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Name: Ashlynn Young Date: September 21, Lesson Start and End Time:

Academic Area: Grade Level: Co-op initials with date:

Social Skills Varies
Pre-Instruction Planning
Topic Understanding the feelings of others
PA Anchor/Standard or Standard - 16.2.1.A1
Eligible Content
Establish relationships that are positive and supportive of others.

Lesson Objectives TSWBAT: Choose the nice sentence over the mean sentence
when shown one of each and asked to choose.
Materials Laptop, smartboard, projector, wires and adaptors “How Full Is
Your Bucket” book. Worksheet with sentences on it.
Planning for Learners Differentiation: When asked to give an example of a
compliment the students will be able to make up their own.

For those who are visually impaired, a teacher or
paraprofessional will sit next to them and help them through the
work sheet.

For those with communication disorders, the worksheet will be

uploaded to their iPad and a teacher or paraprofessional will sit
next to them and help them work through it.
Lesson Presentation
Introduction  I will start by asking of they have ever had a time where
someone said or did something that made them feel sad
or mad.
 I will then tell them it is important to remember to be
nice to each other and say and do things that make them
feel good.
 I will ask if anyone can give me an example of a
compliment (possible demonstration here if needed).
Sequence of activities  I will read “How Full is Your Bucket?”
including assessments
Lesson Wrap-up  I will then pass out the worksheet and have the students
work through it.

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