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Ashlynn Young

EDU 470

Mrs. Bennett

November 20th, 2022

Inclusion Setting IEP Meeting

My Inclusion setting meeting took place on Wednesday November 2nd, 2022, at 10:30

AM at New Brighton Elementary School. The student in question was an eight-year-old female

who I will refer to as “D” for confidentiality purposes. Present at the meeting were myself, my

cooperating teacher, D’s general education teacher, the director of student services, the principal,

the mother (who attended virtually) the family-based therapist, and the school nurse. It started

out with everyone going around and introducing themselves. The teacher then proceeded to read

through the IEP, starting with special considerations, then moving through the rest of the sections

(present levels, transition, participation in state and local assessments, goals and objectives,

special education, and related services educational placement, and finally, the Penn Data). As she

went through the IEP, my teacher stopped periodically to ask D’s mother if she had any

questions or objections. After reading through the IEP, she asked the mother if she has any

questions comments or concerns (I will stop here and mention that up to this point D had not

been in school for a week with no communication or warning.). I can’t say to much, but I will

say this kicked off a half-our conversation that revealed some things that happened over the

previous weekend which included the student ending up in crisis and having a mental health

episode (unfortunately that’s all I feel comfortable saying.). This is where my time at the meeting

ended. I missed the last 10 minutes of the meeting because the teacher and administrators at the

meeting wanted to discuss some things involving what had occurred with the student that they
would rather I didn’t hear (they didn’t explicitly say this, but I could tell by the way they asked

me to leave.

In terms of strengths and weaknesses, I couldn’t really find any weaknesses. If I could

change one thing, I would have liked to have seen more participation from most of the people in

attendance. Really the only people that spoke were the special education teacher, mother, and

director of student services. But on the bright side, I found it to be very informative, well

structured, and productive.

In terms of the law, this was in full compliance. Everyone who is required was in

attendance (teacher, special ed teacher, ELA, parent). They were also within all of their time

frames, and they went over every component of the IEP so that it was thoroughly reviewed.

All in all it was a very informative and well organized meeting and was a good example

of how a legally compliant and efficient IEP meeting looks like.

IEP meeting checklist

Before the meeting

_____. Read the IEP and most recent ER or RR

_____. Use the restroom

_____. Grab a drink of water (maybe take a bottle of water with you)

_____. Gather up any needed materials (notebook, water, writing utensil, paperwork etc).

During the meeting

_____ Take notes.

_____ Introduce myself at the appropriate time.

_____ Ask questions for clarification if necessary.

After the meeting

_____ Read over and interpret notes.

_____ Ask my teacher nay questions I may have.

_____Privately and personally reflect on the goals, modifications, and accommodations and what

that means for me in my role, also if they are actually being implemented.

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