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Luis E.


Christian Ethics

Members of the LGBTQ+ and their mental health struggles


In this video, the BBC was covering the stories of certain members of the LGBTQ+

community, hoping to find answers to their mental health struggles. In this video statistics

were shown, where a great number of members of this community struggled with their

sanity, often suffering from anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts. Thoughts which

would end in their death very often.

One of the factors which take a huge toll on the mental health of these individuals is

drugs. Many of the people in this community have open and apparently shameless drug

consumption, which can include several different kinds, ranging from marijuana, LSD, and

mushrooms to other much more severe kinds like crack, cocaine, and meth. Often these

drugs being used as a gateway from their problems.

According to those interviewed, this huge problem was simply a response to the

existent mistreatment these individuals were ongoing. Although we have moved towards

acceptance of this community, there are still a good amount of people who doesn’t seem to

be very fond of these LGBTQ+ members. This results in gays being mistreated, abused,

bullied, and constantly harassed for being different from the rest of society. This rejection

from society and the great loneliness that comes from being an outcast, is then one of the

biggest reasons why these people suffer with their mental health. Beyond a problem in

their own relationships and preferences. Society just won’t fully accept them.

Beyond the religious reasonings and the “natural order” breaking behind human

rejection for the members of this community, it is hatred the biggest reason why these

people suffer so much. Sure, people have their rights to disagree with them for whatever

reason they want, but a disagreement should never be an excuse to mistreat another

human. Even with all the progress made towards normalizing these people and their

behaviors, there are still many people out there who would go out of their way simply to

affect the members of this community.

While many could argue that these LGBTQ+ members are also insensitive and

disrespectful to others, that’s not an excuse to mistreat the majority of the people on this

other end. Clearly in this video is shown that they are also victims of a society that won’t

support them as much as it says it does. Whether you agree with this community or not,

you’re never excused for treating this people poorly unnecessarily.

I personally don’t think nowadays this community is unsupported, but that’s only on

progressive countries. Millions of people with these preferences suffer around the globe

given the mistreatment delivered to them by people who don’t agree with their ways of

living. And I get it, I personally don’t agree with their lifestyle, and I understand how it is

wrong biblically speaking.

However, we must remember not everyone is being ruled by my beliefs, and

mistreating someone for not living life according to my standards, would simply be an

excuse to mishandle my hatred on someone. Many people simply hold on to their

disagreement to abuse and mistreat these people, and that’s simply not okay.
In conclusion, I’m not exactly sure what would be a solution other than tolerance,

and I mean real tolerance. And a tolerance that goes both ways, because although in this

side of the story these people are victims, lately the tables have been turning and the

members of this community have turned from oppressed to oppressors.

So, in my opinion the only way to help them with their mental health and help those

who don’t agree, is to perhaps educate people on how to agree on disagreeing, in a healthy

way. You don’t have to agree with me to treat me decently, and I shouldn’t need to agree

with you, to treat you decently and with kindness.

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