive return to their body before the spell runs
4 Increase the modifier for long- whatever is happening around it. For the out. If the enchanter fails to do so, their
range weapons by an additional +1 duration of the spell, the enchanter can consciousness is ripped through the astral
10 Increase the range of sight by 10 view whatever is happening around the plane back to the physical body where it
kilometers object at any point by slipping in a trance belongs. The experience is so horrible
(weaving time of five action rounds) and and painful that the enchanter undergoes
temporarily shifting their consciousness extreme shock, permanently loses 1d6 in
3: Seeing into the object. Once the enchanter has vitner capacity and suffer 1d10 (OR) BP
“Edliauga” put the spell on the object, the distance of damage from the ripping effect. The
between them no longer matters. Right physical body falls into a deep slumber
✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 before the spell expires, the enchanter that lasts for 1d6 days, before dying if the
✦ Type: Lasting can choose to see everything that has astral body is not turned back into it.
✦ Duration: 1 hour happened around the object for the The astral body can be detected only
✦ Range: Contact duration, all at once. The memories of through use of the spell True Sight.
✦ Weaving time: 1 minute events appear instantaneously, just as if Another enchanter who ­ discovers
they were the enchanter’s own memories. the astral body can banish it back
The spell enables the enchanted to see to its physical body using the spell
as clearly as if it were day, even in the LEVELS OF POWER: ESPIONAGE Dispel Vitner. The banished one then
most prohibitive circumstances. For Cost Extra Levels of Power experiences the same effects as if the
the duration of the spell, the enchanted 1 Increase the duration by 1 hour
duration of the spell ended.
character’s eyesight is unrestricted,
4 Increase the duration by 1 day
regardless of darkness, fog, smoke,
brightness, or spells that impair vision. 12 Increase the duration by 1 week
However, the enchanted character cannot

122 | chapter 3. weavers of vitner

LEVELS OF POWER: ASTRAL or creature, and also knows how to (see the table below). The roll may
VOYAGE activate that magic in things such as be modified according to the game
Cost Extra Levels of Power magical items. If the enchanter fails to master’s wishes, and should always
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
discern a spell, they cannot proceed to be rolled in secret by the GM, if the
reading the next spell. A failure still player is asked to roll, they will realize
Increase the movement speed by
2 makes it apparent to the enchanter that there is something to be found in
+1 kilometer per minute
that there are one or more spells the object. However, the enchanter has
6 Increase the duration by 1 hour woven over the object, but not which no way of identifying what spell the
18 Increase the duration by 1 day ones. Read Vitner can also be used to creature or object has been enchanted
discover if a creature has one or more with without also using the spell Read
magical ­abilities, but not what they are. Vitner.
4: Read Vitner
Cost Extra Levels of Power Spell Level Situation Value
✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 Increase the chances of succeeding 1 12
✦ Type: Instant on a Situation roll by +1 (the
1 2 10
✦ Range: Contact enchanter can add this effect prior
✦ Weaving time: 1 hour to each new roll) 3 8
Increase the range by 5 meters 4 6
The spell gives the enchanter the ability 2
(contact is no longer necessary) 5 4
to carefully observe the vitner patterns
that surround an object or creature and
discern any spells that have been woven 5: True Sight
over it. These observable spells were “Sannskönja” LEVELS OF POWER: TRUE SIGHT
woven using one of the three types of Cost Extra Levels of Power
vitner (white vitner, vaagrivitner, or dark ✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
vitner), and it is helpful if the enchanter ✦ Type: Lasting
1 Increase the chance to see if a spell
weaving Read Vitner uses the same type. ✦ Duration: 1 minute
has been put on a creature or object
If an enchanter uses the same type of ✦ Range: Contact by +1
vitner, they receive a positive modifier of ✦ Weaving time: 2 action rounds
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
+2 on the subsequent Situation roll.
(contact is no longer necessary)
When the enchanter starts e­ xamining This spell allows a humanoid or ­creature’s
an object or creature, the least advanced eyes to be enchanted such that they 2 Increase the effective range by 5
(lowest level) spell is observed first. ­recognize the vitner patterns of illusion
The enchanter must then succeed on a that surround beings and objects. The 3 Affect an extra being (with the
­Situation roll to reveal the spell’s secrets. target is immediately able to see through spell’s basic version)
If the object or creature is enchanted with all ­illusions, camouflage, and magical 3 Increase the duration by 10
more than one spell, the enchanter sees images. The spell also grants the target the minutes
the spells in order of their complexity. ability to see any objects and beings who 5 Increase the effective range by 25
The table below shows the Situation might be invisible (whether by their very meters
values needed to reveal a spell. nature or through an ability). Objects or 6 Increase the duration by 1 hour
creatures that are invisible or camouflaged
READ VITNER SITUATION VALUES through spells appear to the target as if
Spell Level Situation Value they are not enchanted at all. Soil Craft
1 10
The effective range of this true sight “Jördkraftla”
is 25 meters in the basic version.
2 8
The enchanter can also use the spell The enchanter has learned to control
3 6 to determine if an object or creature the vitner that flows within and around
4 4 has been enchanted and had its vitner the rich ground of Trudvang. By
5 2 manipulated in other ways beyond concentrating on a single place, they
that of illusions. To achieve this, a can get soil and stone to sink or quake.
A successful Situation roll means successful Situation roll is required
­ The enchanter can also shape the land
that the enchanter has managed to with a Situation value based on the according to their wishes, making it take
identify a spell woven over the object spell woven over the object or creature new shape or curl away as if paving a path.

chapter 3. weavers of vitner | 123

It’s also possible to enchant a fistful of clay 1: Rock Throw pliable like thick clay. The enchanter
and hurl it toward an adversary, causing “Steinflegja” is then able to use the vitner to mold
devastating damage when the clay grows this enchanted clay into any desired
significantly in size and increases the ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 shape up to the size of a stormhall.
speed of its lethal course. With this craft, ✦ Type: Instant They have three minutes to shape the
the enchanter can even go so far as to ✦ Range: 5 meters clay, and once that time has passed
transform a living creature to stone. ✦ Weaving time: 1 action round (or the enchanter is satisfied with the
created shape), the clay returns to its
The enchanter picks up a small rock and original consistency, in the new shape
Negations for Soil Craft throws it at a target within range. The the enchanter has given it. If an area of
When an enchanter weaves a spell, vitner evoked by this spell causes the rock land is flat and low, it can almost seem
the negation is usually the opposite. to grow to a normal-sized barrow stone as if new soil is created out of thin air
A seeming exception is that when an as it hurls toward its target, ­inflicting as the enchanter uses the vitner to
enchanter causes a quake, the negation 1d10 (OR 10) points of damage. Armor mold upward. However, it only appears
is also a quake that happens elsewhere, protects normally. to create new land because the spell
shifting land in one place causes land The enchanter does not need to throw draws from such a wide area around
to shift in opposite ways somewhere the rock to enlarge it in this way. If they the enchanter that the minor drop in
else, and both result in a quake. If the simply desire a huge stone for some elevation is hardly noticeable (though
enchanter creates a quagmire, a marsh reason, this spell works in the same it is up to the game master to decide
already present will dry up for a moment. manner as long as the enchanter has a if an area has enough soil). Likewise,
If they shape soil and stone in a desired small stone to begin with. if the enchanter chooses to level a
way, elsewhere another creation of such A target who carries a shield may be clay structure or giant landmark, the
material returns to its origins, such as lucky and use it to block the gigantic stone, subtle rise in elevation would hardly be
a mound sinking back into the ground, benefitting from its passive protection. noticed as the stone and soil spreads
or an excavated pathway shattering. If The rock automatically hits without beneath one’s feet.
the enchanter hurls a vitner-woven rock need of attacking skill rolls. The target The duration for the spell is 5
against an opponent, stone in another may only attempt to Evade (not to parry) minutes, which indicates how long
location disappears as the vitner filches but only as long as they have not yet acted the molded land is able to maintain
it to amplify what was thrown (which during the action round, modifying the the new shape. As soon as the spell
can be devastating if the stone that Skill Value by -1 for every point between expires, the soil immediately returns
­disappears has an important place in a their ­initiative and the current initiative. to its original shape and placement.
building or structure). If any creatures or objects remain on
LEVELS OF POWER: ROCK THROW or in the crafted soil at that time, the
Cost Extra Levels of Power game master determines the outcome.
Vitner Type Effects for Soil Someone in a crafted hole or pathway
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
Craft would be trapped in the returning
2 Create a small stone in one’s hand
mass of land; someone on a molded
(no longer requiring one)
✦ White Vitner: Levels of power cost staircase is likely to have their legs
-1, but no less than 1 per level. 5 Increase the damage by one step: stuck in mud and soil once it shifts
1d10 g 1d10 (OR 10) g 1d10 (OR
✦ Vaagrivitner: Levels of power cost -1, back to its original form.
9-10) g 1d10 (OR 8-10) g +1 OR
but no less than 1 per level. range per further level (max OR 5-10)
✦ Dark Vitner: Levels of power cost +1. LEVELS OF POWER: SHAPE SOIL
Cost Extra Levels of Power
Soil Craft is by nature balanced, but 1: Shape Soil
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
has heavy aspects of creation. The “Jördforma”
3 Increase the amount of affected
soil is the foundation that life needs
soil by that of another stormhall,
to sprout in and though it is easily ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 and increase the time to shape it by
­manipulated, it is also quite dangerous ✦ Type: Lasting another 3 minutes
if not c­ ontrolled. ✦ Duration: 5 minutes
3 Increase the duration by 1 hour
✦ Range: 5 meters
✦ Weaving time: 2 action rounds 10 Give the molded soil a permanent
The spell transforms all forms of local
ground and soil, making it soft and

124 | chapter 3. weavers of vitner

2: Earthquake Skill Values and Situation values reduced LEVELS OF POWER: EARTHQUAKE
“Jördabavur” by -3 for the duration of the spell. Cost Extra Levels of Power
If the spell is used underground, there is 2 Increase the range by 5 meters
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 a 20% chance (1-4 on 1d20) that a landslide
2 Increase the diameter of the
✦ Type: Instant or cave-in occurs. The effects of this event
affected area by 2 meters
✦ Duration: 1 action round are up to the game master to decide.
✦ Range: 10 meters For every additional level of power 3 Increase the duration in which all
vulnerable creatures must make
✦ Weaving time: 2 action rounds that is added (Cost 4), it increases the
another Skill roll by 1 round
risk of a landslide, modifiers to the Skill
The spell causes an area within the range roll depending on the creature’s size, 4 Increase the effect of the earthquake
according to the table above
to rumble with a single, heavy tremor. and damage taken by fallen creatures (as
The affected area is 4 meters in diameter, indicated on the table below).
and any objects within the area that are
not firmly secured will fall or collapse.
and buildings are not affected to any Extra Power Levels to Increase the Effect (Cost 4)
great extent by the quake (aside from Size ±0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5
falling fruit, icicles, and so on), but they
<1/3 -5 -7 -9 -11 -13 -15
too might be affected at higher power
levels (up to the game master to decide). ≥1/3 – 1/2 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -12
Any creatures caught within the ≥1/2 – 1.5 ±0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10
tremor have to make an Agility Skill ≥1.5 – 3t +3 +1 -1 -3 -5 -7
roll that is modified depending on their ≥3 – 5t +5 +3 +1 -1 -3 -5
size, as shown in the table below, to avoid
≥5 – 10t +7 +5 +3 +1 -1 -3
falling over. (See Creature Sizes in Game
Master’s Guide for more on size values.) ≥10t +10 +8 +6 +4 +2 ±0
A creature knocked to the ground by this Risk of landslide 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%
spell also takes 1d6 points of damage. Damage 1d6 1d6 + 1 1d6 + 2 1d6 + 3 1d6 + 4 1d6 + 5
Creatures within the affected area (even
if they do not fall over) have all their

chapter 3. weavers of vitner | 125

2: Quagmire amassed its full strength and will blast its The vitner only repels soil that is
“Tröljörd” target at full power, inflicting 1d10 (OR static and unmoving. This spell cannot
9-10) points of damage. Armor protects be used to avoid landslides or soil attacks
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 as usual but its PV is considered to be 1 unless the target were to travel below
✦ Type: Lasting point less due to the presence of shrapnels. the soil that is moving.
✦ Duration: 1 minute A target who carries a shield may Since the coating of vitner surrounds
✦ Range: 10 meters be lucky and block the blast of soil, the target’s body, they can carry only
✦ Weaving time: 3 action rounds benefitting from the shield’s passive equipment and items that are held close
protection. to their body (no big backpacks). Every
The spell creates a thick swamp If the target has the Evade specialty, action round, the target decides which
in the form of a large circle with a they can attempt to jump away from the direction to travel by ­ concentrating
diameter of 3 meters and a depth of 10 attack and avoid injury as long as they on that path. If their concentration is
centimeters. have not yet acted during the action disturbed or interrupted, they slowly
Water suddenly seeps into the soil and round, modifying the Skill Value by -1 begin to sink deeper into the ground
turns the ground into impassable mud. for every point between their initiative at a speed of 1 meter per action round.
The movement capacity of anyone passing and the current initiative. If the spell’s duration expires while the
through the area is reduced by -1 for every target is still in the soil, it compacts
10 centimeters of depth. If someone in the LEVELS OF POWER: SOIL BLAST tightly around them, ­ imprisoning
affected area has their movement reduced Cost Extra Levels of Power them. The trapped target cannot
to 0 or lower, they are stuck in the quagmire 2 Increase the range by 5 meters
get free on their own. If their face is
and unable to escape on their own until encased in soil when the spell runs out,
2 Create a handful of soil (no longer
the spell expires or they get assistance. they begin to suffocate as well.
requiring one)
If someone throws a rope (or something
similar) to the trapped character, and the 2 The PV of the target’s armor is LEVELS OF POWER: SOIL WALK
considered to be a further 1 point less
victim succeeds on a Situation roll with a Cost Extra Levels of Power
Situation value of 12 (Strength modifiers 5 Increase the amount of shrapnel so
it can hit another target (with the 2 Increase the final movement
apply), they are able to crawl 1 meter per capacity by +1 meter per action
spell’s basic version)
action round until free of the quagmire. round (never higher than the
5 Increase the duration by 1 action creature’s normal movement
LEVELS OF POWER: QUAGMIRE round so the enchanter can throw capacity)
another handful of soil in the next
Cost Extra Levels of Power round (using the spell’s basic version) 2 Increase the duration by 1 minute
1 Increase the quagmire’s diameter 5 Increase the damage by one step: 2 Change the range from Personal to
by 1 meter 1d10 (OR 9-10) g 1d10 (OR 8-10) Contact
1 Increase the depth by 10 cm g +1 OR range per further level 3 Weave the spell over a second
2 Increase the range by 5 meters (max OR 5-10 person who can also go into the
soil (only if the range is Contact)
2 Increase the duration by 1 minute
6 Increase the duration by 10
6 Increase the duration by 1 hour 3: Soil Walk minutes

3: Soil Blast ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 4: Shape Stone

“Jördfleigja” ✦ Type: Preserving “Steinforma”
✦ Duration: 2 minutes
✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 ✦ Range: Personal ✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8
✦ Type: Instant ✦ Weaving time: 5 action rounds ✦ Type: Lasting
✦ Range: 10 meters ✦ Duration: 5 minutes
✦ Weaving time: 1 action round The spell creates a coating of vitner ✦ Range: 5 meters
around the target that pushes away any ✦ Weaving time: 5 action rounds
The enchanter picks up a handful of soil that comes close to them. In this way,
soil from the ground (or a pocket) and the vitner permits the target to move The spell transforms all kinds of stone
hurls it at a target within range. On its through all types of soil ­ uninhibited. and ore, making it soft and pliable like
path toward the target, the soil greatly Each action round, they can move thick clay. The enchanter is then able to
increases in quantity and speed. After through soil at a number of meters equal use the vitner to mold this enchanted
traveling only 2 meters, the soil has to their movement capacity divided by 4. clay into any desired shape up to the size

126 | chapter 3. weavers of vitner

of a stormhall. They have three minutes any stone or metal that comes close to The Petrify spell’s energy is so powerful
to shape the clay, and once that time has them. In this way, the vitner permits that it can turn a victim’s body to stone.
passed (or the enchanter is satisfied with the target to move through all types The victim’s clothes and equipment are
the created shape), the clay returns to of stone and ore uninhibited. Each also turned to stone; however, magic
the stone’s original c­onsistency, in the action round, they can move through items are spared (though they may be
new shape the enchanter has given it. If it at a number of meters equal to their caught in a stone grip or stone pack).
there doesn’t appear to be much stone in movement capacity divided by 4. The victim can attempt to resist the
an area where the spell is woven, it can The vitner only repels stone and metal ­transformation by making a s­uccessful
almost seem as if the stone is created that is static and unmoving. This spell Situation roll with a Situation value
out of thin air as the enchanter begins cannot be used to pass through metal or determined by their size, according to
­gathering and molding. However, it only stone weapons since they are in motion. the table below (Psyche modifiers apply).
appears to create new stone because it Since the coating of vitner surrounds
is drawing every bit of rocky sediment the target’s body, they can carry only SIZE AND SITUATION VALUES
from the ground and amassing it in a equipment and items that are held close Size Situation Value
single spot. It is up to the game master to the body (no big backpacks). Every <1/3 4
to decide if the area has enough stone. action round, the target decides which
≥1/3 – 1/2 6
The duration for the spell is 5 direction to travel by concentrating
minutes, which indicates how long the on that path. If their concentration is ≥1/2 – 1.5t 8
stone is able to maintain the new shape. disturbed or interrupted, they slowly ≥1.5 – 3t 10
As soon as the spell expires, the stone begin to sink deeper into the rock at ≥3 – 5t 12
immediately returns to its original
­ a speed of 1 meter per action round. If ≥5 – 10t 15
shape and ­placement. If any creatures the spell’s duration expires while the
≥10t 19
or objects remain on or in the crafted target is still within the stone, it forms
rock at that time, the game master tightly around them, ­ imprisoning If the victim fails the Situation roll,
determines the outcome. Someone in
­ them. The trapped target cannot they are turned into solid stone, along
a crafted hole or pathway would be get free on their own. If their face is with any equipment that is held, worn,
trapped in the returning stone; someone encased in stone when the spell runs or carried.
on a molded staircase is likely to have out, they begin to suffocate as well. The stone is extremely hard and almost
their legs stuck in rock once it shifts indestructible. The petrified victim has a
back to its original form. LEVELS OF POWER: STONE WALK Protection Value of 10 and a Break Value
Cost Extra Levels of Power of 100. Once the Break Value is depleted,
2 Increase the final movement
the victim takes damage as normal, and
Cost Extra Levels of Power capacity by +1 meter per action if they take double their Body Points in
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute round (never higher than the damage, the stone shatters and they die.
target’s normal movement A victim who is turned to stone is in
3 Increase the amount of affected
capacity) a complete daze and unable to perceive
stone by that of another stormhall,
and increase the time to shape it by 2 Increase the duration by 1 minute their surroundings or the passage of
another 3 minutes 2 Change the range from Personal to time. Therefore, they are no longer able
Contact to affect anything that happens around
3 Increase the duration by 1 hour
them. Once the spell’s duration expires,
20 Give the molded stone a permanent 3 Weave the spell over a second
person who can also go into the the victim returns to their original
stone (only if the range is Contact) form. It is possible to liberate a p­ etrified
creature using the spells Remove
6 Increase the duration by 10
4: Stone Walk minutes ­Petrification or Dispel Vitner.
“Malmavandr” A petrified creature is not attached to
the ground in any way besides gravity, and
✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 5: Petrify/Remove Petrification can be moved by someone strong enough
✦ Type: Preserving “Braskeltrölja/braskelbrotja” to do so. The statue weighs around ten
✦ Duration: 2 minutes times the victim’s original weight.
✦ Range: Personal ✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10 The enchanter can also use the Remove
✦ Weaving time: 5 action rounds ✦ Type: Lasting Petrification version of this spell. By
✦ Duration: 1d6 + 2 days turning the vitner used to petrify a target,
The spell creates a coating of vitner ✦ Range: 10 meters the enchanter can restore a stone creature
around the target that pushes away ✦ Weaving time: 3 action rounds to its original form. Using the spell in this

chapter 3. weavers of vitner | 127

manner also restores any attached and PETRIFY/REMOVE PETRIFICATION thirds their normal capacity. After six days,
unbroken equipment that was p­ etrified. To MODIFIERS the victim completely recovers from the
successfully restore a petrified creature, the Time Modifier ordeal. The game master can alter this
target must first succeed on a Situation roll < 1 day +8
timeline depending on how long the victim
with a Situation value of 12 (­Constitution was petrified.
1-3 days +4
modifiers apply), modified depending
on how long they have been a statue, 4-7 days +2 LEVELS OF POWER: PETRIFY/
­according to the table below. 2 weeks ±0 REMOVE PETRIFICATION
With a successful restoration, the 3 weeks -2 Cost Extra Levels of Power
victim awakens in the space of 1 action 4 weeks -4 1 Increase the duration by 1 day
round. They have no realization of what
2 months -6 2 Decrease the victim’s chance of
happened, believing it is the moment
3 months -10 succeeding on the Situation roll by -1
immediately after they first were petrified,
and they have no memory of the events 6 months -14 2 Increase the range by 5 meters
that occurred or the time that elapsed. For 1 year -18 4 Increase the victim’s chance to succeed
the first three days, the victim feels very on the Situation roll during restoration
10 years -25 by moving up one step on the table
stiff, which halves their movement capacity
100 years -35 (e.g. from -35 to -25, or -4 to -2)
and Skill Values for any Skill rolls or
­Situation rolls involving Dexterity. For the >100 years -50 5 Increase the duration by 1 month
next three days following that, movement 20 Increase the duration by 1 year
capacity and Skill Values increase to two-

128 | chapter 3. weavers of vitner

Vitner Craft since the negation is the drawing out helpers, the vitner drawn and damage
“Vitnakraftla” of vitner from the being. When the dealt is shared equally. Armor offers
enchanter dispels vitner and returns no protection against this damage,
The enchanter has learned to use the it to its original shape, the resulting and the injury will heal normally. A
purest form of vitner, which grants the negation is various small spells that helper cannot give more Vitner Points
power to influence how the vitner itself affect several places around Trudvang than the number of Body Points they
flows and shapes its surroundings. The as the vitner twists back to its original have left.
enchanter has learned to m ­ anipulate the form. If the enchanter creates a pocket The channeled Vitner Points can
vitner in two ways: by injecting it and with the vitner, nothing happens until be used as a one-time bonus to the
by diffusing it. Vitner Craft makes it an object is placed in the bag, at which enchanter’s vitner capacity. If the
possible to enchant objects and beings, time a similar object temporarily enchanter has not used all of the
create a link between characters to appears in another place. The negation ­transferred Vitner Points by the time
channel vitner through, create a pocket for the vitner wall is far less noticeable the spell expires, those that remain
of vitner where physical objects can be than other spells’ negations. Instead of unused disappear.
stored, or create a physical sigil on an something blatant, the negation makes
object that binds another spell to be it subtly easier to weave spells or be LEVELS OF POWER: CHANNELING
triggered in various ways. affected by them wherever the negation Cost Extra Levels of Power
The enchanter has also learned to occurs. 1 Increase the amount of transferred
control the vitner in ways that dispel Vitner Points by +1
existing spells or increase an enchanted
character’s ability to resist them. They Vitner Type Effects for 2 Increase the range by 5 meters
(contact is no longer necessary)
can also trace the particular vitner of Vitner Craft
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
spells and negations back to the mage
that has woven them. The enchanter ✦ White Vitner: Levels of power cost 5 Increase the duration by 1 hour
even learns to erect a barrier against -1, but no less than 1 per level. 5 Increase the amount of transferred
vitner so it is difficult if not impossible ✦ Vaagrivitner: No modifier. Vitner Points by +10
to use it in a designated area. ✦ Dark Vitner: Levels of power double 10 Increase the duration by 1 day
in cost.

Negations for Vitner Craft Vitner Craft is manipulated and created 1: Vitner Pouch
The negations that occur when weaving through itself. Its power is to give “Vitnasakje”
a spell remain the direct opposite of what knowledge, create, and control the very
the spell invokes. If one being receives a nature that empowers it. ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2
beneficial enchantment, one or several ✦ Type: Lasting
other beings experience bad luck and ✦ Duration: 1 hour
horror for a while. When an enchanter 1: Channeling ✦ Range: Contact
creates a sigil, no negation occurs when “Vitnasammel” ✦ Weaving time: 1 minute
the spell is bound to it, but an extremely
large negation occurs when the spell ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 The enchanter weaves vitner together
is used. The reason for this amplified ✦ Type: Lasting to create an astral pouch. This bag
negation is that the vitner is formed and ✦ Duration: 1 minute is not visible in the physical world,
woven for a much longer period, during ✦ Range: Contact and only the enchanter or those who
which the pressure builds up as it tries to ✦ Weaving time: 15 minutes ­understand vitner are able to perceive
return to its original shape. it. Furthermore, only those who can
When an enchanter protects against The enchanter can benefit from see the pouch can carry it. The bag
a vitner attack, the negation that the help of others while weaving a can hold any objects or beings with
occurs is the effect of the spell that was spell. Any helper(s) must participate a combined weight of up to 2 kg.
blocked, woven somewhere else in the ­voluntarily. By succeeding with this Anything kept in the pouch adds no
world. The effect may not be as strong spell, the enchanter gains 5 Vitner extra weight for the carrier.
as the original, as it can occur with Points from the individual(s) helping. A creature who unwittingly gets
less potency in several places at the Because vitner is life, each Vitner caught in the pouch can attempt to free
same time. When the enchanter takes Point drawn out this way also deals 1 itself by making a successful Situation
vitner from a living being and places point of damage to the assistant that roll with a Situation value of 8 (Psyche
it in an object, nothing else happens, it is drawn from. If there are several modifiers apply).

chapter 3. weavers of vitner | 129

If the spell’s duration expires and LEVELS OF POWER: ENCHANT If the incoming spell has extra
there are still objects in the pouch, all of OBJECT levels of power that lower the target’s
them fall out next to the enchanter. Cost Extra Levels of Power chance to succeed on a Situation roll,
It takes 1 action round to take an 1 Increase the duration by 1 action
the enchanter attempting to stop the
object out of the pouch. round spell also receives the same negative
modifier. If the enchanter succeeds on
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
(contact is no longer necessary)
the roll, the vitner is neutralized and
Cost Extra Levels of Power the prevented spell has no effect.
3 Increases the SV modifier by +1
1 Increase the total weight that can when using the object
be stored in the bag by 1 kg LEVELS OF POWER: ANTI MAGIC
3 Increase the weapon’s damage by +1,
2 Increase the duration by 1 hour weapon/armor’s Protection Value by Cost Extra Levels of Power
2 Lower the Situation roll for any +1, and Breach Value by +10 1 Increase the duration by 1 action
being attempting to get out of the 3 Increase the duration by 1 minute round
bag by -1 2 Increase the range by 5 meters
8 Increase the duration by 1 hour
4 Increase the total weight that can (contact is no longer necessary)
15 Increase the duration by 1 day
be stored in the bag by 10 kg 2 Increase the chance to succeed on
6 Increase the duration by 1 day the Situation roll by +1
12 Increase the total weight that can 3: Anti Magic 4 Increase the duration by 1 minute
be stored in the bag by 100 kg “Motravitn” 5 Change the spell type from
15 Increase the duration by 1 week Preserving to Lasting
✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 10 Increase the duration by 1 hour
✦ Type: Preserving
2: Enchant Object ✦ Duration: 2 action rounds
“Kraftlatrolja eftnating” ✦ Range: Contact 3: Enchant Being
✦ Weaving time: 1 action round “Kraftlatrolja skopjaten”
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4
✦ Type: Lasting The spell creates a film of protective ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6
✦ Duration: 6 action rounds vitner around the target. This film ✦ Type: Lasting
✦ Range: Contact protects the target against all forms ✦ Duration: 4 action rounds
✦ Weaving time: 3 action rounds of magic and can be woven over ✦ Range: Contact
beings or objects. Any magic directed ✦ Weaving time: 3 action rounds
The spell is woven over a designated toward the target must penetrate the
object within range, which is then film in order to be able to affect it. To The spell weaves together a layer of
imbued with vitner that enhances its prevent a spell from penetrating the beneficial vitner around a target within
properties. film, the initial enchanter (the one range. The energy grants the target an
The vitner is woven together as a maintaining the Anti Magic spell) additional positive modifier of +1 on all
­beneficial energy surrounding the object. needs to succeed on a Situation roll Skill Values and Situation values for the
The enhancing energy grants any person with a Situation value based on the duration of the spell.
a positive modifier of +2 to all Skill Values​​ attacking enchanter’s spell level, as
and Situation values whenever the object shown in the table below. LEVELS OF POWER: ENCHANT
is used. The enchantment also increases BEING
the damage of weapons by +1, the ANTI MAGIC’S SITUATION VALUE Cost Extra Levels of Power
­Protection Value of armor or weapons by Spell Level Situation Value 1 Increase the duration by 1 action
+1, and the Breach Value by +10. 1 10 round
2 8 2 Increase the range by 5 meters
(contact is no longer necessary)
3 6
3 Affect an additional being (with the
4 4
spell’s basic version)
5 2
3 Increase the positive modifier by +1
4 Increase the duration by 1 minute
12 Increase the duration by 1 hour

130 | chapter 3. weavers of vitner

4: Seal It is impossible to see the seal by uses the same type of vitner, they receive
“Bindjakraftla” normal eyesight (unless the enchanter a positive modifier of +2 to the Situation
chose to make the seal visible). value for the attempt.
✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 However, the seal can be observed with To succeed with Dispel Vitner, the
✦ Type: Lasting the use of spells such as True Sight or enchanter must succeed on a ­Situation
✦ Duration: Until activated Read Vitner. roll. The Situation value for this depends
✦ Range: 3 meters Only spells of the Lasting or Instant on the strength of the spell to be
✦ Weaving time: 1 minute types can be bound within the seal, and ­neutralized, as shown in the table below.
the basic version of a seal can contain If the roll succeeds, the spell’s vitner is
The magic in the Seal spell binds another only first-level spells. neutralized and dispersed.
spell within it, which is later added to An enchanter can have multiple
an object. The enchanter first needs spells bound in seals at the same time. DISPEL VITNER’S SITUATION
to weave the Seal spell and then weave The number is equal to the enchanter’s VALUE
whichever spell they wish to bind within maximum vitner capacity. Spell Level Situation Value
it. After this is successful, the enchanter 1 10
connects the bound spell to an object LEVELS OF POWER: SEAL
2 8
of their choosing. That spell becomes Cost Extra Levels of Power
sealed in the object and remains latent 3 6
2 Add another triggering condition
until activated. If the seal is dispelled 4 4
2 Increase the seal’s range by 5
with the Dispel Vitner spell, the bound 5 2
spell is activated rather than dispelled
(unless the bound spell is d ­ ispelled first, 3 Increase the spell level that can be
bound within the seal (from a first-
before the seal is ­dispelled).
level spell to a second-level spell,
The magical seal is placed on the from a second-level spell to a third- LEVELS OF POWER: DISPEL VITNER
object as soon as the enchanter signs level spell, and so on) Cost Extra Levels of Power
the seal’s pattern on it with their Increase the chance to succeed on
fingers and establishes the trigger 2
the Situation roll by +1
that breaks the seal and unleashes
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
the magic bound within. Examples of
triggers include whenever someone
touches the object, whenever the 5: Trace Vitner
object changes possession, or “Vitnaspor”
whenever someone attempts to dispel
the seal. It is up to the enchanter to ✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10
decide the conditions, as approved by 4: Dispel Vitner ✦ Type: Instant
the game master. “Brotja vitner” ✦ Range: 10 meters
The enchanter can also add a time ✦ Weaving time: 3 action rounds
delay, causing the spell to be triggered ✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8
after a designated amount of time instead ✦ Type: Instant The enchanter weaves the vitner in a
of by a specific trigger. The amount of ✦ Range: 5 meters way that reveals the origin of a spell
time cannot be longer than one year. ✦ Weaving time: 2 action rounds or negation. The effect of the spell or
The seal’s magic is triggered negation must have taken place within
­ once its activation The magic of the Dispel Vitner spell Trace Vitner’s listed range, and can be
­requirements are fulfilled. The area that neutralizes a designated spell that has traced only if the effect is still active
can be affected by the unleashed spell is 3 been woven over an object or being. or was deactivated less than an hour
meters around the seal. However, Dispel Vitner can only ago. If Trace Vitner is successful, the
If desired, the enchanter can ­neutralize magic that was woven with enchanter learns the origin of the spell,
­designate a way to break the seal and a limited duration, as vitner woven which enchanter wove it, and where
harmlessly disperse the vitner within for a permanent effect cannot be it was woven. If it is a negation that
without ­ activating the bound spell ­dispelled (unless noted in the spell’s is being traced, the enchanter learns
(but still losing it). For example, this ­description). which specific spell caused the negation
could be done by pushing the center The spell to be neutralized could use and where that spell took place.
of the object with three fingers, or by white vitner, vaagrivitner, or dark vitner. To trace a spell or negation, the
­whistling a specific note or sequence. If the enchanter attempting to dispel it enchanter must make a successful

chapter 3. weavers of vitner | 131

­ ituation roll. The Situation value for
S If the vitner wall manages to protect Negations for Vitner of
this roll depends on the strength of the against a spell, no effects from the magic Objects
spell to be traced, as shown in the table can pass through the wall.
below. When an enchanter changes an object’s
WALL OF VITNER’S SITUATION VALUE characteristics or appearance, the
TRACE VITNER SITUATION VALUE Spell Level Situation Value resulting negation means that one or
Spell Level Situation Value 1 12
more items elsewhere are also altered
1 10
for a short period of time. Impermeable
2 10
objects suddenly start to leak whenever
2 8 3 8 the enchanter waterproofs an object,
3 6 4 6 an object grows significantly whenever
4 4 5 4 the enchanter reduces another and
5 2 vice versa, and the appearances of
one or more objects shift whenever
the enchanter manipulates an object’s
LEVELS OF POWER: WALL OF VITNER appearance. When an enchanter alarms
LEVELS OF POWER: TRACE VITNER Cost Extra Levels of Power an object, the negation doesn’t occur
Cost Extra Levels of Power Increase the chance to succeed on
until the alarm has been a­ctivated.
1 When the alarm does go off, the
1 Extend the limit for tracing vitner the Situation roll by +1
that has already ended by 1 hour negation varies; perhaps a bell, jingle,
Increase the duration by 1 action
or clock is muted, or something else
2 Increase the chance to succeed on
the Situation roll by +1
that makes sounds to designate the
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
time, such as a rooster or crickets,
2 Increase the range by 5 meters 3 Increase the wall’s diameter by 1 meter goes silent. When the enchanter uses
4 Extend the limit for tracing vitner 3 Increase the duration by 1 minute the vitner to pick a lock, another lock
that has already ended by 1 day freezes shut; if two objects are merged,
Change the spell type from
5 Increase the range by 20 meters 5
Preserving to Lasting two others fall apart; and so on.
10 Extend the limit for tracing vitner 8 Increase the duration by 1 hour
that has already ended by 1 week
Increase the wall’s diameter by 5 Vitner Type Effects for
Vitner of Objects
5: Wall of Vitner
“Vitnahinner” Vitner of Objects ✦ White Vitner: No modifier.
“Efnatingvitna” ✦ Vaagrivitner: No modifier.
✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10 ✦ Dark Vitner: No modifier.
✦ Type: Preserving By examining the vitner within and
✦ Duration: 5 action rounds around an object, the enchanter can sense Vitner of Objects is neither balanced nor
✦ Range: 10 meters the object’s structure as well as direct unbalanced. It manipulates, strengthens,
✦ Weaving time: 2 action rounds and control its functions. The enchanter or weakens. It can be just as destructive
can accomplish tasks such as securing as creative, so it is wielded equally with
The enchanter forms a circular wall of and opening locks, or merging two any type of vitner.
vitner with a diameter of 2 meters. This wall similar objects so that they become one,
protects against any spells that try to affect and are now inseparable. The enchanter
something on the other side of the wall. If a can also change the ­composition of an 1: Detect Composition
spell is centered outside the wall but has an object’s vitner in order to change the “Skönja efnating”
area of effect that reaches beyond the wall, object itself. This may involve giving
the spell needs to get past the vitner wall’s the object a p­rotective layer against ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2
defense in order to have any effect. moisture, reducing or enlarging an ✦ Type: Preserving
To protect against spells attempting to object, or altering its appearance and ✦ Duration: 10 action rounds
breach the vitner wall, the enchanter must characteristics. The enchanter can also ✦ Range: Contact
succeed on a Situation roll every time a create an alarm out of a standard object ✦ Weaving time: 2 action rounds
spell tries to break through. The Situation by giving it a supplement of vitner that
value depends on the level of the incoming will be unleashed when a designated The enchanter can identify all non-­
magic, as shown in the table below. event occurs in its environment. organic materials, such as metals and

132 | chapter 3. weavers of vitner

gemstones. An enchanter who finds an characteristics. The enchanter can LEVELS OF POWER: BIND
object, weaves this spell, and touches waterproof any surface up to the area Cost Extra Levels of Power
the object will immediately know what of a large tent by touching the material. 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
substances it is composed of and the
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
quantities of each substance. They LEVELS OF POWER: WATERPROOF
(contact is no longer necessary)
might even discover how an object is Cost Extra Levels of Power
constructed. Although the enchanter 3 Increase the duration by 10
1 Increase the duration by 1 hour minutes
cannot see straight through the object,
2 Increase the range by 5 meters 6 Increase the duration by 1 hour
they might discover that inside the
(contact is no longer necessary)
object is another object altogether 15 Increase the duration by 1 day
composed of metal, that inside the 2 Increase the amount of affected
material by the area of another big
object is a hollow cavity created to
contain something else, and so on. 2: Rust
The enchanter is unable to evaluate 3 Increase the duration by 1 day “Röste efnating”
the object’s material unless they have an 8 Increase the duration by 1 week
idea of ​​how much it is worth. The spell 10 Increase the amount of affected ✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4
does not allow the enchanter to discover material by the area of a longhouse ✦ Type: Lasting
magical characteristics of the object. ✦ Duration: 5 action rounds
✦ Range: Contact
LEVELS OF POWER: DETECT 2: Bind ✦ Weaving time: 1 action round
Cost Extra Levels of Power The enchanter touches an object, which
1 Increase the duration by 1 action
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 immediately begins to rust if it is made
round ✦ Type: Lasting of metal, crumble if it is made of stone,
✦ Duration: 3 minutes rot and fray if it is made of fabric, and so
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
(contact is no longer necessary)
✦ Range: Contact on. The mechanical effect of this means
✦ Weaving time: 1 action round that the object’s quality level is lowered
3 Increase the duration by 1 minute
by one step, for example, from Normal
6 Increase the duration by 1 hour The spell weaves the vitner of two to Poor, for the duration of the spell.
objects together, binding them as if they (See the Quality table under ­Equipment
were joined using an incredibly powerful in the Game Master’s Guide for more
glue. The items must fit well together, information on quality levels.) Magical
not be in motion, and not consist of objects are not affected by this spell.
living matter. For example, one cannot The effect can be made permanent with
bind a door frame to an unlucky person a level of power. Even if made permanent,
passing through it. Appropriate targets an object affected by Rust can still be
to bind include door and door frame, lid restored with the Dispel Vitner spell.
and box, sword and scabbard, boulder
1: Waterproof and cave opening, drawer and hatch, or LEVELS OF POWER: RUST
“Vanngegna” cork and bottle. Cost Extra Levels of Power
The two objects become one for the 1 Increase the duration by 1 action
✦ Modifier: 2/-2 spell’s duration and cannot be separated round
✦ Type: Lasting by normal means. It is possible to use
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
✦ Duration: 1 hour force on the objects, such as by bashing (contact is no longer necessary)
✦ Range: Contact through a door that is bound to a door
2 Lower the object’s quality level one
✦ Weaving time: 1 action round frame, but the objects will not open in a
step further
normal fashion or separate cleanly. The
The spell creates a watertight seal enchanter, however, can separate the 3 Increase the duration by 1 minute
around organic materials such as objects whenever they want to. 8 Increase the duration by 1 hour
fabric or leather, and seals the cracks
between assembled planks or similar
construction. The enchanted surface
becomes completely impermeable,
but receives no other enhanced

chapter 3. weavers of vitner | 133

3: Alarm Object 3: Unlock/Lock make it grow twice as large or shrink to
“Vakefnating” “Vidvanga” half its size; either way, the weight of the
object remains constant. The enchanter
✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 can also distort the object’s dimensions a
✦ Type: Lasting ✦ Type: Instant bit so that, for example, it grows only in
✦ Duration: 5 hours ✦ Range: Contact length, but not width, like a rope getting
✦ Range: 10 meters ✦ Weaving time: 1 action round longer but not thicker.
✦ Weaving time: 1 minute When enlarged, a narrow rope of 5
The spell works like a universal meters (2 cm × 2 cm × 500 cm) may
The enchanter weaves a delicate fabric key that can open any locked doors, be 10 meters long (fully doubled in
of vitner around an object, which will drawers, chests, or similar items. By length); when reduced, the rope may be
trigger an alarm woven into it the simply touching the locked object 2.5 meters long (fully halved in length).
moment it is disturbed. The spell is and enchanting it, the enchanter can
woven over an object together with a attempt to either unlock or lock it LEVELS OF POWER: ENLARGE/
designated condition. The condition with a Situation roll (Situation value REDUCE OBJECT
must be precisely defined and based on determined by the type of lock, as
­ Cost Extra Levels of Power
physical events that must occur within shown on the table below). The spell 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
10 meters of the object. cannot unlock or lock magical locks.
Increase the amount of affected
Once the specified condition is met, 1
material by 1 dm³
the enchanter is immediately made UNLOCK/LOCK SITUATION VALUES
aware, no matter how far away they Increase the range by 5 meters
Type of Lock Situation Value 2
(contact is no longer necessary)
may be. The enchanter can also choose Grapple 14
to have a very loud, c­ onspicuous noise Increase the amount of affected
Hook 12 3
blare from the object, causing everyone material by 10 dm³
within range to suffer -3 on all Skill Wedge 10 4 Increase the duration by 10 minutes
Values and Situation values that involve Door bar 8 Increase/decrease the effect by an
hearing for the next 1d3 days. To Simple padlock 6 additional x2
avoid this negative modifier, the victim Advanced lock 4 10 Increase the duration by 1 hour
must succeed on a Situation roll with
Dwarvish lock 2
a Situation value of 8 (­ Constitution
modifiers apply). Alternatively, the 4: Alter Object
enchanter could let the alarm go “Tingbreijtja”
entirely unnoticed by those who LEVELS OF POWER: UNLOCK/LOCK
triggered it. Cost Extra Levels of Power ✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8
Examples of acceptable conditions: 1 Increase the chance to succeed on
✦ Type: Lasting
a being of a particular species comes the Situation roll by +1 ✦ Duration: 5 minutes
within range, a certain person comes ✦ Range: Contact
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
within range, anything living moves (contact is no longer necessary)
✦ Weaving time: 5 action rounds
within range, something comes in
contact with or moves the object, and The spell affects any object with a size
so on. 4: Enlarge/Reduce Object equal to or smaller than a large box. The
“Tingvidge/tingknyttje” enchanter may choose one of the f­ ollowing
LEVELS OF POWER: ALARM OBJECT alterations when enchanting the object:
Cost Extra Levels of Power ✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 Alter Appearance: The enchanter
1 Increase the duration by 1 hour
✦ Type: Lasting can change the object’s appearance to
✦ Duration: 4 minutes any shape desired. The object is shaped
1 Increase the range by 10 meters ✦ Range: Contact entirely by the enchanter’s thoughts and
4 Create another alarm on the object ✦ Weaving time: 3 action rounds maintains this position for five minutes,
with another condition according to the basic version of the spell.
4 Increase the duration by 1 day The spell enlarges or reduces a designated Alter Characteristics: The enchanter
4 Increase the range by 100 meters object that is less than or equal to 2 dm³ can change the object’s characteristics,
12 Increase the duration by 1 week (the shape of the object can be 1 cm thick, such as hard surfaces becoming soft and
40 cm wide, and 50 cm long, which is equal vice versa. In this case, an object that
16 Increase the range by 1,000 meters
to 2,000 cm³ or 2 dm³). The enchanter can was soft and flexible would t­hereafter

134 | chapter 3. weavers of vitner

become impossible to bend or move, With the basic spell, the enchanter Water Craft
even though it looks the same as it did can only conjure objects that are tiny, “Vannkraftla”
before. By strengthening an object, one extremely common, and useless. By adding
can increase its Protection Value by +1 extra levels of power, however, the object The enchanter has learned to control
and Breach Value by +10. Other than can be improved in terms of size, rarity, and the vitner that flows through water. By
using the changed object, the only way quality according to the tables below. weaving the vitner in a certain way, they
for anyone to recognize that it no longer The time it takes to conjure the can locate water that might be nearby,
has its proper shape or characteristics object is a number of hours equal to half create water in extremely dry places,
is through the use of the True Sight or its total cost in Vitner Points. Thus, an and purify water gathered from foul
Read Vitner spells. Once the spell ends, object that costs 20 Vitner Points would ­substances or sources. The enchanter has
the object regains its original shape. take ten hours to conjure. Creating also learned to control the water itself and
The enchanter can use levels of power 1 kg of gold with normal quality that can separate it so as to allow dry passage,
to alter objects into more valuable items, lasts one day (duration levels of power walk on water as if it were made of solid
though size parameters still apply (the are listed below) would cost 44 Vitner ground, or dive into water without getting
size of a large box in its basic version). Points (normal quality 6 + extremely wet and travel through the element.
The new item can then be sold for far rare 18 + normal size 6 + one day of
more than it is worth, and later it will duration 4 + cost of spell 10 = 44) and
turn back into the original object. This would take 22 hours to conjure. Negations for Water Craft
might begin long adventures in which When an enchanter attempts to create
the enchanter gains bitter enemies. LEVEL OF POWER FOR CREATE water, the negation will naturally be
OBJECT that water disappears from ­somewhere
LEVELS OF POWER: ALTER OBJECT Cost Extra Levels of Power else. When an enchanter finds a source
Cost Extra Levels of Power 1 Increase the duration by 1 hour
of water and dries it out, another is
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
filled or increased to o­ verflowing; when
2 Increase the range by 10 meters
the enchanter purifies the moisture
Increase the affected amount by Increase the size by one step (for
1 3 from a foul substance or source,
the size of another large box example, tiny to small) ­somewhere else a clean source becomes
Increase the range by 5 meters Increase the quality by one step impure. If the enchanter controls
2 3
(contact is no longer necessary) (for example, worthless to poor) water, somewhere else where water has
Increase the Protection Value by Increase the rarity by one step (for been controlled (such as dams, vessels,
2 an additional +1 and the Breach 3 example, extremely ordinary to or channels) the i­ mplements that
Value by an additional +10 very ordinary) contained it will break. This can be
3 Increase the duration by 10 minutes 4 Increase the duration by 1 day anything from a small leak to a massive
Increase the affected amount to the hole in a reservoir wall.
size of a coffin
Change both the object’s
appearance and characteristics CREATE OBJECT SIZE, RARITY AND QUALITY
6 Increase the duration by 1 hour Size Rarity Quality Cost
Building Extremely rare Enchanted 18
(up to 10 tons, House/Tower) (Gold) or divine
5: Create Object
Huge Very rare Legendary 15
“Efnatingkallja” (up to 1 ton, Ship/Low wall) (Darkblood iron)
Massive Rare Masterful 12
✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10
(up to 100 kg, Throne/Wagon) (Silver)
✦ Type: Lasting
✦ Duration: 1 hour Large Unusual Capital 9
(up to 10 kg, Bench) (Iron)
✦ Range: 10 meters
✦ Weaving time: 1 hour for every 2 Normal Ordinary Normal 6
Vitner Points (up to 1 kg, Arm’s length) (Copper)
Small Very ordinary Poor 3
This rare and powerful spell creates (up to 1 hg, Jewelry) (Stone /Wood)
objects out of thin air. It is one of the Tiny Extremely ordinary Worthless -
most closely guarded magical songs of (up to 10 grams, Coin) (Soil/Grass)
the mighty misturelves.

chapter 3. weavers of vitner | 135

Water Craft Cost Extra Levels of Power Cost Extra Levels of Power
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
✦ White Vitner: Levels of power cost -1,
1 Increase the range by 100 meters 2 Increase the range by 5 meters
but no less than 1 per level.
4 Increase the duration by 10 minutes (contact is no longer necessary)
✦ Vaagrivitner: Levels of power cost -1,
but no less than 1 per level. 4 Increase the range by 1 kilometer 2 Affect an extra being (with the
spell’s basic version)
✦ Dark Vitner: Levels of power cost +1. 10 Increase the duration by 1 hour
4 Increase the duration by 10 minutes
Water Craft is by nature balanced, but 10 Increase the duration by 1 hour
also includes the act of creation. Water 1: Purify Water
is the source of all life, and though it can “Vannreina”
be easily manipulated, it is dangerous if 2: Form Water
not controlled. ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 “Vannforma”
✦ Type: Permanent
✦ Range: Contact ✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4
✦ Weaving time: 1 minute ✦ Type: Lasting
✦ Duration: 3 minutes
The spell filters water and removes all ✦ Range: 5 meters
­dangerous and unhealthy substances from ✦ Weaving time: 2 action rounds
up to 10 liters of liquid. The spell also
works well when extracting water from By controlling the vitner that flows
mud. After filling a container with mud, through a source of water within
the enchanter can weave the spell and then range, the enchanter can form and
1: Find Water pour the soil and debris from the container shape the water as desired. Just as a
“Vannfundr” while leaving pure water in its place. bowl keeps water in a specific shape,
the vitner keeps the water in whatever
✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 LEVELS OF POWER: PURIFY WATER shape the enchanter designates. The
✦ Type: Lasting Cost Extra Levels of Power enchanter can shape an amount of
✦ Duration: 10 minutes 2 Increase the range by 5 meters
water equivalent to the amount that
✦ Range: 100 meters (contact is no longer necessary) would fill a stormhall. It takes three
✦ Weaving time: 2 action rounds minutes for the water to fully take
2 Affect an additional 10 liters of
the desired shape, and it maintains
By concentrating on the flow of all that shape for five minutes. Once
6 Affect an additional 100 liters of
vitner, the enchanter can locate all the duration for the spell expires,
water sources and bodies of water the water immediately returns to its
within range. Once the enchanter picks 12 Affect an additional 1,000 liters of original shape and place.
up the scent of a water source, they
maintain this sense of direction for the 40 Affect a small lake LEVELS OF POWER: FORM WATER
duration of the spell. However, at any Cost Extra Levels of Power
time, they can cancel the vitner that is 2 Increase the range by 5 meters
leading toward a specific source and 2: Breathe
2 Increase the duration by 1 minute
instead pursue a new one discovered “Andir”
through the weaving. Water that is 4 Affect an amount of water
found this way could be foul, stagnant, ✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 equivalent to the size of an
additional stormhall
or located deep underground. The ✦ Type: Lasting
spell does not work as easily when it is ✦ Duration: 3 minutes 6 Increase the duration by 10
raining, because the raindrops disturb ✦ Range: Contact minutes
the enchanter’s attempt. To find a ✦ Weaving time: 1 action round 15 Affect an amount of water
water source in the rain, a Situation equivalent to the size of a large
roll is needed with a Situation value The spell gives the enchanted gills longhouse
of 10 (Intelligence modifiers apply) to on their neck, which allow them to
keep from being distracted or misled breathe underwater just as easily as if
by the rain. they were in air.

