Neu 2022 - Prevention of Necrotizing Enterocolitis

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P re v e n t i o n o f N e c ro t i z i n g

E n t e ro c o l i t i s
Josef Neu, MD

 Gestational age  Necrotizing enterocolitis  Neonatal  Preterm


Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is considered to be one of the most devastating intes-

tinal diseases seen in neonatal intensive care.1–3 Measures to treat NEC are often too
late, and we need effective preventative measures to alleviate the burden of this dis-
ease. The purpose of this review is to summarize currently used measures, and those
showing future promise for prevention.
Any discussion related to preventative measures against NEC needs to take
into account the caveat that what is termed “NEC” represents different forms
of intestinal injury with different pathophysiology.4 Preventative measures that would
work for one may not work for others. Certainly spontaneous intestinal perforations,
cardiogenic ischemic intestinal injury, and food protein intolerance are different en-
tities but may present in a very similar manner with signs and symptoms of intestinal
necrosis. The different “stages” of NEC5 also may be readily misunderstood. Stage 1
represents a set of signs and symptoms that can be seen in most extremely-low-birth-
weight infants, and hence does not actually represent a discrete disease process.
Some of the signs of NEC that are seen in preterm infants, such as pneumatosis intes-
tinalis and portal venous gas, can readily be misread6 and also be seen in
older children and adults,7,8 thus they may not be as helpful in defining a specific in-
testinal disease largely seen in preterm infants. Nevertheless, when seen in older chil-
dren or adults, these also usually represent some form of intestinal injury, but the
inciting causes can be broad. It also needs mention that it remains controversial
whether studies in animals have shed light on the pathophysiology of the versions
of NEC that seem to be most common in preterm infants.9,10 Thus extrapolation
from studies in animals that involve prevention may often be misleading.
From this, the reader should be cognizant of the fact that what is termed “NEC”
likely represents different disease entities. We are struggling with clear definitions.
Although the different forms of intestinal injury referred to as “NEC” are likely to be
differentiated using newly developing technologies such as artificial intelligence, ma-
chine learning, and multiomics, such delineations are currently not clearly available.
Thus, herein, the “NEC” that we discuss likely represents an amalgamation of several

University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA

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Clin Perinatol 49 (2022) 195–206
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196 Neu

of these entities because it is difficult to separate these from within currently available
databases or with readily available sensitive and specific biomarkers.
The information provided here, albeit crude because of the aforementioned short-
comings, attempts to summarize some currently available issues related to
the prevention of “NEC.” These issues involve feeding practices, composition of feed-
ings, use of antibiotics and acid suppressor therapies, transfusion practices, and
manipulation of the intestinal microbial environment. There are numerous other inter-
ventional strategies that have been proposed and studied including use of immuno-
therapeutic agents, growth factors, and amino and fatty acids, which we will not be
able to discuss in any detail. After summarizing some of the currently available mea-
sures and those currently under investigation that show promise, we try to glimpse into
the future where rapidly developing technologies may lead to earlier detection and
prevention of various forms of intestinal injury that are now called “NEC.”


