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Ashlynn Young

EDU 473

Dr. Schmalz

November 11, 2022

Cognitive Behavior Management

1. With whom will it be implemented? I will be implementing this with Bryson, an 8-year-

old male in my 3rd grade learning support class. My target behavior will be lack of

motivation and complaining/whining (for lack of a better term) when he doesn’t want to

do a certain task or assignment or finds it too hard.

2. Why did you choose that student or students?- I choose this student because I have

developed a fairly decent rapport with him and I think this is something I can help him

with. I also felt he could benefit from this kind of intervention.

3. Why did you target that behavior(s)?- I targeted this behavior because it impacts his

learning and progress/productivity in his classroom. I also believe it’s important to keep a

calm head and have a positive mindset when faced with a challenge.

4. How will it be/was it implemented? First of all, I printed off the attached sheet and taped

it to his desk. I explained to him what it said. I told him that whenever he catches himself

feeling frustrated, I want him to stop and read the sheet and say to himself “I can do it”. I
also gave him a sticky note and told him that every time he gets frustrated, I want him to

put a tally mark on it. I further explained to him that for the first couple of days I would

be doing the same thing and we would be comparing our tally marks at the end of the

day. As I explained everything to him, he seemed to understand and seemed willing to


5. What is the time frame? - I started this on November 10th and will finish it up on my last

day there which is December 8th. So a little less than a month.

Am I frustrated?

Yes: I feel what is being asked of me is too hard or I can’t do it.

No: I feel like I can do what’s being asked of me and it isn’t too hard.

- If I answer yes, I will stop what I am doing and tell myself “I can do it”
before moving on.

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