136 | chapter 3. weavers of vitner

3: Create Water LEVELS OF POWER: SOLID WATER An enchanter cannot, without extra
“Vannstraula” Cost Extra Levels of Power levels of power, create rain and snow
1 Increase the strength of the surface
from a clear blue sky.
✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 by an additional 10 kg
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
✦ Duration: 3 action rounds DEGREES
✦ Range: Contact 1 Increase movement by +1 meter
Degree Precipitation
per action round (up to maximum
✦ Weaving time: 1 minute 0 Clear blue sky
normal movement)
2 Increase the surface diameter by 1 Cloudy. No precipitation
The enchanter creates a fountain of
1 meter (makes it possible for an 2 Light rain or very light
water that spurts from a desired place in
additional creature of normal size snowfall
the ground. In total, 30 liters of water to stand on the surface)
flow out from the magical source (10 3 Rain or light snowfall
3 Increase the strength of the surface
liters per action round). The water is as 4 Persistent rain or snowfall
by an additional 50 kg
clean as spring water, and as long as the 5 Pouring rain or snowstorm
enchanter has something to collect it in, 5 Increase the duration by 10
they never need to be thirsty.
5 Increase the strength of the surface
Cost Extra Level of Power Cost Extra Levels of Power
1 Increase the duration by 1 action 1 Increase the affected radius by 50
round (+10 liters) meters
2 Increase the range by 5 meters 2 Increase or decrease the strength
(contact is no longer necessary) by an additional degree
4 Increase the duration by 1 minute 2 Increase the duration by 1 hour
(+120 liters) 3 Enchant a moveable object so the
20 Increase the duration by 1 hour enchanted area is moveable
(+7,200 liters) 4 Increase the duration by 5 hours
4: Control Precipitation 4 Increase the affected radius by 500
3: Solid Water “Reignkraftla” meters
“Vannfast” 8 Increase the duration by 1 day
✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 12 Increase the affected radius by 5
✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 ✦ Type: Lasting kilometers
✦ Type: Lasting ✦ Duration: 1 hour
20 Increase the duration by 1 week
✦ Duration: 1 minute ✦ Range: Contact
✦ Range: Contact ✦ Weaving time: 1 hour
✦ Weaving time: 5 action rounds 4: Water Walk
The spell can change the amount of “Vannvandr”
The enchanter controls the vitner in ­precipitation that falls to the ground.
the water so that it forms a hard surface The area that the enchanter can affect ✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8
beneath the enchanted character’s feet. in this manner has a radius of 50 meters ✦ Type: Lasting
The enchanted person can then walk from the point where the enchanter ✦ Duration: 2 minutes
on water as if it were solid ground and wove the spell. The enchanter can ✦ Range: Contact
move up to 5 meters per round in this increase or decrease the amount of ✦ Weaving time: 1 minute
manner. The affected area has a diameter precipitation one degree from the
of 1 meter and can hold up to 70 kg current amount, as outlined in the The spell makes it possible for the
(only a creature of normal size will fit). table below. In the spell’s basic version, enchanted person to walk on water as if
The affected area moves c­ onstantly so it the center of the enchanted area is a it were solid ground, or walk through
is always located beneath the ­individual static object or location, but by adding it underwater. When they want to
the spell was woven over, who can direct a power level it is possible to enchant a move across the surface of the water,
the area by simply turning the way they movable object, which means that the a hard surface is created beneath their
want to go and walking on. affected area can then be moved. feet consisting of compressed vitner

chapter 3. weavers of vitner | 137

Cost Extra Levels of Power
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
1 Increase movement by +1 meter
per action round (up to maximum
normal movement)
2 Increase the surface diameter by
1 meter (makes it possible for an
additional creature of normal size
to stand on the surface)
3 Increase the strength of the surface
so it can carry an additional 100 kg
5 Increase the duration by 10
5 Increase the surface diameter by 10
m (makes it possible for ten additional
creatures of normal size, or one
additional creature that weighs 10
times that of a normal-sized creature,
to stand on the surface)
5 Increase the strength of the surface
by an additional 200 kg
10 Increase the strength of the surface
by an additional 1,000 kg
10 Increase the duration by 1 hour
10 Increase the surface diameter by 30
m (makes it possible for 30 additional
creatures of normal size, or three
additional creatures that weigh 10
times that of a normal sized creature,
to stand on the surface)

5: Wave Master

✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10
✦ Type: Lasting
✦ Duration: 1 hour
✦ Range: 100 meters
✦ Weaving time: 1 minute

The spell affects the water on a river,

a lake, or an ocean so it becomes either
a boon or a hazard for the ships and
(much like with the Solid Water spell). If the enchanted person wants to head beings that traverse it. The enchanter
The affected area has a diameter of 1 down beneath the surface of the water, a can change the waves’ movement and
meter and can hold up to 100 kg (only sphere of vitner is created around them strength, therefore allowing boats to
a creature of normal size will fit). The that makes it possible for them to breathe. move faster without a sail, or much
area moves constantly so it is always They move in this way by floating slower even with the aid of a sail. Beings
located beneath the person, who can through the water. If they want to sink who are affected by the spell can either
therefore decide which direction to to the bottom or rise to the surface, they swim faster through the water or swim
walk at a rate of 5 meters per action need only think about it and the sphere much slower, depending on which effect
round. begins to move in the desired direction. the enchanter desires.

138 | chapter 3. weavers of vitner

Wind Craft 1: Purify Air
“Loftirkraftla” “Reina loftir”

The enchanter has learned to control air. ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2

They can create wind where no wind exists ✦ Type: Lasting
and increase the humidity in an area so as ✦ Duration: 3 minutes
The enchanter can choose one being to create fog. They can also filter the air ✦ Range: Contact
or one object (such as a ship) within 100 from dangerous substances, float and move ✦ Weaving time: 1 action round
m, which becomes the center of the spell. with the wind, and compress the air to
With extra levels of power, additional form a hard shield, armor, or weapon. The The spell filters all dangerous and
beings or objects can also be selected. enchanter has also learned to m ­ anipulate unhealthy substances from the air
An object or a being that is affected in vitner so it expresses itself in various forms around the enchanter in a 1-meter
a positive manner by this spell is aided of winds, creating both small and large gusts radius, making it possible to breathe
by the water, and its movement rate is of wind in the ­ immediate ­ surroundings, safely.
1 degree higher (see the table below). or ­diminishing and a­mplifying the wind’s The spell can also be woven over a
If it is affected in a negative manner, intensity as desired. person, which creates a filter around their
the movement rate is 1 degree lower mouth and nose to purify the air they
instead. An unaffected object or being breathe. In this way, they can breathe
has average movement (degree 0). Negations for Wind Craft in all environments that have enough
All beings on an enchanted object When the enchanter creates air, the air to keep them alive, no matter which
(such as a ship) move on the water with negation is that air will naturally disappear gases, spores, or dangerous p­ articles are
the movement rate of the object. from another location. If the enchanter present.
creates armor, a shield, or a blast from
WAVE MASTER MOVEMENT compressed air, a significant amount of
DEGREES air will go missing somewhere in the Cost Extra Levels of Power
Degree Movement ­surrounding areas. For example, a large 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
-3 No movement at all
cave can be entirely emptied of air, or the
2 Increase the affected area’s radius
atmosphere might simply contain less
-2 Maximum 1 meter per action by 1 meter
oxygen in wide areas around the world,
round 2 Increase the range by 5 meters
making it harder for creatures to breathe as
-1 Half movement (contact is no longer necessary)
if they were at an incredibly high altitude.
0 Normal movement Negations from creating, decreasing, or 5 Increase the duration by 20 minutes
1 Double movement increasing wind are always the opposite
2 Triple movement of the spell’s designated effects. If wind
is created in one place, it will die down
3 Quadruple movement
in another. As it increases in one place,
it decreases in another, and vice versa. If
the enchanter conjures fog in one area, fog
LEVELS OF POWER: WAVE MASTER rapidly dissipates somewhere else.
Cost Extra Levels of Power 1: Wind Gust
1 Increase the duration by 1 hour Vitner Type Effects for Wind
1 Enchant another being with the Craft ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2
spell’s basic version
✦ Type: Instant
2 Increase the range by 100 meters ✦ White Vitner: Levels of power cost +1. ✦ Duration: 1 action round
3 Increase or decrease the effect by 1 ✦ Vaagrivitner: Levels of power cost -1, ✦ Range: 10 meters
additional degree of movement but no less than 1 per level. ✦ Weaving time: 1 action round
5 Enchant another object with the ✦ Dark Vitner: Levels of power cost -1,
spell’s basic version but no less than 1 per level. The spell creates a small wind gust that
5 Enchant another 10 beings in the the enchanter can use to blow away
basic version Wind power is balanced by nature but has insects, small animals, or small objects
6 Increase the duration by 1 day destructive features. It naturally creates (less than 1 kg). It can also extinguish
6 Increase the range by 1 kilometer chaos, which may wreak d ­ estruction if small flames such as candles, torches, or
not controlled. fireplaces.

chapter 3. weavers of vitner | 139

LEVELS OF POWER: WIND GUST The spell controls the force of the wind The enchanter controls the vitner in the
Cost Extra Levels of Power within a sphere that is 10 meters in air surrounding the enchanted person
1 Increase the force of the wind gust
radius. The enchanter can increase or and forms it into an armor of compressed
so that slightly larger animals and decrease the wind within the sphere by air with a Protection Value of 1. The air
objects can be blown away (+1 kg one degree from its current strength armor also protects any objects worn by
per level of power) according to the table below. In the spell’s the person, such as a backpack or a bag, as
2 Increase the range by 5 meters basic version, the center of the enchanted long as these items are worn tightly. The
area is a static object or location, but by air armor forcefully repels everything
adding a power level it is possible to that isn’t part of the person or held close
2: Fog enchant a movable object, which means by the person. Small, loose objects that
“Mistur” that the affected area can be moved. come into contact with the air armor are
blown away if the person gets too close.
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 CONTROL WIND DEGREES
✦ Type: Preserving Degree Wind Strength LEVELS OF POWER: AIR ARMOR
✦ Duration: 5 minutes 1 Calm Cost Extra Levels of Power
✦ Range: 100 meters 1 Increase the duration by 1 action
2 Breeze
✦ Weaving time: 2 action rounds round
3 Windy (-1)
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
The enchanter creates a thick blanket of 4 Storm (-2)
(contact is no longer necessary)
fog that rises from the ground or water 5 Hurricane (-4)
2 Affect an extra being (with the
at a designated location within range. 6 Godly hurricane (-6) spell’s basic version)
The fog has a radius of 2 meters, and
takes 3 action rounds to fully fill the The wind conditions in the table are 2 Increase the thickness of the air
armor, increasing the Protection
area. The enchanter can also move the only the names of forces that can occur. It
Value by +1
fog as desired at a speed of 5 meters per is up to the game master to decide what
action round. happens in each condition according to 4 Increase the duration by 1 minute
The fog significantly hinders the situation at hand. The table also lists
visibility, reducing a being’s vision by
­ values in parentheses, which indicate the 3: Lift
half (all distance weapons halve effective normal modifiers applied to the ­Situation “Hefja”
­distances). All combat actions in the fog value of anything attempted within
have their SV reduced by -2. that condition that requires movement, ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6
­precision, or concentration. ✦ Type: Preserving
LEVELS OF POWER: FOG ✦ Duration: 6 action rounds
Cost Extra Levels of Power LEVELS OF POWER: CONTROL ✦ Range: Contact
1 Increase the duration by 5 minutes
WIND ✦ Weaving time: 2 action rounds
Cost Extra Levels of Power
2 Increase the range by 100 meters
1 Increase the duration by 1 hour
The spell creates controlled winds
2 Increase the fog’s radius by an around the enchanted person, causing
additional 2 meters 2 Increase the affected radius by 10
them to lift off the ground. In order
5 Increase the fog’s thickness, which for the lift to work, the person must
decreases the vision to a quarter 3 Enchant a moveable object so the weigh no more than 60 kg. The
(normal distance/4) and gives enchanted sphere is moveable
conjured winds cause the person to
an additional -2 to the SV of all 3 Increase or decrease the strength lift off the ground and float slowly
combat actions. by 1 additional degree in whichever direction the enchanter
chooses, with a speed of 3 meters per
2: Control Wind 3: Air Armor action round. Any character targeted
“Rauda vindr” “Loftsdrapi” by the spell who does not wish to take
to the air can attempt to resist it by
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 making a successful Situation roll
✦ Type: Lasting ✦ Type: Lasting with a Situation value of 8 (Strength
✦ Duration: 1 hour ✦ Duration: 5 action rounds modifiers apply).
✦ Range: Contact ✦ Range: Contact If the enchanter takes damage or is
✦ Weaving time: 1 minute ✦ Weaving time: 3 action rounds surprised while maintaining the spell,

140 | chapter 3. weavers of vitner

they must make a Situation roll with a The spell creates a large shield (half the 4: Wind Blast
Situation value of 8 (Psyche m
­ ­ odifiers size of a human; see the Creature Size “Kremjevauga”
apply). If the roll fails, the enchanter section on the Monsters and Beasts
­temporarily loses control over the winds, chapter of the Game Master Guide) of ✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8
and the enchanted person begins to fall to compressed air, which lowers all damage ✦ Type: Instant
the ground. However, in every new round, of ranged attacks by -1 (­ Protection ✦ Range: 10 meters
the enchanter can try to regain control Value 1). The spell is woven over a place ✦ Weaving time: 1 action round
over the winds by making a S ­ituation touched by the enchanter, from which
roll (with the same Situation value), as the shield rises straight up. The shield The spell creates a blast of compressed
long as the spell duration ­continues. An is static and cannot be moved. air that rushes with incredible speed
enchanted person who falls to the ground If the shield of compressed air is made at one or more targets. The blast
does so at a speed of 10 meters during the so large that it covers a whole being, it consists of a square meter of space
first action round in which the enchanter might prevent anyone from charging filled with compressed air that shoots
loses control, and 100 meters per action through it. For a being of a certain forward, inflicting damage on impact.
round in every following round in which size and strength to successfully push The blast is so large that anyone who
the enchanter is unable to regain control. through the shield, a successful Situation is within 1 meter of the target along
If the person hits the ground, they take roll is required, modified by the shield the blast’s course takes 1d10 (OR 10)
the usual fall damage for the total distance Protection Value (PV) as shown in the points of damage. Armor protects as
fallen. table below (Strength modifiers apply). usual.
It is not possible to parry the blast,
LEVELS OF POWER: LIFT AIR SHIELD SITUATION VALUE but a shield’s passive protection helps.
Cost Extra Levels of Power Creature Size Situation Value The rock automatically hits without
1 Increase the duration by 1 action <1/3 4 - PV
need of attacking skill rolls. The target
round may only attempt to Evade (not to
≥1/3 – 1/2 6 - PV
parry) but only as long as they have
1 Increase affected weight by 10 kg ≥1/2 – 1.5t 10 - PV not yet acted during the action round,
2 Increase the range by 5 meters ≥1.5 – 3t 14 - PV modifying the Skill Value by -1 for
(contact is no longer necessary)
≥3 – 5t 18 - PV every point between their initiative and
2 Decrease the enchanted person’s the current initiative.
chance of succeeding on the ≥5 – 10t 22 - PV
The blast also works well for
Situation roll to resist by -1 ≥10t 26 - PV
breaking down doors or knocking
2 Increase the speed by +1 meter per things to the ground. A normal-sized
action round (maximum 10 meters door counts as a normal-sized being.
per action round)
LEVELS OF POWER: AIR SHIELD A normal-sized door of wood has a
3 Increase the duration by 1 minute Breach Value of 10-100, depending on
Cost Extra Levels of Power
3 Increase affected weight by 50 kg
1 Increase the duration by 1 action
its quality and thickness.
5 Give the enchanted person (if other round Any creatures who are hit by the
than the enchanter) the ability to blast must make an Agility Skill roll,
1 Increase the thickness of the air
determine the direction of travel
shield, increasing the Protection
which is negatively modified by the
in the air amount of rolled damage taken from
Value by +1 (maximum PV 30)
5 Increase affected weight by 100 kg the blast (Strength modifiers apply). So
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
10 Increase the duration by 10 (contact is no longer necessary) a character with an SV of 14 in Agility
minutes who takes 6 points of damage from the
3 Increase the size of the shield by
blast will have to succeed on a modified
one level
SV of 8 (14 - 6). With a successful roll,
4: Air Shield 3 Increase the duration by 1 minute the character manages to stand firm
“Loftskiold” 10 Increase the duration by 1 hour against the powerful blast, but with a
failed roll, they lose their balance and
✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 are tossed tumbling away, as far as the
✦ Type: Lasting table below indicates. Loose objects
✦ Duration: 5 action rounds do not roll to resist the blast, but are
✦ Range: Contact automatically thrown as far as the table
✦ Weaving time: 1 action round indicates.

chapter 3. weavers of vitner | 141

WIND BLAST’S POWER To withstand a storm, a creature 5: Wind Catcher
Size Thrown away must succeed on a Situation roll with “Loftfanga”
<1/3 3d10 (OR 10) meters
a Situation value as indicated on the
table below (Strength modifiers apply). ✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10
≥1/3 – 1/2 2d10 (OR 10) meters
The table also shows how far an object ✦ Type: Preserving
≥1/2 – 1.5t 1d10 (OR 10) meters or character with a certain weight is ✦ Duration: 6 action rounds
≥1.5 – 3t 1d10 meters thrown if the Situation roll fails. If the ✦ Range: 10 meters
≥3 – 5t 1d6 meters victim or object is blown straight into ✦ Weaving time: 2 action rounds
≥5 – 10t 1d3 meters
a wall, the damage is calculated as fall
damage with a falling distance equal to The spell creates controlled flurries of
≥10t 1 meter
the amount of distance thrown. If any wind around one or several c­haracters,
victims remain within the radius of causing each of them to lift off the
the storm after being thrown, they can ground. For the lift to work, an
LEVELS OF POWER: WIND BLAST stand up again but must make a new enchanted person must weigh no more
Cost Extra Levels of Power roll to be able to move within the area than 100 kg. The conjured winds cause
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
without being blown away again (same the enchanted character(s) to lift off the
SV as indicated above). ground and float slowly in whichever
5 Double the size of the blast area:
Any creatures who endure the storm direction the enchanter chooses, at a
1×1 m g 2×2 m g 4×4 m g 8×8 m g
16×16 m
and keep from being blown away can speed of 10 meters per action round. Any
continue to act as usual within the character targeted by the spell who does
5 Increase the damage by one step:
affected area, but they do so with a not wish to take to the air can attempt to
1d10 (OR 10) g 1d10 (OR 9-10) g
1d10 (OR 8-10) g 1 OR range per negative modifier on all of their actions resist it by making a successful Situation
further level (max OR 5-10 according to the table below. roll with a Situation value of 6 (Strength
modifiers apply).
LEVELS OF POWER: STORM If the enchanter takes damage or is
5: Storm Cost Extra Levels of Power surprised while maintaining the spell,
“Loftkraftla” 1 Increase the storm strength so the
they must make a Situation roll with a
affected weight increases by 10 kg Situation value of 8 (Psyche modifiers
✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10 apply). If the roll fails, the enchanter
2 Increase the radius by 2 m
✦ Type: Preserving temporarily loses control over the
✦ Duration: 2 action rounds 3 Increase the range from Personal winds, and the enchanted character
to 5 m (centering the spell on any
✦ Range: Personal begins to fall to the ground. However,
location within the new range)
✦ Weaving time: 1 action round in every new round, the enchanter can
3 Increase the storm strength so the try to regain control over the winds
affected weight increases by 50 kg
The spell creates a sudden storm, which by making a Situation roll (with the
swirls and blows away all trash, dust, 5 Increase the radius by 10 m same Situation value), as long as the
insects, objects, and beings smaller than 50 10 Increase the storm strength so the spell duration continues. An enchanted
kg that are within a 20-meter radius of the affected weight increases by 500 kg character who falls to the ground
enchanter. does so at a speed of 10 meters during

Victim’s Weight Situation Value Distance Thrown Modifier on Actions
3 times affected weight - - -
2 times affected weight 18 1m -2
1.5 times affected weight 14 1d3 m -4
Affected weight 10 1d6 m -6
Half of affected weight 6 1d10 m -8
One third of affected weight 4 2d10 m -10

142 | chapter 3. weavers of vitner

the first action round in which the Witchcraft 1: Uprooted Tree
enchanter loses control, and 100 meters “Hagzkraftla” “Rotveltja”
per action round in every following
round in which the enchanter is unable The mage has learned the art of ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2
to regain control. If the character hits witchcraft, which is said to be the
­ ✦ Type: Preserving
the ground, they take the usual fall foundation for all magic and the cause ✦ Duration: 5 action rounds
damage for the total distance fallen. of the separation of magic and mages ✦ Range: 10 meters
Victims who are directed by this spell from the gods and religion of the ✦ Weaving time: 2 action rounds
into walls or other solid objects take Stormlands. With this Vitner Tablet,
fall damage. If the fall is normal, the fall the mage has learned to curse both The spell causes a tree to uproot and
damage is normal, but if the victim is objects and beings, and torment people collapse. The vitner is laid in the ground
thrown sideways, the fall is calculated as with phantom plagues, fever chills, or directly beneath a tree and there forms a
the distance the victim traveled during the amnesia. The mage has also learned to small uproot. As soon as the spell has been
current action round (maximum 10 meters). uproot massive trees and other large woven, the vitner begins to swell up like
objects, cause the failure of crops, and a bloated cow’s stomach. Soon the vitner
LEVELS OF POWER: WIND turn people into trees. expands so much that the tree above it is
CATCHER wrenched from the soil and tipped over.
An observer can see that something is
Cost Extra Levels of Power Negations for Witchcraft ­happening because the soil suddenly starts
1 Increase the duration by 1 action The opposite of witchcraft is to shift and rise. In the fourth action round
round ­enchantment and blessing. Whenever of the spell, the uproot grows so large that
1 Increase affected weight by 10 kg the mage curses an object or creature, it bursts out of the ground, and in the fifth
another object or creature becomes action round it finally tips the tree over and
2 Increase the range by 10 m
enchanted. If the phantom plague then disappears. For a tree to be toppled in
2 Decrease each enchanted person’s spell is woven, someone afflicted by this manner, it cannot have a trunk with
chance of succeeding on the
disease elsewhere in Trudvang is a circumference larger than 1.5 meters
Situation roll to resist by -1
miraculously cured. When someone at ground level. If the trunk is larger, the
3 Increase the duration by 1 minute is afflicted by fever, someone else who vitner will not have enough strength to tip
3 Give the enchanted being (if other already has a fever becomes healthy. If it over. The mage, who must ­concentrate
than the enchanter) the ability to someone is afflicted by the witchcraft’s on the uprooting at all times, can choose
determine the direction of travel ­forgetfulness, someone else’s memory which way the tree will fall. If they lose
in the air
is suddenly restored. The negation concentration or lose control over the
3 Increase the speed by +10 m per of an uprooted tree is likely to uproot for any reason, it will still continue
action round build something in another place, a to swell until the tree falls, but the game
4 Increase affected weight by 100 kg bad harvest creates good harvests master will determine the direction.
5 Increase the duration by 10 elsewhere, and the negation of a tree Everyone who observes this
minutes curse turns a tree somewhere into a ­o ccurrence and was unaware of the
fantastic creature. mage’s actions must immediately
make a Situation roll with a Situation
value of 6 (Psyche modifiers apply)
Vitner Type Effects for to avoid receiving 1d10 Fear Points
Witchcraft when the uproot breaks out of the
ground. On a success, an observer
✦ White Vitner: Levels of power double receives no Fear Points.
in cost. The uproot could just as easily be
✦ Vaagrivitner: No modifier. placed under a large rock, open ground,
✦ Dark Vitner: Levels of power cost -1, or even a house. The final results of
but no less than 1 per level. such an action and how much of the
object collapses or is tipped over is up to
Witchcraft is extremely dark and the game master to decide. The uproot
destructive in nature. Its power exists in the spell’s basic version can lift or tip
only to harm, create fear, and establish approximately 100 kg.
power over others.

chapter 3. weavers of vitner | 143

TREE PLAGUE “Nidtrölja eftnating”
Cost Extra Levels of Power Cost Extra Levels of Power
2 Increase the range by 5 meters 1 Increase the effect of the phantom
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4
plague´s credibility so the target´s ✦ Type: Lasting
2 Increase the size of the uprooting
Situation value decreases by -1 ✦ Duration: 5 action rounds
so it can lift a tree of + 0.5 meters
in circumference, as well as lift or 2 Increase the duration by 1 day
✦ Range: Contact
tip an additional 30 kg ✦ Weaving time: 2 action rounds
2 Increase the phantom plague´s
4 Increase the size of the uprooting credibility so the healer´s Skill
so it can lift a tree of +1.5 meters in Value (Care skill) is decreased by The curse is put on a single object within
circumference, as well as lift or tip -1 when they examine the victim range, which then significantly decreases
an additional 100 kg its traits when in use. The conjured
10 Increase the size of the uprooting vitner sticks to the object like a foul and
so it can lift a tree of +7.5 meters in
2: Fever ­degenerate force. Any person attempting
circumference, as well as lift or tip “Muspelblot” to use the object suffers a negative modifier
an additional 500 kg of -2 on all Skill rolls and ­Situation rolls
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 in which the object is used. If the object
✦ Type: Lasting is a weapon, damage is also decreased by
1: Phantom Plague ✦ Duration: 1 hour -1, and if the object is armor, Protection
“Skenplauga” ✦ Range: 10 meters Value is also decreased by -1.
✦ Weaving time: 3 action rounds
✦ Type: Lasting By simply pointing a finger at a victim Cost Extra Levels of Power
✦ Duration: 3 days within range, the mage can raise their 1 Increase the duration by 1 action round
✦ Range: Contact internal body temperature dramatically.
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
✦ Weaving time: 1 action round The victim begins to feel their blood
(contact is no longer necessary)
almost boiling, which causes them to lose
The mage can bewitch a victim so both power and stamina. The fever, which 3 Increase the negative modifier
during use by -1 (the damage and
they begin to manifest all potential lasts for one hour, cannot be cured, and
Protection Values are equal to the
symptoms of a disease they fear. The during this time the victim suffers -1d3 SV’s negative modifier divided by 2
spell brings forth only the ­appearance to the SV of all actions. The victim must and rounded down)
of the disease, and the victim only also make a Situation roll with a Situation
3 Affect another victim (with the
imagines that they feel the fever, value of 8 (Constitution modifiers apply) spell’s basic version)
chills, or ache. The actual health of to avoid taking damage from the fever as
3 Increase the duration by 1 minute
the victim is not affected, even though well. Failure means the victim takes 1d10
the victim is convinced o­therwise. points of damage from the burning fever. 10 Increase the duration by 1 hour
The symptoms are so real that it takes
someone skilled in medicine with LEVELS OF POWER: FEVER
the Care skill (Healing and Drugs Cost Extra Levels of Power 3: Amnesia
­d iscipline) to reveal the truth. It is 2 Increase the range by 5 meters
also possible for the victim to see
2 Decrease the victim’s chance of
through this phantom affliction by ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6
succeeding on the Situation roll by -1
succeeding on a Situation roll with a ✦ Type: Permanent
Situation value of 8 (Psyche ­modifiers 3 Increase the duration by 1 hour ✦ Range: Contact
apply). Each new day of the spell’s 4 Increase the fever effects so the ✦ Weaving time: 1 minute
duration, the victim is permitted a victim receives another -1 to the SV
new Situation roll to attempt to see of actions attempted for the duration. The spell creates a disruptive energy in
through the deception. 5 Increase the damage by one step: the victim’s head that causes them to lose
A person suffering from a phantom 1d10g1d10(OR10)g1d10(OR9-10)g large parts of their memory. The victim
plague receives -5 on all rolls that include 1d10 (OR 8-10) g 1+1 OR range per can avoid this loss by s­ucceeding on a
further level (max OR 5-10)
social interaction because everyone can Situation roll with a Situation value of 6
see the symptoms of the illness. 8 Increase the duration by 1 day (Psyche modifiers apply). On a failure, the

144 | chapter 3. weavers of vitner

victim immediately forgets their identity Skills and other attributes still exist Once the victim eventually makes a
and past. Each day, the victim can make a within the victim, and it is up to the game Situation roll with a Situation value of
new Situation roll with a Situation value master to decide when these reflexes kick 20, they remember everything that was
of 6. On a success, the victim regains an in. Examples include a person fleeing forgotten.
important detail of their previous life as through a village and by reflex jumping
determined by the game master, perhaps up on a horse and riding off at full LEVELS OF POWER: AMNESIA
a family memory, an ­important skill, or speed (the Agility skill with the Riding Cost Extra Level of Power
some other a­ttribute. The next day the ­knowledge), or a person standing eye to 2 Increase the range by 5 meters
victim can make another S ­ituation roll eye with the village brute, watching that (contact is no longer necessary)
to remember more. Every successful enormous fist plummet toward his face
2 Decrease the victim’s starting
Situation roll increases the chance of with worrisome force, then suddenly Situation roll by -1 (no lower than
­remembering something on the f­ollowing avoiding the attack and delivering a well- 1 in total)
days by +2. This bonus is not lost if the aimed blow to the brute’s already broken
8 Increase the range by 50 meters
victim fails a Situation roll, though they nose, knocking him to the dirty tavern
would not recover any memories that day. floor (the Fighting skill and the Brawling
The victim gets to make a new Situation specialty). The higher value a person has
roll the next day with the same Situation in a skill, the more likely it is for these
value and bonus. reflex actions to instinctively come forth.

chapter 3. weavers of vitner | 145

4: Curse Creature and spells, it’s possible they might never LEVELS OF POWER: BAD HARVEST
“Nidtrölja skopjaten” understand. Against the cursed victims Cost Extra Levels of Power
will, they become increasingly more 2 Increase the radius by 20 meters
✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 isolated and shunned, filled with doubt
2 Increase the range by 100 meters
✦ Type: Lasting and trepidation. Given enough time, the
✦ Duration: 10 days cursed victim risks becoming insane. 5 It takes an additional two seasons
✦ Range: 10 kilometers The twisted vitner surrounding (+6 months) before anything can be
planted or grown on the affected site
✦ Weaving time: 3 hours the target does more than make life
unbearable for the afflicted. All Skill
­ 6 Increase the radius by 100 meters
To curse a creature, the mage has Values and Situation values have a 6 Increase the range by 1,000 meters
to know the target’s real name and negative modifier of -1 for the duration 20 Increase the radius by 500 meters
perceive it through any sense (sight, of the curse.
sound, smell, or through spells such as If the mage that caused the curse dies,
Detect Being). it is immediately broken. 5: Tree Curse
With this spell, the mage twists “Nidtreid”
the composition of energies around LEVELS OF POWER: CURSE
the target. This subtle change cannot CREATURE ✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10
be perceived through normal senses, Cost Extra Levels of Power ✦ Type: Lasting
but is picked up on intuitively. It is a 2 Increase the duration by 1 day
✦ Duration: 2d6 days
­disharmony that is hard to describe in ✦ Range: Contact
4 Increase the negative modifier
words, as if a high, cutting, ­relentless, ✦ Weaving time: 3 action rounds
inflicted upon the victim by -1
and unnerving sound is constantly
­emanating from the target, a sound that 6 Increase the duration by 1 week The spell changes the balance in the
is constantly rising and gnawing at the 10 Increase the duration by 1 month body of a chosen victim so drastically
limit of our consciousness. All living 20 Increase the duration by 1 year that they slowly begin turning into a
­creatures that encounter the target are tree and taking root. The spell can only
struck by this ­ uncomfortable feeling, be woven over a living creature who
an intense aversion, a powerful sense of 4: Bad Harvest weighs less than 60 kg and is standing
­something both ­supernatural and wrong. “Nidskord” over ground of sufficient thickness
All living beings ­instinctively shun and and fertility for a tree to take root
avoid the target as much as possible. ✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 and grow. The victim can resist the
Additionally, intelligent beings are filled ✦ Type: Permanent full transformation by s­ucceeding on
with fear and often believe that anything ✦ Range: 100 m a Situation roll with a Situation value
the target carries or comes into contact ✦ Weaving time: 4 hours of 4 (Constitution modifiers apply).
with might be contagious as well. Even On a success, only the victim’s skin
the target’s friends often feel a powerful The spell places a mist of vitner over transforms to birch or bark, which
aversion and cannot stand being in their a cornfield, forest, or any other area has no effects beyond appearance and
presence, no matter how dearly they of vegetation. The fog settles over the restricted Agility; all Skill Values and
would like to. ­ Merchants and traders area for only a few minutes, but during Situation values related to Agility
cancel ­ transactions with the target, this brief period, it poisons all present suffer a negative modifier of -3 for
mothers pull their children away and ­vegetation and seed. The plants slowly the duration. If the target weighs too
shield them from view, people leave wide begin to die instead of grow (which much to be entirely transformed, only
chasms of space around the target on takes one day). The area affected has a parts of the victim will be altered (how
the streets and in inns, and adventuring radius of 20 meters in the spell’s basic much and what parts are up to the
­colleagues cannot sleep in their presence version. Plants that have been harmed game master to decide), and the rest
and never wake up feeling rested. In by this spell cannot be saved by natural of the victim’s skin turns to birch and
short, people avoid the cursed character or magical means, but are sentenced to bark with the same effects as above. A
as if they were a leper. The most tragic inevitable death. After the plants die, no successful Situation roll in this case
thing about the curse is that the target new plants can grow or take seed at the means the victim suffers a negative
is unaware of it, and initially has no idea site until four seasons have passed (12 modifier of -1 (instead of -3).
why others have these reactions. If the months). The only way to c­ ounteract the If the target fails the Situation roll
target has no knowledge about magic crop failure is with Divine feats. and weighs less than the spell’s effect

146 | chapter 3. weavers of vitner

limit, the victim immediately takes root contact as normal. Any damage the tree form for the full duration of the spell is
and is unable to move. At this point, over creature suffers remains once it returns very stiff once restored, and for the first
the course of about an hour, the victim to its natural form. ­Possessions such as three days afterward, all Skill rolls and
transforms into a tree of ­
­ whichever clothing and equipment also become Situation rolls related to Agility and
species the mage designates (though the parts of the tree (assuming their added movement are halved.
tree must be able to survive in the area, weight is within the spell’s limit).
even if it is not commonly found there). In tree form, the victim has a Natural LEVELS OF POWER: TREE CURSE
The tree has the same size and Body Armor of 4. The victim does not need Cost Extra Levels of Power
Points that the victim had in their normal to eat or drink to survive, but will 1 Increase affected weight by 10 kg
form. It also retains facial features twisted occasionally fall asleep. If someone
1 Increase the duration by 1 day
within the bark, and limbs that resemble carves or tries to cut down the tree
arms and legs. While the creature is in (inflicting damage upon the victim), the 2 Increase the range by 5 meters
tree form, it maintains the same senses tree begins to bleed. If this does not (contact is no longer necessary)
of perception that it had before the curse deter the attacker, the victim dies after 4 Increase the duration by 1 week
took effect. The creature sees ­everything suffering enough damage. 8 Increase the duration by 1 month
visible within view (depending on The mage can end this curse and 20 Increase the duration by 1 year
which direction the face is pointing) and return the creature to its original shape
hears sounds, detects scents, and feels at any time. A creature that endures tree

chapter 3. weavers of vitner | 147

Chapter 4

The ancient elves always said that the presence of the gods was best
represented by the mist, that the gods and the fog were one and the
same. Maybe from this stems the same belief that the humans have
embraced regarding the gods and divine beings.

The dimwalkers the mighty creators wandered the Path of the D imwalker
For as long as they have walked lands of Trudvang. Thousands and A dimwalker must choose a religion to
Trudvang, the humans have believed thousands of seasons ago, most gods follow in order to create a bond with
that the gods hide in the fog and that abandoned the world and found their their gods.
such is a manifestation of their presence. way into the darkness beyond. As a For humans, there are four religions
Anyone who was able to walk this fog trail they left small points of light (specialties are given in parentheses and
and speak with the gods within it came that shimmer and twinkle in the they represent the specific names of the
to be known as a dimwalker. dark night sky. But some gods never priests or holy persons in each religion):
In contrast to the weavers of Vitner quite ­ relinquished their connection, Gerbanis (Stormkelt), the Tenets of Nid
who weave power themselves, it was the and those are the gods worshiped in (Gavlian), the Eald Tradition (Bruid),
mission of the dimwalkers to decipher various forms today. and Haminges (Noaj).
and convey the wisdom of the gods, and There are hundreds of different The religion of the dwarves is called
in this way they were bestowed divine ­religions and cults, all of which claim Thuuldom (Thuul), and the religion of
powers. In the religion of Gerbanis, contact with divine powers. This book the elves is called Toikalokke (Ihana).
people believed that both the storm describes how some of these religions are Everybody can obtain a deep
gods and the chaos gods enveloped practiced among the races and peoples of ­knowledge of all religions, but must be
themselves with fog to walk unseen Trudvang. loyal and devoted to only one. In order to
among mortal men. In the Tenets of Humans have four main religions: be given the power to use divine ­abilities,
Nid, it has long been considered that Gerbanis has a stronghold in the the faithful one must be rewarded with
one of the many manifestations of Gave Stormlands; the Eald Tradition is a Holy Tablet from the gods. These
is the fog, and the Mittlanders have holding a desperate and fading grip tablets of power can be received only if
always thought that their kin were on Mittland; the Tenets of Nid rules the faithful one has shown true loyalty
birthed from the fog, being the bosom Westmark and is gaining an increasing toward the religion. To show this loyalty,
of the gods. presence in Mittland; and Haminges, the faithful one must become a Stormkelt,
The concepts and belief in salvation the dark faith, has grown quite Gavlian, Bruid, Noaj, Thuul, or Ihana.
by divine grace and the worship of powerful among Wildfolk, trolls, and As with the vitner (see the Weavers
higher powers have existed since the other creatures beyond what we would of Vitner chapter), there are few who are
dawn of time. In contrast to ­enchanters consider civilization. awarded the opportunity to have their
and weavers of the vitner, the faithful Elves and dwarves commit themselves invocations answered. Those who have
find force and power in higher beings to their own religions: Toikalokke and lived strictly in accordance with the will
who have existed since the era when Thuuldom, respectively. of their gods, without overlooking any

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 149

precept or p­ rinciple, have acquired such a Divinity Capacity and ✦ A dimwalker gains their divinity
strong bond with their gods that the latter D
­ ivinity Points capacity’s number of Divinity Points
reward their followers in appropriate ways. to spend each day.
The “Divine Capacity” is the total number ✦ To regain full divinity capacity, a full
of Divinity Points a ­ dimwalker gains night’s sleep is required.
The Faith Skill through the Divine Power ­discipline and its
The Faith skill is the foundation of the specialties. The Divinity Points of dwarves
dimwalker’s way. The skill is broad and are tied to rune-etched objects, which are Holy Tablets
primarily provides knowledge about and used by the Thuuls. Their powers are used A Holy Tablet is a collection of more or
awareness of the different religions of ­differently from any other religion. Read less interconnected divine feats, which
Trudvang. more about this under “Thuuldom,” below. are powers granted by a divine being.
If a person wants to devote himself Divinity capacity is also the number of These feats are used by dimwalkers in
more strongly to a specific religion Divinity Points a dimwalker can use each accordance to the precepts of their faith
becoming a priest, they have to learn the day. Apart from these, the dimwalker can and in order to demonstrate the power
Invoke d ­iscipline, which provides deeper make use of the religion’s rituals (such as of their gods. If they break any religious
­understanding and the power related to that blood gifting and prayers) to gain access rule or they use the Holy Tablets not in
deeper knowledge. In this discipline there to temporary Divinity Points. This may be accordance to the requirements of their
are seven specialties; six of them provide necessary at times, as some divine powers beliefs, the dimwalker incurs the wrath of
targeted knowledge about a major religion, are extremely expensive and will require their god and loses these abilities. Each
while the seventh is about the Holy Tablets many more Divinity Points than most Holy Tablet is its own specialty, and each
that a dimwalker may be granted. dimwalkers have in their standard capacity. level of a tablet is a level of the associated
To contact and be able to draw power To acquire these extra Divinity Points, specialty under the Invoke discipline. To
from a religion’s deity, the dimwalker the character needs to perform specific access all five levels of divine feats of a
must learn the Divine Power discipline. rituals associated with the religion with a Holy Tablet, the dimwalker must learn
But there remains the requirement of succesfull Faith Skill roll (adding the Invoke five levels of the selected tablet’s specialty.
total devotion to that religion as well. discipline and specific specialty). These
In summary, in order to gain access rituals are used by its practitioners first Levels of Divine Feats
to the power of the gods, the dimwalker and foremost to gain new Divinity Points Each Holy Tablet contains several divine
must meet the following requirements: for their divine powers. Gerbanis b­ elievers feats. The level of sophistication for each of
perform blood sacrifices, practitioners of these abilities varies and requires ­different
✦ Be bound to a religion by selecting the Eald Tradition commit to pacts of amounts of knowledge in order to be
one of the specialties of the Invoke blood, followers of the Tenets of Nid offer invoked. A dimwalker is able to invoke the
discipline: Bruid (the Eald Tradition), extensive prayers, Haminges believers first level’s abilities once they acquire the
Noaj (Haminges), Gavlian (the Tenets work themselves into self-tormenting first specialty at skill level 4 in the Faith
of Nid), Stormkelt (Gerbanis), Thuul trances, and the elven Ihana decipher the skill. They can use the second and third
Forging (Thuuldom) if a dwarf, or stars above. These extra Divinity Points are levels of divine feats upon reaching at
Ihana (Toikalokke) if an elf. temporary and will not be renewed every least skill level 7, and the fourth and fifth
✦ Learn the Divine Power discipline. day, but instead will begin to fade if not used. levels upon reaching skill level 10.
✦ Receive a Holy Tablet of the chosen Rules for these rituals are presented below Each level of a Holy Tablet is a level
religion by acquring one Holy Tablet in the section specific to each religion. of the specialty. Knowing all five levels
specialty. of divine feats from a tablet requires five
✦ Divine feats and powers cost Divinity levels of specialty in that tablet.
If the dimwalker later pursues and Points (DP in tables) to activate and Like any other specialty, the first level
learns one or more of the other religion maintain. costs 7 skill points, the second level 14, the
specialties under the Invoke discipline,
they will only gain knowledge of the COST OF HOLY TABLETS
religion in question. They can never learn Holy Tablet Level Faith Skill Level Cost Skill Points
to draw power from the other gods other 1 4 7
than the first chosen, such is the price of
2 7 14
devotion. By gaining more levels of the
Invoke discipline and its specialties, the 3 7 21
dimwalker will grow stronger in their 4 10 28
faith and gain access to more and more 5 10 35
divine power, called divinity capacity.

150 | chapter 4. dimwalkers

third level 21, the fourth level 28, and the the difficulty of success varies. The table Successful Result
last level 35. Each level must be ­purchased below shows the modifier the dimwalker A successful result means the divine feat is
separately, and none of them may be skipped. applies to their Skill Value. activated exactly as the dimwalker intended.
Each Holy Tablet can contain a ­different It costs Divinity Points equal to the cost of
number of divine feats, not only in total ABILITY LEVEL MODIFIERS the ability plus any extra levels of power.
number of feats but also in how many are Ability Level Modifier
in each level. For example, one tablet’s first Failed Result
1 -2
level might contain two divine feats while A failed result means the dimwalker fails
2 -4
another tablet’s first level has only one. to activate the divine feat and loses all
The dimwalker can invoke all of the 3 -6 the Divinity Points that the ability costs
divine feats that are at or below the current 4 -8 in its basic version. However, since the
level that has been learned. In order to 5 -10 roll was unsuccessful, all the Divinity
learn divine feats of level 2, the dimwalker Points for extra levels of power are not
first must learn level 1; to learn to invoke spent at all.
abilities of level 3, they must first learn Invocation Results
both level 1 and level 2; and so on. The table below shows which die rolls Fatal Failure
result in successful or unsuccessful A fatal failure means the dimwalker
Learning a Holy Tablet ­invocations of divine feats. temporarily loses contact with the
Every time a character tries to learn a gods. If things go really bad, the
new Holy Tablet or a new level of a tablet, INVOCATION RESULTS dimwalker even incurs their wrath.
it will take a certain amount of time to be Die Value Result If a player rolls 20 when attempting
established by the GM. Holy Tablets are 1 Always success
to activate a divine feat, that is a fatal
bought with creation points or skill points failure. To determine the effect of such
like all other specialties but to learn a ≤ SV Successful result a catastrophe, roll 1d10 (OR 9-10) and
new Holy Tablet the characters perform > SV Failed result modify the roll by the ability’s total
learning rituals which are specific to each 20 Fatal failure cost in Divinity Points (adding to
religion, as described later on, in each
religion-specific section. Which Holy
Tablet a character learns is entirely up to FATAL FAILURE EFFECTS
the player if the game master agrees. 1d10 (OR 9-10) + Cost Effect
Once the ritual/time requirement and 0-20 Nothing happens.
the specialty requirement are fulfilled, the
21-30 The dimwalker loses touch with their spiritual power for 1d6
character will be contacted by the god
minutes. During this period, they cannot use Divinity Points.
through dreams, visions, or similar means
to receive the power. This offer is usually 31-35 The dimwalker loses touch with their spiritual power for 1d6 hours.
During this period, they cannot use Divinity Points.
not explicit, but made through omens and
vague portents. After that, it is up to the 36-40 The dimwalker loses the knowledge and ability to invoke 1d3
dimwalker to begin their learning ritual randomly chosen abilities for 1d6 days.
to choose and access new divine feats. 41-45 The dimwalker loses the knowledge and ability to invoke the ability
they just attempted to activate for 2d6 days.
46-50 The dimwalker loses the knowledge and ability to invoke 1d3
Invoking the G ods randomly chosen abilities for 2d6 days.
In order to activate a divine feat, a 51-54 The dimwalker loses touch with their spiritual power for 1d6 days.
successful Skill roll is required for
­ During this period, they cannot use Divinity Points.
the Invoke discipline, using one of the 55-56 The gods punish the dimwalker by never again granting them the ability
­religion-specific specialties: Bruid, Noaj, they just attempted to activate. That ability will forever fail.
Gavlian, Stormkelt, Thuul, or Ihana. 57-58 The gods punish the dimwalker by never again granting 1d3 randomly
chosen abilities they have access to. These abilities will forever fail.
✦ SV = SV Faith + 1/lv Invoke d­ iscipline 59 The dimwalker incurs the wrath of their god, who will never again
+2/lv specialty: (Bruid, Noaj, Gavlian, grant the dimwalker any divine abilities. Time to change profession.
Stormkelt, Thuul, or Ihana).
60+ The gods view the dimwalker as a mockery and immediately remove
this blot from Trudvang, disposing of the blasphemer and revoking any
Depending on the level of the ability existence of the being who failed so miserably in their name.
the dimwalker is attempting to activate,

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 151

the rolled result for a higher value). effects of the extra levels of power. If this decide whether a Situation roll is needed
Even though the invocation failed, the is the case, it will be mentioned in the and what m­ odifiers (if any) apply. If the
­dimwalker must spend the ability’s full ability’s description. dimwalker succeeds on the ­
­ Situation
cost in Divinity Points as well as points roll, they maintain c­oncentration and
for any extra levels of power, just as if can continue the ­invocation of the divine
they had succeeded. Being Disturbed feat. However, if they fail the Situation
If a dimwalker is disturbed or disrupted roll, they lose c­oncentration and the
in any way during the invocation, such invocation is canceled (Divinity Points
Cost of divine feats as by being attacked, they risk losing are not spent).
Activating a divine feat will cost the concentration and being forced to
­dimwalker a number of Divinity Points cancel the attempt. To determine if a
specified in each ability’s description, and dimwalker manages to maintain focus, When to use Divine Abilities
this cost can be raised adding extra levels a Situation roll with a Situation value Divine feats are tremendous boons
of power. The cost of these extra levels of 6 is made (Psyche modifiers apply). granted by the gods. Such power
of power is described in the description However, it is up to the game master to bestows incredible responsibility and
of each ability.
Holy Tablet Cost in Divinity Points Invoking the gods. A dimwalker who has 6 Skill Value in the Faith skill (SV
Level 1 2
+6), level 1 (SV + 1) in the Invoke discipline, and level 2 (SV + 4) in the Stormkelt
­specialty has a total Skill Value of 11 (6+1+4) to activate a divine ability. They
Level 2 4
decide to activate the Wind Shield ability, which is a level 2 feat on the Holy Tablet
Level 3 6 for the Power of Enken. Since this is a level 2 ability, the Skill Value is modified by -4.
Level 4 8 To successfully activate the ability, the player must roll below or equal to SV 7 (11-4).
Level 5 10
Cost. If a dimwalker wants to activate Hand of Gave, the ability will cost 8
Divinity Points (as noted in the ability description). The dimwalker also wants to
Levels of Power add extra levels of power at a cost of 5 Divinity Points. The final cost of the ability
A level of power is an improvement or is 13 Divinity Points (8+5).
enhancement of an ability. All a­bilities
that are described in this book are ­initially Levels of power. A dimwalker wants to add extra levels of power to a level 1
invoked in their basic version. At the end ability that costs 2 Divinity Points in its basic version. The ability can be enhanced
of each description is a list of ways to in the following ways:
enhance the ability, at a greater cost of • Increase the duration by 1 action round (cost: 1)
Divinity Points. For example, a level of • Increase the range by 5 meters (cost: 3)
power can increase the a­bility’s range, • Increase the Protection Value by +1 (maximum 4 levels of power) (cost: 2)
enable the ability to affect an a­ dditional
creature, or expand the ­ability’s impact. Below are examples of possible combinations and costs when adding levels of power
In order to add levels of power to to the ability.
an ability, the dimwalker must have One of each: Since the ability can be extended with three different effects, the
sufficient Divinity Points to pay the
­ ­dimwalker chooses to use one of each. The ability thus costs 8 Divinity Points to
additional cost. activate (2 + 1 + 3 + 2).
If it is possible to expand an ability so Four of the same: The dimwalker could focus only on extending the duration by
that an extra person or creature will be adding four levels of power, thus extending the duration by 4 action rounds (1 round
affected, that target is affected as if by the per level). The ability thus costs 6 Divinity Points to activate (2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1).
ability’s basic version. If the d ­ imwalker Two of a kind plus one of another: The dimwalker can expand the ability with two
wishes to enhance this extra version of levels of power to extend the range to 10 meters (5 meters per level) and increase the
the ability as well, they must add extra Protection Value by 1. The ability thus costs 10 Divinity Points to activate (2 + 6 + 2).
levels of power for the second creature
and pay that additional cost (even if they Abusing divine abilities. The Tenets of Nid priestess Imogen activates an
already purchased these extra levels ability to show off her strength, which is not liked by her god. Therefore, she must roll
of power for the original ability). Some on the Fatal Failure Effects table, putting her at risk of losing not only her divine feats
­abilities are exempt from this rule, and but also her very existence.
the extra creature also receives the

152 | chapter 4. dimwalkers

should not be used wastefully. It is Religion Instant
therefore critical that the dimwalker Each Holy Tablet belongs to a specific Instant abilities are triggered
considers in each situation whether it is religion. Only those who have the ­immediately once the ability is invoked. It
appropriate to make use of a divine feat, ­specialty related to the specific religion is common for these divine feats to have a
or whether there might be another way can make use of the divine feats in a temporary effect. After a d
­ imwalker has
to solve the problem. Using divine feats specific tablet. Here are the specialties invoked an Instant feat, they are ready
too often and for solving trivial tasks needed for each tablet: to perform new actions immediately in
might arouse the wrath of the gods. It the following action round, including
is up to each game master to d­ etermine ✦ Gerbanis: Stormkelt specialty invoking more divine feats.
whether the use of a divine feat is ✦ The Tenets of Nid: Gavlian specialty
appropriate and which tasks might be ✦ The Eald Tradition: Bruid specialty Lasting
regarded as trivial. ✦ Haminges: Noaj specialty Lasting abilities are invocations that have
✦ Thuuldom: Thuul Forging specialty some sort of duration, but still do not
✦ Toikalokke: Ihana specialty demand any special attention from the
Abusing Divine Abilities dimwalker beyond the initial invocation.
Each time a dimwalker uses divine Once a Lasting feat is activated, the effects
feats in an inappropriate manner Level linger for a designated amount of time.
or to solve a trivial task, there is a Holy tablets contain several feats and During this time, the dimwalker does not
risk (1-2 on 1d20) that the gods will abilities that belong to different levels. have to concentrate on sustaining the power.
punish the faithful, who then has to If the dimwalker has acquired one Holy After a dimwalker has invoked a Lasting
roll on the Fatal Failure Effects table Tablet specialty at level 1, they can ability, they are ready to perform new
(1d10 (OR 9-10)) and modify the roll invoke all of that tablet’s feats of the actions immediately in the following action
by the ability’s total cost in Divinity first level. Those who have acquired round, including invoking more divine feats.
Points (adding to the rolled result for one Holy Tablet specialty at the fifth
a higher value). However, this rule level can summon all the feats of that Preserving
does not apply for Haminges since the tablet. Preserving abilities are those that
Haminges religion allow the use of To show the level of each divine feat, demand the dimwalker’s full attention
divine feats even for tasks which other title includes the number: 1 for first-level for their entire duration. Therefore, the
religions consider trivial. feats, 2 for second-level feats, 3 for t­hird- dimwalker cannot perform any actions
In this manner, a dimwalker runs the level feats, and so on. while they want the ability to remain
risk of losing divine feats outside of fatal active. As soon as a dimwalker acts
failures. in any way, the divine ability is lost.
Cost They can also choose to terminate a
The cost of a divine feat is counted in ­Preserving ability to take actions (such
Divine Feat Descriptions Divinity Points (abbreviated as DP in as fighting in combat) in the next action
The divine abilities are described under tables). The higher the cost tends to be. round.
their corresponding Holy Tablet. Each The cost in Divinity Points is deducted Because a Preserving ability demands
tablet presents an overview of what from the divinity capacity of the character the dimwalker’s full concentration, it
powers are offered within that tablet invoking the feat when it is activated. can be interrupted if the dimwalker is
and to which religion it belongs. Every If the dimwalker doesn’t have enough ­disrupted in any way during the duration.
tablet possesses a number of divine Divinity Points, then the feat cannot be It is up to the game master to determine
feats. invoked. whether this occurs and what sort of
The cost in Divinity Points, type, Situation roll the dimwalker must make
duration, range, and invocation time to determine whether they maintain
are listed under each divine feat. Below Type concentration.
this list, a full description of the feat is There are four types of divine feats
provided as well. that demand different levels of Permanent
Holy tablets are purchased with skill concentration from the dimwalker, Permanent abilities are those whose
points just like specialties. For more details, both during and after the invocation. power never disappears. These divine
see the Faith skillk. The four categories are called Instant, feats demand the full attention of the
The Holy Tablets and divine feats Lasting, Preserving, and Permanent. dimwalker during the invocation, but
described here are just a sample of the These names describe the amount sustain themselves afterward. Once
rich selection available in the world of of concentration needed to keep the a Permanent ability is invoked, only
Trudvang. divine feat maintained. another divine feat can cancel its effect.