A major factor in terms of feeding regimens requires consideration that not all preterm
infants are the same—they are not “one size fits all”—or in other words, one nutritional
regimen or guideline will be perfectly suited to every preterm infant. For example, an
infant born at 24 weeks’ gestation is very different in terms of intestinal maturity and
metabolic capability than one born at 32 weeks’ gestation. Furthermore, infants
born at appropriate size for gestational age may differ markedly that those born intra-
uterine growth restricted or large for gestational age.
One of the most vexing concerns of neonatologists caring for preterm infants is how
fast to advance feedings in preterm babies.12 Those born at less than approximately
34 weeks’ gestation have uncoordinated suck swallow mechanisms and need to be
fed by a tube. Because of various immaturities of the developing gastrointestinal (GI)
tract, it is assumed that the immature intestine is not able to tolerate appreciable volumes
or advancement of feeding volumes. Because of this, it was common practice in many
neonatal intensive care units to withhold enteral feedings for several days and sometimes
even weeks in these very preterm infants. Many excuses to withhold or use extremely
slow advancement of enteral feedings are given. These excuses include the use of me-
chanical ventilation, medications such as indomethacin, the presence of umbilical lines,
and any form of instability in the infant. We have no solid evidence to support any of these
reasons to not feed or stop feedings when they occur. The fact that parenteral nutrition is
available does not mean it is a qualified substitute for enteral nutrition.13
While these practices were or still are ongoing in neonatal intensive care units,
various studies show that the absence of nutrients in the GI tract, even with provision
of parenteral nutrition, lead to intestinal mucosal atrophy, with a lack of bioactive in-
testinal peptide production and liver injury.14,15 Enteral feedings also stimulate various
hormonal secretions as well as the motility of the GI tract that leads to propulsion of
food and waste products aborally.16–18
Furthermore, studies suggest that a lack of enteral feeding was actually associated
with decreased mesenteric artery blood flow19 and a shift toward an intestinal micro-
bial ecosystem during enteral fasting that is more like that seen before the develop-
ment of intestinal injuries such as NEC.20
Furthermore, the fetal GI tract is not dormant. In utero, the fetus constantly swallows
amniotic fluid; this along with sloughed epithelium, bile, and amniotic fluid solids con-
tributes to the formation of meconium. The amniotic fluid also contains nutrients that
may also play an important role in growth and development of GI tract.21 Similarly, one
would not expect the preterm infant intestinal tract to be dormant or inactive.

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Prevention of Necrotizing Enterocolitis 197

NEC in preterm infants usually occurs a few weeks after birth. The timing relates to
gestational age at birth peaking at a corrected gestational age between 29 and
32 weeks.22 At the time of diagnosis of NEC, most preterm infants have received
enteral feeding. Owing to the concern that NEC may be associated with rapid
advancement of enteral feeding23 it was common practice for neonatologists to delay
initiating enteral feedings and providing a very slow rate of advancement of enteral
Based on emerging evidence of the benefits of at least small quantities of enteral
feedings, to minimize feeding intolerance and the risk of developing NEC in preterm
infants, the practice of “minimal enteral nutrition” was developed. Considered as an
alternative to complete fasting, minimal enteral nutrition, sometimes called “trophic
feeds,” “trickle feeds,” or “priming,” is usually started within the first few days after de-
livery.15 Volumes can range from a few milliliters to approximately 20 mL/kg/d of milk
given every 2 to 3 hours and continued for approximately the first week after birth.
A Cochrane systematic review of the literature compared the effect of minimal
enteral nutrition to enteral fasting on feeding intolerance, growth, incidence of NEC,
and mortality in 754 very-low-birth-weight infants. In this review, “enteral fasting”
was nothing per mouth for at least 1 week after birth. This study showed no differences
in the risk of developing NEC, time to achieve full feeds, or duration of hospital stay.24
A subsequent Cochrane review compared fast versus slow rates of feeding advance-
ment on the incidence of NEC, mortality, or other morbidities. This study did not pro-
vide evidence that advancing volumes at daily increments of 15 to 20 mL/kg
compared with 30 to 40 mL/kg reduces the risk of NEC or death in this population
of very-low-birth-weight or extremely-low-birth-weight infants. However, advancing
the volume of enteral feeds at a slow rate also resulted in several days of delay in
establishing full enteral feeds. The authors of this review24 urged the need for random-
ized controlled trial to determine how trophic feeding compared with enteral fasting
affects important outcomes in this population.
Such a randomized trial was completed in the United Kingdom. This trial showed
that a more rapid advancement of feeds (30–35 mL/kg/d when compared with 15–
20 mL/kg/d) does not increase the incidence of NEC in preterm infants.25
Other feeding practices have been evaluated to determine whether continuous
versus intermittent tube feedings might decrease NEC. At this time, there is no evi-
dence supporting continuous over intermittent tube feedings in preterm infants.26
Some studies showed potentially detrimental effects of delaying enteral feedings. In
one such study, infants who had feedings initiated before 4 days after birth compared
with greater than 4 days had greater adverse outcomes such as bronchopulmonary
dysplasia, retinopathy of prematurity, and an increased trend toward the development
of NEC. The infants also had higher concentrations of plasma proinflammatory medi-
ators at 2 weeks after birth.27
Evaluation of feeding intolerance is considered an important marker for the develop-
ment of NEC. However, at this time, there is no clear evidence-based definition of
feeding intolerance. Even though the practice of routinely measuring gastric residuals
before feedings was at one time a common practice in neonatal intensive care, this
has been found to be an unnecessary practice.28



