Windsor Hig Schoo

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Windsor High School

Brian Williams, Principal

Grace Curtin-Fiano, Vice Principal
Danielle Buckman, Assistant Principal

December 13, 2022

To Whom It May Concern:

It is always a pleasure to write a letter of recommendation for a truly outstanding, enthusiastic,

and inquisitive student. Not many are as highly recommendable as Jennifer Ramirez.

Jennifer enrolled in AP Spanish Literature and Culture as a freshman in fall 2021. The rigorous
course requires self-discipline; often beyond what is found in most high school juniors and
seniors. Jennifer, however, was clearly up to the task. She consistently read with diligence and
insight and was always ready to participate vigorously but with courtesy in socratic seminars and
class discussions.

During that school year, Jennifer had a concussion and was sidelined from reading and
participating in online forums for an ongoing period of weeks. The medical directives forced
limitations on her that would have been a disaster for almost any teenager. Certainly those times
were challenging for Jennifer as well. Nevertheless, these difficulties gave the entire academic
community - her counselor, her core, her teachers, her parents and herself - a chance to plumb
the depths of her academic drive, which is truly profound. Jennifer Ramirez never gave up, but
rather, insisted on catching up, studying, and finishing the year with her class.

Undaunted by the travails of her freshman year, Jennifer signed up for AP Spanish Language and
Culture for 2022-2023, and she has continued to excel. All year long she has maintained an A
average. She has also proven to be a talented debater at the AP level. In fact, when a classmate did
not show up for the final project debate, Jennifer volunteered to step in and “sub” for the student.
While those who prepared for that debate had 3 or 4 weeks to prepare, Jennifer had approximately
two minutes. Despite the extemporaneous nature of this challenge, Jennifer spoke with poise,
vigor, and eloquence, using her three minutes in the spotlight superbly. In fact, if I had not
requested that she yield time to the other participants, she would probably have been the
dominant force in the entire debate.

I do not know what Jennifer plans for the future, but I have no doubt that she will set goals,
pursue them, and achieve greatness in college and beyond.


Jeffrey K. Brant
Spanish Teacher

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