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 153

An ability’s duration determines how
long it remains active. Some feats don’t
have a listed duration. These feats are
Instant, active only during the action
round in which they are invoked.

The range of an ability designates how
far from the dimwalker it can be activated,
as well as how large of an area it affects.
Some divine feats designate the range as
Contact, which means they affect only the
dimwalker or someone (or something) the
dimwalker touches during the invocation.
Others designate the range as Personal,
which means that only the dimwalker can
be affected by the ability.

Invocation Time
Because some abilities are more advanced
than others, it takes different amounts
of time to invoke them, which means
that invocation times vary. The more
advanced an ability is, the longer it takes
to invoke.
A divine feat’s invocation time also
reflects how much the dimwalker
needs to perform in order to invoke the
ability. A short invocation time means
the dimwalker has to devote very little
time and effort to invoking the ability, Some abilities with long invocation is injured during the invocation time, not
while a long invocation time means times are called rituals. The invocation just once per action round.
the opposite. This also means that the itself is really a full ritual, no matter how
longer the invocation times, the easier it long it takes to invoke an ability.
should be for others to notice what the If a dimwalker is injured or pushed to Initiative Modifier
dimwalker is doing. A short ­invocation the ground during the invocation time, A divine ability’s initiative modifier is
time grants the dimwalker much they must succeed on a Situation roll with deducted from the dimwalker’s initiative,
greater chance of avoiding interruption. a Situation value of 6 (Psyche ­modifiers but it applies only in the action round
The shortest invocation time is 1 action apply) to maintain ­ concentration and when the invocation is completed to
round, which means that the divine feat avoid failing with the ability. This roll determine when the ability takes effect.
is in the same action round. must be made every time the dimwalker If the ability has an invocation time of
only 1 action round, the modifier applies
immediatly since the invocation and the
EXAMPLE: INVOCATION TIME effects of the invocation happen in the
same round.
A divine ability with an invocation time of 1 action round is activated in the same An ability’s initiative modifier is
round in which the dimwalker began the invocation. A divine ability with an equal to its level. So a level 1 divine feat
­invocation time of 3 action rounds is activated on the third round, beginning with the always has an initiative modifier of -1,
round in which the invocation began. A divine ability with an invocation time of 1 a level 2 feat always has an initiative
hour is activated one hour from the start of the invocation. modifier of -2, and so on. The modifier
caps at -5 for a level 5 feat.

154 | chapter 4. dimwalkers


The following ranks apply to the In extreme cases, it may involve ✦ In order to succeed in ­conducting a
­ierarchy of priests in the Gerbanis
h s­acrificing an eye, a finger, an ear, or blood gift, the dimwalker must succeed
religion. even crushing a limb. Most often, on a Skill roll for the Faith skill
however, it is about cutting open a together with the Invoke ­ discipline
✦ In the Gerbanis religion, every large wound or burning oneself with and the Stormkelt specialty.
dimwalker starts as a Blue Bloter,
­ a branding iron on a particular part
which is the lowest rank of bloters and of the body. Whatever the sacrifice, it In order to make a proper blood gift, the
the ceremonial helper of the Stormkelt. should reflect the divine ability that dimwalker must have a dedicated blot pole
✦ Stormkelt is the name for the ­religious the dimwalker desires to learn. or blot rod. Whether a specific offering
leader within Gerbanis. There is This sacrifice will not hinder the requires a pole or a rod is described in the
a Stormkelt in most villages. The character in such a way as to result in Blood Gift Offerings table below. A blot
­dimwalker is tethered to the gods of any negative modifiers, but it may result pole is often a broad ornamented pole of
Gerbanis, promises to follow the wills in practical disabilities. These sacrifices iron oak, which rises several meters above
of the gods of the Stormlands, and will likely be visible as well and will ground and has solid iron rings at its top
lead others in the same. make an impression on others. These and center. A blot rod is a much smaller
✦ Over the Stormkelt stands the Blot injuries cannot and should not be healed version of the blot pole; in fact, some
Lord or the Blot Lady, leader of a stave in any way. dimwalkers carry one around as a heavy
church. walking stick. A blood gift offering would
✦ A Blot Lord who is entering the normally be hung on the blot pole or rod
master level can become a “Duty Blood Gifting so it hangs freely. In some cases, this may
King” when he leads one or more stave Blood gifting is the source of power be rather difficult, especially when a major
churches but also rules over a region, from which the Stormkelts draw their blood gift is being held with ­offerings such
commanding over beliefs, life, and
­ strength. The worthier and the bigger as a hrimturse (frost giant) or a m
­ astomant.
death. A female of this rank instead the blood gift is, the more power the If the offering is in contact with the
carries the title Duty Mistress. kelts will add to their divinity capacity. ground, only half of the indicated Divinity
✦ A Duty King or Mistress reaching Without blood gifting, Gerbanis Points are obtained from the sacrifice.
the level of legend can develop into ­dimwalkers have only their own limited The Blood Gift Offerings table also
the Brycker. The Brycker is the power to use for their abilities. Blood shows how many offerings of the same type
mouthpiece of the gods in the land gifting can thus generate extra Divinity can fit on a single pole or rod. A big pole
where he or she rules. Points for the dimwalker in addition to is a larger version of a blot pole that often
their natural divinity capacity. reaches higher than 10 meters. A huge blot
A blood gift is a blood offering ­ritual to pole is more than 30 meters high, with a
The Sacrifice honor the gods. A blood offering is usually girth of at least 8 meters and needs to be
held at a ritual killing spot where a blot made of the very largest iron oak.
✦ Gerbanis’ prerequisite for Holy pole or a blot rod has been erected, here A dimwalker can make only one blood
Tablets the offering is drained of its blood by a gift at a time, and cannot do so again until
­sacrificial blade. This blood is then drunk all Divinity Points from the previous blood
To learn a Holy Tablet that the gods by the dimwalker and showered over gift have been used or disappeared. If a
of the Gerbanis faith offer, dimwalkers others who take part in the blood gift. person blood gifts again while there are
must sacrifice something of themselves Divinity Points still remaining from the
during the invocation. It’s not a matter ✦ Unused Divinity Points generated by previous blood gift, “gloomgifting” will be
of possession or a promise, but about a blood gift disappear at a rate of 1 considered to have happened (see below for
giving something of flesh and blood. point per day. specific rules on the matter). However, a

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 155

dimwalker is permitted to sacrifice several EXAMPLE: BLOOD GIFTING
offerings during the same blood gift, which
would accumulate for a total effect within The Stormkelt Hrimhrappe has a divinity capacity of 13. To use an ability that costs
that single gift, as long as there is enough 16 Divinity Points, he needs to perform a blood gift. Hrimhrappe blood gifts three
space on the blot pole or rod (see the Blood chickens and gains 3 extra Divinity Points. Together with the 13 Divinity Points he
Gift Offerings table). In some cases, there already has, he can now afford to use the ability that costs 16 Divinity Points.
will still be more available space, but it is Hrimhrappe, however, doesn’t use any Divinity Points that day, so at dawn of the
not suitable to blood gift different types of next day, he loses 1 temporary Divinity Point gained from the blood gift. This means
offerings on the same rod. And if a shrine that he now has only 2 temporary Divinity Points left from the blood gift of the chickens.
has several blot poles erected, it is possible
to blood gift upon all of them at the same A hen will grant 1 Divinity Point if sacrificed. Four hens will thus grant a total of
time. In a village there is normally only one 4 Divinity Points if they are sacrificed at the same time. A bull will grant 10 Divinity
blot pole, while a small town may have two, Points if sacrificed. Two bulls and four hens will thus grant a total of 24 Divinity
and in a large town could have as many as Points if they are sacrificed at the same time.
four big poles (but that is rare). It is common
for towns to have up to a dozen blot poles If 100 hens are sacrificed, only 4 Divinity Points are granted for the lot, since one
posted in line outside the rod church. hen grants 1 Divinity Point and it is possible to benefit from only four offerings of
No matter how many offerings of the same the same type. On the other hand, if 100 hens and four bulls are sacrificed at the same
type are sacrificed in a blood gift, a single time, the blood gift will grant a maximum of 44 Divinity Points (4 x 1 for the hens
dimwalker will never benefit from more plus 4 x 10 for the bulls).
than four of that offering type. However,
the d­ imwalker can sacrifice several different
types of offerings at the same time to get Blood Gift Offerings
access to more Divinity Points. Offering Divinity Points Pole/Rod Space for offerings
If two Stormkelts were to sacrifice Hen 1 Rod 4
seven hens in the same blood gift, they
Goat 2 Pole 4
would share the total Divinity Points,
benefitting from up to four hens each. Pig 3 Pole 4
One person would receive 4 Divinity Horse 5 Pole 2
Points and the other would receive 3. Bull 10 Pole 1
Blood gifts are typically offered to Small game 1 Rod 4
different gods at different times or
Wolf 4 Pole 4
occasions. For example, blood gifts are
usually offered to Vigdis at weddings and Warg 7 Pole 2
totrings (childbirths), and to Stormi or Bear 12 Pole 1
Nightra before a coming battle. As a rule, Garm 15 Pole 1
to whom the offering is gifted has no effect Frostboar 6 Pole 2
when it comes to the generation of Divinity
Mastomant 20 Big pole 1
Points, but it may affect whether the blood
gift is succesful, in case the specific god Hrimturse (frost giant) 25 Big pole 1
does not like certain kinds of offerings. Wurm (dragon) 100 Huge 1

✦ Performing a blood gift takes 1 minute

per Divinity Point gained. Different offerings produce different ­ angerous and more valuable (monetarily)
amounts of Divinity Points, while others the offering, the greater the number of
If a Blood Gifting is interrupted no may not generate any Divinity Points at Divinity Points that should be gained.
­ ivinity points are taken. Generous GM
D all. The Blood Gift Offerings table shows Creatures that either do not belong to
could decide to give partial Divinity Points how many points different offerings will this realm or are seen as foul and abusive
for partial killings, for example if only 1 of generate. This is not an exhaustive list, as have far less value to the gods and generate
4 hens is sacrificed. An offering is killed there may be any number of other ­offerings no Divinity Points at all. Such creatures
and not simply wounded only if a number sacrificed to the gods of Gerbanis, but it should not be blood gifted to honor the gods,
rounds equal to the available DP is passed: is up to the game master to use the table but instead should be slain in their name. A
for example a Goat will be killed only in the to decide roughly how many Divinity gifted sacrifice is said to appear before the
second round or a wolf in the fourth round. Points other offerings may generate. The gods it was offered to as food or a slave in

156 | chapter 4. dimwalkers

their hall. So rather than sending a nuisance
to their homes, it would be better for those
creatures to be slain on their behalf.

If a dimwalker offers another blood gift as
a separate sacrifice, on another ­occasion,
while the effects of a previous gift are still
active (i.e. the dimwalker still has Divinity
Points from the first gift), it is considered
to be a “gloomgift”, and a great insult
to the gods. The ground at the site of
the ­ gloomgifting becomes tainted and
can never be blood gifted upon again. If
an i­ntelligent creature is slain or offered
as a blood gift in an area tainted by a
gloomgifting, there is a risk that the
ground awakens dark dwellers (see the
­Gloomgifting ­Consequences ­table below,
as well as dark dwellers in Game Master’s
Guide or in Jorgi’s Bestiary). Because of
the risk, every stave church has a blood gift
master who decides who can and cannot
blood gift at the church. ­ Gloomgifting
­generates no further Divinity Points.
Every 10 Divinity Points a
­gloomgifting would have generated as
a normal blood gift adds +1 to the roll
on the table below, which determines the
outcome of the gloomgifting. However,
if a dragon is gloomgifted, the roll is
modified by +20 (instead of just +10).

1d10 + (DP/10) Consequence
1-3 Nothing special happens. The next time someone blood gifts at the scene, the outcome of the gloomgifting die roll is doubled.
4 Dark dwellers are awakened within the ground. The next time someone blood gifts on the ground, there is a 50% chance
that 1d3 dark dwellers rise up and attack.
5 One dark dweller awakens, rises from the ground, and attacks.
6 1d3 dark dwellers awaken, rise from the ground, and attack.
7 1d3 + 1 dark dwellers awaken, rise from the ground, and attack.
8 1d6 + 1 dark dwellers awaken, rise from the ground, and attack.
9 1d6 + 3 dark dwellers awaken, rise from the ground, and attack.
10-20 1d6 + 3 dark dwellers (+1 dark dweller for every step over 9) awaken, rise from the ground, and attack.
21-24 An area of ​​1 km² with the blood gift site at its center becomes permanently tainted. In addition, 1d10 (OR 9-10) + 10 dark
dwellers rise at the site of the gloomgifting, and every creature slain in the area will awaken yet another dark dweller.
25-27 An area of ​​100 km² with the blood gift site at its center becomes permanently tainted. In addition, 1d10 (OR 7-10) + 10
dark dwellers rise at the site of the gloomgifting, and every creature slain in the area will awaken yet another dark dweller.
28-30 An area of ​​1,000 km² with the blood gift site at its center becomes permanently tainted. In addition, 1d10 (OR 7-10) + 20
dark dwellers rise at the site of the gloomgifting, and every creature slain in the area will awaken yet another dark dweller.

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 157

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 159

Influence of Jorn Power of Enken Strength of Stormi

1: Death Gust 1: Night Vision 1: Troll Strength
1: Wall of Dusk 1: Willpower 1: Voice of Command
2: Falfax 2: Bold 2: Havar
2: Night Curtain 2: Wind Shield 2: Hinji Strength
3: The Coat of Jorn 3: Soul Sight 3: Jarl´s Call
3: The Breath of Mogunda 3: Storm Armor 3: Shield Dísir
4: Asiblack 4: Heart of Enken 4: Jotun Strength
4: Will of Bodvildur 4: Hurricane Armor 4: Voice of Stormi
5: Snarfari 5: Eye of Enken 5: Einharjar

Warmth of Sunvei Wisdom of Windinna Wrath of Tyrd

1: Healing 1: Inspiration 1: Fire Iron
1: Sunray 1: Sixth Sense 1: Battle Cry
2: Healing Glow 2: Joy of Creating 2: Wolf Tongue
2: Summer Place 2: Steel Mind 2: Pyre Mark
3: Firon Power 3: Wave of Truth 3: War Cry
3: Healing Warmth 3: Vitner Protection 3: Dark Visage
4: Time of the Hunt 4: Swine Rush 4: Firestorm
4: Breath of Sunvei 4: Gaze of Windinna 4: Thunder of Victory
5: Healing Sun 5: Hearth of Windinna 5: Tyrd´s Bellow

Influence of J orn The Stormkelt claps their hands, which 1: Wall of Dusk
The Stormkelt has strengthened their hurls a booming wave of pressure and
loyalty to the god Jorn in order to receive force that damages every undead being ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2
the Influence of Jorn. With this Holy within range. The divine energy deals ✦ Type: Lasting
Tablet, the Stormkelt can be bestowed 1d5 points of damage. Normal armor ✦ Duration: 3 action rounds
with the power to smite the undead, gives no protection. ✦ Range: 10 meters
summon steeds from the storm and the ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round
gods, and invoke the darkness of the night. LEVELS OF POWER: DEATH GUST
Cost Extra Level of Power With this ability the Stormkelt can conjure
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
a wall of darkness anywhere within 10
1: Death Gust meters. The Stormkelt is given 20 square
5 Increase the damage by one step:
meters of darkness to shape to their liking.
1d5 g 1d10 g 1d10 (OR 10) g
✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 1d10 (OR 9-10) g 1d10 (OR 8-10)
A dimwalker who has 20 m² can thus make a
✦ Type: Instant g .+1 OR range per further level wall that is 1 m wide and 20 m long, a wall 5
✦ Range: 5 meters (max OR 5-10) m wide and 4 m long, and so on. The height
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round of this area extends as far as the eye can

160 | chapter 4. dimwalkers

see. If a wall of darkness is raised in an area A Stormkelt cannot call on more than 3: The Coat of Jorn
already occupied by a creature, that creature one Falfax at a time. Only once Falfax
is immediately affected by the darkness and has ­disappeared may the Stormkelt call ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6
is given modifiers accordingly. on him again. ✦ Type: Lasting
The Stormkelt calls on Jorn, who ✦ Duration: 3 action rounds
grants a piece of the dusk that’s as dark ✦ Falfax: Strength +4, BP 60, Size 2t, ✦ Range: 50 meters
and thick as night. This darkness, shaped Natural Armor 2 + Leather PV 2/ BV 20, ✦ Invocation time: 3 action rounds
by the dimwalker, gives a negative Move 2 CP x 8 m (Max 24 m), CP
modifier of -3 on all combat actions that Free 12, Hoof dmg 2d10 (OR 10) +4, With this ability, the Stormkelt can
are carried out within the darkness or Combat-Trained: Obedien. conjure a wall of darkness anywhere
that target someone within it, just as if within 50 meters.
in the dark of night. Anyone who has LEVELS OF POWER: FALFAX The Stormkelt calls on Jorn, who
night vision, dark vision, or true vision Cost Extra Level of Power lets in a piece of dusk that’s as dark and
is unaffected by the darkness. 3 Increase the duration by 1 hour
thick as night. This space is filled with
darkness up to a volume of 100 m², which
LEVELS OF POWER: WALL OF DUSK works in the same manner as the Wall of
Cost Extra Level of Power 2: Night Curtain Dusk ability. If the Coat of Jorn is raised
1 Increase the duration by 1 action
in an area already occupied by a creature,
round ✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 that creature is immediately affected by
✦ Type: Lasting the darkness. This darkness, shaped by
2 Increase the range by 10 meters
✦ Duration: 3 action rounds the dimwalker, gives a negative modifier
3 Increase the surface by 10 m² ✦ Range: 20 meters of -15 on all combat actions that are
5 Increase the duration by 1 minute ✦ Invocation time: 2 action rounds carried out within the darkness or that
target someone within it, just as if in the
With this ability, the Stormkelt can dark of night. Anyone who has night
2: Falfax conjure a wall of darkness anywhere vision suffers only -8 on combat actions,
within 20 meters. anyone with dark vision only suffers
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 The Stormkelt calls on Jorn, who lets in only -3, and those with true vision are
✦ Type: Lasting a piece of dusk that’s as dark and thick as unaffected by the darkness.
✦ Duration: 1 hour night. This space is filled with darkness up
✦ Range: Personal to a volume of 40 m², which works in the LEVELS OF POWER: COAT OF JORN
✦ Invocation time: 1 minute same manner as the Wall of Dusk ability. If Cost Extra Levels of Power
a Night Curtain is raised in an area already 1 Increase the duration by 1 action
The Stormkelt asks Jorn for speed and occupied by a creature, that creature is round
assistance, summoning a steed out of immediately affected by the darkness. This
2 Increase the range by 20 meters
a sudden rolling fog from the land of darkness, shaped by the dimwalker, gives
Stormi. After the ability’s duration a negative modifier of -8 on all combat 5 Increase the surface by 50 m²
expires, the fog appears again and the actions that are carried out within the 5 Increase the duration by 1 minute
horse disappears back into it and leaves darkness or that target someone within it, 15 Increase the duration by 1 hour
the Stormkelt behind. If the steed were to just as if in the dark of night. Anyone who
die, it would turn into fog and disappear. has night vision suffers only -3 on combat
The horse permits only the Stormkelt (or actions, while those with dark vision or 3: The Breath of Mogunda
another person with explicit permission true vision are unaffected by the darkness.
of the Stormkelt) to ride it. It takes 1d10 ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6
action rounds for the horse to appear once LEVELS OF POWER: NIGHT ✦ Type: Instant
the ability is successfully activated. CURTAIN ✦ Range: 10 meters
The dimwalker calls upon a Falfax, one of Cost Extra Levels of Power ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round
the spirit horses of the storm, who becomes 1 Increase the duration by 1 action round
their steed for the duration of the ability. The The Stormkelt claps their hands, which
2 Increase the range by 10 meters
horse is a medium-sized warhorse equipped hurls a booming wave of pressure and
with leather armor as protection over its 3 Increase the surface by 10 m² force that damages every undead being
body and head. The horse is ­ obediently 5 Increase the duration by 1 minute within range. The divine energy deals
trained and has no abilities beyond those of 15 Increase the duration by 1 hour 1d10 points of damage. Normal armor
any other war-trained steed. gives no protection.

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 161

LEVELS OF POWER: BREATH OF 4: Will of Bodvildur (which gives all who try to attack
MOGUNDA Snarfari or his rider -3 in accuracy), and
Cost Extra Levels of Power ✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 heals 1 Body Point every action round.
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
✦ Type: Instant A Stormkelt cannot call on more
✦ Range: 50 meters than one Snarfari at a time. Only once
4 Increase the damage by one step: ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round the Snarfari has disappeared may the
1d10 g 1d10 (OR 10) g 1d10 (OR
9-10) g 1d10 (OR 8-10) g +1 OR
­Stormkelt call on him again.
range per further level (max OR 5-10) The Stormkelt claps their hands, which
hurls a booming wave of pressure and ✦ Snarfari: BP 90, Size 3t, Fear Factor
force that damages every undead being 1d5, Natural Armor 10, Move 2 CP x 8 m
4: Asiblack within range. The divine energy deals (Max 32 m), CP Free 16, Hoof dmg
1d10 points of damage. Normal armor 2d10 (OR 10) +6, Combat-Trained:
✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 gives no protection. Masterful.
✦ Type: Lasting
✦ Range: Personal BODVILDUR Cost Extra Levels of Power
✦ Invocation time: 1 minute Cost Extra Levels of Power 3 Increase the duration by 1 hour
2 Increase the range by 100 meters
The Stormkelt asks Jorn for speed and
assistance, summoning a steed out of 3 Increase the damage by one step: Power of E nken
1d10 g 1d10 (OR 10) g 1d10 (OR
a sudden rolling fog from the land of 9-10) g 1d10 (OR 8-10) g +1 OR
The Stormkelt has created a greater bond
Stormi. After the ability’s duration range per further level (max OR 5-10) with the god Enken and is able to invoke
expires, the fog appears again and the improved vision, courage, and even armor
horse disappears back into it and leaves from the storm between Trudvang and
the Stormkelt behind. If the steed were to 5: Snarfari Stormvakk through this bond.
die, it would turn into fog and disappear.
The horse permits only the Stormkelt (or ✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10
another person with explicit permission ✦ Type: Lasting 1: Night Vision
of the Stormkelt) to ride it. It takes 1d10 ✦ Duration: 30 minutes
action rounds for the horse to appear once ✦ Range: Personal ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2
the ability is successfully activated. ✦ Invocation time: 1 minute ✦ Type: Lasting
The dimwalker calls upon an Asiblack, ✦ Duration: 1 minute
one of the Einharjar’s black war horses, The Stormkelt asks Jorn for speed and ✦ Range: Personal
which becomes their steed for the assistance, summoning a steed out of a ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round
duration of the ability. The horse is a sudden rolling fog from the land of Stormi.
medium-sized war horse equipped with After the ability’s duration expires, the fog The Stormkelt is granted night vision
chainmail as protection over its body and appears again and the horse ­ disappears for one minute. With night vision the
head. The horse is excellently trained and back into it and leaves the Stormkelt dimwalker is able to see in pitch-black
has no abilities beyond those of any other behind. If the steed were to die, it would darkness, though not quite as well as if it
war-trained steed. A Stormkelt cannot turn into fog and disappear. The horse were daytime. The dimwalker has clear
call on more than one Asiblack at a time. permits only the Stormkelt (or another vision up to 20 meters, beyond which
Only once Asiblack has disappeared may permission with explicit permission of the the ­visibility of details is diminished
the ­Stormkelt call on him again. Stormkelt) to ride it. It takes 1d10 action considerably and ends completely after
rounds for the horse to appear once the about 60 meters.
✦ Asiblack: Strength +5, BP 75, Size 2t, ability is successfully activated.
Natural Armor 2 + Chainmail PV 5/ The dimwalker calls upon Stormi’s LEVELS OF POWER: NIGHT VISION
BV 50, Move 2 CP x 8 m (Max 24 m), black steed, a Snarfari, who Jorn has Cost Extra Levels of Power
CP Free 14, Hoof dmg 2d10 (OR 10) lured away from Stormi. A Snarfari is 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
+5, Combat-Trained: Excellent. a very large steed with six legs and two
3 Change range to Contact (allowing
heads. It is regarded as a masterfully
the dimwalker to grant this ability
LEVELS OF POWER: ASIBLACK war-trained horse. A Snarfari always to someone else)
Cost Extra Levels of Power rides with the wind at his back, and can
6 Increase the duration by 1 hour
3 Increase the duration by 1 hour
make a five-day journey in a single day.
A Snarfari breathes fog from his muzzle

162 | chapter 4. dimwalkers

1: Willpower
✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2
✦ Type: Lasting
✦ Duration: 1 minute
✦ Range: Contact
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round

The Stormkelt prays to Enken and is

granted courage for himself or bestows
courage upon a chosen individual.
The person who is granted this power
receives the exceptional trait of Psyche
+4 for the ability’s duration.


Cost Extra Levels of Power
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
10 Increase the duration by 1 hour

2: Bold
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4
✦ Type: Lasting
✦ Duration: 1 minute
✦ Range: Contact
✦ Invocation time: 2 action rounds

The Stormkelt prays to Enken and is weapons. However, the wind shield does Enken flow through them. For one
granted courage for herself or bestows not protect against magical weapons. minute, the ­dimwalker will be able to see
courage upon a chosen individual. everything that is not hidden or altered
The person who is granted this power LEVELS OF POWER: WIND SHIELD by magic within a 10-meter range.
receives the exceptional trait of Psyche Cost Extra Levels of Power When the Stormkelt opens their eyes,
+6 for the ability’s duration. 1 Increase the duration by 1 action
the eyes resemble those of a frost bear,
round and as long as the dimwalker maintains
LEVELS OF POWER: BOLD ­concentration, they can view e­verything
3 Increase the range to 5 meters
Cost Extra Levels of Power (contact is no longer necessary)
that is happening within range. This
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
means that objects such as walls are
3 Increase the Protection Value by
unable to block the vision of the S
­ tormkelt.
10 Increase the duration by 1 hour +1 (maximum 4 levels of power)
However, no other sense is affected by the
5 Increase the duration by 1 minute ability beyond sight.
2: Wind Shield The dimwalker may add +5 as a
3: Soul Sight modifier to the Skill Value in the Shadow
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 Arts skill when attempting to find
✦ Type: Lasting ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 hidden doors or traps.
✦ Duration: 1 action round ✦ Type: Preserving
✦ Range: Contact ✦ Duration: 1 minute LEVELS OF POWER: SOUL SIGHT
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round ✦ Range: 10 meters Cost Extra Levels of Power
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round 2 Increase the duration by 1 minute
The Stormkelt summons a shield of small
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
storm flurries, which provide a Protection The Stormkelt closes their eyes and
Value of 1 against melee weapons and a concentrates on the surroundings,
­ 3 Increase the modifier of Shadow
Protection Value of 3 against ranged letting the highly attuned senses of Arts by +1 to see hidden things

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 163

3: Storm Armor LEVELS OF POWER: HEART OF The Stormkelt closes their eyes and
ENKEN concentrates on the surroundings,
✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 Cost Extra Levels of Power letting the highly attuned senses of
✦ Type: Lasting 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
Enken flow through them. For one
✦ Duration: 2 action rounds minute, the ­dimwalker will be able to see
3 Affect an additional person within
✦ Range: Contact everything that is not hidden or altered
range (with the spell’s basic version)
✦ Invocation time: 2 action rounds by magic within a 100-meter range.
5 Increase the range by 5 meters When the Stormkelt opens their
The Stormkelt summons an armor 6 Increase the character trait of eyes, the eyes resemble those of a frost
of storm flurries around himself or a Psyche from +4 to +6 for the allies bear, and as long as the dimwalker
chosen character. The armor provides 10 Increase the duration by 1 hour maintains concentration, they can view
a Protection Value of 2 against melee everything that is happening within
weapons and a Protection Value of range. This means that objects such as
4 against ranged weapons. Against 4: Hurricane Armor walls are unable to block the vision of
magical weapons, the Protection Value the ­Stormkelt. However, no other sense
is 1 against melee weapons and 3 ✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 is affected by the ability beyond sight.
against ranged weapons. ✦ Type: Lasting The dimwalker may add +8 as a modifier
✦ Duration: 3 action rounds to the Skill Value in the Shadow Arts skill
LEVELS OF POWER: STORM ARMOR ✦ Range: Contact when attempting to find hidden doors or
Cost Extra Levels of Power ✦ Invocation time: 3 action rounds traps. The Stormkelt also has a chance to
1 Increase the duration by 1 action
see things hidden or altered by magic if
round The Stormkelt summons an armor of they succeed on a Shadow Arts Skill roll.
massive storm flurries that swirl around
3 Increase the range to 5 meters
(contact is no longer necessary)
the dimwalker or a chosen ­ character. LEVELS OF POWER: EYE OF ENKEN
The armor provides a Protection Cost Extra Levels of Power
3 Increase the Protection Value by
Value of 4 against melee weapons and 2 Increase the duration by 1 minute
+1 (maximum 8 levels of power)
a Protection Value of 6 against ranged
3 Affect an additional person (with 2 Increase the range by 50 meters
weapons. Against magical weapons,
the ability’s basic version) 3 Increase the modifier of Shadow
the Protection Value is 3 against melee
5 Increase the duration by 1 minute weapons and 5 against ranged weapons. Arts by +1 to see hidden things


4: Heart of Enken ARMOR The Stormkelt subjugates himself to the
Cost Extra Levels of Power god Stormi and becomes his loyal servant.
✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 1 Increase the duration by 1 action
Stormi lends the dimwalker mighty
✦ Type: Lasting round strength, help from spirit warriors, and
✦ Duration: 1 minute the ability to force obedience.
2 Affect an additional person within
✦ Range: 5 meters range (with the spell’s basic
✦ Invocation time: 3 action rounds version)
1: Troll Strength
3 Increase the range to 5 meters
The Stormkelt prays to Enken and is
granted courage for himself or bestows 3 Increase the Protection Value by ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2
+1 (maximum 12 levels of power)
courage upon a chosen individual. ✦ Type: Lasting
The person who is granted this power 5 Increase the duration by 1 minute ✦ Duration: 1 minute
receives the exceptional trait of Psyche ✦ Range: Contact
+8 for the ability’s duration, while up to ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round
three allies within range also receive a 5: Eye of Enken
lesser exception trait of Psyche +4. Stormi hears the Stormkelt’s wish and
✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10 grants a chosen character incredible
✦ Type: Preserving strength. The recipient (the dimwalker
✦ Duration: 1 minute or someone of their choosing) receives
✦ Range: 100 meters the exceptional trait of Strength +4 for
✦ Invocation time: 3 action rounds the ability’s duration.

164 | chapter 4. dimwalkers

LEVELS OF POWER: TROLL The warrior never moves farther than 10 The Stormkelt’s voice resounds
STRENGTH meters away from the Stormkelt and cannot mightily, which affects one listener
Cost Extra Levels of Power perform any other tasks besides personal of the d ­imwalker’s choosing within
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
protection for the Stormkelt or fighting range. The target must make a
those who attack him. The spirit warrior ­S ituation roll with a ­S ituation value
10 Increase the duration by 1 hour
does not communicate; it only performs its of 6 (Psyche modifiers apply). If the
task. A Stormkelt can have only one Havar target fails the ­S ituation roll, they
1: Voice of Command active at one time through this ability. instinctively obey the Stormkelt for
Havar is a tall warrior equipped in leather, the duration. However, the target will
✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 and his face is hidden by a leather coif with never do anything that causes ­ self-
✦ Type: Lasting a nose protector. He carries a normal round harm (such as jumping off a cliff) or
✦ Duration: 1 minute shield and a regular battle axe. that demands initiative or ­creativity
✦ Range: 5 meters (such as f­ ormulating a plan or
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round ✦ Havar: Strength +1, BP 25 (no Dmg ­improvising).
levels), Initiative +4, CP Free 10/Axe 6/
The Stormkelt’s voice resounds with might Shield 4, Leather Armor (PV/BV 2/20), LEVELS OF POWER: JARL’S CALL
and truth, affecting one chosen person Battle Axe (Dmg 1d10 OR 9-10 +1, PV/ Cost Extra Level of Power
within range. Everything the dimwalker BV 7/70), medium Shield (PV/BV 5/50). Increase the duration by 1 action
says sounds believable, and the afflicted 1
character must succeed on a Situation roll LEVELS OF POWER: HAVAR
2 Decrease the Situation value by -1
with a Situation value of 8 (Intelligence Cost Extra Level of Power
modifiers apply) to avoid complete 2 Increase the range by 5 meters
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
­acceptance of whatever the Stormkelt says.
10 Increase the duration by 1 hour 3: Shield Dísir
COMMAND 2: Hinji Strength ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6
Cost Extra Levels of Power ✦ Type: Lasting
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 ✦ Duration: 1 minute
✦ Type: Lasting ✦ Range: Personal
2 Decrease the Situation value by -1 ✦ Duration: 1 minute ✦ Invocation time: 6 action rounds
2 Increase the range by 5 meters ✦ Range: Contact
✦ Invocation time: 2 action rounds The Stormkelt begs Stormi for
p­rotection. In return, Stormi sends
2: Havar Stormi hears the Stormkelt’s wish and holy warriors from the Stormvakk to
grants a chosen character ­ incredible protect his subject. The spirits appear
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 strength. The recipient (the d ­ imwalker as a sudden fog that gathers around the
✦ Type: Lasting or someone of their choosing) receives Stormkelt, and then takes on physical
✦ Duration: 1 minute the exceptional characteristic of Strength form. After the duration, the fog appears
✦ Range: Personal +6 for the ability’s duration. again and the warriors disappear into it
✦ Invocation time: 3 action rounds and leave the dimwalker. If a warrior
LEVELS OF POWER: HINJI dies, she settles back into fog and
The Stormkelt begs Stormi for protection. STRENGTH ­disappears. The spirit warriors will step
In return, Stormi sends a “Havar, a holy Cost Extra Levels of Power up to guard or protect the dimwalker
warrior from the Stormvakk to protect 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
during battle or any s­ ituation where he
his subject. The spirit appears as a sudden is in immediate danger. The warriors
10 Increase the duration by 1 hour
fog that gathers around the Stormkelt, never move farther than 10 meters from
and then takes on physical form. After the the Stormkelt and cannot perform any
duration, the fog appears again and the 3: Jarl´s Call other tasks besides personal protection
warrior disappears into it and leaves the for the Stormkelt or fighting those who
dimwalker. If the warrior dies, he settles ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 attack him. The spirit warriors do not
back into fog and disappears. ✦ Type: Lasting communicate; they only perform their
The spirit warrior will step up to guard ✦ Duration: 3 action rounds task.
or protect the dimwalker in battle or any ✦ Range: 10 meters A Stormkelt can have a maximum of
situation where he is in immediate danger. ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round three Shield Dísir active at one time.

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 165

The Shield Dísir are impressive female 4: Voice of Stormi protect the dimwalker during battle or
warriors armored in hardened leather, any situation where he is in immediate
with long manes of blond hair and faces ✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 danger. The warriors never move farther
painted with blue spiraled patterns. ✦ Type: Lasting than 10 meters from the Stormkelt and
They usually carry battle swords and ✦ Duration: 3 action rounds cannot perform any other tasks besides
great round reinforced shields. ✦ Range: 10 meters personal protection for the Stormkelt
✦ Invocation time: 2 action rounds or fighting those who attack him. The
✦ Shield Dísir: Strength +2, BP 30 (no spirit warriors do not communicate;
Dmg levels), Initiative +4, CP Free 10/ The Stormkelt’s voice resounds mightily, they only perform their task.
Sword 8/ Shield 6, Hardened Leather which affects three listeners of the A Stormkelt can have a maximum of
Armor (PV/BV 3/30), Battle Sword ­dimwalker’s choosing within range. The six Einharjar active at one time.
(Dmg 1d10 OR 9-10 +2, PV/BV 9/90), chosen characters must make a Situation Einharjar are heavily built b­ erserkers
Large Reinforced Shield (PV/BV 9/90). roll with a Situation value of 6 (Psyche with long, lank hair, sacrificial blood
modifiers apply). If any target fails the streaked on their faces, and bare upper
LEVELS OF POWER: SHIELD DÍSIR Situation roll, they instinctively obey bodies painted with soot symbols. They
Cost Extra Levels of Power the Stormkelt for the duration. However, usually carry two-handed swords.
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
the target will never do anything that
causes self-harm (such as jumping off ✦ Einharjar: BP 35 (no Dmg levels),
5 Summon another spirit warrior
a cliff) or that demands initiative and Initiative +4, CP Free 32, Natural
(maximum 3)
­creativity (such as formulating a plan or Armor 5, Two-Handed Sword (Dmg
10 Increase the duration by 1 hour ­improvising). 1d10 OR 8-10 +4, PV/BV 10/100).


STORMI Cost Extra Levels of Power
✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 Cost Extra Levels of Power 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
✦ Type: Lasting 1 Increase the duration by 1 action 5 Summon another spirit warrior
✦ Duration: 1 minute round (maximum 6)
✦ Range: 5 meter
2 Decrease the Situation value by -1 10 Increase the duration by 1 hour
✦ Invocation time: 3 action rounds
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
Stormi hears the Stormkelt’s wish and 3 Affect one more listener (with the
grants a chosen character i­ncredible ability’s basic version) Warmth of S unvei
strength. The recipient (the ­dimwalker The Stormkelt has promised allegiance
or someone of their choosing) receives to Sunvei, who in return offers healing
the exceptional characteristic of 5: Einharjar and remedial power as well as summer’s
Strength +8 for the ability’s duration. flourishing life and warmth.
Any other allies (including the ✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10
­dimwalker, if the ability targets someone ✦ Type: Lasting
else) within range of the Stormkelt also ✦ Duration: 1 minute 1: Healing
receive the exceptional characteristic of ✦ Range: Personal
Strength +4 for the ability’s duration. ✦ Invocation time: 1 minute ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2
✦ Type: Lasting
LEVELS OF POWER: JOTUN The Stormkelt begs Stormi for ✦ Duration: 1 day
STRENGTH p­rotection. In return, Stormi sends ✦ Range: Contact
Cost Extra Levels of Power the Einharjar, holy warriors from the ✦ Invocation time: 6 action rounds
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
­Stormvakk to protect his subject. The
spirits appear as a sudden fog that The Stormkelt places their hands on
3 Apply the Strength +8 to one more
gathers around the Stormkelt, and the wounded body parts of an injured
then takes on physical form. After the person, and a faint, warming light
5 Increase the range by 5 meters duration, the fog appears again and the begins to spread from their palms. The
6 Increase the characteristics from warriors disappear into it and leave healing rate of the person ­ receiving
+4 to +6 for the Stormkelt’s allies the dimwalker. If a warrior dies, they the healing touch increases by +1
10 Increase the duration by 1 hour settle back into fog and disappear. The Body Point per day, as long as the
spirit warriors will step up to guard or person ­continues to rest. If the injured

166 | chapter 4. dimwalkers

c­ haracter does anything other than rest, an injured character. Scar tissue 3: Firon Power
the ­ability’s power will be broken and immediately appears over the places
healing will return to its normal rate. where the fire has purified the body. ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6
✦ Type: Instant
LEVELS OF POWER: HEALING ✦ Heals 1 Body Point and stops any ✦ Range: Contact
Cost Extra Levels of Power bleeding. ✦ Invocation time: 1 minute
1 Increase the duration by 1 day
LEVELS OF POWER: HEALING The Stormkelt reaches out with their arms
3 Increase the rate of healing by
GLOW stretched toward the sky and calls upon
another +1 (maximum 3)
Cost Extra Levels of Power Sunvei. The dimwalker’s hands then begin to
2 Increases healing by +1 Body Point
glow with a purifying fire that the ­Stormkelt
1: Sunray lowers toward an injured character. Scar
tissue immediately appears over the places
✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 2: Summer Place where the fire has purified the body.
✦ Type: Lasting
✦ Duration: 1 hour ✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 ✦ Heals 5 Body Points and stops any
✦ Range: Radius of SV meters ✦ Type: Lasting bleeding.
✦ Invocation time: 1 minute ✦ Duration: 3 hours
✦ Range: Radius of SV x 100 meters LEVELS OF POWER: FIRON POWER
Sunvei sees to the dimwalker’s wish ✦ Invocation time: 1 minute Cost Extra Levels of Power
and lets the sun’s rays shine down on 2 Increases healing by +3 Body Point
them. For the duration of the ability, Sunvei sees to the dimwalker’s
sunlight shines down on the Stormkelt wish and lets the sun’s rays appear.
and an area surrounding them with a For the duration of the ability, the 3: Healing Warmth
radius ­determined by their Skill Value sunlight shines down within the area
in the Faith skill. Those within this (­determined by the dimwalker’s Skill ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6
sunlight are not afflicted negatively by Value in the Faith skill). This ability ✦ Type: Lasting
being out in nature, and all negative only works outdoors during daytime. ✦ Duration: 2 days
modifiers caused by enduring life in The warmth of the sun is equal to ✦ Range: Contact
the wilds are reduced to 0. However, summer’s heat for the current region. ✦ Invocation time: 6 action rounds
this ability works only outdoors during Those within this sunlight are not
daytime. The warmth of the sun is afflicted negatively by being out in The Stormkelt places their hands on the
equal to summer’s heat for the current nature, and all negative modifiers wounded body parts of an injured person,
region. The affected area is fixed for caused by enduring life in the wilds and a faint, warming light begins to
the duration of the ability, and does not are reduced to 0. spread from their palms. The healing rate
move if the Stormkelt moves away. If the duration lasts until after dusk, of the person receiving the healing touch
a warm summer evening and night will increases by +3 Body Points per day, as
LEVELS OF POWER: SUNRAY continue within the blessed area until long as the person continues to rest. If
Cost Extra Levels of Power the spell ends. As long as the ability the injured character does anything other
1 Increase the duration by 1 hour
persists, any hunting grounds in the than rest, the ability’s power will be broken
vicinity of the Stormkelt (SV x 100 and healing will return to its normal rate.
meters) also become more p­ rosperous The dimwalker can also try to cure any
2: Healing Glow (+3 for the Wilderness skill when diseases by granting the sick person +3 on
hunting). a ­Situation roll to overcome the disease.
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4
✦ Range: Contact PLACE WARMTH
✦ Invocation time: 1 minute Cost Extra Levels of Power Cost Extra Levels of Power
1 Increase the duration by 1 hour 1 Increase the duration by 1 day
The Stormkelt reaches out with their
2 Increase the modifier for
arms stretched toward the sky and calls
overcoming disease by +1
upon Sunvei. The ­ dimwalker’s hands
then begin to glow with a ­ purifying 3 Increase the rate of healing by +2
Body Points (maximum +6)
fire that the Stormkelt lowers toward

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 167

4: Time of the Hunt placed on the injured character by With grand gestures and high calls,
granting them +10 on Situation rolls the Stormkelt begs Windinna to come
✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 to neutralize or dispel. forth with her power and bless all those
✦ Type: Lasting present who are devoted to Stormi.
✦ Duration: 1 day LEVELS OF POWER: BREATH OF Once the ritual is completed, a soft
✦ Range: 10 km radius SUNVEI whirlwind appears with the dimwalker
✦ Invocation time: 1 minute Cost Extra Levels of Power at its center. The wind has a creative
1 Increase the duration by 1 day
effect, granting inspiration to the
Sunvei sees to the dimwalker’s wish ­dimwalker or an ally within range. On
2 Increase the modifier for neutralize
and lets the sun’s rays appear. For the the target’s next Skill roll involving the
or dispel by +1
duration of the ability, the sunlight shines creation of objects, they receive +3 to
down within the area. This ability only 3 Increase the rate of healing by +3 the Skill Value, provided that the work
Body Points (maximum +9)
works outdoors during daytime. The begins within a day.
warmth of the sun is equal to summer’s
heat for the current region. Those within 5: Healing Sun LEVELS OF POWER: INSPIRATION
range of this sunlight are not afflicted Cost Extra Levels of Power
negatively by being out in nature, and all ✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10 2 Affects another ally within range
negative modifiers caused by enduring ✦ Type: Instant
2 Increases the range by 5 meters
life in the wilds are reduced to 0. ✦ Range: Contact
For the duration of the ability, any ✦ Invocation time: 1 minute
hunting grounds within 10 ­ kilometers 1: Sixth Sense
of the dimwalker also become extremely The Stormkelt reaches out with their
prosperous (+6 on rolls for the ­Wilderness arms stretched toward the sky and ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2
skill when hunting or fishing). calls upon Sunvei. The ­ dimwalker’s ✦ Type: Instant
hands then begin to glow with a ✦ Range: Contact
LEVELS OF POWER: TIME OF THE purifying fire that the Stormkelt
­ ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round
HUNT lowers toward an injured character.
Cost Extra Levels of Power Scar tissue immediately appears over The Stormkelt asks Windinna for the
1 Increase the duration by 1 day
the places where the fire has purified ability to see into the mind and heart
the body. of a person. This ability is often used in
3 Increase the range by +10
interrogations and legal matters.
✦ Heals 10 Body Points and stops any The dimwalker directs the ability
bleeding. toward a person within range and can
4: Breath of Sunvei use it to judge if the person is hostile or
LEVELS OF POWER: HEALING SUN friendly toward the dimwalker.
✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 Cost Extra Levels of Power
✦ Type: Lasting 2 Increases healing by +5 Body
✦ Duration: 3 days Points Cost Extra Levels of Power
✦ Range: Contact 2 Increase the range by 5 meters
✦ Invocation time: 6 action rounds (contact is no longer necessary)
Wisdom of W indinna
The Stormkelt places their hands on The Stormkelt makes a wise sacrifice and
the wounded body parts of an injured forms a powerful bond with the goddess 2: Joy of Creating
person, and a faint, warming light Windinna. She bestows insight, mental
begins to spread from their palms. The resilience, and inspiration. ✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4
healing rate of the person r­eceiving ✦ Type: Lasting
the healing touch increases by +5 ✦ Duration: 1 day
Body Point per day, as long as the 1: Inspiration ✦ Range: 10 meters
person ­continues to rest. If the injured ✦ Invocation time: 6 action rounds
character does anything other than
­ ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2
rest, the ability’s power will be broken ✦ Type: Lasting With grand gestures and high calls,
and healing will return to its normal ✦ Duration: 1 day the Stormkelt begs Windinna to come
rate. The dimwalker can also try to ✦ Range: 5 meters forth with her power and bless all those
neutralize poisons or dispel curses ✦ Invocation time: 2 action rounds present who are devoted to Stormi.