Several aspects of feeding composition relate to NEC. One of the most pertinent is
the use of human milk. Since the studies of Lucas and Cole29 several additional

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studies have supported the use of human milk in the prevention of NEC.30 One
meta-analysis of a large number of studies suggested that donor milk might only
be effective in the prevention of NEC if some of the baby’s own mother’s milk is
provided.31 However, it has also become clear that some of the components of hu-
man milk may not meet the requirements of many preterm infants. Several studies
have suggested better growth of preterm infants on formulas with higher concen-
trations of these components when compared with human milk. Human donor
milk, especially, when pasteurized and banked loses many bioactive, including
immunomodulatory, components32,33 that are present in fresh baby’s own mother’s
milk. Although prospective randomized controlled studies are lacking, the available
evidence supports the use of the baby’s own mother’s milk over that of formula and
pooled donor milk.
There are several fortifiers available for human milk to enhance the protein, mineral,
and lipid composition.34 Although several studies have suggested that a human milk-
based fortifier may provide some advantages over a bovine-based fortifier, the evi-
dence remains controversial.35
Most preterm formulas currently available attempt to mimic and even improve on
the composition of human milk with respect to energy, protein, and lipids as well as
micronutrients needed for the growth and development of preterm infants. However,
there remain major differences. These formulas do not provide the highly bioactive
components of human milk such as secretory IgA, lysozyme, lipase, alkaline phospha-
tase, human milk oligosaccharides, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and platelet-
activating factor-acetyl hydrolase.36 These components of human milk contribute to
GI mucosal integrity and function and provide immunity against various infections,
but their effect when administered without the overall human milk matrix needs eluci-
dation. These components require evaluation as a system rather than as individual ad-
ditives to nonhuman milk preparations.37
Data support that human milk also provides long-term benefits in term infants.
These benefits include lowered sudden infant death syndrome; childhood infectious
diseases such as respiratory tract infections, otitis media, and GI infection; as well
as allergic diseases, celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and obesity.38 Pre-
term infants may also benefit from the nonnutritive bioactive components of human
milk by reduced susceptibility to sepsis or to NEC.39,40 These putative benefits for
the most part are based on conjecture because there are currently no prospective ran-
domized controlled studies comparing the effect of mother’s own milk with formula on
the incidence of NEC and mortality.
Several studies evaluated the effect of donor human milk versus formula on the inci-
dence of NEC and mortality in preterm infants. Meta-analysis of trials comparing
donor milk versus formula feeds in preterm infants showed that preterm infants fed
with formula had a higher incidence of NEC.41 Another retrospective analysis showed
decreased NEC in babies fed donor milk or their own mothers’ milk compared with for-
mula.42 These results seem to underscore the importance of human milk intake in pre-
term infants. However, these studies are fraught with confounders, and are not
prospective randomized controlled trials adequately powered to evaluate NEC as
the major outcome.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) policy statement in 2012 on breastfeed-
ing and the use of human milk recommends human milk for term, preterm, and other
high-risk infants, and this should be supplied either by direct breastfeeding and/or by
expressed breast milk. The AAP statement also indicated that donor human milk might
be a suitable alternative for infants whose mothers are unable or unwilling to provide
their own milk.43

