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Ashlynn Young

EDU 470

Mrs. Bennett

November 20th, 2022

Alternative Setting IEP Meeting

The IEP meeting, I observed was for a 14-year-old male I will be referring to as “A”. It

took place at New Horizon School on Friday September 30th at 1pm. Present were behavioral

specialist, speech therapist, occupational therapist, transition coordinator, school psychologist,

mother, advocate, my cooperating teacher, and myself as well as Danielle Goodman. We started

out with introductions. After that the transition coordinator, behavior specialist, OT, ST, and PT,

all said their piece and gave a brief overview of his progress and goals for them. Once they each

said what they had to say, my cooperating teacher started going over the rest of the IEP. This

included his present levels for her, as well as his goals, accommodations, and modifications for


As for areas of strength and weaknesses, I couldn‘t really find any weaknesses, but there

are several strengths that I would like to go over. First of all, I liked how the conversation wasn’t

dominated by any one person. I also liked that there were lots of people involved in the meeting

that all made valuable contributions (there were way more people than other meetings I have

been involved in.

In terms of legality, this meeting was fully in compliance with the law. All of the required

people were there (LEA, parent, ect). The only thing that am wondering about when it comes to

the law was that he doesn’t have a general education teacher, and a special education teacher, a

and I know that they are both required at the meeting. However, I think we are ok since he only
has my cooperating teacher. One other point I wanted to make is that he is of transition age and

thus was required to attend, however due to the extent of his disability he was exempt. Finally,

everything was done within the time frame required by the law.

In conclusion, it was a very well organized, productive, and informative meeting.

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