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Subject: General English

Subtopic: Direct and Indirect speech (Techniques in Paraphrasing)

Class: Grade 9

Duration: 50 minutes

Age Group: 14-16 years old

Analyze the learner

General Characteristics

The instructional unit is suited for 9th grade students between the ages of 14 and 16 years old. The
student generally participates in the classes that are highly interactive. The students have diverse
cultural backgrounds: Filipino, Ilocano, and Cebuano. Most of the students come from average to
middle-class families. Learning styles in this class vary from verbal and visual. Usually, students are
average to above-average achievers. The class is small, with only 25 students—10 boys and 15 girls.
Some students find it challenging to stay focused in class. Lessons must be altered to catch the students'
attention in order to address the problem.
•Entry Competences

Students have received prior instruction and examples of changing Direct Speech to Indirect

•Learning Styles

Students prefer to work in groups and learn better in cooperative team settings. Some students do
not test well and rubrics given ahead of time will allow them to know what is expected to them.

Select Objectives
Ninth grade students should be able to:

 •Differentiate Direct from Indirect Speech

•Distinguish the sentences either Direct or Indirect

•Create sample sentences for Direct and Indirect Speech

Selected Media and Materials

Media and Materials

• Laptop 1

•A computer (or two) with Microsoft Excel

•Multi-Media Projector with connection cables

•White board


Utilize Media and Materials

•Laptop, White board, Markers and Notebook: In the previous meeting time of the class, the
students were taught how to change direct statements into indirect and completed an array of activities
including changing direct quotations in newspaper sand magazines into indirect, paraphrased sentences.

•Computer with Microsoft Excel, Multi-Media Projector: Teacher needs to be sure that all of the
computers have internet access and are working and available at the time she is going to need them.
Using a computer and multi-media projector, students will present their findings.

Required Learner Participation

This is a 2-day lesson and each class session is 50 minutes.

Day One (Group Activity)

•15 minutes: The teacher will introduce to distinguish the sentences. The teacher will stress the
purpose and importance of Direct and Indirect speech. The teacher will discuss the introductions of the
lesson and provide a copy of the assessment rubric to each student.

•20 minutes: Students will each be given a set of sentences. Students will create and underline
the sentences either Direct and Indirect.

•15 minutes: The students will be placed into working groups about 3-4 students. Groups will be
done based on the teacher's observation of in-class assignment to underline and identify the Direct and
Indirect sentences. In these groups, the students will work cooperatively in comparing and combining
their findings.
Day two (Group Activity)

•15 minutes : An introduction of the Ms Excel Software and a brief overview of the previous
days work. Students will then meet in their respective groups to finalize their data.

•15 minutes: Students will continue to discuss compare and combine their findings on a
separate sheet of paper. As a group, a student will identified the Direct and Indirect sentences.

•20 minutes: They will take turns inputting their works until everyone has had a turn. Each
group will have between 5 and 7 minutes to present their findings. Each member will have a chance to
speak. Students will present their charts to their classmates using a multi-media overhead projector.

Evaluate and Revise

•Students will be assessed using rubric present by the teacher. In order to enhance student
performance and ease of use the lesson will be revised accordingly after it has been taught.

Kindly rate the Teacher using the following scale:

10- Excellent 6- Satisfactory 2- Poor

8- Very Satisfactory 4- Moderate Satisfactory

A. Strategies of teaching- 40%

•Interest in every lesson is arouse and sustained until the end. 10

•Learning activities are varied, appropriate, interesting and comprehensive. 10

•Methods of teaching facilitate and enhance the development of the lesson 10

•The lesson activities provide for active participation among pupils/students. 10

B. Classroom Management- 10%

•Materials and equipment needed for the session are prepared before teaching time.


•There is evidence of orderliness and system in conducting class activities. 10

•Routine activities like passing of materials are followed. 8

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