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Prevention of Necrotizing Enterocolitis 199


Even at full enteral feeds (200 mL/kg/d), the protein, calcium, and phosphorous con-
tent of human milk are not adequate to promote and sustain the tissue growth and
bone mineralization in preterm infants.44 Fortifiers are being used to enhance protein,
calcium, and phosphorous concentrations of human milk. Studies of these fortified
preparations show short-term improvements in weight gain and linear and head
growth. However, these studies show a nonsignificant trend toward increased feeding
intolerance in infants receiving fortified milk but no significant increase in NEC in in-
fants receiving fortified human milk.45
Human milk fortification is with a human milk-based fortifier or a bovine milk-based
fortifier. Early studies suggested advantages with the use of human milk-based forti-
fier,46 but these had various limitations and were questionably not powered a priori to
evaluate NEC. Meta-analysis and systematic review of several of these studies show a
lack of benefit.35,47 The systematic review concluded: “Given the low quality of evi-
dence, adequately powered and well-designed RCTs without the influence of industry
are required in this field.”35 A recent randomized controlled noninferiority trial conduct-
ed in India showed that fortification with preterm formula powder is not inferior to forti-
fication with human milk fortifiers in terms of NEC or extrauterine growth restriction.48


Osmolality is the concentration of a solution in terms of osmoles of solute per kilogram

of solvent. Although there is concern about osmolality, no increase in adverse events
occurs if the osmolality of enteral feeds is between 300 and 500 mOsm/kg.49,50 How-
ever, the addition of drugs and especially supplements such as multivitamins mark-
edly increase osmolality, with the exact magnitude depending on the amount of
supplement and the volume of milk to which it is added.51,52 The consequences of
increased feed osmolality in human infants are not clear, but a retrospective study
of infants born at less than 28 weeks’ gestation receiving intakes that exceeded 450
mOsm/kg set by the AAP did not indicate an increased risk of NEC. From an intuitive
perspective, feedings with very high osmolality should be associated with greater in-
testinal injury. However, convincing studies that relate osmolality causally to NEC are
not yet available.


Reduction of the incidence of NEC by standardizing the care delivery approaches has
been proposed and has suggested benefits.53–55 Strategies that have been proposed
by these investigators include “(1) a standardized feeding protocol, (2) early initiation
of enteral feeding using human milk, (3) optimization of the osmolality of preterm milk
feeds using standardized dilution guidelines for additives, and (4) promotion of healthy
microbiome by use of probiotics, early oral care with colostrum and by restricting high-
risk medications and prolonged use of empirical antibiotics.”


Transfusions have been associated with NEC, and it has been proposed that with-
holding feedings during transfusion might reduce the risk of subsequent NEC
development.56 This proposal was addressed in a meta-analysis that did not
demonstrate a reduction in transfusion-associated NEC with the implementation
of feeding protocols that included withholding of feedings during packed red blood
cell transfusions.57

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Gastric acidity is thought to protect infants against various pathogens from the envi-
ronment. The histamine-2 receptor blockers (H2 blockers) are off-label drugs that are
frequently prescribed in preterm neonates, and their impact on the development of
NEC has been evaluated in several studies.58–60 Ranitidine (an H2 blocker) therapy,
commonly used in an attempt to protect from what in the past was thought to be
reflux-related apnea, is associated with an increased risk of infections, NEC, and fatal
outcomes in very-low-birth-weight infants.
The mechanism for the H2 blocker effect at least partially relates to alternations in
the microbiome.61 In a case-control, cross-sectional study, stool samples were
compared between 25 infants receiving H2 blockers and 51 babies who had never
received them. 16S sequencing showed that with H2 blockers, microbial diversity
was lower and relative abundance of Proteobacteria (primarily of the family Enterobac-
teriaceae) was increased, whereas that of Firmicutes was decreased. It is thought that
these alterations in fecal microbiota predispose the vulnerable immature gut to NEC
and suggest prudence in the use of H2 blockers in the premature infant.
In summary, these studies support that H2 blocker should be only administered in
strictly selected cases after careful consideration of the risk-benefit ratio.