168 | chapter 4. dimwalkers

Once the ritual is completed, a soft LEVELS OF POWER: JOY OF 2: Steel Mind
­whirlwind appears with the dimwalker at CREATING
its center. The wind has a creative effect, Cost Extra Levels of Power ✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4
granting inspiration to the dimwalker 2 Affect a person within range
✦ Type: Instant
or an ally within range. On the target’s ✦ Range: Personal
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
next Skill roll involving the creation of ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round
objects, they receive +5 to the Skill Value,
provided that the work begins within a A fire encompasses the affected
day. The whirlwind can also permanently i­ndividual and purifies their body of
fix any one object that is broken (which all evil, transformation, and outside
takes 1d10 action rounds). influence. The ability drives away

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 169

all foreign thoughts from the target have been summoned through vitner and LEVELS OF POWER: SWINE RUSH
that have been summoned through have negative effects. If the ­Stormkelt is Cost Extra Levels of Power
vitner and have negative effects. If the one afflicted, they must succeed on a 5 Increase the duration by 1 day
the S
­ tormkelt is the one afflicted, they Situation roll with a Situation value of
must succeed on a Situation roll with a 12 (Psyche ­modifiers apply) to be able to
Situation value of 10 (Psyche m ­ odifiers gather enough control to use the ability. 4: Gaze of Windinna
apply) to be able to gather enough The ability drives out any soul or spirit
control to use the ability. that has possessed and is controlling ✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8
a being, sending it back to the world ✦ Type: Lasting
LEVELS OF POWER: STEEL MIND whence it came. ✦ Duration: 1 minute
Cost Extra Levels of Power ✦ Range: Eye contact
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
LEVELS OF POWER: VITNER ✦ Invocation time: 2 action rounds
(the personal range is no longer PROTECTION
necessary) Cost Extra Levels of Power The Stormkelt asks Windinna for the
2 Increase Situation value with +1 2 Increase the range by 5 meters
ability to see into the mind and heart
of a person. This ability is often used
3 Affect one additional person within 2 Increase the Situation value by +1
in interrogations and legal matters.
range (with ability’s basic version) 3 Affect another person within range The dimwalker can then read that
(with ability’s basic version) person’s mind for the duration of the
3: Wave of Truth ability. The target can attempt to resist
4: Swine Rush the effect by succeeding on a Situation
✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 roll with a Situation value of 4 (Psyche
✦ Type: Lasting ✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 modifiers apply).
✦ Duration: 1 minute ✦ Type: Lasting
✦ Range: Hearing ✦ Duration: 1 day LEVELS OF POWER: GAZE OF
✦ Invocation time: 2 action rounds ✦ Range: Personal WINDINNA
✦ Invocation time: 1 minute Cost Extra Levels of Power
The Stormkelt asks Windinna for the 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
ability to see into the mind and heart With grand gestures and high calls,
2 Decrease the Situation value by -1
of a person. This ability is often used in the Stormkelt begs Windinna to come
interrogations and legal matters. forth with her power and bless all who
The dimwalker directs the ability are devoted to Stormi. Windinna hears 5: Hearth of Windinna
toward a person within range and can use the dimwalker and sends Djofur, the
it to judge if the person is lying or telling swine spirit, to create a common object. ✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10
the truth. The ability lasts for one minute. When he does so, he grunts and digs ✦ Type: Instant
in the ground. Left in the place where ✦ Range: 10 meters
LEVELS OF POWER: WAVE OF Djofur was digging is the object. It can ✦ Invocation time: 6 action rounds
TRUTH be anything the dimwalker chooses, such
Cost Extra Levels of Power as a sword, a gold coin, or even a boat, A fire encompasses the afflicted
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
as long as it is not alive or magical. The and purifies their body of any evil,
object also has to be movable. Thus, ­t ransformation, and outside influence.
Djofur cannot create a horse, a forest, or The prayer drives away a demon that
3: Vitner Protection a flower because these are living things. possesses a worldly body (physical)
Nor can he create a stronghold or a wall or has settled down inside a being,
✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 since these are not movable. It takes one sending it back to the world whence
✦ Type: Instant minute for Djofur to create an object, it came.
✦ Range: 10 meters which will then exist for one day. The
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round quality of the object is masterful. Djofur LEVELS OF POWER: HEARTH OF
can be called only once per day. WINDINNA
A fire encompasses the affected Be aware that neither Windinna nor Cost Extra Levels of Power
i­ndividual and purifies their body of Djofur cares for greedy dimwalkers, so 2 Increase the range by 5 meters
any evil, transformation, and outside if a Stormkelt were to use this ability to
influence. The ability drives away
­ sate their own greed, it would awaken
foreign thoughts from the target that the wrath of the goddess.

170 | chapter 4. dimwalkers

Wrath of T yrd LEVELS OF POWER: BATTLE CRY receives two severe burns on their body.
The Stormkelt sheds his/her own blood Cost Extra Levels of Power Every burn causes the victim 1d3 points
and promises his/her life to the vengeful 1 Increase the number of people who
of damage. The victim also receives -2 SV
Tyrd, who lends the power to burn and are affected by the ability by +1 on all combat actions during the current
frighten the enemies of the Stormkelt, (maximum 3) action round as well as the following
as well as the ability to increase or 1 Increase the duration by 1 action
round because of the burns. Armor has no
shatter morale in battle. round effect against this ability.
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
1: Fire Iron 2 Increase the bonus on combat
Cost Extra Levels of Power
actions by another +1 (maxi-
mum 3) 1 Increase the number of burns by
✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 +1 (maximum 6)
✦ Type: Instant
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
✦ Range: 5 meters 2: Wolf Tongue
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round 2 Afflict one additional target (with
the ability’s basic version)
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4
The Stormkelt calls on the wrath of ✦ Type: Instant
Tyrd and channels that anger toward ✦ Range: 5 meters 3: War Cry
an enemy within range. The target ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round
immediately receives one severe burn ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6
on their body. Every burn causes the The Stormkelt makes a sinister face and ✦ Type: Lasting
victim 1 point of damage. The victim speaks the triggering words of the ability. ✦ Duration: 3 action rounds
also receives -1 SV on all combat The words are contorted into a deep ✦ Range: 10 meters
actions during the current action voice, and around the Stormkelt gathers ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round
round as well as the following round a dark, visible aura of divine wrath. The
because of the burns. Armor has no dimwalker’s enemies within range risk The Stormkelt screams out a summons, and
effect against this ability. becoming frightened by the visage and Tyrd answers with a booming ­thunderclap
suffering 1d10 fear points. The ability that spurs the dimwalker or one of their
LEVELS OF POWER: FIRE IRON afflicts all beings with human intelligence allies to greater battle morale, while
Cost Extra Levels of Power (humanoid beings and trollkin). ­shattering the morale of their enemies.
1 Increases the number of burns by
The war cry grants the target within
+1 (maximum 6) LEVELS OF POWER: WOLF TONGUE range +3 on all combat actions for
Cost Extra Levels of Power the duration. One of the dimwalker’s
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
enemies within range also receives -3
on all combat actions for the duration.
1: Battle Cry 3 Increase the fear points by one step:
1d10 g 1d10 (OR 10) g 1d10 (OR
9-10) g 1d10 (OR 8-10) g .+1 OR
✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 range per further level (max OR 5-10) Cost Extra Levels of Power
✦ Type: Lasting 1 Increase the number of allies who
✦ Duration: 2 action rounds are affected by the ability by +1
✦ Range: 5 meters 2: Pyre Mark (maximum 6)
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round 1 Increase the duration by 1 action round
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
The Stormkelt screams out a summons, ✦ Type: Instant
and Tyrd answers with a booming ✦ Range: 10 meters 2 Increase the bonus on combat
thunderclap that spurs the dimwalker
­ ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round actions by another +1 (maximum 6)
or one of their allies to greater battle 2 Increase the modifier for enemies
morale. The battle cry grants the target The Stormkelt calls on the wrath of Tyrd by -1 (maximum -6)
within range +1 on all combat actions and channels that anger toward an enemy 2 Increase the number of enemies
for the duration. within range. The target immediately who are affected by the ability by +1

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 171

3: Dark Visage The Stormkelt calls on the wrath of LEVELS OF POWER: THUNDER OF
Tyrd and channels that anger toward VICTORY
✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 all enemies within range. The targets Cost Extra Levels of Power
✦ Type: Instant ­immediately receive two severe burns 1 Increase the duration by 1 action round
✦ Range: 10 meters on their bodies. Every burn causes
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round the victims 1d3+1 points of damage.
The victims also receive -3 SV on all 3 Increase the bonus for combat
The Stormkelt makes a sinister face and combat actions during the current actions by another +1
speaks the triggering words of the ability. action round as well as the following 3 Increase the modifier for enemies by -1
The words are contorted into a deep round because of the burns. Armor has
voice, and around the Stormkelt gathers no effect against this ability.
a dark, visible aura of divine wrath. All 5: Tyrd´s Bellow
the dimwalker’s enemies within range LEVELS OF POWER: FIRESTORM
risks becoming frightened by the visage Cost Extra Levels of Power ✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10
and suffering 1d10 (OR 10) Fear Points. 2 Increase the number of burns
✦ Type: Instant
The ability afflicts all beings with by +1 ✦ Range: 10 meters
human intelligence (humanoid beings ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
and trollkin). Animals and other
beings with lower intelligence are so The Stormkelt makes a sinister face and
frightened that they flee and do not 4: Thunder of Victory speaks the triggering words of the ability.
dare to come back before one hour has The words are contorted into a deep
passed. ✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 voice, and around the Stormkelt gathers
✦ Type: Lasting a dark, visible aura of divine wrath. All
LEVELS OF POWER: DARK VISAGE ✦ Duration: 5 action rounds of the d
­ imwalker’s enemies within range
Cost Extra Levels of Power ✦ Range: 10 meters risk becoming frightened by the visage
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
✦ Invocation time: 2 action rounds and suffering 1d10 (OR 9-10) Fear
Points. The ability afflicts all beings with
2 Afflict one extra intelligent
The Stormkelt screams out a summons, human ­ intelligence (humanoid beings
being of your choice within
range (ability’s basic version,
and Tyrd answers with a booming and trollkin). Animals and other beings
maximum 5) thunderclap that spurs the dimwalker
­ with lower i­ntelligence are so f­rightened
or one of their allies to greater battle that they flee and do not dare to come
4 Increase the Fear Points by one
step: 1d10 (OR 10) g 1d10 (OR morale, while ­shattering the morale of back before one week has passed.
9-10) g 1d10 (OR 8-10) g 1d10 their enemies.
(OR 7-10) g 1d10 (OR 6-10) The thunderous cry grants the LEVELS OF POWER: TYRD’S
­dimwalker and all allies within range +4 BELLOW
on all combat actions for the duration. Cost Extra Levels of Power
4: Firestorm All of the dimwalker’s enemies within 2 Increase the range by 5 meters
range receive -4 on all combat actions for
✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 the duration. Increase the Fear Points by one
Type: Instant step: 1d10 (OR 9-10) g − 1d10
✦ 3
(OR 8-10) g .+1 OR range per
✦ Range: 10 meters
further level (max OR 5-10)
✦ Invocation time: 3 action rounds

172 | chapter 4. dimwalkers


Followers of the Eald Tradition are their weapon is drawn, to always sleep on Once the dimwalker swears a blood
organized as follows. the bare ground, never flee from a battle, oath, they receive extra Divinity Points
and so on. This promise must be declared in addition to those usually ­generated
✦ Those who are pure exemplars of nearby the associated element of the chosen through the Faith skill.
the Eald Tradition are called Bruids, Flowra (for example, promises to Nema are Divinity points gained from blood
which roughly means “heroes to be” or made on the windswept plains, and promises oaths don’t disappear like those gained
“promising warriors.” They are role to Morgu are made on the b­ attlefield) or through the blood gifting of Gerbanis
models in their society. where a large crowd is gathered to serve as or the Tenets of Nid’s prayers. An oath
✦ The Bruids often follow and serve the witnesses to the promise. and the Divinity Points generated last
Eald Tradition’s traditional warriors, A promise must never be about until they are spent, or for one full year,
the “Curadd.” something transient, such as killing a
­ or until the oath is fulfilled. If the oath
✦ Esteemed over the Curadd are the certain person or singing a certain song in has not been fulfilled by the end of this
“Rigfhennid,” Oath Kings and heroes a certain place. Instead, it must be a promise period, it is considered broken.
among the people, who are a source of of a perpetual behavior or a goal that the Divinity points still unspent once the
inspiration and courage. dimwalker will pursue all of their life. deed of the blood oath is accomplished
✦ A Rigfhennid reaching the master level disappear instantly upon its fulfillment.
can receive the title of “Teyrn.” A Teyrn Each blood oath costs the hero 1 Body
is incredibly close to the Flowras and is Blood Oaths Point that will not heal until the oath is
lauded as a hero in many books. If there Blood oaths are rituals that heroes of the ­fulfilled. If the blood oath is not ­fulfilled
is anyone who can rule a country with Eald Tradition use for gaining extra power after a year, this injury becomes p­ ermanent.
order and peace, it is a Teyrn. A female to fuel their divine feats. Unlike the initial It can never be healed in any way.
Teyrn is called a Teyrna. promise a dimwalker makes for learning The effect of a blood oath cannot be
✦ Any heroes who reach legendary level divine feats, blood oaths are related ­multiplied if the oath is sworn several times.
are called “Ardrigh,” Supreme King of to ­ performing certain specific deeds. Be sure to keep track of the blood oaths
Flowras, who cannot be ruled over by These deeds should be tasks that can be a character has sworn and the number of
any earthly authority. Their word is law, ­accomplished within a year, such as killing Divinity Points granted by writing them
and their every action is a tradition. a certain monster, taking a pilgrimage to a down on the character sheet. It is especially
specific place, or building a shrine. important to keep track of whether or not
A blood oath cannot be a promise for the Divinity Points from the oaths have been
The Promises something perpetual, such as clearing
­ used, what Divine Ability they were used for,
Trudvang of trolls, defending the innocent, and when the blood oaths were sworn. Blood
✦ Eald Tradition’s prerequisite for Holy or speaking entirely without lies. These types oaths are not to be handled lightly.
Tablets of promises are the kind the dimwalker would The maximum number of blood oaths a
make in order to learn the Holy Tablets. hero can be held accountable for during one
In order to learn a Holy Tablet that A blood oath should have a clear and year depends on the hero’s Body Points,
Flowras offers, the dimwalker must make a viable goal (see the Blood Oaths table). since every blood oath costs 1 Body Point.
promise to perform a certain daily duty or A blood oath takes a full minute (or 12 If this number is exceeded, the character
task, uphold a particular virtue or standard, Combat turns) to swear. To succesfully will perish beneath the weight of his oaths.
or abstain from something. In order to seal perform a blood oath, the dimwalker must The table below shows some of the
the promise, they cut a wound on their succeed on a Faith Skill roll. The Invoke blood oaths a hero can swear in order to
arms that will eventually heal and leave discipline and the Bruid specialty also gain Divinity Points. It is ultimately up to
a scar. The promise of the dimwalker for raises the Skill Value for succeeding with the game master to determine how many
example may be to kill someone whenever a blood oath. Divinity Points a blood oath can generate.

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 173

BLOOD OATHS an oath breaker, the person suffers -4 on A dimwalker who has failed to perform
Blood Oath Divinity Points all Skill Values and Situation values linked the sworn task of a blood oath can never
Travel around the 8
to their Charisma. This covers a variety swear another blood oath of the same
country of active forms of communication, such nature again.
as persuasion, negotiation, or seduction, If the hero breaks the initial made in
Win a contest 4
but it can also be a passive hindrance as order to receive a Holy Tablet, it leads to
Help the prince 8 the character is denied access to an inn, the permanent loss of that Holy Tablet. A
Save the defenseless 4-20 or simply attacked by an angry mob of promise breaker can never make the same
Get married 8 people that recognize the character as an promise again and will never again be able
Have a child 8 oath breaker. to learn the Holy Tablet that was lost.
Protect village from 4-20

Be involved in a war 4-12

Blood Oaths. Rwyn swore to slay a gray troll and was granted 4 Divinity Points
Win a war 20 through this oath. She can save these points for up to one year. If she has not used
Break a curse 4-8 them by the end of the year, or if she slays a gray troll before they are spent, they
Slay gray trolls 4 will disappear. If she has not completed her sworn action by the end of this period,
Smite the undead 8 she is an oath breaker.
When Rwyn swore to slay a gray troll, she cut a bleeding wound on her hand and
Slay a griffon 12
let the blood drip on the ground to seal her promise. The blood oath cost her 1 Body
Slay a jotun, tursir 20 Point that cannot be healed until her oath is fulfilled. Once the oath is fulfilled, the
(giant) wound on her hand heals immediately.
Slay a lindwurm 20 If Rwyn breaks her oath, she will lose that Body Point permanently and the wound
Slay a wurm (dragon) 60 on her hand will never heal; furthermore, she is considered an oath breaker.
Rwyn swears to slay a gray troll and is thereby granted 4 Divinity Points. After
this she realizes that she desires to slay far more gray trolls than just one, but
Promise- and Oath Breakers no matter how many Rwyn wants to slay, she can swear a blood oath about this
A hero can take immediate a­ dvantage ­particular subject only once at the same time, and thus will receive a total of 4
of blood oaths since they grant Divinity Points for slaying gray trolls.
Divinity Points as soon as the oath Once Rwyn has slain a gray troll and fulfilled her oath, she can swear a new blood
is sworn. Therefore, it is critically oath to slay more gray trolls if she desires. Remember that a blood oath takes a full
important to keep your word. As round to swear and that the Divinity Points she was granted to slay the gray troll
long as a hero continues to faithfully disappear if still unused when the oath is fulfilled.
fulfill blood oaths and promises made,
there will be no problems. However, Promise Breakers and Oath Breakers. Imogen swears a blood oath to slay a
if a hero ever breaks a blood oath or a griffon. Less than a week later, she ends up in an ambush where she is seriously
promise, this will lead to several dire injured and taken captive. Once freed a month later, she is in bed with fever chills
consequences. and unable to fully recover for another six months. This delay in her hunt for the
The only ways to break an oath are griffon costs her dearly since she struggles to find and slay a griffon in the next few
either by failing to do the task within the months before the year has lapsed. She fails to fulfill her oath within the allotted
stipulated time, or by acting in a manner time. This means that she loses 1 Body Point permanently and receives the oath
contrary to the promise of the oath. It is breaker title. Henceforth, she is known as Imogen Oath Breaker.
therefore important that both the player Imogen can never again swear a blood oath to slay a griffon.
and the game master keep track of when
a blood oath was sworn and when a year Hergil Bultblod made a promise seven years ago to never back down from a
has passed, as well as exactly what each c­hallenge. This promise was heard by the Flowra Morgu, who gave Hergil access
oath implies. to the tablet Tribute of Morgu tablet. When Edelmarr Goldenhair, a great and
If the hero breaks a blood oath, the notorious hero in Dranvelt, challenges him to a sword fight, Hergil does not have the
temporary injury will become permanent courage to accept because he realizes that he can never win. This means that Hergil
(Body Points lowered by 1). The scar breaks his promise to never back down from a challenge, and it infuriates Morgu so
from the oath will remain blatant and much that Hergil is stripped of level 2 of the Tribute of Morgu tablet. Because of this
unsightly, making the person ­immediately broken promise, Hergil can never learn the Tribute to Morgu tablet. again, nor can
recognizable as an oath breaker (and he obtain a new ability by promising to never budge from a challenge..
granting them the oath breaker title). As

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 175


Gift of Thanja Halawen’s Offering Heritage of Majne

1: Behind Tree and Pine 1: Willpower of the Ancestors 1: Strong Beer
1: Animal Speech 1: Vitner Shield 1: Trollslayer
2: Stagshape 2: Bloodfangsbane 2: Giantslayer
2: Bestial Tongue 2: Boldness of the Ancestors 2: King’s Militia
3: Salmonshape 3: Bolgemek 3: Hero’s Brew
3: Beneath Root and Rock 3: Witch Wall 3: King’s Guard
4: Dragon Tongue 4: Fearless 4: Dragonslayer
4: Forest Denizen 5: Mistur Barrier 4: King’s Ale
5: Ravenshape 5: Roggdrasil 5: The Nine Kings

Magh’s Gift Nema’s Usefulness Tribute of Morgu

1: Journey Wind 1: Horse Ears 1: Simmering Blood
1: Rider’s Melody 1: Gust of Release 1: Battle Arrow
2: Magh’s Tether 2: Gloomy Trail 2: Boiling Blood
2: Elf Summer 2: Owl Hearing 2: Rage
3: Hero’s Song 3: Freeing Breeze 3: Shower of Arrows
3: Magh’s Chain 3: Meall’s Trail 3: Madness
4: King’s Anthem 4: Liberating Wind 4: Bloodfire
5: Magh’s Hawser 4: Gryphon’s Sense 5: Riastarthae
5: Harvest Year 5: Mongfind’s Travel 5: Blacken the Sky

Gift of T hanja The Bruid alters their appearance so 1: Animal Speech

The Bruid has caught the interest of the as to blend in with the surrounding
Flowra Thanja, who gives the d ­ imwalker environment. The dimwalker must sit ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2
the ability to communicate with c­ reatures completely still in order to keep from ✦ Type: Lasting
of the wild, shift appearance to that of an breaking the effect. Anyone searching for ✦ Duration: 1 minute
animal, and more easily disappear within the Bruid must succeed on a difficult (-3 ✦ Range: 5 meters
the wilderness. to SV) Skill roll with the Shadow Arts ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round
skill in order to detect them.
The Bruid is able to speak with
1: Behind Tree and Pine LEVELS OF POWER: BEHIND TREE ordinary animals for the duration of
AND PINE the ability. He can also understand
✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 Cost Extra Levels of Power anything that the animals are saying.
✦ Type: Lasting 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
However, this does not mean that
✦ Duration: 1 minute the animals will i­mmediately become
10 Increase the duration by 1 hour
✦ Range: Personal comfortable or friendly toward the
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round dimwalker, or even wish to answer his

176 | chapter 4. dimwalkers

questions, but they will miraculously ✦ Stagshape Traits LEVELS OF POWER: BESTIAL
be able to ­comprehend his words. How ✦ A Bruid transformed with Stagshape TONGUE
much they will ­ understand depends has the following traits: Cost Extra Levels of Power
on how intelligent the animals are ✦ Communicate with deer 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
(which is up to the game master to ✦ Movement: 2 CP x 6 m (Max 24 m)
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
decide), and there are many things ✦ See at night
that the dimwalker may speak of or ask ✦ Strength +1
that the animals have no context or ✦ Constitution +4 3: Salmonshape
understanding of. ✦ Size 1,5 t and can be ridden by a person
By speaking with animals, the Bruid ✦ Can eat grass for full nourishment ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6
can also bargain with, intimidate, ✦ Natural weapon: Horns, damage 1d10 ✦ Type: Lasting
deceive, or persuade them. Bear in mind (OR 9-10), to be used with Fighting ✦ Duration: 1 minute
that animals often act with manners (Brawling). ✦ Range: Personal
that humans would consider childish, ✦ Invocation time: 6 action rounds
selfish, and sometimes quite greedy and LEVELS OF POWER: STAGSHAPE
cunning. Cost Extra Levels of Power This ability grants the Bruid the power
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
to transform into a salmon. In the
LEVELS OF POWER: ANIMAL animal shape, the dimwalker receives
10 Increase the duration by 1 hour
SPEECH a number of traits in addition to their
Cost Extra Levels of Power own. If the Bruid’s traits are superior
2: Bestial Tongue to those listed below, they maintain
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
the original traits, but if the traits
2 Increase the range by 5 meters ✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 listed below are better, they use those
✦ Type: Lasting instead.
2: Stagshape ✦ Duration: 1 minute The Bruid keeps all personal
✦ Range: 10 meters belongings when transformed, and
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round these items are altered in appearance
✦ Type: Lasting to adapt to the new form. A Bruid who
✦ Duration: 1 minute The Bruid is able to speak with beasts wears armor, carries several weapons,
✦ Range: Personal for the duration of the ability. She can and has various other pieces of gear
✦ Invocation time: 6 action rounds also understand anything that the beasts will still take on the form of a standard
are saying. However, this does not mean salmon without any such equipment
This ability grants the Bruid the power that the beasts will immediately become visible. Once the Bruid returns to
to transform into a stag. In the animal comfortable or friendly toward the
­ their normal appearance, all armor,
shape, the dimwalker receives a number ­dimwalker, or even wish to answer her weapons, and equipment will take on
of new traits in addition to their own. If questions, but they will miraculously their normal appearance as well.
the Bruid’s traits are superior to those be able to comprehend her words. How
listed below, they maintain the original much they will understand depends on ✦ Salmonshape Traits
traits, but if the traits listed below are how intelligent the beasts are (which is ✦ A Bruid transformed with
better, they use those instead. up to the game master to decide), and ­Salmonshape has the following traits:
The Bruid keeps all personal there are many things that the dimwalker ✦ Communicate with salmon
belongings when transformed, and
­ may speak of or ask that the ­creatures ✦ Breathe underwater
these items are altered in appearance have no context or understanding of. ✦ Equipment is protected from water
to adapt to the new form. A Bruid who By speaking with beasts, the Bruid can ✦ Movement in water is doubled (the
wears armor, carries several weapons, also bargain with, intimidate, deceive, or character’s movement x 2)
and has various other pieces of gear will persuade them. Bear in mind that beasts ✦ Breathe but not move when on land.
still take on the form of a standard stag often act with manners that humans ✦ Excellent vision underwater
without any such e­quipment visible. would consider childish, selfish, and ✦ Exceptional character trait for
Once the Bruid returns to their normal sometimes quite greedy and cunning. ­Dexterity +4
appearance, all armor, weapons, and Beasts are creatures such as wolfkin ✦ A Bruid in Salmonshape form also
equipment will take on their normal (skolls and garms), troll bulls, griffons, has healing traits: someone touching
appearance as well. and mastomants. The Bruid cannot the salmon’s scales can heal 1 Body
communicate with trolls or dragons
­ Point (one time per person per day),
through this ability.. someone kissing the salmon can

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 177

heal 1d3 Body Points (one time per Bear in mind that all dragons have items are altered in appearance to adapt to
person per day), and someone taking extremely good hearing and can the new form. A Bruid who wears armor,
a bite from the salmon (Bruid suffers ­distinguish sounds from several kilometers carries several weapons, and has various
1d5 points of damage) heals 1d6 + 1 away. other pieces of gear will still take on the
Body Points. form of a standard raven without any
LEVELS OF POWER: DRAGON such equipment visible. Once the Bruid
LEVELS OF POWER: SALMONSHAPE TONGUE returns to their normal a­ ppearance, all
Cost Extra Levels of Power Cost Extra Levels of Power armor, weapons, and equipment will take
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
on their normal appearance as well.
10 Increase the duration by 1 hour 2 Increase the range by 5 meters ✦ Reavenshape Traits
✦ A Bruid transformed with Ravenshape
3: Beneath Root and Rock 4: Forest Denizen has the following traits:
✦ Communicate with ravens and undead
✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 ✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 beings
✦ Type: Lasting ✦ Type: Lasting ✦ Move (land): 2 CP x 1/2 m (Max 5 m)
✦ Duration: 1 minute ✦ Duration: 1 minute ✦ Move (flying): 2 CP x 4 m (Max 32 m)
✦ Range: Personal ✦ Range: Personal ✦ Dexterity +4
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round ✦ Constitution -4
✦ Size 1/4 t
The Bruid alters their appearance so The Bruid alters their appearance so ✦ Night vision.
as to blend in with the surrounding as to blend in with the surrounding ✦ Sees all invisible and intangible beings
environment. The dimwalker must sit environment. The dimwalker must sit ✦ Natural weapon: Beak, damage 1d10
completely still in order to keep from completely still in order to keep from (OR 10), to be used with Fighting
breaking the effect. Anyone searching breaking the effect. Anyone searching for (Brawling).
for the Bruid must succeed on a difficult­ the Bruid must succeed on a difficult (-10 ✦ Harder to hit due to its small size, and
(-5 to SV) Skill roll with the Shadow to SV) Skill roll with the Shadow Arts all who attack the raven in flight will
Arts skill in order to detect them. skill in order to detect them. receive -5 to the SV of the attack. This
deduction also affects ranged attacks,
LEVELS OF POWER: BENEATH LEVELS OF POWER: FOREST in addition to any other modifiers for
ROOT AND ROCK DENIZEN attacking a moving target
Cost Extra Levels of Power Cost Extra Levels of Power
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
Cost Extra Levels of Power
10 Increase the duration by 1 hour 10 Increase the duration by 1 hour
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
4: Dragon Tongue 5: Ravenshape 10 Increase the duration by 1 hour

✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 ✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10 Halawen’s Offering

✦ Type: Lasting ✦ Type: Lasting The Bruid has turned to his ancestor
✦ Duration: 1 minute ✦ Duration: 1 minute Halawen Longlife for power, and the
✦ Range: 20 meters ✦ Range: Personal erstwhile hero bestows the ability to
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round ✦ Invocation time: 6 action rounds evoke the great heroes’ spears, courage,
and protection against vitner.
The Bruid can communicate in the This ability grants the Bruid the power
language of dragons and their kin. to transform into a raven. In the animal
This does not mean that dragons shape, the dimwalker receives a number 1: Willpower of the
will suddenly become friendly with of traits in addition to their own. If the
the dimwalker or wish to answer his Bruid’s traits are superior to those listed
questions, but they will miraculously below, they maintain the original traits, ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2
be able to comprehend his words. but if the traits listed below are better, ✦ Type: Lasting
By speaking with dragons, the Bruid they use those instead. ✦ Duration: 1 minute
can also bargain with, intimidate, The Bruid keeps all personal ✦ Range: Contact
deceive, or persuade them. ­belongings when transformed, and these ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round

178 | chapter 4. dimwalkers

The ancestors hear the Bruid’s desire, and 2: Bloodfangsbane LEVELS OF POWER: BOLDNESS OF
bestow courage that fills the target (the ANCESTORS
Bruid or another person they choose) with ✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 Cost Extra Levels of Power
the strength ­necessary to resist fear and ✦ Type: Lasting 2 Increase the duration by 1 minute
mental disturbances. The target receives ✦ Duration: 10 minutes
10 Increase the duration by 1 hour
the exceptional character trait Psyche +4 ✦ Range: Personal
for the duration of the ability. ✦ Invocation time: 1 minute
3: Bolgomek
LEVELS OF POWER: WILLPOWER As the triggering command of this
OF ANCESTORS divine ability is spoken, a spear ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6
Cost Extra Levels of Power materializes in the Bruid’s hand, an
­ ✦ Type: Lasting
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
ancient and holy artifact. When the ✦ Duration: 10 minutes
duration ends, the spear goes up in ✦ Range: Personal
10 Increase the duration by 1 hour
smoke. ✦ Invocation time: 1 minute
Bloodfangsbane is the great spear
1: Vitner Shield with which Jowja killed the white As the triggering command of this divine
logiwurm, Bloodfang, at Blodt, where ability is spoken, a spear ­materializes in
✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 Bydland was later founded. the Bruid’s hand, an ancient and holy
✦ Type: Lasting artifact. When the duration ends, the
✦ Duration: 4 action rounds ✦ Bloodfangsbane: spear goes up in smoke.
✦ Range: Personal ✦ Type: Two-Handed Weapon Bolgomek is the father of all broad-
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round ✦ Damage: 1d10 (OR 8-10) + 4; bladed spears, the heavy spear that
protection value: 15; breach value:
­ Adarik the Conqueror used to defend
The Bruid lets their ancestors watch over 150; IM -4; WA: 3 his people against the Bults and lead
them and receives a divine protection ✦ Gives the wielder +2 in Protection them through the Dragonforest, where
against vitner. Any time the dimwalker Value he founded the new country of Arji.
is attacked by a spell, regardless of the ✦ Gives the wielder +2 on all Skill
power, they must make a Situation roll Values using this weapon (attacks, ✦ Bolgomek:
with a Situation value based on the level of parries, etc.) ✦ Type: Two-Handed Weapon
the spell, according to table below (Psyche ✦ Damage: 1d10 (OR 7-10) + 6;
modifiers apply). If the roll succeeds, the LEVELS OF POWER: ­protection value: 20; breach value: 200;
spell’s effects are neutralized. BLOODFANGSBANE IM -4; WA: 3;
Cost Extra Levels of Power ✦ Gives the wielder +4 in Protection
2 Increase the duration by 1 minute
Spell Level Situation Value ✦ Gives the wielder +3 on all Skill
10 Increase the duration by 1 hour
1 10
Values using this weapon (attacks,
parries, etc.)
2 8 2: Boldness of the Ancestors ✦ Gives the wielder an extra +2 on Skill
3 6 Value for Parry when outnumbered
4 4 ✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4
✦ Duration: 1 minute Cost Extra Levels of Power
✦ Range: Contact 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
LEVELS OF POWER: VITNER ✦ Invocation time: 2 action rounds
10 Increase the duration by 1 hour
Cost Extra Levels of Power The ancestors hear the Bruid’s desire,
and bestow courage that fills the target 3: Witch Wall
1 Increase the duration by one action
round (the Bruid or another person they
choose) with the strength necessary ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6
3 Increase Situation value by +1
to resist fear and mental ­disturbances. ✦ Type: Lasting
4 Increase the duration by 1 minute The target receives the exceptional ✦ Duration: 6 action rounds
10 Increase the duration by 1 hour character trait Psyche +6 for the ✦ Range: 2 meters
duration of the ability. ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 179

The Bruid lets their ancestors watch The target receives the exceptional LEVELS OF POWER: MISTUR
over them and one ally, and both receive character trait Psyche +6 for the duration BARRIER
a divine protection against vitner. of the ability while up to three allies Cost Extra Levels of Power
Anytime the dimwalker or their ally which are within the range of the ability 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
is attacked by a spell, regardless of the also receive the exceptional character
1 Increase the range by 2 meters
power, the targeted character must make trait Psyche +4 for the duration..
a Situation roll with a Situation value 2 Increase the Situation value by +1
based on the level of the spell, according LEVELS OF POWER: FEARLESS 3 Affect another ally within the
to table below (Psyche modifiers apply). Cost Extra Levels of Power range
If the roll succeeds, the spell’s effects 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute 6 Increase the duration by 1 hour
are neutralized. If both characters are
3 Affect another character (with
hit with a spell, both must succeed
ability’s basic version)
individually to avoid the effect. If the 5: Roggdrasil
spell affects a whole area, rather than 5 Increase the range by 5 meters
individual targets, it will have an impact 6 Increase the characteristics for ✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10
on all who failed the Situation roll or are allies from +4 to +6 ✦ Type: Lasting
unprotected by this ability. 10 Increase the duration by 1 hour ✦ Duration: 10 minutes
✦ Range: Personal
WITCH WALL SITUATION VALUE ✦ Invocation time: 1 minute
Spell Level Situation Value 5: Mistur Barrier
1 12
As the triggering command of this divine
✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10 ability is spoken, a spear m
­ aterializes in
2 10 ✦ Type: Lasting the Bruid’s hand, an ancient and holy
3 8 ✦ Duration: 1 minute artifact. When the duration ends, the
4 6 ✦ Range: 4 meters spear goes up in smoke.
5 4 ✦ Invocation time: 3 action rounds Roggdrasil is the heavy spear worn
by Halawén Longlife himself, the one
The Bruid lets their ancestors watch over who led the Thronelanders east and
them and three allies, all of which receive founded the Ealdfolk and the Eald
LEVELS OF POWER: WITCH WALL a divine protection against vitner. Anytime Tradition.
Cost Extra Levels of Power the dimwalker or their allies are attacked by
1 Increase the duration by 1 action
a spell, regardless of the power, the targeted ✦ Roggdrasil:
round character must make a Situation roll with a ✦ Type: Two-Handed Weapon
Situation value based on the level of the spell, ✦ Damage: 1d10 (OR 7-10) + 8;
1 Increase the range by 2 meters
according to table below (Psyche modifiers protection value: 30; breach value:
2 Increase the Situation value by +1 apply). If the roll succeeds, the spell’s effects 300; IM: -2; WA: 4
3 Affect another ally within the are neutralized. If several characters are ✦ Gives the wielder +6 in Protection
range hit with a spell, each of them must succeed Value
5 Increase the duration by 1 minute individually to avoid the effect. If the spell ✦ Gives the wielder +4 on all Skill
affects a whole area, rather than individual Values using this weapon (attacks,
targets, it will have an impact on all who parries, etc.)
4: Fearless failed the Situation roll or are unprotected ✦ Roggdrasil’s sharp edges penetrate all
by this ability. protections and reduce the Protection
✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 Value of all opponents by -3
✦ Type: Lasting MISTUR BARRIER’S SITUATION ✦ The wielder can also attempt to parry
✦ Duration: 1 minute VALUE spells that target them using the
✦ Range: 5 meter Spell Level Situation Value combat action Parry
✦ Invocation time: 3 action rounds 1 12
✦ It is said that Roggdrasil changes
a wielder’s negative trait to the
2 10
The ancestors hear the Bruid’s desire, opposite (a cowardly person becomes
and bestow courage that fills the target 3 8 brave, a weak person becomes
(the Bruid or another person they 4 6 strong, etc.)
choose) with the strength necessary to 5 4
resist fear and mental disturbances.

180 | chapter 4. dimwalkers

Cost Extra Levels of Power Cost Extra Levels of Power
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute 2 Increase the duration by 1 day
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4
✦ Type: Lasting
5 Increase the duration by 1 hour ✦ Duration: 1 minute
1: Trollslayer ✦ Range: Personal
Heritage of M ajne ✦ Invocation time: 6 action rounds
The Bruid has strengthened their ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2
connection to the very first king of
­ ✦ Type: Lasting The Bruid summons a spirit warrior
Majnjord, one of the nine kings born from ✦ Duration: 3 action rounds from the great King’s militia. The
Yggdhraasil, and one of the first humans to ✦ Range: Personal ­militiamen are simple warriors in leather
have ever trod the land of Trudvang. Majne ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round armor with an ordinary short sword and
grants the dimwalker the ability to perform an ordinary small shield.
incredible deeds, connect with warrior The Bruid will receive the divine power The spirit warrior appears as a sudden
spirits, and even brew inspiring drinks. to harm trolls and trollkin with greater fog that gathers around the Bruid and then
potency for the duration of the ability. takes on physical form. After the duration,
The dimwalker will receive +1 to the the fog appears again, and the warrior will
1: Strong Beer Skill Value for every attack against such disappear into it and leave the dimwalker.
a creature, and a successful attack will If the warrior dies, they settle back into fog
✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 cause an additional +2 damage. and disappear. The spirit warrior will step
✦ Type: Lasting up to guard or protect the dimwalker in
✦ Duration: 1 day LEVELS OF POWER: TROLLSLAYER battle or any s­ ituation where the dimwalker
✦ Range: — Cost Extra Levels of Power is in immediate danger. The warrior never
✦ Invocation time: 1 day 1 Increase the duration by 1 action
moves farther than 10 meters from the
round Bruid and cannot perform any tasks other
By brewing Majne’s light ale, the Bruid than personal protection for the Bruid or
2 Increase the hit and damage
can drink with friends and strengthen bonus by +1 (maximum +3/+4,
fighting those who attack the Bruid. The
the connection among them before an respectively) spirit warrior does not ­ communicate; it
upcoming adventure. It takes one full only performs its task.
day to brew the drink, but it will be A Bruid can have a maximum of two
enough for all the dimwalker’s allies. 2: Giantslayer active militia warriors at one time.
The bonus granted to those who drink
the divine brew maintains its potency ✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 ✦ Militia Warrior: Strength +1, BP 20
only if all who drink together also ✦ Type: Lasting (no Dmg levels), Initiative +5, CP
undertake the adventure together. If ✦ Duration: 3 action rounds Free 10/Sword 6/Shield 4, Leather
one or more of the drinking companions ✦ Range: Personal Armor (PV/BV 2/20), Short Sword
goes missing by choice, all of them will ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round (Dmg 1d10 OR 10 +1, PV/BV 7/70),
lose the ale’s benefits. Small Shield (PV/BV 4/40).
No roll is needed to brew the alcohol, The Bruid will receive the divine power
but when the group gathers to consume it to harm giantfolk (jotuns, turses, ogres, LEVELS OF POWER: KING’S MILITIA
and celebrate, that is when the ­dimwalker and hrim trolls) with greater potency for Cost Extra Levels of Power
must call for Majne and succeed with the duration of the ability. The ­dimwalker 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
this ability to receive the effect. will receive +2 to the Skill Value for
3 Summon another spirit warrior
A person can benefit from the effect of every attack against such a creature, and
(maximum 2)
only one ale at a time. Having several drinks a successful attack will cause an additional
will do nothing to increase the effect. +4 damage. 10 Increase the duration by 1 hour
All who cheer and share a drink from
the Bruid’s brew will receive the f­ ollowing LEVELS OF POWER: GIANTSLAYER 3: Hero’s Brew
bonuses for the ability’s duration whenever Cost Extra Levels of Power
all of them do something together: 1 Increase the duration by 1 action round
✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6
✦ Type: Lasting
✦ +1 protection value Increase the hit and damage ✦ Duration: 1 day
2 bonus by +1 (maximum +4/+6
✦ +1 on all combat actions ✦ Range: —
✦ Invocation time: 1 day

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 181

By brewing Majne’s light ale, the Bruid settle back into fog and ­disappear. The 4: King’s Ale
can drink with friends and strengthen spirit warrior will step up to guard or
the connection among them before an protect the dimwalker in battle or any ✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8
upcoming adventure. It takes one full day to situation where the dimwalker is in ✦ Type: Lasting
brew the drink, but it will be enough for all immediate danger. The warrior never ✦ Duration: 1 day
the dimwalker’s allies. The bonus granted to moves farther than 10 meters from the ✦ Range: —
those who drink the divine brew maintains Bruid and cannot perform any tasks ✦ Invocation time: 1 day
its potency only if all who drink together other than personal protection for the
also undertake the adventure together. Bruid or fighting those who attack By brewing Majne’s light ale, the Bruid
As soon as one or more of the drinking the Bruid. The spirit warrior does not can drink with friends and strengthen
companions goes missing by choice, all of ­communicate; it only performs its task. the connection among them before an
them will lose the ale’s benefits. A hero can have a maximum of four upcoming adventure. It takes one full day
No roll is needed to brew the alcohol, active guard warriors at one time. to brew the drink, but it will be enough
but when the group gathers to consume it for all the dimwalker’s allies. The bonus
and celebrate, that is when the d ­ imwalker ✦ Guard Warrior: Strength +2, BP 25 (no granted to those who drink the divine
must call for Majne and succeed with this Dmg levels), Initiative +5, CP Free 10/ brew maintains its potency only if all
ability to receive the effect. Sword 8/Shield 8, Hardened Leather who drink together also undertake the
A person can benefit from the effect Armor (PV/BV 3/30), Broadsword adventure together. As soon as one or
of only one ale at a time. Having several (Dmg 1d10 OR 9-10 +2, PV/BV 8/80), more of the drinking companions goes
drinks will do nothing to increase the Medium Shield (PV/BV 5/50). missing by choice, all of them will lose
effect. the ale’s benefits.
All who cheer and share a drink LEVELS OF POWER: KING’S GUARD No roll is needed to brew the alcohol,
from the Bruid’s brew will receive Cost Extra Levels of Power but when the group gathers to consume it
the following bonuses for the ability’s 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
and celebrate, that is when the ­dimwalker
duration whenever all of them do must call for Majne and succeed with
4 Summon another spirit warrior
something together: this ability to receive the effect.
(maximum 4)
A person can benefit from the effect
✦ +2 protection value 10 Increase the duration by 1 hour of only one ale at a time. Having several
✦ +2 on all combat actions drinks will do nothing to increase the
4: Dragonslayer effect.
LEVELS OF POWER: HERO’S BREW All who cheer and share a drink
Cost Extra Levels of Power ✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 from the Bruid’s brew will receive
2 Increase the duration by 1 day
✦ Type: Lasting the ­following bonuses for the ­ability’s
✦ Duration: 3 action rounds duration whenever all of them do
✦ Range: Personal ­something together:
3: King’s Guard ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round
✦ +3 protection value
✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 The Bruid will receive the divine power ✦ +3 on all combat actions
✦ Type: Lasting to harm dragons and dragonkin with
✦ Duration: 1 minute greater potency for the duration of the LEVELS OF POWER: KING’S ALE
✦ Range: Personal ability. The dimwalker will receive +3 to Cost Extra Levels of Power
✦ Invocation time: 6 action rounds the Skill Value for every attack against 2 Increase the duration by 1 day
such a creature, and a successful attack
The Bruid summons a spirit warrior will cause an additional +6 damage.
from the great King’s guard. The guard 5: The Nine Kings
is a disciplined warrior who wears LEVELS OF POWER:
leather armor and is armed with a broad DRAGONSLAYER ✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10
sword and a shield. Cost Extra Levels of Power ✦ Type: Lasting
The spirit warrior appears as a sudden 1 Increase the duration by 1 action
✦ Duration: 1 minute
fog that gathers around the Bruid and round ✦ Range: Personal
then takes on physical form. After the ✦ Invocation time: 6 action rounds
2 Increase the hit and damage
duration, the fog appears again and the bonus by +1 (maximum +7/+10,
warrior will disappear into it and leave respectively) The Bruid calls upon the nine great
the dimwalker. If the warrior dies, they Kings, who send a memory of their past

182 | chapter 4. dimwalkers

strength and spirit to the ­dimwalker 1: Journey Wind The Bruid can use a Geas, which is a
to aid in the most difficult situations. promise or restriction imposed upon
The nine Kings are men of tall stature, ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 others. The Geas grants the dimwalker
and they wear crowns and long, dark ✦ Type: Lasting the ability to change the fate of others.
mantles that cover their bodies. Their ✦ Duration: 1 hour Despite being incredibly powerful, this
faces are pale and radiate the essence ✦ Range: 3-meter radius ability is limited on who it can affect.
of spirits. Each is armed with a ­two- ✦ Invocation time: 1 minute Traditionally, a Geas is used by female
handed sword. Bruids to control kings or their sons,
The spirit warrior appears as a sudden The Bruid calls for a helpful tailwind and especially newborn sons. The duration
fog that gathers around the Bruid and fair weather. For the duration of the ability, is either Permanent or until the limit
then takes on physical form. After the the dimwalker and the area around them for the Geas is fulfilled. A Geas should
duration, the fog appears again and the is unaffected by rain, fog, or headwind. never be used as a curse, but only as a
warrior will disappear into it and leave However, the temperature remains the way to guide (or protect) another person
the dimwalker. If the warrior dies, they same as in the surrounding area. through life. A person can receive only
settle back into fog and disappear. The one Geas per year, and the dimwalker
spirit warrior will step up to guard or LEVELS OF POWER: JOURNEY can never use a Geas on himself.
protect the ­dimwalker in battle or any WIND Through Magh’s Tether, the Bruid
situation where the dimwalker is in Cost Extra Levels of Power can place a mild Geas on a male
immediate danger. The warrior never
­ 1 Increase the duration by 1 hour
Mittlander. A mild Geas places the
moves farther than 10 meters from the target under a restriction, such as he can
1 Increase the radius by 1 meter
Bruid and cannot perform any tasks never wear an axe, never harm an elf, or
other than personal protection for the never eat the heart of a lindwurm. The
Bruid or fighting those who attack 1: Rider’s Melody restriction cannot affect the daily life of
the Bruid. The spirit warrior does not the victim or prevent him from working.
­communicate; it only performs its task. ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 For example, the Bruid cannot impose a
A hero can have a maximum of nine ✦ Type: Lasting restriction such as “Never carry an axe”
active Kings at one time. ✦ Duration: 1 minute on a warrior who ­specializes in using
If the dimwalker spends 1 raud, the ✦ Range: 5 meters an axe, or “You must remain awake at
Kings will stay until the next morning. ✦ Invocation time: 1 minute night,” or anything similar that limits
something critical for survival or puts
✦ King: Strength +4, BP 50 (no Dmg The Bruid begins to sing a beautiful song the target at u ­nnecessary risk. The
levels), Initiative +4, CP Free 32, about heroic actions and magnificent restriction may be ­Permanent or given a
Natural Armor 9, Sacred Two- destinies in the future. This song has a duration. To give it a duration, the Bruid
Handed Sword (Dmg 1d10 OR 8-10 healing effect on the Bruid and all allies designates the condition of ­termination
+4, unbreakable).Fear factor 1d10 who are within range and listening to the (once the individual becomes a king,
(OR 9-10) for all opponents song. They are healed 1 Body Point per slays a dragon, and so on).
minute for the duration of the ability.
LEVELS OF POWER: THE NINE This song can heal a maximum of 5 ✦ The target will receive +1 raud
KINGS Body Points per person per day. because of the Geas.
Cost Extra Levels of Power
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
LEVELS OF POWER: RIDER’S If the character violates the ­restriction,
MELODY the Geas will be terminated. The person
6 Summon another spirit warrior
Cost Extra Levels of Power will also fall seriously ill for a year and
(maximum 9)
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
be confined to a bed as a result. If the
10 Increase the duration by 1 hour ­character who broke the Geas has no
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
raud left, they will soon die. If the person
Magh’s Gift still has raud left, 1 raud will disappear.
The Bruid has promised their life to 2: Magh’s Tether
the Flowra Magh, who rewards the LEVELS OF POWER: MAGH’S
­dimwalker with the ability to control the ✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 TETHER
fate of others, sing songs of healing, and ✦ Type: Permanent Cost Extra Levels of Power:
change the weather. ✦ Range: Contact — —
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 183

2: Elf Summer 3: Magh’s Chain LEVELS OF POWER: MAGH’S CHAIN
Cost Extra Levels of Power:
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 — —
✦ Type: Lasting ✦ Type: Permanent
✦ Duration: 1 hour ✦ Range: Contact
✦ Range: 3-meter radius ✦ Invocation time: 2 action rounds 4: King’s Anthem
✦ Invocation time: 1 minute
The Bruid can use Geas, which is a ✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8
The Bruid calls for the comfort of promise or a restriction imposed upon ✦ Type: Lasting
summer weather, and no matter what others. The Geas grants the dimwalker ✦ Duration: 3 minutes
time of year it is, the sun will emerge and the ability to change the fate of others. ✦ Range: 10 meters
lend its warmth to the area. This ability Despite being incredibly powerful, this ✦ Invocation time: 1 minute
can increase the temperature by up to ability is limited on who it can affect.
40 degrees. However, the t­emperature Traditionally, a Geas is used by female The Bruid begins to sing a beautiful song
cannot be raised higher than 30 degrees. Bruids to control kings or their sons, about heroic actions and magnificent
(For example, if the temperature is especially newborn sons. The duration destinies in the future. This song has a
-30 degrees, the Bruid can raise it to a is either Permanent or until the limit healing effect on the Bruid and all allies
maximum of +10 degrees.) for the Geas is fulfilled. A Geas should who are within range and listening to the
never be used as a curse, but only as song. They are healed 4 Body Points per
LEVELS OF POWER: ELF SUMMER a way to guide (or protect) another minute for the duration of the ability.
Cost Extra Levels of Power person through life. A person can This song can heal a maximum of 20
1 Increase the duration by 1 hour
receive only one Geas per year, and Body Points per person per day.
the dimwalker can never use a Geas on
1 Increase the temperature by +10
Through Magh’s Chain, the Bruid ANTHEM
1 Increase the radius by 1 meter can place a Geas on any Mittlander, Cost Extra Levels of Power
regardless of gender or of social status. 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
3: Hero’s Song A Geas places the target under a
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
restriction that might affect their daily
✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 life, such as the individual can never eat
✦ Type: Lasting meat, never sleep in a bed, and so on. 5: Magh’s Hawser
✦ Duration: 2 minutes However, the restriction cannot limit
✦ Range: 10 meters anything that is critical for the target’s ✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10
✦ Invocation time: 1 minute survival or put them at u ­ nnecessary ✦ Type: Permanent
risk. The restriction may either be ✦ Range: 10 meters
The Bruid begins to sing a b­ eautiful Permanent or given a duration. To
­ ✦ Invocation time: 3 action rounds
song about heroic actions and give it a duration, the Bruid designates
magnificent destinies in the future.
­ the condition of termination (once The Bruid can use Geas, which is a
This song has a healing effect on the the individual becomes a king, slays a promise or a restriction imposed upon
Bruid and all allies who are within dragon, and so on). others. The Geas grants the dimwalker
range and listening to the song. They the ability to change the fate of others.
are healed for 2 Body Points per minute ✦ The target will receive +2 raud Despite being incredibly powerful, this
for the duration of the ability. because of the Geas. ability is limited on who it can affect.
This song can heal a maximum of 10 Traditionally, a Geas is used by female
Body Points per person per day. If the character violates the Bruids to control kings or their sons,
restriction, the Geas will be terminated especially newborn sons. The duration
LEVELS OF POWER: HERO’S SONG and the target will lose one of their is either Permanent or until the limit
Cost Extra Levels of Power senses: sight, sound, smell, taste, or for the Geas is fulfilled. A Geas should
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
touch. The sense that will be lost is never be used as a curse, but only as a
determined randomly. If the character way to guide (or protect) another person
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
who broke the Geas has no raud left, through life. A person can receive only
they will soon die. If the person still has one Geas per year, and the dimwalker
raud left, 2 raud will disappear. can never use a Geas on himself.

