Twelfth Night Act 3 Scene 2

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“My part of death” he is the most faithful lover who ever lived or died.

“Let there
be strown” he does not want flowers to be thrown at his coffin. “Not a friend”, he
does not want his friends to see his corpse. “Sighs to save” he does not want to
here sad sighs, he does not want people mourning for his death. The fool is singing
this song to match the temperament of the duke. “Never find my grave” he does not
want to leave anything behind, he wants his legacy to be destroyed and his
remembrance to be forgotten. Every alternate line is rhyming. “Thy pleasure…” since
he enjoys singing, every time he sings he gets paid. “Me now leave” he wants to be
alone. “Melancholy god” he will play to saturn to pray for the fool to protect him.
The fool realises the unstable character of the duke, he keeps changing his mind
and is indecisive. The fool understands this very well. He uses a metaphor, “tailor
make thy…”, he says that let the tailor create a coat for him, the material is such
that when light falls on it, it changes its colour. He is ridiculing the duke and
subtly mocking him for his unsteady nature. “Opal” is a gem, when light falls on
it, it changes colour, again he is mocking the unsteady characteristics of the
duke. He says that people who are inconsistent should be at sea because they can do
whatever thy feel like as there is no society at sea and they can go where ever
they want according to the current. Such people will not be suitable in the norms
of the society. He is telling the duke that his whole love affair is pointless as
he is very fickle minded. “Good voyage of nothing” is a juxtaposition. The duke
wants to be alone except for viola. “Same sovereign cruelty” means the cruel,
disdainful and sovereign cruelty. This refers to Olivia. The dukes love is more
noble and purer than everything in the world. “Prizes not quantity” his love has
nothing to do with her property, he is a sincere lover and is not impressed with
her property. “The parts that fortune…” is a personification, the portion or the
gifts and social status that luck/fortune has given her, he does not value her
fortune or her money. “Queen of gems, nature pranks” is a personification, what
attracts orsino is the natural beauty of olivia. Jewel like beauty. “Pranks her”
adorns her, nature has adorned her with so much beauty, he does not care about the
riches of olivia. This is why the fool calls him a fickle person, he is a shallow
person and is enamoured by her beauty and not her personality.”pranks” is negative
diction, shows that her beauty is misleading duke orsino. “Pang of heart” someone
who loves you so passionately but you cannot love her, but thats your situation.
“Bide the beating…” there is no man in the world who can love olivia as
passionately as me. No woman's heart can hold as much passion as olivia can. The
phrase is a personification. “Lack retention” they are superficial in their love,
they are not deep, the phrase is ironical. Their feelings are temporary, love for
them is temporary and their emotions are fleeting according to the duke. He thinks
that their love is not deep and is shallow, the duke somehow describes himself. He
compares love to appetite. He thinks it is not an emotional engagement when women
fall in love and it is only a fleeting emotion. In the first scene the duke also
compared his love with appetite in the first scene, shows how fickle-minded he is.
“Liver” seed of love, shows his deep rooted love for olivia. “Surfeit” when a
person eats too much, he feels nauseous, similarly when a person is not serious in
love, the relationship will obviously not be long lasting. The duke says that his
love is not like this, his love is not physical it is emotional. This phrase
suggests that the duke believes that he is serious in the topic of love and will
ensure that the relationship lasts longer. “Hungry as the sea” is a
simile/metaphor, the duke believes that just like the sea is insatiable, the sea is
all consuming, the duke can take rejection several times because he is steadfast in
his love. The word sea also suggests that he is adamant until Olivia accepts him as
her lover. Viola refers to herself in her female form, she says that she knows a
lot about women and how women feel for men, the reason she gives is because “true
of heart” because women are just as loyal and sensitive as men, “father had a
daughter” there is some confession being made here, but because of the disguise the
revelation is found out by the duke. “A blank” is a metaphor, she has no story, she
never told “her” love, Viola is telling her own love, here the dramatist has
skillfully used disguise to build the plot. Here the dramatic irony is being built.
Since “she” did not confide in her lover, her grief of not confiding in the lover
took a toll on her health. “Like a worm…” smile. BEcause of melancholy, ehr
complexion turned greenish because of sadness and depression again how the physical
effect of depression, she became ill. “Patience on a monument” is a simile, her
