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Type inference The very first thing I want you to understand is type inference. You do not need to type everything. Some types can be inferred by TypeScript. Imagine a situation where I have told you, "I have put only chocolate donuts in the box on your desk." Since, in this example, I pretend to be the computer, you can trust me. Hence, when you arrive at your desk, you are 100% sure that the box is of the sox type. You know this without opening the box or having an explicit sticker on it that says Box full of chocolate donuts. In a real code, it works very similarly. Let's look at the following minimal example: const sonevar = 123; // someVar type is number This is trivial. We can now look at something that I like more, chocolatevonuts, aS follows: enum FLAVOURS { CHOCOLATE = ‘chocolate’, VANILLA = 'Vanilla', 3 type Chocolatebonut = { flavour: FLAVOURS.CHOCOLATE } const clone = (sth:T):T => JSON.parse(JSON,stringify(sth) ); const produceBox: (recipe: T) => T[] = (recipe: T) => [ yz, iamrectne), lone(eecipe), elone(recipe) // box type is inferred const box = produceBox({ flavour: flavours CHOCOLATE }); W/ inferred type correctly contains flavor key within donut object for (const donut of box) { console. log( donut. flavour); }// compiles and when run prints "chocolate" three times In this example, we exercise both the enus and generic types. The c1one simply clones any type into a brand new one and delegates to JSON functions: stringity and then parse. The eroducetox function simply takes a recipe and creates an array of clones based on that recipe. In the end, we create a box of chocolate donuts. The type is correctly inferred because we have specified a generic type for

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