184 | chapter 4. dimwalkers

Through Magh’s Hawser, the Bruid Nema’s Usefulness someone trying to contain the object
can place a strict Geas on any human The Bruid has attracted the attention of the beside the ledge, pulling the knot,
without restriction. A strict Geas Flowra Nema and strengthened the bond securing the hook, and so on). Locked
places the target under a restriction between them. Nema offers the ­dimwalker containers, bolted doors, or items secured
that might affect their daily life, such the abilities to escape from physical and with vitner are not affected by the Gust
as being unable to eat meat, sleep in a mental prisons, take shortcuts through fog, of Release.
bed, and so on. The restriction can even and receive better hearing.
affect something critical for the target’s LEVELS OF POWER: GUST OF
survival and put them at unnecessary RELEASE
risks, such as: the target must always 1: Horse Ears Cost Extra Levels of Power
battle without the aid of armor, the 1 Increase the range by 1 meter
victim may never have children, or the ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2
2 Increase the Situation value by +1
victim is prohibited from using one of ✦ Type: Lasting
their senses. However, this restriction is ✦ Duration: 1 minute
never Permanent and is always given a ✦ Range: 20 meters 2: Gloomy Trail
duration. To give it a duration, the Bruid ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round
designates a point of termination (such ✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4
as it terminates once the individual The Bruid hears all noises and ✦ Type: Lasting
becomes a king, slays a dragon, and so conversations within range. A set of ✦ Duration: 1 day
on). horse’s ears emerges from the Bruid’s ✦ Range: 10 meters
head for the duration of the ability. ✦ Invocation time: 1 minute
✦ The target will receive +3 raud To be able to fully listen to a certain noise
because of the Geas. or conversation, the Bruid needs to succeed The Bruid summons a blanket of fog that
on a Situation roll with a Situation value of spreads out before them and their allies.
If the character violates the ­restriction, 10. It is up to the game master to increase or When the Bruid and their ­companions
the Geas will be terminated and the decrease this Situation value depending on travel through this mist, they will be
target will soon suffer a cruel death. how busy the environment surrounding the able to cover far more ground than
dimwalker is, such as: nature +5, settlement normal. Any journey or travel they take
LEVELS OF POWER: MAGH’S ±0, busy town -5, and so on. through the fog will effectively double
HAWSER the distance normally covered, so a full
Cost Extra Levels of Power LEVELS OF POWER: HORSE EARS day of travel through the fog will cover
— — Cost Extra Levels of Power an amount of distance in Trudvang
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
equal to a two-day march.
The fog is rumored to come from
5: Harvest Year 2 Increase the range by 10 meters
Othwa, the mythic realm where,
2 Increase the Situation value by +1 according to the Eald Tradition, the
✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10 dead dwell. It takes 1d10 action rounds
✦ Type: Lasting for the fog to fully materialize, and it is
✦ Duration: 1 year 1: Gust of Release far too sparse for anyone to hide in it.
✦ Range: 1-kilometer radius However, anyone near the Bruid and
✦ Invocation time: 1 day ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 their allies who attempts to pursue
✦ Type: Instant them through the fog will quickly be
The hero calls for a year of great ✦ Range: 2 meters left far behind. Furthermore, if one of
harvest, and for the next year, that ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round the dimwalker’s allies trails outside of
area will be abundantly blessed with the ability’s range, they begin to lose
bountiful harvest, miraculous fertility, A modest but refreshing breeze flits the others in the fog as that character
and unnaturally pleasant weather. The through the area designated by the Bruid, now travels at normal pace.
risk of diseases and infant mortality is freeing something as it passes, pushing
minimal. something over a ledge, u ­nlatching a LEVELS OF POWER: GLOOMY
hook, solving a knot, or something similar. TRAIL
LEVELS OF POWER: HARVEST YEAR If there is any resistance, a ­Situation roll Cost Extra Levels of Power
Cost Extra Levels of Power must be made with a S ­ ituation value of 2 Increase the duration by 1 day
8. If the roll is successful, the cause of
2 Increase the radius by 1 kilometer 2 Increase the range by 10 meters
the resistance is overcome (for example,

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 185

2: Owl Hearing roll with a Situation value of 6 is 4: Liberating Wind
required. Anything that is imprisoned
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 or ­controlled with vitner woven with ✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8
✦ Type: Lasting greater skill (spell levels 4-5) cannot be ✦ Type: Instant
✦ Duration: 1 minute affected by the Freeing Breeze. ✦ Range: 10 meters
✦ Range: 50 meters ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round LEVELS OF POWER: FREEING
BREEZE A refreshing wind flows through the
The Bruid hears all noises and Cost Extra Levels of Power area designated by the Bruid, which has
conversations within range. A pair of
­ 1 Increase the range by 1 meter
the same effects as the Gust of Release
owl-like ear tufts emerges from the or Freeing Breeze but also removes
2 Increase Situation value by +1
Bruid’s head for the duration of the ability. any physical obstacles, dispels all
To be able to fully listen to a certain imprisoning and controlling vitner, or
noise or conversation, the Bruid needs 3: Meall’s Trail opens up a dimgate present in the fog
to succeed on a Situation roll with a that has been shut within range of the
­Situation value of 12. It is up to the ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 ability. If there is any physical resistance
game master to increase or decrease ✦ Type: Lasting (regardless of whether the object is also
this Situation value depending on how ✦ Duration: 1 day locked), a Situation roll is made with a
busy the environment surrounding ✦ Range: 10 meters Situation value of 14. A successful roll
the ­dimwalker is, such as: nature +5, ✦ Invocation time: 1 minute overcomes the adversary, as described in
­settlement ±0, busy town -5, and so on. Gust of Release and Freeing Breeze.
The Bruid summons a blanket of fog In order to free something from
LEVELS OF POWER: OWL HEARING that spreads out before them and imprisoning or controlling vitner (spell
Cost Extra Levels of Power their allies. When the Bruid and their levels 1-3), a successful S ­ ituation roll with
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
companions travel through this mist,
­ a Situation value of 14 is needed. To free
they will be able to cover far more anything that is imprisoned or ­controlled
2 Increase the range by 20 meters
ground than normal. Any journey or with vitner woven with greater skill (spell
2 Increase the Situation value by +1 travel they take through the fog will levels 4-5), a s­ uccessful Situation roll with
effectively quadruple (x4) the distance a Situation value of 6 is needed.
normally covered, so a full day of travel This ability can open only a dimgate
3: Freeing Breeze through the fog will cover an amount of that is already present within the fog,
distance in Trudvang equal to four full but presently closed. It is not possible
✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 days of marching. to create a dimgate that does not already
✦ Type: Instant The fog is rumored to come from exist.
✦ Range: 4 meters Othwa, the mythic realm where,
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round according to the Eald Tradition, the LEVELS OF POWER: LIBERATING
dead dwell. It takes 1d10 action rounds WIND
A refreshing breeze glides through the for the fog to fully materialize, and it Cost Extra Levels of Power
area designated by the Bruid and opens a is far too sparse for anyone to hide in 2 Increase the range by 10 meters
door, unlocks a tricky lock, opens a prison it. However, anyone near the Bruid and
2 Increase the Situation value by +1
cell, or dispels imprisoning/­controlling their allies who attempts to pursue
vitner from another person. If there is them through the fog will quickly be
any resistance, a Situation roll is required left far behind. F
­ urthermore, if one of 4: Gryphon’s Sense
with the following Situation values: 14 the d­ imwalker’s allies trails outside of
if the object is something which could the ability’s range, they begin to lose ✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8
have been potentially opened by Gust of the others in the fog as that character ✦ Type: Lasting
Release, or 8 if the object is something now travels at normal pace. ✦ Duration: 1 minute
locked or bolted. If the roll is successful, ✦ Range: 200 meters
the cause of the resistance is overcome LEVELS OF POWER: MEALL’S TRAIL ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round
(for example, someone holding the door, Cost Extra Levels of Power
sitting on the chest, and so on). 2 Increase the duration by 1 day
The Bruid hears all noises and
In order to free something from c­onversations within range. A pair of
2 Increase the range by 10 meters
imprisoning or controlling vitner gryphon’s ears emerges from the Bruid’s
(spells levels 1-3), a successful Situation head for the duration of the ability.

186 | chapter 4. dimwalkers

To be able to fully listen to a certain LEVELS OF POWER: MONGFIND’S The Bruid calls on the power of Morgu,
noise or conversation, the Bruid needs TRAVEL who unleashes an arrow into the battle
to succeed on a Situation roll with a Cost Extra Levels of Power to aid the dimwalker. The arrow counts
Situation value of 14. It is up to the
­ 2 Increase the duration by 1 day
as a magical projectile, but armor
game master to increase or decrease grants full protection as normal.
2 Increase the range by 10 meters
this ­Situation value d­ epending on how Shields also provide passive protection
busy the ­ environment ­ surrounding against the arrow as normal.
the ­ dimwalker is, such as: nature +5, Tribute of M orgu The Bruid takes aim at an enemy
­settlement ±0, busy town -5, and so on. The Bruid has shed blood and sworn fealty within range, who is then struck by a
to the Flowra Morgu. Her ­bloodthirsty black arrow. The arrow a­utomatically
LEVELS OF POWER: GRYPHON’S mind bestows the ­dimwalker the power hits with a successful invocation and
SENSE to temporarily gain extra Body Points, inflicts 1d10 (OR 8-10) points of damage
Cost Extra Levels of Power to fling dark arrows, and to whip himself and ignores 1 point of PV.
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
into a proper battle rage.
2 Increase the range by 100 meters
2 Increase the Situation value by +1 1: Simmering Blood Cost Extra Levels of Power
1 Increase the range by 10 meters
✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2
5: Mongfind’s Travel ✦ Type: Lasting 2 The arrow ignores a further point
of PV (maximum 2)
✦ Duration: 1 hour
✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10 ✦ Range: Personal
✦ Type: Lasting ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round 2: Boiling Blood
✦ Duration: 1 day
✦ Range: 10 meters Through this ability, Morgu bestows ✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4
✦ Invocation time: 1 minute more life essence upon the Bruid. The ✦ Type: Lasting
Bruid will receive an additional +1d10 ✦ Duration: 1 hour
The Bruid summons a blanket of fog Body Points for the duration of the ✦ Range: Personal
that spreads out before them and ability. ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round
their allies. When the Bruid and their This additional vitality will d
­ isappear
­companions travel through this mist, as soon as the ability’s duration ends, but Through this ability, Morgu bestows
they will be able to cover far more any injuries sustained will remain. This more life essence upon the Bruid. The
ground than normal. Any journey or means that if the Bruid has received Bruid will receive an additional +2d10
travel they take through the fog will more damage than they have in Body Body Points for the duration of the
effectively cover seven times (x7) Points without the aid of this ability, ability.
the distance normally covered, so there is a strong risk that they will die This additional vitality will d
­ isappear
a full day of travel through the fog when the increased vitality fades and as soon as the ability’s duration ends, but
will cover an amount of distance in the body succumbs to the full weight of any injuries sustained will remain. This
Trudvang equal to seven full days of its wounds. means that if the Bruid has received
marching. more damage than they have in Body
The fog is rumored to come from LEVELS OF POWER: SIMMERING Points without the aid of this ability,
Othwa, the mythic realm where, BLOOD there is a strong risk that they will die
according to the Eald Tradition, the Cost Extra Levels of Power when the increased vitality fades and
dead dwell. It takes 1d10 action rounds 1 Increase the duration by 1 hour
the body succumbs to the full weight of
for the fog to fully materialize, and it its wounds.
Increase the number of Body
is far too sparse for anyone to hide in 3
Points gained by +1
it. However, anyone near the Bruid and LEVELS OF POWER: BOILING
their allies who attempts to pursue BLOOD
them through the fog will quickly be 1: Battle Arrow Cost Extra Levels of Power
left far behind. Furthermore, if one of 1 Increase the duration by 1 hour
the ­dimwalker’s allies trails outside of ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2
2 Increase the number of Body
the ability’s range, they begin to lose ✦ Type: Instant
Points gained by +1
the others in the fog as that character ✦ Range: 20 meters
now travels at normal pace. ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 187

2: Rage Normally, it’s not in the Mittlanders’ battles. This effect can be so o­ verpowering
nature to go berserk, as their battle that their figures distort, their bodies
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 technique and prowess often involve
­ spasms, their skin begins to bubble, their
✦ Type: Lasting more style than raw power, but those muscles expand, their veins bulge, and
✦ Duration: 3 action rounds who worship Morgu can evoke an their faces twists into a horrific grimace.
✦ Range: Personal ­overwhelming influence that causes them This battle craze, however, is very
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round to fly into a rage in p­articularly hard demanding on their system and once the

188 | chapter 4. dimwalkers

duration ends, the Bruid will collapse randomly distributed among enemies ✦ Effects of Madness:
exhausted to the ground for an amount within the designated group. The ✦ Bruid grows 1 m taller and gains 60
of time equal to half of what was spent arrows ­ automatically hit with a kg in muscle (calculated as 1.5 times
berserk. The Bruid’s body also needs to successful invocation, each causing
­ the size of a normal human)
be cooled down from its boiling state 1d10 (OR 8-10) points of damage and ✦ Bruid receives their own fear factor of
­following the battle craze; otherwise they ignoring 2 points of PV. 1d10 (OR 10)
will suffer damage from the extreme ✦ +10 Body Points (withdraw damage
­temperature. As soon as the duration ends, LEVELS OF POWER: SHOWER OF from this bonus before normal Body
the Bruid will receive 1 point of damage per ARROWS Points are affected)
action round for 2 rounds (armor will not Cost Extra Levels of Power ✦ +4 in damage with melee weapons or
protect) unless ­sufficiently cooled. Simply 1 Increase the range by 10 meters
thrown weapons
lying down in water (or being thrown into ✦ +2 on SV of all attacks
2 The arrow ignores a further point
it) is enough to prevent this damage. ✦ Bruid is unable to parry or evade
of PV (maximum 4)
✦ Effects of Rage: 2 Increase the number of arrows by ✦ Bruid ignores all effects from fear
+1 (maximum 4)
✦ Bruid grows half a meter taller and ✦ Bruid can continue to fight for 1d3
gains 30 kg in additional muscle action rounds after dying
✦ Bruid receeives their own fear factor 3: Madness
✦ +5 Body Points (withdraw damage ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 Cost Extra Levels of Power
from this bonus before normal Body ✦ Type: Lasting 1 Increase the duration by 1 action
Points are affected) ✦ Duration: 5 action rounds round
✦ +2 in damage with melee weapons or ✦ Range: Personal
thrown weapons ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round
✦ +1 on SV of all attacks 4: Bloodfire
✦ Bruid is unable to parry or evade attacks Normally, it’s not in the Mittlanders’
✦ Bruid ignores all effects from fear nature to go berserk, as their battle ✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8
technique and prowess often involve ✦ Type: Lasting
LEVELS OF POWER: RAGE more style than raw power, but those ✦ Duration: 1 hour
Cost Extra Levels of Power who worship Morgu can evoke an ✦ Range: Personal
1 Increase the duration by 1 action
overwhelming influence that causes ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round
round them to fly into a rage in ­particularly
hard battles. This effect can be so Through this ability, Morgu bestows
­overpowering that their figures distort, more life essence upon the Bruid. The
3: Shower of Arrows their bodies spasms, their skin begins Bruid will receive an additional +3d10
to bubble, their muscles expand, their Body Points for the duration of the ability.
✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 veins bulge, and their face twists into a This additional vitality will d
­ isappear
✦ Type: Instant horrific grimace. as soon as the ability’s duration ends,
✦ Range: 30 meters This battle craze, however, is very but any injuries sustained will remain.
✦ Invocation time: 2 action rounds demanding on their system and once This means that if the Bruid has
the duration ends, the Bruid will received more damage than they have
The Bruid calls on the power of collapse exhausted to the ground for in Body Points without the aid of this
Morgu, who unleashes a shower an amount of time equal to half of what ability, there is a strong risk that they
of arrows into the battle to aid the was spent berserk. The Bruid’s body will die when the increased vitality
d imwalker. The arrows count as
­ also needs to be cooled down from its fades and the body succumbs to the full
magical projectiles, but armor grants boiling state ­following the battle craze; weight of its wounds.
full protection as normal. Shields also otherwise they will suffer damage from
provide passive protection against the the extreme ­temperature. As soon as the LEVELS OF POWER: BLOODFIRE
arrows as normal. duration ends, the Bruid will receive 2 Cost Extra Levels of Power
The Bruid takes aim at a group of points of damage per action round for 2 1 Increase the duration by 1 hour
enemies within range, who are then rounds (armor will not protect) unless
1 Increase the number of Body
struck by a volley of black arrows. In ­sufficiently cooled. Simply lying down in
Points gained by +1
its basic version, this ability unleashes water (or being thrown into it) is enough
two arrows, which are evenly and to prevent this damage.

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 189

5: Riastarthae rounds (armor will not protect) unless 5: Blacken the Sky
­sufficiently cooled. Simply lying down
✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10 in water (or being thrown into it) is ✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10
✦ Type: Lasting enough to prevent this damage. ✦ Type: Instant
✦ Duration: 7 action rounds ✦ Range: 50 meters
✦ Range: Personal ✦ Effects of the Riastarthae: ✦ Invocation time: 2 action rounds
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round ✦ Bruid grows 1.5 m taller and gains
100 kg in muscles (calculated as twice The Bruid calls on the power of Morgu,
Normally, it’s not in the Mittlanders’ the size of a normal human) who unleashes a shower of arrows into
nature to go berserk, as their battle ✦ Bruid receives their own fear factor of the battle to aid the dimwalker. The
technique and prowess often involve 1d10 (OR 9-10) arrows count as magical projectiles, but
more style than raw power, but those ✦ +15 Body Points (withdraw damage armor grants full protection as normal.
who worship Morgu can evoke an from this bonus before normal Body Shields also provide passive protection
overwhelming influence that causes
­ Points are affected) against the arrows as normal.
them to fly into a rage in particularly ✦ +6 in damage with melee weapons or The Bruid takes aim at a group of
hard battles. This effect can be so thrown weapons enemies within range, who are then
­overpowering that their figures distort, ✦ +3 on SV of all attacks struck by a volley of black arrows. In its
their bodies spasms, their skin begins ✦ Bruid is unable to parry or avoid basic version, this ability unleashes two
to bubble, their muscles expand, their attacks arrows, which are evenly and randomly
veins bulge, and their faces twists into ✦ Bruid ignores all effects from fear distributed among enemies within
a horrific grimace. ✦ Bruid ignores the penalties infliced by the designated group. The arrows
This battle craze, however, is very damage levels automatically hit with a ­
­ successful
demanding on their system and once ✦ Bruid can continue to fight for 1d6 + 1 invocation, each causing 1d10 (OR
the duration ends, the Bruid will action rounds after dying 8-10) points of damage and ignoring 3
collapse exhausted to the ground for points of PV.
an amount of time equal to half of LEVELS OF POWER: RIASTARTHAE
what was spent berserk. The Bruid’s Cost Extra Levels of Power LEVELS OF POWER: BLACKEN THE
body also needs to be cooled down 1 Increase the duration by 1 action
from its boiling state f­ollowing the round Cost Extra Levels of Power
battle craze; otherwise they will 1 Increase the range by 10 meters
suffer damage from the extreme
2 The arrow ignores a further point
­temperature. As soon as the duration
of PV (maximum 6)
ends, the Bruid will receive 4 points
of damage per action round for 2 2 Increase the amount of arrows by +1

190 | chapter 4. dimwalkers


The followers of the Tenets of Nid are seek out a temple or a monastery and ✦ The Divinity Points generated by a
organized as follows. study there diligently for 1d6 weeks. prayer are unstable and fade at a rate
During this time, the only permitted of 1 point per day.
✦ Within the Tenets of Nid, everyone sustenance is simple water, bread, and ✦ In order for a prayer to generate
starts as young brothers or young spirituality, accompanied only by the Divinity Points, the dimwalker must
sisters, novices to full-fledged Gavlians. holy scriptures and the presence of succeed with a Skill roll for the Faith
✦ A Gavlian may also be referred to Gave or one of his sacred saints. In the skill, along with the Invoke discipline
as a priest, and is the lower ranking monasteries of Westmark, where the and the Gavlian specialty.
religious leader within the Tenets of monastic cells are particularly spartan,
Nid. A Gavlian may be a missionary, the priests and holy warriors are The base amount of Divinity Points
a monk, a nun, or the head of a prayer locked up in order to focus on study, far generated by a prayer depends on how
house or of a smaller oakchurch. from mundane distractions, and they much time the dimwalker devotes to
✦ Presiding over the Gavlians is the have fully discovered and accepted the praying to Gave or one of his saints. To
“Oaklord,” who is a revered temple powers bestowed by Gave or his saints. determine exactly how many Divinity
lord. No one, not even the Ovus, it is said, is Points are generated by a prayer, see
✦ An Oaklord who reaches the master allowed to visit them during this time. the Prayer’s Duration table below.
level can become a “Rowthlord,” or The table indicates the fixed times
a “Grand Gavlian” as they are also required to receive a certain number
called. The Rowthlord leads a greater Prayers of points. If the dimwalker prays for
oakchurch or a monastery, or possibly Prayer is the sole source of power from one full hour, they receive 1 Divinity
travels across the world to spread the which the priests of the Tenets of Nid Point. If the dimwalker continues
faith in foreign countries. draw their strength. The worthier the praying, but not long enough to reach
✦ A Rowthlord who becomes legendary location and the longer the prayer, the the next step (four hours), they still
can reach the rank of “Siro.” Very few more power the priests will garner to receive only 1 Divinity Point for that
Gavlians ever become a Siro, which fuel their holy abilities. Without prayers, prayer. The specified prayer duration
not only guarantees that Gavlian a the Gavlians have only a limited amount is a minimum r­equirement to gain the
place in the Counsel of Rowth, but of power to use for their abilities. Prayers indicated amount of Divinity Points.
also earns them such great r­espect can thus generate extra Divinity Points Furthermore, Divinity Points cannot be
that they may aspire to become for the dimwalker. accumulated through the use of several
“Ovus” (the head of the tened of A prayer is a ritual in which the separate prayers. Instead, a single
Nid religion) or even be canonized Gavlian, alone or with the assistance of prayer must reach the next time interval
after death. A female Siro carries the other dimwalkers, quietly recites verbal before Divinity Points are generated.
alternate title of Sirja. mantras for a prolonged time of fasting. Once all prayer has been concluded
The more sacred the location and the for that period and full Divinity Points
longer the prayer, the more powerful allocated, the priest can begin a new
The Studies the effect. prayer for further Divinity Points.

✦ Tenets of Nid’s prerequisite for Holy EXAMPLE: PRAYERS

Olmunda says a prayer that takes seven hours. For this prayer, she is awarded 3
To learn the prayers that Gave and Divinity Points. Had she extended the prayer to 12 hours, she would have received
his hallowed saints impart to master 6 Divinity Points.
a Holy Tablet, the dimwalker must

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 191

Place of Prayer
The amount of Divinity Points
generated depends not only on the
prayer’s duration, but also on where
the prayer was made and which site was
used. Specific sites bestow m ­ ultipliers
to the amount of Divinity Points
­generated by the prayer’s duration. If
the prayer is made at a neutral location,
one not normally linked to the Tenets of
Nid or considered sacred, the multiple
is x1 (no change), signifying that
only the prayer’s duration affects how
many Divinity Points are generated.
However, there are a number of sacred
sites and sanctuaries where the force of
Gave is known to be greater and more
clearly present; at these locations, the
dimwalker may benefit from a much
greater degree of power.
A house of prayer is a simple but
sacred building dedicated to the Tenets
of Nid, usually consisting of a single
prayer room and nothing else. A
sacred grove is a verdant area with oak
trees that are under the constant and
meticulous supervision of the Tenets
of Nid’s monks and nuns. A shrine is a
major temple building, common in most
towns. An oakchurch is the largest type
of shrine and has only a single location
in any country. The Fields of Cervitt in
Westmark is the actual location where
Gave himself was nailed to the black oak
and slain by Simurg. Unholy ground
designates an area that is desecrated
and stained by demons, or any location
where the undead wander. The multiples
applied to each of these places of prayer
are listed on table below.


During the prayer’s duration, the priest Time Divinity Points Place Divinity Points
must not be disturbed (for prayers 1 hour 1 Neutral location x1
longer than 1 day, however, he may eat
4 hours 3 Large oak/house of prayer x2
and drink and rest briefly). Anytime the
priest is disturbed or injured during the 12 hours 6 Sacred grove/shrine x3
prayer, the Gavlian must succeed on a 1 day 12 Oakchurch x4
SV 6 Situation Roll (modified by Psyche) 3 days 24 Fields of Cervitt x5
in order to maintain concentration. If 1 week 32 Unholy ground /2
the priest loses concentration, the entire
prayer session is lost and no Divinity
Points are generated.

192 | chapter 4. dimwalkers

It is not unusual for several Tenets
of Nid priests to gather and pray
­collectively to Gave in a single mass. The
number of Divinity Points g ­enerated
depends on how the points are to be
­distributed. There are two options:

✦ All priests pray together in a mass,

but they receive their Divinity Points
✦ All priests pray together and
­designate a single priest who leads
the service and receives all of the
Divinity Points channeled through
the others.

In the first option, the priests gain

Divinity Points as if they were praying
separately and on their own, but the
safety of praying together increases
the chance of a successful prayer and
therefore grants a +1 bonus on the
Faith Skill Value for every extra priest
present (maximum +10).
In the second option, all of the
priests pray together, but only the
one who leads the service (usually
the highest-ranking Gavlian) receives
Divinity Points. In order for this
service to work, the leading Gavlian
must succeed on a Faith Skill roll. If
the dimwalker is successful, they will
gain Divinity Points determined by the
time spent praying according to the
Prayer’s Duration table, but also gain EXAMPLE: PRAYERS
additional Divinity Points for each of
the extra priests who took part in the Olmunda prays to Gave for one hour at the shrine of Sillmorg and gains a total of
mass and succeeded on their respective 3 Divinity Points. One hour generates 1 Divinity Point according to the Prayer’s
Faith Skill rolls. For every extra priest Duration table, and a shrine grants a multiplier of x3 according to the Place of
who succeeds on the roll, the leading Prayer table. This adds up to 3 Divinity Points (1 x 3).
Gavlian gains +1 additional Divinity Olmunda then decides to hold a mass, aided by four other priests. The mass takes
Point. The sum is calculated before one hour and is held at the shrine of Firidge. Everyone involved makes a Skill roll for
the multiplier for the place of prayer the Faith skill. Since only Olmunda will receive the Divinity Points, she receives no
is applied. positive modifier to the Skill Value of her Skill roll (which she otherwise would receive
In this manner, several priests who if several priests were praying together but benefiting individually).
gather in a sacred place can generate Olmunda and three of the four priests succeed on their Skill rolls, with only one
quite a few Divinity Points, while a priest failing. Since the mass was held for an hour, Olmunda receives 1 Divinity
lone missionary in a unfathful country Point for succeeding on her own Skill roll (Prayer’s Duration table), as well as 3 extra
could rarely hope to generate such an Divinity Points for the other three priests who succeeded on their rolls (1 point from
amount. each). This grants a sum of 4 Divinity Points, which is then multiplied by a factor of
3 because they are at a shrine (Place of Prayer table).
Olmunda thus gains a total of 12 Divinity Points, which she can spend on her
divine abilities. The other priests that assisted her receive no Divinity Points at all.

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 193


Tablet of Anger Tablet of Grace Tablet of the Knight

1: Power of Blood 1: Hand of Mercy 1: Blessed Armor
1: Holy Bolt 1: Holy Mending 1: Blessed Spear
2: Stone Senses 2: Will of Bete Wiemdas 2: Holy Authority
2: Visions of the Oak 2: Life Spirit 2: Rowthguard Cuirass
3: Sacred Burst 3: Chalk of Bete Wiemdas 3: Majestic Revelation
3: Statue 3: Recall 3: Rowthguard’s Battle Scourge
4: Divine Purge 4: Breath of Gave 4: Belo Seoth’s White Armor
5: Memory of a Martyr 4: Hand of Gave 4: Belo Seoth’s Axe
5: Stone Monument 5: Wind of Immortality 5: Guise of Gave

Tablet of the Shield Tablet of the Sun Tablet of Voices

1: Snares of the Holy Ground 1: Dawn Shine 1: Holy Consideration
1: Sheltering 1: Protective Ground 1: Siro Werte’s Ear
2: Storm Protection 2: Augury 2: Blood Brothers
2: Thornwall 2: Thermal Light 2: Siro Werte’s Tongue
3: Bark Skin 3: Omen 3: Kindred’s Bond
3: Demonic Impotence 3: Blessed Home 3: Grace of Gave
4: Vitner Resistance 4: Sacred Grove 4: Sanity of Gave
5: Banishment 4: Holy Radiance 5: Favorites of Gave
5: Tree Port 5: Portent 5: Divine Pact

Tablet of A nger The priest prays that Gave will show value of 12 (Psyche modifiers apply). If
The Gavlian has embarked on the path the dimwalker’s enemies just how much the Situation roll is unsuccessful, the
of the inquisitor, and Gave bestows the the god suffered on that black oak. victim must deduct -1 from every Skill
power to purge the undead, lapidify The victims of this prayer immediately roll and Situation roll for the next 1d6
­creatures, and even manifest stigmata on begin bleeding from open wounds in hours.
enemies’ bodies. their hands and feet, which inflict more
mental anguish than physical. Armor LEVELS OF POWER: POWER OF
or natural protection therefore have no BLOOD
1: Power of Blood effect. Cost Extra Levels of Power
The priest causes one enemy to bleed 1 Increase the number of wounds
✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 profusely from a single wound. Every that bleed by +1 (maximum 6)
✦ Type: Instant wound causes the victim 1 point of
2 Affect another enemy (maximum 4)
✦ Range: 5 meters damage.
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round To resist the psychological pain (but 2 Increase the range by 5 meters
not the damage), they must ­successfully
make a Situation roll with a Situation

194 | chapter 4. dimwalkers

2: Visions of the Oak
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4
✦ Type: Instant
✦ Range: 5 meters
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round

The priest prays that Gave will show

the dimwalker’s enemies just how much
the god suffered on that black oak. The
victims of this prayer ­ immediately
begin bleeding from open wounds in
their hands and feet, which inflict more
mental anguish than physical. Armor
or natural protection therefore have no
The priest causes two enemies to
bleed profusely from two wounds
each. Every wound causes the victim 2
points of damage (for a total of 4 points
of damage dealt to each person). To
resist the psychological pain (but not
the damage), they must successfully
make a Situation roll with a Situation
value of 8 (Psyche modifiers apply). On
a failure, the victim must also deduct -3
from every Skill roll and Situation roll
1: Holy Bolt 2: Stone Senses for the rest of the day.

✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 ✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 LEVELS OF POWER: VISIONS OF

✦ Type: Instant ✦ Type: Lasting THE OAK
✦ Range: 5 meters ✦ Duration: 3 action rounds Cost Extra Levels of Power
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round ✦ Range: 5 meters 1 Increase the number of wounds
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round that bleed by +1 (maximum 6)
When the force of Gave is called upon,
2 Affect another enemy (maximum 6)
sacred energy erupts from the priest The priest directs his powerful gaze at an
and pierces an undead creature within opponent who suddenly feels their mind 2 Increase the range by 5 meters
the ability’s range. Undead struck by begin to petrify. The opponent suffers a 2 Decrease the enemy’s Situation
this energy receive damage without -2 initiative modifier and -1 on all combat value by -1
any chance of avoiding it. Armor does actions for the duration of the ability.
not protect against this ability. Only This ability can be used only on people
undead creatures can be harmed by it. and creatures that are close to human- 3: Sacred Burst
The priest directs the energy in the sized (from half the size of a human up to
form of a glowing projectile toward a 1.5 times the size of a human). ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6
single undead creature within range. ✦ Type: Instant
The bolt deals 1d10 (OR 8-10) points LEVELS OF POWER: STONE SENSES ✦ Range: 10 meters
of damage. Cost Extra Levels of Power ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round
Increase the duration by 1 action
LEVELS OF POWER: HOLY BOLT 1 When the force of Gave is called upon,
Cost Extra Levels of Power sacred energy erupts from the priest
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
and pierces an undead creature within
2 Increase the negative modifier by the ability’s range. Undead struck by
-2 on initiative and by -1 on all
3 Increase damage by +3 this energy receive damage without any
combat actions (maximum -6/-3)
chance of avoiding it. Armor does not

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 195

protect against this ability. Only undead LEVELS OF POWER: STATUE The priest causes five enemies to
creatures can be harmed by it. Cost Extra Levels of Power bleed profusely from three wounds
The priest directs the energy in the 1 Increase the duration by 1 action
each. Every wound causes the victim 2
form of glowing projectiles toward round points of damage (for a total of 6 points
a group of undead creatures within of damage dealt to each person). To
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
range. There are two holy projectiles resist the psychological pain (but not
in the ability’s basic version. Each one 3 Decrease the Situation value by -1 the damage), they must successfully
deals 1d10 (OR 8-10) + 3 points of make a Situation roll with a Situation
damage. 4: Divine Purge value of 8 (Psyche modifiers apply).
Even if the Situation roll is s­ uccessful,
LEVELS OF POWER: SACRED BURST ✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 the victim must deduct -3 from every
Cost Extra Levels of Power ✦ Type: Instant Skill roll and Situation roll for the next
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
✦ Range: 10 meters 1d6 hours. But if the Situation roll
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round fails, the victim will suffer the above
3 Increase damage by +3
modifier for the rest of the day and
3 Add another glowing projectile When the force of Gave is called upon, fall to the ground unconscious for 1d6
(maximum 6) sacred energy erupts from the priest minutes.
and pierces an undead creature within
3: Statue the ability’s range. Undead struck by LEVELS OF POWER: MEMORY OF A
this energy receive damage without any MARTYR
✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 chance of avoiding it. Armor does not Cost Extra Levels of Power
✦ Type: Lasting protect against this ability. Only undead 1 Increase the number of wounds
✦ Duration: 5 action rounds creatures can be harmed by it. that bleed by +1 (maximum 6)
✦ Range: 10 meters The priest directs the energy in the
2 Affect another enemy
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round form of glowing projectiles toward a
group of undead creatures within range. 2 Increase the range by 5 meters
The priest directs their powerful gaze There are four holy projectiles in the 2 Decrease the enemy’s Situation
at an opponent. If the target is unable ability’s basic version. Each one deals value by -1
to resist by making a Situation roll with 1d10 (OR 8-10) + 6 points of damage.
a Situation value of 8 (Psyche ­modifiers
apply), they turn into a statue for the LEVELS OF POWER: DIVINE PURGE 5: Stone Monument
duration of the ability. If a priest spends Cost Extra Levels of Power
a raud while using this ability, the 2 Increase the range by 5 meters
✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10
­petrification becomes Permanent if the ✦ Type: Lasting
3 Increase damage by +3
opponent fails their Situation roll. ✦ Duration: 1 day
This ability can be used only on people 3 Add another glowing projectile ✦ Range: 10 meters
and creatures that are close to human- ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round
sized (from half the size of a human up to
1.5 times the size of a human). 5: Memory of a Martyr The priest directs their powerful gaze
The priest requires only a single at an opponent. If the target is unable
action round to invoke the ability, ✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10 to resist by making a Situation roll with
but it takes 1d6 rounds for the target ✦ Type: Instant a Situation value of 4 (Psyche ­modifiers
to fully petrify. For each round ✦ Range: 10 meters apply), they turn into a statue for the
in which the target is turning to ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round duration of the ability. If a priest spends
stone, that c­haracter halves their a raud while using this ability, the
­effective Skill Values​ (​compounding The priest prays that Gave will ­petrification becomes Permanent if the
each action round, and rounding up show the dimwalker’s enemies just opponent fails their Situation roll.
where a­ pplicable). For example, if the how much the god suffered on that This ability can be used only on people
target has SV 16 in the Fighting skill black oak. The victims of this prayer and creatures that are close to h ­ uman-
(­including disciplines and specialties), ­immediately begin bleeding from open sized (from half the size of a human
the next action round it would be SV wounds in their hands and feet, which up to 1.5 times the size of a human). A
8, the next round only SV 4, and so on. inflict more mental anguish than dimwalker spending a raud can petrify
These values are restored when the physical. Armor or natural protection larger creatures (greater than or equal to
petrification is removed. therefore have no effect. 1.5 times the size of a human).

196 | chapter 4. dimwalkers

The priest requires only a single are permanently removed from the All modifiers and negative effects
action round to invoke the ability, but healed individual through a successful caused by the healed malady or illness
it takes 1d6 rounds for the target to Situation roll. are permanently removed from the
fully petrify. For each round in which healed individual through a successful
the target is turning to stone, that LEVELS OF POWER: HAND OF Situation roll.
character halves their effective Skill
Values (­compounding each action round, Cost Extra Levels of Power LEVELS OF POWER: WILL OF BETE
and rounding up where applicable). For 1 Increase Situation value by +1
example, if a person has SV 16 in the Cost Extra Levels of Power
Fighting skill (including disciplines
­ 1 Increase Situation value by +1
and specialties), the next action round it 1: Holy Mending
would be SV 8, the next round only SV
4, and so on. These values are restored ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 2: Life Spirit
when the ­petrification is removed. ✦ Type: Lasting
✦ Duration: 3 minutes ✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4
LEVELS OF POWER: STONE ✦ Range: Contact ✦ Type: Permanent
MONUMENT ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round ✦ Duration: 1 hour
Cost Extra Levels of Power ✦ Range: Contact
1 Increase the duration by 1 day
The priest is embodied in part with the ✦ Invocation time: 1 minute
healing power of Gave, and places their
2 Increase the range by 10 meters
hands over the wound of an injured The priest can revive any of a variety of
3 Decrease the Situation value by -1 person in their care. This ability heals unintelligent animals (such as birds, snakes,
the injured person of 1 Body Point per and deer) from the brink of death. The
minute for the duration of the ability. ability’s duration indicates the maximum
Tablet of G race Broken bones, internal injuries, and amount of time that an animal can lie dead
The Gavlian has become connected to exposed wounds heal so completely that and still be resurrected by the priest.
Gave and affirmed their deity’s mercy not even scars remain. The priest may An animal can be revived only once
and grace. Gave has bestowed upon the also apply this prayer to himself. with this ability, and to be revived, the
dimwalker the ability to heal serious creature must desire to come back to life.
diseases and injuries, and even resurrect LEVELS OF POWER: HOLY
Cost Extra Levels of Power Cost Extra Levels of Power
2 Increase the duration by 1 minute 1 Increase the duration by 1 hour
1: Hand of Mercy
5 Increase the duration by 1 day
✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 2: Will of Bete Wiemdas 12 Increase the duration by 1 week
✦ Type: Permanent
✦ Range: Contact ✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4
✦ Invocation time: 1 minute ✦ Type: Permanent 3: Chalk of Bete Wiemdas
✦ Range: Contact
The priest invokes Gave and lays ✦ Invocation time: 1 minute ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6
glowing hands upon an ailing person ✦ Type: Lasting
in their care. In this way the priest can The priest invokes Gave and lays ✦ Duration: 3 minutes
heal colds, minor illnesses, r­ heumatism, glowing hands upon a severely ailing ✦ Range: Contact
hair loss, pain, d ­eformities, and person in their care. In this way the ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round
lameness caused by past injuries. In priest can heal natural diseases, lost
order for the condition to disappear minds, and impotence/infertility, and The priest is embodied in part with the
completely (beyond temporary relief), neutralize all poisons. In order for healing power of Gave, and places their
the character receiving the healing the condition to disappear ­completely hands over the wound of an injured
grace has to succeed on a Situation roll (beyond ­temporary relief), the c­ haracter person in their care. This ability heals
with a Situation value of 8 (Constitution receiving the healing grace has to
­ the injured person for 3 Body Points per
modifiers apply). succeed on a Situation roll with a minute for the duration of the ability.
All modifiers and negative effects Situation value of 8 (Constitution
­ Broken bones, internal injuries, and
caused by the healed malady or illness ­modifiers apply). exposed wounds heal so completely that

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 197

not even scars remain. The priest may
also apply this prayer to himself.


Cost Extra Levels of Power
2 Increase the duration by 1 minute

3: Recall
✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6
✦ Type: Permanent
✦ Duration: 1 hour
✦ Range: Contact
✦ Invocation time: 1 minute

The priest can resurrect intelligent

­ umanoids that have already lost the breath
of life. The ability’s duration ­indicates the
maximum amount of time that the being
may lie dead and still be resurrected by
the priest. Because of the intense pressure
of such a feat, the priest loses 1 Body
Point permanently when ­ performing a
­resurrection and a small wound forms that
never quite heals. The shock of dying and
then being revived is also quite traumatic,
giving the resurrected person a permanent
base fear level of 1 (fear level can never be
reduced below 1).
An individual can be revived only once
with this ability, and to be revived, that
character must desire to come back to life.
The ability does not work on elves
because their souls do not leave their
bodies in the same way that other
­creatures’ souls do.


Cost Extra Levels of Power
1 Increase the duration by 1 hour
5 Increase the duration by 1 day
12 Increase the duration by 1 week

The priest is embodied in part with the not even scars remain. The priest may
4: Breath of Gave healing power of Gave, and places their also apply this prayer to himself.
hands over the wound of an injured
✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 person in their care. This ability heals LEVELS OF POWER: BREATH OF
✦ Type: Lasting the injured person of 6 Body Points per GAVE
✦ Duration: 3 minutes minute for the duration of the ability. Cost Extra Levels of Power
✦ Range: Contact Broken bones, internal injuries, and 2 Increase the duration by 1 minute
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round exposed wounds heal so completely that

198 | chapter 4. dimwalkers

4: Hand of Gave p­ermanent base fear level of 1 (fear existing armor or a shield for the ability
level can never be reduced below 1). to have any effect.
✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 With this ability, the priest can
✦ Type: Permanent revive the same person multiple times, LEVELS OF POWER: BLESSED
✦ Range: Contact but for each new resurrection the ARMOR
✦ Invocation time: 1 minute same character undergoes, their base Cost Extra Levels of Power
fear level is permanently raised by 1 Increase the duration by 1 action
The priest invokes Gave and lays glowing another step. The revived ­ individual round
hands upon a severely ailing person in also takes on one of the priest’s
2 Increase the Protection Value by
their care. In this way the priest can heal specific p­ ersonality traits (such as an +1 (maximum +4)
unnatural diseases such as lycanthropy odd accent, p­ ersonality quirk, typical
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
and Ulm plague, ­reconstruct lost organs demeanor, or preference) as d ­ etermined
(contact is no longer necessary)
or body parts, and break curses. This by the game master.
ability is also the only way to cure a In order for an individual to be 5 Increase the duration by 1 minute
character of madness (see Fear Level in revived, that character must desire to
the Game Master Guide book). In order come back to life. 1: Blessed Spear
for the c­ ondition to disappear c­ ompletely
(beyond t­emporary relief), the c­haracter LEVELS OF POWER: WIND OF ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2
­receiving the healing grace has to succeed IMMORTALITY ✦ Type: Lasting
on a Situation roll with a ­Situation value Cost Extra Levels of Power ✦ Duration: 3 action rounds
of 8 (Constitution modifiers apply). 1 Increase the duration by 1 day
✦ Range: Contact
All modifiers and negative effects ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round
3 Increase the duration by 1 week
caused by the healed malady or illness
are permanently removed from the 8 Increase the duration by 1 month A holy aura is created around the selected
healed individual through a successful 20 Increase the duration by 1 year weapon. The weapon deals an additional
Situation roll. +1 point of damage (+2 against undead
and +3 against demons).
LEVELS OF POWER: HAND OF GAVE Tablet of the K night The blessed weapon takes on a lighter
Cost Extra Levels of Power The Gavlian has blazed their way down shade and begins to shine faintly.
1 Increase Situation value by +1
the path of the Rowthguard, showing
devout loyalty to Gave. Gave therefore LEVELS OF POWER: BLESSED SPEAR
bestows power upon the dimwalker, who Cost Extra Levels of Power
5: Wind of Immortality is able to sanctify armor and ­weapons, 1 Increase the duration by 1 action
and emerge from all battles with divine round
✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10 glory.
2 Increase damage bonuses by +1
✦ Type: Permanent (maximum +4/+5 undead/+6
✦ Duration: 1 day demons)
✦ Range: Contact 1: Blessed Armor
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
✦ Invocation time: 1 minute (contact is no longer necessary)
✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2
5 Increase the duration by 1 minute
The priest can revive any creature, ✦ Type: Lasting
whether intelligent or unintelligent, ✦ Duration: 3 action rounds
that has already lost the breath of ✦ Range: Contact 2: Holy Authority
life. The ability’s duration indicates ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round
the maximum amount of time that ✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4
the being may lie dead and still be An aura of holy protection is created ✦ Type: Lasting
­resurrected by the priest. Because of around the selected armor, increasing ✦ Duration: 1 minute
the intense pressure of such a feat, the the Protection Value by +1. The aura ✦ Range: 10 meters
priest loses 1 Body Point permanently does not protect against magic weapons ✦ Invocation time: 2 action rounds
when performing a resurrection and or spell effects that ignore normal armor.
a small wound forms that never quite This does not create armor, but The prayer invokes Gave’s presence and
heals. The shock of dying and then blesses a suit that the dimwalker prays holiness. The priest raises their hands,
being revived is also quite t­raumatic, over, which takes on a lighter shade and loudly recites the prayer, and then
giving the resurrected person a begins to shine faintly. There must be lowers their hands slowly. The air grows

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 199

thick as the god’s increased presence is
tangibly felt.
In this way the priest can quiet a crowd
and receives a bonus modifier of +1 to
any Skill or Situation rolls for ­persuading
people for the ability’s duration. Anyone
who tries to oppose what the priest says
must first succeed a Situation Roll with
SV 10 (modified by Psyche).


Cost Extra Levels of Power
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
2 Increase the bonus by an additional
+1 (maximum +3)
2 Lower Situation Roll to oppose the
Dimwalker by -1 (maximum -3)
2 Increase the range by 5 meters

2: Rowthguard’s Cuirass
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4
✦ Type: Lasting
✦ Duration: 4 action rounds
✦ Range: Contact
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round

An aura of holy protection is created

around the selected armor, increasing
the Protection Value by +3. The aura
also protects against magical weapons
and spell effects that ignore normal
armor, with Protection Value +1.
This does not create armor, but blesses
a suit that the dimwalker prays over, which
takes on a lighter shade and begins to shine
faintly. There must be existing armor or a
shield for the ability to have any effect.