There is concern that the widespread use of antibiotics in the neonatal intensive care
unit might play a role in the pathogenesis of NEC in preterm infants. Despite recent ini-
tiatives to limit antibiotic use,62 most infants born at less than 33 weeks’ gestation who
are likely uninfected are exposed to a course of antibiotics. There are considerable retro-
spective, observational data that early antibiotic use in preterm infants predisposes to
adverse clinical outcomes.63–76 On the other hand, one large observational study sug-
gests a lower incidence of NEC after early antibiotic use.77 One pragmatic prospective
randomized, but underpowered, pilot study showed no evidence of increased clinically
detectable serious adverse events due to prospective randomization,78 a fear thwarting
previous randomized studies. However, in this study, detectable signals suggested dif-
ferences in the microbiomes and metabolomes between the randomized groups79,80
that require further investigation because of their implications for future health. The
fact that microbiome-related metabolomics responses to antibiotics involved in the
gut-brain axis, bile acid, and tryptophan and folate metabolism were discovered raises
concern about longer-term effects of antibiotics.79,80 Larger randomized prospective
studies are needed because these outcomes, if validated, likely have major implications
for future health of these individuals beyond their stay in the neonatal intensive care
unit.81–93 Antibiotic resistance with unnecessary antibiotic use is also a major concern.94


Whether or not probiotics should be routinely provided to preterm infants to prevent

NEC has become one of the more controversial questions in neonatology. Large collab-
orative databases in the United States report that approximately 10% of extremely low-
gestational-age infants are treated with probiotics. Large meta-analyses of relatively
small trials suggest efficacy of multiple-strain probiotics in reducing necrotizing entero-
colitis, but single-strain preparations are less certain.95,96 Furthermore, efficacy in in-
fants having less than 1000 g birth weight has not been demonstrated.
Such probiotic use bypasses and does not meet the standards of the US Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) approval process in safety, efficacy, and manufacturing

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Prevention of Necrotizing Enterocolitis 201

standards.97 Currently available probiotics lack FDA-approved drug labeling and

cannot be marketed to treat or prevent disease in preterm infants, including necro-
tizing enterocolitis and late-onset sepsis. In a recent report by the AAP Committee
of the Fetus and Newborn, it was stated that “current evidence does not support
the routine universal administration of probiotics to preterm infants, particularly those
with a birth weight < 1,000 g.”98


There are numerous other compounds including growth factors, amino acids, antimi-
crobial agents, and immune components that have been evaluated in animal models
and humans. The studies in animals have been difficult to extrapolate to human pre-
term infants, and studies in humans have for the most part been underpowered and
have shown variable results. It is beyond the scope of this review to summarize these
in detail, but as mentioned at the beginning of this review, we need to first have better
delineation of the entities we are calling NEC. This is similar to stating that we need to
have better delineation of entities that we are calling respiratory distress. We obviously
know that the latter consists of different entities, and therapies need to be targeted to
subtypes of the overall category.
After nearly 60 years of lack of progress in what we have termed NEC,3 there is
progress in understanding the need to define the disease subtype.11,99 Newly
emerging technologies related to the microbiome and multiomics, and artificial intelli-
gence techniques such as machine learning, now provide frameworks to better diag-
nose the subtypes11,100–102 and evaluate these disease processes in humans using
systems biology networks.101,103
This should open the field for precision-based preventative therapeutics. The future
is exciting!

Best Practices
 Early enteral feeding enhances intestinal development and is not a clear risk factor for
development of NEC.
 Many concerns related to transfusions and NEC and feeding have been alleviated.
 NEC is not a discrete entity and different forms of intestinal injury in the neonate need to be
better defined.


The author has nothing to disclose.


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