conditions became detrioable and she was smiling at her own sadness at her own
helplessness. “Was not this love” is a rhetorical question, men by nature talk a
lot and make a lot of promises, “but indeed”, but normally there is more talk than
actual feelings of love, shows how viola believes that the duke is exaggerating his
feelings of love. “Much in our vows”, men make a lot of promises but they are not
very scinciere when it comes to them, they almost always break their promises. “All
the daughters…” She says that she is the daughter and sons because she is not sure
because she is not sure whether Sebastian is alive. Orsino is still very persistent
and asks viola to tell Olivia that his love is very consistent and he will not take
no for an answer. “Sport” refers to a trick. “Notable shame?” is a rhetoric
question. Sir Toby uses a lot of derogatory remarks. “I will exult man '' Fabion
wants Malvolio to be put to shame because Malvolio reported him to Olivia because
he was hosting a bear baiting. Sir Toby recommends that bear baiting should be done
once more to mock malvolio. “Black and blue”, “pity of our lives” if they don't
seek revenge from malvolio it will be the biggest disappointment of his life, this
scene brings in the comedic relief. “Little villain, metal of india” metal of india
is also known as gold, shows toby’s love for maria. “Little villain” shows her
height. “Half hour” he is practising by looking at his own shadow, he has been over
there practising looking at his shadow on how to act. “Observe him '' Maria is
telling them to watch closely as they will find it funny, after malvolio receives
the letter, it is going to further make him an idiot. Malvolio got a hint that
Olivia is in love with him. Malvolio is going to become more confident, Maria
played this cruel prank, she gave malvolio some subtle hints. Malvolio is being
compared to a fish, since he is about to be baited by the letter. “Maria once told
me” shows the evil prank Maria played, he says that Maria told him that Olivia is
fond of him. She has told him that if Olivia ever falls in love with someone, it
should be someone who looks like him. “Exalted respect” he thinks that olivia
respects malvolio more than she respects anyone else, he is trying to find more
reasons why she loves him. “Overweening rogue” toby thinks that malvolio is very
egotistical. “Contemplation…” when he is thinking, he makes a fool of himself,
fabian tells everyone that malvolio is full of himself as he was walking with pride
and is like a haughty peacock. “I could so beat the rogue” andrew thinks that he is
better than his competition. Malvolio is daydreaming, he is thinking of another
instance when such a thing happened, where an aristocrat married one of her
servants. He is quoting a fact that in the past, something like this has happened
before. “Imagination blows him” he is on his ego trip and is daydreaming about
marrying olivia and becoming a count. He is taking his imagination a step further,
he imagines being with olivia for 3 months. “Hit him in the eye” toby wants a
slingshot to hit malvolio in the eye. “Calling my officers” he imagines himself as
a count. “Kinsman toby” he is saying that he is going to be very authoritative and
exert his power on people such as sir toby. He will order sir toby to stop him from
drinking. “Rich jewel” seven of his servants will follow his instructions and stop
sir toby from drinking. “Rich jewel” malvolio already wants to flaunt his riches
even though he is not even close to marrying olivia. Fabian says that they have to
be quite even though he is being mean to them. “Extend my hand” he will reach out
his hand and will have a stern look on his face while shaking hands with sir toby,
because he does not like sir tboy and wants to make his life worse. Sir toby is not
very happy and says that he will punch his face, he is mocking malvolio.
“Prerogative” since malvolio married sir toby’s niece, he has the right to speak to
him. Fabian is telling toby to keep quite or the trick will fail, the plot will be
exposed. “Foolish knight” he is imagining that he will scold sir toby that he is
wasting their time, metaphor in that phrase. Andrew knows that many people call him

“Woodcock near the gin” refers to the bait being caught. Sir toby hopes that
malvolio reads the letter aloud. “Contempt of question” he can make it out that its
her handwriting, there is no contention that olivia wrote the letter. “To the
unknown beloved” thee expressions are normally used by olivia, even the wax which
olivia used is the same as the one she normally uses. Shows how elaborate the prank
is. Fabian is sure that malvolio is convinced that olivia wrote this letter. “Lips
do not move” suggests that she loves someone but cannot say there name. Malvolio
thinks that the man that is referred to in the letter is him.

Sir toby is getting very agitated. He may order the one he loves, but the silence
cuts open her heart. “Stroked my heart” , “M.O.A.I” are the initials she uses in
the letter, this refers to malvolio, this increases his confidence.

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