LEVELS OF POWER: 3: Majestic Revelation the god’s increased presence is tangibly felt.
­ROWTHGUARD’S CUIRASS People around the priest fall silent and
Cost Extra Levels of Power ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 prefer to flee rather than oppose them. In
1 Increase the duration by 1 action
✦ Type: Lasting this way the priest can quiet a crowd and
round ✦ Duration: 1 minute receives a bonus modifier of +3 to any
✦ Range: 10 meters Skill or Situation rolls for persuading
2 Increase the Protection Value by
another +1 (maximum +7/+5)
✦ Invocation time: 2 action rounds people for the ability’s duration. Anyone
who tries to oppose what the priest says
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
The prayer invokes Gave’s presence and must first succeed a Situation Roll with
(contact is no longer necessary)
holiness. The priest raises their hands, SV 7 (modified by Psyche). Anyone who
5 Increase the duration by 1 minute loudly recites the prayer, and then lowers tries to attack the priest or speak lies in
their hands slowly. The air grows thick as their presence must first succeed on a

200 | chapter 4. dimwalkers

Situation roll with a S
­ ituation value of 6 An aura of holy protection is created 5: Guise of Gave
(Psyche modifiers apply). around the selected armor, increasing
the Protection Value by +5. The aura ✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10
LEVELS OF POWER: MAJESTIC also protects against magical weapons ✦ Type: Lasting
REVELATION and spell effects that ignore normal ✦ Duration: 1 minute
Cost Extra Levels of Power armor, with Protection Value +3. ✦ Range: 20 meters
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
This does not create armor, but ✦ Invocation time: 2 action rounds
blesses a suit that the dimwalker prays
2 Increase the bonus by an additional
over, which takes on a lighter shade and The priest positively radiates with
+1 (maximum +6)
begins to shine faintly. There must be divine power while the s­urrounding
2 Lower Situation Roll to oppose the existing armor or a shield for the ability air is saturated with the god’s tangible
Dimwalker by -1 (maximum -6)
to have any effect. presence. Anyone in the priest’s
2 Lower the Situation value by -1 for presence falls quiet and would rather
those who attempt to lie or attack LEVELS OF POWER: BELO SEOTH’S flee or kneel in submission than oppose
the priest
WHITE ARMOR them. In this way the priest can quiet
2 Increase the range by 5 meters a crowd and receives a bonus modifier
Cost Extra Levels of Power
1 Increase the duration by 1 action
of +6 to any Skill or S ­ ituation rolls
for persuading people for the a­ bility’s
3: Rowthguard’s Battle round
duration. Anyone who tries to oppose
Scourge 2 Increase the Protection Value by
what the priest says must first succeed
another +1 (maximum +10/+8)
a Situation Roll with SV 5 (modified by
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 Psyche). Anyone who tries to attack
(contact is no longer necessary)
✦ Type: Lasting the priest or speak lies in their presence
✦ Duration: 4 action rounds 5 Increase the duration by 1 minute must first succeed on a S ­ ituation roll
✦ Range: Contact with a Situation value of 4 (Psyche
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round 4: Belo Seoth’s Axe modifiers apply). Even those who wish
to plot against the priest while in their
A holy aura is created around the selected ✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 vicinity (within range) need to succeed
weapon. The weapon deals an additional ✦ Type: Lasting on the a­ forementioned S ­ ituation roll.
+3 points of damage (+5 against undead ✦ Duration: 5 action rounds
and +7 against demons). ✦ Range: Contact LEVELS OF POWER: GUISE OF GAVE
The blessed weapon takes on a lighter ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round Cost Extra Levels of Power
shade and begins to shine faintly. 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
A holy aura is created around the
2 Increase the bonus by an additional
LEVELS OF POWER: selected weapon. The weapon deals
+1 (maximum +10)
ROWTHGUARD’S BATTLE SCOURGE an additional +5 points of damage
(+8 against undead and +11 against 2 Lower Situation Roll to oppose the
Cost Extra Levels of Power
Dimwalker by -1 (maximum -8)
1 Increase the duration by 1 action
The blessed weapon takes on a 2 Lower the Situation value by -1 for
lighter shade and begins to shine those who attempt to lie, attack, or
2 Increase damage by +1 (maximum plot against the priest.
+7/+9 undead/+11 demons)
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
(contact is no longer necessary)
5 Increase the duration by 1 minute
Cost Extra Levels of Power
1 Increase the duration by 1 action
4: Belo Seoth’s White Armor round
Tablet of the S hield
The Gavlian has chosen to walk the
2 Increase damage by +1 (maximum
✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 +10/+13 undead/+16 demons)
path of the demon brother, while
✦ Type: Lasting showing greater loyalty to Gave. The
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
✦ Duration: 5 action rounds god bestows the dimwalker with the
(contact is no longer necessary)
✦ Range: Contact black oak’s protection, but also greater
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round 5 Increase the duration by 1 minute protection against weather, vitner, and

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 201

1: Snares of the Holy Ground 2: Storm Protection to 10 Body Points, should one wish to
hack through in order to push through
✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 ✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 the wall without taking any damage.
✦ Type: Lasting ✦ Type: Lasting
✦ Duration: 3 action rounds ✦ Duration: 1 hour LEVELS OF POWER: THORNWALL
✦ Range: 5 meters ✦ Range: 5-meter radius Cost Extra Levels of Power
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round ✦ Invocation time: 1 minute 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
1 Increase quantity of branches by
As the priest prays to Gave, up from The priest creates a sacred aura around
1d10 m³
the ground root-like snares begin to herself, which protects against rain,
sprout, which grasp and bind demons snow, wind, and natural heat or cold. It 2 Increase the range by 5 meters
and hinder their physical actions. The also protects against magical weather 2 Increase the branches’ Body Points
demons suffer -1 on all their Skill Values conditions. This aura is fixed to the site by +5 per m³
and Situation values for any actions that where the prayer is made and cannot 6 Increase the duration by 1 hour
involves movement. be moved. The temperature of the
­sanctuary is increased or decreased by
LEVELS OF POWER: SNARES OF up to 40°C as the dimwalker wishes to 3: Bark Skin
THE HOLY GROUND create a milder climate.
Cost Extra Levels of Power ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6
1 Increase the duration by 1 action
round PROTECTION ✦ Duration: 1 minute
Cost Extra Levels of Power ✦ Range: Contact
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
1 Increase the duration by 1 hour
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round
2 Increase the modifier of the demon
by an additional -1 (maximum -5) 2 Increase the radius by 1 meter
The Gavlian invokes the force of the
black oak. Either the priest or one person
1: Sheltering 2: Thornwall of their choosing grows a bark-like skin
of dark iron-oak. The skin provides 10
✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 ✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 additional Body Points for the blessed
✦ Type: Lasting ✦ Type: Lasting character, which are used up before
✦ Duration: 1 hour ✦ Duration: 1 minute they receive any damage, and after any
✦ Range: 3-meter radius ✦ Range: 10 meters armor’s Protection Value has been
✦ Invocation time: 1 minute ✦ Invocation time: 2 action rounds deducted from the damage. These Body
Points are t­ emporary, and any r­ emaining
The priest creates a sacred aura around The one praying invokes the force of are lost when the duration ends. If the
himself, which protects against lighter the black oak. Within the range, thorny ability’s 10 Body Points are used up
rain, snow, and wind, but not against branches spring from the ground that before the duration ends, the effect stops.
magical weather conditions. This fill a space of 1d10 + 10 m³, which the
aura is fixed to the site where the dimwalker may then shape to their own LEVELS OF POWER: BARK RIND
prayer is made and cannot be moved. satisfaction. For example, if a priest has Cost Extra Levels of Power
The t­emperature of the sanctuary is 20 m³ at their disposal, they can shape the 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
increased or decreased by up to 20°C branches to be 20 m long x 1 m high x 1 m
1 Increase bark skin’s Body Points
as the dimwalker wishes to create a wide, or 10 m long x 2 m high x 1 m wide, or
by +1
milder climate. other ­dimensions. It takes 1 action round
for the branches to grow to fill a space 6 Increase the duration by 1 hour
LEVELS OF POWER: SHELTERING of 5 m³, meaning that branches filling 20
Cost Extra Levels of Power m³ of space would take 4 rounds. 3: Demonic Impotence
1 Increase the duration by 1 hour
Attempting to pass through these
thorny branches without cutting them ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6
2 Increase the radius by 1 meter
down deals 1d5 points of damage for ✦ Type: Lasting
every cubic meter passed through, and ✦ Duration: 1 hour
requires 2 action rounds of movement ✦ Range: Personal
per meter. Each cubic meter has a ✦ Invocation time: 2 action rounds
number of thorny branches equivalent

202 | chapter 4. dimwalkers

The priest prays to Gave, and as a 5: Banishment the duration. If anyone (besides a
result their hands begin to glow. For demon) attacks the tree, it has a natural
the next 10 action rounds, the priest ✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10 ­Protection Value of 8, and only o­ ne-
gains the ability to rip one feat from ✦ Type: Instant fifth of the damage that penetrates this
a demon simply by touching the ✦ Range: 10 meters protection hurts the priest. If the priest
demon with their glowing hands (a ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round is slain while in the tree port, they will
successful unarmed attack). If the
­ remain a black oak.
priest ­successfully purges a demon of The priest prays to Gave, and as
one of its abilities, the demon cannot a result a radiant beam of divine LEVELS OF POWER: TREE PORT
use it for the duration listed above. A light pierces the sky (or the ceiling, Cost Extra Levels of Power
priest can rip only one ability away if indoors) and engulfs all demons 1 Increase the duration by 1 day
from any demon. within range. The light deals 1d10
2 Increase the Situation value by +1
If the priest spends a raud when (OR 8-10) +5 points of damage to
successfully ripping an ability from a every demon caught within it. Armor 3 Increase the tree’s Protection
demon, the demon loses the purged and natural protection do nothing to Value by +1
ability permanently. protect against it because the injury is
not physical, but divine. Tablet of the S un
LEVELS OF POWER: DEMONIC The Gavlian worships Gave’s radiance
IMPOTENCE LEVELS OF POWER: BANISHMENT and light, and when this tie to the god
Cost Extra Levels of Power Cost Extra Levels of Power is strengthened, Gave gives the priest
1 Increase the duration by 1 hour 2 Increase the range by 10 meters
the ability to create light, receive
insights about the future, and anchor
6 Increase the duration by 1 day 3 Increase damage by an additional +5
the faith.

4: Vitner Resistance 5: Tree Port

1: Dawn Shine
✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 ✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10
✦ Type: Lasting ✦ Type: Lasting ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2
✦ Duration: 1 hour ✦ Duration: 1 day ✦ Type: Lasting
✦ Range: 5-meter radius ✦ Range: Personal ✦ Duration: 1 minute
✦ Invocation time: 1 minute ✦ Invocation time: 5 minutes ✦ Range: 1-meter radius
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round
The priest creates a sacred aura that The Gavlian invokes the force of the
protects in the same manner as the black oak, granting the priest the The priest asks his god for heat and
Storm Protection ability, but also ability to transform into a large black light, and in reply daylight slowly begins
protects against magical attacks, both oak for one day. The transformation to spread and illuminate the area around
physical and mental. The aura acts as takes 60 action rounds (5 minutes) and her. If the priest moves, so does the lit
a barrier around the designated area requires enough soil and space for the area. The priest can disable the ability or
and in order to penetrate it with magic, oak’s roots and branches, respectively. decrease the range at any time.
the weaver must make a successful For each hour the priest spends in this The prayer creates a sacred source
­Situation roll with a Situation value of state, they heal 1 Body Point. As a tree, of light that spreads out around the
10. If the spell is able to penetrate the the priest also receives nutrients from priest. Within its range, the light
Vitner Resistance aura, the spell works the water in the soil and the sun’s light, counts as daylight for all intents and
as usual and the sacred aura disappears. so there is no need to consume any purposes.
food or water. Additionally, the priest
LEVELS OF POWER: VITNER can make a Situation roll once every LEVELS OF POWER: DAWN SHINE
RESISTANCE day with a Situation value of 6 (Psyche Cost Extra Levels of Power
Cost Extra Levels of Power modifiers apply) to try to remove an 1 Increase the duration by 1
1 Increase the duration by 1 hour
existing curse or demon infection from minute
himself. In the tree port, the priest
2 Increase the radius by 1 meter 2 Increase the range by 1 meter
is immune to all demon attacks and
2 Lower the Situation value for spells ­abilities. 10 Increase the duration by 1 hour
to penetrate by -1 The priest can turn back to their
true shape whenever they wish within

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 203

1: Protective Ground 2: Augury to spread and illuminate the area around
her. If the priest moves, so does the lit
✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 ✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 area. The priest can disable the ability or
✦ Type: Lasting ✦ Type: Instant decrease the range at any time.
✦ Duration: 1 hour ✦ Range: Contact The prayer creates a sacred source
✦ Range: 2-meter radius ✦ Invocation time: 1 minute of light that spreads out around the
✦ Invocation time: Special priest. The light brings safety and
The priest asks his god to reveal the tranquility to all within its reach.
The prayer acts as protection against future, and Gave responds by giving Any negative modifiers from fear
vitner and other religions’ feats. The a vision to the dimwalker or a person levels disappear, and the priest and
ability’s range designates the radius of the priest’s choosing. This prayer all allies gain +1 to their Skill Values​​
for the protected area that the sunlight can be difficult to manage because and Situation values ​​as long as they
covers. To create this site, the priest the visions received can always be remain within range. Within its
must cut a wound in their forehead (1 interpreted in a variety of different
­ range, the light counts as daylight for
point of damage) and collect blood from ways. It is up to the game master to all intents and purposes.
the wound, allowing it to drip along determine how extensively or vaguely
the site’s perimeter while chanting. the near future will be described. The LEVELS OF POWER: THERMAL
The prayer takes 3 rounds per meter revelation will never tell the final LIGHT
(radius) of the range to perform. For outcome of events, but may reveal Cost Extra Levels of Power
example, if the range covers an 8-meter what events will occur. For example, 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
radius, this feat takes 24 rounds (2 the ability might indicate that the
2 Increase the range by 1 meter
minutes) to invoke. priest will face a dragon in the near
Anyone who tries to activate an future, but not how the encounter 3 Increase the bonus to Skill Values
ability that belongs to a religion other with the dragon will end. and Situation values by +1
(maximum +3)
than the Tenets of Nid or who tries to The priest closes their eyes and
weave a spell that takes effect within wraps their hands around those of the 10 Increase the duration by 1 hour
the designated sanctuary suffers -1 chosen one, or the priest clasps their
to the Skill Value needed to succeed. own hands if determining their own
In addition, everyone located within future. The person then receives a 3: Omen
the area finds it easier to resist any vision of an event that will affect them
constraining or manipulating effects within one hour. The incident does not ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6
of abilities that do not belong to the need to be significant, but it should ✦ Type: Instant
Tenets of Nid or spells (their Situation be something out of the ordinary. If ✦ Range: Contact
values to resist increase by +2). nothing out of the ordinary is on the ✦ Invocation time: 10 minutes
horizon, the person may receive no
LEVELS OF POWER: PROTECTIVE vision at all. The priest asks his god to reveal the
GROUND future, and Gave responds by giving a
LEVELS OF POWER: AUGURY vision to the dimwalker or a person of
Cost Extra Levels of Power Cost Extra Levels of Power the priest’s choosing. This prayer can be
1 Increase the duration by 1 hour 1 Increase by +1 hour the time
difficult to manage because the visions
from which the priest can receive received can always be interpreted
2 Increase the radius of the range
a vision in a variety of different ways. It is up
by 1 meter
to the game master to determine how
2 Decrease the Skill Value for ­e xtensively or vaguely the near future
those who want to use abilities 2: Thermal Light will be described. The revelation will
from other religions or spells by
-1 (maximum -4) never tell the final outcome of events,
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 but may reveal what events will occur.
2 Increase the Situation values to ✦ Type: Lasting For example, the ability might indicate
resist the constraining effects
of abilities that belong to
✦ Duration: 1 minute that the priest will face a dragon in the
other religions or spells by +2 ✦ Range: 2-meter radius near future, but not how the encounter
(maximum +6) ✦ Invocation time: 3 action rounds with the dragon will end.
The priest closes their eyes and
The priest asks his god for heat and wraps their hands around those of the
light, and in reply daylight slowly begins chosen one, or the priest clasps their

204 | chapter 4. dimwalkers

future. The person then receives a Cost Extra Levels of Power Cost Extra Levels of Power
vision of an event that will affect them 1 Increase the duration by 1 hour 2 Increase the duration by 1 day
within one day. The incident does not
2 Increase the radius of the range by 2 Increase the radius of the range by
need to be significant, but it should
1 meter 2 meters
be something out of the ordinary. If
nothing out of the ordinary is on the 2 Decrease the Skill Values for those 2 Decrease the Skill Values for those
who want to use other religions’ who want to use other religions’
horizon, the person may receive no
abilities or spells by -1 (maxi- abilities or spells by -1
vision at all. mum -6) 2 Increase the Situation values to
2 Increase the Situation values to resist the constraining effects
resist the constraining effects of abilities that belong to other
Cost Extra Levels of Power of abilities that belong to religions or spells by +2
1 Increase by +1 day the time from other religions or spells by +2
which the priest can receive a (maximum +10)
vision 4: Holy Radiance
4: Sacred Grove ✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8
3: Blessed Home ✦ Type: Lasting
✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 ✦ Duration: 1 hour
✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 ✦ Type: Lasting ✦ Range: 3-meter radius
✦ Type: Lasting ✦ Duration: 1 day ✦ Invocation time: 3 action rounds
✦ Duration: 1 hour ✦ Range: 8-meter radius
✦ Range: 4-meter radius ✦ Invocation time: Special The priest asks her god for heat and
✦ Invocation time: Special light, and in reply daylight slowly begins
The prayer acts as protection against to spread and illuminate the area around
The prayer acts as protection against vitner and other religions’ feats. The her. If the priest moves, so does the lit
vitner and other religions’ feats. The ability’s range designates the radius area. The priest can disable the ability or
ability’s range designates the radius for the protected area that the sunlight decrease the range at any time.
for the protected area that the sunlight covers. To create this site, the priest The prayer creates a sacred source of
covers. To create this site, the priest must cut a wound in their forehead light that spreads out around the priest.
must cut a wound in their forehead (1 point of damage) and then collect The light brings safety and tranquility to
(1 point of damage), and then collect blood from the wound, allowing it to all within its reach. Any negative ­modifiers
blood from the wound, allowing it to drip along the site’s perimeter while from fear levels disappear, and the priest
drip along the site’s perimeter while chanting. The prayer takes 3 rounds per and all allies gain +3 to their Skill Values
chanting. The prayer takes 3 rounds meter (radius) of the range to perform. and ­Situation values as long as they remain
per meter (radius) of the range to For example, if the range covers an within range. Within its range, the light
perform. For example, if the range 8-meter radius, this feat takes 24 rounds counts as daylight for all intents and
covers an 8-meter radius, this feat (2 minutes) to invoke. purposes.
takes 24 rounds (2 minutes) to invoke. Anyone who tries to activate an
Anyone who tries to activate an ability ability that belongs to a religion other LEVELS OF POWER: HOLY
that belongs to a religion other than the than the Tenets of Nid or who tries to RADIANCE
Tenets of Nid or who tries to weave a spell weave a spell that takes effect within Cost Extra Levels of Power
that takes effect within the d ­esignated the designated sanctuary suffers -5 2 Increase the range by 1 meter
sanctuary suffers -3 to the Skill Value to the Skill Value needed to succeed.
needed to succeed. In addition, everyone In addition, everyone located within 2 Increase the bonus to Skill Values
within the area finds it easier to resist any the area finds it easier to resist any and Situation values by ​​ +1
constraining or manipulating effects of constraining or manipulating effects (maximum +5)
abilities that do not belong to the Tenets of abilities that do not belong to the 5 Increase the duration by 1 hour
of Nid or spells (their Situation values to Tenets of Nid or spells (their Situation
resist increase by +6). values to resist increase by +10).

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 205

5: Portent The Gavlian can bless someone and LEVELS OF POWER: SIRO WERTE’S
their future circumstances. The person EAR
✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10 must be a believer and follower of the Cost Extra Levels of Power
✦ Type: Instant Tenets of Nid, and willing to accept 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
✦ Range: Contact the blessing. The person must come to
5 Increase the duration by 1 hour
✦ Invocation time: 1 minute the priest and explain the intended act
that deserves the blessing. If the priest
The priest asks his god to reveal the future, deems the act worthy, they can bless 2: Blood Brothers
and Gave responds by giving a vision to the person. An act worthy of blessing
the dimwalker or a person of the priest’s will likely involve several different ✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4
choosing. This prayer can be difficult to Skill rolls, any of which might benefit ✦ Type: Lasting
manage because the visions the priest from the blessing. An example of such ✦ Duration: 3 action rounds
receives can be interpreted in a variety a deed would be to find the lost treasure ✦ Range: Contact
of different ways. It is up to the game of the church. If someone is blessed for ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round
master to determine how extensively or this pursuit, they would benefit from
vaguely the near future will be described. the ability’s effect on a single roll that The ability stirs new feelings in the
The revelation will never tell the final is a direct or indirect consequence of chosen target, replacing all hostile
outcome of events, but may reveal what the search for that treasure. But the thoughts with more considerate ones
events will occur. For example, the ability blessing lasts for a limited amount of of compassion and grace, such that
might indicate that the priest will face a time, so it is important to finish the act an adversary temporarily becomes an
dragon in the near future, but not how the before the effect ends. ally. The ability is so powerful that the
encounter with the dragon will end. A person cannot possess more than friendship it evokes can turn even the
The priest closes their eyes and wraps one blessing at a time. The priest is most enraged opponent into a close ally
their hands around those of the chosen unable to use the ability on herself. of the priest, someone who will gladly
one, or the priest clasps their own hands In the basic version of the ability, assist him for the duration of the ability.
if determining their own future. The the blessed person adds +1 to any Skill Animals, beasts, demons, undead, and
priest then receives a vision of an event Value of an action that is in pursuit of unintelligent creatures are not affected
that will affect the person within one (or a consequence of) the specified act. by this ability, but most humanoid
week. The event should primarily be ­creatures are affected, even trolls. The
life-changing, but if it isn’t, a meaningful LEVELS OF POWER: HOLY only way to avoid the effect is through
event is sufficient. CONSIDERATION the weaving of vitner, neutralizing
Cost Extra Levels of Power divine powers, or breaking the priest’s
1 Increase the duration by 1 hour
concentration. However, the target can
Cost Extra Levels of Power initially resist by making a Situation
Increase the blessing’s bonus by an
1 Increases time by +1 week from 2 roll with a Situation value of 10 (Psyche
additional +1 (maximum +3)
which the priest can get a vision. modifiers apply). On a failure, the victim
5 Increase the duration by 1 day will immediately befriend the priest,
considering the priest’s friends as their
Tablet of V oices 1: Siro Werte’s Ear own friends, and the priest’s enemies as
The Gavlian has reinforced their tie to their own enemies. If the priest or one
Gave and become the god’s mediator. ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 of the priest’s friends attacks the target,
Gave helps the dimwalker by b­ estowing ✦ Type: Lasting the effect of the ability is immediately
the power to understand and speak ✦ Duration: 1 minute broken.
tongues, alter people’s affections, and ✦ Range: Personal
grant blessings. ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round LEVELS OF POWER: BLOOD
The priest is gifted with a temporary Cost Extra Levels of Power
1: Holy Consideration understanding of a foreign language 1 Increases the duration by 1 action
when it is spoken. However, the round
✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 priest is still unable to read, write, or
2 Increases the range by 5 meters
✦ Type: Lasting speak the language. The priest must (contact is no longer necessary)
✦ Duration: 1 hour specify which language they wish
2 Lowers Situation value to resist
✦ Range: Contact to ­understand before the ability is
the ability by -1
✦ Invocation time: 3 action rounds ­performed.

206 | chapter 4. dimwalkers

2: Siro Werte’s Tongue neutralizing divine powers, or breaking limited amount of time, so it is important
the priest’s concentration. to finish the act before the effect ends.
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 The priest can cause two enemies In the basic version of the ability, the
✦ Type: Lasting within range to become their allies for priest blesses two people who add +3
✦ Duration: 1 minute the duration of the ability. Each target to any Skill Values of actions that are
✦ Range: Personal can initially resist by making a ­Situation in pursuit of (or a consequence of) the
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round roll with a Situation value of 10 (Psyche specified act.
modifiers apply). On a failure, the victim A person cannot possess more than
The priest is gifted with a temporary will immediately befriend the priest, one blessing at a time. The priest is
capacity to speak and understand a considering the priest’s friends as their unable to use the ability on herself.
foreign language, with +2 to their own friends, and the priest’s enemies as
Skill Value in the Knowledge skill. their own enemies. If the priest or one LEVELS OF POWER: GRACE OF
The ability does not allow the priest of the priest’s friends attacks the target, GAVE
to read or write the language, but the effect of the ability is immediately Cost Extra Levels of Power
only c­ommunicate vocally. The priest broken. 1 Increase the duration by 1 hour
must specify which language they
2 Increase the blessing’s bonus by an
wish to understand before the ability is LEVELS OF POWER: KINDRED’S
additional +1 (maximum +5)
­performed. BOND
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
Cost Extra Levels of Power
­ IRO WERTE’S 2 Bless another person (maximum 4
1 Increase the duration by 1 action
TONGUE people)
Cost Extra Levels of Power 5 Increase the duration by 1 day
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute 2 Lower the Situation value to resist
2 Increase the bonus to the the ability by -1 4: Sanity of Gave
Knowledge skill (when 3 Affect another enemy (maximum
understanding/speaking the 6)
language) by +1 (maximum +5) ✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8
✦ Type: Lasting
5 Increase the duration by 1 hour
3: Grace of Gave ✦ Duration: 1 minute
✦ Range: 5-meter radius
3: Kindred’s Bond ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round
✦ Type: Lasting
✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 ✦ Duration: 1 hour The priest and their allies within range
✦ Type: Lasting ✦ Range: 5 meters are gifted with a temporary capacity to
✦ Duration: 4 action rounds ✦ Invocation time: 3 action rounds speak and understand a foreign language,
✦ Range: 5 meters with a bonus of +3 to each individual’s
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round The Gavlian can bless someone and Skill Value in the ­Knowledge skill for
their future circumstances. The person speaking/understanding. The ability
The ability stirs new feelings in the must be a believer and follower of the does not allow them to read or write the
chosen target, replacing all hostile Tenets of Nid, and willing to accept the language, but only communicate vocally.
thoughts with more considerate ones blessing. The person must come to the The priest must specify which language
of compassion and grace, such that priest and explain the intended act that they wish to understand before the
an adversary temporarily becomes an deserves the blessing. If the priest deems ability is performed.
ally. The ability is so powerful that the the act worthy, they can bless the person.
friendship it evokes can turn even the An act worthy of blessing will likely LEVELS OF POWER: SANITY OF
most enraged opponent into a close involve several different Skill rolls, any GAVE
ally of the priest, someone who will of which might benefit from the blessing. Cost Extra Levels of Power
gladly assist him for the duration of An example of such a deed would be 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
the ability. Animals, beasts, demons, to find the lost treasure of the church. If
2 Increase the bonus to the
undead, and unintelligent creatures someone is blessed for this pursuit, they
Knowledge skill (when
are not affected by this ability, but would benefit from the ability’s effect understanding/speaking the
most humanoid creatures are affected, on two rolls that are direct or indirect language) by +1 (maximum +8)
even trolls. The only way to avoid the consequences of the search for that
5 Increase the duration by 1 hour
effect is through the weaving of vitner, treasure. But the blessing lasts for a

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 207

5: Favorites of Gave A person cannot possess more than the ability. Animals, beasts, demons,
one blessing at a time. The priest is undead, and unintelligent creatures
✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10 unable to use the ability on herself. are not affected by this ability, but
✦ Type: Lasting most humanoid creatures are affected,
✦ Duration: 1 day LEVELS OF POWER: FAVORITES OF even trolls. The only way to avoid the
✦ Range: 10 meters GAVE effect is through the weaving of vitner,
✦ Invocation time: 3 action rounds Cost Extra Levels of Power ­neutralizing divine powers, or breaking
2 Increase the duration by 1 day
the priest’s concentration.
The Gavlian can bless someone and The priest can cause four enemies
2 Increase the blessing’s bonus by an
their future circumstances. The person within range to become their allies
additional +1 (maximum +8)
must be a believer and follower of the for the duration of the ability. Each
Tenets of Nid, and willing to accept the 2 Increase the range by 5 meters target can initially resist by making
blessing. The person must come to the 2 Bless another person a ­S ituation roll with a Situation value
priest and explain the intended act that of 8 (Psyche modifiers apply). On a
deserves the blessing. If the priest deems failure, the victim will immediately
the act worthy, they can bless the person. 5: Divine Pact befriend the priest, considering the
An act worthy of blessing will likely priest’s friends as their own friends,
involve several different Skill rolls, any ✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10 and the priest’s enemies as their own
of which might benefit from the blessing. ✦ Type: Lasting enemies. If the priest or one of the
An example of such a deed would be ✦ Duration: 5 action rounds priest’s friends attacks the target, the
to find the lost treasure of the church. If ✦ Range: 10 meters effect of the ability is immediately
someone is blessed for this pursuit, ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round broken.
they would benefit from the ability’s
effect on three rolls that are direct or The ability stirs new feelings in the LEVELS OF POWER: DIVINE PACT
indirect ­consequences of the search for chosen target, replacing all hostile Cost Extra Levels of Power
that treasure. But the blessing lasts for a thoughts with more considerate ones 1 Increase the duration by 1 action
limited amount of time, so it is important of compassion and grace, such that round
to finish the act before the effect ends. an adversary temporarily becomes an
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
In the basic version of the ability, the ally. The ability is so powerful that the
priest blesses four people who add +5 friendship it evokes can turn even the 2 Lower the Situation value to resist
the ability by -1
to any Skill Values of actions that are most enraged opponent into a close
in pursuit of (or a consequence of) the ally of the priest, someone who will 3 Affect another enemy
­specified act. gladly assist him for the duration of

208 | chapter 4. dimwalkers


The dark religion of Hamiges follows the battle in order to bind it to their will. inhabited, which become relics. In order
following organization. The ­ dimwalker is always victorious for a Noaj to utilize a divine feat, he must
in this battle if they have previously have contact with the spirit through its
✦ Within the dark faith (Haminges), defeated the creature, though the process relic. A relic is usually something like
the Noaj is the lower ranking spirit of binding a spirit to a relic usually takes a skull, a hand, a claw, a tooth, or some
conjurer, the main disciple to the one to two days and requires the spirit other significant bone, or in rarer cases
­Tadsijers. conjurer’s full concentration. The ritual it might be dried body parts or furs
✦ Among the Wildfolk, the Tadsijers is performed by the spirit conjurer, who from the creature. The exact type of
are the chosen ones, the wisemen or spends a full night and day with the creature needed to learn a Holy Tablet
wisewomen that others turn to with relic, cramped up in a small, confined is i­ndicated below, in the description of
their questions of spiritual matters space. With the help of incense, the spirit each Holy Tablet.
and healing needs. They often become conjurer slips into a trance that ferries The spirit of the defeated creature is
advisors to a leader, or leaders of small them to the spirit world where they bound to the physical remains (relic) and
tribes themselves. can battle and conquer the creature’s serves the Noaj by granting power in
✦ Over the Tadsijers are the Moguls, spirit. With great care and attention, the form of a Holy Tablet, as long as the
the family leaders. the ­dimwalker removes all muscle and ­dimwalker continues to feed the spirit
✦ A Mogul who reaches the level of flesh from the relic, which is then treated with Divinity Points. The Noaj wears
master is called an “Ogalod.” An with oils prepared from trees and herbs different relics upon their body like
Ogalod is the Lord of the Dead, selected by the spirit conjurer. If the relic trophies or jewelry.
­possessing great knowledge of both is bone, tooth, or claw, it is polished, and The relics have limited ­durability, and
life and death and a powerful force if it is fur, it is boiled in oils and hung any time a dimwalker is struck by an
to reckon with. They are usually the up to dry in an incense-filled ­enclosure. attack, there is a risk that one of the relics
leaders of major tribes, or at the very Greatly experienced spirit conjurers is hit as well. The probability of this is
least advisors to the great rulers. even carve small runes and symbols 5% (1 on a 1d20 roll) for each relic the
✦ An Ogalod reaching legendary status into their newly acquired relics, though dimwalker wears. Thus, if a dimwalker
may be called “Khagan.” The Khagan is the only purpose of these markings is wears three relics, when that dimwalker
usually the ruler of an entire country to give the objects a more impressive is hit by an attack, a randomly selected
or a renowned warlord to be reckoned ­appearance. relic is also hit if the dimwalker rolls 1-3
with. A female Khagan is called Khaga. If a dimwalker tries to bind a relic on 1d20. If the hit causes fewer than 5
belonging to a creature they have not points of damage, the relic absorbs the
previously defeated, the outcome of the damage without breaking. However,
The Spirit Battle spirit battle is not guaranteed. In such if the hit causes 5 points of damage or
instances, the dimwalker must defeat more, the struck relic breaks. When a
✦ Haminges’ prerequisite for Holy the spirit through a successful Situation relic breaks, it absorbs the full damage
Tablets) roll with a Situation value of 7 (Psyche from the hit. No damage is dealt to the
­modifiers apply). If the roll fails, the relic Noaj but the relic is lost to the d
­ imwalker.
For followers of the dark faith, learning is useless to the dimwalker. A broken relic can no longer keep a spirit
and progressing is quite an ordeal. In bound, and the Noaj will lose the ability
order to gain a Holy Tablet, they must to use that Holy Tablet. The ­knowledge
use a sacred relic of a corpse (described Relics acquired does not d ­isappear, which
below). There is also a required ritual Unlike members of other religions, the means the dimwalker can use that Holy
that invokes the spirit of the relic, and Noaj bind defeated spirits to the physical Tablet again after binding another relic
the dimwalker must defeat the spirit in remains of the bodies those spirits once (similar to the one lost) to himself.

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 209

To lose a relic means that the take full advantage of a victim’s soul committing spirit theft while still
­ imwalker can no longer use the Holy
d if they have not yet exhausted the holding temporary Divinity Points from
Tablet attached to that relic. If the Noaj Divinity Points from the previous spirit a previous Spirit Theft (fractions should
defeats a new creature of the same type, theft. The table shows the diminished be rounded to the nearest integer).
the dimwalker can then release the values that a d
­ imwalker receives when
­connection to the broken relic and bind
Even for the followers of Hamiges the Noaj Specialty Level Amount of Divinity Points
Holy Tablets levels are limited by the Level 1 40 %
Faith skill’s value, as it happens for all
Level 2 50 %
specialties within skills. A spirit conjurer
can also have only one relic of the same Level 3 60 %
type of creature at the same time. Level 4 70 %
Level 5 80 %

Spirit Theft
When a spirit conjurer needs more
gets it through what is known as “spirit TEMPORARY DIVINITY POINTS
theft.” By slaying a victim and stealing Noaj Specialty Level Modified Amount of Divinity Points
its last breath, a spirit conjurer can suck Level 1 10 %
up the victim’s soul and thus obtain extra
Level 2 20 %
divine power.
In order for a spirit theft to generate Level 3 30 %
Divinity Points, the dimwalker must: Level 4 40 %
Level 5 50 %
✦ Be the one who slays the victim.
✦ Suck up the victim’s last breath in the EXAMPLES: RELICS, SPIRIT THEFT
action round following the killing blow.
✦ Succeed on a Skill roll for Faith, The Noaj Huglakk is carrying a human skull that is firmly tied to his left shoulder
together with the Invoke discipline and it is linked to the Power of Men Holy Tablet.. Huglakk is wearing leather armor
and Noaj specialty. all over his body as well. During a battle, he is struck by an axe that causes 8 points of
damage. The player rolls 1d20 to see if the relic is hit, and rolls a 1. Since the damage
A spirit theft bestows varying is 5 or more (before armor is factored), the relic breaks. Now Huglakk can no longer
amounts of Divinity Points upon the use the Power of Men Holy Tablet until he has defeated another human being and
spirit conjurer. For each level the spirit tied their spirit to a new relic. However, the bright side of breaking the relic is that the
conjurer has in the Noaj specialty, 8 points of damage Huglakk would have suffered otherwise is negated.
they can steal a greater portion of the
victim’s soul. The full value of the soul is Huglakk has bound a spirit to an elf skull, and purchased the first two levels of
equal to its total number of Body Points. the Holy Tablet: Power of Men specialty. He can use only the divine powers that are
The table below shows how much of the listed in those specialty levels when he has that relic, and he can have only one elf skull
soul (Body Points) the spirit conjurer as a relic at a time. He cannot slay two elves and tie their spirits to their respective
is able to convert into Divinity Points skulls; he can bind only one of the spirits to its remains. If the elf skull breaks, Huglakk
depending on their specialty level
­ would have to seek out another elf to slay in order to gain a new relic.
(standard rounding rules apply).
Divinity points that a character gains Huglakk slays a human who has a total of 33 Body Points. Huglakk then succeeds in
from the spirit theft ritual are temporary, devouring the person’s soul with the spirit theft. Since he has level 3 in the Noaj specialty, he
and disappear at a rate of 1 point per day. is able to gain 60% of the 33 Body Points, which is 20 Divinity Points (19.8 rounded up).
Unlike the dimwalkers of other
­religions, a follower of Haminges can Huglakk slays a troll with 28 Body Points only a few rounds after stealing the
acquire additional Divinity Points before soul of the human in the previous example. Huglakk succeeds with the spirit theft once
those gained from a previous spirit again and has level 3 in the Noaj specialty, but this time he gains only 30% of 28
theft have been used or disappeared. (using the modified table), which is 8 additional Divinity Points (8.4 rounded down).
However, the dimwalker is unable to

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 211


Power of the Beast Power of the Dragon Power of Men

1: Resilience 1: Constriction 1: Sight of the Dwarves
1: Mind of the Predator 1: Rampage of the Huvfurwurm 1: Accomplished
2: Mastomant’s Tusks 2: Flame Hardened 2: Curative Draught
2: Endurance of the Boar 2: Paralyzing Gaze 2: Mastery
3: Mastomant’s Fur 3: Dragon Skin 3: Remedial Potion
3: Wolf Claws 3: Attack of the Huvfurwurm 3: Weapon Prowess
4: Endurance of the Giant 4: Head of the Huvfurwurm 4: Dwarven Smith
4: Master of Wolfkin 5: Dragon Soul 4: Legendary
5: Mastomantshape 5: Giant Snakeshape 5: Life Elixir of the Devouress

Power of the Scale Power of Thurses Power of Trolls

1: Dreadful Screech 1: Skin of the Hrim Troll 1: Disease Carrier
1: Shattered Mind 1: Troll Strength 1: Willpower
2: Terrifying Howl 2: Mountain Ogre’s Fury 2: Illusion Tricks
2: Regenerative Blood 2: Strength of the Stonehinje 2: Fearless
3: Blood of the Lindwurm 3: Mountain Ogre’s Madness 3: Contagious
3: Limb of Stone 3: Breath of the Hrim Troll 3: Persuade
4: Scream of the Devouress 4: The Destroyer’s Rage 4: Lord of the Flies
5: Petrify 4: Thurse Strength 4: Troll Wit
5: Heart of the Lindwurm 5: The Hrim Troll’s Rime Body 5: Taken by the Mountain

Power of the B east The spirit gives power to the dimwalker 1: Mind of the Predator
The Noaj has become the master of that manifests in a greater chance of
beasts, gathering relics of a mastomant withstanding opposition or enduring ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2
or a wolf or a cave boar. injury. The spirit conjurer receives ✦ Type: Lasting
the exceptional characteristic of ✦ Duration: 3 action rounds
­Constitution +4 for the duration of the ✦ Range: Personal
1: Resilience ability. ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round

✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 LEVELS OF POWER: RESILIENCE With the spirit of the wolf, the spirit
✦ Type: Lasting Cost Extra Levels of Power conjurer unleashes the hunter within and
✦ Duration: 1 minute 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
can stalk the dark depths of the wild as
✦ Range: Personal a predator rather than prey. The spirit
10 Increase the duration by 1 hour
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round conjurer receives +1 on the SV of all combat
actions when battling beasts and animals.

212 | chapter 4. dimwalkers

LEVELS OF POWER: MIND OF THE chance of withstanding opposition or LEVELS OF POWER: WOLF CLAWS
PREDATOR enduring injury. The spirit conjurer Cost Extra Levels of Power
Cost Extra Levels of Power receives the exceptional characteristic 1 Increase the duration by 1 action
1 Increase the duration by 1 action
of C
­ onstitution +6 for the duration of round
round the ability.
3 Increase the damage by one step:
2 Increase the bonus in combat by 1d10 (OR 10) g 1d10 (OR 9-10) g
LEVELS OF POWER: ENDURANCE 1d10 (OR 8-10) g +1 OR range per
+1 (maximum 5)
OF THE BOAR further level (max OR 5-10)
5 Increase the duration by 1 minute
Cost Extra Levels of Power 5 Increase the duration by 1 minute
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
2: Mastomant’s Tusks
10 Increase the duration by 1 hour 4: Endurance of the Giant
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4
✦ Type: Lasting 3: Mastomant’s Fur ✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8
✦ Duration: 1 minute ✦ Type: Lasting
✦ Range: Personal ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 ✦ Duration: 1 minute
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round ✦ Type: Lasting ✦ Range: Personal
✦ Duration: 1 hour ✦ Invocation time: 3 action rounds
The spirit conjurer calls on the power ✦ Range: Personal
of the mastomant spirit, and a pair of ✦ Invocation time: 2 action rounds The spirit gives power to the
half-meter-long tusks emerges from ­ imwalker that manifests in a greater
their jaw. The dimwalker can use these The spirit conjurer calls upon the power chance of withstanding opposition or
tusks in unarmed fighting, dealing of the mastomant spirit, which grants enduring injury. The spirit conjurer
1d10 points of damage. For the sake the dimwalker immunity to damage receives the exceptional c­ haracteristic
of CP to be used from the Fighting from non-magical cold for the duration of C­ onstitution +8 for the duration
skill and related discipline/specialties, of the ability. of the ability. The spirit conjurer also
the Noaj can consider this attack as a becomes immune to all poison and
Brawling attack. The spirit conjurer LEVELS OF POWER: MASTOMANT’S disease for the duration.
can attempt only one attack with the FUR
tusks per action round. Cost Extra Levels of Power LEVELS OF POWER: ENDURANCE
1 Increase the duration by 1 hour
LEVELS OF POWER: MASTOMANT’S Cost Extra Levels of Power
10 Ability also protects against
magical cold 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
Cost Extra Levels of Power
10 Increase the duration by 1 hour
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
3: Wolf Claws
3 Increase the damage by one step: 4: Master of Wolfkin
1d10 g 1d10 (OR 10) g 1d10 (OR
9-10) g 1d10 (OR 8-10) g +1 OR
✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6
range per further level (max OR 5-10) ✦ Type: Lasting ✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8
✦ Duration: 3 action rounds ✦ Type: Lasting
6 Increase the duration by 1 hour
✦ Range: Personal ✦ Duration: 1 hour
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round ✦ Range: Personal
2: Endurance of the Boar ✦ Invocation time: 1 minute
With the spirit of the wolf, the spirit
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 conjurer unleashes the hunter within By howling, the spirit conjurer can
✦ Type: Lasting and can stalk the dark depths of the summon a wolfkin from somewhere
✦ Duration: 1 minute wild as a predator rather than prey. nearby. The dimwalker must be outside,
✦ Range: Personal The dimwalker calls upon the spirit and and it will take 1d10 action rounds
✦ Invocation time: 2 action rounds their hands grow powerful claws. The before the wolfkin appears. The wolfkin
Noaj can use these claws in combat as is friendly to the spirit conjurer, neutral
The spirit gives power to the if it was unarmed Brawling but dealing to the conjurer’s allies, and hostile to
­ imwalker that manifests in a greater
d 1d10 (OR 10) points of damage. the conjurer’s enemies. In its basic form,

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 213

the ability calls a standard wolf, but the 5: Mastomantshape ✦ Natural weapon: Tusks, damage
spirit conjurer can call upon much larger 3d10 (OR 9-10) +6, to be used with
wolfkin with extra levels of power. ✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10 Fighting (Brawling).
Once the duration has ended, the wolfkin ✦ Type: Lasting ✦ Immune to all types of cold
leaves its temporary master and returns to ✦ Duration: 1 minute ✦ Strength +6
its previous area and task. If the wolfkin ✦ Range: Personal ✦ +30 Body Points (used before the
receives damage that exceeds two-thirds ✦ Invocation time: 6 action rounds spirit conjurer’s natural Body Points
of its total Body Points while serving the are affected)
dimwalker, it will attempt to escape and The spirit conjurer calls on the power ✦ Move (land): 2 CP x 14 m (max 14 m).
will not return for the rest of the duration. of the bound spirit and is transformed ✦ Fear Factor 1d10
(along with any gear) into a giant
LEVELS OF POWER: MASTER OF ­mastomant for the duration of the ability. LEVELS OF POWER:
Cost Extra Levels of Power ✦ The Mastomantshape has the Cost Extra Levels of Power
3 Increase the duration by 1 hour
following traits: 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
✦ As large as a real mastomant (x7) and
3 Call a warg instead of a wolf 2 Increase the Protection Value by
weighs around 15 tons, can be ridden
5 Call a skoll instead of a wolf another +1 (maximum 8)
by four people at a time.
10 Call a garm instead of a wolf ✦ Natural Protection Value 4 3 Increase the Body Points by an
additional +10
10 Increase the duration by 1 hour

Power of the D ragon

The Noaj has become master of the dragons
by gathering the relics of a ­huvfurwurm or
a giant snake or a logiwurm.

1: Constriction
✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2
✦ Type: Lasting
✦ Duration: 3 action rounds
✦ Range: Personal
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round

The spirit conjurer is granted the

ability to wind around an opponent
in an unusually flexible way. By
succeeding with an unarmed fighting
attack, the spirit conjurer can slither
around their opponent and restrain
the victim. The opponent suffers a -5
modifier on any attempt to parry the
constricting attack (see Grapple in
the Game Master Guide book). Each
round in which the spirit conjurer has
a victim in their constricting grip, the
dimwalker can attack the victim with an
unarmed attack or an armed attack with
light weapons.

214 | chapter 4. dimwalkers

LEVELS OF POWER: CONSTRICTION ✦ Flame Hardened’s Bonuses: 3: Dragon Skin
Cost Extra Levels of Power ✦ The spirit conjurer can ignite wood
2 Increase the duration by 1 action
and dry branches with their breath. ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6
round ✦ The spirit conjurer is not harmed by ✦ Type: Lasting
non-magical fire. ✦ Duration: 2 minutes
2 Reduce the opponent’s ability
to fend off the slithering by an
✦ The spirit conjurer gains a natural ✦ Range: Personal
additional -1 Protection Value of +2. ✦ Invocation time: 3 action rounds
✦ The spirit conjurer deals +1 extra
damage with all melee weapons and The spirit conjurer is filled with the power
1: Rampage of the throwing weapons. of the logiwurm, which manifests through
Huvfurwurm burning breath that occasionally ignites,
LEVELS OF POWER: FLAME and skin that darkens and grows scaly.
✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 HARDENED
✦ Type: Lasting Cost Extra Levels of Power ✦ Dragon Skin Bonuses:
✦ Duration: 3 action rounds 2 Increase the duration by 1 minute
✦ The spirit conjurer can ignite wood
✦ Range: Personal and dry branches with their breath.
Increase the Protection Value by
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round 2 ✦ The spirit conjurer is not harmed by
another +1 (maximum +4)
non-magical fire.
The spirit conjurer gathers strength ✦ The spirit conjurer receives only half
from the huvfurwurm’s spirit and 2: Paralyzing Gaze damage from magical fire (such as the
gains an additional +1 weapon action logiwurm’s breath weapon).
per action round, as well as +5 Combat ✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 ✦ The spirit conjurer gains a natural
Points per action round. These points ✦ Type: Lasting Protection Value of +4.
are locked into the additional weapon ✦ Duration: 1 action rounds ✦ The spirit conjurer deals +2 extra
action, meaning that to take ­advantage ✦ Range: Sight damage with all melee weapons and
of the extra points, the spirit conjurer ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round throwing weapons.
must use all their ordinary weapon
actions first. The spirit conjurer’s eyes turn reptilian LEVELS OF POWER: DRAGON SKIN
When the spirit conjurer uses this and they gain the ability to paralyze Cost Extra Levels of Power
ability, it appears as if they gain a opponents with a powerful gaze. First the 2 Increase the duration by 1 minute
second pair of limbs, which wield an spirit conjurer must gain the opponent’s
2 Increase the Protection Value by
extra weapon. attention so they meet the gaze. Once eye
another +1 (maximum 6)
contact is made, the opponent must make
LEVELS OF POWER: RAMPAGE OF a successful Situation roll with a ­Situation 2 Increase damage with all melee
weapons and throwing weapons by
THE HUVFURWURM value of 8 (Psyche modifiers apply) or
an additional +1 (maximum 4)
Cost Extra Levels of Power become paralyzed for 1 round. A paralyzed
2 Increase the duration by 1 action
opponent cannot do anything until the
round effect wears off. 3: Attack of the Huvfurwurm
If the target has not yet acted in the
current action round, the paralyzing effect ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6
2: Flame Hardened costs them this round of action; otherwise ✦ Type: Lasting
the effect commences in the next action ✦ Duration: 3 action rounds
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 round. Either way, the opponent loses 1 ✦ Range: Personal
✦ Type: Lasting round of action (current or next) in the ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round
✦ Duration: 1 minute ability’s basic version.
✦ Range: Personal The spirit conjurer gathers strength from
✦ Invocation time: 3 action rounds LEVELS OF POWER: PARALYZING the huvfurwurm’s spirit and gains an
GAZE additional +2 weapon actions per action
The spirit conjurer is filled with the Cost Extra Levels of Power round, as well as +10 Combat Points per
power of the logiwurm, which m­ anifests 2 Increase the duration by 1 action
action round. These points are locked into
through burning breath and skin that round the additional weapon actions, meaning
appears to darken slightly and grow that to take advantage of the extra points,
2 Reduce opponent’s Situation value
somewhat scaly. by an additional -1
the spirit conjurer must use all their
ordinary weapon actions first.

