Speak 1

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Functional language: making offers and requests

Worksheet A

Would you like something to eat? Which colour would you like?

What would the teacher like for

Can I help you?
her birthday?

Excuse me. Where’s the children’s The sports department is on

clothes section? the second floor.

Coffee, please. Black coffee. Let me think. Yes! I’d like the sushi, please.

Yes, of course. Which would you prefer?

No, thanks. I think it’s a waste of money.
A banana or an apple?

Worksheet B

No, thanks. I’m not hungry. I’d like the green one, please.

I don’t know. Maybe a CD.

Yes, please. I’d like to buy a camera.
She loves classical music.

It’s on the third floor. I’d like to buy a football.

Would you like some tea or coffee? What would you like to eat?

Would you like some wrapping paper

Can I have some fruit, please?
for the present?

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