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 215

When the spirit conjurer uses this The spirit conjurer is filled with the power ✦ Natural Protection Value of 2
ability, it appears as if they gain a few of the logiwurm, which ­manifests through ✦ Paralyzing Gaze ability (see level 2)
extra limbs, which wield extra weapons. burning breath that often ignites, and skin ✦ Constriction ability (see level 1)
that significantly darkens and grows scaly. ✦ Character trait Strength +6
LEVELS OF POWER: ATTACK OF ✦ Natural weapon: Bite, damage 2d10
THE HUVFURWURM ✦ Dragon Soul Bonuses: (OR 9-10)+6, to be used with Fighting
Cost Extra Levels of Power ✦ The spirit conjurer can ignite wood (Brawling).
1 Increase the duration by 1 action round
and dry branches with their breath. ✦ Natural weapon: squeezing (only after
✦ The spirit conjurer is not harmed by successful Constriction) does 2d10
non-magical fire. points of damage (armor does not
4: Head of the Huvfurwurm ✦ The spirit conjurer is not harmed by protect)
magical fire (such as the logiwurm’s ✦ Fear factor 1d10 (OR 10)
✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 breath weapon).
✦ Type: Lasting ✦ The spirit conjurer gains a natural LEVELS OF POWER: GIANT
✦ Duration: 2 days Protection Value of +6. SNAKESHAPE
✦ Range: Personal ✦ The spirit conjurer deals +4 extra Cost Extra Levels of Power
✦ Invocation time: 1 minute damage with all melee weapons and 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
throwing weapons.
2 Increase the Protection Value by
The spirit conjurer is able to survive the
another +1 (maximum 6)
normally fatal blow of having their head LEVELS OF POWER: DRAGON SOUL
severed from the body. When the spirit 2 Increase the fear factor to 1d10
Cost Extra Levels of Power
(OR 9-10) which is the maximum
conjurer suffers an attack that would kill 2 Increase the duration by 1 minute
them, roll 1d10. If the result is 9-10, the 3 Increase Body Points by an
Increase the Protection Value by additional +10
head sustains the attack and is lopped off. 2
another +1 (maximum 10)
The spirit conjurer immediately goes into 10 Increase the duration by 1 hour
hibernation, though they appear to be slain, Increase damage with all melee
2 weapons and throwing weapons by
and after a month a new head has grown
and the spirit conjurer wakes up from the
an additional +1 (maximum 6)
Power of M en
slumber. This ability works only once, after The Noaj has become the master of men
which the Holy Tablet’s relic cracks and 5: Giant Snakeshape by collecting the relics of a human, or a
becomes unusable. To use the ability again, dwarf, or an elf.
the spirit conjurer must create a new relic. ✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10
A spirit conjurer who has enabled this ✦ Type: Lasting
ability seems to have a slightly longer ✦ Duration: 1 minute 1: Sight of the Dwarves
neck than usual, which pushes the head ✦ Range: Personal
a bit forward as a leading appendage. ✦ Invocation time: 6 action rounds ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2
✦ Type: Lasting
LEVELS OF POWER: HEAD OF THE The spirit conjurer (and their gear) ✦ Duration: 1 minute
HUVFURWURM transforms into a giant snake for the ✦ Range: Personal
Cost Extra Levels of Power duration of the ability. Giant S
­ nakeshape ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round
1 Increase the duration by 1 day
has certain advantages that the spirit
conjurer receives in addition to their The spirit conjurer calls upon the vision
Increase the probability that the
own traits. However, the ­conjurer’s own of the dwarven spirit, gaining night
3 fatal injury hits the head by 1
(maximum 6-10)
abilities might be limited by the new vision for the duration of the ability.
form (for example, a giant snake cannot
4 Increase the duration by 1 week
use weapons in combat or invoke divine LEVELS OF POWER: SIGHT OF THE
feats beyond those permitted below). DWARVES
5: Dragon Soul Cost Extra Levels of Power
✦ Giant Snakeshape’s Traits: 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10 ✦ Size 3t and weighs anywhere from
5 Increase the duration by 1 hour
✦ Type: Lasting half a ton to 8 tons
✦ Duration: 3 minutes ✦ +20 Body Points (these points are
✦ Range: Personal used first before the spirit conjurer’s
✦ Invocation time: 3 action rounds natural Body Points are affected)

216 | chapter 4. dimwalkers

1: Accomplished 2: Masterful 3: Weapon Prowess
✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 ✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6
✦ Type: Lasting ✦ Type: Lasting ✦ Type: Lasting
✦ Duration: 1 minute ✦ Duration: 2 minutes ✦ Duration: 4 action rounds
✦ Range: Personal ✦ Range: Personal ✦ Range: Personal
✦ Invocation time: 2 action rounds ✦ Invocation time: 2 action rounds ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round

The spirit conjurer can add +1 to the The spirit conjurer can add +3 to The spirit conjurer calls upon the
Skill Value of any single Skill roll the Skill Value of any single Skill dwarves’ feared fighting techniques and
attempted within the ability’s duration. roll attempted within the ability’s becomes more proficient at handling
duration. weapons in combat. The conjurer receives
LEVELS OF POWER: +5 Free Combat Points per action round
ACCOMPLISHED LEVELS OF POWER: MASTERFUL for the duration of the ability.
Cost Extra Levels of Power Cost Extra Levels of Power
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
Increase the bonus to the SV by +1 Increase the bonus to the SV by +1
2 2 Cost Extra Levels of Power
(maximum +3) (maximum +6)
6 Increase the duration by 1 hour 6 Increase the duration by 1 hour 2 Increase the duration by 1 action

2: Curative Draught 3: Remedial Potion

4: Dwarven Smith
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6
✦ Type: Lasting ✦ Type: Lasting ✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8
✦ Duration: 1 day ✦ Duration: 1 day ✦ Type: Lasting
✦ Invocation time: 20 minutes ✦ Invocation time: 20 minutes ✦ Duration: 2 hours
✦ Range: Personal
With this relic, the spirit conjurer can With this relic, the spirit conjurer can ✦ Invocation time: 1 minute
create a healing potion through the create a healing potion through the power
power of the bound spirit. The brew of the bound spirit. The brew requires a The spirit conjurer calls upon the
requires a pinch of grass, earth, water, pinch of grass, earth, water, and a drop of dwarves’ superior knowledge of
and a drop of blood or other bodily blood or other bodily fluid. The brew must ­craftsmanship and gains +6 in any single
fluid. The brew must be mixed over a be mixed over a flame. This brew has a specialty under the handicraft discipline
flame. This brew has a divine healing divine healing effect but lasts for a limited (Care skill) for the duration of the ability.
effect but lasts for a limited amount of amount of time. After the duration has
time. After the duration has expired, expired, the brew is nothing more than a LEVELS OF POWER: DWARVEN
the brew is nothing more than a vile vile liquid. SMITH
liquid. The potion heals 1d10 + 1 Body Cost Extra Levels of Power
The potion heals 1d6 Body Points if Points if ingested within the duration. 1 Increase the duration by 1 hour
ingested within the duration. The spirit The spirit conjurer can have a maximum
6 Increase the duration by 1 day
conjurer can have a maximum of three of two brews at one time.
brews at one time.
DRAUGHT Cost Extra Levels of Power ✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8
Cost Extra Levels of Power 2 Increase the duration by 1 day
✦ Type: Lasting
2 Increase the duration by 1 day
✦ Duration: 3 minutes
2 Increase the maximum number ✦ Range: Personal
2 Increase the maximum number of of potions that the spirit conjurer
can have at once by +1 (maxi-
✦ Invocation time: 2 action rounds
potions that the spirit conjurer can
have at one time by +1 (maximum 6) mum 4)
The spirit conjurer automatically
succeeds on an optional Skill roll (an
intentional attempt, not a Skill roll made

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 217

in reaction or consequence) within the The spirit conjurer utters a terrifying The spirit conjurer unleashes a terrifying
ability’s duration. sound. The screech has a fear factor of howl. The screech has a fear factor of
1d5, affecting all who hear it (except the 1d10, affecting all who hear it (except
LEVELS OF POWER: LEGENDARY conjurer). the conjurer).
Cost Extra Levels of Power
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
6 Increase the duration by 1 hour
Cost Extra Levels of Power Cost Extra Levels of Power
2 Increase the range by 5 meters 2 Increase the range by 5 meters
5: Life Elixir of the
3 Increase the fear factor by one step: 3 Increase the fear factor by one
1d5 g 1d10 g 1d10 (OR 10) g step: 1d10 g 1d10 (OR 10) g
Devouress 1d10 (OR 9-10) g 1d10 (OR 8-10) 1d10 (OR 9-10) g 1d10 (OR 8-10)
g +1 OR range per further level g +1 OR range per further level
✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10 (max OR 5-10) (max OR 5-10)
✦ Type: Lasting
✦ Duration: 2 days
✦ Invocation time: 20 minutes 1: Shattered Mind 2: Regenerative Blood

With this relic, the spirit conjurer can ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 ✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4
create a healing potion through the ✦ Type: Lasting ✦ Type: Lasting
power of the bound spirit. The brew ✦ Duration: 2 action rounds ✦ Duration: 3 minutes
requires a pinch of grass, earth, water, ✦ Range: 5 meters ✦ Range: Personal
and a drop of blood or other bodily fluid. ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round
The brew must be mixed over a flame.
This brew has a divine healing effect but The spirit conjurer directs their The spirit conjurer calls on the power of
lasts for a limited amount of time. After powerful gaze at an opponent who the lindwurm and gains the ability to heal
the duration has expired, the brew is suddenly feels his mind begin to petrify. 1 Body Point per minute for the duration.
nothing more than a vile liquid. The opponent suffers a -2 initiative
The potion heals 2d10 + 2 Body modifier and -1 on all combat actions LEVELS OF POWER:
Points if ingested within the duration. for the duration of the ability. REGENERATIVE BLOOD
The spirit conjurer can have a maximum This ability can be used only on people Cost Extra Levels of Power
of one brew at one time. and creatures that are close to human- 2 Increase the duration by 1 minute
sized (from half the size of a human up to
LEVELS OF POWER: LIFE ELIXIR OF 1.5 times the size of a human).
THE DEVOURESS 3: Blood of the Lindwurm
Cost Extra Levels of Power LEVELS OF POWER: SHATTERED
2 Increase the duration by 1 day
MIND ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6
Cost Extra Levels of Power ✦ Type: Lasting
2 Increase the maximum number of
1 Increase the duration by 1 action
✦ Duration: 5 action rounds
potions that the spirit conjurer can
have at once by +1 (maximum 2) round ✦ Range: Personal
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
Power of the S cale 3 Increase the negative modifier by The spirit conjurer calls on the power
-2 on the initiative and -1 on all
The Noaj has become master of the of the lindwurm and gains the ability to
combat actions (maximum -6/-3)
scaled beasts by gathering the relics of heal 1 Body Point per action round for
a braskelwurm or a lindwurm. the duration.
2: Terrifying Howl
1: Dreadful Screech ✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 LINDWURM
✦ Type: Instant Cost Extra Levels of Power
✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 ✦ Range: 10 meters 2 Increase the duration by 1 action
✦ Type: Instant ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round round
✦ Range: 5 meters
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round

218 | chapter 4. dimwalkers

Cost Extra Levels of Power
1 Increase the duration by 1 action
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
2 Decrease the Situation value by -1
5 Increase the duration by 1 minute

4: Scream of the Devouress

✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8
✦ Type: Instant
✦ Range: 20 meters
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round

The spirit conjurer unleashes a horrific

wail that causes plants to wither and the
sky to darken for a moment. The scream
has a fear factor of 1d10 (OR 10), affecting
all who hear it (except the conjurer).


Cost Extra Levels of Power
1 Increase the range by 5 meters
3 Increase the fear factor by one step:
1d10 (OR 10) g 1d10 (OR 9-10) g
1d10 (OR 8-10) g +1 OR range per
further level (max OR 5-10)

5: Petrify
✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10
✦ Type: Lasting
and unwieldy, and cannot be used for ✦ Duration: 1 day
3: Limb of Stone anything. ✦ Range: 10 meters
If a petrified limb is ever struck by a ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round
✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 powerful force, there is a risk that it might
✦ Type: Lasting be shattered or fall off. This is ­ultimately The spirit conjurer directs their
✦ Duration: 3 action rounds up to the game master to decide, powerful gaze at an opponent who turns
✦ Range: 10 meters ­depending on the force of the strike. to stone. The opponent becomes a statue
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round The target can attempt to resist for the duration of the ability if they are
petrification by making a Situation
­ unable to resist by making a Situation
The spirit conjurer directs their roll with a Situation value of 6 (Psyche roll with a Situation value of 4 (Psyche
p­ etrifying gaze toward an opponent’s modifiers apply). A successful roll
­ ­modifiers apply). If the spirit conjurer
limb, such as an arm or a leg. That avoids petrification entirely. spends a raud while using this ability, the
body part is turned to stone for the This ability can be used only on people petrification becomes permanent if the
duration of the ability, along with and creatures that are close to human- opponent fails the Situation roll.
any armor or garment that covers it. sized (from half the size of a human up to This ability can be used only on people
A petrified limb becomes quite heavy 1.5 times the size of a human). and creatures that are close to human-

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 219

220 | chapter 4. dimwalkers
sized (from half the size of a human up to Power of T hurses The spirit conjurer flies into a furious
1.5 times the size of a human). The Noaj has become master of the rage, which also causes hair to grow
A dimwalker spending a raud can also thurses by collecting the relics of an out of their arms and crooked horns to
petrify creatures that are much larger ogre or a hrimtursir or a hrim troll. emerge from their forehead.
than a human (greater than or equal to 1.5
times). The conjurer requires only a single ✦ Mountain Ogre’s Fury grants the
action round to invoke the ability, but it 1: Skin of the Hrim Troll following:
takes 1d6 rounds for the target to fully ✦ +3 Body Points (damage is taken from
petrify. For each round in which the target ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 these bonus points before normal
is turning to stone, that character halves ✦ Type: Lasting Body Points are affected)
their effective Skill Values (compounding ✦ Duration: 1 hour ✦ +1 in damage with melee weapons or
each action round, and rounding up where ✦ Range: Personal throwing weapons
applicable). For example, if a person has 16 ✦ Invocation time: 1 minute ✦ Spirit conjurer cannot parry or avoid
Skill Value in the Fighting skill (­including attacks
disciplines and specialties), the next action The spirit conjurer is filled with a ✦ Spirit conjurer ignores all effects from
round it would be 8 SV, the next round portion of the hrim troll’s essence and is fear
only 4, and so on. These values are restored unaffected by non-magical cold.
when the petrification is removed. LEVELS OF POWER: MOUNTAIN
Cost Extra Levels of Power Cost Extra Levels of Power 1 Increase the duration by 1 action
1 Increase the duration by 1 day 1 Increase the duration by 1 hour round
2 Increase the range by 10 meters 1 Increase bonus Body Points by +1
(maximum +10)
2 Decrease the Situation value by -1 1: Troll Strength
3 Increase damage bonus by +1
(maximum +3)
✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2
5: Heart of the Lindwurm ✦ Type: Lasting
✦ Duration: 1 minute 2: Strength of the Stonehinje
✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10 ✦ Range: Personal
✦ Type: Lasting ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round ✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4
✦ Duration: 2 days ✦ Type: Lasting
✦ Range: Personal The hrimthursir’s spirit bestows ✦ Duration: 1 minute
✦ Invocation time: 1 minute strength like that of a troll upon the ✦ Range: Personal
spirit conjurer. The dimwalker gains ✦ Invocation time: 2 action rounds
The spirit conjurer invokes the lindwurm’s the exceptional character trait of
power, and the bound spirit transforms Strength +4 for the duration of the The hrimthursir’s spirit bestows
the conjurer’s heart into the heart of a ability. strength like that of a Stonehinje upon
lindwurm for the duration of the ability. the spirit conjurer. The dimwalker
If the spirit conjurer dies while they have LEVELS OF POWER: TROLL gains the exceptional character trait
the lindwurm heart, they will rise again, STRENGTH of Strength +6 for the duration of the
completely healed, in 1d6 days. This ability Cost Extra Levels of Power ability.
can be used only once, after which the Holy 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
Tablet’s relic cracks and becomes unusable. LEVELS OF POWER: STRENGTH OF
10 Increase the duration by 1 hour
To use the ability again, the spirit conjurer THE STONEHINJE
must create a new relic. Cost Extra Levels of Power
2: Mountain Ogre´s Fury
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
10 Increase the duration by 1 hour
LINDWURM ✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4
Cost Extra Levels of Power ✦ Type: Lasting
1 Increase the duration by 1 day
✦ Duration: 3 action rounds
✦ Range: Personal
4 Increase the duration by 1 week ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 221

3: Mountain Ogre’s Madness ­ ituation roll with a Situation value
of 10 (Psyche modifiers apply) to keep DESTROYER’S RAGE
✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 from fleeing the cold and stay within Cost Extra Levels of Power
✦ Type: Lasting range. The rime frost aura inflicts 1 1 Increase the duration by 1 action
✦ Duration: 5 action rounds point of damage to everyone within round
✦ Range: Personal range each round. Those who are
1 Increase bonus Body Points by +1
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round dressed in winter clothes receive half (maximum +30)
of the damage (rounded up), and those
3 Increase damage bonus by +1
The spirit conjurer flies into a furious who are dressed in mastomant clothes
(maximum +8)
rage, which also causes hair to grow take no damage at all. Armor offers no
out of their arms and crooked horns to protection. 3 Increase bonus SV by +1
(maximum +4)
emerge from their forehead.
✦ The Mountain Ogre’s Madness THE HRIM TROLL 4: Thurse Strength
grants the following: Cost Extra Levels of Power
✦ Spirit conjurer has a fear factor of 1d5 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8
✦ +6 Body Points (damage is taken from ✦ Type: Lasting
2 Reduce opponent’s Situation value
these bonus points before normal ✦ Duration: 1 minute
by -1
Body Points are affected) ✦ Range: Personal
✦ +3 in damage with melee weapons or 2 Increase the range by 1 meter ✦ Invocation time: 3 action rounds
(maximum 3 meters)
throwing weapons
✦ +1 on SV of all attacks 3 Increase the damage by +1 per The hrimthursir’s spirit bestows its
✦ Spirit conjurer cannot parry or evade action round (maximum +3) full strength upon the spirit conjurer.
attacks 10 Increase the duration by 1 hour The dimwalker gains the exceptional
✦ Spirit conjurer ignores all effects from ­character trait of Strength +8 for the
fear duration of the ability.
4: The Destroyer’s Rage
OGRE’S MADNESS ✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 STRENGTH
Cost Extra Levels of Power ✦ Type: Lasting Cost Extra Levels of Power
1 Increase the duration by 1 action
✦ Duration: 7 action rounds 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
round ✦ Range: Personal
10 Increase the duration by 1 hour
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round
1 Increase bonus Body Points by +1
(maximum +20)
The spirit conjurer flies into a furious 5: The Hrim Troll’s Rime Body
3 Increase damage bonus by +1
rage, which also causes hair to grow
(maximum +6)
out of their arms and crooked horns to ✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10
3 Increase bonus SV by +1 emerge from their forehead. ✦ Type: Lasting
(maximum +3) ✦ Duration: 1 hour
✦ The Destroyer’s Rage grants the ✦ Range: 1 meter
3: Breath of the Hrim Troll following: ✦ Invocation time: 2 action rounds
✦ Spirit conjurer receives a fear factor of
✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 1d10 (OR 10) The spirit conjurer is filled with a portion
✦ Type: Lasting ✦ +10 Body Points (damage is taken of the hrim troll’s essence, manifesting in
✦ Duration: 1 minute from these bonus points before normal a body of rime frost that chills everyone
✦ Range: 1 meter Body Points are affected) within the ability’s reach. Anyone within
✦ Invocation time: 2 action rounds ✦ +5 in damage with melee weapons or range of the effect needs to succeed on
throwing weapons a Situation roll with a Situation value of
The spirit conjurer is filled with a ✦ +2 on SV of all attacks 8 (Psyche modifiers apply) to keep from
portion of the hrim troll’s essence, ✦ Spirit conjurer cannot parry or evade fleeing the extreme cold and stay within
manifesting in a body of rime frost
­ attacks range. The rime frost aura inflicts 1 point
that chills everyone within the ✦ Spirit conjurer ignores all effects of damage to everyone within range
­ability’s reach. Anyone within range from fear each round. Those who are dressed in
of the effect needs to succeed on a winter clothes receive half of the damage

222 | chapter 4. dimwalkers

(rounded up), and those who are dressed 1: Willpower 2: Fearless
in mastomant clothes take no damage at
all. Armor offers no protection. ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 ✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4
✦ Type: Lasting ✦ Type: Lasting
LEVELS OF POWER: THE HRIM ✦ Duration: 1 minute ✦ Duration: 1 minute
TROLL’S RIME BODY ✦ Range: Personal ✦ Range: Personal
Cost Extra Levels of Power ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round ✦ Invocation time: 2 action rounds
Reduce opponent’s Situation value
2 The bound spirit bestows courage The bound spirit bestows courage upon
by -1
upon the conjurer, which bolsters them the conjurer, bolstering them in the face
Increase the range by 1 meter
(maximum 3 meters)
in the face of horrific things that would of horrific things that would cause fear
cause fear in a less courageous being. in a less courageous being. The spirit
Increase the damage by +1 per
3 The spirit conjurer rarely becomes conjurer rarely becomes frightened and
action round (maximum +4)
frightened and therefore reduces any therefore reduces any fear factor roll
5 Increase the duration by 1 hour Fear Points gained by -4 from each fear by one step (example: 1d10 (OR 10) to
factor rolled during the duration of the 1d10, or 1d5 to 0) for the duration of the
Power of T rolls ability. ability. The reduced fear factor applies
The Noaj has become master of the trolls only to the dimwalker (roll separatedely
by collecting the relics of a gray troll or a LEVELS OF POWER: WILLPOWER from others). The spirit conjurer also
king troll or a forest troll. Cost Extra Levels of Power ignores the effects of the first fear level
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
for the duration (whether the level was
reached before invoking the ability, or
1: Disease Carrier 10 Increase the duration by 1 hour
was reached during the duration).

✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 2: Illusion Tricks LEVELS OF POWER: FEARLESS

✦ Type: Lasting Cost Extra Levels of Power
✦ Duration: 1 hour ✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
✦ Range: 1 meter ✦ Type: Lasting
5 Increase the effect so the spirit
✦ Invocation time: 1 minute ✦ Duration: 1 minute
conjurer can reduce fear factors by
✦ Range: 5 meters two steps
The spirit conjurer begins to reek ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round
10 Increase the duration by 1 hour
of troll, grease, ​​ sweat, and feces.
Everyone who comes within range The spirit conjurer can perform simple
must make a Situation roll with a and mundane illusions. Examples 3: Contagious
Situation value of 8 (Constitution include causing a dish of worms and
modifiers apply). tadpoles to appear as a d ­electable ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6
Victims who fail the Situation roll beef stew or causing pieces of metal ✦ Type: Lasting
become infected (after 1d6 minutes) to appear as gold coins. These simple ✦ Duration: 2 hours
with a severe cold and fever that lasts illusions affect only vision, and any ✦ Range: 1 meter
for 1d6 days, suffering -2 on everything person who perceives the illusions ✦ Invocation time: 1 minute
they do during this time. with other senses (for example,
A successful Situation roll resists the sniffing the beef stew or handling The spirit conjurer begins to stink of
disease and makes that character immune the gold coins) will automatically see troll, grease, sweat, and feces. Flies
to this ability for one day. through them. gather around the conjurer and nest
in their body and clothes. Anyone
LEVELS OF POWER: DISEASE LEVELS OF POWER: ILLUSION who comes within range must make a
CARRIER TRICKS ­Situation roll with a Situation value of 6
Cost Extra Levels of Power Cost Extra Levels of Power (Constitution modifiers apply).
2 Increase the duration by 1 hour 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
Victims who fail the roll become
infected (after 1d6 minutes) with
2 Decrease the Situation value by -1 2 Increase the range by 5 meters
an illness that causes severe itching
2 Increase the range by 1 meter and vomiting that lasts for 1d6 days,
(maximum 3 meters) 6 Increase the duration by 1 hour suffering -4 on everything they do
during this time.

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 223

A successful Situation roll resists The spirit conjurer begins to stink of 5: Taken by the Mountain
the disease, and makes that character troll, grease, sweat, and feces. Flies
immune to this ability for one day. gather around the conjurer and nest ✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10
in their body and clothes, though the ✦ Type: Lasting
LEVELS OF POWER: CONTAGIOUS conjurer is not disturbed by this. Anyone ✦ Duration: 1 minute
Cost Extra Levels of Power who comes within range must make a ✦ Range: 10 meters
2 Increase the duration by 1 hour
Situation roll with a Situation value of 4 ✦ Invocation time: 2 action rounds
(Psyche modifiers apply).
2 Decrease the Situation value by -1
Victims who fail the Situation roll The spirit conjurer can whisper a task
2 Increase the range by 1 meter become infected (after 1d6 minutes) with to any person within range. The target
(maximum 3 meters) 2d10 + 2 large boils. Every day, 1d6 ­perceives the whisper as if someone is
of the boils burst, causing 2 points of whispering right next to their ear even
3: Persuade damage per boil. A successful Situation if the spirit conjurer is far away. The
roll makes that character immune to this whisper is powerfully enticing, and the
✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 ability for one day. target must perform the task if he fails a
✦ Type: Lasting Regardless of whether the victim Situation roll with a Situation value of 6
✦ Duration: 1 minute succeeds on the Situation roll, they suffer (Psyche modifiers apply).
✦ Range: 10 meters a -3 on all combat actions when within If the task involves taking s­ omeone’s
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round range of the conjurer because of the life (whether that of the target or someone
stench and all the buzzing flies. else), the target receives another chance
The spirit conjurer can have an to break the compulsion just before the
i­ncredibly persuasive effect on an LEVELS OF POWER: LORD OF FLIES final action leading to death. A successful
opponent. The conjurer can assign a Cost Extra Levels of Power Situation roll with a Situation value of 12
task to any person within range who 2 Increase the duration by 1 hour
(Psyche modifiers apply) means that the
must then make a Situation roll with a target breaks the ability and should be
2 Decrease the victim’s Situation
Situation value of 6 (Psyche modifiers able to stop just in time.
value by -1
apply). If the target fails the Situation The target cannot do anything that
roll, he must obediently carry out the 2 Increase the range by 1 meter requires creativity or initiative.
(maximum 3 meters)
task. However, the target will never
do anything that causes self-harm (like LEVELS OF POWER: TAKEN BY THE
jumping off a cliff), hurts a loved one 4: Troll Wit MOUNTAIN
(physically or emotionally), or requires Cost Extra Levels of Power
self-initiative or creativity (such as ✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
improvising). ✦ Type: Lasting
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
✦ Duration: 1 minute
LEVELS OF POWER: PERSUADE ✦ Range: Personal 2 Decrease the victim’s Situation
✦ Invocation time: 3 action rounds value by -1
Cost Extra Levels of Power
10 Increase the duration by 1 hour
1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
The bound spirit bestows such incredible
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
courage upon the spirit conjurer that they
2 Decrease the victim’s Situation are immune to gaining Fear Points during
value by -1 the duration. The conjurer also ignores
10 Increase the duration by 1 hour the effects of the first and second fear
levels for the duration (whether the level
was reached before invoking the ability, or
4: Lord of the Flies was reached during the duration).

✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 LEVELS OF POWER: TROLL WIT

✦ Type: Lasting Cost Extra Levels of Power
✦ Duration: 3 hours 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
✦ Range: 1 meter
10 Increase the duration by 1 hour
✦ Invocation time: 1 minute

224 | chapter 4. dimwalkers


Thuuldom is the closest thing to any strong that only the Thuul who created Thuul Craft
sort of religion that the dwarves have. the sacred object can activate its runes. Thuuls are capable craftsmen who put
Dwarven priests, the Thuuls, obey the A Thuul can learn a Rune (Holy Tablet) just as much effort and time in finding
stone peaks that they call home and in many ways (visions from the Mountain, and deciphering the raw materials as in
create a strong bond with that part of old Thuuls’ teachings, etc.) but the only the crafting process itself. Therefore,
the mountain, which they tie their fate wat to it (and to spend Divinity Points) is these dimwalkers rely heavily not only
and force to. to inscribe the Rune on a Sacred Object. on the Faith skill but also on the Care
The dwarves’ god is the mountain Otherwise, Divinity Points remain “stored skill, with the Handicraft discipline and
itself: the stone, the gravel, and the metal ” inside the Thuul and are not spent. specialties of Soft Materials and/or Hard
within. The art of refining the mountain Once the Thuul has created his Materials. A strong investment in all of
is the very essence of the dwarven object, it is time to complete the Thuul these is quite important to a Thuul.
religion of Thuuldom, and learning to Forging ritual by imbuing the object
utilize and purify the raw material from with Divinity points. For the limit of Divinity Points and the Cost of
the stones is an art that is worshiped and how many points can be locked in an Runes
practiced by all dwarves. object see below. The Thuul first burns By learning the Thuul Forging specialty,
Most dwarves are skilled blacksmiths the rune of power into his body during the dwarf gains access to an amount of
and craftsmen who are renowned for a ceremony that concludes with him Divinity Points equal to his Skill Value in
creating the most impressive objects. marking the object with the same rune. the Faith skill. Thereafter, the Thuul is able
However, the truly awe-inspiring objects If the Thuul succeeds with this, he has to gain more Divinity Points through the
are manufactured by the sacred smiths: created a sacred object with a divine rune Divine Power discipline and its ­specialties.
the Thuuls. The Thuuls search long and of power. The Thuul does not regenerate Divinity points are used by a dwarven
hard through their mountain homes for the Divinity Points imbued in an object: dimwalker to imbue an object with a new
the perfect material to process. They they are locked and tied to a specific rune. rune of power or to fuel an existing rune
study and interpret the interior of the Whenever the Thuul gains more with more power by advancing it to a
mountain to discover what the raw Divinity Points, he can create a new new level.
material is destined to become, and then sacred object, invest the new points into Using runes has two costs. The first
create the finest and most exquisite an old object or just leave the points cost is in Creation/Adventure points
objects from it, just as the material was unspent for future use. paid to learn a Rune (Holy Tablet)
intended to be used. When the Thuul learns a new rune level. It is the usual cost of specialties.
(Holy Tablet) or a new level of an old rune, After this cost is paid, the knowledge
these have no effect until they are attached of a level is gained, and there is not
The Sacred Objects to a new object or to an old object whose need to pay it again if the same level
old rune is “expanded” (see below). of the same rune is imbued in another
✦ Thuuldom’s unique way to use Holy
Level Learning cost (Creation or Adv. Point) Use Cost (Divinity Points)
The Thuuls have not only learned to 1 7 1
decipher the mountain itself, but also
2 14 2
learned the art of etching power runes
on their objects. These are mighty runes 3 21 3
that evoke the spirit of the mountain and 4 28 4
forge a divine link between the dwarf and 5 35 5
the object he has created. This link is so

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 225

object. The second cost is the number Inscribing a Rune rune) with the usual mechanics for
of Divinity points which are necessary Once the Thuul has created the sacred “Inscribing a Rune”. The DP locked
to activate a specific level of a rune. object, he has to inscribe upon it the for the lower level are not lost but the
This means that if you want to activate divine rune he learned from the Holy difference in DP for the new cost must
a level 3 rune there should be at least 3 Tablet (Thuuldom) specialty. be locked.
Divinity Points locked inside the object To inscribe the rune, a Skill roll is On the other hand, a new, completely
and tied to a specific rune to activate made with the Thuul Forging specialty, different, rune can be inscribed into
the rune once. with a negative modifier equal to the an already-inscribed object, but the
Remember that runes can only use the level of the rune of power he is about to inscribing roll will suffer -2 SV for every
Divinity points locked to them inside the attach. previous rune inscribing that the object
object, not the DP which the Thuul has received.
still not spent in objects. ✦ Skill Value to inscribe a rune = SV If a Thuul fails expanding an existing
Everyday the pool of available Divinity in Faith + Invoke modifier + Thuul rune or inscribing a new one, it means
points inside a sacred object is refreshed. Forging modifier – (minus) level of that the old object cannot convey the
the rune power of the expanded rune or the
The Power of Sacred Objects new rune. It won’t lose the power of
The limits to how many Divinity Points If the Thuul succeeds, he has the original rune(s), but the Thuul
can be locked inside an object depend on inscribed the rune upon the object, must create a new sacred object for the
the Thuul’s levels in specific disciplines locking Divinity Points to it, and it can expanded rune or the new rune.
and specialties, as described in the table now invoke its power. An unsuccessful
below. roll means that the object cannot take Recovering Divinity Points
This means that a single sacred object the rune, and the Thuul must create a As the Thuul grows in power and
can hold no more than 30 Divinity Points new sacred object to inscribe the rune becomes more comfortable and
(for a Thuul with maximum levels in the upon. skilled in creating sacred objects
relevant discipline/specialties). and i­nscribing runes, he can choose
It is important that the players keep Expanding Sacred Objects to create a new object and attach
track of how many Divinity Points are An already-inscribed rune can be previously used runes and Divinity
invested in a sacred object, as well as the expanded to a higher level (of the same Points locked inside earlier objects to
maximum amount it can hold. Of course,
if the Thuul’s disciplines/specialties rise
in level, the maximum also raises.
Creating Sacred Objects Discipline/Specialty Number of Divinity Points
To create an object, the dwarf Invoke 1 DP per level
first needs to obtain the material
Thuul Forging 2 DP per level
required to craft it, according to GM
judgement. Once the Thuul has the raw Handicraft 1 DP per level
components, a Skill roll is made with Soft or Hard Materials 2 DP per level
the Care skill (­including the Handicraft
discipline and the Soft Materials or
Hard Materials specialty). The roll is
further modified by the bonus from the EXAMPLE: USING SACRED OBJECTS
Thuul Forging specialty.
A sacred object is inscribed with two runes. One rune costs 3 Divinity Points to
✦ Skill Value to create object = SV in activate and has 9 Divinity Points linked to it. The second rune costs 5 Divinity
Care + Handicraft modifier + Soft/ Points to activate and has 5 Divinity Points linked to it. This means that the
Hard Materials modifier + Thuul first rune can be activated three times per day (3 x 3), but the second rune can be
Forging modifier ­activated only once per day since it costs 5 Divinity Points to activate and has only
5 Divinity Points linked to it. The next day both runes have their Divinity Points
If the Thuul succeeds, he has created refreshed and can be invoked the same number of times.
a sacred object that can house as many To activate a rune, a Skill roll is made for the Thuul Forging specialty with
Divinity Points as his knowledge the rune’s individual modifier (designated in the descriptions below, or zero if not
allows (see The Power of Sacred specified).
Objects, above).

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 227

it. This is a long process of
rituals in which the Thuul
locks his old object(s) in a
treasure chamber revered
by his family to remove its
Divinity Points.
When a Thuul does this,
the old object can never again
receive more Divinity Points,
whether from expanding
a rune already upon it or
inscribing a new one, and
the Thuul recovers the spent
Divinity Points to use again.
For each level of a rune that
is inscribed upon the object,
the Thuul must meditate for
a full week. This means that
for an object that has a level
2 rune, a level 3 rune, and
a level 4 rune, it takes nine
weeks of meditation (2 + 3 +
4) for the Thuul to regain the
The runes and Divinity
Points that the Thuul regains
must immediately be inscribed
anew (upon one or several new

Using Sacred Objects

Once a Thuul has created
an object, inscribed a rune
and imbued the object with
Divinity Points locked to
that rune, he can activate
the rune as many times per
day as the rune allows in its
The number of daily uses
is also limited by the amount
of Divinity Points linked
to the rune and how much All other runes need to be activated each is how the Thuul chooses to divide his
it costs to activate. Each invocation time with a Faith skill roll with the Invoke Divinity Points among the objects and
depletes an amount of Divinity Points Discipline and the Thuul Forging Specialty runes. Because the Divinity Points are
from the total linked to that rune. The and, if present, applying the modifier (-2, -4, assigned rather than being fluid (as
Amount of available Divinity Points for a etc.) which is indicated in the rune stats. they are in other religions), it is of
rune is refreshed each day. paramount importance that the Thuul
Runes of the “Permanent” type are Limitations on Sacred Objects be deliberate and conscientious when
always active, and no activation roll is There is no limit to how many objects he attaches runes to sacred objects
needed. a Thuul can carry. The only restriction and links Divinity Points to them..

228 | chapter 4. dimwalkers


Anvil Shock Hammer Fists Scales

Borjorn’s Hand Healing Rune Stoneling
Cave Spider’s Grip Heat of the Depths Stone to Clay
Earthquake Labyrinth Blood Stoneshape
Fang of Yukk Mark of Brokk Well of Water
Gills of the Blackfish Power of Repair

Anvil Shock time the weapon’s damage roll scores Cave Spider’s Grip
an open roll, the victim is exposed to the
✦ Type: Permanent Anvil Shock’s effect, which depends on the ✦ Modifier: -4
level of the rune (see the table below). ✦ Type: Lasting
The rune is attached to a blunt weapon This rune is always active but must ✦ Duration: 2 minutes / level
(any non-edged weapon), which is then still have the requisite number of ✦ Range: Personal
capable of causing an earth-­ shattering Divinity Points linked to it. ✦ Activation: 1 action round
shock whenever the Thuul attacks. Any ✦ Activations per day: 1
victim struck by this shock is paralyzed
by the force and incapable of acting. Every Borjorn’s Hand The rune makes it possible for the Thuul
to climb vertical walls. The Thuul’s
LEVELS OF POWER: ANVIL SHOCK ✦ Type: Permanent movement value is halved (2 CP = 1/2
Level Effect ✦ Range: Personal m, Max Movement halved) but he gains
1 The victim suffers -2 on all actions
✦ Activation: 1 action round +1 free meter per rune level.
for the remainder of the current ✦ Activations per day: 2 The Thuul needs to use both hands
action round as well as the entire and feet to climb at full movement on
next action round. When the Thuul activates the rune, he vertical walls or a ceiling. However, the
2 The victim suffers -4 on all actions receives guidance from the mountain Thuul can carry the same amount as
for the remainder of the current that will aid him in the next action he he normally would when walking on
action round as well as the entire ­undertakes. The table below shows how the ground. If the Thuul is still off the
next action round. much assistance the Thuul receives (in ground when the duration expires, he
3 The victim suffers -6 on all actions the form of modifiers to the Skill roll). will immediately fall..
for the remainder of the current
action round as well as the entire LEVELS OF POWER: BORJORN’S ✦ Cave Spider’s Grip has the following
next action round. HAND traits:
4 The victim becomes incapable of Level Effect ✦ Movement/2, +1 per level
acting in any way for the remainder
1 +2
✦ At level 4, the Thuul gains the ability
of the current action round as well to walk on the ceiling
as the entire next action round. 2 +3
5 The victim becomes incapable of 3 +5
acting in any way for the remainder 4 +10
of the current action round as well
5 +15
as the next two action rounds.

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 229

Through a successful Situation roll
with a Situation value as shown on the
table below, creatures can avoid being
stunned by the earthquake (Dexterity
modifiers apply).
An unsuccessful Situation roll results
in that creature losing its ability to act
for the rest of the current action round
as well as the next action round while it
tries to regain its balance.
The Thuul is unaffected by the
­earthquake and continues to stand firmly
anchored to the ground.


Size Situation Value
<1/3 8 (-1 per rune level)
≥1/3 – 1/2 10 (-1 per rune level)
≥1/2 – 1.5t 12 (-1 per rune level)
≥1.5 – 3t 14 (-1 per rune level)
≥3 – 5t 16 (-1 per rune level)
≥5 – 10t 20 (-1 per rune level)
≥10t Immune

Fang of Yukk
✦ Type: Permanent

The Fang of Yukk rune is inscribed

upon the Thuul’s weapon (only an
edged weapon made of metal), filling it
with power. The table below indicates
the effect of the rune at different levels.
This rune is always active but must
still have the requisite number of
Divinity Points linked to it.
Increasing the chance of an open roll
by 1 works in the following way: OR
10 becomes OR 9-10, OR 9-10 becomes
OR 8-10, and OR 8-9 becomes OR 7-10.

Earthquake on the Thuul. Depending on the size of LEVELS OF POWER: FANG OF YUKK
the creature affected, there is a risk of that Level Effect
✦ Type: Instant creature losing its balance and being unable 1 +1 damage
✦ Range: Special to act for the remainder of the action round.
2 +2 damage
✦ Activations per day: 3 For each level of the rune beyond 1,
the Thuul can shift the epicenter of the 3 +2 damage and the chance of an
The Thuul drives the sacred object into the earthquake by 3 meters. This means that open roll is increased by 1
ground and calls for a heavy earthquake, with a level 2 Earthquake rune, the Thuul 4 +3 damage and the chance of an
which shakes the ground and everything can center the quake up to 3 meters away, open roll is increased by 1
around him. The e­arthquake has a radius and with a level 4 rune he can center it up 5 +3 damage and the chance of an
of 2 meters per level of the rune, centered to 9 meters away. open roll is increased by 2

230 | chapter 4. dimwalkers

Gills of the Blackfish Healing Rune by ±10 degrees per level. The Thuul can
allow the affected area to remain at any
✦ Modifier: -2 ✦ Modifier: -2 chosen temperature within that range.
✦ Type: Lasting ✦ Type: Preserving
✦ Duration: 3 minutes per rune level ✦ Duration: 2 action rounds
✦ Activation: 2 action rounds ✦ Range: Touch Labyrinth Blood
✦ Activations per day: 2 ✦ Activations per day: 2
✦ Type: Permanent
The rune makes it possible for the one The Thuul can heal himself or any other ✦ Duration: 1 hour / level
bearing the sacred object to breathe chosen person by placing the rune-­
underwater for the duration. This does inscribed item on the wound. The sacred The rune, which is typically worn as jewelry,
not have to be the Thuul who created item immediately begins glowing as the allows the Thuul to recall exactly how far
it, though he is the only one who can healing takes effect. Depending on the and in which direction he has traveled for
activate the rune. It has no effect on the level of the rune, the Thuul can spread a the duration. Even if the Thuul’s eyes were
person’s ability to swim. single use over multiple people as well as covered while traveling, he has a chance of
heal different amounts according to the sensing the way supernaturally. A ­Situation
table below. roll is made with a Situation value of 9
Hammer Fists At level 2 or higher, the Thuul can (+1/level of the rune) to determine the
assign each of the listed d6s of healing distance and directions covered. If the
✦ Type: Permanent to different characters, thereby spreading Thuul was moved while unconscious or in a
✦ Range: Personal out the healing capability. For example, similar condition, the rune might still direct
a Thuul that has received level 5 of the him, but the Situation value is lowered to 4
If inscribed on a pair of gloves, arm rune can heal five people with 1d6 each, (+1/level of the rune). If the Thuul fails the
rings, or bracelets (one rune on each), two people with 2d6 and 3d6 respectively, ­Situation roll, he will no longer remember
the rune grants the wearer extra and so on, instead of simply healing one how he has traveled.
strength during unarmed combat. person for 5d6 (which is always an option). This rune is always active but must
Attacks made with the Brawling still have the requisite number of
­specialty cause damage as listed in the LEVELS OF POWER: HEALING RUNE Divinity Points linked to it.
table below. Level Rune Effect
If the Thuul loses one of the 1 Heals 1d6 points of damage
gloves/bracelets/rings, the effect is Mark of Brokk
2 Heals 2d6 points of damage
unusable because both runes must be
worn. 3 Heals 3d6 points of damage ✦ Type: Permanent
This rune is always active but must 4 Heals 4d6 points of damage ✦ Range: Personal
still have the requisite number of 5 Heals 5d6 points of damage
Divinity Points linked to it. The rune allows the Thuul to heal 1 extra
If the Thuul has an exceptional Body Point per level of the rune after a
character trait for Strength, the Heat of the Depths normal night’s sleep, as long as he has the
damage modifier from the trait is rune-inscribed object against his skin.
also added to or subtracted from the ✦ Modifier: -2 This rune is always active but must
damage. ✦ Type: Lasting still have the requisite number of
✦ Duration: 3 hours / level Divinity Points linked to it.
LEVELS OF POWER: HAMMER FISTS ✦ Range: 1m2 / level
Level Damage ✦ Activation: 3 action rounds
✦ Activations per day: 2 Power of Repair
1 1d6
2 1d6 + 2
The Thuul can place the rune-inscribed ✦ Modifier: -2
3 1d10 + 2 object on the ground and channel the heat ✦ Type: Lasting
4 1d10 (OR 10) + 2 of the mountain depths. This heat fills the ✦ Activations per day: 1 / level
5 1d10 (OR 9-10) + 2 ground and surrounding area, covering
1 m2 for each level of the rune. The When the Thuul activates the rune-inscribed
rune level also determines the range of object, it is able to miraculously repair broken
­temperature that the Thuul can control, or damaged items. Such an item receives 10
allowing him to increase or decrease it Breach Value per level of the rune.

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 231

Scales ✦ The Stoneling spirit has the Stoneshape
f­ ollowing traits
✦ Modifier: -4 ✦ See in the dark as if it were day for ✦ Modifier: -2
✦ Type: Lasting up to 5 meters per rune level, and as ✦ Type: Preserving
✦ Duration: 3 action rounds / level if there were a faint source of light ✦ Duration: 3 minutes / level
✦ Range: Personal for an additional 5 meters per rune ✦ Range: Personal
✦ Activation: 2 action rounds level ✦ Activation: 2 action rounds
✦ Activations per day: 2 ✦ Carry half a kg per rune level ✦ Activations per day: 1 / level
✦ Move at the speed of 1 meter per rune
The power from the rune stretches like level, per action round The Thuul and his gear seem to melt into
a snakeskin of metal over the Thuul’s ✦ Remain bound to the stone for 1 hour the mountain when the rune is activated.
body. In less than 1 action round, the per rune level The Thuul gains stone-like camouflage,
Thuul’s whole body is covered with with the effect that others have a modifier of
protective scales, which grant an -3 per level of the rune on their Skill rolls for
additional Protection Value of +1 per Stone to Clay the Shadow Arts skill when trying to find
rune level for the duration. The armor him. For instance, level 2 has a modifier of
counts as natural protection and also ✦ Modifier: -2 -6, and level 4 has a modifier of -12.
protects against magical weapons and ✦ Type: Lasting If the Thuul moves while c­ amouflaged,
vitner. ✦ Range: 1 cubic meter / level the modifier is halved for those trying
✦ Activation: 3 minutes / level to find him. If the rune is used in
✦ Activations per day: 1 environments other than stone and
Stoneling mountains, the modifier is also halved.
By placing the rune-inscribed item on
✦ Modifier: -4 a stone, the Thuul can transform the
✦ Type: Lasting stone into soft clay (in the amount of Well of Water
✦ Duration: 1 hour / level 1 cubic meter of stone per rune level).
✦ Range: 5 meters / level The clay can be shaped like any other ✦ Modifier: -4
✦ Activation: 5 action rounds mud. Once the Thuul is satisfied with ✦ Type: Lasting
✦ Activations per day: 2 the clay’s new form (after at least three ✦ Duration: 3 minutes / level
minutes per level of the rune), the clay ✦ Activation: 3 action rounds
The Thuul connects a minor becomes hard as a rock again. When ✦ Activations per day: 1
mountain spirit to a single stone this occurs, the duration begins (listed
the size of a fist. The spirit is not below). When the full duration ends, the The Thuul places the rune-inscribed
­p articularly powerful, but it is quite stone shifts back to its original form. object on the stone and creates a
­affectionate. The spirit can be sent temporary source of mountain water
to locate things and alert the Thuul LEVELS OF POWER: STONE TO in that location. The water is so pure
of danger. It makes a rattling rock CLAY and fresh that anyone who cleans their
sound when it wants to get s­ omeone’s Level Duration wounds in the water heals 1 point of
attention. Since the spirit is rather 1 1 hour
damage per level of the rune.
slow of mind, the Thuul must decide Each action round, a liter of water is
2 3 hours
what it should fetch or warn him produced. The healing effect disappears
about. For example, it can be sent to 3 6 hours almost immediately, so it’s essential to
fetch a set of keys lying on a table or 4 9 hours clean wounds quickly. It is possible to
give warning if someone is coming 5 12 hours collect water for later use, but the healing
down the corridor. effect will have disappeared by then.

232 | chapter 4. dimwalkers

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 233

Toikalokke is the name for the divine

practice learned by elven stargazers and
priests (though the elves call them the
“high gifts,” after the “high gods”). Those
who master these gifts are called Ihana.

Star Harp
✦ Toikalokke’s prerequisite for Holy
Tablets (one single harp for all tablets)

The star harp is the elven priest’s most

valuable possession, and with the help of
that object the priest is able to decipher
the stars and make contact with the
gods which give the knowledge of Holy
Tablets. All star harps are different. Some
are as small as the palm of a hand, while
others may be as big as a house, but all
of them appear as a wicker tree without
leaves. A star harp is created from the
unusual alfarka wood and is powerfully
connected to the priest who owns it (as
every priest needs to possess their own
star harp). From the branches of the harp,
the priest hangs different prisms and
lenses, and by studying how the starlight
breaks against the prisms, the priest can
make contact with the gods.
If the priest’s star harp breaks or
­disappears, the priest must get a new one,
otherwise no stargazing will be possible,
although normal Divinity Points can be
used. Another Ihana’s star harp may not
be used as a replacement, even temporarily.

Stargazing and Extra

Divinity Points
Elven priests can obtain extra Divinity
Points in much the same way that
Gerbanis priests perform blood sacrifice

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 235

Time Spent Stargazing and
External Conditions
Both the time that the Ihana spends
stargazing and the conditions in which
the ritual is performed garner different
amounts of Divinity Points.
During the time that an Ihana spends
stargazing, they must remain ­undisturbed.
If the priest’s peace is disturbed, only
an appropriate Situation roll (usually
SV 6 modified by Psyche) allows to
maintain concentration. If the priest loses
concentration, that stargazing attempt has
failed and no Divinity Points are obtained.


Time spent Divinity Points
1 hour 1
4 hours 3
8 hours 6
2x8 hours (2 nights) 12
3x8 hours (3 nights) 24
7x8 hours (7 nights) 32

Based on the stargazing conditions,

a multiplier is applied to the Divinity
Points gained over time. An Ihana is
unable to stargaze at all if the sky is
completely covered in clouds or if the
location is one where the stars are not
visible, such as underground or beneath
a thick canopy of trees.
or Gavlians of Westmark pray, though Stargazing is the well of power from If the ihana spends more than eight
the method obviously differs. By studying which an Ihana priest draws strength. hours (1 night) stargazing, they must
stars and astral bodies with a star harp, The amount of time spent stargazing spend the next day sleeping. The
they acquire their extra Divinity Points. and the predominant weather conditions following evening, they must make
To decipher the signs of the gods, during the process are quite important, some astronomical calculations before
two things are required: it must be a as is the location, since the worthier a going back to stargazing.
starry night (in this way, the elves are place is and the longer the time spent The table below indicates the
influenced more by the unpredictable there, the more power the priest will ­multiplier for different conditions.
nature of weather than are the priests gain to use in divine abilities. Without
of Gerbanis or the Tenets of Nid), and stargazing with a star harp the Ihana has CONDITIONS OF STARGAZING
the elf must have their star harp ready only a limited amount of Divinity Points Sight Divinity Points
for use. to spend on abilities. Stargazing allows Partially starry x1
A dimwalker can decipher the stars the Ihana the opportunity to obtain
Starry x2
only on singular occasions and must wait extra points when needed.
until all the Divinity Points from the Partially starry and x3
last stargazing have disappeared before ✦ Divinity points obtained through full moon
doing so again. stargazing are fleeting and disappear Starry and full moon x4
To succeed in studying the stars, the at a rate of 1 point per day. Summer solstice x5
stargazer must make a successful Skill Strong storm /2
roll for the Ihana specialty.

236 | chapter 4. dimwalkers


Animal Mind Lynx Power Master of the Elements

1: Animal Friend 1: Orientation 1: Earth Wall
1: Animal Tracks 1: Tree Walk 1: Control Fire
2: Talk to Animals 2: Hearing 1: Purify Water
2: Invisible to Animals 2: Feline Leap 1: Gift of Water
3: Animal Spirit 3: Feline Reflexes 2: Fire Tamer
4: Animal Master 3: Aim 2: Shape Earth
5: Animal Shape 3: Track 2: Elemental Arrow
4: Concealment 3: Earthquake
4: Forest Path 3: Spring of Water
5: Pathfinder 4: Control Wind
4: Hot and Cold
5: Fire Resistant

Animal Mind as likely to attack the chosen one’s Whenever the Ihana chooses, they
The elf can, through this high gift, companions. They may also attack the can leave the tracks of an animal
acquire a unique bond with the animals chosen one in self-defense or to protect when treading instead of their own
of the forest. This often means that an their homes or families. prints. The tracks are no different
Ihana is better suited to deal with animals Additionally, ridable animals bend to from normal animal prints and are
than with others, and the animals react the will of the chosen one, which grants ­p ermanent (meaning that this is not an
subserviently to the elf. the Ihana a positive modifier of +1 per illusion that fades, though the tracks
The Ihana has a certain spiritual bond level of this tablet to the SV of any Skill can be covered or washed away). The
to one specific animal race of the forest, rolls for the Horsemanship discipline. duration of the ability determines how
and the gift even allows the elf to take long the elf produces these animal
on the shape of this animal. The Ihana LEVELS OF POWER: ANIMAL tracks. It is important to remember,
decides which forest animal this is. FRIEND however, that this does not cause the
Cost Extra Levels of Power elf to lose their scent.
2 Increase the range by 10 meters
2 Increase the duration by 1 hour
✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 6 Increase the duration by 8 hours
Cost Extra Levels of Power
✦ Type: Lasting 2 Increase the duration by 10
✦ Duration: 30 min minutes
✦ Range: 10 meters 1: Animal Tracks
4 Increase the duration by 30
✦ Invocation time: 3 action rounds minutes
✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2
10 Increase the duration by 12 hours
Forest animals that are not sick or under ✦ Type: Lasting
magical control never willfully attack ✦ Duration: 10 action rounds
the chosen one, but instead ­respectfully ✦ Range: Personal
walk away. However, they are still just ✦ Invocation time: 4 action rounds

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 237

The chosen one can, when desired,
become completely invisible to
­unintelligent animals. The animals can
neither see nor smell the Ihana.


Cost Extra Levels of Power
2 Increase the duration by 10 minutes
10 Increase the duration by 1 hour

3: Animal Spirit
✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6
✦ Type: Lasting
✦ Duration: 10 minutes
✦ Range: Personal
✦ Invocation time: 6 action rounds

The Ihana can become a reflection of their

chosen animal, granting the d ­imwalker
some of the animal’s p­ersonality and
traits. The elf begins to take on the shape
of the animal through small physical
changes. The elf ’s other predominant
traits are never made worse by this
change. Animals of the same species will
perceive the elf as a friend for the duration
of the ability and will not attack them
under any c­ ircumstances.
The game master decides which traits
the elf receives. Below are examples from
different animals.
2: Talk to Animals animal’s grunts or chirps, using body
motions and facial expressions, or even ✦ Animal Spirits:
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 playing an instrument. ✦ Bear: Strength +4; Natural Armor 2;
✦ Type: Lasting Natural weapon: Claws, damage 1d10
✦ Duration: 10 action rounds LEVELS OF POWER: TALK TO (OR 10), to be used as Brawling.
✦ Range: Range of sight/sound ANIMALS ✦ Fox: Intelligence +4; Move 2 CP
✦ Invocation time: 6 action rounds Cost Extra Levels of Power x 3 m, Max Move x 1.5; Thievery
2 Increase the duration by 10 action
discipline +3
The Ihana can communicate with animals. rounds ✦ Hare: Dexterity +4; Move 2 CP x
Keep in mind that most animals are quite 3 m, Max Move x 1.5; Shadowing
4 Increase the duration by 1 minute
unintelligent and are not likely to provide discipline +3
the best of answers. In contrast to the 1o Increase the duration by 10 minutes ✦ Raven: Night vision; sees all invisible
corresponding vitner spell (see Speak beings and things; Natural weapon:
to Animals in The Weavers of Vitner 2: Invisible to Animals Beak, damage 1d10 (OR 10), to be
chapter), the Ihana finds it much easier used as Brawling.
to ­understand and communicate with the ✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 ✦ Stag: Constitution +4; Move 2 CP x 3
animal, thereby gaining more information ✦ Type: Lasting m, Max Move x 1.5; Natural weapon:
than an enchanter would. To communicate ✦ Duration: 5 minutes Horns, damage 1d10 (OR 10), to be
with animals, the elf can use a variety of ✦ Range: Personal used as Brawling.
different methods such as imitating the
­ ✦ Invocation time: 6 action rounds

238 | chapter 4. dimwalkers

LEVELS OF POWER: ANIMAL SPIRIT ­ aintaining any of their own traits
Cost Extra Levels of Power that do not conflict with the build Cost Extra Levels of Power
3 Increase the duration by 10
of the animal (for example, weapon 10 Increase the duration by 30
minutes skills would be lost since an animal minutes
cannot use weapons). The elf always
8 Increase the duration by 1 hour 20 Increase the duration by 3 hours
maintains their own intelligence.
Any gear worn by the Ihana at the
4: Animal Master moment of transformation, including Lynx Power
a single object in each hand as well The Ihana has the ability to move
✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 as clothing or armor, becomes one through the woods with the prowess and
✦ Type: Lasting with the animal. When the elf decides agility of the lynx.
✦ Duration: 1 hour to transform back, all equipment
✦ Range: Personal returns to its state at the moment of
✦ Invocation time: 10 action rounds transformation (even held objects). 1: Orientation
What traits animals possess is up to
The Ihana can domesticate a wild the game master to decide, but below ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2
animal or beast, getting it to act like are some examples from different ✦ Type: Lasting
a tame farm cat. The creature does animals: ✦ Duration: 1 hour
not automatically receive any degree ✦ Range: Personal
of training and cannot heed any ✦ Bear: Size 3t (can be ridden), speak ✦ Invocation time: 2 action rounds
commands, but it sees the chosen one with bears; Night vision; Strength
as a member of the pack or as a master. +4; Constitution +4; Dexterity -2; The Ihana always knows the direction (north,
The most feral warg bounds forth to be Natural Armor 3; Natural weapon: south, and so on) they are facing or traveling
scratched behind its ears and adoringly Claws, damage 2d10 (OR 10), to be when in the woods, regardless of debilitating
nuzzles against the elf ’s leg. The ability used as Brawling. conditions of sight such as darkness or fog.
requires a certain basic intelligence ✦ Fox: Size 1/3 t, speak with foxes;
from the creature and will not work on Move 2 CP x 4 m (Max 12 m); Night LEVELS OF POWER: ORIENTATION
those with less ­intelligence than rats. vision; Intelligence +4; Strength -2; Cost Extra Levels of Power
Therefore, ­creatures such as oak oxen +3 in the Shadowing and Thievery 2 Expand the ability to include
and fish cannot be affected, but badgers disciplines; hard to hit in combat (-3 another landscape (mountains,
and ravens work just fine. The ability SV to all opponents’ attacks). swampland, etc.)
does not work on animals or beasts that ✦ Hare: Size 1/3 t, speak with hares; 2 Increase the duration by 1 hour
are larger than a m ­ astomant or that Move 2 CP x 4 m (Max 12 m); Night
6 Increase the duration by 3 hours
have human-like intelligence. vision; Dexterity +4; Strength -2;
hard to hit in combat (-3 SV to all
LEVELS OF POWER: ANIMAL opponents’ attacks). 1: Tree Walk
MASTER ✦ Raven: Size 1/4 t, Speak with ravens
Cost Extra Levels of Power and dead beings; Move (land): 2 CP ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2
6 Increase the duration by 30
x 1/2 m (Max 5 m); Move (flying): ✦ Type: Lasting
minutes 2 CP x 4 m (Max 32 m); Dexterity ✦ Duration: 10 minutes
+4; Constitution -4; Night vision; See ✦ Range: Personal
12 Increase the duration by 4 hours
all invisible and immaterial beings; ✦ Invocation time: 2 action rounds
Natural weapon: Beak, damage 1d10
5: Animal Shape (OR 10), to be used with Fighting The Ihana can move among the trees at
(Brawling); Hard to hit while flying half their normal movement rate (2 CP =
✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10 (-5 SV to opponents’ attacks). 1/2 m, Max Move x 0,5). If the trees stand
✦ Type: Lasting ✦ Stag: Size 1,5 t (can be ridden), so close to each other that the chosen one
✦ Duration: 1 hour Communicate with deer; Movement: can reach from one tree’s branches to
✦ Range: Personal 2 CP x 6 m (Max 24 m); Night another’s, they can also climb from tree to
✦ Invocation time: 10 action rounds vision; Strength +1; Constitution +4; tree through the canopy (up to the game
Natural weapon: Horns, damage 1d10 master to decide). In areas that are more
The elf can transform into the form of (OR 9-10), to be used with Fighting difficult to traverse, the Ihana can still
their chosen animal. The Ihana takes (Brawling). attempt such an act by making a Situation
on all the traits of the animal while roll with a Situation value determined by

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 239

the game master (Dexterity traits apply) The Ihana takes no damage from landing 3: Track
or a Skill roll for the Agility skill. or falling within the distances noted above,
but can perform only one leap every 3 action ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6
LEVELS OF POWER: TREE WALK rounds (15 seconds) due to the great strain ✦ Type: Lasting
Cost Extra Levels of Power on the character’s strength. ✦ Duration: 10 minutes
2 Increase the duration by 1 hour
✦ Range: Personal
LEVELS OF POWER: FELINE LEAP ✦ Invocation time: 4 action rounds
4 Increase the speed to match normal
movement Cost Extra Levels of Power
2 Increase the leap’s distance by 50
The Ihana obtains a visible picture of the
4 Increase the duration by 3 hours person or creature that trod the current
cm (maximum total 15 meters)
path by examining its tracks, and can then
2 Increase the leap’s height by 10 cm
2: Hearing (maximum total 8 meters)
follow those tracks without a problem.
This grants the Ihana a modifier of +3
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 when trying to track that creature for the
✦ Type: Lasting 3: Feline Reflexes duration of the ability.
✦ Duration: 1 minute
✦ Range: 50 meters ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 LEVELS OF POWER: TRACK
✦ Invocation time: 1 action round ✦ Type: Lasting Cost Extra Levels of Power
✦ Duration: – 2 Increase duration by 10 minutes
By concentrating on a visual point ✦ Range: Personal
4 Increase the modifier by +1
within the designated range, the Ihana ✦ Invocation time: –
is able to hear everything within 10 6 Increase the duration by 1 hour
meters of that point. The Ihana evades an incoming ranged
attack. The ability requires that the
LEVELS OF POWER: HEARING chosen one is able to see the projectile 4: Concealment
Cost Extra Levels of Power coming and has not yet taken other
2 Increase the duration by 10
actions in the current action round. ✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8
minutes ✦ Type: Lasting
LEVELS OF POWER: FELINE ✦ Duration: 3 hours
2 Increase the range (for visual
point) by 10 meters
REFLEXES ✦ Range: Personal
Cost Extra Levels of Power ✦ Invocation time: 5 action rounds
4 Increase the affected area of
hearing by 10 meters 2 Avoid another ranged attack (max-
imum 5 per action round) The Ihana is able to blend in and become
6 Increase the range (for visual one with the background as desired for
point) by 100 meters
the duration of the ability. Anyone who
3: Aim searches for the dimwalker suffers a
2: Feline Leap negative modifier of -5 to their Skill roll
✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 for the Shadow Arts skill. Even if the elf
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 ✦ Type: Lasting is in motion, a successful Skill roll with a
✦ Type: Lasting ✦ Duration: 2 action rounds negative modifier of -1 is required to find
✦ Duration: Immediate ✦ Range: Personal the Ihana.
✦ Range: Personal ✦ Invocation time: 1 action round The Ihana can move without breaking
✦ Invocation time: – the effect, but the elf can also choose
When the Ihana attacks with ranged to become temporarily visible and then
The Ihana has the ability to leap with the weapons, they can take extra aim at a target reactivate the ability as desired, as long
incredible agility and grace of a feline. Under for the duration of the ability, gaining an as the duration has not expired.
normal circumstances, the chosen one can additional +1 to the SV to strike the target.
jump up to three times their own length LEVELS OF POWER: CONCEALMENT
in distance and twice their own length in LEVELS OF POWER: AIM Cost Extra Levels of Power
height without a problem. If the dimwalker Cost Extra Levels of Power 3 Increase duration by 1 hour
wants to jump farther, a s­ uccessful Skill roll 2 Increase duration by 1 action round 3 Increase the modifier to discover
is required with the Agility skill, modified
2 Increase the modifier by +1 the elf by -1
by the extra desired distance or height (up
to the game master to decide).

240 | chapter 4. dimwalkers

4: Forest Path 1: Earth Wall 1: Purify Water
✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2
✦ Type: Lasting ✦ Type: Lasting ✦ Type: Lasting
✦ Duration: 3 hours ✦ Duration: 30 minutes ✦ Duration: –
✦ Range: Personal ✦ Range: 2 meters ✦ Range: Touch
✦ Invocation time: 5 action rounds ✦ Invocation time: 3 action rounds ✦ Invocation time: 5 action rounds

The Ihana can move through the forest The Ihana causes a wall of earth to shoot The Ihana can purify up to 1 liter of water.
at double their normal movement rate. up from the ground for protection. The To purify a drink that has been poisoned or
total volume of the wall is 1 cubic meter, has magical attributes, the chosen one must
LEVELS OF POWER: FOREST PATH which is shaped however the elf desires. succeed on a Situation roll with a Situation
Cost Extra Levels of Power Once the duration expires (or the wall value of 15, with a negative modifier based
2 Expand the ability to include
is destroyed), the earth wall sinks back on the strength of the poison or spell level.
another landscape (mountains, down into the soil and disappears. Each
swampland, etc.) cubic meter of earth can endure 30 LEVELS OF POWER: PURIFY WATER
3 Increase the duration by 1 hour
points of damage before crumbling. Cost Extra Levels of Power
6 Increase the duration by 3 hours 2 Affect 1 additional liter of water
2 Add a +1 modifier to the Situation roll
Cost Extra Levels of Power
5: Pathfinder
2 Increase the amount of earth by
1 m3
1: Gift of Water
✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10
2 Increase the duration by 30
✦ Type: Lasting minutes
✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2
✦ Duration: 3 hours ✦ Type: Lasting
6 Increase the duration by 3 hours
✦ Range: Personal ✦ Duration: 1 hour
✦ Invocation time: 5 action rounds ✦ Range: Personal
1: Control Fire ✦ Invocation time: 4 action rounds
The Ihana can travel through
otherwise impassable forest or
­ ✦ Cost/Modifier: 2/-2 The Ihana feels right at home in the water,
­shrubbery when desired. The forest or ✦ Type: Lasting as if it were their natural e­nvironment
undergrowth parts as the dimwalker ✦ Duration: 10 action rounds (allowing the character to swim even
approaches and then closes once they ✦ Range: 10 meters without the Swim specialty). Under
have passed. This temporary path ✦ Invocation time: 2 action rounds normal conditions, the Ihana can swim
leaves no visible trace whatsoever. in calm water for as many hours as the
The path that opens around the Ihana The elf can control fire to a limited duration of the ability without needing to
stretches for 3 meters in front of and extent. Each action round, the Ihana make any Situation rolls at all. If a Skill
behind the elf, with a width equal to can make 1 cubic meter of fire move roll for the Agility skill is required, the elf
half the elf ’s length. up to 2 meters. The elf cannot directly receives +2 per level to the roll.
create or extinguish fire in this way (by The elf has no problem reaching
LEVELS OF POWER: PATHFINDER increasing or decreasing its size), but depths equal to three times her own
Cost Extra Levels of Power they can set other things ablaze as the length in meters. For each meter beyond
2 Expand the ability to include
flame passes near those items or kill the that, the elf suffers a negative modifier of
another landscape (mountains, flame by moving it to a location where -2 to the Skill Value (though the Ihana
swampland, etc.) there is nothing to sustain it. still accounts for the positive modifier
3 Increase the duration by 1 hour
indicated above). The consequences of an
LEVELS OF POWER: CONTROL FIRE unsuccessful Skill roll are up to the game
6 Increase the duration by 3 hours
Cost Extra Levels of Power master to decide.
2 Increase the duration by 10 action
Master of the E lements rounds LEVELS OF POWER: GIFT OF
The elf possesses the rare ability to shape WATER
4 Increase the duration by 10
and control the four elements. minutes Cost Extra Levels of Power
8 Increase the duration by 1 hour 2 Increase the duration by 1 hour

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 241

2: Fire Tamer The Ihana compresses the ­surrounding for the Ihana to the ground. Any objects
heat into an arrow that ignites with within the range that are not firmly
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 flame. The elf can then fire the projectile secured will also fall or collapse. Firmly
✦ Type: Lasting at any target within range, causing 1d10 anchored objects such as trees and
✦ Duration: 1 action round (OR 10) points of damage. buildings are not affected to any great
✦ Range: 10 meters extent by the quake (aside from falling
✦ Invocation time: 6 action rounds LEVELS OF POWER: ELEMENTAL fruit, icicles, and so on), but they might
ARROW be affected at higher power levels (up to
The Ihana can create or extinguish up Cost Extra Levels of Power the game master to decide).
to 1 cubic meter of fire per action round, 3 Fire one extra arrow (maximum 5
Any creature caught in the tremor
within the designated range. total arrows) have to make an Agility Skill roll
modified depending on their size, as
3 Increase the range by 5 meters
(affects additional arrows as well)
shown in the table below, to avoid
Cost Extra Levels of Power falling over. (See Creature Size in Game
3 Increase the chance of an open
2 Increase the duration by 3 action
Master’s Guide for more on size values.)
roll by one step: 1d10 (OR 10) g
rounds 1d10 (OR 9-10) g +1 OR range A creature knocked to the ground by this
per further level (max OR 5-10) ability also takes 1d6 points of damage.
3 Increase the affected surface by 1
m3 (must be purchased separately for For all creatures within the affected area
each arrow) (even if they do not fall over), their Skill
4 Increase the duration by 10 action
Values and Situation values are reduced
by -3 for the duration.
4 Increase the range by 10 meters 3: Earthquake If the ability is used underground,
there is a 20% chance (1-4 on 1d20) that
2: Shape Earth ✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 a landslide or cave-in occurs. The effects
✦ Type: Instant of this landslide are up to the game
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 ✦ Duration: 1 action round master to decide.
✦ Type: Lasting ✦ Range: 10 meters For every additional level of power
✦ Duration: 1 hour ✦ Invocation time: 2 action rounds that is added (Cost 3), it increases the
✦ Range: 5 meters risk of a landslide, modifiers to the Skill
✦ Invocation time: 5 minutes The Ihana causes a tremor that shakes roll depending on the creature’s size,
the ground all around them, knocking and damage taken by fallen creatures (as
The Ihana can transform 1 cubic meter every creature within the range except indicated on the table below).
of earth into mud and then shape it
according to their will. Once reshaped,
the mud is immediately transformed into
solid earth and maintains the new form
Extra Power Levels to Increase the Effect (Cost 3)
Size ±0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5
Cost Extra Levels of Power
<1/3 -5 -7 -9 -11 -13 -15
2 Increase the amount of affected
earth by 1 m3 ≥1/3 – 1/2 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -12
2 Increase the duration by 1 hour ≥1/2 – 1.5 ±0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10
6 Increase the duration by 5 hours ≥1.5 – 3t +3 +1 -1 -3 -5 -7
≥3 – 5t +5 +3 +1 -1 -3 -5
2: Elemental Arrow ≥5 – 10t +7 +5 +3 +1 -1 -3
≥10t +10 +8 +6 +4 +2 ±0
✦ Cost/Modifier: 4/-4 Risk of landslide 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%
✦ Type: Instant
Damage 1d6 1d6 + 1 1d6 + 2 1d6 + 3 1d6 + 4 1d6 + 5
✦ Duration: –
✦ Range: 10 meters
✦ Invocation time: Immediate

242 | chapter 4. dimwalkers

EARTHQUAKE: CREATURE SIZES 4: Control Wind 4: Hot and Cold
Size Modifier ✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8 ✦ Cost/Modifier: 8/-8
<1/3 -5
✦ Type: Lasting ✦ Type: Lasting
✦ Duration: 2 hours ✦ Duration: 3 hours
≥1/3 – 1/2 -2 ✦ Range: Contact ✦ Range: Personal
≥1/2 – 1.5t ±0 ✦ Invocation time: 1 minute ✦ Invocation time: –
≥1.5 – 3t +3
≥3 – 5t +5 The Ihana controls the force of the wind The Ihana can control the temperature.
≥5 – 10t +7
within a sphere that is 10 meters in The elf can increase or decrease the
radius. The chosen one can increase or ­temperature in an area 2 m3 around them
≥10t +10
decrease the power of the wind by one by up to 10°C for six hours. This ability
degree within that sphere. In the ability’s does not work on temperatures that are
basic version, the affected area is a static magically or divinely affected.
LEVELS OF POWER: EARTHQUAKE object or place that cannot be moved, but
Cost Extra Levels of Power by adding a level of power, it is possible LEVELS OF POWER: HOT AND
2 Increase the range by 5 meters
to move the area. COLD
Cost Extra Levels of Power
2 Increase the diameter of the
affected area by 2 meters 1 Increase/decrease temperature by
Degree Wind Power another 3 degrees (maximum ±50
3 Increase the duration in which all
1 Calm degrees)
vulnerable creatures must make
another Skill roll by 1 round 2 Breeze 3 Increase the duration by 1 hour
4 Increase the effect of the earthquake 3 Windy (-1) 3 Increase the affected area by 1 m3
according to the table above 6 Increase the duration by 3 hours
4 Storm (-2)
5 Hurricane (-4)
3: Spring of Water 6 Godly hurricane (-6)
5: Fire Resistance
✦ Cost/Modifier: 6/-6 The wind conditions in the table
✦ Type: Lasting are only the names of forces that can ✦ Cost/Modifier: 10/-10
✦ Duration: 1 hour occur. It is up to the game master to ✦ Type: Lasting
✦ Range: 10 meters decide what happens in each condition ✦ Duration: 10 action rounds
✦ Invocation time: 2 action rounds according to the situation. The table ✦ Range: Personal
also lists values in parentheses, which ✦ Invocation time: 2 action rounds
The Ihana can cause a spring of cold, fresh indicate the normal modifiers applied
water to emerge from the ground (the game to the Situation value of anything The Ihana takes no damage from natural
master decides whether the conditions are attempted within that condition that fire, and half damage from magical fire
too extreme to allow this). This spring flows requires movement, precision, or and dragon fire. However, the equipment
at a rate of up to 1 m3 per 10 minutes, but it focus. and clothes worn by the elf do not share
runs dry as soon as the duration expires or the same resistance.
the elf chooses to end it. LEVELS OF POWER: CONTROL
WATER Cost Extra Levels of Power
1 Increase the duration by 1 hour
Cost Extra Levels of Power 1 Increase the duration by 1 minute
2 Increase the affected radius by 10
2 Increase the flow by another 1 m3 meters 3 Increase the duration by 10
per 10 minutes minutes
3 Affect a moveable object so the
6 Increase the duration by 1 hour sphere is moveable 6 Increase the duration by 1 hour
12 Increase the duration by 4 hours 3 Increase or decrease the strength
by 1 additional degree

chapter 4. dimwalkers | 243

—A— Cost.................................................................... 153 God Focus.......................................................... 55
Abusing Divine Abilities.............................. 153 Counterfeiting................................................... 50 Gray Brute......................................................... 19
Abusing the Vitner........................................... 82 Creating a Character..........................................9 Great Gambler.................................................. 53
Acting.................................................................. 53 Creation Points....................................................7 —H—
Affiliations...........................................................17 Crossbow Loader.............................................. 60 Half-Elves............................................................21
Age....................................................................... 38 Crossbow............................................................ 59 Half-Trolls.......................................................... 19
Agility................................................................. 46 Culture Knowledge.......................................... 62 Haminges.........................................................209
Ambidexterity................................................... 47 Customs and Law............................................. 62 Haminges’ Holy Tablets............................... 212
Animal Friend................................................... 73 —D— Handicraft.......................................................... 50
Appearance, First Impressions...................... 40 Damage levels................................................... 40 Handler............................................................... 50
Archetypes..........................................................17 Dance................................................................... 53 Hard Materials.................................................. 50
Armed Fighting................................................ 59 Darkhwitalja................................................68, 78 Healing and Drugs.......................................... 50
Armor Bearer.................................................... 60 Dexterity............................................................ 12 Height and Weight........................................... 38
Arteries of Vitner............................................. 77 Dimwalker................................................. 26, 149 History................................................................ 40
—B— Discipline............................................................ 44 Holy Tablet (Selected Tablet)................57, 150
Barber...................................................................51 Disciplines and Specialties............................. 43 Horsemanship.................................................... 48
Bard..................................................................... 24 Disguise.............................................................. 65 Humans................................................................18
Battle Experience............................................. 59 Divine Feat Descriptions.............................. 153 Hunting and Fishing....................................... 72
Battle Maneuver............................................... 47 Divine Power..................................................... 55 Hunting Experience......................................... 72
Being Disturbed....................................... 82, 152 Divinity Capacity and Divinity Points..... 150 Hwitalja.........................................................68, 78
Blood Gifting................................................... 155 Divinity Points and the Cost of Runes.....225 —I—
Blood Oaths......................................................173 Driving Wagon................................................. 48 Ihana.................................................................... 57
Body Control..................................................... 47 Duration..................................................... 89, 154 Illmalaini.............................................................21
Body Points........................................................ 39 Dwarf-Trolls...................................................... 23 Improving Skill Value..................................... 43
Borjornikka........................................................ 23 Dwarves.............................................................. 22 Initiative Modifier................................... 89, 154
Botany................................................................. 74 Dweller................................................................ 28 Inscribing a Rune...........................................227
Bows and Slings................................................ 59 Dyfir.....................................................................21 Insight................................................................. 63
Brawling............................................................. 60 —E— Instant........................................................ 89, 153
Brewer..................................................................51 Eald Tradition..................................................173 Intelligence........................................................ 13
Bribery................................................................ 62 Eald Tradition’s Holy Tablets..................... 176 Invocation Results...........................................151
Bruid.................................................................... 56 Effects of a Character Trait..............................8 Invocation Time.............................................. 154
Buratja................................................................. 23 Elves.................................................................... 20 Invoke.................................................................. 56
—C— Entertainment................................................... 52 Invoking the Gods..........................................151
Calculate............................................................. 62 Equipment...........................................................41 Ironclad............................................................... 47
Call of Vitner..................................................... 68 Evade................................................................... 47 —J—
Camouflage and Hiding.................................. 65 Expanding Sacred Objects...........................227 Jestering.............................................................. 47
Camper................................................................ 74 Experience, Improvement and Death...........41 Jumping, Climbing, and Balancing.............. 47
Care...................................................................... 49 Extracts and Potions....................................... 50 —K—
Carve and Butcher............................................ 72 —F— Knowledge.......................................................... 61
Character Death.................................................41 Failure.........................................................80, 151 Korpikalli.............................................................21
Character Skills................................................ 38 Faith..................................................................... 54 —L—
Character Traits..................................................8 Faith Skill......................................................... 150 Land Knowledge............................................... 72
Charisma............................................................. 10 Faithful................................................................ 55 Language............................................................ 62
Cheater................................................................ 53 Fatal Failure.......................................80, 83, 151 Lasting....................................................... 89, 153
Choose an Archetype.......................................17 Fighter................................................................. 60 Learning............................................................. 63
Choose Character Traits....................................8 Fighting.............................................................. 58 Learning a Spell............................................... 86
City Knowledge................................................ 72 Finding and Spotting...................................... 65 Level.................................................................. 153
Combat Actions................................................. 60 First Aid and Nursing..................................... 50 Level and Cost.................................................. 88
Combat Movement........................................... 47 Foreign Tongue................................................ 62 Levels and Spells.............................................. 86
Combat Reaction.............................................. 60 —G— Levels of Divine Feats................................... 150
Commander........................................................ 50 Galding............................................................... 69 Levels of Power........................................ 82, 152
Composed........................................................... 55 Gambling............................................................ 53 Libel..................................................................... 53
Constitution........................................................11 Game Strategist................................................ 53 Lightning-Quick Invocation.......................... 55
Cook......................................................................51 Gavlian................................................................ 56 Limitations on Sacred Objects....................228
Core Skills...........................................................17 Geography.......................................................... 72 Locks and Traps............................................... 65
Cost of divine feats......................................... 152 Gerbanis........................................................... 155 Lore and Legends............................................. 62
Cost of Spells..................................................... 80 Gerbanis Holy Tablets.................................. 160
Costs.................................................................... 43 Gloomgifting................................................... 157
—M— —S— Two-Handed Weapons.................................... 59
Magic and Faith................................................ 38 Sacred Objects.................................................225 Type............................................................ 88, 153
Magic and Initiative......................................... 82 Sacrifice ............................................................ 155 —U—
Maximum Movement...................................... 40 Safeweaving....................................................... 69 Unarmed Fighting........................................... 60
Mistvitner, the Hidden Magic....................... 77 Sage...................................................................... 50 Understanding Divine Feats.........................151
Mittlander.......................................................... 19 Sample of Attacks............................................. 40 Using Sacred Objects....................................228
Modifier.............................................................. 88 Sea Knowledge.................................................. 72 —V—
Monster Lore..................................................... 63 Seafarer............................................................... 74 Vaagritalja....................................................68, 79
Mother Tongue...........................................17, 62 Seaman................................................................ 74 Virann................................................................. 19
Music and Dancing.......................................... 53 Secondary Traits.............................................. 38 Vitner................................................................... 88
—N— Seeing the Vitner.............................................. 86 Vitner Capacity and Vitner Points............... 86
Nature Knowledge............................................ 73 Sejding................................................................. 69 Vitner Craft..................................................67, 80
Navigation.......................................................... 74 Shadow Arts...................................................... 64 Vitner Focus...................................................... 69
Negations............................................................ 88 Shadow World................................................... 66 Vitner Habit....................................................... 69
Noaj...................................................................... 57 Shadowing.......................................................... 65 Vitner Points from Self-Sacrifice...................81
Number of Active Spells................................. 83 Shield Bearer..................................................... 59 Vitner Runes...................................................... 69
—O— Silvertongue....................................................... 63 Vitner Shaping.................................................. 69
Ogro..................................................................... 19 Singing and Playing Instruments................ 53 Vitner Tablet (Selected Tablet)..................... 69
One-Handed Heavy Weapons (L or R Hand)......59 Skill Value.......................................................... 43 Vitner Tablets..............................................87, 91
One-Handed Light Weapons (L or R Hand)...59 Skills.................................................................... 43 Vitner Tablets and Spells............................... 86
Order of Learning............................................ 44 Sneak Attack...................................................... 65 Vitner Weaver............................................ 34, 69
Orienteering and Cartography..................... 72 Soft Materials.................................................... 50 Vitner: Magic Energy..................................... 77
Outcome of a Spell........................................... 80 Specialty.............................................................. 44 Vyrding............................................................... 70
—P— Species Hunter.................................................. 72 —W—
Path of the Dimwalker.................................. 149 Spirit Battle ....................................................209 Walking in Shadows........................................ 65
Pathwalker......................................................... 74 Spirit Lore.......................................................... 63 Warrior............................................................... 36
Peasant.................................................................51 Spirit Theft.......................................................211 Weapon Hand.................................................... 39
Perception............................................................14 Star Harp ........................................................235 Weathered.......................................................... 74
Perfect Success.................................................. 80 Stargazing and Extra Divinity Points......235 Weatherman...................................................... 74
Permanent................................................. 89, 153 Stealing............................................................... 66 Weavers of vitner............................................. 77
Persistence in the Wild................................... 40 Stormkelt............................................................ 57 Weaving a Spell................................................ 80
Place of Prayer................................................ 192 Stormlander....................................................... 19 Weaving Time.................................................. 89
Player’s Handbook...............................................1 Storytelling........................................................ 53 What Is a Character?.........................................7
Potency................................................................ 69 Strength.............................................................. 16 When to use Divine Abilities...................... 152
Potent.................................................................. 56 Studies .............................................................. 191 Wilderness......................................................... 71
Power of Sacred Objects...............................227 Success........................................................80, 151 Wilderness Signs.............................................. 73
Powerful.............................................................. 55 Survival............................................................... 74 Wildfolk.............................................................. 19
Prayer’s Duration........................................... 192 Swimming.......................................................... 47 Wizard’s Choice................................................ 77
Prayers.............................................................. 191 —T— Wrestling........................................................... 60
Preserving................................................. 89, 153 Tablet Descriptions.......................................... 88 —X—
Promise- and Oath Breakers........................175 Tenets of Nid................................................... 191 —Y—
Promises............................................................173 Tenets of Nid’s Holy Tablets....................... 194 —Z—
Psyche...................................................................15 Terrain Experience.......................................... 74 Zoology............................................................... 74
—Q— Thief Signs......................................................... 66
—R— Thievery.............................................................. 65
Race Knowledge............................................... 63 Three Types of Vitner and Enchanters...... 78
Races and Cultures...........................................17 Throwing Weapons (Left or Right Hand).59
Range......................................................... 89, 154 Thuul Craft......................................................225
Ranger................................................................. 30 Thuul Forging................................................... 57
Raud, Change of Fate...................................... 39 Thuuldom.........................................................225
Reading and Writing....................................... 62 Thuuldom’s Holy Tablets.............................229
Recovering Divinity Points.........................227 Time Spent Stargazing and External
Relics.................................................................209 Conditions........................................................236
Religion...................................................... 62, 153 Toikalokke........................................................235
Restoring Vitner............................................... 82 Toikalokke’s Tablets of Power..................... 237
Riding.................................................................. 48 Tracker................................................................ 73
Rigorous............................................................. 56 Trader...................................................................51
Rogue.................................................................. 32 Tradesman...........................................................51
—A— Camouflage..................................104 Enchant Object............................130 Head of the Huvfurwurm......... 216
Accomplished................................217 Cave Spider’s Grip......................229 Endurance of the Boar.............. 213 Healing..........................................166
Aim................................................240 Chalk of Bete Wiemdas............ 197 Endurance of the Giant............. 213 Healing Glow.............................. 167
Air Armor....................................140 Change Creature......................... 101 Enlarge/Reduce Object............ 134 Healing Rune............................... 231
Air Shield...................................... 141 Channeling...................................129 Espionage.....................................122 Healing Sun................................. 168
Alarm Object............................... 134 Concealment................................240 Eye of Enken................................164 Healing Warmth......................... 167
Alter Object................................. 134 Conjure Ravens............................. 94 —F— Hearing.........................................240
Amnesia........................................144 Constriction................................. 214 Falfax............................................. 161 Hearing/Deafness........................ 97
Animal Friend.............................237 Contagious...................................223 Fang of Yukk...............................230 Heart of Enken............................164
Animal Master............................239 Control Animals........................... 94 Far Sight....................................... 121 Heart of the Lindwurm............. 221
Animal Mind...............................237 Control Fire................................. 241 Favorites of Gave........................208 Hearth of Windinna.................. 170
Animal Shape..............................239 Control Precipitation................. 137 Fear.................................................117 Heat of the Depths..................... 231
Animal Speech............................ 176 Control Undead...........................109 Fearless......................................... 180 Heat Water................................... 110
Animal Spirit...............................238 Control Wind..............................140 Fearless.........................................223 Heritage of Majne....................... 181
Animal Tracks.............................237 Control Wind..............................243 Feline Leap...................................240 Hero’s Brew.................................. 181
Animal Vitner............................... 92 Courage..........................................117 Feline Reflexes............................240 Hero’s Song.................................. 184
Animate Undead.........................106 Create Messenger......................... 95 Fever..............................................144 Hinji Strength............................. 165
Anti Magic...................................130 Create Object............................... 135 Find Home................................... 113 Holy Authority............................199
Anvil Shock..................................229 Create Water................................ 137 Find Water................................... 136 Holy Bolt...................................... 195
Appearance Change..................... 99 Creature Control........................ 119 Fire Iron....................................... 171 Holy Consideration....................206
Asiblack......................................... 162 Curative Draught.........................217 Fire Resistance............................243 Holy Mending............................. 197
Astral Voyage..............................122 Curse Creature............................146 Fire Tamer...................................242 Holy Radiance.............................205
Attack of the Huvfurwurm...... 215 Curse Object................................144 Firestorm...................................... 172 Horse Ears................................... 185
Augury..........................................204 —D— Firon Power................................. 167 Hot and Cold...............................243
Aura of Power.............................. 119 Dark Visage................................. 172 Flame Burst..................................111 Hurricane Armor........................164
—B— Darkness of Dimhall.................109 Flame Control..............................111 —I—
Bad Harvest.................................146 Dawn Shine..................................203 Flame Craft..................................109 Illusion Tricks.............................223
Banishment..................................203 Death Gust...................................160 Flame Hardened......................... 215 Imagining......................................118
Bark Skin......................................202 Delusion Vitner........................... 101 Fog.................................................140 Immobilize..................................... 98
Battle Arrow................................ 187 Demonic Impotence...................202 Forest Denizen............................ 178 Imprison........................................100
Battle Cry..................................... 171 Depict............................................103 Forest Path................................... 241 Increase Sounds..........................102
Behind Tree and Pine................ 176 Detect Being.................................114 Form Water................................. 136 Influence of Jorn.........................160
Belo Seoth’s Axe.........................201 Detect Composition................... 132 Freeing Breeze............................ 186 Inspiration.................................... 168
Belo Seoth’s White Armor.......201 Detect Object................................114 —G— Invisibility....................................105
Beneath Root and Rock............ 178 Detect Undead............................. 115 Gaze of Windinna...................... 170 Invisible to Animals...................238
Bestial Tongue............................ 177 Dimvitner.....................................105 Gerbanis Holy Tablets..............160 —J—
Bind................................................ 133 Disease Carrier...........................223 Ghost Voice..................................103 Jarl´s Call...................................... 165
Blacken the Sky...........................190 Dismiss Undead.......................... 107 Giant Snakeshape....................... 216 Jotun Strength............................166
Blessed Armor.............................199 Dispel Vitner............................... 131 Giantslayer................................... 181 Journey Wind.............................. 183
Blessed Home..............................205 Divine Pact...................................208 Gift of Thanja.............................. 176 Joy of Creating............................168
Blessed Spear...............................199 Divine Purge...............................196 Gift of Water............................... 241 —K—
Blood Brothers............................206 Dragon Skin................................ 215 Gills of the Blackfish................. 231 Kindred’s Bond............................207
Blood of the Lindwurm............. 218 Dragon Soul................................. 216 Gloomy Trail............................... 185 King’s Ale..................................... 182
Bloodfangsbane........................... 179 Dragon Tongue........................... 178 Grace of Gave..............................207 King’s Anthem............................ 184
Bloodfire....................................... 189 Dragonslayer............................... 182 Gryphon’s Sense......................... 186 King’s Guard............................... 182
Body Vitner.................................... 96 Dreadful Screech........................ 218 Grip.................................................. 96 King’s Militia............................... 181
Boiling Blood............................... 187 Dwarven Smith............................217 Guise of Gave..............................201 —L—
Bold................................................ 163 —E— Gust of Release........................... 185 Labyrinth Blood.......................... 231
Boldness of the Ancestors........ 179 Eald Tradition’s Holy Tablets. 176 —H— Landscape Illusion.....................104
Bolgomek...................................... 179 Earth Wall................................... 241 Halawen’s Offering..................... 178 Leather Skin.................................. 98
Borjorn’s Hand............................229 Earthquake...................................125 Haminges’ Holy Tablets........... 212 Legendary.....................................217
Breath of Gave.............................198 Earthquake...................................229 Hammer Fists.............................. 231 Liberating Wind......................... 186
Breath of Sunvei.......................... 168 Earthquake...................................242 Hand of Death............................. 107 Life Elixir of the Devouress.... 218
Breath of the Hrim Troll..........222 Ecstasy...........................................117 Hand of Gave...............................199 Life Spirit...................................... 197
Breathe.......................................... 136 Einharjar......................................166 Hand of Mercy............................ 197 Lift.................................................140
Burning Hand..............................111 Elemental Arrow........................242 Harvest Year................................ 185 Limb of Stone.............................. 219
—C— Elf Summer.................................. 184 Hasten...........................................100 Lindwurm Illusion.....................105
Call on Animals............................ 93 Enchant Being.............................130 Havar............................................. 165 Lord of the Flies.........................224
Lynx Power..................................239 Power of Vision...........................120 Soil Craft......................................123 Tribute of Morgu....................... 187
—M— Protection from Fire...................111 Soil Walk......................................126 Tripping.......................................... 97
Madness........................................ 189 Protective Ground......................204 Solid Water.................................. 137 Troll Strength.............................164
Magh’s Chain.............................. 184 Purify Air..................................... 139 Soul Sight..................................... 163 Troll Strength............................. 221
Magh’s Gift.................................. 183 Purify Water................................ 136 Spark.............................................. 110 Troll Wit......................................224
Magh’s Hawser............................ 184 Purify Water................................ 241 Speak to Animals......................... 92 Trollslayer.................................... 181
Magh’s Tether............................. 183 Pyre Mark.................................... 171 Speak to Undead......................... 107 True Sight....................................123
Majestic Revelation....................200 —Q— Spring of Water..........................243 Tyrd´s Bellow.............................. 172
Map................................................ 115 Quagmire......................................126 Stagshape...................................... 177 —U—
Mark of Brokk............................. 231 —R— Statue.............................................196 Understanding Script................ 116
Master of the Elements............. 241 Rage............................................... 188 Steel Mind....................................169 Understanding Speech...............117
Master of Wolfkin...................... 213 Rampage of the Huvfurwurm.215 Stone Monument........................196 Unlock/Lock............................... 134
Masterful.......................................217 Ravenshape................................... 178 Stone Senses................................ 195 Uprooted Tree............................. 143
Mastomant’s Fur........................ 213 Read Vitner..................................123 Stone to Clay...............................232 —V—
Mastomant’s Tusks.................... 213 Recall.............................................198 Stone Walk................................... 127 Vision/Blindness.......................... 98
Mastomantshape......................... 214 Regenerative Blood.................... 218 Stoneling.......................................232 Visions of the Oak...................... 195
Meall’s Trail................................ 186 Remedial Potion...........................217 Stoneshape....................................232 Vitner Craft..................................129
Memory..........................................118 Resilience...................................... 212 Storm............................................. 142 Vitner of Objects......................... 132
Memory of a Martyr.................196 Retrace Tracks............................ 113 Storm Armor...............................164 Vitner Pouch................................129
Messenger...................................... 92 Riastarthae...................................190 Storm Protection........................202 Vitner Protection........................ 170
Mind of the Predator................. 212 Rider’s Melody............................ 183 Strength of Stormi.....................164 Vitner Resistance........................203
Mind of the Wolf.......................... 95 Roar...............................................102 Strength of the Stonehinje....... 221 Vitner Shield................................ 179
Mind Reading..............................120 Rock Throw................................. 124 Strengthen...................................... 99 Vitner Theft.................................108
Mistur Barrier............................. 180 Roggdrasil.................................... 180 Strong Beer.................................. 181 Voice of Command..................... 165
Mongfind’s Travel...................... 187 Rowthguard’s Battle Scourge.. 201 Summer Place.............................. 167 Voice of Stormi............................166
Mountain Ogre’s Madness.......222 Rowthguard’s Cuirass...............200 Summon Wight...........................108 —W—
Mountain Ogre´s Fury.............. 221 Rust................................................ 133 Sunray........................................... 167 Wall of Dusk................................160
—N— —S— Surrounding................................. 115 Wall of Vitner............................. 132
Nema’s Usefulness...................... 185 Sacred Burst................................. 195 Swine Rush................................... 170 War Cry........................................ 171
Night Curtain.............................. 161 Sacred Grove...............................205 —T— Warmth......................................... 112
Night Vision................................. 162 Salmonshape................................ 177 Tablet of Anger...........................194 Warmth of Sunvei......................166
—O— Sanity of Gave.............................207 Tablet of Grace............................ 197 Water Craft.................................. 135
Omen.............................................204 Scales.............................................232 Tablet of the Knight..................199 Water Walk.................................. 137
Orientation....................................114 Scanning....................................... 121 Tablet of the Shield....................201 Waterproof................................... 133
Orientation...................................239 Scream of the Devouress.......... 219 Tablet of the Sun........................203 Wave Master................................ 138
Owl Hearing................................ 186 Sea of Fire.................................... 112 Tablet of Voices...........................206 Wave of Truth............................. 170
—P— Seal................................................. 131 Taken by the Mountain............224 Weapon Prowess.........................217
Paralyzing Gaze......................... 215 Seeing............................................122 Talk to Animals..........................238 Well of Water..............................232
Pathfinder..................................... 241 Send Message................................ 96 Telepathy.......................................117 Will of Bete Wiemdas............... 197
Perceiving..................................... 112 Sense of Smell............................... 97 Tendril of Dimhall.....................108 Will of Bodvildur....................... 162
Persuade........................................224 Shape Earth.................................242 Terrifying Howl.......................... 218 Willpower..................................... 163
Petrify............................................ 219 Shape Soil..................................... 124 The Breath of Mogunda........... 161 Willpower.....................................223
Petrify/Remove Petrification... 127 Shape Stone..................................126 The Coat of Jorn......................... 161 Willpower of the Ancestors..... 178
Phantom Plague..........................144 Shattered Mind........................... 218 The Destroyer’s Rage................222 Wind Blast................................... 141
Phantom Sound...........................102 Sheltering.....................................202 The Hrim Troll’s Rime Body.. 222 Wind Catcher.............................. 142
Portent..........................................206 Shield Dísir.................................. 165 The Nine Kings.......................... 182 Wind Craft................................... 139
Possess Animals........................... 95 Shower of Arrows....................... 189 Thermal Light.............................204 Wind Gust................................... 139
Possess Creature......................... 119 Shriek............................................102 Thornwall.....................................202 Wind of Immortality.................199
Power of Blood............................194 Sight of the Dwarves................. 216 Thunder of Victory.................... 172 Wind Shield................................. 163
Power of Enken........................... 162 Silence...........................................104 Thurse Strength.........................222 Wisdom of Windinna................ 168
Power of Men.............................. 216 Simmering Blood........................ 187 Time of the Hunt........................ 168 Witch Wall.................................. 179
Power of Repair.......................... 231 Siro Werte’s Ear.........................206 Trace Vitner................................. 131 Witchcraft.................................... 143
Power of the Beast...................... 212 Siro Werte’s Tongue..................207 Traceless.......................................103 Wolf Claws................................... 213
Power of the Dragon................. 214 Sixth Sense...................................168 Track..............................................240 Wolf Tongue................................ 171
Power of the Scale...................... 218 Skin of the Hrim Troll.............. 221 Tracking.......................................120 Wrath of Tyrd............................. 171
Power of Thought....................... 116 Snares of the Holy Ground......202 Tree Curse....................................146 —X—
Power of Thurses........................ 221 Snarfari......................................... 162 Tree Port......................................203 —Y—
Power of Trolls...........................223 Soil Blast.......................................126 Tree Walk....................................239 —Z—
—A— —G— Riding.................................................................. 48
Acting.................................................................. 53 Galding............................................................... 69 Rigorous............................................................. 56
Agility................................................................. 46 Gambling............................................................ 53 —S—
Ambidexterity................................................... 47 Game Strategist................................................ 53 Safeweaving....................................................... 69
Animal Friend................................................... 73 Gavlian................................................................ 56 Sage...................................................................... 50
Armed Fighting................................................ 59 Geography.......................................................... 72 Sea Knowledge.................................................. 72
Armor Bearer.................................................... 60 God Focus.......................................................... 55 Seafarer............................................................... 74
—B— Great Gambler.................................................. 53 Seaman................................................................ 74
Barber...................................................................51 —H— Sejding................................................................. 69
Battle Experience............................................. 59 Handicraft.......................................................... 50 Shadow Arts...................................................... 64
Battle Maneuver............................................... 47 Handler............................................................... 50 Shadow World................................................... 66
Body Control..................................................... 47 Hard Materials.................................................. 50 Shadowing.......................................................... 65
Botany................................................................. 74 Healing and Drugs.......................................... 50 Shield Bearer..................................................... 59
Bows and Slings................................................ 59 Holy Tablet (Selected Tablet)........................ 57 Silvertongue....................................................... 63
Brawling............................................................. 60 Horsemanship.................................................... 48 Singing and Playing Instruments................ 53
Brewer..................................................................51 Hunting and Fishing....................................... 72 Sneak Attack...................................................... 65
Bribery................................................................ 62 Hunting Experience......................................... 72 Soft Materials.................................................... 50
Bruid.................................................................... 56 Hwitalja............................................................... 68 Species Hunter.................................................. 72
—C— —I— Spirit Lore.......................................................... 63
Calculate............................................................. 62 Ihana.................................................................... 57 Stealing............................................................... 66
Call of Vitner..................................................... 68 Insight (Specification ­Required).................... 63 Strenuous............................................................ 69
Camouflage and Hiding.................................. 65 Invoke.................................................................. 56 Stormkelt............................................................ 57
Camper................................................................ 74 Ironclad............................................................... 47 Storytelling........................................................ 53
Care...................................................................... 49 —J— Survival............................................................... 74
Carve and Butcher............................................ 72 Jestering.............................................................. 47 Swimming.......................................................... 47
Cheater................................................................ 53 Jumping, Climbing, and B ­ alancing.............. 47 —T—
City Knowledge................................................ 72 —K— Terrain Experience.......................................... 74
Combat Actions................................................. 60 Knowledge.......................................................... 61 Thief Signs......................................................... 66
Combat Movement........................................... 47 —L— Thievery.............................................................. 65
Combat Reaction.............................................. 60 Land Knowledge............................................... 72 Throwing Weapons......................................... 59
Commander........................................................ 50 Language............................................................ 62 Thuul Forging................................................... 57
Composed........................................................... 55 Learning............................................................. 63 Tracker................................................................ 73
Cook......................................................................51 Libel..................................................................... 53 Trader...................................................................51
Counterfeiting................................................... 50 Lightning-Quick Invocation.......................... 55 Tradesman...........................................................51
Crossbow Loader.............................................. 60 Locks and Traps............................................... 65 Two-Handed Weapons.................................... 59
Crossbow............................................................ 59 Lore and Legends............................................. 62 —U—
Culture Knowledge.......................................... 62 —M— Unarmed Fighting........................................... 60
Customs and Law............................................. 62 Monster Lore..................................................... 63 —V—
—D— Mother Tongue................................................. 62 Vaagritalja.......................................................... 68
Dance................................................................... 53 Music and Dancing.......................................... 53 Vitner Craft........................................................ 67
Darkhwitalja...................................................... 68 —N— Vitner Focus...................................................... 69
Disguise.............................................................. 65 Nature Knowledge............................................ 73 Vitner Habit....................................................... 69
Divine Power..................................................... 55 Navigation.......................................................... 74 Vitner Runes...................................................... 69
Driving Wagon................................................. 48 Noaj...................................................................... 57 Vitner Shaping.................................................. 69
—E— —O— Vitner Tablet..................................................... 69
Entertainment................................................... 52 One-Handed Heavy Weapons....................... 59 Vyrding............................................................... 70
Evade................................................................... 47 One-Handed Light Weapons......................... 59 —W—
Extracts and Potions....................................... 50 Orienteering and Cartography..................... 72 Walking in Shadows........................................ 65
—F— —P— Weathered.......................................................... 74
Faithful................................................................ 55 Pathwalker......................................................... 74 Weatherman...................................................... 74
Faith..................................................................... 54 Peasant.................................................................51 Wilderness......................................................... 71
Fighter................................................................. 60 Potency................................................................ 69 Wilderness Signs.............................................. 73
Fighting.............................................................. 58 Potent.................................................................. 56 Wrestling........................................................... 60
Finding and Spotting...................................... 65 Powerful.............................................................. 55 —X—
First Aid and Nursing..................................... 50 —R— —Y—
Foreign Tongue................................................ 62 Race Knowledge............................................... 63 —Z—
Reading and Writing....................................... 62 Zoology............................................................... 74
Religion............................................................... 62

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